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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Švietimo finansavimas Kėdainių rajono savivaldybėje: situacijos analizė ir prognozės / Financing of education at Kedainiai district municipality: situation analysis and prognoses

Župerkienė, Inga 16 August 2007 (has links)
Magistro darbe išanalizuotas švietimo finansavimas Kėdainių rajono savivaldybėje, atkilta situacijos analizė bei prognozės. Išnagrinėta teorinė, mokslinė literatūra. Atlikti du tyrimai: · content analizė, kurios pagalba atlikta situacijos analizė, išanalizuota esama švietimo finansavimo Kėdainių rajone būklė, išanalizuotos 2001-2006 m. Kėdainių rajono savivaldybės biudžeto ataskaitos, · interviu metodas kurio pagalba atliktos švietimo finansavimo Kėdainių rajone prognozės. Tyrimui atlikti pasirinkta paprasta ekspertinė grupė iš 22 asmenų, kurie susiję su švietimu ir jo finansavimu. Atlikus situacijos analizę ir pateikus prognozes pasiektas darbo tikslas, įgyvendinti uždaviniai. Patvirtinta suformuluota hipotezė, kad švietimo finansavimas Kėdainių rajone atitinka Lietuvos švietimo finansavimo bendrąją būklę. Pateiktos išvados, rekomendacijos, padėsiančios skatinti švietimo finansavimą rajone. / In the master work analysed sponsorship in the Kedainiai discrict government is education, and situations analysis and predictions have been carried out. Besides, theoretical and scientific literature had been explored. Moreover, two researches have been done: · The content analysis and with the help of it situation’s analysis had been completed. Also present education sponsorship state in Kedainiai district is analysed. Also 2001-2006 year Kedainiai district government budget reports had been analysed. · Interview method and education sponsorship predictions using this method in Kedainiai district had been made. To perform the research an ordinary experts groups of 22 persons was chosen to who are related to education and cponsorship. Work purpose had been achieved and objectives have been realised by performing situation analysis and the given predictions. Formulated hypothesis wasconfirmed that education sponsorshipin in Kedainiai district sccords with Lithuanian education sponsorship general state. Recommendations and conclusions which will help to promote education sponsorship in the Kedainiai district.

Anemofilinių augalų žiedadulkių sklaidos dinamikos analizė / The Analysis of Anemophylous Plant Pollination Dynamics

Gudonis, Erikas 31 August 2012 (has links)
Anemofiliniai augalai kasmet žiedadulkes ore paskleidžia netolygiai – įvairiais kiekiais, skirtingomis dienomis ir sudaro nevienodo ilgio žiedadulkių sklaidos sezonus. Anemofilinių augalų žiedadulkių sklaidos ore prognozės kasmet tampa vis svarbesniu reiškiniu visuomenėje, kurioje stebimas intensyvėjantis žiedadulkėse esančių alergenų neigiamas poveikis žmonių sveikatai. / In every year anemophylous plants are distributing pollens unequal in the air – in different amount or different day and are creating various lengths of pollination seasons. Forecasting of anemophylous plants pollination in every year is more and more important subject for society, in which is observing negative influence intensify of pollens allergens for humans’ health.

Raseinių rajono savivaldybės antropogeninės taršos mažėjimo prognozės / Anthropogenic pollution reduction prognosis in Raseiniai district municipality

Pečkaitis, Martynas 08 August 2007 (has links)
Darbo tikslas yra įvertinti Raseinių rajono savivaldybės nuotekų sukeliamą taršą ir priemones jai mažinti. Raseinių rajone gyvena 43,7 tūkst. gyventojų, iš kurių apie 79 % prisijungę prie geriamojo vandens tiekimo ir apie 64 % - prie nuotekų šalinimo sistemos. Kiti individualūs gyventojai turi įsirengę vietinius nuotekų sukauptuvus arba turi vietinius nuotekų valymo įrenginius. Dėl blogos sukauptuvų priežiūros dažnai įvyksta persiliejimai, ir nevalytos nuotekos patenka į aplinką. Prieš 30-40 metų įrengtos centralizuotos nuotekų šalinimo sistemos rajone yra susidėvėjusios, todėl jose neišvengiama avarijų. Siekiant sumažinti avarijų, taršos židinių skaičių, būtina rekonstruoti senus vamzdynus, išplėsti nuotekų surinkimo tinklą, prijungiant kuo daugiau gyventojų prie centrinės nuotekų šalinimo sistemos. Vandentvarkos ūkio renovacija ir plėtra Raseinių rajone vykdoma Europos Sąjungos (ES) fondų, Lietuvos ir savivaldybės biudžetų lėšomis. Darbe nagrinėjama vandentvarkos ūkio būklė, ES fondų, Lietuvos ir Raseinių savivaldybės biudžeto remiamų priemonių įtaka aplinkosaugos būklei. / The purpose of this work is to evaluate the wastewater pollution in Raseiniai district and to sugest means to reduce it. Raseiniai district has a population of 43,7 thousand people. 79% of them are connected to the centralized drinking water system, and 64% of them use wastewater disposal system. The remaining individual householders usually use their own wastewater tanks or their local wastewater treatment equipment. Because of the poor wastewater system condition there are the leaks of wastewater to the environment. Since the wastewater treatment systems are 20 – 30 years old, a lot of happening accidents are inevitable. The old pipeline must be renovated in order to decrease the number of accidents and the sources of waste. In addition, more householders should be connected to the centralized wastewater system. The renovation and expansion of the Water – treatment network is financed from the budget of Raseiniai local administration, the structural funds of European Union(EU), and the Cohesion fund. The work includes the inspection of the current state of water-treatment network in Raseiniai district also the influence of the EU structural funds and other means which are used to improve the state of the environment.

Duomenų perdavimo spartos tyrimas judriojo ryšio tinkluose / Data Transfer Throughput Research over Mobile Networks

Žvinys, Karolis 23 July 2012 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe nagrinėjami su duomenų perdavimo sparta susiję ryšio kanalo parametrai. Pirmojoje darbo dalyje apžvelgiami užsienio ir Lietuvos mokslininkų atliekami tyrimai kanalo parametrų, susietų su duomenų perdavimo sparta, tematika, analizuojama mobilaus tinklo kanalo parametrų matavimams skirta iranga. Kituose darbo skyriuose išskiriami konkretūs su duomenų pralaidumu sąveikaujantys parametrai. Naudojant šiuos parametrus darbe kuriami modeliai, skirti duomenų perdavimo spartai prognozuoti tikrinamas modelių tinkamumas bei tikslumas. Tiesinės prognozės atveju pasiektas 77,83%, o netiesinės prognozės atveju – 76,19% tikėtinos duomenų perdavimo spartos prognozės tikslumas. Atsižvelgiant į vartotojų interesus siūlomi jų įrangai pritaikyti prognozės modeliai. Darbo pabaigoje tikrinamas sukurtų modelių adekvatumas realiomis ryšio salygomis. / This work analyzes communication channel settings of UMTS technology which are related with a data transfer throughput. Further course of study includes the most specific parameters selection, that arethe most crucial for data speed. Using these parameters it is developed the models suitable for data transfer throughput prediction. To build the model the linear and nonlinear forecasting methods are applied. The linear prediction is made by using linear regression, nonlinear – neural networks. Using linear prediction model 77.83% forecast accuracy has been achieved, while the nonlinear forecast expected transmission rate forecast accuracy is 76.19%.These prediction models accuracy obtained by using eight parameters of the communication channel. Finally in this paper are built the data throughput prediction models that allow to predict data speed using only standard terminal presented channel parameters. At the end all built prediction models are checked in real communication environment.

Ūminio ir lėtinio paūmėjusio kepenų funkcijos nepakankamumo priežastys, išeitys ir prognozės kriterijai / Causes, outcomes and prognostic criteria of acute and acute-on-chronic liver failure

Čičinskaitė, Ilona 05 January 2006 (has links)
Acute liver failure (ALF) is a rather rare clinical syndrome developing due to an acute massive dysfunction of the liver cells in previously healthy persons (at least 8 weeks there was no diagnosis of any liver disease) resulting in rapidly progressing multiple organ dysfunction syndrome. Without liver transplantation 80-95 % of the patients die. Factors, influencing the outcome are etiology, the patient's age and the course of the disease. Spontaneous recovery, however, is possible in 5-60 % of ALF cases when regeneration of the liver starts, therefore the main goal of the treatment is to create the most favorable conditions for regeneration. Causes of ALF may be different. The most common cause of ALF is viral hepatitis, but the prevailing causative agent of hepatitis is different in different countries. Drug-induced (acetaminophen, halotane) liver dysfunction ranks second. The order of other etiological factors according to their frequency is: mushroom (Amanita) poisoning, carbon tetrachloride toxicity, heat stroke, synthetic amphetamine ("Ecstasy") and disorders of liver blood vessels. In cases of unfavorable prognosis for patients with ALF the only method of treatment with good prognosis is liver transplantation (LT). From 50 to 70 % of patients with lethal ALF prognosis survive after emergency LT. There is no unified ALF prognostic system or indications for LT in the world, therefore a precise individual prognosis for every patient and well-timed decision about LT are... [to full text]

Estimation of the acute toxicity and prediction of the metabolism site for organic molecules using GALAS methodology / Organinių medžiagų ūmaus toksiškumo ir metabolizmo vietos molekulėje prognozavimas taikant GALAS metodą

Sazonovas, Andrius 27 May 2010 (has links)
The dissertation presents GALAS models for the estimation of the acute toxicity towards two rodent species following different administration routes as well as for the prediction of CYP3A4 and CYP2D6 regioselectivity in the main metabolic reactions mediated by these enzymes (13 individual models in total). All these models feature the ability of the quantitative model Applicability Domain (AD) evaluation via the estimated prediction Reliability Indices (RI). I.e., the obtained models conform to one of the main requirements for the QSAR model acceptance as an alternative research method by the EU regulatory institutions. Evident correlation between prediction reliability and its accuracy allowed classifying each model result into one of several qualitative classes according to RI values. One possible way of utilizing such information, discussed in this study, is compound prioritization before experimental testing potentially resulting in reduction of the number of necessary measurements. As demonstrated the AD of the obtained GALAS models can be easily expanded to cover specific compound classes of researcher interest using ‘in-house’ databases of experimental data. This feature significantly improves the possibilities for the practical application of these models, based on public data, in industry. Especially given the fact that the described improvements in predictions following the addition of similar compounds was instant and required no rebuilding of the baseline models. / Disertacijoje pristatomi GALAS metodika paremti ūmaus toksiškumo dviems graužikų rūšims bei visai eilei skirtingų medžiagos patekimo į organizmą būdų ir CYP3A4 bei CYP2D6 fermentų regioselektyvumo pagrindinėse jų katalizuojamose metabolizmo reakcijose prognozavimo modeliai (iš viso 13 individualių modelių). Visi minimi modeliai kokybiškai išsiskiria iš anksčiau publikuotų savo analogų dėl kiekybinio jų pritaikomumo srities įvertinimo galimybės, kurią suteikia apskaičiuojamos prognozės patikimumo indekso (RI) reikšmės. Tokia savybė yra vienas pagrindinių reikalavimų vertinant bet kokio modelio galimybes tapti ES oficialiai pripažintu alternatyviu tyrimo metodu. Aiški prognozių kokybės priklausomybė nuo jų patikimumo išraiškos taip pat suteikia galimybę modelio rezultatus suskaidyti į kokybines klases pagal apskaičiuotąsias RI reikšmes. Vienas iš tokios informacijos panaudojimo būdų siūlomų disertacijoje yra junginių prioritetizavimas prieš bet kokius eksperimentinius matavimus ir netgi pastarųjų skaičiaus potencialus sumažinimas. Disertacijoje taip pat išnagrinėta galimybė greitai bei efektyviai apmokyti gautuosius GALAS modelius naujais eksperimentiniais duomenimis, išplečiant jų pritaikomumo sritį. Ši esminė savybė radikaliai padidina nagrinėjamųjų modelių, paremtų viešai prieinamų duomenų rinkiniais, realaus praktinio panaudojimo farmacijos pramonėje galimybes.

Melizmų sintezė dirbtinių neuronų tinklais / Melisma Synthesis Using Artificial Neural Networks

Leonavičius, Romas 12 January 2007 (has links)
Modern methods of speech synthesis are not suitable for restoration of song signals due to lack of vitality and intonation in the resulted sounds. The aim of presented work is to synthesize melismas met in Lithuanian folk songs, by applying Artificial Neural Networks. An analytical survey of rather a widespread literature is presented. First classification and comprehensive discussion of melismas are given. The theory of dynamic systems which will make the basis for studying melismas is presented and finally the relationship for modeling a melisma with nonlinear and dynamic systems is outlined. Investigation of the most widely used Linear Prediction Coding method and possibilities of its improvement. The modification of original Linear Prediction method based on dynamic LPC frame positioning is proposed. On its basis, the new melisma synthesis technique is presented. Developed flexible generalized melisma model, based on two Artificial Neural Networks – a Multilayer Perceptron and Adaline – as well as on two network training algorithms – Levenberg- Marquardt and the Least Squares error minimization – is presented. Moreover, original mathematical models of Fortis, Gruppett, Mordent and Trill are created, fit for synthesizing melismas, and their minimal sizes are proposed. The last chapter concerns experimental investigation, using over 500 melisma records, and corroborates application of the new mathematical models to melisma synthesis of one performer.

Melizmų sintezė dirbtinių neuronų tinklais / Melisma Synthesis Using Artificial Neural Networks

Leonavičius, Romas 12 January 2007 (has links)
Modern methods of speech synthesis are not suitable for restoration of song signals due to lack of vitality and intonation in the resulted sounds. The aim of presented work is to synthesize melismas met in Lithuanian folk songs, by applying Artificial Neural Networks. An analytical survey of rather a widespread literature is presented. First classification and comprehensive discussion of melismas are given. The theory of dynamic systems which will make the basis for studying melismas is presented and finally the relationship for modeling a melisma with nonlinear and dynamic systems is outlined. Investigation of the most widely used Linear Prediction Coding method and possibilities of its improvement. The modification of original Linear Prediction method based on dynamic LPC frame positioning is proposed. On its basis, the new melisma synthesis technique is presented. Developed flexible generalized melisma model, based on two Artificial Neural Networks – a Multilayer Perceptron and Adaline – as well as on two network training algorithms – Levenberg- Marquardt and the Least Squares error minimization – is presented. Moreover, original mathematical models of Fortis, Gruppett, Mordent and Trill are created, fit for synthesizing melismas, and their minimal sizes are proposed. The last chapter concerns experimental investigation, using over 500 melisma records, and corroborates application of the new mathematical models to melisma synthesis of one performer.

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