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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Burgerlike joernalistiek in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks : 'n ondersoek na die insluiting van gemarginaliseerde gemeenskappe deur herberaming met verwysing na projekte van die Cape Argus en Kaapse-Rapport

Truter, Charlene 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Since South Africa’s transition from a nationalistic state to a democracy in 1994, debates about the media’s role have intensified as the challenges and complexities of the South African society unfolded. In this debate, which mainly played out between the government and the media, the liberal theory and the developmental theory were used as the two main normative positions from which to contest the media’s role. As normative theories they describe the ideal role of the press within societal systems and thus fall within the functionalist paradigm. Historically, the liberal approach was seen as the accepted normative framework for the media within a democracy to protect that very democracy. The liberal consensus adopted by the post-apartheid media therefore came as no surprise. However, the optimism initially experienced regarding the independence of the new, liberal media, its professionalisation and economic restructuring, is gradually being challenged by the critical perspective. This perspective questions the extent of transformation in a public sphere where entrance is still restricted by class structures. The argument of this paper is that although the above changes to the media landscape are recognised as important, they do not account for issues of class and how the poor, the spaces they live in and the factors impacting on their lives, are framed by the media. This paper is presented as a normative undertaking and presents civic journalism as alternative normative framework. It moves from the premise that the representations afforded to the poor in die media are being hampered by the individualistic aims of the Western, liberal, journalistic tradition. The argument is further that the use of a community-driven approach should lead to broader representation of the poor in the media and the inclusion of this currently marginalised group in the public sphere. Reframing, one of the most important methods of civic journalism, is singled out to explore the possibility of applying civic journalism to the South African context. The motivation for this paper is the belief that the need exists for a greater plurality of voices and discourses. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sedert Suid-Afrika in 1994 beweeg het van ’n nasionalistiese staat na ’n demokrasie, het die debat oor die rol van die media algaande verdiep namate die uitdagings en kompleksiteite van die Suid-Afrikaanse situasie ontvou het. In die debat tussen die postapartheid media en die regering was die twee normatiewe posisies van waar die media se rol by uitstek betwis is, die libertynse en ontwikkelingsteorie. As normatiewe teorieë wat die ideale rol van die pers binne samelewingsisteme verwoord, val dit binne die funksionalistiese paradigma. Histories word die liberale benadering gesien as die vanselfsprekende roete wat ’n media binne ’n demokrasie moet volg om daardie demokrasie te beskerm. Die liberale konsensus van die post-apartheid media was in die lig hiervan geen verrassing nie. Maar die optimisme wat aanvanklik ervaar is oor die onafhanklike, liberale media, sy professionalisering en ekonomiese herstrukturering, word algaande uitgedaag deur ’n kritiese perspektief. Hierdie perspektief bevraagteken die waarde van ’n getransformeerde media waar toelating tot die openbare sfeer steeds deur klasstrukture gereguleer word. Alhoewel die bogenoemde erken word as belangrike veranderinge, is die argument dat die liberale normatiewe paradigma nie genoeg was om kwessies van klas te verreken en hoe armes, die kwessies wat hulle lewens beïnvloed en die ruimtes waarin hulle ’n bestaan maak, deur die media beraam word nie. Hierdie werkstuk is ’n normatiewe onderneming wat burgerlike joernalistiek as normatiewe raamwerk wil voorstel. Die uitgangspunt is dat representasie van armes in die media deur die individualistiese doelstellings van die Westerse, liberale joernalistieke tradisie beperk word. Die argument is verder dat die toepassing van ’n gemeenskapsgerigte benadering behoort te lei tot ’n breër representasie van armes en die insluiting van dié tans gemarginaliseerde gemeenskappe by die openbare sfeer. Herberaming, een van die belangrikste metodes van burgerlike joernalistiek, word uitgesonder om die toepassingsmoontlikheid van burgerlike joernalistiek as alternatief te ondersoek. Die motivering vir die werkstuk is die oortuiging dat daar in die Suid-Afrikaanse mediakonteks ’n behoefte bestaan aan ’n groter diversiteit van stemme en diskoerse.

An analysis of health reporting in three South African women's magazines: Fairlady, Sarie and True Love

Mattheyse, Mary (Mary Elizabeth) 12 1900 (has links)
Assignment (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Health reporting in South African women’s magazines has not previously been assessed. Therefore, a content analysis of health reporting in three South African monthly women’s magazines, Sarie (S), Fairlady (F), and True Love (T), was carried out from February 2005–January 2006. Total coverage of health issues was analysed, as well as coverage of 11 specific aspects of health, namely: sexual and reproductive (‘Sexual’), men’s, women’s, cardiac (‘Heart’), spiritual ‘Spirit’), mental and emotional (‘Mental’), diet and nutrition (‘Diet’), sport and exercise (‘Sportex’), health-related items not covered by the other categories (‘General’), pseudoscience with regard to health issues (‘Pseudo’) and parenting and child care (‘Parent’). True Love devoted most space to all health items combined (17,7% of total subject material), compared with 13,8% for Sarie and 11,7 % for Fairlady. The top three categories (20,1%, 19,7% and 16,3% of total health coverage) were the ‘Mental’, ‘General’ and ‘Sexual’ categories, respectively. Comparisons of categories among the magazines showed the following trends for the most coverage: ‘Sexual’ (T); women’s (F), ‘Spirit’ (T), ‘Mental’ (S); and ‘Diet’ (F). T was the only magazine to carry articles in the ‘Parent’ category. However, statistical analyses showed that the only significant differences were in women’s (F>T); ‘Spirit’ (F>S; T>S); ‘Mental' (S>F) and ’Diet’ (F>S). The reporting in the magazines was not found to be balanced as regards the emphasis given to certain aspects of health. The most striking imbalance was that no information was given regarding prevention of HIV/Aids, now the leading cause of death in South Africa. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die mate van gesondheidsverslaggewing in Suid-Afrikaanse vrouetydskrifte is nog nie voorheen bepaal nie. Daar is dus ‘n inhoudsanalise gedoen van die gesondheidsverslaggewing van drie Suid-Afrikaanse vrouetydskrifte, Sarie (S), Fairlady (F), and True Love (T), wat maandeliks verskyn, vanaf Februarie 2005–Januarie 2006. Die totale dekking van gesondheidskwessies is geanaliseer, sowel as die dekking van 11 spesifieke aspekte van gesondheid, nl.: seksueel en reproduksie (‘Seksueel’), mans, vrouens, hart (‘Hart’), geestelik (‘Geestelik’), emosioneel (‘Emosioneel’), dieet en voeding (‘Dieet’), sport en oefening (‘Sport’), gesondheidsverwante kwessies wat nie deur ander afdelings gedek is nie (‘Algemeen’), pseudo-wetenskap met verwysing na gesondheidskwessies (‘Pseudo’) asook ouerskap en kindersorg (‘Ouer’). Gesamentelik het True Love (17,7% van totale onderwerp inhoud) die meeste plek afgestaan aan gesondheidsverwante kwessies, in vergelyking met 13,8% vir Sarie en 11,7 % vir Fairlady. Die top drie afdelings (20,1%, 19,7% en 16,3% van die totale gesondheidsdekking) was ‘Geestelik’, ‘Algemeen’ en ‘Seksueel’ respektiewelik. ‘n Vergelyking van die verskillende afdelings tussen die tydskrifte het die volgende tendense vir die meeste dekking getoon: ‘Seksueel’ (T); vroue (F), ‘Geestelik’ (T), ‘Emosioneel’ (S); and ‘Dieet’ (F). T was die enigste tydskrif wat artikels in die ‘Ouer’ afdeling gepubliseer het. Statistiese analises het egter getoon dat die enigste insiggewende verskille in die ’vroue’ (F>T); ‘Geestelik’ (F>S; T>S); ‘Emosioneel' (S>F) en ’Dieet’ (F>S) afdelings voorgekom het. Daar is gevind dat rapportering in die betrokke tydskrifte ongebalanseerd was ten opsigte van sekere aspekte van gesondheid. Die grootste gebrek was dat daar geen inligting oor die voorkoming van MIV/Vigs verskaf is nie, alhoewel dit bekend is dat dit nou die hoof oorsaak van sterftes in Suid-Afrika is.

A comparative analysis of the coverage of science news in Cape Town newspapers

Turner, Gillian Kim 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil(Journalism))--University of Stellenbosch, 2008. / The 21st century is less than a decade old, but it is already evident that South Africans will need to improve their scientific literacy (that is, their knowledge about science, the environment and health) if they are to become active citizens in a world which is dominated more and more by complicated scientific and technological advances. It is a world in which average people are increasingly required to understand and make appropriate local decisions regarding numerous scientific debates, including alternative energy sources, climate change and new medical techniques. For most South Africans, the press is their main source of science news. Thus, a huge responsibility rests on the shoulders of newspaper journalists to empower their readers with scientific knowledge and to share the excitement that comes from discovering more about how the universe works. It is within this context that the question arises as to how Cape Town’s newspapers cover science news. Having determined from a review of the literature that a large knowledge gap existed in this field, it was decided to conduct research about science coverage in three daily newspapers (the Cape Argus, the Cape Times and Die Burger) and three weekend newspapers (the Saturday Argus, the Sunday Argus and the Saturday edition of Die Burger) in Cape Town. The quantitative research method of content analysis was employed in order to provide statistical evidence for the study’s problem statement, namely that science news is covered very differently in the six newspapers. This exploratory comparative analysis formed the bulk of the research. The qualitative research methods of surveys and in-depth interviews with the newspapers’ specialist science writers were then used to address the thesis of the study, namely that the science writers are “gatekeepers” (as predicted by the theoretical model of gatekeeping) and that their education, knowledge, interests, beliefs about science, attitudes towards their reporting, and interactions with editors within the newspaper structures determine the science coverage in their newspapers. Thus, this study asks (primarily) what science is covered, and (secondarily) why. The content analysis yielded a wealth of information which confirmed that the six newspapers cover science news very differently, while the surveys and interviews with the science writers validated the prediction that they are the dominant (but not the only) influence on the coverage of science in their newspapers. This study’s goal is to provide a comprehensive comparative overview of the coverage of science news in Cape Town’s newspapers, which will not only create a foundation for future research, but will also provide useful information for the six newspapers, their science writers and editors. Key words: Cape Argus, Cape Times, Cape Town, Die Burger, environment, gatekeeping, health, journalism, media, newspaper, reporter, Saturday Argus, science, South Africa, Sunday Argus, technology.

Is natural good for you? Myths, perceptions and science in advertising, marketing and the media

Frost, Jennifer 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This assignment explores the assumptions and perceptions – both real, and created by the media, marketers and advertisers – surrounding the word “natural” when applied to health foods, vitamins, home remedies and medication. It also examines the anti-science stance taken by many promoters of such products and the appeal that stance holds for targeted consumers. In it an attempt is made to answer the following questions: What is the source of this apparently “antiscience” point of view? How have the media contributed to this type of sentiment? Why do socalled “natural” products hold more appeal to consumers than their synthetic equivalents? Is there a difference between such products? Is the difference real or perceived? Or, is it merely a media construct? Does the popularity of these ideas indicate a growing distrust of science and governments? What effect has the media’s portrayal of science had on peoples’ attitudes to it? And, above all, what have the media done to advance the idea that “natural” is good for you? / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie werkstuk ondersoek die veronderstellings en persepsies – die werklike sowel as dié wat deur die media, bemarkers en adverteerders geskep word – met betrekking tot die woord “natuurlik” wanneer dit toegepas word op gesondheidsvoedsel, vitamiene, boererate en medikasie. Dit bekyk ook die antiwetenskaplike houding wat baie voorstanders van sodanige produkte inneem en die trefkrag wat dié houding op die teikenmark uitoefen. In dié studie is ’n poging aangewend om die volgende vrae te beantwoord: Wat is die oorsprong van hierdie klaarblyklik “antiwetenskaplike” oogpunt? Hoe het die media bygedra tot dié idee? Hoekom is die sogenaamd “natuurlike” produkte soveel aantrekliker vir die gebruiker as hulle sintetiese ekwivalente? Is daar ’n verskil tussen sodanige produkte? Is daar ’n werklike verskil of is dit slegs ‘n persepsie? Of is dit bloot ’n maaksel van die media? Dui die gewildheid van hierdie idees op ’n toenemende gebrek aan vertroue in die wetenskap en die owerhede? Watter uitwerking het die media se voorstelling van die wetenskap op mense se houding ten opsigte daarvan? En, veral, wat het die media gedoen ter bevordering van die idee dat “natuurlik” goed is vir jou?

Country reputation management : identifying the drivers of South Africa’s reputation in German media

Christelis, Desiree 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Journalism))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / Although reputation management has historically been restricted to companies or other organisational entities, countries are also increasingly concerned with their reputation relative to other countries and have started to actively measure and manage that reputation1. Over the past years, the Republic of South Africa has begun to professionally streamline its own reputation management activities, specifically by establishing the International Marketing Committee (IMC) in August 2000. South African Tourism, the media division of the South African diplomatic sector and even South African Airways are other reputation management vehicles that have been working toward emanating a comprehensive marketing and communication message from South Africa to other countries. The basis of good reputation management is to first measure such reputation2. It is also important to know what aspects are the main drivers of such reputation. Using the content of specific German newspapers as data body, this study determines the drivers of South Africa’s media reputation in Germany. In order to accurately set the scene for an analysis of South Africa’s reputation, a thorough situation analysis on the country is conducted. This situation analysis forms the backbone for the methodology used further on to investigate the drivers of South Africa’s reputation in specific German media. To this end, a large part of the situation analysis looks at South Africa in terms of Germany and a study is conducted on the relationship between Germany and South Africa as well as the potential stakeholders of South Africa’s media reputation in Germany. It is also important to know what current efforts in terms of reputation management are. After studying the history of South Africa’s reputation management activities, members of today’s reputation management vehicles are interviewed and an overview of South African reputation management efforts currently active in Germany is provided. The reputation management activities of other countries are briefly explored and specifically the lessons from other countries’ efforts are highlighted. Subsequently, the reputational dimensions that positively or negatively drive South Africa’s reputation in specific German media are determined. To this end, a content analysis is conducted on the seven German national daily newspapers, Börsen- Zeitung, Die Welt, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Frankfurter Rundschau, Financial Times Deutschland, Handelsblatt and Süddeutsche Zeitung3 over a period of 20 months. The findings made culminate in suggestions for South Africa’s future reputation management activities in Germany.

Media relations management within a changing environment with specific reference to the University of the North

Maqoko, Mlamli Cecil 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil) -- University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study focused on the representation of the University of the North in the national media during the period 1994-1999. A preliminary survey of newspaper reports indicated that during the post 1994 elections period the University had been getting negative coverage from the national media, especially the Mai/&Guardian.This period was also characterized by the intensification of transformation processes and other challenges within tertiary institutions. The aim of the study was to investigate how the national print media portrayed the university during the period 1994-1999 and to find out what role the Media Directorate of the division Development and Public Relations has played in the whole process. Both internal and external factors which had an impact on the representation of the university were also explored. This study is important in the sense that media relations is regarded as a strategic management tool whose purpose is to create mutual understanding between an organization and its internal and external stakeholders - more especially during the period when organisations are facing both internal and external changes. Communication is therefore seen as a central tool which is facilitating the transformation process. Seen against the tendency of the media to concentrate on conflict and events as major news stories - a conflict of interests then emerges. Content analysis was used to analyse newspaper articles (from the Mai/&Guardian and Independent Online/Star) covering the university between the period 1994-1999 and interviews were conducted with respondents who had been chosen purposely or specifically because their activities had a direct bearing on the media situation. The major themes or issues which had been the major focus of the media during the said period were then identified and evaluated in terms of the nature of the portrayal of the university . The study showed that the University of the North had been negatively portrayed in the media and that the absence of a Media Relations Officer, Media Relations Policy and the tendency of the media to focus on conflict as a news value contributed to the negative image of the university. It is hoped that the study will contribute towards the formulation of a media relations policy at the university, the assessment of the pace of and the whole transformation process and will highlight the major challenges facing public relations departments (and specifically the media sections) of historically black institutions in the current political dispensation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie ondersoek die mediadekking van die Universiteit van die Noorde in die pers gedurende die tydperk 1994-1999 landwyd. Voorafgaande oorsig oor koerantberigte het aangedui dat na die 1994 nasionale verkiesings die landwye pers In baie negatiewe beeld van die universiteit geskep het. Die nasion ale koerant Mail &Guardian het veral die Universiteit in In negatiewe lig geplaas. Gedurende hierdie tydperk het tersiere instellings 'n verheweging van transformasie-prosesse, gekoppel met ander uitdagings, ondervind. Die doelwit was om die beeld te ondersoek wat nasionale koerante van die Universiteit geskep het en die rol wat hierin gespeel is deur die Media Direktoraat, In onderafdeling van die Universiteit se Ontwikkelings- en Skakelafdeling. Interne en eksterne faktore wat 'n invloed op hierdie beeld kon he, is ondersoek. Organisasies se verhouding met die pers is 'n strategiese kwessie. 'n Wederkerige verstandhouding met interne en eksterne belanghebbendes is onder meer belangrik veral wanneer organisasies interne en eksterne verandering ondervind. Die pers se neiging om op konfliksituasies en soortgelyke gebeurtenisse te konsentreer, vereis des te meer goeie kommunikasie. Die inhoud van koerantberigte oor die Universiteit wat verskyn het in die Mail&Guardian en Independent Online/Star vanaf 1994 tot 1999 is ontleed. Die hooftemas uit die koerantberigte is ge·identifiseer en geevalueer teen die agtergrond van die beeld wat geskep is van die Universiteit. Daarna is onderhoude uitgevoer met werknemers wie se werk 'n direkte uitwerking het op die perssituasie. Die navorser het bevind dat die pers In slegte beeld van die Universiteit geskep het. Die afwesigheid van In persbeleid en 'n skakelbeampte wat spesifiek met die pers onderhandel, gepaard met die pers se neiging om konflik-situasies as nuus te beskou, het daartoe bygedra. Daar word gehoop dat die studie die bepaling van 'n persbeleid vir die Universiteit van die Noorde sal aanhelp. Verder word gehoop dat die Universiteit se benadering tot die transformasiesproses, asook die pas waarop dit plaasvind, geevalueer sal word. Laastens word gehoop dat dit die vernaamste uitdagings wat skakelafdelings (veral die pers-afdelings) van historiese swart instellings in die huidige politiek bedeling in die gesig staar, sal beklemtoon.

MRC scientists and the media : attitudes to and experiences of reporting their findings to the public

Gething, Leverne 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Background: Scientists seem to have an 'international corporate culture' of mistrusting the media. Attitudes of South African scientists to the media and their experiences of reporting findings to the public and media have not been documented. The South African Medical Research Council (MRC) is a statutory research body with an excellent research record - but awareness of the MRC among the South African public is almost non-existent. The MRC needs to publicise and increase knowledge of its goals and research findings by promoting scientists' engagement with the public and other stakeholders. Objective: A postal survey was carried out among MRC scientists to obtain a 'baseline' indication of attitudes and experiences regarding communication to the public and media. Results would inform development and implementation of strategies to fast-track a turnaround in culture at the MRC towards promotion of science communication. Method: A questionnaire with prompted responses was sent to 253 MRC scientists. One hundred were returned (39.5%), representing an impressive assemblage of the MRC's research leaders. Findings: Although 48.9% of the scientists had each published over 30 articles in peerreviewed journals, 38.9% had never had these articles mentioned in the lay media. Yet the scientists regard 'the public' and 'policy makers' as the most important groups they should communicate with, and most think the public glean their knowledge of scientific research and its implications from the lay media. The scientists might not trust the media to provide accurate scientific information, but they feel that the general public do. The vast majority (92.8%) strongly agree or tend to agree that they have a duty to communicate their research and its implications to the public, and 70.8% would like to spend more time on this. However, the scientists also agree that the day-to-day requirements of their jobs leave them with too little time to communicate the implications of their research to others (47.5%) or even to get on with research (36.4%). Most of the scientists had never had contact with the media, or only every few years. When the source or subject ofa news story, 65.4% had been either 'very satisfied' or 'somewhat satisfied' with the coverage. Many of their comments reflected unrealistic expectations which can only be addressed by training in what the media are all about. Most (86.9%) had never had any training in dealing with the media, but 80.8% would be interested in such training. Conclusions: It is clear that the scientists generally want to communicate and see the potential benefits. For the MRC to become a communicating organisation it must spell out to its scientists the importance and value placed on their communication activities. Science communication and development of links with community and media should be seen as part and parcel of scientific research, and given due recognition and support. Policies must be agreed and communicated with the scientists about recognising, encouraging and rewarding such efforts. The MRC also needs a clear media strategy giving guidelines on specific situations, as well as on the Ingelfinger rule. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Agtergrond: Dit kom voor asofwetenskaplikes 'n 'internasionale gedragskode' het om die media te wantrou. Gesindhede van Suid-Afrikaanse wetenskaplikes teenoor die media en hulle ondervinding van die bekendmaking van hulle bevindinge aan die publiek en die media is nog nooit opgeteken nie. Die Suid-Afrikaanse Mediese Navorsingsraad (MNR) is 'n statutêre navorsingsliggaam met 'n uitstekende navorsingsgeskiedenis - maar die Suid-Afrikaanse publiek is haas onbewus van sy bestaan. Die MNR moet sy doelwitte en navorsingsbevindinge openbaar maak deur wetenskaplikes se kontak met die publiek en ander belangegroepe te bevorder. Doelwit: 'n Posopname is onder die MNR se wetenskaplikes gedoen om 'n 'basislyn' aanduiding van hulle gesindhede teenoor en ondervinding van kommunikasie met die publiek en media te verkry. Die resultate hiervan sal die ontwikkeling and implimentering van strategie om 'n vinnige handomkeer in gebruike by die MNR ten einde die bevordering van wetenskapskommunikasie te weeg te bring, stuur. Metode: 'n Vraelys met voorgestelde antwoorde is aan 253 MNR wetenskaplikes gestuur. Eenhonderd is teruggestuur (39.5%), wat 'n indrukwekkende groep van die MNR se navorsingsleiers verteenwoordig. Bevindinge: AlhoeweI48.9% van die wetenskaplikes elk al meer as 30 artikels in portuurevalueerde joernale publiseer het, het 38.9% nog nooit enige dekking in verband met hierdie artikels in die lekemedia ontvang nie. Desondanks beskou die wetenskaplikes' die publiek' en 'beleidmakers' as die mees belangrike groepe waarmee hulle moet kommunikeer. Die meeste dink ook die publiek verkry hul kennis van wetenskaplike navorsing en die gevolge daarvan vanuit die lekemedia. Die wetenskaplikes mag nie die media vertrou om akkurate wetenskaplike inligting weer te gee nie, maar hulle dink die algemene publiek vertrou wel die media. Die oorgrote meerderheid (92.8%) stem sterk saam of stem saam dat hulle 'n verpligting het om hulle navorsing en die implikasies daarvan met die publiek te deel, en 70.8% sou graag meer tyd hieraan wou afstaan. Die wetenskaplikes stem egter ook saam dat die dag tot-dag eise van hulle beroep te min tyd oorlaat om die implikasies van hulle navorsing aan ander te kommunikeer (47.5%) of om selfs hulle navorsing te doen (36.4%). Die meeste van die wetenskaplikes het nog nooit enige kontak met die media gehad nie, of dan wel slegs met tussenposes vanjare. Wanneer hulle die bron ofonderwerp van 'n nuusstorie was, was 65.4% óf 'baie tevrede' óf 'effens tevrede' met die dekking. Baie van hul kommentaar dui op onrealistiese verwagtinge wat slegs aangespreek kan word deur opleiding oor die 'hoe' en 'wat' van die media. Die meeste (86.9%) het nog nooit enige opleiding gehad om met die media te werk nie, maar 80.8% sou belangstel in sulke opleiding. Gevolgtrekkings: Dit is duidelik dat die wetenskaplikes oor die algemeen wil kommunikeer en ook die moontlike voordele daarvan insien. Om 'n kommunikerende organisasie te word, moet die MNR die belang en waarde wat geheg word aan wetenskaplikes se kommunikasieaktiwiteite, aan hulle uitspel. Wetenskaplike kommunikasie en die vorming van netwerke met die gemeenskap en die media moet gesien word as 'n deel van wetenskaplike navorsing en moet paslike erkenning en ondersteuning geniet. Beleid rakende die herkenning, aanmoediging en beloning van sulke pogings moet vasgestel en oorgedra word aan die wetenskaplikes. Die MNR het ook 'n duidelike mediastrategie nodig wat riglyne oor spesifieke situasies en die Ingelfinger reël gee.

September 11, 2001 : framing the attacks in America's press

Pelser, Waldimar 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The attacks on New York and Washington on September 11 2001 constituted a singular media event. On the front pages of America's newspapers and in its pre-eminent news magazines unfolded, in the immediate wake of the blitz, a portrayal that uncontroversially legitimised claims to American innocence, fomented moral certitude through parallels with previous wars and anticipated retaliation that would soon enough engulf Afghanistan. Showing, first, that accounts of reality are always social constructions, the "framing" of September 11 in America's press will be evaluated with reference to 122 newspaper front pages, most from September 12, some from the day of the attacks, and two American news magazines. The emergence of a discourse of war will be considered, as well as the perpetuation within and without of the press of dominant views on America's role in the conflict. The extent to which this "popular frame" selectively excluded inconvenient truths is illustrated in critiques of john Pilger and Noam Chomsky, and an assessment of the politics of defining "terror". The analysis is placed within the normative framework of orthodox joumalism ethics, particularly the values of impartiality and objectivity, concluding that, in democracy, a responsible media better serves the public interest through sustained criticism than compliant patriotism. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die aanvalle op New York en Washington op 11 September 2001 was 'n uitsonderlike mediagebeurtenis. Direk daarna het 'n uitbeelding op die voorblaaie van Amerika se koerante en in twee voorste nuustydskrifte ontvou wat aansprake op Amerikaanse onskuld sonder omhaal sou legitimeer, parallelle met vorige oorloë in die diens van morele daadkragtigheid sou oproep, en wraakaanvalle sou antisipeer wat kort daarna in Afghanistan sou woed. Met as vertrekpunt die argument dat enige weergawe van realiteit 'n sosiale konstruksie is, word die uitbeelding ("framing") van die aanvalle in die Amerikaanse pers op 122 koerantvoorblaaie, hoofsaaklik van 12 September maar insluitend enkeles van die aanvalsdag self, en in twee Amerikaanse nuustydskrifte hier geevalueer. Die ontluiking van 'n oorlogsdiskoers word bekyk, asook die voortsetting binne en buite die media van heersende sienings oor Amerika se rol in die konflik. Die mate waarin hierdie "populêre omraming" ("framing") ongemaklike waarhede selektief uitgesluit het, word aangetoon in critiques van John Pilger en Noam Chomsky, en 'n oorweging van die politiek agter 'n definisie van "terreur". Die analise voltrek in die normatiewe raamwerk van joernalistieke etiek, veral die waardes van onpartydigheid en objektiviteit, en kom tot die gevolgtrekking dat, in demokrasie, 'n verantwoordelike media die openbare belang beter dien deur volgehou kritiek as deur onderdanige patriotisme.

Representation of black, young, women politicians in South African online news media : a case study of Lindiwe Mazibuko

Mannya, Maphuti Mabothakga 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: One of the main areas of transformation that continues to be a priority in the 21st century in South African and all other democratic societies is equality between men and women. The media plays an important role in attaining the desired balance in the way it represents both genders. This study analysed the representation of South Africa's main opposition party's (Democratic Alliance) parliamentary leaders, Lindiwe Mazibuko, in the online print media in South Africa. Articles on Mazibuko from four leading news websites were analysed during the period in which her nomination to the position of parliamentary leader was announced, the run up to the party's elections, her election to the position and a month into her election. Not all persons suffered equally under the Apartheid regime therefore the empowerment of black women and their rise to positions of leadership and power remains an important priority if the gains of freedom are to be completely attained. Therefore every hindrance that would hamper their efforts should be addressed. The way the media represents not only women in general, but black women in particular is an important area of focus. Moreover, coverage of these women when they are in power and how they are portrayed to be handling these positions is critical. The paper approaches the representation of black, women politicians in the South African media from a womanist approach which goes beyond feminist assertions, from the mass communications theory, gender and media and the political economy theories. Using the quantitative research method of content analysis, 101 articles published on Timeslive, City Press Online, Mail & Guardian Online and Independent Online websites between 1 September 2011 and 30 November 2011 were analysed. The findings revealed that Mazibuko's age was mentioned in 62% of the articles, her gender in 28% of the articles and her race in 21%. This means that more than her race and gender, her age was the main area of focus for the majority of the news articles. The conclusion of this study questions the focus of these attributes that have no influence on her performance or ability to do her work and what it means to the progression of media representation of not only black women political leaders, but aspiring young, black, women political leaders. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Gelykheid tussen mans en vroue is een van die hoofareas van transformasie, en 'n voortdurende prioriteit in die 21ste eeu in die Suid-Afrikaanse en talle ander demokratiese samelewings. Die media speel 'n belangrike rol om 'n gewenste balans te bereik deur hoe beide geslagte verteenwoordig of uitgebeeld word. In hierdie studie was die verteenwoordiging van een van Suid-Afrika se hoof opposisie partye (Demokratiese Alliansie) se parlementêre leiers, Lindiwe Mazibuko, in die aanlyn gedrukte media in Suid-Afrika geanaliseer. Artikels oor Mazibuko van vier toonaangewende aanlyn nuus webtuistes tydens die aankondiging van haar nominasie tot die posisie as parlementêre leier, die aanloop tot die party se verkiesing, haar verkiesing tot die posisie, asook 'n maand na haar verkiesing, is geanaliseer. Nie alle mense het in dieselfde mate onder die Apartheidsbewind gely nie, daarom bly die bemagtiging van swart vroue en hul opgang na leierskap 'n gewigtige prioriteit indien die voordele van vryheid as geheel bereik sou word. Alle hindernisse wat hul pogings beperk moet dus aangespreek word. Die manier hoe die media nie net vroue in geheel, maar spesifiek swart vroue verteenwoordig, is 'n belangrike fokus area. Verder is die blootstelling van hierdie vroue wanneer hulle in magsposisies is, asook hoe hulle voorgehou word om daardie posisies te hanteer, van kardinale belang. Hierdie tesis benader die verteenwoordiging van swart, vroue politici in die Suid-Afrikaanse media vanuit 'n vroue (womanist) benadering wat verder as feministiese bewerings gaan, vanuit die massa-kommunikasieteorie, geslag en media asook die politieke ekonomiese teorieë. Daar was gebruik gemaak van inhoudsanalise om 101 artikels wat op die webtuistes van 'Timeslive’, 'City Press Online’, 'Mail & Guardian Online’ en 'Independent Online’ gepubliseer is tussen 1 September 2011 en 30 November 2011, te analiseer. Die bevindinge het daarop gewys dat Mazibuko se ouderdom in 62% van die artikels, haar geslag in 28% van die artikels en haar ras in 21% van die artikels genoem was. Dit beteken dat meer as haar geslag of ras was haar ouderdom die vernaamste fokusarea van die meeste nuusberigte. Die gevolgtrekking van hierdie studie bevraagteken hierdie eienskappe wat geen invloed het op haar vordering of vermoë om haar werk te doen, en wat dit beteken vir die vooruitgang van mediaverteenwoordiging van nie slegs swart, vroue politieke leiers nie, maar aspirant jong, swart, vroue politieke leiers.

Voir la guerre venir : la Première Guerre mondiale vue par The New York Times (1914-1917)

Couture, Julien 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

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