Spelling suggestions: "subject:"aprofessional ethics"" "subject:"aprofessional athics""
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La bioéthique et les conflits armés : la réflexion éthique des médecins militairesRochon, Christiane 12 1900 (has links)
Le but de la recherche est d’étudier les tensions éthiques que peuvent vivre les médecins militaires, qui doivent agir à la fois comme soignants, militaires (même s’ils sont non combattants) et parfois comme acteurs humanitaires. Parmi la littérature sur l’éthique de la médecine militaire, les dilemmes la concernant sont souvent présentés comme le fruit de pressions réelles ou perçues provenant de l’institution militaire, des règles, codes, lois ou de politiques, ceci afin de détourner le médecin de son but premier, soit l’intérêt du patient. Pour mieux comprendre les défis éthiques auxquels sont confrontés les médecins militaires canadiens et comment ceux-ci les traitent, la recherche utilise une approche de bioéthique empirique. À partir d’une analyse de la littérature, nous examinons les dilemmes éthiques des médecins militaires, le concept de profession, ainsi que les codes d’éthique (médicaux et militaires) canadiens. L’expérience éthique est ensuite explorée à partir d’entrevues semi-directives effectuées auprès de quatorze médecins militaires ayant participé à des missions opérationnelles, notamment à Kandahar en Afghanistan, entre 2006 et 2010.
Les résultats, tant conceptuels qu’empiriques, nous indiquent que plusieurs nuances s’imposent. Tout d’abord, les médecins militaires canadiens ne vivent pas les dilemmes tels qu’ils sont présentés dans la littérature, ni en nombre ni en fréquence. Ils sont conscients qu’ils doivent à la fois tenir compte de l’intérêt du patient et du bien commun, mais n’en ressentent pas pour autant un sentiment de double loyauté professionnelle. De plus, ils ont l’impression de partager l’objectif de la mission qui est de maintenir la force de combat. Des distinctions s’imposent aussi entre les médecins eux-mêmes, dans la conception qu’ils se font de leur profession, ainsi que dans les contextes (opération ou garnison), selon le type de travail qu’ils exercent (généraliste ou spécialiste). Les principaux défis éthiques rapportés portent sur les inégalités de soins entre les soldats de la coalition et les victimes locales (soldats et civils), ainsi que sur le manque de ressources, engendrant des décisions cliniques éprouvantes. Un résultat étonnant des entrevues est la présence de deux groupes distincts au plan de l’identification professionnelle. Huit médecins militaires se considèrent avant tout comme médecin, alors que les six autres ne sont pas arrivés à accorder une priorité à l’une ou l’autre des professions. Ces deux groupes se différencient également sur d’autres plans, comme le nombre et le type de défis éthiques identifiés, ainsi que les mécanismes de résolution des dilemmes utilisés. Malgré les formations éthiques offertes par l’institution, des lacunes subsistent dans la capacité d’identification des expériences éthiques et des valeurs impliquées, de même que des mécanismes de résolution utilisés. Compte tenu du faible échantillonnage, ces résultats sont difficilement généralisables. Néanmoins, ils peuvent nous inspirer au niveau théorique en faisant ressortir le caractère multidimensionnel de la médecine militaire, ainsi qu’au niveau pratique en nous permettant de suggérer des éléments de formation facilitant la réflexion éthique des médecins militaires. / The aim of this project is to study the ethical tensions that can be experienced by military physicians who must be, at the same time, healers, soldiers (even if they are non-combatants) and sometimes humanitarian actors. In the literature on the ethics of military medicine, potential ethical dilemmas are often presented as the result of pressures, real or perceived, from the military institution, rules, codes, laws or policies that divert physicians from their primary goal, i.e., the interest of the patient. To better understand the ethical challenges faced by Canadian military physicians and how these are dealt with, this project uses an empirical bioethics approach. Based on a literature review, I examine the ethical dilemmas of military physicians, the concept of profession, and Canadian codes of ethics (medical and military). The ethical experience is then explored through semi-structured interviews with 14 military physicians who participated in operational missions, particularly in Kandahar, Afghanistan between 2006 and 2010.
Both the conceptual and empirical results indicate that nuance is required. First, Canadian military physicians do not experience dilemmas as presented in the literature, in number or in frequency. They are aware that they must take into account both the patient’s interest and the common good but do not experience this as a sense of dual professional loyalty. In addition, they feel that they share the mission objective, which is to maintain the fighting force. Distinctions are also needed between physicians themselves, in the conception they have of their profession, and in the context (training or garrison) and the type of work they do (general practitioner or specialist). The main dilemmas reported concern inequalities in the provision of care between coalition soldiers and locals (soldiers and civilians) as well as the lack of resources that generate challenging clinical decisions. A surprising result of the interviews is the presence of two distinct groups in terms of professional identity. Eight military physicians saw themselves primarily as physicians, while the other six did not give priority to one or the other professions (military or medicine). These two groups differ in other dimensions, such as the number and type of identified ethical challenges and dilemma resolution mechanisms. Despite the ethical training courses offered by the military institution, gaps persist in the ability to identify ethical experiences, the values involved and the appropriate resolution mechanisms. Given the small sample size, these results are difficult to generalize. Nevertheless, these findings provide theoretical insights, highlighting the multidimensional nature of military medicine, and practical considerations, by enabling the identification of aspects to improve training and so facilitate ethical reflection on the part of military physicians.
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Očekávání rodičů od osobnosti současného učitele prvního stupně základní školy / Parents' expectations from the personalities of the contemporary teacher of primary schoolPolanecká Ondrejková, Kateřina January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is a theoretical level summary of the formal and other requirements that are placed on the contemporary teacher of primary school. It covers concepts such as teacher competence, teaching role, various pedagogical knowledge and skills and teacher job requirements. Description of the legislative regulation of the teaching profession is also included. Part of the theoretical work is concerned with other components of teaching such as professional ethics, professional standards, pedagogical tact and personal qualities of the teacher. At the practical level the work deals with real requirements on teachers imposed by parents based on assessed questionnaires to parents of pupils. In the comments on the individual items of the questionnaire, the author relies on the experience of her own teaching practice. The result of both parts of the thesis is a summary of the knowledge, skills and character qualities, which is the teacher supposed have today. .
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Le journalisme gastronomique. Sociologie d'un dispositif de médiation marchande / Food Journalism : sociology of a Market DeviceNaulin, Sidonie 07 December 2012 (has links)
La gastronomie peut être considérée comme une attention portée à la dimension esthétique de l’alimentation. Les biens gastronomiques sont donc des biens symboliques dont l’échange sur le marché passe par l’existence de dispositifs de valorisation particuliers. En tant qu’il contribue à orienter les consommateurs sur un marché opaque et à leur indiquer le « bon » produit ou la « bonne » manière de cuisiner, le journalisme gastronomique constitue un dispositif de médiation marchande. À partir notamment d’entretiens, d’observations, d’une enquête quantitative et de statistiques textuelles, cette thèse s’attache à rendre compte de la manière dont se construit un tel dispositif. Dans une perspective diachronique, les premiers chapitres sont consacrés à l’émergence du dispositif au XIXe siècle et à sa construction à l’articulation de différents espaces sociaux (gastronomique, amateur et journalistique). Il apparaît qu’à la fin du XXe siècle, un marché de la presse gastronomique se met en place qui rend le point de vue des titres dépendant de leur positionnement dans la concurrence et de leur modèle économique. Ce sont ensuite les acteurs individuels de la fabrication de l’information journalistique qui sont étudiés. L’analyse des parcours et des compétences des journalistes ainsi que de leurs concurrents potentiels que sont les blogueurs culinaires met en évidence différentes formes d’écriture gastronomique et les types de confiance qui en découlent. Enfin, l’étude du travail concret des journalistes permet de rendre compte de la similitude des contenus médiatiques et l’analyse du parcours de journalistes renommés autorise à saisir leurs modes de différenciation professionnelle. / Gastronomy can be regarded as a particular attention paid to the aesthetic dimension of food. Gastronomic goods are thus symbolic goods and their market exchange needs the existence of specific valuation devices. As a tool that directs consumers in an opaque market and that indicates the “right” product, or the “right” way to cook, food journalism can be considered as a market device. This thesis is based upon a fieldwork including in-depth interviews, observations, statistics and text analysis. It focuses on the way such a device is built. In a diachronic approach, the first chapters deal with the emergence of this device during the 19th century and with its construction at the crossroads of different social spaces (food world, connoisseurs’ world and journalistic world). It appears that at the end of the 20th century, with the setting up of a food magazines’ market, the vision carried by magazines becomes dependent on their position in competition and on their business model. Then, the individual actors and the making of news are studied. The analysis of the trajectories and the skills of journalists and food bloggers who may compete with them put the light on different forms of food writing and different kinds of trust associated with them. Finally, the study of the actual work of food journalists allows to account for the similarity of media content. The analysis of the career paths of renowned food journalists helps to understand the way they manage to differentiate themselves from the others.
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Povolání právníka - teorie a praxe profesní etiky se zaměřením na vybraná právnická povolání v České republice / To Be a Lawyer - Theory and Practice of Professional Ethics of Chosen Legal Professions in the Czech RepublicFriedel, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
The dissertation thesis To Be a Lawyer - Theory and Practice of Professional Ethics of Chosen Legal Professions in the Czech Republic aims to strengthen (currently rather weak) discussion about professional ethics in the Czech Republic. The first part introduces elemental terminology of the topic which enables easier understanding of second and third part. The second part is devoted to the presentation of results of researches regarding the analysis of judgements issued by Czech disciplinary authorities on judges', state attorneys' and lawyers' discipline. The last part demonstrates how professional ethics scrutiny operates in a real-life situation. A judicial usage of social media serves as an example of such situation (or more precisely of such scrutiny). Arguments for and against the judicial usage of social media are articulated and based in a weighting of the arguments final decision is taken.
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Does Public Service Ethics Education Include Gender Equity? An Exploration of Gender Inclusion in MPA Ethics SyllabiUnknown Date (has links)
Public administration emphasizes the importance of diversity (Rice, 2004), representation (Selden & Selden, 2002), ethics, and professionalism, to ensure fairness and equity for all citizens (American Society for Public Administration, 2013a; Cooper, 2012). Research has shown a link between the teaching of ethics and values in leadership courses, and the establishment of consensus for espoused social norms and standards of practice (Begley & Stefkovich, 2007). Through the discourse within classrooms, and the scholarship of public administration, we create and advance the boundaries of social consensus in areas such as diversity (Hewins-Maroney & Williams, 2007; National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration, 2014a). MPA ethics courses are perfectly situated to espouse and reinforce public service diversity values and educate future public servants. This dissertation uses ethnographic content analysis (ECA) of 48 syllabi from 40 NASPAA accredited universities in the United States (U.S.) dated 2012-2014, to interpret how, or whether, Master of Public Administration (MPA) education addresses or contributes to gender inclusion. The analysis uses feminist theories to reveal if, and to what extent, gender, diversity, and social equity topics have been incorporated into master's level graduate public administration ethics courses, through an examination of ethics course syllabi. This research shows that gender is incorporated into MPA ethics syllabi directly through the gender of professors, authors of course materials, discussion topics, and gendered language. Gender is also demonstrated in the syllabi through images and sub-textual tones that express social norms for gender roles. Gender inclusion is addressed indirectly in the syllabi through course policies and pedagogical choices designed to increase opportunities for participation by students of both genders. Ethnographic content analysis across various stages of this interpretive research study led to the creation of a four-part Gender Inclusion Model. Each tier of this model is made up of inclusion markers influenced by themes in feminist pedagogical literature. The Gender Inclusion Model can be used for future research to examine whether, or how, minorities and diversity are incorporated into higher education curricula. The research compiles a list of best practices, along with a mock syllabus, guided by recommendations from feminist literature. / Includes bibliography. / Dissertation (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2015. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection
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Ética e estatuto profissional do Serviço Social / Ethics and professional statute of Social WorkGuazzelli, Amanda 18 May 2018 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2018-05-18 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / social-historical conditions. Guided by Netto's (2005) thesis that the profession contains a
syncretic structure originate its social-professional condition in monopoly capitalism, we
adopt the foundations of this structure, identified by the cited author, as the guiding threads of
the reflections developed here, consecutively, has double justification.
First is that the foundation of professional ethics is Social Work itself, and therefore, the
theoretical-philosophical foundation it incorporates, professional morality and the ethicalpolitical
effects of professional work, as well as the Code of professional ethics (BARROCO,
2003) are products that correspond to the demands and social needs placed on the profession,
and, simultaneously, the choices that it makes under precise historical conditions. That is, the
Social Work is carried out ethically from the determinants that explain it professionally.
The second one is that the social question, the everyday and the "manipulation of empirical
variables" (NETTO, 2005), as the foundations of the syncretic structure of Social Work, are
taken here as those that guarantee the registration and the periodical update of Social Work in
the division of labor, since they are only feasible by the correct articulation between the three
highlighted grounds, forming or not syncretic components in the profession. If these
fundamentals support the professional statute of Social Work, that is, their professional status,
the ethical configuration of the profession necessarily passes through them, justifying them as
conductors of the research.
If the professional statute of Social Work results from the dynamism existing between the
requisitions and demands placed on the profession and its "own reserves of forces", according
to the same analysis of Netto (2005), the ethical condition of Social Work is engendered at the
heart of this dynamism and expresses the social contradictions existing between one and the
other. Thus, it is constituted by the professional statute of the Social Work itself, while
simultaneously focusing on it as its ethical constituent.
Given the radical historicity implied in this process, we inquire about the ethical
perspectives potentially present in Social Work, in the face of contemporary capitalism
ideologically articulated by neoliberalism and its immanent conservative condition; this
scenario is compounded by traits that mark the formation of Brazilian society and state,
persistent throughout history and which are evidenced today by the confrontation of the
sequels of the social question, by the way of its moralization and by the militarization of daily
The analysis of contemporary capitalism has shown a dominant ethos oriented by the
values of competition, competitiveness, individualism, but also order and discipline, which
guide the current sociability and rebate in the profession for the particularities processed in
the dynamism between demands and requisitions professionals at such a conjuncture and the
"own reserves of forces" of Social Work.
In this place, we have identified the possibility of establishing a strictly normative /
legalistic professional ethics compatible and functional to neoliberal-conservatism, which,
precisely because of its enhanced dynamism, is confronted with the professional ethics built
in the center of the ethical project in the last decades, and that is expressed in the Code of
Ethics of 1993 / Nesta pesquisa, procuramos compreender a realização ética do Serviço Social nas
condições histórico-sociais atuais. Orientados pela tese defendida por Netto (2005) de que a
referida profissão contém uma estrutura sincrética advinda da sua condição sócio-profissional
no capitalismo monopolista, adotamos os fundamentos dessa estrutura, identificados pelo
citado autor, como fios condutores destas as reflexões aqui desenvolvidas, o que, por sua vez,
possui dupla justificativa.
A primeira delas é a de que o fundamento da ética profissional é o próprio Serviço Social,
e, portanto, a fundamentação teórico-filosófica que ela incorpora, a moralidade profissional e
os efeitos ético-políticos do trabalho profissional, bem como, o Código de Ética profissional
(BARROCO, 2003) são produtos que correspondem às exigências e necessidades sociais postas
à profissão, e, simultaneamente, às escolhas que ela realiza em condições históricas precisas.
Ou seja, o Serviço Social realiza-se eticamente a partir das condicionalidades que o explicam
A segunda delas é a de que a questão social, o cotidiano e a “manipulação de variáveis
empíricas” (NETTO, 2005), como os fundamentos da estrutura sincrética do Serviço Social,
são tomados aqui como aqueles que garantem a inscrição e a periódica atualização do Serviço
Social na divisão social e técnica do trabalho, uma vez que elas só se viabilizam pela justa
articulação entre os três fundamentos destacados, formando eles ou não componentes
sincréticos na profissão. Se esses fundamentos sustentam a condição profissional do Serviço
Social, isto é, seu estatuto profissional, a configuração ética da profissão passa
necessariamente por eles, justificando-os como condutores da pesquisa.
Se o estatuto profissional do Serviço Social resulta do dinamismo existente entre as
requisições e demandas colocadas à profissão e suas “reservas próprias de forças”, segundo a
mesma análise de Netto (2005), a condição ética do Serviço Social é engendrada no âmago
desse dinamismo e expressa as contradições sociais existentes entre um e outro. Assim, ela é
constituída pelo próprio estatuto profissional do Serviço Social, ao mesmo tempo em que
incide nele como seu constituinte ético.
Dada a radical historicidade implicada nesse processo, indagamos acerca das perspectivas
éticas potencialmente presentes no Serviço Social, em face do capitalismo contemporâneo
ideologicamente alinhavado pelo neoliberalismo e sua imanente condição conservadora; esse
cenário é adensado por traços que marcam a formação da sociedade e do Estado brasileiros,
persistentes ao longo da história e que se evidenciam hoje destacadamente pelo enfrentamento
das sequelas da questão social, pela via de sua moralização e pela militarização do cotidiano.
A análise do capitalismo contemporâneo evidenciou um ethos dominante orientado pelos
valores da concorrência, da competitividade, do individualismo, mas também, da ordem e da
disciplina, que norteiam a sociabilidade atual e rebatem na profissão pelas particularidades
processadas no próprio dinamismo entre as demandas e requisições profissionais delineadas
numa tal conjuntura e as “reservas próprias de forças” do Serviço Social.
À vista disso, identificamos a possibilidade de estar-se configurando no Serviço Social
uma ética profissional estritamente normativa/legalista compatível e funcional ao neoliberalconservadorismo,
a qual, exatamente pelo dinamismo realçado, se confronta com a ética
profissional construída no bojo do projeto ético-político, nas últimas décadas, e que se
expressa no Código de Ética de 1993
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Histórias de vida: saberes e práticas de alfabetizadoras bem sucedidas. / Life histories: successful beginning literacy teachers\' knowledges and practives.Monteiro, Maria Iolanda 24 March 2006 (has links)
O trabalho visou o entendimento do sucesso escolar, na área de alfabetização, pelas experiências docentes, investigando os saberes e as práticas relacionados à vida pessoal, escolar e profissional de quatro alfabetizadoras bem sucedidas, que exerceram a profissão nas décadas de 50 a 80, no Estado de São Paulo. Estudou-se o peso da reforma de 1971 e os determinantes advindos das diferentes políticas, anteriores e posteriores, e o provável período em que se iniciou a conformação profissional das educadoras pesquisadas. Pelo estudo de histórias de vida, a investigação caracterizou as diferentes experiências das alfabetizadoras, identificando os saberes e as práticas, que deram sustentação ao trabalho bem sucedido com a alfabetização, e os condicionantes que acompanharam a formação docente. A articulação dos saberes da infância pré-escolar, da vida escolar, da trajetória no curso de formação e da vida profissional com o estudo das características das práticas alfabetizadoras justificou o sucesso escolar. Pela análise dos resultados, concluiu-se que as várias facetas da história de vida das educadoras, com saberes e concepções de ensino, sustentaram o êxito na alfabetização. Apesar das situações bem heterogêneas, o sucesso escolar decorreu da autonomia no trabalho docente para a organização de práticas de ensino, que garantissem a aprendizagem bem sucedida da leitura e escrita, sempre considerando que toda criança apresentava capacidade para aprender, independentemente das condições socioeconômicas, culturais e de aprendizagem. O estudo da história de vida das alfabetizadoras bem sucedidas, envolvendo saberes e práticas importantes e diferentes para configurações de práticas de alfabetização, que garantiram o êxito de todos os alunos, não visou apenas a sistematização de situações pedagógicas que servissem somente como referenciais para organizar o processo de alfabetização de docentes da atualidade, mas também a problematização de aspectos inerentes às ações educativas, no ensino da leitura e escrita, e o resgate de alguns valores que, na época dessas professoras, eram considerados essenciais e que, atualmente, recebem críticas e depreciações. A análise das práticas educativas sinalizou uma diversificação de estratégias de ensino entre as professoras pesquisadas. Apesar dessa diferença, as docentes apresentaram objetivos semelhantes, visando a aprendizagem de todos e rejeitando qualquer forma de discriminação. Verificou-se ainda a criação de rotinas e rituais, durante o desenvolvimento dos conteúdos e das atividades, mas com práticas e aspectos diferenciados. Essa característica confirma a formação de uma ética de trabalho pedagógico. A presente pesquisa oferece, assim, informações para o estudo da alfabetização, enriquecendo a análise dos elementos do trabalho docente, para o êxito escolar, e dos novos dados que possibilitam investigações da temática, também em outras abordagens. / This paper focused on the understanding of academic success in the alphabetizing area by investigating the knowledge and practices related to the personal, academic and professional life of four successful alphabetizers who exercised their profession in the state of Sao Paulo throughout 1950 to 1980. The impact of the 1971 reform was duly studied and so were the direct consequences of the different previous and posterior policies and also the probable period during which started the professional making of the researched teachers. By studying the life histories, the investigation underlined the different experiences of the alphabetizers, identifying the various knowledge and practices which gave support to the successful alphabetizing work, and the decisive factors which accompanied the process of a teacher\'s formation. The articulation of the pre-school childhood knowledge, academic life, personal performance, both scholar and professional, together with the study of the alphabetizing practices characteristics justified the academic success. The results analysis concluded that the various aspects of the teachers\' life history, together with their personal knowledge and teaching concepts, sustained the alphabetizing success obtained. In spite of quite heterogeneous scenarios, the academic success resulted from the autonomy in the work to organize teaching practices which would ensure a successful learning of writing and reading, always considering that every child presented capacity to learn independently of social/economic, cultural and learning conditions. The study of the life histories of the successful alphabetizer teachers, involving important and different knowledge and pratices to build up alphabetizing practices which guaranteed the success of every student, didn\'t focus just the systematizing of pedagogic aspects which would serve solely as references to organize the alphabetizing process of today\'s teachers, but also the intrincacies of those aspects inherent to educative actions, in teaching writing and reading techniques, and the rescue of a few values which were considered essential, back at the time when the researched teachers were active, and nowadays are criticized and depreciated. The analysis of educational practices pointed out a diversification of teaching strategies amongst the researched teachers. In spite of the differences, they presented similar purposes - everyone should learn and any form of discrimination was rejected. It was also verified the creation of routines and rituals while developing the contents and related activities, but with distinguished practices and aspects. This characteristic confirms the making of ethics applied to pedagogical work. So, the present research offers information for the study of alphabetizing while making richer the analysis of the elements pertaining to teaching work to achieve academic success, and of the new data which make possible the investigation of the matter also with other approaches.
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Publich policy analysis of academic ethics and corruption in higher education with reference to specific universities in Tshwane Metropolitan MunicipalityMokubyane, P. H. January 2015 (has links)
M. Tech. Public Management / The aim of this research is to test different opinions of whether there are instances of unethical and corrupt activities in Academic higher educational institutions in South Africa and to also discover the types of unethical behaviour and corruption taking place if any, in order to come-up with remedial measures. The participants in this research are the academic and administrative personnel. Participants are aware of what is expected of them by management within their different academic higher educational institutions. They can be able to detect instances of unethical and corrupt acts by their colleagues and these will allow them to make a valuable contribution in this research.
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Supervised autonomy : medical specialties and structured conflict in an Australian General Hospital / J. Gary WilliamsWilliams, J. Gary January 1991 (has links)
Typescript (Photocopy) / Bibliography: leaves 307-320 / vii, 320 leaves ; 30 cm. / Title page, contents and abstract only. The complete thesis in print form is available from the University Library. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Dept. of Community Medicine, University of Adelaide, 1992
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The right to be killed : reassessing the case for the moral right to voluntary active euthanasiaYung, Nancy January 2015 (has links)
This thesis defends an individual's moral right to be aided in dying by a physician (that is, voluntary active euthanasia, or VAE), but departs significantly from the view in its favor generally accepted in the bioethics literature. The prevailing view appeals to both respect for an individual's autonomy and promotion of an individual's well-being as necessary conditions for a right to VAE, so as to justify the right only for those suffering grave illnesses and/or disabilities. The author argues that such a view is logically untenable; one or another aspect must be given up. Since invoking the premise that certain individuals would be better off dead necessarily relies on controversial assumptions about both the value of life and the nature and value of death, about which reasonable people disagree, it is the justification from an individual's best interest which must be excluded in a liberal society. The author endorses a self-determination justification for the right to VAE, but rejects understanding this in terms of respecting personal autonomy, instead making the case for a right to VAE grounded in self-ownership. The author's main conclusion is that the right to VAE is a general right applying to all competent adults, not only those suffering grave illnesses or disabilities, or those whose choice for VAE is an exercise of autonomy. Moreover, by analyzing the basis of physician authority over prescription medicine and how this can be justified to a society of self-owners, she maintains that individuals have not only the right to choose VAE without state interference, but also the right to be provided VAE by doctors. Nevertheless, both rights are compatible with reasonable limitations to protect both the interests of VAE seekers and the rights of others.
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