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Prostituição feminina na Mélica e no Jambo arcaicos: imagens e temas / Female Prostitution in Archaic Melic Poetry and Iambus: images and topicsHernandez, Enrique Andres Carretero 23 April 2019 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar uma análise da representação da prostituição feminina e seus principais temas na poesia mélica e jâmbica grega arcaica e tardo-arcaica. As categorias com as quais se denominavam as prostitutas na Grécia antiga eram pórnē e hetera, mas apesar de haver menções explícitas à pórnē na poesia arcaica e tardo-arcaica, não as há a respeito da hetera - referenciada em sentido relativo à prostituição a partir da época clássica , e essa ausência é um dos principais aspectos abordados ao longo deste estudo. É apresentada a tradução e análise de quatorze fragmentos de quatro poetas mélicos - Alceu, Safo, Anacreonte e Píndaro - e dois jâmbicos - Arquíloco e Hipônax. / The aim of this study is to analyze the representation of female prostitution and related topics on Greek early and late archaic melic poetry and iambus. The categories by which prostitutes were identified in Ancient Greece were pórnē and hetaira, and although pórnē is explicitly mentioned in early and late archaic poetry, hetaira is not - this term is first used with regards to prostitution in the classic period -, and this is one of the leading questions treated throughout this work. Fourteen fragments from four melic poets - Alcaeus, Sappho, Anacreon and Pindar - and two iambic poets Archilochus and Hipponax - have been considered for the purpose of this thesis.
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De l'Eros et d'autres démons : les représentations littéraires du tabou et de la transgression dans la société tardo-antique de l'Orient chrétien (IVe - VIIe siècles) / Of Eros and other demons : the literary representations of taboo and transgression in the Late Antique society of the Christian East (4th - 7th centuries)Ainalis, Zisis 25 January 2014 (has links)
Cette étude traite des représentations littéraires du « démon de la fornication » et des notions avoisinantes du tabou et de la transgression dans la société tardo-antique de l’Orient chrétien à travers la lecture des Vies de saints. Elle focalise sur les « Vies de saintes prostituées » et celles « de saintes adultères », qui concrétisent les perceptions de l’homme tardo-antique autour de la question de la transgression des tabous sexuels. Mais à côté de la représentation littéraire de la transgression réelle (d’ordre principalement sexuelle) de normes sociales, nous serons étonnés de trouver d’autres formes de transgression, tantôt imaginaire tantôt réelle. Pour cette raison nous avons examiné d’autres cas « marginaux » de saints, dont les Vies nous fournissent des indices précieux sur toute la gamme de normes sociales et de prescriptions taboues de la société tardo-antique : la fuite du mariage, le refus du travail, l’homosexualité, la contestation du pouvoir (paternel et politique), la mendicité, le vagabondage, la folie et le rire n’étant que les plus importants. Pourtant, la seule énumération de ces sujets pose un autre problème éminemment plus important que la représentation littéraire, celui de la place des marginaux dans cette société. Quelle était la place, alors, de tous ceux qui étaient considérés comme des « rejetés » sociaux dans la société de l’Antiquité tardive, quelle était la place des prostituées, des adultères, des homosexuels, des fous, des clochards, des chômeurs, des vagabonds et quelles étaient les attitudes vis-à-vis d’eux et quelles répercussions sociales et psychologiques affrontaient-ils ? En essayant de répondre, nous avons essayé de mettre en avant l’hypothèse de l’existence d’une catégorie particulière de Vies de saints qui traiterait toutes ces questions taboues : les « Vies de saints populaires » dont les principales caractéristiques nous avons essayé d’établir et d’interpréter dans une synthèse historique qui conclue cette étude. / This study treats the literary representations of the “demon of fornication” and the adjacent notions of taboo and transgression in the late-antique society of Christian East through a close reading of the Lives of Saints. It focuses on the “Lives of Holy Harlots” and those of “Holy Adulteresses”, which materialize the late-antique man’s perceptions about the question of the transgression of the sexual taboos. But just along with the literary representations of social norms’ real transgression, mostly sexual, we can also find other forms of transgression, either real or imaginary. For this reason we have examined other cases of “border-line” saints, whose Lives provide us with precious indications about the whole range of social norms and the taboo limitations of the late-antique society: the denial of marriage and work, the homosexuality, the contesting of the paternal and political power, the begging, the wandering, the madness and the laughter, only being the most important. However, the simple enumeration of such subjects evokes the question of the position of the outcasts in this society. Which was the place of all those who were considered as social “rejections” in the late-antique society, which was the place of prostitutes, of adulteresses, of homosexuals, of foolish people, of the wandering or begging workless people, and which were the attitudes towards them or the social and psychological repercussions that they were obliged to confront? Upon trying to answer to these questions, we’ve stumbled upon the existence of a distinct category of Lives of Saints which treats all those taboo subjects: the “Lives of popular Saints” (or the “Popular Lives of Saints”), whose main characteristics we have tried to establish and to interpret in an historical synthesis that concludes this study.
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Prostitutas reconfiguradas: artimanhas da marca Daspu na visibilidade dos meios impresso e digitalAlencar, Sílvia Sampaio de 11 October 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-10-11 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This research s objective is to investigate the ways by which the modes of presence
of Daspu s prostitutes figures are being restructured in the national journalistic
communication under the impact of the homonymous fashion brand s website. It s
about questioning if there were, since the website s appearance, any changes in the
sense production of the prostitutes simulacrua they were figurativized by the brand in
the same way they were made present in the current journalistic press. Our main
hypothesis is that the presence of Daspu s prostitute figure would have promoted a
change in the social visibility of the prostitutes linked with the brand in journalistic
press. The theoretical references adopted were the postulates of Greimas semiotic
theory. Through them we understand Daspu s prostitutes figures as semantic
configurations that are discursively reiterated in audio-verbal-visual texts in the
institutional brand s website and the journalistic texts that reverberate them. We also
adopt Landowski s notion of simulacrum that defines it as the set of traces (linguistic
or not) pertinent for a signification assignment installed by an addresser in a text, so
it can be apprehended by an addressee. The syntaxic and semantic determinations
held between addresser and addressee contribute to create a prostitute image that
this partners send one another in the communication act. The research corpus
gathers Daspu brand s institutional website, accessible at www.daspu.com.br and a
set of reports extracted from different sections of Folha de S. Paulo s newspaper that
show Daspu s prostitutes simulacra manifestations in the period between January
2005 and December 2010. The selection of such variety of reports aims to offer
subsidies for the investigation of different types of simulacra build over the same
basis of values as the referred website. We therefore infer that the senses produced
are re-enunciated between press and digital medias and not only enunciated from
the second one to the first / O objetivo deste trabalho é examinar como os modos de presença da figura da
prostituta Daspu estão sendo presentemente reestruturados na comunicação
jornalística nacional, sob o impacto do website da marca de moda homônima. Tratase
de perguntar se houve, desde o surgimento do site, mudanças na produção de
sentidos dos simulacros das prostitutas figurativizadas pela grife tais como são
presentificados na imprensa jornalística atual. Operamos com a hipótese principal de
que a presença da figura da prostituta Daspu teria promovido uma alteração na
visibilidade social das prostitutas atreladas à marca na mídia jornalística. Tomandose
como referencial teórico os postulados da teoria semiótica greimasiana,
entendemos por figura da prostituta Daspu as configurações semânticas que são
discursivamente reiteradas nos textos áudio-verbo-visuais do website institucional da
marca e nos textos jornalísticos que os repercutem. Adotamos também a noção de
simulacro de Landowski, que o define como o conjunto dos traços (linguísticos ou
não) pertinentes para a atribuição de uma significação inscrita por um destinador,
em um texto, para ser apreendida por um destinatário. As determinações sintáxicas
e semânticas mantidas entre destinador e destinatário contribuem para forjar a
imagem da prostituta que os parceiros enviam um ao outro no ato da
comunicação. O corpus da pesquisa compreende o website institucional da
marca Daspu, acessável em www.daspu.com.br, e um recorte dentre as reportagens
extraídas dos diversos cadernos do jornal Folha de S. Paulo que trazem
manifestações do simulacro da prostituta Daspu no período de janeiro de 2005 a
dezembro de 2010. A seleção da abrangente variedade de reportagens objetiva
oferecer subsídios para a investigação dos tipos de simulacros manifestos nos
textos jornalísticos. O resultado mostra que as representações da prostituta nas
pautas jornalísticas tem seus simulacros edificados sobre as mesmas bases de
valores daquelas levantadas e analisadas no referido website. Depreendemos assim
que os sentidos produzidos são re-enunciados entre o meio impresso e o digital,
antes que somente enunciados do segundo para o primeiro
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A definition of an employee and the legal protection of sex workers in the workplace : a comparative study between South Africa and GermanyMdhluli, P. January 2014 (has links)
Thesis (LLM. (Labour Law)) -- University of Limpopo, 2014 / The discussion looks at the history of commercial sex and how it has evolved in South Africa. The discussion evaluates the challenges that commercial sex workers face in South Africa and argues that the dignity of sex workers as citizens of South Africa are infringed and it would seem that less is being done to protect these workers due to nature of their work. It is argued that sex workers are still entitled to the rights enshrined in the Constitution despite the illegality of sex work. This discussion argues further that sex work continues to exist in South Africa despite its illegality and it would be prudent to address the challenges that encourage sex work because the criminalization of this type of work does not seem to minimize sex work. The discussion further looks at the case of Kylie v CCMA which has been subject to much debate recently. The discussion also makes a comparative study with Germany and determines the lessons which South Africa can learn from this country regarding decriminalization of sex work.
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A definition of an employee and the legal protection of sex workers in the workplace : a comparative study between South Africa and GermanyMdhluli, Podu January 2014 (has links)
Thesis (LLM. (Labour Law)) -- University of Limpopo, 2014 / The discussion looks at the history of commercial sex and how it has evolved in South Africa. The discussion evaluates the challenges that commercial sex workers face in South Africa and argues that the dignity of sex workers as citizens of South Africa are infringed and it would seem that less is being done to protect these workers due to nature of their work. It is argued that sex workers are still entitled to the rights enshrined in the Constitution despite the illegality of sex work. This discussion argues further that sex work continues to exist in South Africa despite its illegality and it would be prudent to address the challenges that encourage sex work because the criminalization of this type of work does not seem to minimize sex work. The discussion further looks at the case of Kylie v CCMA which has been subject to much debate recently. The discussion also makes a comparative study with Germany and determines the lessons which South Africa can learn from this country regarding decriminalization of sex work.
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Representing sexualised otherness : Asian woman as sign in the discourse of the Australian pressRansom, Miriam Anna, 1972- January 2001 (has links)
Abstract not available
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從娼少女個別諮商歷程之探討 / The analysis of individual counsiling process for juvenile female prostitutes李孟珍, Lee, Menp Jen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之個別諮商歷程分為二階段:一是少女從娼歷程分析、二是個別諮商內涵分析。少女從娼歷程分析應用Herbert (1981)問題行為十因子分析模式,以探討了解從娼少女之從娼行為歷程及其相關因素,並據而進行個別諮商,而以吳英璋(民74)之心理治療內涵分析:以微視分析、個別諮商次與次的分析、及整體分析來呈現諮商內涵。
根據研究結果,本研究建議收容從娼少女機構將訓導與輔導分立,並設立轉導室,提供少女主動求助的場所,以進行個別諮商;另外,建議諮商員能有適當之心理建設,以面對特殊族群的個案。 / The study of individual counseling process can be understood through the analysis of the factors of the juvenile female prostitution, and the following individual counseling.
The fifteen subjects of this research were violated either Children Welfare Law or Adolescence Welfare Law and educated for the probation in the juvenile female institution.
The major results of the research are based on the Ten-Factor Clinical Formulation Model (Herbert, 1981) could easily found the behavioral process and its related factors of juvenile prostitutes. And we are able to distinguish efficiently characteristic differences between individual cases ,and according to their differences set up a proper goal for individual counseling.
This study suggests that institutes for female prostitues should separate counseling service from discipline system, and set up a special counseling center where juvenile prostitutes could find assistance and shelter, a place for private counseling.
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"Prostitution", "risk", and "responsibility" : paradigms of AIDS prevention and women's identities in Thika, Kenya / Paradigms of AIDS prevention and women's identities in Thika, Kenya.Kielmann, Karina January 1993 (has links)
The focus of this thesis is an AIDS education programme targeting prostitutes in the industrial town of Thika, Kenya. The thesis challenges three key assumptions underlying the programme, namely: (1) prostitutes in Kenya form a readily identifiable, homogenous social category; (2) medically, they are a source of HIV-infection, and a risk group due to their sexual activity; (3) once provided with knowledge about AIDS transmission and prevention, they have the incentive, and the means to modify their risk behaviour. The notions of "prostitution", "risk", and "responsibility", as assumed in the medical discourse of the programme, are contrasted with those found in the narratives of local health workers and the women involved in the programme. The incongruences in these sets of understandings have implications for the interpretation of epidemiological findings and the planning of AIDS prevention programmes in general. By lending an overall priority ranking to the risk factor of sexual behaviour, the epidemiological paradigm informing the programme masks social and economic co-factors placing women at risk, as well as the role of men in transmission of the HIV-virus. Further, the paradigm ignores important factors in the motivation of health behaviour, namely, the relative significance that women attribute to the risk of AIDS, as well as their envisaged control over health.
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'n Viktimologiese ondersoek na vroulike kindersekswerkers met spesifieke verwysing na Gauteng (Afrikaans)Hesselink-Louw, Ann-Mari Elizabeth 18 November 2005 (has links)
AFRIKAANS: Kinderprostitusie is 'n sosiale probleem wat wêreldwyd voorkom. Kinders wat nog nie puberteit betree het nie asook adolessente word deur souteneurs en hulle ouers of voogde by kindersekswerk betrek. Hierdie kinders wat dikwels die enigste broodwinners van die gesin is, word aan vernederende en in sommige gevalle gedwonge seksuele aktiwiteite, geweld, intimidasie en dwelms blootgestel. Die aard, omvang, werkswyse asook die emosionele, psigiese en fisieke gevolge van prostitusie op die kind is aan die hand van 'n verkennende, kwalitatiewe ondersoek (Gauteng - spesifiek Johannesburg en Pretoria) bestudeer. Die ondersoek word teoreties gerig deur onder andere die sosiale struktuur- en prosesteorieë. Verder is verskeie risikofaktore ten opsigte van kindersekswerk geïdentifiseer. Die moontlike dekriminalisering van prostitusie asook die effek wat dekriminalisering van prostitusie op kindersekswerk sal hê, is onder die loep geneem. Verskeie aanbevelings in verband met verdere navorsing rakende kindersekswerk is gemaak en moontlike oorkomingstrategieë ten opsigte van kindersekswerk is ook geïdentifiseer. ENGLISH: Child prostitution is a social phenomenon that occurs worldwide. Children, prior to reaching puberty, and adolescent's, are drawn into child sexwork by pimps, their parents or guardians. These children, often the only breadwinners of their families, become exposed to humiliation and in numerous situations coercion, violence, intimidation and drugs. The nature, extent, working environment and the emotional, psychological and physical effects of child prostitution on the child are explored through an explorative and a qualitative study (Gauteng - specifically Johannesburg and Pretoria). The study is theoretically driven through, inter alia, the social process and structural theories. Several risk factors regarding child sex work are identified. The possible decriminalization of prostitution and the effect thereof on child sex workers was considered. Several recommendations for further research on child sex work were made and possible prevention strategies were also identified. / Dissertation (MA (Criminology))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Criminology / unrestricted
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Sex Work and Moral Conflict: Enhancing the Quality of Public Discourse Using Photovoice MethodTenty, Crystal Renee 01 January 2009 (has links)
This thesis uses an advocacy/participatory framework and moral conflict theory to examine the opposing ideas: and interests of parties involved in the issue of prostitution on 82nd Avenue in Portland, Oregon. It locates areas of contention within the larger dominant feminist discourse, which views sex work as either a form of violence and exploitation or as a form of legitimate free-contract labor. The thesis shows how the intractable moral conflict between these differing feminist theories and values can be mediated using participatory data collection techniques.
Ethnographic data was collected and analyzed from 11 women working in the sex industry in Portland, highlighting voices commonly left out of the conflict. Participants were given cameras and invited to photo-document their individual and community's needs and aspirations through the qualitative, arts-based research method, photovoice. An exhibit of these photographs was displayed as an art exhibit at several locations throughout the Portland area. Data collection methods also included a review of local media sources collected between September 2007 and April 2009, and field notes gathered from participatory and non-participatory observations at public town hall forums. Close analytic attention is given to the perspectives of those marginalized populations of sex workers excluded from the dialogue on issues that directly affect them.
This thesis demonstrates ways in which community-based, participatory research, such as the use of photovoice method, can empower marginalized individuals to affect change within their community. The exhibit of photovoice data was used to enhance communication among individuals and groups involved in an intractable moral conflict about sex work in Portland. This thesis argues that photovoice method has potential for increasing the quality of public discourse to manage moral conflicts or to discover resolutions suitable to the needs and desires of multiple stakeholders.
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