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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Establishing a Digital Framework for EdTech Learning for Primary Schools in the Rural Parts of the Guanajuato Region, Mexico : A Minor Field Study Based on Interaction Design Principles

Haidar, Katie, Hailu, Sara, Johansson, Samantha January 2023 (has links)
This investigation is carried out with the desire to create a framework for digital learning tools in the region of Guanajuato, Mexico aimed towards primary schools in rural parts of the area. The framework is meant to be an aid in the implementation of technological equipments, especially tablets, and shed light on the most important aspects to take into consideration when designing and creating applications for those. In order to gather data, interviews and user tests were carried out with primary school students as well as with principals and teachers of primary schools in the mentioned area. The results show that clear feedback, intuitive graphics and appropriate levels of difficulty is of importance, as well as adaptability to users. No preference was noted regarding motions or amount of text. Norman’s design principles were additionally confirmed to be one of the vital parts to take into consideration. The challenges that come into the picture when implementing digital tools into classrooms seem to circulate around socio-economic aspects and insufficient resources such as wifi, power supply and personnel. However, these challenges may be worth taking upon, as implementing EdTech can benefit both students and teachers in many aspects and establish learning more in line with the trends in society where technology is on a constant rise. / Denna utredning genomförs med strävan att skapa ett ramverk för digitala lärverktyg i regionen Guanajuato, Mexico riktat mot grundskolor på landsbygden i området. Ramverket är tänkt att vara ett hjälpmedel vid implementering av teknisk utrustning, särskilt surfplattor, och belysa de viktigaste aspekterna att ta hänsyn till när man designar och skapar applikationer för dessa. För att samla in data har intervjuer och användartest genomförts med såväl grundskoleelever som med rektorer och lärare på grundskolor inom nämnda området. Resultaten visar att tydlig feedback, intuitiv grafik och svårighetsgrad är av betydelse, liksom anpassning till användaren. Ingen preferens noterades beträffande rörelser eller mängden text. Normans designprinciper bekräftades dessutom att vara en av de viktiga delarna att ta hänsyn till. De utmaningar som kommer in i bilden när man implementerar digitala verktyg i klassrummet verkar cirkulera kring socioekonomiska aspekter och otillräckliga resurser såsom wifi, strömförsörjning och personal. Men dessa utmaningar kan vara värda att ta sig an eftersom en inkorporering av EdTech kan gynna både elever och lärare i många aspekter och etablera lärande mer i linje med trenderna i samhället där tekniken är på ständig uppgång.

Experiences of parents' involvement in the management of primary schools in Oromiya National Regional State, Ethiopia

Wakjira Girma Mekonnen 06 1900 (has links)
The study investigated parents’ involvement in managing primary schools in Oromiya National Regional State, Ethiopia. The main concern of this study revolved around the challenges that lead to the decline in parental involvement in their children’s schooling, low stakeholders’ participation in the management of primary schools, lack of awareness of students and their families on the school context that leads to increased rates of learner achievement. Furthermore, the study investigated the existence of conflict in role perception manifested in assuming that schools could play their roles in children’s education without parents’ interference, and both parties working together for their children’s achievements. In the study, a qualitative research methodology was employed. This qualitative study examined parental involvement in their managing primary schools through semi-structured interviews with five primary school principals, five parent –student teacher association chairpersons and 12 parents who had children in elementary school through focus group discussions. The findings of this research were centred around families’ participation in their children’s learning, understanding how parental involvement enhances learners’ achievements, views of schools and teachers on parental involvement, school assistance of parents in their parenting tasks and strategies to allow parents to take part in their children’s schooling. The conclusion drawn from this study is that the Ethiopian educational policy tries to advocate parental involvement in managing primary schools for improving educational quality at its level and through obtaining better family school governance experiences. School principals and PTA chairpersons did not seem to appreciate the possible advantages that could emanate from complete parental involvement in managing elementary schools. The study recommends approaches to manage and use schools, human and material resources, ways to involve uneducated parents in school management to use their indigenous knowledge in their children’s schooling, and parental involvement in managing primary schools in rural and semi-urban areas differs from other situations. / Educational Leadership and Management / D. Ed. (Educational Leadership and Management)

Lapin koulutushistoria - Kirkollinen alkuopetus, kansa-, perus- ja oppikoulut, osa 1

Lassila, J. (Juhani) 27 August 2001 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of this research is to examine the history of elementary schools held by the Church as well as the history of primary schools, comprehensive schools and secondary schools in various municipalities in Lapland up to the end of school year 1998-99. This is a basic research. The examination proceeds from the founding of the first educational institution of each school type. The first itinerant catechists of Finland began teaching in Utsjoki in 1751. The first primary school was founded in Rovaniemi in 1870. Lapland changed over to comprehensive school system in 1972. The Tornio Pedagogium was granted founding permit in 1630. The schools held by the Church were either permanent or itinerant. The importance of permanent schools was insignificant in Lapland. Itinerant school system consisted of two categories; catechist schools and itinerant schools. Their educational aims were uniform. Catechists received their salary from the state whereas itinerant schools were maintained mainly by parishes. Catechist schools were founded only in the parishes of Northern and Eastern Lapland. In other parishes instruction was given by itinerant schools. Even in the beginning of the 1920's the amount of school-aged children in Lapland was higher in itinerant schools than in primary ones. The last catechist school was closed in Inari in 1954. The history of the primary school and comprehensive school can be divided into four periods. The starting point was the year 1866 when the Regulation on Primary Schools was issued. This first period came to an end in 1898 when each municipality of Lapland became obliged to divide its area into school districts. The Regulation on Primary Schools didn't oblige rural municipalities to found schools but made it possible for them. In school year 1897-98 only 24 schools gave instruction in Lapland. The obligation to form school districts brought schools even to the biggest villages in peripheral areas. In school year 1920-21 there were 96 schools in Lapland. The Compulsory Education Act was issued in 1921. The inhabitants of Lapland were active and hence in the autumn 1929 there were already 205 primary schools. The years subsequent to the war meant rapid progress in society with the result that more than 160 new primary schools were founded in Lapland. In school year 1957-58 the amount of schools was at its highest, 425. The fourth period in the history of the primary school and comprehensive school comprises the school years 1958-99. At that time the Primary Schools Act and Comprehensive Schools Act were in force. In the 1960's Finland and first of all Lapland were met by a severe crisis. Until now the increase of population had been strong. Now, however, it began to decrease. The inhabitants of peripheral areas began migrating to towns, Southern Finland and Sweden. In 1974-75 the amount of lower levels of the comprehensive school was no more than 313. The situation improved to some extent for 15 years due to the measures taken by the state. Consequently, in 1989-90 there were still 281 schools. In the 1990's Finland was shaken up by depression. In Lapland, then, unemployment increased, which resulted in migration. In autumn 1998 there were 200 lower levels of the comprehensive school. The only secondary school in Lapland was for a long time in Tornio. The next secondary school was founded in the town of Kemi in 1897. In autumn 1939 there were three educational institutions in Lapland enabling the students to continue their studies at university. After the war, especially in the 1960's, plenty of secondary schools were founded in Lapland. / Tiivistelmä Tavoitteenani on selvittää Lapin kirkollisten alkuopetuskoulujen sekä kansa-, perus- ja oppikoulujen historiaa kuntakohtaisesti lukuvuoden 1998-99 loppuun saakka. Kyseessä on perustutkimus. Tarkastelu alkaa kunkin koulumuodon ensimmäisen oppilaitoksen käynnistymisestä. Vuoden 1750 tienoilla aloittivat Utsjoella Suomen ensimmäiset kiertävät katekeetat opetustyönsä. Ensimmäinen kansakoulu avattiin Rovaniemellä 1870. Lappi siirtyi peruskoulujärjestelmään 1972. Tornion pedagogio sai perustamisluvan 1630. Kirkolliset koulut olivat kiinteitä tai kiertäviä. Kiinteiden koulujen merkitys Lapissa oli vähäinen. Kiertävät koulut ryhmitellään katekeetta- ja kiertokouluiksi. Niiden opetustavoitteet olivat yhteneväiset. Katekeettojen palkat maksoi valtio. Kiertokoulujen toiminnan rahoittivat lähinnä seurakunnat. Katekeettakouluja perustettiin vain Pohjois- ja Itä-Lapin seurakuntiin. Muissa seurakunnissa opetuksesta vastasivat kiertokoulut. Lapin kiertävissä kouluissa oli vielä 1920-luvun alussa enemmän kouluikäisiä kuin kansakouluissa. Viimeinen katekeettakoulu suljettiin Inarissa 1954. Kansa- ja peruskoulujen toiminta-aika jakaantuu luontevasti neljään jaksoon. Lähtöpiste on kansakouluasetuksen syntymävuosi 1866, ja ensimmäinen etappi päättyy 1898 piirijakoasetuksen antamiseen. Kansakouluasetus ei määrännyt maalaiskuntia perustamaan kansakouluja, mutta teki sen mahdolliseksi. Lukuvuonna 1897-98 oli Lapissa vain 24 koulua. Piirijakoasetus toi kouluja myös suurimpiin sivukyliin. Lukuvuonna 1920-21 kouluja oli 96. Oppivelvollisuuslaki annettiin 1921. Lapin asukkaat olivat aktiivisia, ja syksyllä 1929 kansakouluja oli jo 205. Väkevästi elettyinä sodanjälkeisinä vuosina Lapissa käynnistettiin vielä yli 160 uutta kansakoulua. Lukuvuonna 1957-58 kouluja oli ennätysmäärä 425. Neljäs tarkastelukausi käsittää lukuvuodet 1958-99, jolloin kansa- ja peruskoululait olivat voimassa. Suomea ja ennenkaikkea Lappia kohtasi 1960-luvulla suuri murros. Väestön voimakas kasvu pysähtyi kääntyen laskuun. Muuttoliike suuntautui maatalouskylistä kaupunkeihin, Etelä-Suomeen ja Ruotsiin. Ala-asteita oli 1974-75 enää 313. Valtion toimenpitein tilanne tasoittui 15 vuodeksi, ja kouluja oli 1989-90 vielä 281. Lama ravisteli 1990-luvulla Suomea. Lapissakin työttömyys kasvoi aiheuttaen poismuuttoaallon. Syksyllä 1998 ala-asteita oli 200. Torniossa oli pitkään Lapin ainoa oppikoulu. Kemistä tuli oppikoulukaupunki 1897. Syksyllä 1939 oli Lapissa kolme yliopistoon johtavaa oppilaitosta. Sodan jälkeen, erityisesti 1960-luvulla, perustettiin Lappiin runsaasti oppikouluja.

Lapin koulutushistoria - Kirkollinen alkuopetus, kansa-, perus- ja oppikoulut, osa 2

Lassila, J. (Juhani) 27 August 2001 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of this research is to examine the history of elementary schools held by the Church as well as the history of primary schools, comprehensive schools and secondary schools in various municipalities in Lapland up to the end of school year 1998-99. This is a basic research. The examination proceeds from the founding of the first educational institution of each school type. The first itinerant catechists of Finland began teaching in Utsjoki in 1751. The first primary school was founded in Rovaniemi in 1870. Lapland changed over to comprehensive school system in 1972. The Tornio Pedagogium was granted founding permit in 1630. The schools held by the Church were either permanent or itinerant. The importance of permanent schools was insignificant in Lapland. Itinerant school system consisted of two categories; catechist schools and itinerant schools. Their educational aims were uniform. Catechists received their salary from the state whereas itinerant schools were maintained mainly by parishes. Catechist schools were founded only in the parishes of Northern and Eastern Lapland. In other parishes instruction was given by itinerant schools. Even in the beginning of the 1920's the amount of school-aged children in Lapland was higher in itinerant schools than in primary ones. The last catechist school was closed in Inari in 1954. The history of the primary school and comprehensive school can be divided into four periods. The starting point was the year 1866 when the Regulation on Primary Schools was issued. This first period came to an end in 1898 when each municipality of Lapland became obliged to divide its area into school districts. The Regulation on Primary Schools didn't oblige rural municipalities to found schools but made it possible for them. In school year 1897-98 only 24 schools gave instruction in Lapland. The obligation to form school districts brought schools even to the biggest villages in peripheral areas. In school year 1920-21 there were 96 schools in Lapland. The Compulsory Education Act was issued in 1921. The inhabitants of Lapland were active and hence in the autumn 1929 there were already 205 primary schools. The years subsequent to the war meant rapid progress in society with the result that more than 160 new primary schools were founded in Lapland. In school year 1957-58 the amount of schools was at its highest, 425. The fourth period in the history of the primary school and comprehensive school comprises the school years 1958-99. At that time the Primary Schools Act and Comprehensive Schools Act were in force. In the 1960's Finland and first of all Lapland were met by a severe crisis. Until now the increase of population had been strong. Now, however, it began to decrease. The inhabitants of peripheral areas began migrating to towns, Southern Finland and Sweden. In 1974-75 the amount of lower levels of the comprehensive school was no more than 313. The situation improved to some extent for 15 years due to the measures taken by the state. Consequently, in 1989-90 there were still 281 schools. In the 1990's Finland was shaken up by depression. In Lapland, then, unemployment increased, which resulted in migration. In autumn 1998 there were 200 lower levels of the comprehensive school. The only secondary school in Lapland was for a long time in Tornio. The next secondary school was founded in the town of Kemi in 1897. In autumn 1939 there were three educational institutions in Lapland enabling the students to continue their studies at university. After the war, especially in the 1960's, plenty of secondary schools were founded in Lapland. / Tiivistelmä Tavoitteenani on selvittää Lapin kirkollisten alkuopetuskoulujen sekä kansa-, perus- ja oppikoulujen historiaa kuntakohtaisesti lukuvuoden 1998-99 loppuun saakka. Kyseessä on perustutkimus. Tarkastelu alkaa kunkin koulumuodon ensimmäisen oppilaitoksen käynnistymisestä. Vuoden 1750 tienoilla aloittivat Utsjoella Suomen ensimmäiset kiertävät katekeetat opetustyönsä. Ensimmäinen kansakoulu avattiin Rovaniemellä 1870. Lappi siirtyi peruskoulujärjestelmään 1972. Tornion pedagogio sai perustamisluvan 1630. Kirkolliset koulut olivat kiinteitä tai kiertäviä. Kiinteiden koulujen merkitys Lapissa oli vähäinen. Kiertävät koulut ryhmitellään katekeetta- ja kiertokouluiksi. Niiden opetustavoitteet olivat yhteneväiset. Katekeettojen palkat maksoi valtio. Kiertokoulujen toiminnan rahoittivat lähinnä seurakunnat. Katekeettakouluja perustettiin vain Pohjois- ja Itä-Lapin seurakuntiin. Muissa seurakunnissa opetuksesta vastasivat kiertokoulut. Lapin kiertävissä kouluissa oli vielä 1920-luvun alussa enemmän kouluikäisiä kuin kansakouluissa. Viimeinen katekeettakoulu suljettiin Inarissa 1954. Kansa- ja peruskoulujen toiminta-aika jakaantuu luontevasti neljään jaksoon. Lähtöpiste on kansakouluasetuksen syntymävuosi 1866, ja ensimmäinen etappi päättyy 1898 piirijakoasetuksen antamiseen. Kansakouluasetus ei määrännyt maalaiskuntia perustamaan kansakouluja, mutta teki sen mahdolliseksi. Lukuvuonna 1897-98 oli Lapissa vain 24 koulua. Piirijakoasetus toi kouluja myös suurimpiin sivukyliin. Lukuvuonna 1920-21 kouluja oli 96. Oppivelvollisuuslaki annettiin 1921. Lapin asukkaat olivat aktiivisia, ja syksyllä 1929 kansakouluja oli jo 205. Väkevästi elettyinä sodanjälkeisinä vuosina Lapissa käynnistettiin vielä yli 160 uutta kansakoulua. Lukuvuonna 1957-58 kouluja oli ennätysmäärä 425. Neljäs tarkastelukausi käsittää lukuvuodet 1958-99, jolloin kansa- ja peruskoululait olivat voimassa. Suomea ja ennenkaikkea Lappia kohtasi 1960-luvulla suuri murros. Väestön voimakas kasvu pysähtyi kääntyen laskuun. Muuttoliike suuntautui maatalouskylistä kaupunkeihin, Etelä-Suomeen ja Ruotsiin. Ala-asteita oli 1974-75 enää 313. Valtion toimenpitein tilanne tasoittui 15 vuodeksi, ja kouluja oli 1989-90 vielä 281. Lama ravisteli 1990-luvulla Suomea. Lapissakin työttömyys kasvoi aiheuttaen poismuuttoaallon. Syksyllä 1998 ala-asteita oli 200. Torniossa oli pitkään Lapin ainoa oppikoulu. Kemistä tuli oppikoulukaupunki 1897. Syksyllä 1939 oli Lapissa kolme yliopistoon johtavaa oppilaitosta. Sodan jälkeen, erityisesti 1960-luvulla, perustettiin Lappiin runsaasti oppikouluja.

Narratiewe pastorale versorging saam met kinders in laerskole: `n ondersoek na die etiese dilemmas van "Loosit" as `n relevante, evangelies-kontekstuele model

Lötter, Lizelle 30 June 2005 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Loosit is a pastoral care model which may be applied to primary school children in South Africa and the use thereof is explored in this research project. Loosit consists of a series of plays as well as a discipleship program. These plays, humoristic yet contextually relevant to children, are done on a set resembling school toilets. Children are encouraged to write to the leading character, Uncle Jani Tor, and to post the letters in the `toilet` post box. Themes focused on in this project are problems with friends, social pressure, problems in the family and death. There is a specific focus on the ethics of Loosit as a model of pastoral care applicable to children. / Practical Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology)

The effective functioning of a school governing body: a case study in selected schools

Mahlangu, Rosina 11 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the functioning of the SGB's in public primary schools. For this purpose, the researcher collected data from both past and recent literature and three public primary schools in the Ekurhuleni South district in Gauteng regarding how effectively SGB's are functioning. Observations of the proceedings were undertaken during SGB several meetings. Unstructured interviews, with a small purposive sample of informants, supplemented the data obtained from the observations. All the data collected in this way were analysed, discussed and synthesised. The major findings of this study are: The efforts made by the DoE to provide training; this was regarded as inadequate to address the complex problems experienced by SGB's. It is therefore recommended that the DoE should provide more intensified SGB developmental training programmes for SGB's and that further research be undertaken regarding the effectiveness of SGB's in public primary schools in South Africa. / Educational Studies / M.Ed. (Education Management)

Financial management in selected primary schools in Gauteng

Naidoo, Bharathi 06 1900 (has links)
The implementation of the South African Schools Act (Act 84 of 1996) has placed additional financial management responsibilities on school principals and school governing bodies. Financial management has created several challenges for school principals and members of school governing bodies who do not have the necessary financial knowledge, skill and expertise to perform this function. This research was undertaken primarily to determine how principals and members of school governing bodies, in public primary schools, implement financial policy. The research is supported by a detailed literature study covering financial policy, the budget process, approaches to budgeting, the advantages of a budget system and requirements for effective financial control. In order to determine the financial management practices at public primary schools a questionnaire was designed and administered amongst twenty five public primary schools in the Ekurhuleni South District of the Gauteng Department of Education. The findings suggest that there is a need for schools to communicate resolutions adopted at parents’ meetings and other consultative procedures to parents of learners and in this way ensure the dissemination of pertinent information. There is a need for early intervention by schools concerning outstanding school fees to prevent the exacerbation of the problem. Educational institutions should prepare their budgets on the basis of their main objectives and policies in order to ensure an efficient allocation of funds. / Education / M. Ed. (Education Management)

The implementation of the 'no-fee' school policy in selected primary schools in Limpopo

Setoaba, Mapitsi Phineas 01 1900 (has links)
South Africa began with the ‘no-fee’ school policy (NFSP) implementation on 01 January 2007. The policy abolished mandatory school fees in public ordinary schools to make basic education available to poor learners in the country. However, critics argued that the NFSP implementation made poor schools poorer and needed researched. This prompted an exploration on “No-fee schools’ inability to address the needs of the poor in Limpopo” The researcher randomly sampled ten ‘no-fee’ primary schools for the study. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and documentation. Interviewees were principals, treasurers and chairpersons of school governing bodies from the schools studied. The collected data were analysed through inductive techniques. The study discovered that the no-fee schools were unable to address the needs of the poor in Limpopo. The study concluded with recommendations for empowering no-fee schools on addressing the needs of the poor in Limpopo and for topics on future research. / Thesis (M. Ed. (Educational Management))

Factors affecting the teaching of english reading skills in the second language of grade 3 learners

Junias, Rebecca 11 1900 (has links)
This study investigated the factors affecting the teaching of English reading skills in a second language of Grade 3 learners in three primary schools, in Ongwediva town of Oshana Regional Education Directorate in Northern Namibia. It also investigated methods and approaches that were used to promote the teaching of reading in English as a second language and the linguistic environment of the classroom in which the teaching of reading occurs. Classroom environments were observed and telephonic interview was conducted with the circuit inspector of the three schools selected. Individual interviews were also done with the principals, Grade 3 teachers and Grade 3 learners of the three chosen schools. Focus group interview was also done with the same Grade 3 teachers. This study found out that insufficient reading books, poor teaching methods, insufficient teachers’ and learners’ interactions and overcrowded classrooms were some of the factors that made the teaching of reading unsuccessful. From the interviews of the circuit inspector, principals and teachers it was revealed that inadequate teacher training workshops for teachers teaching English reading, lack of parental involvement, low budget allocation to Primary Education and lack of reading capacity in vernacular affected the teaching of reading negatively. The outcome of learners’ interviews indicated that phonemic awareness and lack of comprehension created reading problems. Given the factors referred above, it is recommended that more interesting readers should be purchased to solve the shortage of reading materials. In addition, more effective teachers’ workshops should be given to strengthen the teachers’ approaches to reading skills development for Grade 3 learners. / M. Ed. (with specialisation in Early Childhood Development) / Educational Studies

The role of communication in strenthening parent-teacher relationships in primary schools

Jooste, Christina Elsie 11 1900 (has links)
Parent involvement is consistently ranked high among the key components of effective schools, and as a result is one of the brightest prospects for the future of public education. This study sought to develop a reliable measure to strengthen parent-teacher relationships that included previously unidentified aspects. Using a qualitative approach, 27 participants were purposely selected to be interviewed in order to determine the challenges stakeholders face in arranging constructive parent-teacher relationships. In addition to parents-teacher relationships, the goal was to determine the role of school principals in managing effective communication to strengthen these relationships between parents and teachers. Results identified numerous reliable parent involvement factors reflecting home monitoring, effective school involvement, and educational management. Attitude toward learning and competence motivation of learners learning behavior were positively identified when all stakeholders work together as a team. Education management that translates high expectations strengthens parent-teacher relationships for the sake of optimal learner development. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Education Management)

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