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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Résistance aux antibiotiques dans des eaux urbaines péri-hospitalières considérées dans un continuum hydrologique / Antimicrobial resistance in an urban river continuum flowing near hospital settings

Almakki, Ayad Qasim Mahdi 03 May 2017 (has links)
Les écosystèmes aquatiques soumis à des pressions anthropiques sont des lieux d'évolution rapide des communautés microbiennes. Cet environnement participe certainement à l'émergence d'agents infectieux résistants aux antibiotiques. La ville de Montpellier est située dans un petit bassin versant qui subit d’une part des épisodes de pluies brutales et d’autre part de fortes pressions démographiques. Le principal hôpital est situé dans une zone de ruissellement comprenant deux petites rivières urbaines provenant d'eaux souterraines karstiques à quelques kilomètres en amont. L’objectif de cette étude est d'explorer les communautés bactériennes dans les rivières urbaines qui coulent près du centre hospitalier afin d'évaluer l'influence des ruissellements sur la résistance aux antibiotiques dans les communautés bactériennes. Les communautés bactériennes sont également décrites dans les aquifères karstiques en amont. Une section introductive présente les méthodes disponibles pour l'étude de la résistance aux antimicrobiens dans l'environnement et une revue de la littérature expose les données actuelles sur la résistance aux antibiotiques dans l’eau de ruissellement urbain. Cette partie justifie les stratégies expérimentales. La méthode développée ici, appelée détermination de la concentration inhibitrice à l’échelle de la communauté bactérienne (c-IC, pour community inhibitory concentration), est combinée à une description de la richesse taxonomique pour donner une description instantanée des communautés bactériennes résistantes dans les environnements aquatiques. Une stratégie dérivée de l'approche c-IC permet d'explorer la résistance bactérienne dans le système hydrologique urbain près de l'hôpital et dans les aquifères karstiques. Les données microbiologiques recueillies sont complétées par des données hydrologiques, hydrogéologiques, climatiques et physico-chimiques.L'impact de très faibles concentrations d'antibiotiques sur la structure de la communauté bactérienne dans divers environnements hydriques a été démontré et apparaît comme un indicateur de la vulnérabilité des écosystèmes face aux pressions antimicrobiennes. Le répertoire taxonomique des communautés fluviales urbaines a été décrit et sa dynamique a été confrontée aux conditions environnementales. Le voisinage des hôpitaux augmente significativement la prévalence des bactéries résistantes par rapport à une zone urbaine similaire éloignée de l'hôpital. Des bactéries d’intérêt médical résistantes aux céphalosporines et aux carbapénèmes ont été isolées. De façon surprenante, un Escherichia coli producteur de NDM-5, pathogène émergeant hautement résistant, a été signalé pour la première fois dans une rivière française. Le clone a été détecté dans deux échantillons indépendants montrant sa persistance. Le gène blaNDM-5 et son environnement génétique ont été décrits sur un plasmide IncX3 transférable, indiquant un transfert génétique horizontal possible. La résistance aux antimicrobiens dans l'eau souterraine karstique a varié dans le temps et dans l'espace et est difficilement comparable à celle décrite dans les rivières associées. En milieu urbain, la qualité de l'eau et le risque infectieux sont généralement évalués sur les eaux usées et les effluents des stations d'épuration. Cette étude montre que les eaux de ruissellement dans des zones urbanisées contribuent à l'émergence et à la dissémination de la résistance aux antimicrobiens. Compte tenu de l'épidémiologie inquiétante des maladies infectieuses, cette étude invite à explorer les potentiels réservoirs environnementaux de bactéries résistantes afin de compléter les connaissances sur le cycle épidémiologique de la résistance aux antimicrobiens et essayer de l’interrompre ou de le ralentir. / Aquatic ecosystems subjected to anthropic pressures are places of rapid evolution of microbial communities. They are likely hotspots for emergence of infectious disease agents resistant to antibiotics. The city of Montpellier is located in a small watershed that undergoes brutal rainfall episodes and strong demographic pressures. A hospital is located in a runoff area including two small urban rivers originating from karstic groundwater few kilometers upstream. The aim of the study is to explore bacterial communities in urban rivers flowing near hospital settings in order to evaluate the influence of runoffs on antibiotics resistance in the bacterial communities. Bacterial communities are also described in upstream karstic aquifers.An introductive section presents the methods available for studying antimicrobial resistance in environment and then reviews comprehensively bibliography on antibiotics resistance in urban runoffs. This part supports the experimental strategies. The method developed herein, called community Inhibitory Concentration (c-IC) determination is combined to taxonomic richness description to provide a tool that gives a rapid snapshot of resistant bacterial communities in aquatic environments. A strategy derived from c-IC approach allows the exploration of bacterial resistance in the urban hydrologic system near the hospital and in karstic aquifers. The collected microbiological data has been completed by hydrological, hydrogeological, climatic and physico-chemical data.The impact of very low concentration of antibiotics on the bacterial community structure in various water bodies was demonstrated and appeared as an indicator of the vulnerability of ecosystems to antimicrobial pressures. The taxonomic repertory of the urban river communities was described and its dynamics was compared to environmental conditions. Hospital vicinity significantly increase the prevalence of resistant bacteria compared to a similar urban area remote from hospital. Diverse clinically relevant cephalosporins and carbapenems resistant bacteria have been isolated. Surprisingly, a NDM-producing Escherichia coli, which is a highly resistant and emerging pathogen was reported for the first time in a French River. The clone was detected in two independent sampling showing its persistence. The blaNDM-5 gene and its surrounding sequences were described on a transferable IncX3 plasmid, indicating possible genetic transfer to other bacteria. The antimicrobial resistance in karst groundwater varied in time and space and was hardly compared with that described in related rivers.In urban settings, water quality and infectious risk is generally assessed on sewers and wastewater treatment plants effluents. This study shows that runoff waters in urbanized area contribute to the emergence and dissemination of antimicrobial resistance. Considering the worrisome epidemiology of infectious diseases, it urges to decipher all environmental reservoirs for resistant bacteria in order to complete knowledges about the epidemiological cycle of antimicrobial resistance and try to break or slow down it.

Le vivrier marchand dans la lutte contre la pauvreté des ménages en milieu rural : le cas du département de la Mvila dans le sud du Cameroun / Food-producing trade in the struggle against poverty of the households in rural areas : the case of the Mvila department in south of Cameroon

Ebela, Amélie Philomène 29 June 2017 (has links)
Ce travail aborde l’enjeu du vivrier marchand dans la lutte contre la pauvreté des ménages dans l’espace rural du département de la Mvila. L’agriculture vivrière est encore pratiquée par plus de 80% de la population active dans les villages de la Mvila. Pendant longtemps, les cultures vivrières sont exclusivement autoconsommées dans la cellule familiale. Aujourd’hui, s’il est vrai qu’une grande partie de leur production est encore destinée à cette fin, quelques ménages font progressivement du vivrier marchand une réelle ressource économique. L’augmentation de la commercialisation vivrière est souvent une réponse à la baisse du pouvoir d’achat de nombreux ménages agricoles ou à la croissance de la population urbaine non agricole. Cependant, indépendamment des motivations qui guident le choix du vivrier marchand, il semble souvent une opportunité financière qui peut contribuer à l’amélioration des conditions de vie dans les villages. Depuis 1960, l’État multiplie des tentatives visant à réduire les stéréotypes qui associent exclusivement l’agriculture vivrière à l’autoconsommation. Après la crise agricole de la fin des années 1980, la relance de la promotion du vivrier marchand s’intensifie. Pour atteindre cet objectif, il s’ensuit la légalisation des GIC et le financement de divers programmes de subventionnement et d’accompagnement des producteurs. Pourtant, dans les villages du département de la Mvila, la commercialisation vivrière évolue timidement. Et pour beaucoup de ménages, le vivrier marchand reste une source de revenus accessoire. Par conséquent, de façon générale, la contribution de cette activité à la réduction de la pauvreté rurale est encore insuffisante. De nombreuses raisons permettent de comprendre l’insuffisance des résultats de cette stratégie gouvernementale de lutte contre la pauvreté rurale. Il s’agit par exemple de la dépendance paysanne à la cacaoculture ou de la baisse des dynamiques des ménages ruraux autour de la commercialisation vivrière. Cette situation est aussi entretenue par l’absence de modernisation des appareils productifs et commerciaux des cultures vivrières. Un environnement qui entraîne une baisse des volumes, augmente les risques et diminue la rentabilité économique de cette activité. Et, malgré l’évidence de quelques dynamiques des organisations paysannes, l’ampleur des défis actuels restreint beaucoup la faisabilité des initiatives de lutte contre la pauvreté des ménages ruraux avec le vivrier marchand. / This research examines the role of food-producing trade in fighting against poverty in the rural households of Mvila division in Cameroon. Subsistence agriculture appears to be the principal production activity in the target villages 80% of the active population interviewed is involved in such activities. For a long time, self-consumption has been the main orientation of crop production. However, food-producing trade has gained a lot of economic importance these last years. By so doing farmers find alternative income source after cocoa price has dropped while the urban population, not involved in agriculture, has significantly increased. Regardless of the motivations behind the choice of farmers, food-producing trade leads to income diversification and financial power aiming at improving the living conditions of rural people. Since 1960, the central government of Cameroon has been trying to change believes that restrict food crop production to self-consumption in the households. The crucial economic crisis associated with agricultural export products led to Food-producing trade intensification. This objective has been accompanied by Common Group Initiative (CGI) encouragement and other financing subsidy bodies in the rural areas. It is however worthy noticing that, the villages of Mvila division are far to emerge in income generating activities as many households are still timid in adopting food-producing trade. Therefore, the contribution of such activities to poverty reduction is still insufficient. This kind of contradiction can be justified by several factors, including farmer dependence on cocoa farming or farmer fatigue on agriculture and marketing in general. This situation is also sustained by the lack of modernization of the productive and commercial food crop equipments. That global environment leads to decrease of agricultural production volumes and economic return while the risks increase in rural areas. Although some farmer organizations obtain good results, the scale of the current challenges greatly restricts the feasibility of rural households' poverty alleviation initiatives.

Diferenciação de células-tronco embrionárias murinas (mESCs) em células produtoras de insulina (IPCs) e caracterização funcional do gene Purkinje cell protein 4 (Pcp4) neste processo / Differentiation of murine embryonic stem cells (mESCs) into insulin-producing cells (IPCs) and functional characterization of the Purkinje Cell Protein 4 (Pcp4) gene in this process

Patricia Mayumi Kossugue 28 May 2013 (has links)
Fontes alternativas de células β têm sido estudadas para o tratamento de Diabetes mellitus tipo 1, dentre as quais a mais promissora consiste das células-tronco diferenciadas em células produtoras de insulina (IPCs). Alguns trabalhos demonstram a capacidade de células-tronco embrionárias murinas (mESCs) de formarem estruturas semelhantes a ilhotas pancreáticas, porém, os níveis de produção de insulina são insuficientes para a reversão do diabetes em camundongos diabetizados. Este trabalho visa desenvolver um protocolo adequado para geração de IPCs e contribuir para a identificação e caracterização funcional de novos genes associados à organogênese pancreática. Logo no início da diferenciação das mESCs em IPCs, foi possível verificar o surgimento de células progenitoras, evidenciado pela expressão de marcadores importantes da diferenciação beta-pancreática. Ao final do processo de diferenciação in vitro, ocorreu a formação de agrupamentos (clusters) semelhantes a ilhotas, corando positivamente por ditizona, que é específica para células β-pancreáticas. Para avaliar seu potencial in vivo, estes clusters foram microencapsulados em Biodritina® e transplantados em camundongos diabetizados. Apesar dos níveis de insulina produzidos não serem suficientes para estabelecer a normoglicemia, os animais tratados com IPCs apresentaram melhores condições, quando comparados ao grupo controle, tendo melhor controle glicêmico, ganho de massa corpórea e melhor aparência da pelagem, na ausência de apatia. Além disso, análise dos clusters transplantados nestes animais indicou aumento da expressão de genes relacionados à maturação das células β. Porém, quando estes clusters foram microencapsuladas em Bioprotect® e submetidos à maturação in vivo em animais normais, ocorreu um aumento drástico na expressão de todos os genes analisados, indicando sua maturação completa em células beta. O transplante destas células completamente maturadas em animais diabetizados, tornou-os normoglicêmicos e capazes de responder ao teste de tolerância à glicose (OGTT) de forma semelhante aos animais normais. A segunda parte do trabalho visou analisar genes diferencialmente expressos identificados em estudo anterior do nosso grupo, comparando, através de DNA microarray, mESCs indiferenciadas e diferenciadas em IPCs. Um dos genes diferencialmente expressos é aquele que codifica para a Purkinge cell protein 4 (Pcp4), sendo 3.700 vezes mais expresso em IPCs. Para investigar o possível papel do gene Pcp4 em células β e no processo de diferenciação β-pancreática, adotou-se o enfoque de genômica funcional, superexpressando e inibindo sua expressão em células MIN-6 e mESCs. Apesar da alteração na expressão de Pcp4 em células MIN-6 não ter interferido de forma expressiva na expressão dos genes analisados, quando inibido, modificou o perfil da curva de crescimento celular, aumentando seu tempo de dobramento de forma significativa e diminuindo da viabilidade celular em ensaios de indução de apoptose. Já na diferenciação de mESCs em IPCs, a superexpressão de Pcp4 interferiu de forma positiva apresentando uma tendência a aumentar a expressão dos genes relacionado à diferenciaçãoβ-pancreática. Concluindo, desenvolvemos um novo protocolo de diferenciação de mESCs em IPCs as quais foram capazes de reverter o diabetes em camundongos diabetizados e descrevemos, pela primeira vez, o gene Pcp4 como sendo expresso em células β-pancreáticas, podendo estar relacionado à manutenção da viabilidade celular e maturação destas células. / New cellular sources for type 1 Diabetes mellitus treatment have been previously investigated, the most promising of which seems to be the insulin producing cells (IPCs), obtained by stem cells differentiation. Some reports show that murine embryonic stem cells (mESCs) are able to form islet-like structures, however, their insulin production is insufficient to render diabetic mice normoglycemic. This work aims at developing an adequate protocol for generation of IPCs and searching for new genes which could be involved in the pancreatic organogenesis process. Early on during mESCs differentiation into IPCs, we observed the presence of progenitor cells, which were able to express pancreatic β-cell markers. At the end of the differentiation process, the islet-like clusters positively stained for the insulin-specific dithizone. These clusters were microencapsulated in Biodritin® microcapsules, and then transplanted into diabetized mice. Although the levels of insulin production were insufficient for the animals to achieve normoglycemia, those which received IPCs displayed improved conditions, when compared to the control group, as judged by a better glycemic control, body weight gain and healthy fur appearance, in the absence of apathy. In addition, when these transplantated clusters were retrieved, high levels of expression of the genes related to β-cell maturation were detected. IPCs were also microencapsulated in Bioprotect® and subjected to in vivo maturation in normal animals. A dramatic increase of the analyzed genes expression was observed, indicating complete maturation of the differentiated cells. When these cells were transplanted into diabetized mice, these animals achieved normoglycemia and were able to display glucose tolerance test (OGTT) response very similar to that of normal mice. In the second part of this work, we analyzed upregulated genes described in previous work from our group, comparing undifferentiated mESCs to IPCs using a microarray platform. One of these genes is that coding for the Purkinje cell protein 4 (Pcp4), which is 3,700 more expressed than in undifferentiated mESC cells. We adopted a functional genomics approach to investigate the role played by the Pcp4 gene in β-cells and in β-cell differentiation, by inducing overexpression and knocking down this gene in MIN-6 and mESC cells. Although the differential expression of Pcp4 in MIN-6 was not able to interfere with the expression of the genes analyzed, we observed different cell growth rates, with increased doubling time and decreased cell viability when its expression was knocked down. In addition, overexpression of Pcp4 in mESCs subjected to differentiation into IPCs apparently increases the expression of genes related to β-cell differentiation. In conclusion, we developed a new protocol for ESCs differentiation into IPCs, which is able to revert diabetes in diabetized mice, and we also describe here, for the first time, the Pcp4 gene as being expressed in pancreatic β-cells and possibly being related to maintenance of cell viability and β-cell maturation.

Patogenetické mechanismy podmiňující vznik a rozvoj hemolyticko-uremického syndromu u dětí / Pathogenetic mechanisms determining the origin and development of a hemolytic-uremic syndrome in children

Karnišová, Lucia January 2021 (has links)
Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) induced by Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) is the most common causes of acute kidney injury in children. The therapy of the disease is symptomatic and the main factors leading to the development of severe course of a STEC-HUS are still unknown. In our study, we dealt with factors leading to development of a severe course of STEC-HUS in pediatric patients on both the host and pathogen side. Using retrospective analysis of the courses in children in the Czech Republic, we found that the most common cause of STEC-HUS was serotype O26 and HUS most often affected children under 3 years of age. 63,8 % required dialysis and mortality was 8.62 %. On the host side we focused on the relationship between the activation of the alternative complement pathway and the severity of the course of HUS. We found a significant difference in the level of the C3 part of complement in patients who required dialysis and patients for whom dialysis was not necessary. We also a cut-off value for the C3 part of complement and its reduction below 0.825 g / l was associated with the need for dialysis treatment and a higher incidence of extrarenal complications. Based not only on our results, it can be assumed that the therapeutic effect of complement could affect the severity of the disease....

Studium průběhu zrání a vysychání objemově kompenzovaných potěrových hmot / Study of maturing process of volume stabilised floor flow screeds

Konvičný, Václav January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis is devoted to the comparison of drying processes of various types of poured floor self-levelling screeds under conditions close to construction practice, especially during maturation under different climatic conditions. These properties were observed by several methods. The course of strength increases and final strength of tested materials under different climatic conditions were also found and compared. The conclusion summarizes the knowledge about the course of drying and the course of development of strengthening of individual floor materials.

Statistická regulace v řízení jakosti - kontrola způsobilosti procesu a zařízení / Statistical process control in quality management - quality control of process and utility

Vrtílek, Filip January 2007 (has links)
The analysation of the quality system in the production, in the preparatoring and producing stage. The evaluation of modern phase in the preparatoring and producing stage. Summary of methods of solution in a problem of quality. Basic statistic methods and methods of management of quality. Basic mathematics term in statistics and SPC. Valuation of numerical characteristics and test of statistical hypotheses. Process of creating of machine and process card of regulations. Pc program SPC - TEST

Untersuchung von Gärresten und Gärsubstraten aus landwirtschaftlichen Biogasanlagen des Freistaates Sachsen: Auswahl und Etablierung von bakteriologischen und molekularbiologischen Verfahren zum Nachweis ausgewählter Indikatorkeime

Pospiech, Janina Marta Lucia 20 October 2015 (has links)
Die im Biogasprozess anfallenden Gärreste werden oftmals als Wirtschaftsdünger verwendet. Krankheitserreger, die sich in den Gärresten befinden können über die Düngung in die Lebensmittelkette gelangen. Die Möglichkeit einer Vermehrung von Bakterien in den Biogasanlagen sowie deren Ausbreitung schürt die Bedenken der Öffentlichkeit. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, Nachweismethoden für die Untersuchung von Proben aus Biogasanlagen zu etablieren, die Praxistauglichkeit dieser anhand von Proben aus Biogasanlagen zu überprüfen und die mikrobielle Belastung dieser Proben hinsichtlich ausgewählter Indikatorkeime zu erfassen. Bei den Indikatorkeimen handelte es sich um Clostridium perfringens, Clostridium botulinum, Enterokokken, Escherichia coli, ESBL-bildende Enterobaceriaceae und Salmonellen. Für die Etablierung der bakteriologischen Nachweismethoden wurde autoklavierter Gärrest mit einer definierten Keimmenge beimpft und auf verschiedene Nährmedien aufgebracht. Diese wurden bebrütet, ausgezählt und die KbE/ml berechnet. Mittels Probitanalyse wurde für jedes Medium die untere Grenze für den Nachweis aus beimpftem Gärrest bestimmt. Bei den Nährmedien handelte es sich um Brilliance™ Salmonella Agar, XLT4 Agar und XLD Agar für den Nachweis von Salmonella spp. Für E. coli wurden Tergitol 7 Lactose TCC Agar und Brilliance™ E. coli/Coliform Selektiv Agar verwendet. Der Nachweis von Enterokokken erfolgte mittels Slanetz Bartley Agar und Enterococcus Selektivagar. Für die ESBL-bildenden Enterobacteriaceae wurde der Brilliance™ ESBL Agar eingesetzt. Die getesteten Nährmedien zum Nachweis von C. perfringens waren Membran Clostridium Perfringens (mCP) Selektivnährboden sowie Tryptose Sulphite Cycloserine (TSC) Agar überschichtet mit TSC Agarbasis. Für C. botulinum erfolgte der Nachweis auf Eigelb Laktose Agar. Darüber hinaus wurde eine PCR zur C. perfringens Toxintyp-Bestimmung nach dem Protokoll von VAN ASTEN et al. (2009) etabliert. Zum Nachweis von C. botulinum wurde die PCR nach dem Protokoll von HILL et al. (2010) eingesetzt. Bei der Untersuchung der Praxistauglichkeit wurden Proben aus zehn Biogasanlagen des Freistaates Sachsen entnommen und untersucht. Hierbei handelte es sich um Proben aus Abschnitten vor, während und nach der Fermentation. Anhand der ermittelten Nachweisgrenze sowie der Handhabung wurden die folgenden Nährmedien für die Untersuchung der Biogasanlagen-Proben ausgewählt: Brilliance™ Salmonella Agar, XLT4 Agar, Brilliance™ E. coli/Coliform Selektiv Agar, Slanetz Bartley Agar, Brilliance™ ESBL Agar, TSC Agar überschichtet mit TSC Agarbasis und Eigelb Laktose Agar. Für die Anzucht anaerober Bakterien wurden die Proben vor der Beimpfung der Agarplatten erhitzt. Zudem erfolgte eine Anreicherung des zuvor erhitzten Probenmaterials in TPYG Bouillon. Diese wurde genutzt, um daraus aufgereinigte DNA mittels PCR auf C. botulinum und C. perfringens zu untersuchen. Die verwendeten Nährmedien wurden im Praxistest positiv evaluiert. Die Ergebnisse für die Proben aus den Biogasanlagen zeigten, dass, mit Ausnahme von C. perfringens, alle Indikatororganismen während des Biogasprozesses einer Reduktion unterlagen. Die durchschnittliche anaerobe Lebendkeimzahl belief sich auf 107 bis 108 KbE/g Probe. E. coli erfuhr eine Reduktion um bis zu vier Zehnerpotenzen. Enterokokken wurden um 1 bis 2 log10 Stufen reduziert. ESBL-bildende Enterobacteriaceae konnten in sechs der zehn Biogasanlagen nachgewiesen werden. Hierbei handelte es sich überwiegend um E. coli und Klebsiella spp. In keiner der Proben konnten Salmonellen oder C. botulinum nachgewiesen werden. Typ A war der am häufigsten nachgewiesene C. perfringens-Toxintyp. Das β2-Toxin-Gen wurde in 20 Fällen nachgewiesen. Einmal konnte C. perfringens Typ C, β2-Toxin-Gen-positiv detektiert werden. Der hygienische Status der Gärreste entsprach in etwa dem hygienischen Status von Gülle. In Abhängigkeit vom Indikatorkeim war eine Verbesserung des Status durch eine Reduktion der Keimzahl festzustellen.

Genetic Engineering of Rubber Producing Dandelions

Zhang, Yingxiao January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Влияние мирового нефтяного рынка на экономику Ирака : магистерская диссертация / Impact of the global oil market on the economy of Iraq

Альристим, М. Х. А., Alristim, M. H. A. January 2020 (has links)
The relevance of the research of the topic master's thesis is due to the increasing impact to the fact that Iraq is a vivid example of a resource-dependent country today, which is affected by the resource curse and which faces many problems. The purpose of the research: to assess the impact of the volatility of the global oil market on the economic development of Iraq and determine the prospects for its development. In accordance with the chosen of the purpose of the research is the following tasks in the work: to consider the theoretical aspects of resource-dependent countries and the features of their development; to study the theory of "resource curse" and ways to overcome it; to analyze the world oil market, especially its development and its factors; consider OPEC and its role in regulating the global oil market; to analyze the economic development of Iraq as a resource-dependent country; conduct a SWOT analysis for the economy of Iraq; develop recommendations for the development of the economy of Iraq. The scientific novelty can be attributed to highlighting the factors that make Iraq a resource-dependent country and is leading to the resource curse, as well as conducting a SWOT analysis and highlighting the weaknesses, strengths, threats and opportunities for the economy of Iraq. The practical significance of the research is determined to develop recommendations to help the country find a way out of its resource dependence. The implementation of these recommendations will help improve the situation in Iraq. / Ирак на сегодняшний день является ярким примером ресурснозависимой страны, на которую действует ресурсное проклятие и которая сталкивается со множеством проблем. Целью исследования является оценка влияния волатильности мирового рынка нефти на экономическое развитие Ирака и определение перспектив его развития. В соответствии с выбранной целью в работе были поставлены следующие задачи: рассмотреть теоретические аспекты ресурсозависимых стран и особенности их развития; изучить теорию «ресурсного проклятия» и пути его преодоления; проанализировать мировой рынок нефти, особенности его развития и его факторы; рассмотреть ОПЕК и ее роль в регулировании мирового рынка нефти; проанализировать экономическое развитие Ирака как ресурсозависимой страны; провести SWOT-анализ для экономики Ирака; разработать рекомендаций для развития экономики Ирака. К научной новизне можно отнести выделение факторов делающих Ирак ресурснозависимой страной и способствующих ресурсному проклятию, а также проведение SWOT-анализа и выделение слабых, сильных сторон, угроз и возможностей для экономики Ирака. Практическая значимость магистерской работы состоит в разработки рекомендаций, помогающих стране выйти из ресурсной зависимости. Внедрение данных рекомендаций будет способствовать улучшению ситуации в Ираке.

Neat drummer : computer-generated drum tracks

Hoover, Amy K. 01 January 2008 (has links)
Computer-generated music composition programs have yet to produce creative, natural sounding music. To date, most approaches constrain the search space heuristically while ignoring the inherent structure of music over time. To address this problem, this thesis introduces NEAT Drummer, which evolves a special kind of artificial neural network (ANN) called compositional pattern producing networks (CPPNs) with the NeuroEvolution of Augmenting Topologies (NEAT) method for evolving increasingly complex structures. CPPNs in NEAT Drummer input existing human compositions and output an accompanying drum track. The existing musical parts form a scaffold i.e. support structure, for the drum pattern outputs, thereby exploiting the functional relationship of drums to musical parts (e.g. to lead guitar, bru:is, etc.) The results are convincing drum patterns that follow the contours of the original song, validating a new approach to computergenerated music composition.

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