Spelling suggestions: "subject:"aprotective"" "subject:"deprotective""
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Identifying Profiles of Resilience among a High-Risk Adolescent PopulationWright, Anna W 01 January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of the present study was to determine whether distinct patterns of adolescent adjustment existed when four domains of functioning were considered. The study included a sample of 299 high-risk urban adolescents, predominantly African American, ages 9-16 and their maternal caregivers. Cluster analysis was used to identify patterns of adjustment. Logistic regression analyses were used to explore whether variations in levels of five theoretically and empirically supported protective factors predicted cluster membership. A four-cluster model was determined to best fit the data. Higher rates of goal directedness and anger regulation coping predicted membership within the highest functioning cluster over a cluster demonstrating high externalizing problem behaviors, and neighborhood cohesion predicted highest functioning cluster membership over a cluster demonstrating high internalizing symptoms. Findings suggest that within a high-risk population of adolescents, significant variability in functioning will exist. The presence or absence of specific protective factors predicts developmental outcomes.
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Resilience Characteristics of Master's-Level Counseling StudentsMachuca, J. Raul 17 December 2010 (has links)
Resilience characteristics typically have been studied among children and adolescents. A new line of research on resilience is focused on exploring the resilience characteristics of adults exposed to short and long-term adversity. In the present study, 585 master's-level counseling students responded to the Resilience Scale (Wagnild & Young, 1993). The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between counseling students' level of resilience and specific background variables (age, gender, marital status, ethnicity, education, income, employment, living situation, sexual orientation, and country of origin), counselor-education program variables (primary field of study, number of credits taken, academic status, professional affiliations, supervision status, counseling courses, role identification, and accreditation), and risk (poverty, natural disasters, and terrorism) and protective variables (perceived support, school expectations, and community involvement). The results of this study indicated that resilience characteristics and the overall resilience score were associated with background variables, risk and protective variables, and counselingtraining- program variables. The counseling-training-program variables examined were minimally correlated with participants' resilience characteristics or their resilience score. The results of this study offer support for the adoption of wellness-based assessments of counseling trainees, as opposed to measures of impairment. Suggestions are offered for counselor educators and supervisors regarding possibilities for fostering the resilience of counseling trainees as well as counseling practitioners.
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Influência da modulação do dano muscular e da inflamação sobre o efeito da carga repetida e as vias de sinalização de hipertrofia do músculo esquelético / Influence of muscle damage and inflammation modulation on the repeated bout effect and skeletal muscle hypertrophy pathwaySilva, Renato Barroso da 30 April 2013 (has links)
O objetivo desse estudo foi verificar o efeito da modulação do dano muscular e da resposta inflamatória, com o uso de fototerapia, no efeito da carga repetida e na ativação da via PI3K/Akt/mTOR/p70S6K após a realização de cada uma das duas sessões de treinamento de força para membros inferiores. Vinte participantes foram divididos em dois grupos experimentais. Um dos grupos recebeu a fototerapia antes da realização da primeira sessão experimental e o outro grupo recebeu um tratamento placebo. A fototerapia consistiu na irradiação sobre o vasto lateral, o vasto medial e o reto femoral durante 90s, oferecendo uma dose de energia total de 180 J. As sessões de treinamento foram compostas de duas séries a 85% de 1-RM e duas séries a 120% de 1-RM com intervalo de dois minutos entre elas, nos exercícios leg-press e extensão de joelhos. Os marcadores indiretos de dano muscular (dor, amplitude de movimento, torque isométrico máximo, circunferência da coxa e creatina quinase) foram avaliados antes, 2h, 24h, 48h e 96h após o término de cada sessão de treinamento. Uma semana antes e duas horas após o término de cada sessão de treinamento, foram coletadas amostras de tecido muscular através da biópsia percutânea para análise da infiltração de células inflamatórias e das proteínas de interesse. Os resultados dessas variáveis demonstraram que a primeira sessão de treinamento induziu a ocorrência do dano muscular e da inflamação, mas a fototerapia não promoveu nenhum dos efeitos esperados sobre o dano e a inflamação. A expressão total das proteínas de interesse não foi afetada pela realização da sessão de treinamento e nem pela fototerapia. Antes do início da segunda sessão de treinamento, a quantidade de mTOR total estava mais elevada do que antes da primeira sessão. A repetição da sessão de treinamento resultou em alterações dos marcadores de dano muscular, mas a recuperação foi mais rápida do comparada com a primeira sessão, o que vai ao encontro do efeito da carga repetida (ECR). A inflamação foi semelhante entre as duas sessões. Da mesma forma que na primeira sessão, o treinamento não afetou a expressão total das proteínas de interesse. A maior quantidade de mTOR total pode significar uma adaptação protetora (ECR), aumentando a atividade mitocondrial e reduzindo o estresse oxidativo diminuindo assim a ocorrência do dano secundário / The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of muscle damage and inflammatory response modulation through phototherapy, on the repeated bout effect and PI3K/Akt/mTOR/p70S6K1 pathway activation after each of two lower-limbs resistance exercise bouts. Twenty participants were divided into two experimental groups. One of the groups was treated with phototherapy and the other one received a placebo. Phototherapy consisted of irradiating vastus lateralis, vastus medialis and the recto femoris muscles for 90s, applying a total energy dose of 180 J. Two sets at 85% of 1-RM and two sets at 120% of 1-RM were performed in the leg-press and leg extension exercises with a two-minute interval. Indirect markers of muscle damage (muscle soreness, range of motion, maximal isometric torque, thigh girth and creatine kinase, CK) were assessed before, 2h, 24h, 48, and 96h post exercise. One weekbefore and 2h after each exercise bout, percutaneous muscle biopsies were performed to obtain muscle samples to measure inflammatory cells infiltration and some proteins of interest. The results demonstrated that the first exercise bout induced muscle damage and inflammation, but phototherapy did not have any of the expected effects on muscle damage and inflammation responses. Total protein content was not affected by the resistance exercise bout neither by the phototherapy. Before the second bout, total mTOR was elevated compared to the first bout. Repeating a resistance exercise bout affected indirect markers of muscle damage,but recovery was faster compared to the first bout, which is in accordance to the repeated bout effect theory. Also, inflammation was similar after the two bouts. Similar to the first bout, the second exercise bout did not affect total protein content. The higher total mTOR content might represent a protective response which is part of the RBE, by increasing mitochondrial activity, reducing oxidative stress and consequently secondary damage
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Thermal insulation values and permeability indexes of selected work clothing worn in hot industrial environmentsBlakeslee, Emily J January 2011 (has links)
Typescript (photocopy). / Digitized by Kansas Correctional Industries
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Newlywed to Established Marriage: A Longitudinal Study of Early Risk and Protective Factors that Influence Marital SatisfactionMoen, Daniel Alfred 01 December 2011 (has links)
Previous longitudinal studies on predictors of marital satisfaction have specifically focused their attention on using sociodemographic (distal) and proximal mediating factors as predictive variables for the advancement in the study of marriage satisfaction. This current study sought to add to these previous studies by using a combination of distal and proximal (mediator) variables to test a model to help explain the risk and protective factors that influence marriage from newlywed to established marriage. This task was accomplished by running a series of multiple regression analyses using a mediator regression model. This study found that a difficult transition to marriage at time 1, while mediated by time 1 total problem subscale score and a time 1 marital satisfaction score, was significantly negatively correlated with marital satisfaction five years later (time 3).
In addition, this study focused on the evolving nature of problem area issues in marriage from newlywed to established marriage. This focus is based on previous work done by the Center for Marriage and the Family, but primarily on the updated work by Schramm and colleagues, who simplified the 42-item problem issue questionnaire by creating six problem subscales.
This study found significant differences between time 1 (newlywed) and time 3 (established marriage) problem subscale scores. Participants tended to report that problem subscale issues worsened over time. Furthermore, newlywed participants deemed “at-risk” (with any one or more distal and or proximal risk factor) reported a significant increase in all problem subscales from time 1 to time 3. Moreover, gender played an important role in that husbands reported higher problem subscale issue scores at time 3 than wives.
Overall, this research should contribute to those who work with, design programming, or conduct research on married couples. The findings from this study advance existing knowledge on newlywed and established marriage as well as suggest future directions of study.
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Effect of modified atmosphere packaging on the growth and aflatoxin production by Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus under tropical environmental storage conditionsEllis, William Otoo January 1993 (has links)
No description available.
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Shelf life and microbiological safety studies on minimally processed, refrigerated "sous-vide" productsSimpson, Marian V. January 1993 (has links)
No description available.
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Office Copying 1950-1970 : thermographic processes, their deterioration and preservationBatterham, Ian, n/a January 2000 (has links)
This work looks at a range of copying processes used between 1950 and 1970 and which
can be gathered under the heading 'Thermography'. Thermography is a broad term
covering those processes which utilise heat to produce their image.
The main aims of the work were: to examine how and when each process was used; to
determine the chemistry of each process; to examine the permanence of existing copies
produced using the various processes; and to look at possible ways of improving the
preservation prospects of these copies.
These aims were addressed through both primary and secondary research mechanisms.
Research included examination of documentary source material, seeking out persons with
first hand knowledge of the development of the processes, as well as analysis of extant
copies from the various processes. Finally a series of preliminary experiments into the
aging properties of the papers and the possibilities of preservation through the use of
protective materials were carried out.
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Ensam i en salAbrahamsson, Josefine, Börjesson, Siv, Nilsson, Annelie January 2009 (has links)
<p>Isolering är en åtgärd för att förhindra smittspridning eller för att skydda patienten från smitta. Vårdformen kan ge upphov till psykisk påfrestning och lidande hos patienten. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att göra en jämförelse av upplevelser hos patienter i smitt- eller skyddsisolering. Studien genomfördes som en litteraturstudie och baserades på 16 vetenskapliga artiklar. Det framgick skillnader och likheter vid jämförelserna av upplevelsen hos smitt- och skyddsisolerade patienter. Några av skillnaderna var kunskapen och förståelsen för isoleringen. De skyddsisolerade upplevde det som en process som de behövde genomgå medan de smittisolerade upplevde det som mer traumatiskt eftersom de fick otillräcklig information vid isoleringstillfällets start. Något som var gemensamt för både smitt- och skyddsisolering var känslor av ensamhet, tristess och fångenskap. Vidare visade det sig att ångest och depression var förekommande reaktioner hos både de smitt- och skyddsisolerade patienterna. Mer forskning inom det här området efterfrågas eftersom inga tidigare studier med jämförelser av dessa isoleringsformer har påträffats inom området. Även ytterligare utbildning behövs för att skapa en god vårdkvalitet för patienter i isolering för att främja en god omvårdnad i den kliniska verksamheten.</p>
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In presence of risk, what protective factors keep preschool children from displaying conduct problems?Ahonen, Lia January 2008 (has links)
<p>Children that are expressing or are exposed to risk factors experience an elevated risk of developing later psychosocial maladjustment, such as conduct problems. However, all children exposed to risk do not express conduct problems, but develop normally. The aim of the present study was to examine potential protective factors among children exposed to risk, that separate children expressing conduct problem behavior from those who do not. In the study, preschool teachers and parents of 298 three- to five-year-old children participated. Risk factors of the individual, conduct problem behavior, and relationship oriented protective factors were examined. The results indicate that positive peer relationships are important for preschool children´s psychosocial development, while family factors, such as parent's disciplinary style, seem less important.</p>
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