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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Alcoolisme au féminin, maternité et processus de différenciation : une étude à partir de la prise en charge de mères de plus de cinquante ans lors du départ de leur enfant du foyer / Female alcoholism, motherhood and process of differentiation : a study from the care and management of 50 year-old women as their child leave the family home

Guiguet-Boulogne, Lydie 26 January 2016 (has links)
Certaines femmes alcooliques consultent pour leur problème d'alcool quand leurs enfants, grands adolescents ou jeunes adultes, prennent leur indépendance. Elles interrogent donc une problématique de dépendance – leur dépendance à un produit – quand leurs enfants prennent leur autonomie.L'hypothèse générale de cette recherche est que pour les femmes alcooliques, la séparation avec les enfants quittant le domicile familial réactiverait les enjeux de séparation-individuation impliqués également dans la dépendance à l'alcool. La concomitance des demandes d'arrêt d'alcool et d'aide pour se séparer des enfants serait due à un soi indifférencié, conséquence de processus de séparation-individuation entravés précocement. Le soi de la femme alcoolique est un soi peu différencié de sa famille d'origine, un « soi-famille » en lieu et place d'un soi individuel, qui se réactualise dans la famille actuelle.La méthode de cette recherche repose sur trois cas cliniques issus de prises en charge sur plusieurs années en addictologie, ainsi que sur l’utilisation de dessins libres de l'arbre généalogique, de données d'une recherche hospitalière et d'un matériel littéraire. Un premier axe d'analyse du matériel clinique porte sur le type de relations que la femme alcoolique a avec ses parents, avec son conjoint et avec ses enfants. Un deuxième axe étudie la fonction de la consommation d'alcool pour la mère alcoolique dans les enjeux de séparation-individuation. Un troisième axe analyse les manifestations d’un « soi-famille » chez la patiente, en lieu et place d'un soi individuel. Cette étude montre les différentes formes que peut prendre le « soi-famille » chez la femme alcoolique lors du départ des enfants du domicile familial, et l'intérêt de l'approche familiale quand une mère souffre d'alcoolisme.Les résultats de cette recherche mettent en évidence l'aspect indifférencié du soi des mères alcooliques, qui tend vers une lente différenciation, et vers l'émergence d'une position féminine. / Certain alcoholic women consult for their drinking problem when their children, old teenagers or young adults,take their independence. Thus they question a problem of dependence - their dependence on one product - when their children achieve their independence.The general hypothesis of this research is that for alcoholic women, the separation with the children leaving the family home would reactivate the issues of separation-individuation also implied in alcohol addiction. The concomitance of their desire to stop alcohol and their need for help to part from their children would be due to a self undifferentiated, consequence of the process of separation-individuation hindered prematurely. The self of the alcoholic woman is a self little differentiated from her family of origin, one "family self" instead of an individualself, which revives itself into the current family.The method of this research is based on the analysis of three clinical cases stemming of many years care in addictology, free drawings of the family tree, data of a hospital research and some literary material. A first axis of analysis concerns the type of relations whom the alcoholic woman has with her parents, with her spouse and with her children. The second axis studies the function of alcohol consumption for the alcoholic mother in the issue of separation-individuation. The third axis analyzes the expression of one "family self" in the patient, instead of an individual self. This study shows the different aspects which the "family self" in alcoholic women as their children leave then family home can take, and the benefit of the family approach when a mother suffers from alcoholism.The results of this research highlight the undifferentiated aspect of the self of the alcoholic mothers, who aims towards a slow differentiation, and towards an emergence of a feminine position.

Etude comparative de l'investissement psychique de l'habitat en France et aux Etats-Unis / Comparative study of psychic investment in housing in France and the United States

Mortet, Jérôme 10 February 2015 (has links)
En cette période de mondialisation des modes d’habitation et d’uniformisation desagencements de l’espace, est-ce qu’il subsiste des différences au niveau du fonctionnementfamilial dans les pays occidentaux ? Et si ces différences subsistent, comment se transposent-ellessur l’habitat réel ? Ainsi cette recherche universitaire propose une étude comparative del’investissement psychologique de l’habitat entre la France et les Etats-Unis. Le test projectifnommé « l’épreuve familiale de spatiographie projective » élaboré par Patrice Cuynet (1999-2000) a pour objectif de comprendre l’image du corps familial à travers l’analyse du dessincollectif de leur maison de rêve. Ce test a été administré à 30 familles françaises et 30familles américaines. Nous sommes partis du postulat que l’habitat est une enveloppe, unepeau réelle et fantasmée de la famille (A. Eiguer, 1983) qui fonctionne comme le Moi-peau(D. Anzieu, 1985). Grâce à cette méthodologie, nous allons pouvoir établir un diagnostic surla structuration familiale et comparer les résultats obtenus en France et aux Etats-Unis. / In this current period of globalization of the housing arrangements and of thestandardization in the space layouts, are some differences subsisting in the family functioningin western societies? And if these differences remain, how do they reflect on the real housingenvironment? This thesis will approach a comparative study of the psychological investmentof the housing environment between France and the United States. The projective test named" the family test of spatiography projective " developed by Patrice Cuynet (1999-2000) set outto gain a better understanding of the image of the family body through the analysis of thecollective drawing of their dream house. This test was assigned to 30 French families and 30American families. We started from the postulate that the housing environment is anenvelope, a real skin and fantasized over the family (In. Eiguer on 1983) which works as theEgo-skin (D. Anzieu on 1985). Thanks to this methodology, we are going to be able toestablish a diagnosis on the family structuring and compare the results obtained in Franceand in the United States.

A noção de couraça na obra de Wilhelm Reich: origens e considerações sobre o desenvolvimento humano

Almeida, Bruno Henrique Prates de 27 April 2012 (has links)
Esta pesquisa teórica investiga o desenvolvimento da noção de couraça nos primeiros quinze anos da obra de Wilhelm Reich, de 1920 até 1935. Como objetivo central, buscamos responder a seguinte questão norteadora: qual(ais) o(s) sentido(s) de couraça no pensamento de Wilhelm Reich? Visamos, sobretudo, contribuir para o esclarecimento e a discussão dessa importante noção do pensamento reichiano. Em termos de método, a fim de acompanhar o percurso do pensamento do autor, abordamos a obra de acordo com sequência cronológica de publicação. Com essa orientação histórica, elencamos e analisamos textos que, a nosso ver, fornecem subsídios para a compreensão da noção em tela. Além disso, ficamos atentos a prováveis sinônimos e sentidos utilizados, mesmo que o termo propriamente dito não estivesse explicitamente citado. Como preparação do terreno, realizamos uma pesquisa etimológica sobre o termo couraça. Em seguida, elencamos dois autores - o filósofo francês Henri Bergson e o fundador da psicanálise Sigmund Freud - investigados devido à importância dos mesmos na construção do pensamento reichiano como um todo e, possivelmente também, em relação à noção de couraça. Em termos de resultados, os escritos de Reich analisados indicaram que as significações de couraça como defesa, proteção e resistência estão sempre presentes. Dentre os artigos acessados, localizamos a primeira aparição do vocábulo em 1922, como couraça narcísica. Constatamos que, para Reich, a couraça mantém contato com as realidades interna e externa, articula as noções de economia pulsional, ego e caráter, além de estar relacionada à operação do recalque. A princípio, é concebida na esfera psíquica, mas, gradativamente, passa a ser considerada, também, no âmbito somático, principalmente como hipertonia muscular crônica. Ainda, tecemos algumas relações com a visão de Bergson sobre o assunto e com a conceituação freudiana acerca do escudo protetor. Por fim, na esfera do tema saúde-doença, registramos algumas ponderações a respeito da relação entre a noção de couraça e o processo do desenvolvimento humano / This research examines the development of the notion of armor in the first fifteen years of Wilhelm Reich´s work, from 1920 until 1935. As the main goal, we aimed to answer the question: What is (are) the meaning(s) of the term armor in Wilhelm Reich´s thought? We had in view, above all, contribute to clear up and discuss this important notion in Reichian thought. In terms of method, in order to keep track of the author´s thinking route, we followed the chronological sequence of his publications. Based on this historical orientation, we focused and detailed the texts that, in our view, supplies subsidies for the comprehension about the notion of armor. Moreover, we drew our attention to the probable synonyms and meanings, even if the term was not cited. To begin, we researched the etymology of the term. Then, we listed two authors the French philosopher Henri Bergson and the founder of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud investigated because of their importance on the construction of early Reich´s thought and, possibly, concerning the notion of armor. In terms of results, the analyzed Reich´s texts indicated that the significances of defense, protection and resistance are always present. Among the accessed articles, we localized the very first appearance of the word in 1922, as narcissistic armor. We verified that, to Reich, the armor keeps in contact with the inner e outer realities, articulates the notions of drive economy, ego and character, and has relations with the repression operation. In the beginning, it is conceived in the psychological sphere, but, gradually, it is considered in a somatic scope as well, especially as a chronic muscular hypertony. Yet, we wove some relations with Bergson´s view about the theme and with the freudians conception concerning the protective shield. Finally, under the health-disease angle, we pointed out some aspects and relations between the notion of armor and the human development process

A noção de couraça na obra de Wilhelm Reich: origens e considerações sobre o desenvolvimento humano

Bruno Henrique Prates de Almeida 27 April 2012 (has links)
Esta pesquisa teórica investiga o desenvolvimento da noção de couraça nos primeiros quinze anos da obra de Wilhelm Reich, de 1920 até 1935. Como objetivo central, buscamos responder a seguinte questão norteadora: qual(ais) o(s) sentido(s) de couraça no pensamento de Wilhelm Reich? Visamos, sobretudo, contribuir para o esclarecimento e a discussão dessa importante noção do pensamento reichiano. Em termos de método, a fim de acompanhar o percurso do pensamento do autor, abordamos a obra de acordo com sequência cronológica de publicação. Com essa orientação histórica, elencamos e analisamos textos que, a nosso ver, fornecem subsídios para a compreensão da noção em tela. Além disso, ficamos atentos a prováveis sinônimos e sentidos utilizados, mesmo que o termo propriamente dito não estivesse explicitamente citado. Como preparação do terreno, realizamos uma pesquisa etimológica sobre o termo couraça. Em seguida, elencamos dois autores - o filósofo francês Henri Bergson e o fundador da psicanálise Sigmund Freud - investigados devido à importância dos mesmos na construção do pensamento reichiano como um todo e, possivelmente também, em relação à noção de couraça. Em termos de resultados, os escritos de Reich analisados indicaram que as significações de couraça como defesa, proteção e resistência estão sempre presentes. Dentre os artigos acessados, localizamos a primeira aparição do vocábulo em 1922, como couraça narcísica. Constatamos que, para Reich, a couraça mantém contato com as realidades interna e externa, articula as noções de economia pulsional, ego e caráter, além de estar relacionada à operação do recalque. A princípio, é concebida na esfera psíquica, mas, gradativamente, passa a ser considerada, também, no âmbito somático, principalmente como hipertonia muscular crônica. Ainda, tecemos algumas relações com a visão de Bergson sobre o assunto e com a conceituação freudiana acerca do escudo protetor. Por fim, na esfera do tema saúde-doença, registramos algumas ponderações a respeito da relação entre a noção de couraça e o processo do desenvolvimento humano / This research examines the development of the notion of armor in the first fifteen years of Wilhelm Reich´s work, from 1920 until 1935. As the main goal, we aimed to answer the question: What is (are) the meaning(s) of the term armor in Wilhelm Reich´s thought? We had in view, above all, contribute to clear up and discuss this important notion in Reichian thought. In terms of method, in order to keep track of the author´s thinking route, we followed the chronological sequence of his publications. Based on this historical orientation, we focused and detailed the texts that, in our view, supplies subsidies for the comprehension about the notion of armor. Moreover, we drew our attention to the probable synonyms and meanings, even if the term was not cited. To begin, we researched the etymology of the term. Then, we listed two authors the French philosopher Henri Bergson and the founder of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud investigated because of their importance on the construction of early Reich´s thought and, possibly, concerning the notion of armor. In terms of results, the analyzed Reich´s texts indicated that the significances of defense, protection and resistance are always present. Among the accessed articles, we localized the very first appearance of the word in 1922, as narcissistic armor. We verified that, to Reich, the armor keeps in contact with the inner e outer realities, articulates the notions of drive economy, ego and character, and has relations with the repression operation. In the beginning, it is conceived in the psychological sphere, but, gradually, it is considered in a somatic scope as well, especially as a chronic muscular hypertony. Yet, we wove some relations with Bergson´s view about the theme and with the freudians conception concerning the protective shield. Finally, under the health-disease angle, we pointed out some aspects and relations between the notion of armor and the human development process

La dynamique du traitement de l'excitation à l'adolescence : étude comparative de deux groupes d'âge : éclairage de la clinique projective / The treatment of excitation dynamic during adolescence : a comparative study of two age groups

Halley, Clara 17 November 2017 (has links)
L'adolescence, marquée par l'éclosion de la puberté et la résurgence des pulsions sexuelles et agressives, engage, un travail interne lié aux transformations psychiques et à l'émergence de la sexualité génitale. La puberté peut alors faire intrusion et trauma, blessant le sujet qui est plus ou moins prêt à supporter la contrainte au changement induit par le processus pubertaire. En référence au modèle théorique psychanalytique, nous nous intéressons dans cette étude à la manière dont les adolescents font face aux afflux d'excitations, tant externes qu'internes, selon un traitement psychique, par un travail de mentalisation et de symbolisation, ou bien comportemental ou somatique, par le langage du corps ou le recours à la sensorialité. En effet, quelles que soient les capacités d'élaboration mentale de l'adolescent, une vulnérabilité transitoire de l'appareil mental est attendue à cet âge de la vie. Notre travail se propose ainsi d'explorer le traitement de l'excitation à l'adolescence, mis en évidence par l'étude de la qualité de quatre mouvements psychiques : le narcissisme, le système pare-excitation, le recours au corps par la sensorialité et le langage du corps, ainsi que les processus de pensée à travers l'étude de la mentalisation et de la symbolisation. Notre objet de recherche questionne ainsi la qualité du traitement de l'excitation, à travers la mise en perspective de ces différentes dimensions conceptuelles, susceptible d'exposer une meilleure approche processuelle de l'adolescence. Partant de l'hypothèse principale selon laquelle le traitement de l'excitation est multifactoriel, l'objectif de cette étude est de dégager la manière dont l'articulation des différents concepts étudiés est à même de rendre compte, de manière plus sensible, du traitement de l'excitation à l'adolescence. La méthodologie projective a été choisie pour mettre à l'épreuve cette hypothèse à l'aide de grilles référées aux quatre dimensions précitées. Nous avons rencontré 17 adolescents tout-venants âgés de 14 à 18 ans auxquels nous avons proposé le Rorschach et le TAT. Dans une approche comparative, nous avons étudié le traitement de l'excitation auprès de deux groupes d'âge (14-16 ans et 16-18 ans). Les résultats mettent en avant des différences dans le traitement de l'excitation à l'adolescence entre les deux groupes d'âge, les plus jeunes ayant préférentiellement recours à l'inhibition, les plus âgés étant davantage en mesure de mentaliser et symboliser l'excitation. Conformément à notre hypothèse générale, l'analyse projective des quatre dimensions de notre travail permet une approche plus fine pour chaque adolescent des spécificités du traitement de l'excitation. / Adolescence, marked by the emergence of puberty and the resurgence of sexual and aggressive drives, engages an internal work linked to psychic transformations and to the emergence of genital sexuality. Puberty can therefore intrude and cause trauma, hurting the subject who is more or less ready to bear the constraint to change induced by the pubertal process. In reference to the theoretical psychoanalytic model, we are interested in the study of the way in which adolescents are confronted with the influx of excitations, both external and internal, through a psychic treatment, by a work of mentalisation and symbolisation, or behavioural, or somatic, by the language of the body or the use of sensoriality. Indeed, whatever the mental capacity of the adolescent, a transient vulnerability of the mental apparatus is expected at this age of life. Our work thus proposes to explore the treatment of excitation in adolescence, evidenced by the study of the quality of several psychic movements: narcissism, protective-shield system, sensoriality and body language, as well as the processes of thought through the study of mentalisation and symbolisation. Our research object thus questions the quality of the treatment of excitation, through the putting into perspective of these four conceptual dimensions, likely to expose a better process approach of adolescence. On the basis of the main hypothesis that the processing of the excitation is multifactorial, the objective of this study is to determine how the articulation of the different concepts studied is able to account more sensibly for the treatment of excitation in adolescence. The projective methodology was chosen to test this hypothesis using grids referred to the above four dimensions. We met 17 teenagers aged 14 to 18 years old who passed the Rorschach and TAT. In a comparative approach, we studied the treatment of excitation with two age groups (14-16 years and 16-18 years). The results highlight differences in the treatment of adolescent arousal between the two age groups, with the younger ones preferring inhibition, the older age groups being more able to mentalise and symbolize the excitation. According to our general hypothesis, the projective analysis of the four dimensions of our work allows a finer approach for each adolescent to the specificities of the treatment of excitation.

Souffrance dépressive récurrente et fragilité bipolaire : mouvements régressifs et défaillance du contenant psychique : étude comparative au Rorschach et au Mmpi-2 / Recurrent depressive suffering and bipolar fragility : regressive movements and failure of the protective shield : comparative study with the Rorschach and Mmpi-2

Maurer, Martine 09 October 2015 (has links)
Notre étude démontre que les sujets dépressifs unipolaires et bipolaires, présentent une difficulté de régulation des flux excitatifs découlant de la défaillance de la fonction pare-excitative, nommée dans notre travail, « défaillance du contenant psychique ». Nous la mettons en relief à partir de la cotation de trente protocoles de Rorschach à l’aide d’un indice de régression, élaboré pour notre recherche. Nous réalisons, en complément, une étude prospective des notes T à trente échelles et sous-échelles du MMPI-2 de ces mêmes sujets. Nous y relevons certaines constantes en note T, caractérisant en fréquence cette population dépressive, dont une constante en note basse à l’échelle Force du Moi. Nous utilisons ces résultats cliniques pour argumenter l’intérêt d’une prise en charge thérapeutique à partir d’un dispositif basé sur un tissage de médiations groupales, comme voie de restauration du contenant psychique internalisé et de sa fonction pare-excitative. / Our study demonstrates that unipolar and bipolar depressed subjects present a difficulty of excitement flows regulation, arising from the failure of the pare-excitations function, named in our research: "psychic container failure". We highlight this malfunction by the cotation of thirty Rorschach protocols, using a regression index, developed for our research. We carry out a prospective study in complementary from the notes of the scales and subscales of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory 2 of these subjects. We identify the constants, low notes, and elevations, appearing frequently and significantly in this population, which is a constant low note to Ego Strength Scale. We use these results to point out the value of therapeutic support based on groupal mediations as way to restore the internalized psychic protective shield.

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