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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Drug trafficking : the use of South African drug mules in crossborder smuggling

Van Heerden, Anjelee 07 September 2015 (has links)
This study was conducted in order to gain a better understanding of the phenomenon of drug trafficking with specific reference as to how South African drug mules are used in crossborder drug smuggling. Through media analysis, semi-structured interviews with drug trafficking experts and a literature study the researcher was able to make findings and recommendations as per the objectives of the study. The objectives of the study included examining how drug mules smuggle drugs across South African borders; what role drug mules play in drug trafficking syndicates and the motivations and reasons why South Africans are increasingly being recruited as drug mules. The researcher also attempted to determine the nature and extent of the drug demand supply in and to South Africa. By making the deduction that drug demand and drug supply are interrelated the researcher was ultimately able to conclude that drug mules will continue to engage in drug smuggling as long as there is a demand for drugs and readily available drug supply routes to and from a county. From the media reports analysed cocaine, methamphetamine and heroin were the drugs most smuggled by South African drug mules. It is also clear from the media reports that cocaine and methamphetamine are smuggled in the largest quantities by South African drug mules. The quantities of heroin found in the possession of South African drug mules were insignificantly small. This contradicts treatment centre data analysed that indicated heroin and methamphetamine users were almost double in numbers in comparison to cocaine users being treated at centres. Most South African drug mules are used to smuggle drugs to the cocaine markets in Europe and South Africa; the cannabis/marijuana (herb) market in Europe; the cannabis (resin) hashish market in Canada and the United States of America; the crystal methamphetamine market in the Far East (largely Japan and Korea) and the heroin market in South Africa. Using criminology theories as a basis, the researcher attempted to describe why people are vulnerable to being recruited as drug mules. Findings concluded that structural factors such as poverty and unemployment and substance abuse-related problems, particularly in marginalised and disadvantaged communities, all contribute to South Africans becoming drug mules. Recommendations by the researcher focused on identifying specific vulnerabilities associated with drug mule recruiting and its consideration in legislation relating to drug trafficking in South Africa. The recommendations focus on the specific prosecution of drug abusers, drug mules, drug distributors and drug mule recruiters. Lastly it is projected by the researcher that the drug demand in South Africa will continue to increase if the drug supply routes and drug smuggling operations by syndicates are not addressed more firmly / Criminology / M.A. (Criminology)

Κλινικοεργαστηριακή διερεύνηση της φορείας και των λοιμώξεων από πολυανθεκτικά στελέχη σε ασθενείς της Μονάδας Εντατικής Θεραπείας και των Μονάδων Αυξημένης Φροντίδας

Παπαδημητρίου-Ολιβγέρης, Ματθαίος 11 October 2013 (has links)
Σκοπός της παρούσας ερευνητικής εργασίας ήταν η επιδημιολογική επιτήρηση της φορείας και των λοιμώξεων από Klebsiella pneumoniae που παράγει καρβαπενεμάση KPC (KPC-Kp), ανθεκτικό σε βανκομυκίνη Enterococcus (VRE) και ανθεκτικό σε μεθικιλλίνη Staphylococccus aureus (MRSA) σε ασθενείς που νοσηλεύονται στις Μονάδες Εντατικής Θεραπείας (ΜΕΘ) του Πανεπιστημιακού Γενικού Νοσοκομείου Πατρών (ΜΕΘ Α) και του Νοσοκομείου «Άγιος Ανδρέας» (ΜΕΘ Β) τη χρονική περίοδο Οκτώβριος 2009 έως Φεβρουάριος 2012. H διασπορά της KPC-Kp αποτελεί το σημαντικότερο πρόβλημα στις Ελληνικές ΜΕΘ, με τα ποσοστά της να αυξάνονται στις παθολογικές και χειρουργικές κλινικές. Κατά τη διάρκεια της παρούσας μελέτης, 12.8% των ασθενών που εισήχθηκαν στη ΜΕΘ Α (52 από 405 ασθενείς) ήταν αποικισμένοι από KPC-Kp κατά την εισαγωγή τους με την προηγηθείσα νοσηλεία σε ΜΕΘ, την χρόνια αποφρακτική πνευμονοπάθεια, τη διάρκεια προηγηθείσας νοσηλείας και την προηγηθείσα χορήγηση καρβαπενέμης ή συνδυασμού β-λακτάμης/αναστολέα λακταμάσης να συμβάλλουν στον αποικισμό. Παρατηρήθηκε μία σταδιακή αύξηση των αποικισμένων ασθενών που εισάγονται στη ΜΕΘ με 3.9% (4 από 102 ασθενείς) τους πρώτους 6 μήνες σε σύγκριση με 15.8% (48 από 300 ασθενείς) τους επόμενους 16 μήνες που αντικατοπτρίζει τη σταδιακή διασπορά της KPC-Kp σε κλινικές εκτός ΜΕΘ. Από τους 226 μη αποικισμένους ασθενείς κατά την εισαγωγή στη ΜΕΘ Α, 164 (72.6%) αποικίστηκαν κατά τη διάρκεια της νοσηλείας τους με σημαντικότερους παράγοντες που επηρεάζουν τον αποικισμό να είναι η παρουσία αποικισμένων ασθενών σε διπλανές κλίνες και η νοσηλεία σε κλίνη προηγουμένως αποικισμένου ασθενή, ενώ δε βρέθηκε συσχέτιση ανάμεσα στον αποικισμό και τη θνησιμότητα. Το υψηλό ποσοστό αποικισμού σε συνδυασμό με τους προηγούμενους παράγοντες υποδεικνύει την σημασία της διασποράς της KPC-Kp από ασθενή σε ασθενή μέσω του ιατρονοσηλευτικού προσωπικού και υποδηλώνει τη σημασία πιο αυστηρής εφαρμογής της πολιτικής ελέγχου λοιμώξεων. Συνολικά 53 ασθενείς της ΜΕΘ Α ανέπτυξαν βακτηριαιμία από KPC-Kp με 43.4% θνησιμότητα. Οι σημαντικότεροι παράγοντες που επηρεάζουν τη θνησιμότητα είναι η αντοχή του στελέχους σε κολιστίνη/τιγεκυκλίνη/γενταμικίνη και η σηπτική καταπληξία, ενώ η θεραπεία με συνδυασμό τουλάχιστον δύο δραστικών αντιβιοτικών σχετίζεται με καλύτερη πρόγνωση επιβεβαιώνοντας τα αποτελέσματα προηγούμενων μελετών υπέρ της συνδυαστικής θεραπείας στην καταπολέμηση των λοιμώξεων από KPC-Kp. Η ανάπτυξη αντοχής των στελεχών KPC-Kp έναντι της κολιστίνης ή της τιγεκυκλίνης, οι οποίες αποτελούν τις τελευταίες θεραπευτικές επιλογές για το συγκεκριμένο παθογόνο, είναι ένα ανησυχητικό φαινόμενο. Συνολικά, 24.4% και 17.9% των ασθενών της ΜΕΘ Α αποικίστηκαν από στέλεχος KPC-Kp ανθεκτικό στην κολιστίνη και τιγεκυκλίνη, αντίστοιχα. Όπως αναμενόταν η λήψη των συγκεκριμένων αντιβιοτικών συνέβαλε στον αποικισμό, όμως ο σημαντικότερος παράγοντας για αποικισμό ήταν η παρουσία αποικισμένου ασθενή στις διπλανές κλίνες υποδηλώνοντας τη σημασία της διασποράς των στελεχών και όχι της de novo ανάπτυξη αντοχής. Η σύγκριση των δύο ΜΕΘ, ανέδειξε ότι μεγαλύτερο ποσοστό των ασθενών της ΜΕΘ Α αποικίζονται κατά τη διάρκεια νοσηλείας σε σχέση με τη ΜΕΘ Β (61.8% vs 34.1%) και σε συντομότερο χρονικό διάστημα (10.6 vs 19.9 ημέρες). Τα στοιχεία αυτά μπορούν να ερμηνευτούν από το υψηλότερο ποσοστό εισαγωγών αποικισμένων ασθενών (11.4% vs 1.8%), τη μικρότερη αναλογία νοσηλευτών/ασθενών καθώς και την αυξημένη κατανάλωση καρβαπενεμών στη ΜΕΘ Α. Συνολικά, 305 και 100 στελέχη K. pneumoniae που απομονώθηκαν από τη ΜΕΘ Α και Β, αντίστοιχα, ήταν θετικά για την παρουσία του γονιδίου blaKPC ενώ πέντε στελέχη της ΜΕΘ Α ήταν θετικά και για το γονίδιο blaVIM. Και στις δύο ΜΕΘ τα στελέχη ήταν ανθεκτικά σε πενικιλλίνες, στις κεφαλοσπορίνες, στην αζτρεονάμη, στην τριμεθοπρίμη-σουλφαμεθοξαζόλη (30% των στελεχών της ΜΕΘ Β ήταν ευαίσθητα), στην αμικασίνη, στην τομπραμυκίνη και στις κινολόνες. Η αντοχή στις καρβαπενέμες (67.9% vs 60%), στην κολιστίνη (35.1% vs 18%), στη γενταμικίνη (50.8% vs 24%) και στην τιγεκυκλίνη (17% vs 18%) στα στελέχη των δύο ΜΕΘ κυμαινόταν στα ίδια επίπεδα. Πενήντα επτά και 20 στελέχη της ΜΕΘ Α και Β, αντίστοιχα, ταυτοποιήθηκαν με PFGE, η οποία ανέδειξε την παρουσία δύο τύπων στη ΜΕΘ Α, με τον τύπο Α να απαρτίζεται από το 65.5% των στελεχών, ενώ στη ΜΕΘ Β όλα τα στελέχη ανήκαν στον τύπο Α. Τα ποσοστά αποικισμού από VRE στις δύο ΜΕΘ είναι χαμηλότερα σε σχέση με αυτά της KPC-Kp. Αποικισμός κατά την εισαγωγή στη ΜΕΘ παρατηρήθηκε σε 14.3% (71 από 497 ασθενείς), ενώ κατά τη διάρκεια νοσηλείας ήταν 14.4% (36 από 250 ασθενείς). Ο σημαντικότερος παράγοντας για αποικισμό από VRE κατά τη διάρκεια νοσηλείας είναι η νοσηλεία αποικισμένων ασθενών σε διπλανές κλίνες υποδεικνύοντας ότι η μη τήρηση των μέτρων υγιεινής των χεριών ίσως διαδραματίζει το σημαντικότερο ρόλο στη διασπορά του VRE. Συνολικά 107 στελέχη VRE απομονώθηκαν (100 E. faecium και 7 E. faecalis). Ογδόντα τέσσερα στελέχη έφεραν το γονίδιο vanA και ήταν ανθεκτικά στη βανκομυκίνη και στην τεϊκοπλανίνη, ενώ τα υπόλοιπα 23 έφεραν το γονίδιο vanB και χαρακτηρίζονταν από χαμηλού επιπέδου αντοχή στη βανκομυκίνη (12 στελέχη ήταν ευαίσθητα) και ευαίσθητα στην τεϊκοπλανίνη. Όλα τα στελέχη ήταν ευαίσθητα στη λινεζολίδη, στη δαπτομυκίνη και στην τιγεκυκλίνη. Η MLST αποκάλυψε ότι τα στελέχη E. faecium ανήκουν σε έξι διαφορετικούς κλώνους (STs: ST117, ST17, ST203, ST226, ST786, ST125) με το 90% των E. faecium, ανήκουν στο Κλωνικό Σύμπλεγμα 17 (Clonal Complex CC17). Τα στελέχη E. faecalis ταξινομήθηκαν σε τέσσερις κλώνους (STs: ST6, ST41, ST19, ST28). Τα ποσοστά αποικισμού από MRSA κατά την εισαγωγή και κατά τη διάρκεια νοσηλείας είναι χαμηλά (5.3% και 3.7%, αντίστοιχα) με το σημαντικότερο παράγοντα που σχετίζεται με τον αποικισμό να είναι ο εντερικός αποικισμός με vanA-θετικό στέλεχος Enterococcus. Ο έλεγχος φορείας για MRSA ανέδειξε 28 mecA-θετικά στελέχη S. aureus, με την πλειονότητα (ν=19) να είναι PVL-θετικά, να ανήκουν στον κλώνο ST80 και να είναι ανθεκτικά σε καναμυκίνη, τετρακυκλίνη και φουσιδικό, ενώ τα υπόλοιπα ταξινομήθηκαν σε τέσσερις κλώνους με MLST (6 στον ST239 και από ένα σε ST225, ST72 και ST30). Το στέλεχος που ανήκε στον ST30 ήταν tst-θετικό. Η σύγκριση των στελεχών φορείας S. aureus που απομονώθηκαν από αθενείς (ν=67) και προσωπικό (ν=23) των ΜΕΘ (Ομάδα Α) με τα στελέχη φορείας (ν=53) και βακτηριαιμιών (ν=75) μη νοσηλευόμενων σε ΜΕΘ (Ομάδα Β), ανέδειξε υψηλότερο ποσοστό MRSA (46.9% vs 31.1%) και PVL-θετικών στελεχών (39.8% vs 25.6%) στην Ομάδα Β, ενώ η Ομάδα Α χαρακτηρίζεται από υψηλότερο ποσοστό tst-θετικών στελεχών (21.1% vs 2.3%) υποδεικνύοντας τη σιωπηρή τους διασπορά στους ασθενείς και στο προσωπικό των ΜΕΘ. Προϊόν της παρούσας ερευνητικής εργασίας ήταν η ανεύρεση των παραγόντων κινδύνου για αποικισμό ή λοίμωξη από KPC-Kp, VRE και MRSA με στόχο την καθοδήγηση των μελλοντικών προσπαθειών περιορισμού της διασποράς τους στις δύο ΜΕΘ καθώς και στα ελληνικά νοσοκομεία, τα οποία στο σύνολο τους μαστίζονται από τα συγκεκριμένα παθογόνα. / The purpose of this study was to investigate the colonization and infections caused by KPC-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae (KPC-Kp), vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus (VRE) and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in patients hospitalized in the Intensive Care Units of the University Hospital of Patras (ICU A) and the General Hospital “Saint Andrew” during October 2009 and February 2012. The dissemination of KPC-Kp constitutes the most important issue in Greek ICUs, with its percentage rising in medical and surgical wards. During the duration of this study, 12.8% of patients admitted in the ICU A (52 from 405 patients) were colonized upon admission and previous ICU stay, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, duration of previous hospitalization and previous usage of carbapenem or combination of beta-lactamic/lactamase were found to influence colonization. A gradual increase of the percentage of colonized patients admitted at the ICU from 3.9% (4 from 102 patients) during the first 6 months to 15.8% (48 from 300 patients) the next 16 months that reflects the dissemination of KPC-Kp in non-ICU wards. Among the 226 non-colonized upon ICU A admission patients, 164 (72.6%) became colonized during their stay with the presence of colonized patients in nearby beds and the previous colonized occupant in the same bed were associated with colonization, which did not influence mortality. The high percentage of colonization in combination with the aforementioned factors indicates the importance of the dissemination of KPC-Kp among patients via the personnel and signifies the value of a strict implementation of infection control protocols. In total, 53 patients developed KPC-Kp bloodstream infection during ICU A stay with 43.4% mortality. The most important factors that influence mortality were the resistance of the strain to gentamicin/colistin/tigecycline and septic shock, while the treatment with two active antibiotics was associated with better survival confirming the results of previous studies favoring combination therapy for the treatment of KPC-Kp infection. The development of resistance against colistin or tigecycline, which are considered the last frontier in the treatment of KPC-Kp infections, is an alarming phenomenon. In total, 24.4% and 17.9% of ICU A patients became colonized by KPC-Kp resistant to colictin or tigecycline, respectively. As expected, the administration of colistin or tigecycline influenced colonization, while the most important factor favoring colonization was the presence of colonized patients in nearby patients, indicating the importance of dissemination of these strains against de novo resistance development. The comparison of the two ICUs, found a higher percentage of patients colonized during ICU A stay (61.8% vs 34.1%) and in a shorter period (10.6 vs 19.9 days). These results may be explained by the higher percentage of patients colonized upon admission (11.4% vs 1.8%), the lower nurse/patient ration and the higher carbapenem administration. In total, 305 and 100 strains of K. pneumoniae isolated from patients hospitalized in ICU A and B, respectively, were positive for the presence of blaKPC gene while five strains in ICU A were positive for the blaVIM gene also. All strains were resistant to penicillins, cephalosporins, aztreonam, trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole (30% of ICU B strains were sensitive), amikacin, tombramycin and quinolones. The resistance rates to carbapenems (67.9% vs 60%), colisitn (35.1% vs 18%), gentamicin (50.8% vs 24%) and tigecycline (17% vs 18%) among the ICUs strains were comparable. PFGE of 57 and 20 isolates from ICU A and B, respectively, revealed that ICU A strains belonged in two types, with type A comprising 65.5% of the isolates, while all ICU B isolates belonged in type A. The percentage of VRE colonization in both ICUs were lower in comparison with those of KPC-Kp. During ICU admission 14.3% (71 from 497 patients) was already colonized, while 14.4% (36 from 250 patients) became colonized during stay. The most important factor influencing colonization was the presence of colonized patients in nearby beds, indicating that non adherence with hand hygiene may play a predominate role in VRE dissemination. In total 107 VRE strains were isolated (100 E. faecium and 7 E. faecalis). Eighty four were positive for the vanA gene and resistant to vancomycin and teicoplanin, while the rest were vanB positive and were characterized by low level resistance to vancomycin (12 were in susceptibility range) and susceptible to teicoplanin. All strains were susceptible to linezolid, daptomycin and tigecycline. As MLST revealed, E. faecium strains belonged in six different Sequencing Types (ST117, ST17, ST203, ST226, ST786, ST125) with 90% among them belonging to the Clonal Complex CC17. E. faecalis strains were categorized in four STs (ST6, ST41, ST19, ST28). The proportion of colonized patients by MRSA upon admission and during ICU stay was very low (5.3% and 3.7%, respectively). The most important factor associated with colonization was enteric carriage of vanA-positive Enterococcus. Surveillance cultures revealed 28 mecA-positive S. aureus strains, with the majority (n=19) being PVL-positive, belonging to ST80 and resistant only to kanamycin, tetracycline and fucidic acid, while the remaining were categorized in four STs (6 strains in ST239 and one at ST225, ST72 and ST30). The ST30 strain was tst-positive. The comparison of colonization strains from patients (n=67) and personnel (n=23) of the ICUs (Group A) with the strains of colonization (n=53) and bloodstream infections (n=75) isolated from non-ICU patients (Group B), revealed a higher percentage of MRSA and PVL-positive strains in Group B, while Group A was characterized by higher percentage of tst-positive strains indicating their silent dissemination between ICU patients and personnel. The present study has identified the risk factors for colonization of infection by KPC-Kp, VRE and MRSA, in order to guide the future efforts towards containing their dissemination in the two ICUs, as well as, to the Greek hospitals, which in total are plagued by the aforementioned pathogens.

Molecular determinants of congenital hypothyroidism due to thyroid dysgenesis

Abu-Khudir, Rasha 04 1900 (has links)
L’hypothyroïdie congénitale par dysgénésie thyroïdienne (HCDT) est la condition endocrinienne néonatale la plus fréquemment rencontrée, avec une incidence d’un cas sur 4000 naissances vivantes. L’HCDT comprend toutes les anomalies du développement de la thyroïde. Parmi ces anomalies, le diagnostic le plus fréquent est l’ectopie thyroïdienne (~ 50% des cas). L’HCDT est fréquemment associée à un déficit sévère en hormones thyroïdiennes (hypothyroïdisme) pouvant conduire à un retard mental sévère si non traitée. Le programme de dépistage néonatal assure un diagnostic et un traitement précoce par hormones thyroïdiennes. Cependant, même avec un traitement précoce (en moyenne à 9 jours de vie), un retard de développement est toujours observé, surtout dans les cas les plus sévères (c.-à-d., perte de 10 points de QI). Bien que des cas familiaux soient rapportés (2% des cas), l’HCTD est essentiellement considérée comme une entité sporadique. De plus, plus de 92% des jumeaux monozygotiques sont discordants pour les dysgénésies thyroïdiennes et une prédominance féminine est rapportée (spécialement dans le cas d’ectopies thyroïdiennes), ces deux observations étant clairement incompatible avec un mode de transmission héréditaire mendélien. Il est donc cohérent de constater que des mutations germinales dans les facteurs de transcription thyroïdiens connus (NKX2.1, PAX8, FOXE1, and NKX2.5) ont été identifiées dans seulement 3% des cas sporadiques testés et furent, de plus, exclues lors d’analyse d’association dans certaines familles multiplex. Collectivement, ces données suggèrent que des mécanismes non mendéliens sont à l’origine de la majorité des cas de dysgénésie thyroïdienne. Parmi ces mécanismes, nous devons considérer des modifications épigénétiques, des mutations somatiques précoces (au stade du bourgeon thyroïdien lors des premiers stades de l’embryogenèse) ou des défauts développementaux stochastiques (c.-à-d., accumulation aléatoire de mutations germinales ou somatiques). Voilà pourquoi nous proposons un modèle «2 hits » combinant des mutations (épi)génétiques germinales et somatiques; ce modèle étant compatible avec le manque de transmission familial observé dans la majorité des cas d’HCDT. Dans cette thèse, nous avons déterminé si des variations somatiques (épi)génétiques sont associées à l’HCTD via une approche génomique et une approche gène candidat. Notre approche génomique a révélé que les thyroïdes ectopiques ont un profil d’expression différent des thyroïdes eutopiques (contrôles) et que ce profil d’expression est enrichi en gènes de la voie de signalisation Wnt. La voie des Wnt est cruciale pour la migration cellulaire et pour le développement de plusieurs organes dérivés de l’endoderme (p.ex. le pancréas). De plus, le rôle de la voie des Wnt dans la morphogénèse thyroïdienne est supporté par de récentes études sur le poisson-zèbre qui montrent des anomalies du développement thyroïdien lors de la perturbation de la voie des Wnt durant différentes étapes de l’organogénèse. Par conséquent, l’implication de la voie des Wnt dans l’étiologie de la dysgénésie thyroïdienne est biologiquement plausible. Une trouvaille inattendue de notre approche génomique fut de constater que la calcitonine était exprimée autant dans les thyroïdes ectopiques que dans les thyroïdes eutopiques (contrôles). Cette trouvaille remet en doute un dogme de l’embryologie de la thyroïde voulant que les cellules sécrétant la calcitonine (cellules C) proviennent exclusivement d’une structure extrathyroïdienne (les corps ultimobranchiaux) fusionnant seulement avec la thyroïde en fin de développement, lorsque la thyroïde a atteint son emplacement anatomique définitif. Notre approche gène candidat ne démontra aucune différence épigénétique (c.-à-d. de profil de méthylation) entre thyroïdes ectopiques et eutopiques, mais elle révéla la présence d’une région différentiellement méthylée (RDM) entre thyroïdes et leucocytes dans le promoteur de FOXE1. Le rôle crucial de FOXE1 dans la migration thyroïdienne lors du développement est connu et démontré dans le modèle murin. Nous avons démontré in vivo et in vitro que le statut de méthylation de cette RDM est corrélé avec l’expression de FOXE1 dans les tissus non tumoraux (c.-à-d., thyroïdes et leucocytes). Fort de ces résultats et sachant que les RDMs sont de potentiels points chauds de variations (épi)génétiques, nous avons lancé une étude cas-contrôles afin de déterminer si des variants génétiques rares localisés dans cette RDM sont associés à la dysgénésie thyroïdienne. Tous ces résultats générés lors de mes études doctorales ont dévoilé de nouveaux mécanismes pouvant expliquer la pathogenèse de la dysgénésie thyroïdienne, condition dont l’étiologie reste toujours une énigme. Ces résultats ouvrent aussi plusieurs champs de recherche prometteurs et vont aider à mieux comprendre tant les causes des dysgénésies thyroïdiennes que le développement embryonnaire normal de la thyroïde chez l’homme. / Congenital hypothyroidism from thyroid dysgenesis (CHTD) is the most common congenital endocrine disorder with an incidence of 1 in 4,000 live births. CHTD includes multiple abnormalities in thyroid gland development. Among them, the most common diagnostic category is thyroid ectopy (~ 50 % of cases). CHTD is frequently associated with a severe deficiency in thyroid hormones (hypothyroidism), which can lead to severe mental retardation if left untreated. The newborn biochemical screening program insures the rapid institution of thyroid hormone replacement therapy. Even with early treatment (on average at 9 d), subtle developmental delay is still be observed in severe cases (i.e., IQ loss of 10 points). Although there have been some reports of familial occurrence (in 2% of the cases), CHTD is mainly considered as a sporadic entity. Furthermore, monozygotic (MZ) twins show a high discordance rate (92%) for thyroid dysgenesis and female predominance is observed in thyroid dysgenesis (especially thyroid ectopy), these two observations being incompatible with simple Mendelian inheritance. In addition, germline mutations in the thyroid related transcription factors NKX2.1, PAX8, FOXE1, and NKX2.5 have been identified in only 3% of sporadic cases and linkage analysis has excluded these genes in some multiplex families with CHTD. Collectively, these data point to the involvement of non-Mendelian mechanisms in the etiology of the majority of cases of thyroid dysgenesis. Among the plausible mechanisms are epigenetic modifications, somatic mutations occurring in the thyroid bud early during embryogenesis, or stochastic developmental events. Hence, we proposed a two-hit model combining germline and somatic (epi)genetic variations that can explain the lack of clear familial transmission of CTHD. In this present thesis, we assessed the role of somatic (epi)genetic variations in the pathogenesis of thyroid dysgenesis via a genome-wide as well as a candidate gene approach. Our genome wide approach revealed that ectopic thyroids show a differential gene expression compared to that of normal thyroids, with enrichment for the Wnt signalling pathway. The Wnt signalling pathway is crucial for cell migration and for the development of several endoderm-derived organs (e.g., pancreas). Moreover, a role of Wnt signalling in thyroid organogenesis was further supported by recent zebrafish studies which showed thyroid abnormalities resulting from the disruption of the Wnt pathway during different steps of organogenesis. Thus, Wnt pathway involvement in the etiology of thyroid ectopy is biologically plausible. An unexpected finding of our genome-wide gene expression analysis of ectopic thyroids was that they express calcitonin similar to normally located (orthotopic) thyroids. Such a finding, although in contradiction with our current knowledge of the embryological development of the thyroid attributes C cell origins to extrathyroidal structures (ultimobrachial bodies) upon fusion with a fully-formed, normally situated gland. Using a candidate gene approach, we were unable to demonstrate any differences in the methylation profile between ectopic and eutopic thyroids, but nevertheless we documented the presence of a differentially methylated region (DMR) between thyroids and leukocytes in the promoter of FOXE1, a gene encoding the only thyroid related transcription factor known to play a crucial role in regulating the migration of the thyroid precursors during development as shown by animal studies. We demonstrated by in vivo and in vitro studies that the methylation status of this DMR is correlated with differential expression of FOXE1 in non-tumoral tissues (thyroids and leukocytes). Knowing that DMRs are hotspots for epi(genetic) variations, its screening among CTHD patients is justifiable in our search for a molecular basis of thyroid dysgenesis, currently underway in a case-control study. The results generated during my graduate studies represent unique and novel mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis of CHTD, the etiology of which is still an enigma. They also paved the way for many future studies that will aid in better understanding both the normal and pathogenic development of the thyroid gland.

Drug trafficking : the use of South African drug mules in crossborder smuggling

Van Heerden, Anjelee 07 September 2015 (has links)
This study was conducted in order to gain a better understanding of the phenomenon of drug trafficking with specific reference as to how South African drug mules are used in crossborder drug smuggling. Through media analysis, semi-structured interviews with drug trafficking experts and a literature study the researcher was able to make findings and recommendations as per the objectives of the study. The objectives of the study included examining how drug mules smuggle drugs across South African borders; what role drug mules play in drug trafficking syndicates and the motivations and reasons why South Africans are increasingly being recruited as drug mules. The researcher also attempted to determine the nature and extent of the drug demand supply in and to South Africa. By making the deduction that drug demand and drug supply are interrelated the researcher was ultimately able to conclude that drug mules will continue to engage in drug smuggling as long as there is a demand for drugs and readily available drug supply routes to and from a county. From the media reports analysed cocaine, methamphetamine and heroin were the drugs most smuggled by South African drug mules. It is also clear from the media reports that cocaine and methamphetamine are smuggled in the largest quantities by South African drug mules. The quantities of heroin found in the possession of South African drug mules were insignificantly small. This contradicts treatment centre data analysed that indicated heroin and methamphetamine users were almost double in numbers in comparison to cocaine users being treated at centres. Most South African drug mules are used to smuggle drugs to the cocaine markets in Europe and South Africa; the cannabis/marijuana (herb) market in Europe; the cannabis (resin) hashish market in Canada and the United States of America; the crystal methamphetamine market in the Far East (largely Japan and Korea) and the heroin market in South Africa. Using criminology theories as a basis, the researcher attempted to describe why people are vulnerable to being recruited as drug mules. Findings concluded that structural factors such as poverty and unemployment and substance abuse-related problems, particularly in marginalised and disadvantaged communities, all contribute to South Africans becoming drug mules. Recommendations by the researcher focused on identifying specific vulnerabilities associated with drug mule recruiting and its consideration in legislation relating to drug trafficking in South Africa. The recommendations focus on the specific prosecution of drug abusers, drug mules, drug distributors and drug mule recruiters. Lastly it is projected by the researcher that the drug demand in South Africa will continue to increase if the drug supply routes and drug smuggling operations by syndicates are not addressed more firmly / Criminology and Security Science / M. A. (Criminology)

Potencialidade energética e o perfil socioeconômico do estado de Alagoas. / Potentiality energy and the profile socioeconomic of the state of Alagoas.

Omena Neto, Alcides José de 29 October 2007 (has links)
In the function of the current society, the energy is an variable of total importance. It does not have much that to think about growth and development, without this matrix is inserted. That the taken routes only need to be reviewed, and certain incorporated concepts already to the effective system, and, that, until then, seen as untouchable, they urgently need a to formulate how much its technician-scientific action. This process of appropriation of materials of the nature for the production of goods and services in order to take care of the necessities of the society, some concepts of civilities seem to have been forgotten, and the search for the full comfort leads to the man to interact of incoherent form, in view of the exhaustion of the reserves of natural resources, establishing, thus, the degradation in such a way of the ecological environment as the social environment. This way operands, is that it is studied as form to quantify and to characterize the actions human beings in main its input the energy, comparing the direct relation enters of energy and the economic and social development; to analyze the energy in the World, Brazil and the State of Alagoas, to see the producing relation versus energy consumer, the energy matrices, to also compare the economic development with the production of energy and with regard to its consumption. To take to the field of the academic quarrel the questioning of the production and the consumption of electric energy, alternatives you renewed and of low ecological impact. To quantify how much it is produced, how much it is consumed. To characterize who produces and who consumes, and, the one that level. Measurer, and form economically and accounting, the ambient and social impacts of the production and the consumption, here it is the question. / Na função da sociedade atual, a energia é uma variável de total importância. Não há muito que pensar em crescimento e desenvolvimento, sem que esta matriz esteja inserida. Só que os rumos tomados precisam ser revistos, e certos conceitos já incorporados ao sistema vigente, e, que, até então, vistos como intocáveis, necessitam urgentemente de uma reformulação quanto a sua ação técnico-científica. É durante o presente processo de apropriação de materiais da natureza para a produção de bens e serviços a fim de atender as necessidades da sociedade, que alguns conceitos de civilidades parecem ter sidos esquecidos, e a busca pelo conforto pleno leva ao homem interagir de forma incoerente na natureza, tendo em vista a exaustão das reservas de recursos naturais, estabelecendo, assim, o atual quadro de degradação tanto do meio ambiente ecológico como o meio ambiente social. Busca-se em forma de estudo uma formatação mais próxima da realidade do mundo atual, como forma de quantificar e qualificar as ações humanas no seu insumo principal a energia, comparando a relação direta entre a energia e o desenvolvimento econômico e social; analisar a energia no Mundo, no Brasil e no Estado de Alagoas, ver a relação produtor versus consumidor de energia, as matrizes energéticas, comparar o desenvolvimento econômico com a produção de energia e também com relação ao seu consumo. Levar ao campo da discussão acadêmica o questionamento da produção e do consumo de energia elétrica, alternativas renováveis e de baixo impacto ecológico. Quantificar o quanto se produz, o quanto se consome. Qualificar quem produz e quem consome. Medir de forma econômica e contabil, os impactos ambientais e sociais da produção e do consumo, eis a questão.

Analýza výroby a logistiky ve vybraném podniku potravinářské výroby / Production and logistics analysis in the chosen company producing food products

GONDEK, Petr January 2007 (has links)
The diploma work deals with the analysis of the logistic chain of the company Friall s.r.o., which is a producer of frozen potato specialities. Based on this analysis I wanted to discover weak points in functionality of the logistic chain and find suitable precautionary measures as well as solutions leading to an improvement of the current situation. The diploma work is focused on the raw material entry and self-production of the products.

La vie rurale en Syrie centrale à la période protobyzantine (IVe-VIIe siècle). / Rural life in Central Syria in the early Byzantine period (4th-7th century).

Rivoal, Marion 15 March 2011 (has links)
La Syrie centrale connaît au début de la période byzantine, et en particulier au Ve et au VIe siècle, un fort mouvement d’expansion des sédentaires vers l’est, qui coïncide avec une importante mise en valeur de ces nouveaux territoires. Comme pour d’autres régions de Syrie et du Proche-Orient à la même époque, un optimum climatique – pourtant déclinant – semble avoir permis la conquête et l’exploitation agricole de nouveaux terroirs dans une zone marginale qui n’avait jusqu’alors connu qu’une occupation sédentaire ponctuelle. La Syrie centrale est caractérisée par des milieux aux potentiels agronomiques très différents, souvent imbriqués. Le peuplement et la mise en valeur y sont soumis à la double contrainte de l’aridité climatique et édaphique, qui s’exerce avec une prégnance croissante vers le sud et l’est. Ces conditions, qui s’améliorent localement à la faveur de niches écologiques, ont permis à des politiques de mise en valeur et à des économies distinctes, souvent complémentaires, de voir le jour.Dans une région où les cités paraissent en grande partie absentes, l’économie repose d’abord sur les villages et sur quelques bourgs qui possédaient manifestement une orientation commerciale spécifique. Aux côtés des agglomérations, et souvent d’autant plus nombreux que les conditions d’implantation sont délicates, des fermes et des monastères s’affirment comme des acteurs économiques apparemment indépendants et souvent prospères. Des entités géographiques relativement homogènes ont donné lieu à une répartition des différentes formes de peuplement et à des économies microrégionales spécifiques. Si l’agriculture vivrière reste la règle, il semble bien cependant qu’on observe une spécialisation locale des productions : culture du blé et accessoirement plantations à l’ouest, oléiculture et peut-être viticulture dans les plateaux basaltiques du nord-ouest et vraisemblablement un élevage spéculatif, qu’on doit probablement attribuer à des populations sédentaires, dans les secteurs sud et est. / In Late Antiquity, especially between the 5th and 6th centuries, Central Syria witnessed a strong expansion of sedentary settlements eastward, which coincided with a significant agricultural development of these new territories. As for other areas in Syria and Near-East at the same period, a waning climatic optimum seems to have allowed byzantine population to settle down in marginal areas which barely experienced hitherto sedentary occupation and farm nearly unbroken lands.Central Syria is made up of various landscapes, sometimes deeply nested, with contrasted agricultural potential. Settlements and agricultural exploitation are affected by an increasingly significant climatic and edaphic aridity eastward and southward. These conditions, which may locally improve thanks to ecological niches, enabled specific and often complementary substance strategies to develop.In a country whence cities are virtually absent, villages and a few market towns seem to be at the very root of the regional economy. Along with agglomerations, scattered habitats – namely farmsteads and monasteries –, more numerous under heavy bioclimatic constraints, would appear as independent and apparently prosperous economic players.Homogeneous geographic areas led to specific settlement patterns and different economic orientations. Food-producing agriculture remains the rule, but a local productive specialization may be noticed: mainly wheat production and incidentally plantations westward, olive-growing and maybe wine-growing as well in the north-west basaltic plateaus and presumably speculative livestock exploitation eastward and southward, probably mostly due to sedentary populations.

C osa pro vmÄnn© hlavy u fr©zovac­ch obrbÄc­ch center s vodorovnou osou vetena center smykadlov©ho typu / C axis for interchangeable heads for milling machining centers with horizontal spindle center of the slide type

Pekrek, Mojm­r January 2020 (has links)
This thesis deals with designing of C axis for interchangeable heads for milling machining centres with horizontal spindle centre of the slide type. Itâs divided into three parts, whereas the first part contains theoretical introduction to the problematic. The second part deals with systematic analysis of the topic and choosing the right variant for elaboration. The last part forms construction design of the chosen variant, which contains notes on the solution proce-dure, calculations and visualization in form of 3D models.

An exploration of biochemistry including biotechnology, structural characterization, drug design, and chromatographic analyses

Burns, Kristi Lee 28 September 2006 (has links)
We now report an in depth analysis of the successful in vitro enzymatic synthesis of PHB utilizing the three-enzyme system from the bacteria Cupriavidus necator. Using HPLC methodology developed in this laboratory, and by adding each enzyme in a step-wise manner, we follow each individual stage in the three-enzyme route for PHB synthesis and delineate all stoichiometric relationships. We report the construction of the first metabolic model developed specifically for analyzing in vitro enzymatic PHB synthesis. We developed a hands-on student laboratory for culturing, producing, isolating, and purifying the bacterial biopolyesters PHB. We now report the first structural characterizations of iso-CoA, acetyl-iso-CoA, acetoacetyl-iso-CoA, and beta-hydroxybutyryl-iso-CoA using MS, MS/MS, and homo- and hetero-nuclear NMR analyses.We describe HPLC methodology to separate the isomers of several iso-CoA-containing compounds and report the first examples of iso-CoA-containing compounds acting as substrates in enzymatic acyl-transfer reactions. We describe a simple regioselective synthesis of iso-CoA from CoA. We also demonstrate a plausible mechanism, which accounts for the existence of iso-CoA isomers in commercial preparations of CoA-containing compounds. Herein we report that phenylaminoethyl selenide compounds protect DNA from peroxynitrite-mediated single-strand breaks. The mechanism of protection against peroxynitrite mediated DNA damage was investigated by HPLC. The chemistry of the reaction between peroxynitrite and HOMePAES was investigated using HPLC and HPLC/MS. The unique chemistry of the reaction between peroxynitrite and HOMePAES was investigated using HPLC and HPLC/MS. We report the development of novel CDB derivatives, which are selective COX-II inhibitors. A series of compounds were assayed with an in vitro colorimetric inhibitor screening and with a whole blood ELISA screening and the results indicate that MST is a selective inhibitor of COX-II.

All the World’s a Stage: Paula Vogel’s Indecent & How Theatre Serves a Community

Cann, Audrey Jane January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

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