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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Progress in Transferable Work-load Projects : Development of a Robust Method for the Evaluation and Forecasting of Distributed Progress / Avancement dans les projets partagés : élaboration de méthodes robustes d’évaluation et de prévision de l’avancement distribué

Khalid, Rameez 02 October 2009 (has links)
Mesurer l'avancement de gros projets est toujours difficile car la charge de travail est partagée entre les départements d'une entreprise ou même entre des entreprises réparties dans le monde. La littérature de niveau recherche sur la gestion des projets a été passée en revue pour découvrir les différentes techniques applicables. Les outils largement utilisés pour prévoir et mesurer l'avancement des projets, comme la méthode de la valeur acquise (Earned Value Analysis), Progress Plot, Milestone and Resource slip charts, Concurrent Engineering, peuvent être utilisés. Le problème étudié est lié à l'industrie pharmaceutique où de nouveaux traitements ou médicaments sont développés, et où l'efficacité d'un traitement médical est testée sur des patients répartis à travers le monde. Beaucoup de variables augmentent la complexité et l'ambiguïté du problème étudié. L'objectif principal est d'analyser l'efficacité d'une solution dans différentes situations au cours du projet, de sorte que la durée soit la plus réduite possible, et que les objectifs soit atteints au moindre coût. Les résultats suggèrent que la relocalisation des patients dans les pays produit de meilleurs résultats en terme d'avancement de projet / In large projects measuring progress is always difficult due to the complexities involved, because the realization is shared among departments of a firm or even between firms disseminated all over the world. Project management and operations research literature is reviewed for discovering various techniques applicable. Widely used tools for progress measurement and forecasting, such as Earned Value Analysis, Progress Plot, Milestone and Resource slip charts, concurrent engineering, can be employed. This thesis is based on a problem of pharmaceutical industry where the effectiveness of a certain medical treatment is examined on patients in a number of countries. The number of variables involved increase the complexity of this problem. The main objective is to analyze the effectiveness of a solution in different situations during the project such that a better project duration and a lower cost can be achieved. Our findings suggest that reallocation of patients among countries produces better results in terms of progress

Vers une éthique de l'empathie / Towards an ethics of empathy

Lopes Semedo, Maria Luisa 18 December 2012 (has links)
L’empathie est une faculté émotionnelle et cognitive précoce, universelle et modulable, qui nous permet d’être affecté, de reconnaître et de répondre de manière appropriée à la subjectivité d’autrui. L’empathie nous permet, ainsi, de ressentir les émotions et les sentiments de l’autre mais également de comprendre, de connaître et de prévoir son comportement afin de mieux adapter notre comportement intersubjectif. Ce comportement peut aller de la simple coordination sociale à un comportement véritablement éthique. L’objectif de ce travail est celui de présenter et de réfléchir aux conditions de possibilité d’une nouvelle éthique : une éthique de l’empathie qui considère cette faculté comme son fondement (contagion, détresse empathique, imitation), son moyen (simulation, imagination, mémoire, souci empathique) et sa fin (partage, confiance, coopération, respect). L’éthique de l’empathie est une éthique hybride, cognitivo-affective, à la fois réaliste et idéaliste ; une éthique minimaliste du point de vue du rapport à soi et à autrui car elle privilégie la relation à autrui aux devoirs envers soi-même ; une éthique qui concilie l’universalité et les cas particuliers ; qui concilie la nature humaine (l’être) avec les valeurs et les normes (le devoir être) tout en laissant une place au dépassement de l’être par la prise en compte de la perfectibilité humaine, notamment à travers l’éducation empathique. Nous proposons ainsi une recherche moderne interdisciplinaire qui prend en compte, non seulement, les dernières études dans les domaines des sciences naturelles et humaines sur notre capacité d’empathie, mais encore le nouveau monde global dans lequel nous vivons aujourd’hui. / Empathy is an emotional and cognitive early faculty which is universal and flexible, which allows us to be affected, to recognize and to respond properly to the subjectivity of others. Empathy allows us, therefore, to feel the emotions and feelings of the others but also to understand, to know and to predict their behavior in order to better adjust our intersubjective conduct. This behavior can range from simple social coordination to a true ethical conduct. The objective of this work is to present and reflect on the conditions of possibility of a new ethics: an ethics of empathy that considers this faculty as its foundation (contagion, empathic distress, imitation), its means (simulation, imagination, memory, attention empathic concern) and its goal (sharing, trust, cooperation, respect). The ethics of empathy is a hybrid ethics, cognitive-affective, realistic and idealistic, minimalist from the point of view of the relation to itself and with others because it prefers relationships with others to own duties. It is an ethics that combine universality and particular cases; that reconciles human nature (is) with values and principles (ought) while leaving space to be exceeded by taking into account human perfectibility, including through an empathetic education. We propose a modern interdisciplinary research that takes into account not only the latest studies in natural sciences and humanities on our ability to empathize, but also the new global world in which we live today.

Andský svět z pohledu dětského vypravěče / Andean universe in the aspect of childish narrator

Tomanová, Magdaléna January 2012 (has links)
Diplomová práce se zabývá pohledem dětského vypravěče na andský svět. Tato perspektiva je analyzována na základě románů dvou peruánských spisovatelů: Hluboké řeky od José Maríi Arguedase a Kronika ze San Gabriel od Julia Ramóna Ribeyra. Práce je rozdělená na teoretickou a analytickou část. Teoretická část pojednává o indigenistickém literárním proudu, životě autorů a románu formování. Analýza uvedených děl je rozdělena do tří částí: tematický, kompoziční a jazykový plán. Tematický plán reflektuje konfrontaci dvou světů (andský a západní) a motivy, které romány sdílejí. V kompozičním plánu jsou rozebrány veškeré náležitosti související s kompozicí děl a navíc výsledek dosaženého vývoje ústředních protagonistů. Jazykový plán se zaměřuje na postavu vypravěče a rozbor využitých jazykových prostředků. V závěru je vyhodnocený rozdílný pohled hrdinů na andský svět. Klíčová slova: andský svět, západní svět, motiv, kompozice, vývoj, vypravěč, jazykové prostředky My thesis deals with a child narrator's point of view at the Andean universe. This perspective is analysed on the basis of novels by two Peruvian writers: Deep River by José María Arguedas and Chronicles from San Gabriel by Julio Ramón Ribeyro. The diploma work is divided into theoretical and analytical part. The theoretical part talks about...

Inovativní formy hodnocení v současné škole se zaměřením na projekt Mapy učebního pokroku / Innovative forms of assessment in the present school focusing on project learning progress map

Neckář, Dalibor January 2017 (has links)
This thesis explains important concepts, procedures and forms of assessment in current school with a focus on new trends in this area. The thesis aim is to find out how is formative assessment and learning progress maps represented in the school assessment, whether created by SCIO or interviewed teachers. The theoretical part deals primarily with the formative school assessment, its functions and specifics. The second area on which the theoretical part focuses are innovations in the field of evaluation in connection with technology steeped era. Emperical part presents a report on whether and how is worked with progress maps on basic schools. Whether the teachers at these schools know this concept and optionally use learning progress maps in whatever form. Keywords Assessment, formative assessment, constructivist approach in teaching, portfolio, progress maps, reading continuum

Versões do \"progresso\": a modernização como tema e problema do fotógrafo Militão Augusto de Azevedo (1862-1902) / Versions of \"progress\": the modernization as the theme and problem of the photographer Militão Augusto de Azevedo (1862-1902)

Araujo, Iris Morais 07 February 2007 (has links)
Esta dissertação centra-se no legado de Militão Augusto de Azevedo (1837-1905) com o objetivo de desvendar as diferentes maneiras que tal fotógrafo representou o processo de modernização ocorrido nas últimas décadas do século XIX no Brasil e, especialmente, em São Paulo. Tomando a especificidade de sua profissão, buscou-se apresentar a maneira com que uma rede de relações sociais foi tecida em torno desta personagem. Estes vínculos permitem notar qual foi o lugar angariado por Militão naquela sociedade; tal posição marcaria de modo perene as percepções do fotógrafo acerca dos processos de mudança que vivenciou. A análise dos documentos de Militão, particularmente suas fotografias e cartas, configura uma polissemia de significados a respeito das transformações ocorridas na cidade de São Paulo a partir da década de 1860, e na política brasileira, após a Proclamação da República. Desta forma, as observações da personagem a respeito de seu mundo em mudança asseveram que, menos do que coladas ao progresso, as representações do fotógrafo formam um amálgama de temporalidades desencontradas, que se imbricam e se tensionam. / This dissertation is focused on the inheritance of a photographer called Militão Augusto de Azevedo (1837-1905). Its goal is to investigate the different sorts of his representation of the modernizations process in the last decades of the 19th century in Brazil, and, especially in the city of São Paulo. Considering the particularity of his profession, this text presents the net of social relations built around this photographer. These bonds lead us to realize the place of Militão in that society, and, how such position would mark perennially his perceptions about the process of changes which he had witnessed. The analysis of Mititãos documents, especially his photographs and letters, figures as a polysemy of meanings about the transformations occurred in the city of São Paulo since 1860 and in the Brazilian politics after the Republics Proclamation. In such a way, the comments of the character on his changing world asseverate that, less than directly related to the progress, his representations mix different temporalities, which overlap and tension themselves.

Women's Doctoral Student Experiences and Degree Progress in Education versus Engineering

Masterman, Ann Katherine January 2014 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Heather Rowan-Kenyon / This study's purpose was to compare the lived experiences of doctoral women studying Education, a prototypically female field, with women studying Engineering, a prototypically male field to illustrate the phenomenon of doctoral degree progress in the two fields. Using critical feminist theory and Valian's (1999) concept of gender schemas, this study examined doctoral education culture in Education and Engineering and how these cultures influence women's doctoral student experiences and in turn their degree progress (Tong, 2009). Although women represent over 50% of doctoral student enrollment and degrees earned, gender disparities exist in Education and Engineering. Once enrolled, women are proportionally more likely to complete Education doctorates and less likely to complete Engineering doctorates (Council of Graduate Schools, 2008; Gonzales, Allum, and Sowell, 2013; Nettles and Millett, 2006). This trend is important because it implies there is something about Education and Engineering doctoral environments that make them more and less conducive for women's success, respectively (Gardner and Mendoza, 2010). This study used a qualitative interpretive phenomenological analysis (IPA) approach to capture the essence of women's doctoral degree progress by interpreting the lived experiences of 10 Education and 11 Engineering doctoral women (Smith, Flowers, and Larkin, 2009). After 63 in-depth interviews and two focus groups, four themes emerged. Overall, the Education women reported fewer positive doctoral experiences and more barriers to degree progress than the Engineering women due to the funding and research assistantship structure, the faculty advisor relationship, and the department environment. Both groups of women described doctoral education culture as proactive, independent, and competitive - characteristics more consistent with masculine gender schemas. Doctoral education culture also reflected the feminine gender schemas of flexibility and collegiality/collaboration, which were more apparent in the prototypically masculine Engineering field than in the prototypically feminine Education field. Implications for how doctoral education can be re-conceptualized, delivered, and researched are provided, calling for the incorporation of more feminine gender schemas into doctoral education culture in order to promote and achieve gender equity. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2014. / Submitted to: Boston College. Lynch School of Education. / Discipline: Educational Leadership and Higher Education.

Dinâmica espaço-temporal de populações do patossistema leprose dos citros em condições naturais de epidemia / Spatio-temporal dynamics of populations of the citrus leprosis pathossystem under natural epidemic conditions

Czermainski, Ana Beatriz Costa 12 February 2007 (has links)
A leprose dos citros, causada por Citrus leprosis vírus (CiLV), é uma doença endêmica nas regiões produtoras do estado de São Paulo que causa sérios prejuízos à produção. O vírus é transmitido exclusivamente pelo ácaro Brevipalpus phoenicis e medidas de controle da doença visam principalmente reduzir a população do vetor através de aplicações de acaricidas. Apesar do controle da doença ser determinado por meio de amostragens da população do ácaro, não há nenhum estudo de longo prazo que correlacione a população do vetor com a incidência da doença. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar os padrões de crescimento temporal e os padrões espaciais da distribuição do ácaro e da doença e estabelecer uma associação entre as duas populações. A população do ácaro e os sintomas de leprose foram monitorados durante três anos sob condições naturais de epidemia, em um talhão de laranja doce, variedade Valência enxertada sobre limão cravo, A população de B. phoenicis apresentou flutuações, mas com picos crescentes ao longo do período. As oscilações na sua densidade dependeram principalmente da fenologia das plantas e menos das condições climáticas. O crescimento da incidência da doença foi lento e seguiu comportamento logístico. Apesar de não ser sistêmica a leprose dos citros comporta-se como poliética com acúmulo de inoculo de ano para ano. A infecção em ramos é a principal causa do caráter cumulativo da doença. Através de regressão logística, a probabilidade de doença foi modelada em função de covariáveis construídas de forma a captar informação da vizinhança das plantas no tempo passado a respeito da incidência do ácaro e da própria doença. Não houve correlação entre o nível de doença numa avaliação e a quantidade de ácaros em avaliações anteriores, em períodos pregressos de até 70 dias. O padrão espacial de plantas com sintomas foi altamente agregado e não correspondeu à distribuição espacial de plantas infestadas pelo ácaro, que foi fracamente agregada. A probabilidade de infestação e de infecção nas plantas foi modelada como dependente do estado das plantas vizinhas, quanto às próprias características, através de modelos autologísticos. A probabilidade de plantas estarem infestadas pelo ácaro não depende de sua vizinhança estar ou não hospedando a praga, ao mesmo tempo. Já a probabilidade de doença em uma árvore depende de árvores vizinhas estarem doentes naquele momento. O padrão espacial da incidência de plantas com sintomas visíveis provavelmente reflete o padrão de infestação pelos ácaros contaminados por CiLV, pois existe uma subpopulação de vetores inserida na população de B. phoenicis. O controle da doença baseado na população de B. phoenicis, não é portanto, recomendável. A amostragem para a tomada de decisão de controle deve ser pautada pela presença de sintomas e ácaros e não somente pela presença de ácaros. / Citrus leprosis, caused by Citrus leprosis virus (CiLV), is a disease endemic to the producing regions of the state of São Paulo, where it has a heavy impact on production. The virus is transmitted exclusively by the Brevipalpus phoenicis mite and disease control measures aim to reduce the vector population mainly by acaricide applications. Although the disease control is based on mite population samplings, there are no long-term studies available that correlate the vector population with the disease incidence. The objective of this study was to characterize temporal and spatial growth patterns of the mite, disease distribution and the association between the two populations. The mite population and citrus leprosis symptoms were monitored for three years under natural epidemic conditions, in a sweet orange stand of the variety Valencia, grafted unto Citrus limonia Osbeck. The B. phoenicis population presented fluctuations, although with increasing peaks along the study period. The oscillation density depended more on the tree phenology than on climate conditions. The disease incidence increased slowly under a logistic model. Although citrus leprosis is not systemic, it has a polietic performance and builds up inoculum year after year. The infection of branches is the main cause of the cumulative nature of the disease. The disease probability was modeled by a covariable constructed to capture information of the trees surroundings in the past, concerning mite incidence and the disease itself. There was no correlation between the disease level in one evaluation and the mite quantity in earlier evaluations, in antecedent periods of up to 70 days. The spatial pattern of trees with symptoms was highly aggregated and did not correspond to the spatial distribution of miteinfested trees, which was weakly aggregated. The probability of tree infestation and infection was modeled as dependent of the state of the surrounding trees through autologistic models. The probability of mite infestation of a tree does not depend on whether the neighbor trees host the pest or not, but on whether the neighbor trees are diseased at that moment. A vector subpopulation is inserted in the B. phoenicis population. The spatial pattern of tree incidence with visible symptoms probably reflects the infestation pattern by CiLV-contaminated mites. Sampling for decision taking regarding disease control must be based on the presence of symptoms as well as of mites, rather than on the mite population only.

Rousseau: dialética e teleologia / Rousseau: dialectic and teleology

Costa, Maira de Cinque Pereira da 26 May 2017 (has links)
Trata-se de mostrar que Rousseau formula, ao longo de seus escritos, em especial no conjunto de seus Discursos, no Contrato Social e no Emílio, uma filosofia da história onde figura um movimento dialético e a ideia de um sentido último para o desenrolar dos eventos humanos. A sucessão de eventos que liga a natureza humana intocada pelos males sociais a seu destino - a qual Rousseau quer chamar de história - traria em seu bojo a possibilidade do progresso moral, consubstanciada na volta ao ordenamento natural. Assim como, frente ao espetáculo e as aparências de seu tempo, Rousseau retrocede ao homem natural, constrói a expectativa de que os tempos vindouros tragam a reconciliação do homem consigo mesmo e com a natureza, tendo o Estado, nos termos em que é proposto pelo Contrato Social, um papel fundamental para esse acontecimento. Por fim, pretende-se desenvolver a ideia de que, a partir de uma noção de história como marcha da natureza, que engendra os meios para emancipação humana, Rousseau aproxima-se do pensamento religioso, produzindo, a partir de sua filosofia da história, uma teodicéia. / This essay aims to show that Rousseau formulates, through his writings, specially in his Discourses, Social Contract and Emile, a Philosophy of History, depicting a dialectic movement and the idea of an ultimate goal or sense for the unraveling of humanity\'s events. The succession of all the events that binds an untouched by social iniquities human nature to its destiny - that Rousseau wants to name history - would bring in its bowels the possibility of moral progress, con-substantiated on the return of a natural order. As in which, facing the spectacle and appearances of his time, Rousseau leans back to this natural man; he also builds an expectation for a reconciliation for man with itself and with nature, playing the State, in the terms laid by the Social Contract, a fundamental role for this to happen. Finally, it is intended to develop the idea that, from a notion of history as a march of nature, engendering the means for human emancipation, Rousseau leans towards the religious thinking, producing in his philosophy of history, a theodicy.

La construction de l’histoire de l’éloquence romaine, de Cicéron à Tacite / Constructing the history of Roman eloquence from Cicero to Tacitus

Cytermann, Raphaële 15 June 2019 (has links)
La présente étude porte sur le regard réflexif que les Romains ont porté sur l’évolution de la pratique oratoire et sur les constructions historiographiques qu’ils ont pu élaborer pour en rendre compte. A travers le Brutus de Cicéron ainsi que Les Controverses et suasoires de Sénèque le père, nous étudions la constitution d’un objet historiographique singulier. Nous cherchons à mettre en évidence l’existence de plusieurs formes possibles d’écriture pour la construction d’une histoire de l’éloquence romaine. Le motif de la décadence constitue l’autre grand axe de notre travail. Nous abordons avant tout le thème du déclin en tant que révélateur des mentalités. Le rapport entre histoire de l’éloquence et politique constitue enfin le fil conducteur de notre travail. La construction d’une histoire de l’éloquence apparaît, en effet, liée de manière indissociable aux transformations politiques. Nous voulons donc mettre en évidence l’évolution historique du topos de la rhétorique décadente, qui revêt des formes diverses selon les auteurs. Le modèle d’interprétation politique ne s’impose définitivement que dans le Dialogue des orateurs de Tacite. La dégénérescence de l’art oratoire apparaît donc comme un domaine d’étude privilégié pour explorer la manière dont l’événement politique peut se traduire dans le champ culturel et voir comment l’histoire de l’éloquence intègre la notion de rupture. / This dissertation deals with the Roman’s reflexive look upon the evolution of rhetorical practice and on the historiographical constructions they devised to account for it. Throughout Cicero’s Brutus as well as Seneca the Elder’s Controversiae and Suasoriae, I study how a peculiar historiographical object was formed. I intend to demonstrate that there were several possible ways to write a history of Roman rhetoric. The motif of decadence is my other main point. I primarily address the topic of decline as an indicator of mindsets. The relationship between politics and the history of rhetoric is the guiding thread of my thesis, for the construction of a history of rhetoric is inextricably mingled with political changes. I thus intend to evidence the historical evolution of the topos of decadent rhetoric, which takes on various shapes depending on the author. The political interpretation model only prevailed starting with Tacitus’Dialogus de Oratoribus. Degeneration of rhetoric therefore appears to be a major area of study to explore how political events translate into the cultural realm and how the history of rhetoric incorporates the concept of historic breaks.

Tendências genéticas das características de produção, conformação e manejo de bovinos Gir leiteiro / Genetic trends of production, conformation and management characteristics of bovine dairy Gir

Carvalho, Nathã Silva de January 2018 (has links)
Em diferentes programas de melhoramento genético, o acompanhamento do progresso genético é essencial para possibilitar ajustes necessários à sua utilização. No Brasil, além de ser considerada uma das raças mais utilizadas para a produção de fêmeas mestiças leiteiras, a raça Gir Leiteiro lidera a lista das raças exportadoras de sêmen. Por conta disso, este estudo objetivou estimar os parâmetros e as tendências genéticas para vinte características de produção, conformação e manejo de animais puros da raça, integrantes do Programa Nacional de Melhoramento do Gir Leiteiro, além das tendências fenotípicas e das tendências genéticas para quatro trajetórias de seleção para produção de leite e de gordura. A metodologia utilizada foi a da Máxima Verossimilhança Restrita em um modelo animal. As tendências genéticas para todas as características foram obtidas via regressão linear das médias dos valores genéticos em função do ano de nascimento dos animais, que em geral, variou de 1935 a 2013. As herdabilidades foram de 0,23 (leite), 0,10 (gordura) e variaram de 0,01 a 0,53 para as características lineares de conformação e manejo. Para produção de leite em 305 dias, houve favorável progresso genético ao longo do tempo, para fêmeas mensuradas (14,04 kg/ano), fêmeas (8,27 kg/ano) e machos (6,12 kg/ano), quanto para as quatro trajetórias de seleção (pais de touros, pais de vacas, mães de touros e mães de vacas). As tendências genéticas para produção de gordura em 305 dias, embora positivas, foram de baixa magnitude. As mudanças genéticas nas características lineares foram em geral, variáveis e inexpressivas, sugerindo que a seleção no Gir Leiteiro tenha sido direcionada essencialmente para maior produção de leite. A provável maior adesão pelos criadores ao uso de reprodutores comprovadamente geneticamente superiores e as melhorias ambientais (nutrição e manejo), possibilitaram incrementos fenotípicos nas produções de leite (55,38 kg/ano) e de gordura (0,91 kg/ano) em bovinos puros da raça Gir Leiteiro no Brasil. / In different breeding programs for genetic improvement, the monitoring of genetic progress is essential to allow for the necessary adjustments to its use. In Brazil, besides being considered one of the most used breeds for the production of crossbred dairy females, the Dairy Gir breed leads the list of semen export breeds. The objective of this study was to estimate parameters and genetic trends for nineteen traits of production, conformation and management of purebred animals of the National Breeding Program for Dairy Gir, in addition to the phenotypic trends and genetic trends for four selection trajectories for the milk yield and fat yield productions. The methodology used was that of Restricted Maximum Likelihood in an animal model. The genetic trends for all traits were obtained through linear regression of the means of genetic values according to the year of birth of the animals, which generally varied from 1935 to 2013. The heritabilities were 0.23 (milk), 0.10 (fat) and ranged from 0.01 to 0.53 for the linear conformation and management traits. The milk yield in 305 days presented favorable genetic progression over time for both mensured females (14.04 kg/year), females (8.27 kg/year) and males (6.12 kg/year), and for the four selection trajectories. The genetic trends for fat yield production in 305 days, although positive, were of low magnitude. The genetic changes in the linear characteristics were in general, variable and inexpressive, suggesting that the selection in Dairy Gir has been directed essentially to a greater milk yield. The probable higher adhesion by breeders to the use of genetically superior breeding herds and environmental improvements (nutrition and management), allowed for phenotypic increases in the milk yield (55.38 kg/year) and fat yield (0.91 kg/year) in the Dairy Gir cattle in Brazil.

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