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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Europeizace trestního práva / Europeanization of Criminal Law

Polách, Marek January 2016 (has links)
Europeanization of Criminal Law This thesis deals with Europeanization of Criminal Law. The topic itself is broad, selected issues of Europeanization of Criminal Procedural Law are therefore emphasized. In the introduction, certain problems which accompany the Europeanization in a Criminal Law field are presented. The biggest obstacle is a close connection of Criminal Law with state sovereignty, which is something that states are reluctant to restrict in favour of European Union. Another hindrance to Europeanization is a difference among national criminal regulations, which make an achievement of a compromise regarding the harmonization harder. The first chapter concentrates on the terms Europeanization of Criminal Law, European Criminal Law and Criminal Law of the European Union. Their definition and differentiation is provided. The second chapter discusses in brief the evolution of Europeanization of Criminal Law prior to the adoption of Schengen treaties. The informal cooperation in criminal matters took place in this era. Unlike the one in the chapter three, which already addresses the formal cooperation in criminal matters. It describes gradual development from Schengen cooperation, through the cooperation under Maastricht, Amsterdam and Nice Treaty, up to the cooperation on the basis of...

Procedurální generování měst / Procedurální generování měst

Beneš, Jan January 2011 (has links)
This thesis proposes a novel method for procedural generation of urban street networks. A simple traffic simulation, based on observations made about the social-geographic nature of cities, that is able to drive the temporal evolution of city road networks by creating new major roads, as well as a modified generation algorithm for minor roads, are described. The presented method is highly automated.

Rychlá implementace procedurálních 3D textur / Rychlá implementace procedurálních 3D textur

Frívaldský, Dalibor January 2013 (has links)
Procedurally generated noise textures play a key part in the world of computer graphics. However, their computation is very time consuming. Generating noise for rendering of photo-realistic scenes may require large amount of hardware resources. Efficient use of these resources is beneficial in the trend of ever-increasing amount of details in the rendered scenes. In this thesis we develop a series of optimized algorithms for the popular Improved Perlin noise and the new Gabor noise. We will employ SIMD features of the modern generation of general purpose processors to achieve efficient use of hardware resources. These algorithms will be integrated into the MentalRay ray-tracing rendering engine and their effectiveness demonstrated in various scenes. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Poškozený v trestním řízení a jeho ochrana / The injured party in criminal procedure and his/her protection

Kadlčíková, Eva January 2013 (has links)
The injured party in criminal procedure and his/her protection The purpose of my thesis is to analyse position of the injured party and his/her rights in Czech criminal procedure and to highlight changes which will be brought to rights of injured party by The Victim of Crime Act. This thesis is divided into five chapters. The first chapter briefly introduces the historical evolution of legal regulation of the injured party position in criminal procedure in the territory of the current Czech Republic. Next chapter is concerned with the term "injured party" in the current legal regulation. This part of thesis is especially focused on the need to differentiate between the terms "the injured party" and "victim of crime". The third chapter contains a crucial part of my thesis - it deals with the injured party position in criminal procedure and his/her rights. The chapter is composed of six subchapters. The first subchapter addresses the issue of general interpretation of procedural position of injured party in the Czech Criminal Procedure Code. Next subchapter shifts the focus to two categories of injured parties in criminal proceedings (the first category is the party of adhesion procedure with special rights, the other one is not). The third subchapter describes the procedural rights which are granted...

Reorganizace se zaměřením na procesní aspekty insolvenčního řízení / Reorganization with a focus on the procedural aspects of insolvency proceedings

Buchta, Adam January 2013 (has links)
Reorganization with a focus on procedural aspects of insolvency proceedings The legal regulation of insolvency proceedings in the Czech Republic has been subjected to substantial modernization by the Czech act No. 184/2006 Coll., The Insolvency Act. The Insolvency Act comprehensively responds to recent development in the society and economic situation by implementing non-liquidation bankruptcy solutions. The purpose of this thesis is to provide complex insight in to the insolvency proceedings and its components, with a focus on its procedural aspects. The crucial part of this thesis is the analysis of the procedural proceedings, under which the reorganization is carried out. The thesis is composed of ten chapters, each of them dealing with different parts of the procedure. Chapter One generally defines insolvency proceedings as a specific type of civil procedure. Chapter is subdivided into three parts describing the concept and nature of the insolvency proceedings, as well as specific principles by which the insolvency proceeding is ruled by. Chapter Two characterises the entities and participants of the insolvency proceeding while presenting details on their characteristics, capacities and procedural rights. Chapter Three focuses specifically on the decision-making and supervisory activities of...


TATIANA WAINTRAUB 13 November 2012 (has links)
[pt] Nesta dissertação, propomos um método não supervisionado para modelar o pavimento da calçada da praia de Copacabana, e pavimentos de pedras portuguesas em geral. Dada uma imagem de referência em preto e branco, a saída do algoritmo proposto são as geometrias individuais de todas as pedras que compõem o pavimento. Diferentemente das técnicas anteriores para criação de mosaicos, focamos em capturar as particularidades desses pavimentos: as pedras (ladrilhos) devem seguir completamente as arestas da imagem, sendo em sua maioria representadas por quadriláteros irregulares sem orientação específica. Um conjunto de experimentos demonstra a eficácia e estabilidade da nossa proposta. / [en] In this dissertation, we propose an unsupervised method to model the Copacabana beach sidewalk pavement, and Portuguese pavements in general. Given a black and white source image, the proposed method outputs the geometry of all individual stones that compose the pavement. Different from previous mosaic techniques, we focus on capturing the particularities of such pavements: stones (tiles) follow the edges, being mostly represented by irregular quadrilaterals with no particular orientation. A set of experiments demonstrates the effectiveness and stability of our proposal.

Foliage generation tool based on a Lindenmeyer system : A study on branch density of trees in video games

Rokicki, Jonathan, Pira, Henrik January 2019 (has links)
Context. Procedurally generated content is a common way for companiesto save time and resources when creating modern video games.However, with generation of content there is often many variables controllingthe outcome that is tricky to get right. Objectives. The aim of this thesis is to research how people perceivethe branch density of trees used in video games. This will be done bycreating a foliage generation tool that is based on the functionality ofan L-system. The tool will be used to generate 12 trees with differentbranch densities which will be used for the questionnaire in the userexperiment. Method. A foliage generation tool has been created to be able togenerate trees with different branch and twig densities. The trees generatedwith the tool have been used in a user experiment in order tocome to a conclusion on how people perceive different branch densityin virtual trees. Result. Trees with higher branch and twig densities were rated higherthan trees with lower ones. The best rated tree in all regards was atree in the group with the second most main branches and had 0.6 intwig density. Conclusions. The results show that trees with a higher branch densitymade participants rate it as better looking in the user experiment.Although, trees with a high number of main branches and low twigdensity got the lowest score.

Physically-Based Animation Follow : A Comparison of Player Experiences

Lennartsson, Henrik, Wijkander, Lina January 2019 (has links)
Animations in the game industry are considered a bottleneck today, and a way to speed up the development in this area is by letting the computer procedurally generate the animations. This research has explored blending physics with keyframed animations in games, to create interactive and responsive characters, and to find out how these animations are perceived by players. This way of animating characters in real time has lately been used in a blossoming game genre called fumblecore. By letting physics do part of animation in real time, unpredictable and unique animations can be created. Two demos of a fumblecore game was created and tested on players with various gaming backgrounds. One had a traditional keyframed animation, and the other had a physically-blended animation. The results showed that the majority of participants of the study preferred the physically-blended animation over the traditionally keyframed one.

Vícios da sentença civil: tentativa de sistematização / Defects of procedural acts: attempting to systematize them defects of

Freitas, Edison Elias de 14 May 2012 (has links)
Para o desenvolvimento do tema, analisou-se a possibilidade de fixação de um conceito geral de invalidades, aplicável a todos os ramos do Direito. Tratou-se das especificidades das invalidades processuais, bem como de seu conceito e abrangência. Os principais critérios doutrinários para sistematização dos vícios dos atos processuais foram examinados como método auxiliar da elaboração da proposta de sistematização que compõe o objeto do presente estudo. A teoria das invalidades sofreu o impacto da acertada preocupação de que o processo não deve servir a seus próprios fins. Firmada essa concepção, nota-se uma dedicação à tarefa de realçar os limites deste aspecto instrumental, de modo a questionar a possibilidade de o exame da irrelevância do vício processual se dar pelo enfoque exclusivo de critérios exteriores à relação jurídica processual. Atualmente, a cláusula do devido processo legal incorpora a axiologia das garantias fundamentais do indivíduo, explicitando que são indispensáveis as garantias inerentes ao processo. A resolução da crise de direito material deve lançar efeitos sobre os vícios que acarretem transgressão de tais garantias, mas uma teoria das invalidades deve estar sustentada nos referenciais processuais, não podendo condicionar-se, exclusivamente, ao resultado final do processo, dado que lhe é externo. Assim, o enfoque classificatório adotado para sistematização dos vícios da sentença civil procura assentar-se sobre as regras e princípios do processo, notadamente porque se reconhece que o respeito ao direito material e ao direito processual equiparam-se em importância para que se obtenha uma decisão justa. A inexistência da sentença foi examinada sob os aspectos da decisão proferida em processo juridicamente inexistente ou pela ausência de seus elementos intrínsecos. Ao final, examinou-se a casuística relativa à sentença inválida, como aquela dada em processo com irregular constituição do juiz ou com defeito de fundamentação. / Aiming to develop the theme, the analysis on the possibility of setting a general concept of invalidities, applicable to all the areas of Law was analyzed. The specificities, concept and scope of procedural invalidities were addressed. The main juristic criteria used to systematize the defects of procedural acts were analyzed as an auxiliary method for preparing the systematization proposal that comprises the subject matter of this study. The theory of invalidities was impacted by the appropriate concern about the procedure not being used as means to suit its own purpose. After establishing this concept, there is the focus on underlining the limits of this instrumental aspect to question whether the possibility of the analysis on the irrelevance of the procedural defect is focused solely on criteria that is external to the procedural legal relationship. Currently, the section of the due process of law incorporates the axiology of individual fundamental guarantees, making explicit that the guarantees inherent to the procedure are fundamental. The solution for the crisis of substantive law should impact the defects that lead to the violation of such guarantees. However, the theory of invalidities should be grounded on procedural references, and not be exclusively dependent on the final result of the process, since such theory is external to it. Accordingly, the focus on classification adopted to systematize the defects of the civil judgment intends to have as base the rules and principles of the process, since it is known that the respect toward substantive law and procedural law are of equal importance in reaching a just decision. The inexistence of the judgment was reviewed based on the aspects of the decision granted in a process that does not exist in legal terms or by the absence of its intrinsic elements. Finally, there was the analysis of case histories related to the invalid judgment, such as the judgment of a procedure with irregular constitution of the court or with defect of reasons.

Staying in the Flow using Procedural Content Generation and Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment

Parekh, Ravi 27 April 2017 (has links)
Procedural Content Generation (PCG) and Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment (DDA) have been used separately in games to improve player experience. We explore using PCG and DDA together in a feedback loop to keep a player in the "flow zone." The central tenet of this work is a conjecture about how the shape of the performance versus difficulty curve changes at the boundaries of the flow zone. Based on this conjecture, we have developed an algorithm that detects when the player has left the flow zone and appropriately adjusts the difficulty to bring the gameplay back into flow, even as the skill of the player is changing. We developed a game-independent algorithm, implemented our algorithm for the open-source Infinite Mario Bros (IMB) game and conducted a user study that supports the hypothesis that players will enjoy the game more with DDA - PCG algorithm.

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