Spelling suggestions: "subject:"aprofessional development"" "subject:"bprofessional development""
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Développement et changement : le développement professionnel collectif des enseignants face aux réformes dans les lycées agricoles publics / Development and change : the teachers’ collective professional development faced with reforms in the public agricultural collegesGermier, Christian 29 September 2015 (has links)
La dimension collective du travail enseignant constitue aujourd’hui un enjeu prégnant des réformes éducatives. Cette recherche ethnographique étudie les liens entre développement et changement. Nous envisageons le travail collectif des enseignants sous l’angle des interactions entre développement professionnel et changement institutionnel. Reprenant à notre compte l’hypothèse de l’émergence du collectif d’enseignants comme un nouvel acteur des systèmes éducatifs, nous lui attribuons la capacité de se développer professionnellement au contact de réformes. En appui sur les travaux existants d’une part sur le développement professionnel et d’autre part sur le travail collectif des enseignants, nous élaborons un modèle complexe de développement professionnel collectif (DPC) que nous soumettons au terrain dans le cadre de l’implantation des dispositifs d’individualisation dans les lycées agricoles publics français. Les résultats de ce travail montrent que le processus de DPC dépend de la nature du changement (forme, niveau, intensité), du contexte professionnel, organisationnel et institutionnel, et des caractéristiques (savoirs et identité professionnels) des membres du collectif. En effet, un texte particulièrement flou, prescrivant une nouvelle forme d’intervention auprès des élèves (accompagnement versus enseignement, individu versus groupe), appelle la construction de stratégies visant une mise en œuvre localement adaptée, sur la base de savoirs d’expérience et de savoirs nouveaux et, « acceptables » sur le plan de l’identité professionnelle. Ainsi, les quatre groupes enquêtés ont-ils réagi différemment face au changement, amendant par là même le modèle proposé. / Nowadays, the collective dimension of teaching constitutes an important issue of the educative reforms. This ethnographic study deals with the links between development and change. We consider the teachers’ collective work as a result of interactions between professional development and institutional change. Referring to the hypothesis of the emergence of teachers’ collectives as new actors in the educative systems, we attribute to them the capacity to develop themselves professionally through the contact with reforms. Leaning on the research works about professional development on one hand, and about the teachers’ collective work, on the other hand, we build a complex model of collective professional development (CPD) that we submit to the fieldwork in the framework of the implementation of individualization devices in the French public agricultural colleges. The results of this work show that the process of CPD depends on the nature of the change (form, level, intensity), on the professional, organizational and institutional situation and on the characteristics (knowledge and identity) of the members of the collective. Indeed, an especially unclear text prescribing new forms of intervention to the pupils (accompanying versus teaching, individual versus group) requires the construction of strategies for a local and adapted implementation. These strategies are built on the basis of experiential and new knowledge and must be “admissible” at the professional identity. Thus, the four groups we studied had different reactions faced with the change, amending thereby the model which is proposed.
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Narrative Research in Secondary Teacher Education: Examining the Self-Efficacy of Content Area Teacher CandidatesTiffany B. Karalis (5929871) 21 December 2018 (has links)
<div>The purpose of this study was to examine the factors attributed to teacher candidates’ perceptions of self-efficacy throughout their student teaching semesters. This study used a narrative inquiry methodology to enhance the researcher’s understanding of variables attributed to teacher self-efficacy among a group of secondary content area teacher candidates. In this study, the purpose of using a narrative inquiry methodology was to share the stories of content area teacher candidates’ student teaching experiences and inform teacher educators about the extent to which teacher education preparation affects the self-efficacy of beginning content area teachers, as well as which recurrent elements of teacher education affect the self-efficacy of beginning teachers, regardless of their respective content areas. The findings of this study suggest that teacher education preparation affects the self-efficacy of secondary teacher candidates across the content areas; accordingly, the findings of this study provide insight for teacher educators to consider the areas where teacher education programs are failing to provide adequate preparation. The 10 teacher candidates who participated in this study emphasized the value of adequate preparation throughout their teacher education programs to help inform their student teaching experiences. In order to feel prepared for student teaching and effective as teacher candidates, the 10 participants referenced the following areas as requiring further implementation within teacher education curricula: increased opportunities to apply the practical application of their teaching skills prior to the student teaching experience, the incorporation of classroom management strategy coursework into their curriculum, and opportunities to explore the extensive demands of the teaching profession ranging from time management to dealing with difficult parents, to name a few.</div>
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A Cultivation of Civic Identity in Teacher Education: Stories of Preservice TeachersErin N. Vaughn (5930345) 19 December 2018 (has links)
The United States continues to become increasingly more diverse, demanding civic engagement that extends beyond personal responsibility such as obeying laws and voting and requiring a citizenry capable of disrupting the status quo and enacting social change that contributes to a more equitable and just society. Education plays a vital role in this civic development; therefore, preservice teachers must be prepared to teach for critical citizenship education. Using narrative inquiry, this study explored how five preservice teachers with more critical civic identities made sense of their teacher education experiences in relation to civic identity development. The findings of the study revealed how teacher education programs fostered uncomfortable, but transformative, learning experiences that promoted the preservice teachers’ senses of understanding and empathy for those whose identities and lived experiences were different than their own. Additionally, the findings illuminated the preservice teachers’ understandings of the interplay between identity and power as they examined how their own civic values and engagement contributed to patterns of privilege and/or oppression in society. The study builds on the literature base that explores preservice teacher civic identity and continues the conversation regarding what type of teacher education experiences foster the construction of more critical civic identities.
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A influência do escritório de gerenciamento de projetos no desenvolvimento de competências do gerente de projetos / The Influence of the Project Management Office on Developing the Competences of the Project ManagerCota, Marcelo Foresti de Matheus 02 June 2011 (has links)
Escritórios de Gerenciamento de Projetos (EGPs) possuem um amplo espectro de serviços (HOBBS; AUBRY, 2007). Nesta pesquisa, foram investigados os serviços dos EGPs direcionados aos gerentes de projetos, particularmente, aqueles destinados a fortalecer as competências. Delimitou-se essa investigação a escritórios maduros. Há recomendações anteriores (DAI; WELLS, 2004) para o estudo de EGPs com tempo de vida longo haja vista uma alta \"mortalidade\" (HOBBS; AUBRY, 2010) em organizações dos mais variados ramos. A questão de pesquisa tratou de como o Escritório de Gerenciamento de Projetos pode influenciar o desenvolvimento de competências do Gerente de Projetos. Foram empregados métodos qualitativos para investigar a questão por meio de três estudos de casos (uma agência governamental, um banco e uma empresa prestadora de serviços de TI) utilizando entrevistas semi-estruturadas com gerentes de EGPs e gerentes de projetos. Buscou-se explorar e entender como as competências são desenvolvidas e que tipo de influência o EGP exerce. Em termos teóricos, a originalidade adveio da pesquisa da relação entre três temas (escritórios de projetos, gerentes de projetos e desenvolvimento de competências em gerenciamento de projetos) individualmente bem explorados, porém ainda não inter-relacionados. As descobertas apontaram para formas equilibradas de exercer o controle e o apoio do EGP aos gerentes de projetos. Em termos da prática, a pesquisa apresentou evidências de serviços do EGP que fortalecem as competências dos gerentes de projetos e que podem elevar o escritório a uma posição de maior relevância na entrega de valor para as organizações, indo além dos serviços básicos e tradicionais como desenvolvimento de metodologias e distribuição de relatórios para executivos. / Project Management Offices (PMOs) have a broad spectrum of services (HOBBS; AUBRY, 2007). In this research, we focused the services rendered by PMOs to project managers, particularly, those services that empower the PM\'s competences. We are also restricting this investigation to mature PMOs. Recommendations have been made (DAI; WELLS, 2004) about the study of the experienced PMOs since there is a \"mortality\" rate (HOBBS; AUBRY, 2010) in organizations. The research question dealt with to what extent do PMOs influence the development of the project managers\' competences. The research project employed qualitative methods in three study cases (a government agency, a bank and a IT service provider) using semi-structured interviews with the PMO managers and with experienced project managers. The aim was to understand how they develop their competencies, how they focus on technical or non-technical (soft skills) competencies, and on what basis they have or have not the support of the PMO. We brought more amplitude and deepness to the study of mature Project Management Offices and the competencies of the project managers. These three topics (PMOs, competences in project management and project manageres) were well studied in the past, but not yet inter-related. In terms of practical contributions, the research gave evidences to justify ways of implementing PMO services to empower project managers and strengthen their competencies in a way the PMO continues to deliver value to the organizations beyond the basic services like methodology and reports to senior executives.
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Personal and professional development : a repertory grid approachHill, Katy January 2016 (has links)
This thesis concerns the use of repertory grids to examine personal and professional development (PPD) during professional training programmes. Paper one consists of a systematic review of 11 repertory grid studies of people undergoing training in human services professions. The findings suggest that professional socialisation occurred in line with the aims of training programmes but was an idiosyncratic, non-linear process which continued post-qualification. Trainees' thinking style became more abstract, less polarised and more cognitively complex. Implications for people training in human services professions and training providers are discussed and suggestions for improved future research are provided. Paper two reports a repertory grid study examining 26 third-year trainee clinical psychologists' construal of their PPD. The findings suggest that trainees' personal and professional selves were construed to be similar to each other. Trainees reported feeling anxious, stressed, unsettled and lacking an appropriate work-life balance. These difficulties were attributed to the demands of training and were expected to resolve once training was completed. Suggestions for future research with improved methodology are made and the implications of the findings for trainees, training providers and employers of newly qualified clinical psychologists are given. Paper three provides a critical reflection of the thesis; discussing the strengths and limitations of each of the papers and concluding with the author's personal reflections on the process of the research and her own PPD.
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Challenges in teaching gifted students with special learning difficulties : using a strategy model of 'Asking, Analysing and Answering Questions' (AAA) to improve the learning environmentSalem, Nurit January 2018 (has links)
This study focuses on developing teaching strategies for teachers who teach in classes for students identified as Gifted and Talented with Special Learning Disabilities situated in Israeli secondary schools. The focus is on the challenges teachers meet while teaching Humanities Subjects (HS) to these students and the strategies they need in addressing their dual exceptionalities. The main purpose of this study is to examine how specific strategies may contribute towards both to quality of teaching and to a better learning environment. Research has shown that gifted students who are diagnosed with learning disabilities in writing skills (2ELs) have difficulties especially in HS and achieve less academically than may suggest their high abilities. The combination of giftedness with learning disabilities and underachievement creates special challenges for their teachers to counter, and for which they need specific Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programmes. In my study, I developed a model of teaching strategies which combines three strategies from the field of teaching gifted students and from the field of special education which are helpful in the humanities disciplines. I created a manual for teachers' CPD that includes this model and I conducted a seminar using this manual for the participant teachers in my research. This was followed by an implementation of the manual by these teachers in their classrooms that includes 2ELs. My qualitative research was based on the case studies of two teachers teaching HS in two high school classrooms, totalling sixty 2ELs. The information was collected through observations, interviews, and open questionnaires. I then analysed the information using an inductive approach as pattern recognition and inclusion into categories. The research findings of this study describe the difficulties that teachers may face with 2ELs and my claim to knowledge is the AAA Model of Strategies and the manual for teachers and their contribution to teachers of 2Els and their students. The recent research fills this particular gap in the literature, in the Israeli context, and the findings of this study bear policy implications and indicate the need for the tailoring of relevant teachers’ CPD' programmes to include strategies to better address the needs of 2ELs for optimal success in fulfilling their potential and overcoming their difficulties. Future research may achieve a deeper understanding of how to prepare teachers to use adjusted strategies that meet 2Els teachers in various disciplines in order to improve learning environment.
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Capacitação em EAD para gestão da inovação : um estudo aplicado a profissionais do setor elétricoJaboinski, Lilian de Cássia Nunes January 2015 (has links)
Inovar significa recriar, de modo a agregar valor e melhorar a qualidade, a eficiência, a segurança e a competitividade nos processos produtivos e gerenciais das organizações, possibilitando benefícios para toda a sociedade. É nessa perspectiva que são implementados os Programas de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (P&D) do setor elétrico, regulados pela Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica (ANEEL), almejando a promoção da inovação e a ampliação de conhecimentos frente aos desafios e às exigências do setor no País. Apesar da regulamentação existente, ainda existem oportunidades de melhoria associadas à operacionalização da gestão da inovação na rotina das concessionárias. Neste contexto, percebe-se que a qualificação profissional exerce papel fundamental para a agregação de valor tanto à carreira do trabalhador quanto às demandas estratégicas do negócio. O presente trabalho visa elaborar um programa de capacitação profissional EAD, para auxiliar o processo de implantação de sistema de gestão da inovação, em empresa do setor elétrico. Para tanto foram utilizadas duas abordagens metodológicas: (i) um estudo de caso, no qual foram adotadas evidências documentais, registros em arquivos, entrevistas, observação direta e observação participante, para o desenvolvimento de um plano de capacitação; e (ii) uma pesquisa-ação, para planejamento e estruturação da sistemática de capacitação. A partir de premissas da empresa, foram identificados quatro públicos demandantes de capacitação: gestores do sistema, multiplicadores, colaboradores da empresa e avaliadores de ideias. Além disto, foram desenvolvidos quatro módulos aplicáveis aos diferentes públicos: Gestão da Inovação, Ambiente Motivador, Ferramentas para Multiplicadores e Uso do Sistema. A aplicação desta capacitação permite o nivelamento do conhecimento sobre inovação dentro da organização, auxilia no desenvolvimento de um ambiente propício à inovação, dissemina ferramentas aplicáveis a este processo e elucida as funcionalidades do Sistema de Gestão da Inovação-CEEE. Por fim, tanto os módulos desenvolvidos quanto os públicos relacionados ao estudo são detalhados. / To innovate means to recreate in order to add value and improve the quality, efficiency, security and competitiveness in the production and management processes of organizations, providing benefits to all of society. It is in this perspective that the Research and Development Program (R & D) are implemented in the electricity sector, regulated by the National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL), aiming at promoting innovation and the expansion of knowledge and the challenges and demands of the sector in the country. Despite the existing regulations, there are still opportunities for improvement associated with the implementation of innovation management in the routine of dealerships. In this context, it is clear that the qualification plays a fundamental role in adding value to both the worker's career as the strategic business demands. This study aims to develop a professional training program EAD to assist the process of implementation of innovation management system in power sector company. Therefore, we used two methodological approaches: (i) a case study in which documentary evidence was adopted, files, interviews, direct observation and participant observation, to develop a training plan; and (ii) an action research, to planning and structuring of systematic training. From the company's premises were identified four plaintiffs public training: system managers, multipliers, company employees and assessors of ideas. In addition, four modules were developed for the various audiences: Innovation Management, Motivating Environment, Tools Multipliers and Use of System. The application of this training allows the leveling of knowledge about innovation within the organization, assists in the development of an environment conducive to innovation, disseminates tools applicable to this process and clarifies the features of SGI-CEEE. Finally, both modules being developed as the public related to the study are detailed.
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Educação e projetos de desenvolvimento no Brasil : a expansão da rede federal de educação profissional e tecnológica no início do século XXIMattos, Marilucia dos Santos 28 May 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-05-28 / This work aims to analyze existing relations between the expansion of the federal network of professional and technological education and development project in socioeconomic and educational in the current Brazil. Presents a brief recovery on theories of development and its relation to policies for professional education in Brazil, having as object the federal network of professional and technological
education. By means of the document analysis, performs a characterization of the current process of expansion of the federal network of professional and technological education, making comparisons with other historical periods and analyzing its contradictions, possibilities and limitations. Concludes that the trajectory of professional education in Brazil has always maintained relationship with development projects having as periods of evidence national developmentalism and the process of network expansion experienced this new century. This relationship, although characteristics and distinct periods is strongly marked by the influence of the ideology of "human capital theory", which puts into question the significant expansion of the Brazilian professional education and development project recorded in the current period that despite represent an advance in relation to the neoliberal project implemented in 1990 does not represent a project to break with it / Esta dissertação tem como objetivo analisar relações existentes entre a expansão da rede federal de educação profissional e tecnológica e o projeto de desenvolvimento
socioeconômico e educacional vigente no Brasil. Apresenta um breve histórico acerca das teorias de desenvolvimento e sua relação com as políticas para educação profissional no Brasil, tendo como objeto a rede federal de educação profissional e tecnológica. Por meio da análise documental, realiza uma
caracterização do atual processo de expansão da rede federal de educação profissional e tecnológica estabelecendo comparações com outros períodos históricos e analisando suas contradições, possibilidades e limites. Conclui que a trajetória da educação profissional no Brasil sempre manteve relação com os projetos de desenvolvimento, tendo como períodos de evidência o nacional desenvolvimentismo e o processo de expansão da rede vivenciado neste início de século. Essa relação, apesar de características e períodos distintos, é marcada fortemente pela influência do ideário da teoria do capital humano , o que põe em xeque a expressiva expansão da rede de educação profissional brasileira, bem como o projeto de desenvolvimento verificado no período atual que, apesar de representar um avanço em relação ao projeto neoliberal implementado nos anos 1990, não representa um projeto de ruptura
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Formação contínua em serviço : um estudo com os profissionais dos centros de educação infantil /Bueno, Marcia Cristina de Souza. January 2007 (has links)
Orientador: Ricardo Ribeiro / Resumo: Sabendo-se que o processo de formação em serviço é um fator importante para o desenvolvimento de um corpo profissional melhor preparado, a pesquisa tem por objetivo identificar quais são os espaços de formação oferecidos para os profissionais dos centros de educação infantil, buscando entender de que forma esse trabalho tem sido realizado, através da metodologia, do conteúdo e da visão dos profissionais em relação as ações desenvolvidas. Utilizou-se para esta pesquisa alguns instrumentos metodológicos de abordagem qualitativa: observação e entrevistas Esses recursos foram utilizados com a finalidade de apreender as ações desenvolvidas nos espaços formativos e também compreender o modo como os profissionais concebem essas práticas. Dentre os espaços de formação oferecidos pela Secretaria Municipal de Educação aos profissionais dos Centros de Educação Infantil escolheu-se pesquisar: as Horas de Trabalho Pedagógico Coletivo oferecido às professoras e as auxiliares de desenvolvimento infantil e as Reuniões Pedagógicas oferecidas às babás. Vale ressaltar que o termo babá é uma denominação específica do local pesquisado. Foram entrevistadas seis coordenadoras dos Centros, seis auxiliares de desenvolvimento infantil, quatro professoras, doze babás, três coordenadoras pedagógicas e uma diretora de departamento de creche. O trabalho estruturou-se da seguinte forma: no primeiro capítulo foi feita uma exposição a respeito da educação infantil no contexto brasileiro e a influência da Constituição de 1988 , bem como das leis decorrentes para o campo. No segundo capítulo tratou-se da importância da formação dos profissionais da educação infantil, destacando a contribuição teórica de diversos autores. No terceiro capítulo, foi realizada a descrição da rede pesquisada, bem como a metodologia anunciada. No quarto capítulo... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: It is known that the process of teacher development in service is an important factor to the professional life, this research has the goal to identify which are the opportunities offered to the professionals of the Centers of Children Education, and try to understand how this work has been done, through the methodology, the content and the point of view of the professionals about their actions. It was used for this research some methodological instruments with the qualitative approach : observation and interviews. Theses resources were used to learn the actions that were used to learn the actions that were developed in teachers reflections meetings and to try o understand how the professionals practice their believes. Among all the opportunities of development offered to the . Secretaria Municipal de Educação. to the professionals of the Center of Children Education was chosen to be researched : .the moments of the group pedagogy work., how it has been offered to the teachers and baby sitters. It is important to remember that .baby sitter. is an especific term used in the place where the research was realized. It was interviewed six coordinators of the Center, six auxiliars of children development, four teachers, twelve baby sitters, three pedagogy coordinators and one principal of the school departament. The work was organized by this way : in the first chapter was done an exposition about the Children Education in Brazilian context and the influence about 1988 constitution, as the laws about this area of study, too. In the second chapter was about the importance of the development of Children Education. In the third chapter was realized the description of the net of school researched and the announced methodology. In the fourth chapter was showed the identification of the development in groups, the contexts, and the strategies of... (Complete abstract, click electronic access below) / Mestre
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Undervisa Naturvetenskap genom Inquiry : En studie av två högstadielärareLundh, Ingrid January 2014 (has links)
There is a need to change the teaching methods of the science subjects. International surveys, e.g. TIMMS and PISA, have been showing relatively declining skills for the Swedish students in the science subjects. International science education research has found good examples of teaching and learning, but the research stays within the research communities and does not reach the teachers and their teaching. The gap between research results and teachers’ practices in the classroom is the basis of this investigation. Research shows that the teacher is one of the most important factors for student learning, therefore, this study has put great emphasis on the teachers’ competencies. The focus of this investigation is the relations between teachers’ knowledge of the Nature of Science (NOS), the Nature of Science Inquiry (NOSI) and inquiry-based teaching of Science. The project follows longitudinally two teachers as they take part in a researchbased implementation process of predesigned inquiry-teaching sequences in Physics. The context is a secondary school in Sweden (grades 8–9, age 14–16 years). The project is set around group discussions between the involved teachers and the researcher on planning, implementing and analysing actual inquiry teaching. The results describe possibilities and obstacles concerning the implementation of inquiry teaching as perceived by the teachers. Having navigated obstacles the teachers saw great potential in the inquiry model based on students’ motivation and learning. The results of the project provide indications on how future in-service teacher courses in Science could be designed. / <p>The series name <em>Linköping Studies in Science and Technology Education</em> is incorrect. The correct namen is <em>Studies in Science and Technology Education</em>.</p><p>Bilaga 1-7 ej inräknade i antalet sidor.</p>
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