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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A automação para o controle de processos industriais em projetos complexos: modelos de implementação do Main Automation Contractor (MAC) para a otimização dos resultados dos investimentos

Barateiro, Carlos Eduardo Ribeiro de Barros 27 July 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Secretaria Pós de Produção (tpp@vm.uff.br) on 2017-07-27T19:41:59Z No. of bitstreams: 1 D2014 - Carlos Eduardo Ribeiro de Barros Barateiro .pdf: 6039808 bytes, checksum: 44d3013c2830bb2b96f353a17b0bf002 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-27T19:41:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 D2014 - Carlos Eduardo Ribeiro de Barros Barateiro .pdf: 6039808 bytes, checksum: 44d3013c2830bb2b96f353a17b0bf002 (MD5) / O objetivo principal deste trabalho é o desenvolvimento de um modelo de implementação da automação destinada ao controle de processos industriais em plantas petroquímicas, cujos projetos são enquadrados como complexos pelas suas particularidades. O modelo criado aplica-se no conceito do Main Automation Contractor (MAC – Contratista Principal da Automação) onde uma única empresa é responsável pela automação de todo o empreendimento. Este trabalho é uma continuação da dissertação de mestrado do autor onde foram encontrados os construtos que justificam a elaboração do modelo proposto. O levantamento de dados foi baseado em pesquisa bibliográfica e entrevistas semi-estruturadas com o corpo gerencial de mais alto nível das empresas envolvidas na construção de três grandes plantas petroquimicas. Os resultados foram obtidos a partir de uma abordagem qualitativa com aplicação de uma metodologia de análise de conteúdo e serviram para levantamento das condições de aplicação e a validação do modelo. A pesquisa bibliográfica exploratória teve por finalidade obter maior conhecimento sobre os temas principais incluindo uma análise sobre a evolução da automação e dos modelos de contratação praticados pela indústria, além da análise dos impactos da automação no ciclo de vida desses projetos e das metodologias de seleção de fornecedores. A pesquisa concluiu sobre a viabilidade de utilização do modelo proposto que é composto de três partes: a) a escolha do fornecedor do MAC; b) sua participação nas fases iniciais do projeto (FEED - Front End Engineering and Design) e; c) o processo de implementação do projeto de automação. A automação para o controle de processos industriais, principalmente destinado a grandes plantas petroquimicas é de fundamental importância para a otimização dos resultados desses investimentos e o modelo apresentado é suficientemente robusto, permitindo uma padronização das atividades e a minimização de subjetividades que podem ocorrer sem apoio de uma metodologia adequada. / The main objective of this work is the development of an automation implementation model designed to industrial process control in petrochemical plants, whose projects are classified as complex by its peculiarities. The created model applies the concept of Main Automation Contractor (MAC) which one company is responsible for automation of the entire project. This work is a continuation of the master science program of author that has found the constructs that justify the proposed model. The survey was based on a literature review and semi-structured interviews with the top management team of companies involved in construction of three large petrochemical plants. The results were obtained by a qualitative approach with application of a content analysis methodology and were used to identify the application conditions and model validation. The exploratory literature search aimed to gain more knowledge about key topics including a discussion on the automation evolution and contract models practiced by the industry, besides studying the automation impacts in the life cycle of these projects and methods of supplier selection. The research concluded on the feasibility of the proposed model, which is composed of three parts: a) the choice of the MAC vendor; b) their participation in the early stages of design (FEED - Front End Engineering and Design) and; c) the process of implementation of the automation project. Automation for industrial process control, mainly to large petrochemical plants, is crucial for optimizing the results of these investments and the model is sufficiently robust, allowing standardization activities and to minimize subjectivity that can occur without the support of an appropriate methodolog.

Construction planning and execution strategies for enhancing project success on electrical construction subcontracts

Kim, Dae Young, 1977- 30 January 2012 (has links)
As subcontractors, electrical contractors have been facing unfavorable environments, with problems such as constrained job site areas, schedule interference, and inefficient communication with other trades. To achieve desired goals more efficiently, electrical contractors require a more systematic and effective project management strategy. The primary goal of this research is to develop continuous task strings that pair pre-construction planning (PCP) with relevant project execution (PE) tasks in order for electrical contractors to achieve significantly better performance. Incorporating several statistical analyses, the research demonstrates the effects of continuous task strings on project performance in terms of cost and schedule success. The results reveal that the levels of task string usage are significantly correlated to project success. Moreover, task strings have significant leveraged effects on project performance: project performance can be improved by stringing together related PCP and PE tasks as opposed to performing either PCP or PE task individually. The research further suggests the specific high-value task strings that significantly increase the likelihood of achieving successful project outcomes. Ultimately, by elucidating the relationship between pre-construction planning and project execution tasks, the research can help electrical contractors accomplish significantly better performance through effective project management strategies. / text

Förändringar av arbetssätt vid implementering av BIM : En kvalitativ studie av två traditionella projekteringars arbetssätt och tid- och resursplanering samt vilka förändringar som är nödvändiga vid implementering av BIM / Changes of ways of working in the implementation of BIM : A qualitative study of two traditional design processes ways of working and time and  resource planning, and what changes are necessary in the implementation of BIM

Jansson, Magnus, Knutsson, Kristian January 2012 (has links)
I en rapport från 2005 framtagen av FoU-Väst i samverkan med Centrum för management i byggsektorn (CMB) konstateras att en betydande del av allt slöseri i byggsektorn är kopplat till fel och konsekvenserna av dessa, med andra ord felkostnader. Studien visar att felkostnader står för cirka 10 % av ett projekts produktionskostnad.   Byggsektorn står nu, år 2012, inför förändringar i sitt arbetssätt för att minska antalet fel, öka kvaliteten och effektiviteten. BIM – Building Information Modeling, möjliggör ett smartare sätt att skapa, använda och förvalta information genom hela bygg- och förvaltningsprocessen. BIM ger möjligheten att anpassa informationen i varje delprocess och därigenom effektivisera arbetet. Det nya arbetssättet innebär ett livscykeltänk där information används på ett systematiskt och kvalitetssäkrat sätt i en objektbaserad 3D-modell.  Studiens syfte är att fastställa vilka arbetssätt som behöver förändras för att implementera BIM i ett av Skanskas distrikt i regionen Hus Stockholm Ombyggnad samt fastställa vilka kostnadsbesparingar beställare gör tack vare implementeringen. BIM består av mer än en datamodell. För att uppnå de nyttor BIM kan ge krävs förändrade processer och gemensamma begreppsmodeller. Processerna, organisationen och modelleringen av produkten måste planeras noggrant. Detta medför att mer resurser läggs i ett tidigt skede i projekteringen vilket krävs för att kravspecifikationen ska uppfyllas i ett BIM-projekt. Flera respondenter i studien ger uttryck för att fler och/eller utförligare informationsleveranser i systemskedet skulle höja kvaliteten på bygghandlingarna. Studien konstaterar att BIM-projektering kräver ett nära och öppet samarbete mellan, de för BIM-användingen aktuella aktörerna. / In a 2005 report written by FoU-Väst in collaboration with Centrum för management i byggsektorn (CMB) it is determined that a significant proportion of wastage in the construction sector is linked to defects and their impact, in other words costs of errors. The study shows that these costs are accounting for about 10 % of a project´s production costs.  Construction sector now, in 2012, face changes in their ways of working to reduce errors, increase quality and efficiency. BIM - Building Information Modeling, provides a smarter way to create, use and manage information throughout the construction and management process. BIM provides the ability to customize the information in each sub- process and thereby improve efficiency. The new ways of working involves a life- cycle thinking in which information is used in a systematic and quality assured manner in an object-based 3D model.  The study aims to determine the ways of working that needs to change to implement BIM in one of Skanska's district in the region Stockholm Hus Ombyggnad and identify cost savings clients make through the implementation. BIM consists of more than one data model. To achieve the benefits that BIM can provide, changes in processes and common conceptual models are required. Processes, the organization and modeling of the product must be carefully planned. This means that more resources are added in the early stages of the design process which is necessary to meet the specification of requirements in a BIM project. A number of respondents in the study reflect on the fact that additional and / or more detailed information deliveries during the schematic design phase would increase the quality of construction documents. The study finds that a BIM design process require near and open cooperation between the, to the BIM-use relevant participants.

Análisis comparativo de mecanismos para dar celeridad a la inversión pública en el Perú

Tarrillo Montenegro, Jhon Kennedy January 2024 (has links)
En esta investigación, se llevó a cabo un análisis comparativo de mecanismos destinados a acelerar la inversión pública en el Perú, examinando modalidades como Obras por Contrata, Obras por Impuestos, Asociaciones Público Privadas y Contratos Gobierno a Gobierno. A través de un enfoque metodológico cualitativo - cuantitativo, se analizó una variedad de información documental de fuentes estatales. El hallazgo más relevante determina que la celeridad en la ejecución de proyectos de inversión pública en obras de infraestructura con administración indirecta en el Perú está principalmente influenciada por los Contratos Gobierno a Gobierno. Esta modalidad destaca por su adaptabilidad a acuerdos bilaterales, supervisión conjunta, y la incorporación de tecnologías avanzadas, asegurando una gestión eficiente y transparente del presupuesto estatal en áreas críticas. Se subraya la necesidad de actualizar la normativa y directrices existentes para optimizar la gestión de proyectos de inversión en el país y maximizar la inversión pública, así como la adopción de contratos como los NEC4 y tecnologías como BIM es crucial para una gestión más eficiente. / In this research, a comparative analysis of mechanisms aimed at accelerating public investment in Peru was conducted, examining modalities such as Works for Contract, Works for Taxes, Public Private Partnerships, and Government to Government Contracts. Through a qualitative-quantitative methodological approach, a variety of documentary information from state sources was analyzed. The most significant finding determines that the speed in executing Public Investment Projects in infrastructure with indirect administration in Peru is mainly influenced by the Government-to-Government Contracts. This modality stands out for its adaptability to bilateral agreements, joint supervision, and the incorporation of advanced technologies, ensuring efficient and transparent management of the state budget in critical areas. The need to update existing regulations and guidelines to optimize the management of investment projects in the country and maximize public investment is emphasized. Adopting contracts like NEC4 and technologies like BIM is crucial for more efficient management.

Document management system in owner companies during project execution / W. Wilson

Wilson, Welma January 2010 (has links)
Owner companies should consider all elements of Document Management during a project’s life cycle, identify shortcomings and address them successfully to ensure successful completion of projects and ultimately to also ensure legal compliance as stipulated by contractual agreements. Proper governance during the execution of projects involves, amongst others, the establishment of structures and processes, with appropriate checks and balances built into these structures and processes, to enable all stakeholders to be in a position to have access to relevant documentation. Executing projects makes a huge demand on the flow and management of project related documentation through the different phases of these projects. The research, as documented in this dissertation, investigates and evaluates whether Sasol Technology, as the project execution agent for the Sasol Business Units, has efficient governing Document Management processes and procedures in place to support the successful execution of capital projects. Sasol Technology uses a stage gate model, associated with project life cycles, as a systematic approach for the execution of capital projects. Document Management is a new business function that was established in 2008. Not all the functions involved in the life cycle of project execution are fully aligned with the central function managing documentation. There is thus a need for a fully integrated Document Management System, involving all the functions of Sasol which are involved during the different phases of project execution. The literature study analyses existing world best document management and records management practices and procedures and points out that meticulous and strict document and records management practices form the backbone of organisational authentic evidence compliance. The research design method that was chosen to authenticate the research question is an Exploratory Qualitative Approach, combined with a Descriptive Approach. Results are obtained from a combination of three methods. Published and available existing data of how documents are managed in Sasol was gathered and secondary findings are established. Focused and structured interviews were then conducted with experienced team members from the different functions involved in project execution and lastly, e-mail administrated questionnaires were developed and distributed to relevant project team members within Sasol Technology to assess the current system and to determine additional requirements for an enhanced Document Management System, specifically applicable to owner companies in the project execution environment. Whereas the scrutiny of the secondary sources provides a background and the progress iii made with regard to setting requirements for a standardised Document Management System for the execution of projects in the Sasol Technology and some of the other Sasol Business Units, the primary data findings indicate how the project team members perceive the existing Sasol Technology Document Management System to be. Key findings include, that documentation life cycle management is not fully developed and needs to be addressed in the Sasol Technology project execution environment. Furthermore, integration of the documentation management of the various departments, functions and structures in Sasol will enable better and improved management of project documentation. The specific output of this dissertation is the recommendation of an improved Document Management System to allow the different functions within Sasol Technology and some other Sasol Business Units to have access to an integrated system, included in it all relevant documentation requirements during the life cycle of projects. An added deliverable is a framework of requirements to be included in a document management philosophy, not only for Sasol, but also for other owner companies during project execution. / Thesis (M.Ing. (Development and Management Engineering))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2010.

Document management system in owner companies during project execution / W. Wilson

Wilson, Welma January 2010 (has links)
Owner companies should consider all elements of Document Management during a project’s life cycle, identify shortcomings and address them successfully to ensure successful completion of projects and ultimately to also ensure legal compliance as stipulated by contractual agreements. Proper governance during the execution of projects involves, amongst others, the establishment of structures and processes, with appropriate checks and balances built into these structures and processes, to enable all stakeholders to be in a position to have access to relevant documentation. Executing projects makes a huge demand on the flow and management of project related documentation through the different phases of these projects. The research, as documented in this dissertation, investigates and evaluates whether Sasol Technology, as the project execution agent for the Sasol Business Units, has efficient governing Document Management processes and procedures in place to support the successful execution of capital projects. Sasol Technology uses a stage gate model, associated with project life cycles, as a systematic approach for the execution of capital projects. Document Management is a new business function that was established in 2008. Not all the functions involved in the life cycle of project execution are fully aligned with the central function managing documentation. There is thus a need for a fully integrated Document Management System, involving all the functions of Sasol which are involved during the different phases of project execution. The literature study analyses existing world best document management and records management practices and procedures and points out that meticulous and strict document and records management practices form the backbone of organisational authentic evidence compliance. The research design method that was chosen to authenticate the research question is an Exploratory Qualitative Approach, combined with a Descriptive Approach. Results are obtained from a combination of three methods. Published and available existing data of how documents are managed in Sasol was gathered and secondary findings are established. Focused and structured interviews were then conducted with experienced team members from the different functions involved in project execution and lastly, e-mail administrated questionnaires were developed and distributed to relevant project team members within Sasol Technology to assess the current system and to determine additional requirements for an enhanced Document Management System, specifically applicable to owner companies in the project execution environment. Whereas the scrutiny of the secondary sources provides a background and the progress iii made with regard to setting requirements for a standardised Document Management System for the execution of projects in the Sasol Technology and some of the other Sasol Business Units, the primary data findings indicate how the project team members perceive the existing Sasol Technology Document Management System to be. Key findings include, that documentation life cycle management is not fully developed and needs to be addressed in the Sasol Technology project execution environment. Furthermore, integration of the documentation management of the various departments, functions and structures in Sasol will enable better and improved management of project documentation. The specific output of this dissertation is the recommendation of an improved Document Management System to allow the different functions within Sasol Technology and some other Sasol Business Units to have access to an integrated system, included in it all relevant documentation requirements during the life cycle of projects. An added deliverable is a framework of requirements to be included in a document management philosophy, not only for Sasol, but also for other owner companies during project execution. / Thesis (M.Ing. (Development and Management Engineering))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2010.

Elaboración de plan de gestión de calidad en diseño de proyectos de edificación

Ramos Meza, Elizabeth Justina, Sologuren Cossio, Angel Daniel January 2015 (has links)
La presente tesis de investigación tiene un enfoque cualitativo que resuelve el problema de las empresas consultoras, que no establecen un Plan de Gestión de Calidad (P.G.C.) en diseño y dificultan la ejecución de un Proyecto de Edificación. Por lo cual se trazó el objetivo de elaborar un Plan de Gestión de Calidad en diseño de Proyectos de edificación, con el fin de optimizar el control de los procesos de diseño y de su documentación resultante. Para ello se utilizó la metodología de diseño no experimental, de tipo exploratorio y descriptivo-correlacional. Donde la observación, inspección y registro de cualidades cualitativas en los procesos de diseño y su documentación; fueron analizadas. Obteniéndose los siguientes resultados: El control de procesos de diseño y su documentación, optimiza el diseño del proyecto, y es necesaria para la aprobación del proyecto. El cumplimiento de los requisitos del PGC asegura la validación del diseño del proyecto. This thesis is a qualitative research approach that solves the problem of consulting firms, not establish a Quality Management Plan in design and difficult to execution of a building project. Therefore the objective of developing a Quality Management Plan in projects design of building, in order to optimize process control and its design resulting documentation. For this purpose we used the non-experimental design methodology, type exploratory and descriptive-correlational. Where observation, inspection and registration of qualitative attributes in the design process and its documentation; were analyzed. Then the following results were obtained: Process control and documentation design, optimizes the design of the project, and is necessary for the approval and validation of the project. Compliance with the requirements of Q.M.P ensures the validation of the project design.

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