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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Trestněprávní odpovědnost v ochraně životního prostředí / Criminal liability in environmental protection

Novotná, Barbora January 2015 (has links)
141 Abstract The topic of this thesis is criminal liability within the environmental protection. Introductory chapters are devoted to the definition of basic concepts of the whole matter (environment, environmental protection, criminal liability etc.) and kinds of legal liability in the field of environmental protection. Another chapter deals with international and EU aspects of matter aforesaid. Furthermore, this thesis analyzes the adjustment of criminal liability within the environmental protection in the Czech Republic, at first for natural and consequently for legal persons whose criminal liability has been introduced in the Czech Republic for relatively short period of time. The final chapter is focused on the comparison of Czech and French criminal liability legislation of legal persons in relation to the environment.

Právní nástroje územní ochrany přírody v ČR a SRN / Legal instruments of territorial protection of nature in the CR and Federal Republic of Germany

Růzha, Filip January 2014 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is the analysis and comparison of the elementary legal instruments of territorial nature protection in the Czech Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany. This diploma thesis is divided into 8 chapters including the introduction and the conclusion. The second and the third chapter deal with the most important sources of legal regulation of the territorial nature protection in both international law and law of the European Union and emphasises their influence on the creation of legal regulations of national law. The fourth chapter is concerned with the historical development of the territorial nature protection in both countries in question and focuses mainly on the development of legal regulations since the 30's. The fifth chapter provides an elementary overview of the legal sources of the territorial nature protection in national law. The sixth and the seventh chapter deal with general and special nature protection respectively and provide comparison of the respective legal institutes. The conclusion is concerned with the comparison and the evaluation of common and different features of Czech and German legal regulations and provides proposals for constituent changes of the provisions in question.

Role obcí v ochraně ovzduší dle nové právní úpravy / The role of municipalities in the air protection according to the new legislation

Ignasová, Lucie January 2015 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the role of municipalities in the air protection, particularly on the legal instruments of municipalities within their individual and delegated jurisdiction. The thesis consists of six chapters. The first chapter is introductory and is aimed at the air as the subject of legislation. The second chapter focuses on legislation of municipalities and other chapters describe the role of municipalities in land use, placement and approval of stationary sources of pollution. Further chapter points out specific legal instruments used in transport and the last chapter deals with the possibilities of the municipalities in relation to air pollution by individuals. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Repenser la politique criminelle du mineurs au Bénin / To reconsider the criminal policy of the minor in Benin

Adamou, Abouféidou 23 September 2016 (has links)
Bien qu’ayant adopté des textes au plan national et ratifié plusieurs Conventions internationales relatives à la protection des enfants, le Bénin continue d’enregistrer diverses formes de maltraitance à l’égard des enfants. De même, le Bénin souffre d’un dysfonctionnement réel et d’une carence des systèmes judiciaire et pénitentiaire à l’égard de la protection des mineurs en conflit avec la loi. Par ailleurs, on se demande aujourd’hui quelles réponses pénales apporter à ces enfants en situation difficile si les nombreuses mesures appliquées ont montré leur limite parce que se résumant pour la plupart soit à des mesures de garde ou de rééducation, soit une condamnation pénale. Cette situation globale et souvent latente qui constitue l’une des aberrations des temps modernes ne peut laisser quiconque indifférent bien qu’il soit délicat de connaître l’étendue de ses manifestations. D’où l’évidence de ‘repenser la politique criminelle du mineur au Bénin’.Mais, malheureusement la politique criminelle de l’enfant loin de se contextualiser reflète encore certaines dispositions du passé qui inévitablement portent atteinte au traitement éhonté réservé aux enfants béninois. C’est pourquoi face à une politique criminelle des mineurs à état des lieux alarmant, il est nécessaire d’inventer une nouvelle politique criminelle. / Although having adopted texts with the national plan and having ratified several International conventions relating to the protection of the children, Benin continues to record various forms of ill-treatment with regard to the children. In the same way, Benin suffers from a real dysfunction and a deficiency of the systems legal and penitentiary with regard to theprotection of the minors in conflict with the law. In addition, one asks for today which penal answers give to these children in difficult situation if many measurements applied showed heir limit because summarizing itself for the majority either with measurements of guard or rehabilitation, or a penal judgment. This total and often latent situation which constitutes oneof the aberrations of modern times cannot leave whoever indifferent although it is delicate to know the extent of its demonstrations. From where obviousness “to reconsider the criminal policy of the minor in Benin”. But, unfortunately the criminal policy of the child far from contextualizing itself reflects still certain provisions of the past which inevitably undermine the booked shameless treatment to the Beninese children. This is why vis-a-vis a criminal policy of the minors in alarminginventory of fixtures, it is necessary to invent a new criminal policy.

Právní nástroje ochrany klienta na finančním trhu / Legal instruments of client protection on financial markets

Toman, Tomáš January 2020 (has links)
62 Legal instruments of client protection on financial markets Abstract The thesis deals with the protection of the client on the financial market. The issue is regulated by a lot of legislation, especially European legislation. This work therefore brings a comprehensive overview of the most important ones, which also illustrates the increased interest of the legislator in this issue in recent years and the turnover of interest towards client protection. Describing is also part dealing with entities that act to protect the client in the financial markets. These descriptive parts are at work in particular to better understand the adoption of financial market regulations and also to define the functions of individual entities. It also deals with individual legal instruments of client protection on the financial market. Emphasis is placed on the legal instruments referred to in the Act on Undertaking on the Capital Market relating to investment firms, with the exception of the institute of prior consent, which is illustrated on a banking license. Legal instruments of client protection on the financial market are subjected to a critical analysis of the ratio of the degree of client protection on the financial market and the costs associated with compliance of these instruments by investment firms. Thematically...

Trestněprávní odpovědnost v ochraně životního prostředí / Criminal liability in environmental protection

Pavelková, Tereza January 2016 (has links)
The final thesis is focused on the criminal liability in protection of Environment, meaning on environmental protection using criminal law in the Czech republic. Introductory chapters are focused on explanation of the basic terms, principles, concepts and relations for better understanding of the issue of environmental protection in criminal law. In next chapters the thesis focuses on evolution of the legislation on three levels. First level focuses on international legislation, next level on legislation of the European Union and the third level is focused on national legislation. Closer attention is paid to analysis of the national legislation, specifically the current criminal code no. 40/2009. Follows the interpretation regarding individual crimes against Environment and analysis of the elements of the crime. In conclusion the thesis focuses on reflections, thoughts and possible changes of the legislation in the future.

Komparativní analýza práva na ochranu spotřebitele / The comparative analysis of consumer protection law

Dvořáková, Danijela January 2011 (has links)
The main purpose of this thesis is the comparison of consumer protection legislation in the Czech republic, United States of America and Croatia and the comparison of selected legal questions. After the introduction to the general issues related to consumer protection, namely the basic concepts, the development of consumer protection law in the world and the reasons of protection of consumer, the work deals with legal sources of current czech, american and croatian consumer protection law. Actual comparisons of personally selected legal questions is creating the core of the thesis. We are comparing legal definitions of basic subjects of consumer protection law, warranty and products liability as described in laws of each country.

O papel da legislação e das instituições para a conservação das diversidades ambiental e cultural na Baixada Santista. / The role of legislation and institutions for the conservation of environmental and cultural diversity in Baixada Santista.

Roberto Sakamoto Rezende de Souza 22 June 2018 (has links)
Partindo do estudo da paisagem da Região Metropolitana da Baixada Santista no litoral do Estado de São Paulo, demonstra-se que, a partir da década de 1970, o estabelecimento de um arcabouço jurídico-institucional de proteção ambiental - em âmbito federal no Brasil e estadual em São Paulo - efetivamente restringiu a histórica liberdade de escolha das localizações para o estabelecimento de atividades do interesse dos grupos econômicos dominantes, particularmente em processos de expansão urbana por sobre a Mata Atlântica no litoral do Estado de São Paulo. O conceito adotado pelos instrumentos de proteção ambiental, por desconsiderar ou entender equivocadamente o modo de vida das populações tradicionais e indígenas, resultou em conflitos que ameaçam a viabilidade do modo de vida destas populações - aqui entendidas como parte fundamental da estratégia de manutenção e fortalecimento da etnobiodiversidade do bioma de Mata Atlântica na paisagem do litoral brasileiro, particularmente na Baixada Santista. Apontam-se evidências, notadamente a partir da década de 2010, de tentativas e preparações de instrumentos jurídicos e planos de desenvolvimento federais e estaduais no sentido de reverter importantes conquistas da legislação ambiental brasileira. Os resultados confirmam que, caso estas mudanças sejam perpetradas, resultarão em irreparáveis perdas para as diversidades biológica, étnica e cultural brasileiras. Conclui-se este trabalho com proposições acerca de pontos a aperfeiçoar, relacionando aqueles que, sob quaisquer circunstâncias, devem ser conservados nos dispositivos de proteção ambiental brasileiros a fim de que sejam possíveis a manutenção e o fortalecimento da etnobiodiversidade na paisagem da Baixada Santista em particular e, de modo geral, nas interfaces urbano-florestais brasileiras. / Based on the study of the landscape of the Metropolitan Region of Baixada Santista, at São Paulo State\'s coast, it has been demonstrated that the establishment of both a federal and state level (in the case of São Paulo) legal framework for environmental protection in Brazil, starting in the 1970s, effectively restricted the dominant economic groups\' hitherto freedom for acting and settling anywhere on the land - particularly in urban sprawl processes over the Atlantic Forest along São Paulo state\'s coast. However, the concepts behind environmental protection\'s instruments and policies disregard - or misunderstand - the way of life of traditional and indigenous populations, leading to conflicts that threatens the viability of said way of life, which is understood in this work as a fundamental part of the strategies for maintaining and strengthening the Atlantic Forest biome\'s ethnobiodiversity in Brazilian coastal landscape in general, and particularly that of the Baixada Santista. The work also brings evidences of attempts and preparations in legal instruments and development plans at the federal and state levels to revoke important achievements of Brazilian environmental legislation, notably from the decade of 2010 on. Results confirm that, unless this tendency is reverted, it will result in irreparable losses for Brazilian biological, ethnic and cultural diversity. Improvements are recommended - specially for the Brazilian environmental protection legal framework - as well as subjects to be mantained under any circumstance, in order to preserve and strengthen the ethnobiodiversity of the Baixada Santista in particular, and of the Brazilian urban forests\' interfaces in general. Keywords: Brazilian environmental protection legal framework. São Paulo State\'s coast landscape. Metropolitan Region. Baixada Santista. Atlantic Forest.

O papel da legislação e das instituições para a conservação das diversidades ambiental e cultural na Baixada Santista. / The role of legislation and institutions for the conservation of environmental and cultural diversity in Baixada Santista.

Souza, Roberto Sakamoto Rezende de 22 June 2018 (has links)
Partindo do estudo da paisagem da Região Metropolitana da Baixada Santista no litoral do Estado de São Paulo, demonstra-se que, a partir da década de 1970, o estabelecimento de um arcabouço jurídico-institucional de proteção ambiental - em âmbito federal no Brasil e estadual em São Paulo - efetivamente restringiu a histórica liberdade de escolha das localizações para o estabelecimento de atividades do interesse dos grupos econômicos dominantes, particularmente em processos de expansão urbana por sobre a Mata Atlântica no litoral do Estado de São Paulo. O conceito adotado pelos instrumentos de proteção ambiental, por desconsiderar ou entender equivocadamente o modo de vida das populações tradicionais e indígenas, resultou em conflitos que ameaçam a viabilidade do modo de vida destas populações - aqui entendidas como parte fundamental da estratégia de manutenção e fortalecimento da etnobiodiversidade do bioma de Mata Atlântica na paisagem do litoral brasileiro, particularmente na Baixada Santista. Apontam-se evidências, notadamente a partir da década de 2010, de tentativas e preparações de instrumentos jurídicos e planos de desenvolvimento federais e estaduais no sentido de reverter importantes conquistas da legislação ambiental brasileira. Os resultados confirmam que, caso estas mudanças sejam perpetradas, resultarão em irreparáveis perdas para as diversidades biológica, étnica e cultural brasileiras. Conclui-se este trabalho com proposições acerca de pontos a aperfeiçoar, relacionando aqueles que, sob quaisquer circunstâncias, devem ser conservados nos dispositivos de proteção ambiental brasileiros a fim de que sejam possíveis a manutenção e o fortalecimento da etnobiodiversidade na paisagem da Baixada Santista em particular e, de modo geral, nas interfaces urbano-florestais brasileiras. / Based on the study of the landscape of the Metropolitan Region of Baixada Santista, at São Paulo State\'s coast, it has been demonstrated that the establishment of both a federal and state level (in the case of São Paulo) legal framework for environmental protection in Brazil, starting in the 1970s, effectively restricted the dominant economic groups\' hitherto freedom for acting and settling anywhere on the land - particularly in urban sprawl processes over the Atlantic Forest along São Paulo state\'s coast. However, the concepts behind environmental protection\'s instruments and policies disregard - or misunderstand - the way of life of traditional and indigenous populations, leading to conflicts that threatens the viability of said way of life, which is understood in this work as a fundamental part of the strategies for maintaining and strengthening the Atlantic Forest biome\'s ethnobiodiversity in Brazilian coastal landscape in general, and particularly that of the Baixada Santista. The work also brings evidences of attempts and preparations in legal instruments and development plans at the federal and state levels to revoke important achievements of Brazilian environmental legislation, notably from the decade of 2010 on. Results confirm that, unless this tendency is reverted, it will result in irreparable losses for Brazilian biological, ethnic and cultural diversity. Improvements are recommended - specially for the Brazilian environmental protection legal framework - as well as subjects to be mantained under any circumstance, in order to preserve and strengthen the ethnobiodiversity of the Baixada Santista in particular, and of the Brazilian urban forests\' interfaces in general. Keywords: Brazilian environmental protection legal framework. São Paulo State\'s coast landscape. Metropolitan Region. Baixada Santista. Atlantic Forest.

Intervenção penal nas licitações

Araujo, Glaucio Roberto Brittes de 01 July 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:21:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Glaucio Roberto Brittes de Araujo.pdf: 993084 bytes, checksum: 6295e6d1a3544f78c9d40729765efd96 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-07-01 / This area, are exposed some misconceptions of the legislature in relation to parental bids, as inflation punitive scattered through legislation, rather than simple point releases enough of the Penal Code, such as the advance of the barriers of penal intervention, with the characterization of negligible preparatory acts and conduct abstract and remotely related to the possibility of injury to the interest protected at the expense of the principles of minimum intervention and injury; as the equivalence between an attempt and completion, to the detriment of the principles of culpability and proportionality, as the autonomous classification conduct that would configure as an attempt to more serious crimes or who were under the Penal Code, as over crimes of abstract danger and formal, as the adoption of open standards and penal rules too criminal blank inadequate to achieve the principle of legality, in the form of legal reserve and taxativity; as the pain of penalties for similar infractions of gravity substantially different in relation to injury to the legal and housed, without due attention to the principle of proportionality, and as the criminalization of conduct that could be curbed by Administrative Law sanctioning or intervention, reserving and prestige to the application of prison sentences, depending on the primary functions assigned to it in our times, serious injury or threat to the relevant legal right under the constitutional prism, without yielding to the temptation of building a Symbolic Criminal Law. Eventually, assuming a minimum functionalism, considers it is appropriate to outline the contours of the criminal action, as ultima ratio, but effective, in the area of bid and contract administration in a model of itself guarantees the democratic rule of law, in its dual meaning, ie, the guarantor of both fundamental human rights, as an efficient protection of legal interests relevant to all citizens, in the terms that had been sheltered by the Constitution / Nesta sede, são expostos alguns equívocos do legislador pátrio em relação às licitações, como a inflação punitiva, mediante legislação esparsa, ao invés de simples e suficientes atualizações pontuais do Código Penal; como o adiantamento das barreiras da intervenção penal, com a tipificação despicienda de atos preparatórios e de condutas abstrata e remotamente relacionadas à possibilidade de lesão do interesse tutelado, em detrimento dos princípios da intervenção mínima e da lesividade; como a equiparação entre tentativa e consumação, em prejuízo dos princípios da culpabilidade e da proporcionalidade; como a tipificação autônoma de condutas que já configurariam tentativa de delitos mais graves ou que estariam previstas no Código Penal; como o excesso de crimes de perigo abstrato e formais; como a adoção de tipos demasiadamente abertos e normas penais em branco, inadequada à concretização do princípio da legalidade, na forma de reserva legal e taxatividade; como a cominação de sanções semelhantes para infrações de gravidade substancialmente distinta, em relação à lesão ao bem jurídico albergado, sem a devida atenção ao princípio da proporcionalidade; e como a criminalização de condutas que poderiam ser coibidas pelo Direito Administrativo Sancionador ou de Intervenção, reservando e prestigiando a aplicação de penas privativas de liberdade, consoante as funções primordiais que lhe são atribuídas hodiernamente, para graves lesões ou ameaças a bem jurídicos relevantes, sob o prisma constitucional, sem ceder à tentação da construção de um Direito Penal Simbólico. Por fim, assumindo um funcionalismo mínimo, reputa-se conveniente esboçar os contornos da intervenção penal, como ultima ratio, mas eficaz, na seara de licitações e contratos administrativos, em um modelo de garantias próprio do Estado Democrático de Direito, na sua dúplice acepção, ou seja, garantidor tanto dos direitos fundamentais da pessoa humana, como de uma proteção eficiente dos bens jurídicos relevantes para todos os cidadãos, nos termos em que foram albergados pela Constituição Federal

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