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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Usages et arbitrage / Usages and arbitration

Sanchez Saëz, Crystelle 04 July 2017 (has links)
Alors même, qu’au sein de l’arbitrage, les usages sont omniprésents, un grand nombre d’acteurs ne sont pas conscient de leur existence. Pour autant, ils sont retrouvés tout au long de l’instance arbitrale. En amont de la prise de décision, les usages processuels permettent une règlementation précise et efficace de la procédure arbitrale. Au moment de la prise de décision, le recours aux usages substantiels est un bon moyen de parvenir à la décision la plus adéquate et ainsi mettre un terme au litige. Ils constituent ainsi un outil efficace, mais surtout alternatif aux Droits nationaux. / Although, in arbitration, usages are everywhere, many practitioners are not aware of their existence. However, they are involved in every step of the arbitral proceeding. Before the making of the decision, procedural usages enable the organization of a sound and precise regulation of the arbitral proceeding. At the time of the making of the decision, substantial usages ensure to come to the most adequate decision, in order to put an end to the dispute. Hence, they can be a very useful tool, that would be an alternative to national Laws

Účastníci správního řízení s důrazem na účastenství v řízeních vedených dle stavebního zákona / Participants in administrative proceedings with emphasis on participation in proceedings conducted according to the Building Act

Matysová, Jana January 2016 (has links)
Participants in administrative proceedings with emphasis on participation in proceedings conducted according to the Building Act The Master thesis deals with a topic of participants of administrative proceedings, in which participation in proceedings conducted according to the Building Act is strongly emphasized. The author chose this topic because the participants in proceedings are irreplaceable procedural parties of every administrative proceedings without their existence no administrative proceedings could be conducted, and therefore they form an integral part of administrative proceedings next to administrative authority. The meaning of statutory legal regulation is to guarantee participants in proceedings mutually equal position and rights to prove a claim sufficient in administrative proceedings. The thesis introduces contemporary interpretative and application conclusions altogether with their gradual development and it evaluates in which way these conclusions brought about solutions and in which way conversely there were disputable questions in consequence of these conclusions. The Master thesis is divided into two basic parts dealing with definition of the circle of participants in proceedings according to the Administrative Act and participation in administrative proceedings conducted...

L'intervention du juge dans la procédure arbitrale / The intervention of judge in the arbitration proceeding

Najib, Mohamed El Mehdi 09 June 2016 (has links)
L'arbitre est un juge privé, il tranche, il juge, et il détient la balance de la justice, pourtant sesdécisions ne seront exécutoires que si le juge étatique compétent le décide. Ainsi soumise aucontrôle du juge, la sentence arbitrale s'intègre dans l'ordre juridictionnel. Elle doit doncrespecter l'ordre public et, plus généralement, les principes directeurs du procès. Certes, c’estune sentence oeuvre de justice et, au même titre que les décisions des tribunaux étatiques,bénéficie de l'autorité de la chose jugée.Les textes légaux et les règles qui gouvernent la procédure arbitrale ont une très grandeimportance tant pour les parties, que pour les arbitres. Ce sont en effet ces règles, et lapossibilité de les choisir, qui participent à la spécificité de l’arbitrage.La présente thèse identifie et analyse les diverses facettes de l'intervention du juge dans laprocédure d'arbitrage. S'il s'avère d'un précieux appui à l'arbitrage, le juge est aussi chargéd'en vérifier la régularité et d'en assurer l'efficacité. / The referee is a private judge, he slice, he Judge, and it holds the scales of justice, however itsdecisions will be binding only if the competent national judge decides. And subject to judicialcontrol, the award is part of the judicial order. It must respect the public order and, in general,the guidelines of the trial. Admittedly, this is an award work of justice, as well as thedecisions of state courts, has the authority of res judicata.Legal texts and rules governing the arbitration proceedings are very important for bothparties, for the referees. It is these rules, and the ability to choose which specific feature ofarbitration.! It is these rules, and the possibility of choosing, involved in the specificity ofarbitration.This thesis identify and analyze various aspects of judicial intervention in arbitration. If Itbecomes a valuable support to arbitration, the judge is also responsible for verifying theregularity and ensure efficiency.

Spory vyvolané exekučním a insolvečním řízením / Legal disputes caused by execution and bankruptcy proceedings

Vepřková, Petra January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to define the disputes arising from the execution and bankruptcy proceedings, to categorize them to the systematic framework, to outline their nature and to create a comprehensive overview about these disputes. The thesis is devided into three chapters, which are subdevided into subsections and parts. The first chapter of this work is aimed to the general issues, that have the influence on creating and forming of disputes resulting from the execution and insolvency proceedings, because it would be impossible to capture this topic coherently without these initial premises. Thereof, there are incorporated the conceptual definition of the execution proceedings and the principles of the execution proceedings, particularly considering the principle of protection of the obliged person and the principle of protection of third parties. In the part dealing with the aspects that form the disputes in the insolvency proceedings there are indicated the historical development of the insolvency, the overall characteristic of the insolvency proceedings, its specific principles and the difference from the former legislation. Further, for making a general overview of disputes arising from the execution and insolvency proceedings, there is also included in the first chapter the classification...

Les garanties du passif de l’entrepreneur individuel à responsabilité limitée (EIRL) / The liability garantees of the individual entrepreneur with limited liability (EIRL)

Nguema Obame, Geneviève Mildrey 30 November 2018 (has links)
Après le succès en demi-teinte de la déclaration d’insaisissabilité comme moyen de protection du patrimoine personnel des entrepreneurs, le législateur français a institué le statut de l’entrepreneur individuel à responsabilité limitée (EIRL), bousculant la théorie de l’unité du patrimoine. Le nouveau dispositif permet à une personne physique de créer autant de patrimoines affectés qu’elle exerce d’activités professionnelles indépendantes. La loi institue une étanchéité patrimoniale se manifestant par le fait que chaque créancier de l’EIRL exerce son droit de gage général sur le patrimoine auquel il est rattaché. Le statut de l’EIRL suscite plusieurs interrogations relativement aux garanties que celui-ci est susceptibles d’offrir à ses créanciers personnels ou professionnels. Comme tout débiteur, l’EIRL peut être garanti par des personnes physiques ou morales tierces. Il apparaît toutefois en pratique que celles-ci hésiteront à s’engager. La scission patrimoniale empêche les garants solvens d’exercer leurs actions récursoires sur la totalité des biens de l’EIRL, réduisant ainsi les chances de leur remboursement. Par ailleurs, la pluralité des patrimoines offre à l’EIRL la possibilité de se garantir lui-même. Cependant, la technique qui consiste à garantir la dette d’un patrimoine avec un autre peut se révéler dangereuse pour l’EIRL. Il est donc incertain que l’EIRL en fasse usage. S’il n’offre pas de garanties suffisantes et/ou efficaces, l’EIRL n’obtiendra pas facilement un financement externe. Or, s’il n’a pas le financement dont il a besoin, l’EIRL ne profitera pas de son statut / After the partial success of the unseizability statement as a means of protecting the personal assets of entrepreneurs, the French legislator has adopted the status of the individual entrepreneur with limited liability (Hereinafter EIRL), disrupting the theory of the asset unit. The new status allows any individual to create as many dedicated assets as he pursues professional activities. The law institutes a patrimonial tightness that is manifested by the fact that each EIRL’s creditor is entitled to exercise his right of lien on the assets to which he’s attached. The EIRL status raises concerns about guarantees offered to their personal and professional creditors. Like an ordinary debtor, the EIRL can have guarantees provided by natural or legal third person. However, in practices, these persons are reluctant to commit themselves. The asset division prevents solvens guarantors to claim recourse attached to the all assets of the EIRL, so reducing the possibility of their reimbursement. Furthermore, plurality of assets allows the EIRL to guarantee itself. However, the technique of guaranteeing the debt of one asset with another can be damaging to the EIRL. Therefore, it’s uncertain that he uses it. If he doesn’t provide sufficient and/or efficient guarantees, he will not easily obtain external financing. If he cannot obtain the financing he needs, the EIRL will not benefit from his status

Přestupkové řízení v prvním stupni / First-instance proceedings for administrative transgressions

Novotná, Martina January 2011 (has links)
The offence proceedings are a special type of the administrative proceedings, through which the administrative body adjudicate on the accused of the offence and his guilt and punishment. The purpose of the offence proceedings is to find out solution of a question, if the offence was committed and who is responsible for that. The offence proceedings are regulated mainly in the code no. 200/1990 Sb., Act on Transgressions, and subsidiary in the code no. 500/2004 Sb., Administrative Procedure Rules. Also legal principles are very important and influencing the offence proceedings. The offence is the object of the offence proceedings. The offence according to the Czech legal system is considered as a wrongful act which is injurious to the public as the crime is, but the difference between them is that the offence is less serious than a crime. The participants and the administrative body are the subjects of this type of proceedings. The offences are heard by the administrative body and the administrative body decides on rights and impose the obligations towards the offender. The participants of the offence proceedings are the accused of the offence, the aggrieved party, the owner of the thing, that might be confiscated, and the applicant, who put the petition. Before the offence proceedings begin, there is a...

Předběžná opatření / Preliminary ruling

Svobodová, Kristýna January 2013 (has links)
1 Resumé Preliminary Ruling In some situations, it is not possible to wait for the court judgement in the case itself. Then there is the need for providing the legal protection of these rights before the meritorious judgement, for otherwise there would be a risk that the judgement in the case itself would have no real consequence or it would be impossible to execute. For this reason the institute of precautionary measures was established. This institute is an extraordinary instrument of temporary law protection, which should be naturally followed by the proceeding in the case itself. However, a proceeding in case of precautionary measures is basically an independent proceeding, and its result does not prejudge the court judgement in the case itself. In order to fulfil the objective of a precautionary measure, its proceeding must follow certain specifications. These variations are the subject of this thesis, which tries to present various perspectives on these proceedings specifications. Those are mainly jurisdiction without hearing of the parties, different regulations in delivery, judgement reasoning, simple verification of some facts, and establishment of caution. This regulation of proceedings was many times the subject of analysis of compliance with the constitutional order, especially with the right to...

Postavení soudce při dokazování ve sporném řízení se zřetelem k praxi / Position of a judge during evidence proceeding in contentious procedure with regard to the practice

Tajovská, Ludmila January 2015 (has links)
The main goal of this master's degree thesis is to provide information about position of a judge during evidence proceeding in contentious procedure with special focus on production of evidence. In the text I often use particular decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic and the Supreme Court of the Czech Republic to demonstrate how theoretical legal institutes are applied in practice. I have decided to choose this topic because I am very interested in judge's profession and its practical aspects especially within evidence proceeding. More reasons for my research are stated in the very first introductory part of my theses. The whole theses is composed of three parts and each of them dealing with different sides of evidence proceeding or position of a judge within the meaning of his rights, duties, activity and also responsibility. Part One generally characterizes evidence proceeding and it makes the foundation for following part that is focused on partial phase of evidence proceeding (i.e. production of evidence). This part is divided into four chapters. The first chapter describes contentious and non-contentious procedure and also gives an explanation of main distinctions between these concepts. The second chapter concerns with basic principles of justice and civil procedure. The...

Přestupkové řízení v prvním stupni / First-instance proceedings for administrative transressions

Novotná, Martina January 2011 (has links)
Offence proceedings in the first instance Resumé The offence proceedings are a special type of the administrative proceedings, through which the administrative body adjudicate on the accused of the offence and his guilt and punishment. The purpose of the offence proceedings is to find out solution of a question, if the offence was committed and who is responsible for that. The offence proceedings are regulated mainly in the code no. 200/1990 Sb., Act on Transgressions, and subsidiary in the code no. 500/2004 Sb., Administrative Procedure Rules. Also legal principles are very important and influencing the offence proceedings. The offence is the object of the offence proceedings. The offence according to the Czech legal system is considered as a wrongful act which is injurious to the public as the crime is, but the difference between them is that the offence is less serious than a crime. The participants and the administrative body are the subjects of this type of proceedings. The offences are heard by the administrative body and the administrative body decides on rights and impose the obligations towards the offender. The participants of the offence proceedings are the accused of the offence, the aggrieved party, the owner of the thing, that might be confiscated, and the applicant, who put the petition....

Vybrané obchodněprávní aspekty insolvenčního řízení / Selected Business Aspects of Insolvency Proceedings

Mašek, Jan January 2013 (has links)
Thesis: Selected Business Aspects of Insolvency Proceedings The reason why I have decided for my thesis topic is that the connection between business law and insolvency law is a field which has not been studied comprehensively so far. However my opinion is that these law branches have a lot in common as we can see daily their intersection in many insolvency proceeding. Object of this thesis is to describe the main areas in which clashes insolvency law with business law and then define questions which issue from this clash and answer those on which the Insolvency Act and Business Code do not offer clear answers. As I mentioned the connection between insolvency and business law is not focused comprehensively by doctrine. Therefore I work particularly with decided cases and legal interpretation books as sources for my thesis. The text offers two points of views on this topic. The first is aimed to company (especially its statutory body) which becomes insolvent. The second is aimed to third parties who do business with an insolvent company. The first part of my thesis is engaged in short description of historical development of insolvency law in Czech. Then it is focused on explanation of basic insolvency terminology in context of business law. The second part of the thesis deals with duties of...

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