Spelling suggestions: "subject:"aprofessional development"" "subject:"bprofessional development""
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An SSM-TRIZ Methodology for Business Problem StructuringIbukun Phillips (6622694) 14 May 2019 (has links)
Checkland developed Soft
Systems Methodology (SSM) to address problem situations from a systems
perspective; however, SSM needs to be extended with other methods to find superior solutions that overcome the need for a
compromise or trade-off between conflicting or contradictory elements. This thesis extends Checkland’s SSM approach
to resolve problems with conflicting or contradictory elements. This work integrates the powerful benefits of TRIZ-based analysis into
SSM and provides a means for systemic resolution of business problems with conflicting sub-system elements. Furthermore,
this study acknowledges that soft problems
can have conflicting relationships among their
elements, compares the strengths and
weaknesses of SSM and TRIZ in problem structuring, and presents a collaborative
SSM-TRIZ approach for problem structuring. Finally, this thesis applies the joint methodology to examine the business
problem of customer needs assessment for a certain market segment of INCOSE’s
planned Professional Development initiative. Although SSM-TRIZ helps structure
problems with opposing requirements, it does
not always provide definitive, prescriptive solution implementations for
technical and business issues. Hence,
hard thinking approaches cannot be discarded
in practice after implementing SSM-TRIZ. Text mining was selected for providing
a final and definite solution to the problem situation of interest.
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Networking in adult education in South Africa.Roup, Dee 26 March 2014 (has links)
In the fast changing world of a new, democratic South Africa (S.A.), the
political, economic and social arenas are rapidly moving in new directions. In
order to impact on important new policy developments as they are being
developed and to impact on the planned changes in their fields, many adult
education organisations saw the need to band together to form networks or
associations and the like, through which to present their viewpoints or ideas at
policy debates. In this way their views were backed by recognisable stakeholder
or constituency groupings.
One such networking organisation was established in 1989, well before the fastmoving,
radical changes were so extreme in South Africa, namely, the Forum for
the Advancement of Adult Education (FAAE). The aim of the FAAE was to
inform, support and professionalize the field of Adult Education and Training
via their networking activities. A t times it also acted as a structure to support:
policy development. These aims continue today, although the work of the FAAE
has broadened.
This study looks at the role of “Networking” in Adult Education in South Africa
to examine its process and its impact. The study explores the views and opinions
of practitioners in different parts of South Africa and examines the case study
of the FAAE as part of its data gathering, as it asks the questions: how, why,
when and where does or should networking occur. What are the potential gains
or problems involved in such an activity?
The research design, which is a combination of qualitative and quantitative
approaches, attempts to provide quantitative details which accurately portray
elements of the data gathered, as well as qualitative data which reflects the rich
detail of the data explored.
Although networking is being explored within a specific sector or community
(adult continuing education), it is hoped that this study will open up ideas and
possibilities to assist networking activities in other sectors or communities. It is
hoped th at this study will catalyse other studies to explore the concept of
“networking” and as a consequence, that more publications addressing this issue
might arise.
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Adaptação à transição de carreira na meia-idade: um estudo exploratório sob o enfoque do locus de controle / Adaptation to career transition in the middle age: an exploratory study focused on locus of controlQuishida, Alessandra 17 September 2007 (has links)
A dificuldade de se planejar a carreira em um ambiente caracterizado pelo dinamismo e descontinuidade tem demandado a realização de estudos centrados em referenciais internos que possam contribuir com o autoconhecimento. Este estudo exploratório teve por objetivo aprofundar o entendimento sobre a adaptação à transição de carreira na meia-idade utilizando um constructo oriundo da Psicologia: o locus de controle. Para tanto, foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa em que foram empregadas duas técnicas de investigação: um inventário de locus de controle e a entrevista semi-estruturada. Os relatos obtidos nas entrevistas foram transcritos para a utilização de técnicas de análise de conteúdo. A partir da análise dos resultados foram identificadas quais e como foram feitas as adaptações à transição de carreira na meia-idade, bem como formulada uma hipótese de pesquisa: o locus de controle interno facilita a adaptação às transições de carreira na meia-idade. / The difficulty in planning the career in an environment characterized by dynamism and disruption has demanded studies centered on personal internal references that may contribute to self-knowledge. The objective of this exploratory study was to deeply understand the adaptation to the career transition in the middle age by means of a psychological construct: the locus of control. A qualitative research, in which were used two investigation techniques: locus of control inventory and semistructured interview was carried out. The speeches from the interviews were transcribed, so that they could be submitted to content analysis techniques. From the analysis of the findings it was identified which and how the adaptations to the career transitions in the middle age occurred. Furthermore, a research hypothesis was stated: the internal locus of control facilitates the adaptation to the career transitions in the middle age.
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A educação continuada no Brasil na perspectiva da carreira do auditor independente / The continued education in Brazil under the perspective of the independent auditor careerMuzel, Vania Pereira 25 June 2018 (has links)
Dois modelos de educação profissional continuada aplicados no Brasil são apresentados: o modelo do Conselho Federal de Contabilidade (CFC), focado no nível de capacitação e qualificação técnica que o mercado de trabalho exige, e o modelo das grandes firmas de auditoria, conhecidas como Big Four, focado no desenvolvimento da carreira do auditor independente. Destes dois modelos emerge o problema de pesquisa: Em quais aspectos, o programa de educação profissional continuada focado na capacitação e qualificação técnica se diferencia dos programas focados no desenvolvimento de carreira das Big Four e quais destas diferenças poderiam gerar contribuições para a melhoria do Programa de Educação Profissional Continuada (PEPC) atualmente em vigor? Esta pesquisa justifica-se pela necessidade de se repensar a educação continuada com foco no presente e no futuro, além de fomentar a pesquisa sobre esta temática com aprofundamento do conceito de lifelong learning, e na perspectiva do Sistema das profissões de Abbott (1988). As coletas de dados foram efetuadas de informações públicas, nos sites das respectivas instituições. As entrevistas semi-estruturadas foram conduzidas com base em roteiro pré-estabelecido, dividido em três áreas: o mercado de auditoria no Brasil, presente e futuro; o programa de educação continuada do CFC; e o programa de desenvolvimento de carreira das Big Four. Na revisão de literatura sobre educação continuada, foram identificados 963 artigos publicados, com nível de interesse constante desde 2012. Dos principais periódicos internacionais de educação em contabilidade , apenas seis artigos dos 846 artigos e 104 estudos de caso sobre educação continuada foram identificados, demonstrando a necessidade de fomentar pesquisa nesta área. As mudanças tecnológicas mudarão completamente a forma de fazer auditoria nos próximos anos e eficiência é questão de sobrevivência. Em decorrência, as necessidades educacionais, tanto na formação inicial, quanto no desenvolvimento profissional continuado, precisam envolver: o uso eficiente das novas ferramentas e tecnologias; o lifelong learning como mindset; ceticismo profissional, pensamento crítico; independência e ética profissional. Referente ao PEPC, discussões sobre a abordagem output-based em contraposição à input-based adotada atualmente, são recomendadas, em consonância com discussões do IFAC, e potenciais benefícios desta abordagem no desenvolvimento de um mindset de lifelong learning e redução de custos em relação à abordagem input-based. Quanto ao programa de desenvolvimento profissional nas Big Four, discussões sobre lifelong learning, nos treinamentos de assistentes e sêniores, são recomendadas para uma mudança de mindset da nova geração de profissionais. / Two models of continuing professional education applied in Brazil are presented: the model implemented by the Brazilian Federal Council of Accounting (CFC), focused on maintaining professional competence as demanded by the market; and the model adopted by large auditing firms, known as Big Four, focused on the development of the independent auditor\'s career. From these two models emerges the research problem: In what aspects, the continuing professional education program focused on the professional competence differs from the programs focused on the career development as adopted by the Big Four and which of these differences could generate contributions to the improvement of the Continuing Professional Education Program (PEPC) currently in force? This research is justified by the need of rethinking continuing education focused in present and future, as well as fostering research on this subject from a lifelong learning concept and the perspective of Abbott\'s System of Professions (1988). The data collections were gathered from public information, from the websites of the respective institutions. The semi-structured interviews were conducted based on a pre-established script, divided into three areas: the audit market in Brazil, present and future; the CFC continuing education program; and the Big Four career development program. From the literature review on continuing education, 963 published articles were identified, and a stable level of interest since 2012. With respect to the main international accounting education journals, only six articles from the 846 articles and 104 case studies on continuing education were identified, demonstrating the need to promote research in this area. The technological changes will completely modify the way audit is performed in the next few years and efficiency is a matter of survival. As a result, educational needs for initial continuing professional development, must involve: efficient use of new tools and technologies; lifelong learning as mindset; professional skepticism and critical thinking; independence and professional ethics. Regarding the PEPC, discussions on the output-based approach as opposed to the currently adopted input-based approach are recommended, consistently with IFAC discussions, and potential benefits from this approach in developing a lifelong learning mindset and cost reduction in relation to the input-based approach. In relation to the professional development program at the Big Four firms, discussions on lifelong learning among assistants and seniors on trainings programs are recommended for changes in the mindset of the new generation of professionals..
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Arquiteturas pedagógicas inovadoras nos mestrados profissionais em Administração / Innovative pedagogical architectures in professional masters in Business Administration.Bittencourt, João Paulo 07 April 2016 (has links)
Os Mestrados Profissionais em Administração (MPAs) foram criados como respostas ao desafio de aproximar a realidade contemporânea e a pesquisa acadêmica, assim como para possibilitar a expansão da pós-graduação brasileira por meio do autofinanciamento dos cursos. Como uma modalidade relativamente recente no país, representam oportunidades de renovação e instigam discussões sobre seus objetivos, identidade e resultados. Entre os aspectos que podem ser renovados na área de ensino em Administração por meio dos MPs está o modelo de ensino e aprendizagem. Esse trabalho teve o objetivo de analisar o uso das Arquiteturas Pedagógicas Inovadoras nos MPAs no Brasil, seu estado atual, particularidades, potencialidades e desafios. A Arquitetura Pedagógica (AP) é constituída por quatro elementos: a) aspectos organizacionais, b) aspectos de conteúdo, c) aspectos metodológicos, e d) aspectos tecnológicos (Behar, 2009; 2011). O referencial teórico foi orientado a propor o conceito das Arquiteturas Pedagógicas Inovadoras (APIs), que ocorrem quando a configuração da AP propicia e instiga a aprendizagem ativa (Anthony, 1996; Bonwell & Eison, 1991; Koohang, 2012; Loeb, 2014; Michael, 2006; Niemi, 2002; Sawyer, 2011), a aprendizagem significativa (Ausubel, 2000; Hay, 2007; Huang, Chiu, Liu, & Chen, 2011; Novak & Cañas, 2010; Novak, 2002; Saiia, Macy, & Boyd, 2008) e a aprendizagem colaborativa (Fischer, Bruhn, Gräsel, & Mandl, 2002; Grau & Whitebread, 2012; Jang, 2015; Kreijns, Kirschner, & Jochems, 2003; Nussbaum, Alvarez, McFarlane, Gomez, Claro, & Radovic, 2009; Sawyer & DeZutter, 2009; Strijbos & Fischer, 2007). A metodologia teve abordagem qualitativa e foi dividida em duas etapas: na primeira, foram entrevistados 12 especialistas em MPAs, a fim de identificar inovações nos modelos de ensino e aprendizagem desses programas. A segunda etapa selecionou quatro casos para aprofundamento, tendo como unidade de análise a Arquitetura Pedagógica das disciplinas. Foram realizadas ao todo 34 entrevistas, em um total de 1.704 minutos, que foram transcritos e analisados, assim como os 40 documentos ligados aos casos estudados. A análise dos dados foi baseada no modelo de análise de dados qualitativos de Miles, Huberman, & Saldaña (2014), uma vez que esse modelo permite a condensação, visualização, elaboração e verificação de conclusões, valorizando a riqueza dos dados. Os resultados permitiram a proposição de um modelo teórico e de tipologia para as APIs, baseados no continuum de cada dimensão: Aprendizagem Passiva e Ativa; Aprendizagem Mecânica e Significativa; e Aprendizagem Independente e Colaborativa. As configurações encontradas nos casos estudados foram: Caso 1 (ASC+, o que significa que a AP daquele caso promoveu aprendizagem ativa, significativa e colaborativa com altos índices); Caso 2 (ASC, ativa, significativa e colaborativa); Caso 3 (SC, promoveu aprendizagem significativa e colaborativa, mas obteve índice zero na dimensão de aprendizagem ativa/passiva); e Caso 4 (PSC, pois promoveu aprendizagem passiva, significativa e colaborativa). A análise das Arquiteturas Pedagógicas Inovadoras nos casos estudados permitiu validar e complementar o modelo teórico proposto. A visão das APIs permite que cada professor ou grupo de professores encontrem a sua maneira de promover aprendizagem ativa, significativa e colaborativa, mas exige clareza de propósito, esforços por uma relação coerente entre os aspectos da arquitetura e conhecimento dos educadores sobre os métodos de aprendizagem aplicados. / The Professional Masters in Business Administration (PMAs) were created as responses to the challenge of approach both contemporary reality and academic research, as well as to allow for the expansion of the Brazilian graduate through self-financed courses. As a relatively new type of course in the country, it represents opportunities for renewal and instigate discussions about its goals, identity and results. Among the aspects that can be renewed in the Administration area through the MPs is the model of teaching and learning. This work aimed to analyze the use of Innovative Pedagogical Architectures (IPA) in MPAs in Brazil, its current state, characteristics, strengths and challenges. The Pedagogical Architecture (PA) consists in four elements: a) organizational aspects, b) aspects of content, c) methodological aspects, and d) technological aspects (Behar, 2009; 2011). The theoretical framework aimed to propose the concept of Innovative Pedagogical Architectures which occur when the AP\'s configuration provides and instigates active learning (Anthony, 1996; Bonwell & Eison, 1991; Koohang, 2012; Loeb, 2014; Michael , 2006; Niemi, 2002; Sawyer, 2011), meaningful learning (Ausubel, 2000; Hay, 2007; Huang, Chiu, Liu, & Chen, 2011; Novak & Cañas, 2010; Novak, 2002; Saiia, Macy, & Boyd, 2008) and collaborative learning (Fischer, Bruhn, Gräsel, & Mandl, 2002; Grau & Whitebread, 2012; Jang, 2015; Kreijns, Kirschner, & Jochems, 2003; Nussbaum, Alvarez, McFarlane, Gomez Bright & Radovic, 2009; Sawyer & DeZutter, 2009; Strijbos & Fischer, 2007). The methodology had a qualitative approach and was divided into two stages: first, we interviewed 12 Brazilian experts in PMAs in order to identify innovations in teaching and learning models in these programs. In the second stage four cases were selected to study, with the focus on the unit of analysis: The Pedagogical Architecture of the disciplines. We conducted 34 interviews, which resulted in a total of 1,704 minutes, which were transcribed and analyzed, as well as the 40 documents related to the cases. Data analysis was based on the qualitative data analysis model proposed by Miles, Huberman, & Saldaña (2014), as this model allows condensation, exhibition, drawing and verifying conclusions, valuing the richness of collected data. The results allowed to propose a theoretical model and a typology for the IPAs, based on the continuum of each dimension: Passive and Active learning; Rote and Meaningful learning; and Independent and Collaborative learning. The settings found in the cases studied were: Case 1 (ASC +, which means that the PA promoted active, meaningful and collaborative learning with high rates); Case 2 (ASC, active, meaningful and collaborative learning); Case 3 (SC, promoted meaningful and collaborative learning, but got zero score in the dimension of active/passive learning); and Case 4 (PSC, as it promoted passive, meaningful and collaborative learning). Innovative Pedagogical Architectures found in the case studies allowed us to validate and complement the proposed theoretical model. The vision of IPAs enables each teacher or group of teachers to find their way to promote active, meaningful and collaborative learning, but requires clarity of purpose, seeking for a consistent relationship between aspects of architecture and knowledge of educators on learning methods applied
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Professional Development in Doctoral Education: The Perceptions of Faculty Mentoring on the Formation of Senior Student Affairs LeadersMason, Michael Cassell January 2011 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Karen Arnold / Student affairs models exist on every United States college and university campus and serve as an integral part of the undergraduate student experience. However, very little research has been conducted on students in Higher Education Administration doctoral programs and the preparation of Senior Student Affairs Officers (SSAOs) for leadership in student affairs. This study investigated the perceptions of mentoring relationships between faculty mentors and doctoral student protégés and the socialization of these students into becoming senior leaders in student affairs. Kram's (1985) theory, which identifies the psychosocial and career aspects of mentoring in organizational development, serves as the lens to examine these relationships. The participants in this study consisted of five faculty mentors and eight of their former students who are now current Senior Student Affairs Officers. Results included four major themes, identified by both the mentors and the SSAOs, comprising the major aspects of the mentoring relationships. In addition, the faculty mentors felt that they did not particularly prepare students for these senior level positions, as there were no specific or intentional discussions about the role itself. However, the former students believed their doctoral mentoring was good preparation for the SSAO role, as they learned about university structures, governance, political climates and other aspects of senior leadership. Given these findings, it is recommended that there be a stronger emphasis be placed upon the SSAO socialization component of the doctoral program. Recommendations such as the addition of "mentors of practice," a student apprenticeship component similar to Arts & Sciences doctoral programs, and an increased faculty awareness of their impact upon students as mentors are suggested to enhance the doctoral student experience. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2011. / Submitted to: Boston College. Lynch School of Education. / Discipline: Educational Leadership and Higher Education.
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Differentiating Instruction to Close the Achievement Gap for Special Education Students Using Everyday MathBeauchaine, Vanessa Constance January 2009 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Robert J. Starratt / This case study examined teacher collaboration and teacher change while in the process of differentiating instruction in the area of mathematics in an elementary school. The project included a two-tier professional development opportunity for the staff. Professional development sessions focusing on specific mathematics skills were offered in lieu of traditional faculty meetings and thirteen, teacher volunteers in grades K-3 participated in bi-monthly study groups. The study describes the journey of the thirteen teachers as they identified successful strategies for differentiating instruction to meet the needs of all learners. The study explored how job-embedded professional development offered teachers the resources and support to meet together during the school day to engage in dialogue about their students' progress, difficulties encountered when teaching specific concepts and skills, and proactively planning in order to differentiate instruction effectively. The study focused on collaboration as a method for learning together in an adult learning environment and improving current teacher practices. The research was qualitative with the school principal as both researcher and participant-observer of the study. Data instruments used for the participants involved in this study were pre- and post-implementation surveys of the entire staff, semi-structured interviews of the thirteen teacher volunteers, observations of meetings, teachers' reflective journals, and field notes. Findings indicated that there was an increase in the teachers' use of differentiated instruction in the area of math. While teachers most often differentiated lessons by ability, teachers experimented with differentiating by interest as well as addressing the students' varying learning styles. In addition, teachers found that the embedded study groups were valuable in helping them to collaborate with their peers and improve their practice in teaching mathematics to all learners. In a profession where continual renewal is necessary, it is essential for educators to be provided with adequate time to review current practices, reflect on the strategies that are most successful, and refine their craft in order to provide opportunities that will maximize student thinking and learning. / Thesis (EdD) — Boston College, 2009. / Submitted to: Boston College. Lynch School of Education. / Discipline: Educational Administration and Higher Education.
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School and District Leadership and The Job Satisfaction of Novice Teachers: The Influence of Social Justice LeadershipGough, Bridget January 2016 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Lauri Johnson / This qualitative case study examined the perceived influence of social justice leadership on the job satisfaction of novice teachers in one Massachusetts school district. Social justice leadership was defined as leaders who “actively work to improve teaching and learning, so that all students have equitable opportunities to learn and excel” (Rivera-McCutchen, 2014, p. 749). Data collection included interviews with school and district leaders as well as a document review. Findings indicated that novice teachers and leaders identified specific building-based supports that helped novice teachers meet diverse student needs. The results of this study also found a discrepancy between leaders and novice teachers’ perceptions about opportunities for novice teachers to engage in critical self-reflection and the provision of professional development which supports social justice. This study supported the research that a determining factor in job satisfaction is whether or not novice teachers are able to meet student needs (Johnson & Birkeland, 2003). Recommendations include ensuring sustained social justice professional development by creating opportunities for novice teachers to engage in critical self-reflection and integrating culturally relevant pedagogy in order to help novice teachers meet the needs of diverse learners, which in turn may influence job satisfaction. / Thesis (EdD) — Boston College, 2016. / Submitted to: Boston College. Lynch School of Education. / Discipline: Educational Leadership and Higher Education.
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On being a writing teacher: Exploring three middle grade teachers' experiences with a literacy initiative in an urban Catholic schoolPavlak, Christina M. January 2013 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Patrick J. McQuillan / Though writing is an essential life skill (National Commission on Writing, 2003, 2004, 2005), time spent writing in classrooms across the US is brief (Applebee and Langer, 2006; Applebee and Langer, 2011; Graham and Perin, 2007; National Commission on Writing, 2003). Furthermore, writing achievement of English learners (ELs) who represent nearly five million US students (Mather and Foxen, 2010) is often lower than other sub-groups (Fry, 2007, 2008). As such, using case study research (Stake, 2000, 2003) this study explored three sixth-eighth-grade teachers' experiences with an initiative to enhance writing instruction through the use of systemic functional linguistics (SFL), an approach that emphasizes writing for multiple purposes and the explicit teaching of language (Christie and Derewianka, 2008; Derewianka, 1990, 1999). SFL-informed instruction is an emerging strategy used to enhance the writing of ELs in US schools (see Brisk, Hodgson-Drysdale, and O'Connor, 2011; Brisk and Zisselsberger, 2010; Gebhard, et al., 2007; Schleppegrell and Go, 2007). A key argument of this ethnographic study is that the shape of the degree to which these three teachers took up a new way of teaching writing can be explained along a series of continua, consisting of the following five dimensions: cultivation of caring relationships with students, recognition of the needs of ELs, view of writing, commitment to professional growth, and commitment to collaboration and a number of related sub-dimensions. Another finding relates to the affective dimensions of teaching and learning, attention to which appeared to enhance teachers' enactment of SFL. Implications of these findings benefit teacher educators and professional development providers committed to enhancing writing instruction in US schools and speak to the field of educational reform more broadly by offering insight into multiple dimensions that influence teachers' uptake of a change endeavor. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2013. / Submitted to: Boston College. Lynch School of Education. / Discipline: Teacher Education, Special Education, Curriculum and Instruction.
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TheImpact of Professional Development on Public School Teachers' Understanding of Religious Diversity:Soules, Kate E. January 2019 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Dennis Shirley / Schools and classrooms in the United States are increasingly religiously diverse, and religion remains a deeply influential social force, locally, nationally, and globally. However, decades of misunderstanding about the constitutionally appropriate relationship between religion and public education have created a cycle of silence about religion in K-12 schools and in teacher education. As a result, public school educators are not prepared to teach about religion in the curriculum. Nor do they have the skills to respond to common challenges that arise in religiously diverse school communities. This dissertation examines four professional development courses about religious diversity to understand the motivations and experiences of the educators who participated and to explore the impacts these courses had on the educators’ teaching practices. The 145 participants in the professional development courses learned about several religious traditions through a combination of visits to religious communities, guest speakers, and classroom discussion. The mixed methods study surveyed the participants three times, once before the courses, and twice afterwards. Follow-up interviews with 13 educators were conducted approximately one year after they completed the courses. The findings reveal that educators working at all grade levels and in all content areas found valuable benefits from increasing their understanding of religion, including a greater appreciation for the religious identities of their students and increased comfort with religion when it appeared in a range of school settings. Based on my analysis, I propose a framework of Pedagogical Content Knowledge about Religion to describe five domains of knowledge and skills that are necessary for educators to be able to competently respond to religion in public schools. This framework and the findings of this study have valuable implications for the development of future professional development courses and in charting a trajectory for further research on religion in U.S. public schools. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2019. / Submitted to: Boston College. Lynch School of Education. / Discipline: Teacher Education, Special Education, Curriculum and Instruction.
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