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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Engineering Proteinaceous Ligands for Improved Performance in Affinity Chromatography Applications

Gülich, Susanne January 2002 (has links)
No description available.

Engineering Proteinaceous Ligands for Improved Performance in Affinity Chromatography Applications

Gülich, Susanne January 2002 (has links)
No description available.

Envolvimento de Rac1 na excitotoxicidade induzida por NMDA na retina de ratos. / Involvement of Rac1 in NMDA-induced excitotoxicity in the rat retina.

Kelly Cristina Saito 19 September 2011 (has links)
A ativação excessiva dos receptores NMDA tem sido descrita no disparo da morte neuronal que ocorre em doenças, como o glaucoma. É possível que a combinação de subunidades (NR2A-D) possa ativar vias de sinalização intracelulares que resultam na morte ou sobrevivência. Nosso objetivo foi investigar o envolvimento de subunidades NR2 e Rac1, membro da família Rho GTPase, na morte de neurônios da retina. A morte induzida por glutamato in vitro foi reduzida após a inibição de Rac1 e bloqueio de NR2B, mas não das subunidades NR2C/D. Resultados semelhantes foram obtidos in vivo após injeção intravítrea NMDA, e a detecção de Rac1 ativo, principalmente, nos processos de glia de Müller foi inibida pelo bloqueio NR2B. Além disso, a produção de TNF-<font face=\"Symbol\">&#945; após a injeção de NMDA foi reduzida pelo bloqueio de NR2B e Rac1. Assim, nossos resultados sugerem que a excitotoxicidade via receptores NR2B/NMDA ativa Rac1 em células da glia de Müller, que por sua vez controla a produção de TNF-<font face=\"Symbol\">&#945 possível responsável pela morte de células ganglionares da retina. / Overactivation of NMDA receptors has been described to trigger neuronal death that occurs in diseases such as glaucoma. It is possible that the combination of subunits (NR2A-D) activate intracellular signaling pathways that result in death or survival. Our aim was to investigate the involvement of NR2 subunits and Rac1, a member of Rho GTPase family, in retinal neuronal death. Glutamate-induced neuronal death in vitro was reduced after Rac1 inhibition and by NR2B blocking, but not NR2C/D subunits. Similar results were obtained in vivo after NMDA intravitreous injection, although active Rac1 was mainly detected in Müller glia processes, and it was inhibited by NR2B blockade. In addition, TNF-<font face=\"Symbol\">&#945 level after NMDA injection were reduced by NR2B blocking and Rac1. Thus, our results suggest that excitotoxicity via NR2B/NMDA receptors activate Rac1 in Müller glia cells, which in turn controls the TNF-<font face=\"Symbol\">&#945 production that triggers retinal ganglion cell death.

Regionally Altered Immunosignals of Surfactant Protein-G, Vascular and Non-Vascular Elements of the Neurovascular Unit after Experimental Focal Cerebral Ischemia in Mice, Rats, and Sheep

Michalski, Dominik, Reimann, Willi, Spielvogel, Emma, Mages, Bianca, Biedermann, Bernd, Barthel, Henryk, Nitzsche, Björn, Schob, Stefan, Härtig, Wolfgang 20 January 2024 (has links)
The surfactant protein-G (SP-G) has recently been discovered in the brain and linked to fluid balance regulations. Stroke is characterized by impaired vessel integrity, promoting water influx and edema formation. The neurovascular unit concept (NVU) has been generated to cover not only ischemic affections of neurons or vessels but also other regionally associated cells. This study provides the first spatio-temporal characterization of SP-G and NVU elements after experimental stroke. Immunofluorescence labeling was applied to explore SP-G, vascular and cellular markers in mice (4, 24, and 72 h of ischemia), rats (24 h of ischemia), and sheep (two weeks of ischemia). Extravasated albumin indicated vascular damage within ischemic areas. Quantifications revealed decreasing SP-G signals in the ischemia-affected neocortex and subcortex. Inverse immunosignals of SP-G and vascular elements existed throughout all models. Despite local associations between SP-G and the vasculature, a definite co-localization was not seen. Along with a decreased SP- G-immunoreactivity in ischemic areas, signals originating from neurons, glial elements, and the extracellular matrix exhibited morphological alterations or changed intensities. Collectively, this study revealed regional alterations of SP-G, vascular, and non-vascular NVU elements after ischemia, and may thus stimulate the discussion about the role of SP-G during stroke.

Protein Engineering Hydrophobic Core Residues of Computationally Designed Protein G and Single-Chain Rop: Investigating the Relationship between Protein Primary structure and Protein Stability through High-Throughput Approaches

Li, Weiyi 29 September 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Veränderungen der Immunreaktivität von Surfactant-Protein-G nach experimenteller fokaler zerebraler Ischämie in Maus, Ratte und Schaf

Reimann, Willi 09 January 2024 (has links)
Surfactant-Proteine (SP) sind von kritischer Bedeutung für die physiologische Atmung und besitzen vielfältige Verknüpfungen zur Genese pulmonaler Pathologien. Dagegen ist das Wissen über die Rolle von SP bei Erkrankungen des Gehirns begrenzt. Surfactant-Protein-G (SP-G) als zuletzt bekanntgewordener Vertreter der SP-Familie wird vermutlich als hirneigenes und rheologisch aktives Protein in räumlicher Nähe zur Blut-Hirn-Schranke (BHS) exprimiert. Im Rahmen verschiedener akuter und chronischer zerebraler Pathologien werden die Bedeutung von SP-G-Profilveränderungen und seine möglichen regulatorischen Aufgaben in der zerebralen Flüssigkeitshomöostase bereits vielfältig diskutiert. Naheliegend ist eine räumliche und pathophysiologische Beziehung von SP-G zu Komponenten der Neurovaskulären Einheit (NVU) und zum glymphatischen System (GS) auch bei der fokalen zerebralen Ischämie. Dabei ist die Entwicklung neuer therapeutischer Angriffspunkte und die Überwindung des „translational roadblock“ gerade bei dieser Erkrankung von entscheidender Bedeutung für eine zukünftig bessere klinische Versorgung von Schlaganfall-Patient:innen. Diese Studie stellt die erste räumliche und zeitliche Charakterisierung von SP-G zusammen mit vaskulären, glialen und neuronalen Komponenten der NVU nach fokaler zerebraler, Ischämie in verschiedenen Modellen in Maus, Ratte und Schaf dar. Im Zentrum der Untersuchungen standen immunfluoreszenzbasierte qualitative und quantitative Analysen ischämiebedingter Veränderungen von SP-G und dessen regionale Assoziationen zu Elementen der NVU an unterschiedlichen Zeitpunkten nach zerebraler Ischämie. Mit dem Ziel einer verbesserten Übertragbarkeit wurden mehrere Spezies und Modelle berücksichtigt: ein Filamentmodell in der Maus, ein thromboembolisches Modell in der Ratte und ein koagulationsbasiertes Großtiermodell im Schaf. Um mögliche zeitabhängige Prozesse zu berücksichtigen, wurden mehrere postischämische Beobachtungspunkte gewählt mit einer Spannbreite von 4 h bis 72 h für die Nagermodelle und 14 d für das Schafmodell. Qualitative Dreifach-Fluoreszenzfärbungen kortikaler und subkortikaler Hirnregionen zeigten SP-G als sensitiven Marker der Ischämie mit einem Verlust der Signalintensität sowie charakteristischen morphologischen Signalveränderungen über alle Zeitpunkte, Tiermodelle und Hirnregionen hinweg – in enger Assoziation zu ischämisch veränderten NVU-Elementen und Gefäßen. Bildgestützte quantitative statistische Analysen der inter-hemisphäriellen, im Zusammenhang mit der Ischämie stehenden, Veränderungen der Fluoreszenzsignale von SP-G und dem ischämiesensitiven Basalmembranbestandteil Kollagen IV zu verschiedenen Zeitpunkten untersuchten die zeitliche Dynamik der qualitativen Signalveränderungen von SP-G eingehender. Im Mausmodell zeigte sich eine statistisch signifikante, verminderte SP-G-Immunreaktivität (Ir) in von der Ischämie betroffenen neo- und subkortikalen Hirnregionen, mit einem maximalen Verlust der Signalintensität im Infarktkern 4 h und 24 h nach fokaler zerebraler Ischämie. Beginnend in der ischämischen Grenzzone zeigte sich entlang des Neokortex ein gradueller Verlust der SP-G-Ir, bereits 4 h nach Insult mit zunehmender Effektstärke bei länger andauernder Ischämie von 24 h. SP-G-Ir zeigte zwar keine direkte Überlappung mit dem Gefäßsystem, jedoch eine signifikante negative Korrelation zur invers erhöhten Kollagen IV-Ir in der Ischämie, die analog zu SP-G mit einem Maximum der Signalveränderungen im ischämischen Kerngebiet und gradueller Zunahme der Immunsignale über den Neokortex reagierte. Besonders für die ischämische Grenzzone präsentierte sich SP-G als frühzeitiger sensitiver Marker mit einem signifikanten Verlust der Immunmarkierung noch vor der Demarkierung des Infarkts durch erhöhte Kollagen IV-Ir ischämisch geschädigter Gefäße. Auch für subkortikale Regionen bestätigte sich die statistisch signifikante, negative Korrelation beider Marker in vergleichbarem Ausmaß. SP-G zeigte im nicht von der Ischämie betroffenen Gewebe eine ausgeprägte peri-nukleäre neuronale Zellassoziation und homogene Expression im Neuropil der untersuchten Vorderhirne von Mäusen und Ratten. Im Zusammenhang mit dem ischämischen Insult resultierten zuverlässig Signalveränderungen von SP-G-Ir entlang der subkortikalen ischämischen Grenzzone. Auch war ein Verlust der parenchymatösen Neuropil-Färbung sowie der auffälligen peri-nukleären SP-G-Markierung in allen analysierten ischämischen Hirnregionen erkennbar. Ischämiebedingte Veränderungen der SP-G-Ir gingen einher mit einer Störung der Permeabilitätsbarriere der BHS, bei der SP-G in enger räumlicher Beziehung zu extravasalem Serumalbumin detektiert wurde. Weitere Assoziation zu Komponenten der NVU zeigten sich im ischämiebedingten Signalverlust von SP-G bei gleichzeitigem Anstieg der CNP-Ir von Oligodendrozyten ebenso wie mit gemeinsamen ischämisch-morphologischen Veränderungen von Mikro- und Astroglia (visualisiert durch Iba- bzw. GFAP-Ir). Veränderungen von Aquaporin 4- und SP-G-Ir markierten in gleicher Weise die ischämische Grenzzone, von der aus sich ein Verlust der Fluoreszenzsignale beider Marker in der von maximaler Ischämie betroffenen Zone anschloss. Die ermittelten ischämisch-morphologischen Signalveränderungen der NVU-Marker stimmten mit Beobachtungen früherer Untersuchungen überein. Trotz der engen räumlichen Assoziationen konnte eine sichere Ko-Expression von SP-G mit glialen oder Gefäß-Markern jedoch in keinem Tiermodell gezeigt werden – ein Aspekt, der durch Laserscanning-Mikroskopie verifiziert wurde. Die charakteristischen SP-G-Signalalterationen und ischämiebedingten Veränderungen der NVU im Filamentmodell der Maus bestätigten sich im thromboembolischen Modell der Ratte weitgehend. Untersuchungen im Großtiermodell des Schafs zeigten den Verlust der SP-G-Ir im Infarkt auch 14 d nach koagulationsbedingter Ischämieinduktion und verifizierten SP-G als Marker der Ischämie über einen langen post-ischämischen Zeitraum. Kombinierte Immunmarkierungen von SP-G und Fibronektin zeigten eine regionale Assoziation ischämischer Veränderungen beider Marker und deuteten auf mögliche Verbindungen von SP-G zum extrazellulären Raum auch über klassische NVU-Komponenten hinaus. Die mutmaßlichen rheologischen Eigenschaften von SP-G, seine in früheren Untersuchungen gezeigte Präsenz in perivaskulären bzw. glymphatischen Räumen und bekannte Verknüpfungen zu pathologischen Veränderungen des Liquorsystems suggerierten im Vorfeld mögliche Verknüpfungen von SP-G und flüssigkeitsregulatorischen Systemen im Gehirn. Die beobachteten ischämischen Veränderungen von SP-G sowie seine Assoziation mit vaskulären und glialen Komponenten der NVU weisen auf eine mögliche Beteiligung von SP-G an regulatorischen Aufgaben in der NVU hin, speziell im Kontext mit vaskulärer Integrität, Schutz des Endothels sowie Erhalt der Barrierefunktion der BHS. Eine Beteiligung von SP-G an der Flüssigkeitshomöostase und der Regulation von Fließeigenschaften scheint auch im ischämischen Parenchym denkbar – mit Implikationen im Hinblick auf das klinisch besonders relevante post-ischämische zerebrale Ödem. Die Assoziation von SP-G mit AQP4, sowie Hinweise auf eine Beteiligung in der Beseitigung von Abfallprodukten und der Regulation von Entzündungsreaktionen weisen auf SP-G als möglichen neuen Angriffspunkt in der Schlaganfalltherapie hin. Allerdings ist die Ableitung funktioneller SP-G-Aspekte aus den größtenteils morphologischen Ergebnissen dieser Studie begrenzt und birgt die Gefahr der Überinterpretation von Daten. Weitere Limitationen sind die vorhandene Datenquantifizierung in nur einem Tiermodell sowie die auf die Immunfluoreszenz-mikroskopie beschränkte Methodik. Zusätzliche Untersuchungen weiterer ischämierelevanter Marker, die Erweiterung von Tier- und Ischämiemodellen, die Untersuchung auch deutlich längerer oder transienter Ischämiezeiten sowie die Analyse humaner Proben werden nötig sein, um die Rolle von SP-G in der zerebralen Ischämie genauer einordnen zu können. Insgesamt bietet die vorliegende Studie eine erste regionale und zeitliche Charakterisierung von SP-G nach experimenteller fokaler zerebraler Ischämie mit Hinweisen auf mögliche regulatorische Funktionen von SP-G im Rahmen der ischämisch veränderten NVU sowie der Flüssigkeitsregulation des Gehirns. Die Ergebnisse geben somit Anlass, SP-G im Kontext des ischämischen Schlaganfalls künftig noch eingehender zu untersuchen.:1 Abkürzungsverzeichnis 1 2 Einführung 3 2.1 Surfactant und Surfactant-Proteine 3 2.2 Surfactant-Proteine im Zentralen Nervensystem 5 2.3 Surfactant-Protein-G (SP-G) 6 2.4 Ischämischer Schlaganfall 8 2.5 Neurovaskuläre Einheit und Blut-Hirn-Schranke 12 2.6 Glymphatisches System und zerebrales Ödem 15 3 Zielsetzung 17 4 Material und Methoden 18 4.1 Material 18 4.1.1 Primärantikörper 18 4.1.2 Versuchstiere 19 4.2 Methoden 19 4.2.1 Ischämieinduktion und Tiermodelle 19 4.2.2 Gewebeaufarbeitung 21 4.2.3 Fluoreszenzmehrfachfärbungen 22 4.2.4 Histologische Kontrollen 24 4.2.5 Fluoreszenzmikroskopie 25 4.2.6 Bildgestützte Analyse und semiquantitative Auswertung 25 5 Ergebnisse 30 5.1 SP-G und Elemente des Gefäßsystems nach Ischämie in der Maus 30 5.1.1 Semiquantitative Analysen ischämischer Veränderungen von SP-G und Kollagen IV 37 5.2 SP-G und Komponenten der Neurovaskulären Einheit (NVU) nach Ischämie in der Maus 41 5.3 SP-G, Elemente des Gefäßsystems und der NVU nach Ischämie in der Ratte 46 5.4 SP-G und Elemente der NVU nach Ischämie im Schaf 51 6 Diskussion 53 6.1 SP-G und das Gefäßsystem in der Ischämie 53 6.2 Störungen der Blut-Hirn-Schranke und zerebrales Ödem 55 6.3 Aquaporin 4 und glymphatisches System 56 6.4 SP-G im Kontext von NVU und extrazellulärer Matrix 58 6.5 SP-G in verschiedenen Ischämiemodellen 60 6.6 Methodenbedingte Limitationen 61 7 Zusammenfassung 63 8 Literaturverzeichnis 67 9 Selbstständigkeitserklärung 79 10 Verzeichnis der wissenschaftlichen Veröffentlichungen 80 11 Danksagung 81

Biophysical studies of membrane protein structure and function

Dijkman, Patricia M. January 2014 (has links)
Membrane proteins play a key role in numerous physiological processes such as transport, energy transduction in respiratory and photosynthetic systems, and signal transduction, and are of great pharmaceutical interest, comprising more than 60&percnt; of known drug targets. However, crystallisation of membrane proteins, and G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) in particular, still relies heavily on the use of protein engineering strategies, which have been shown to hamper protein activity. Here, a range of biophysical methods were used to study the structure and function of two membrane proteins, a prokaryotic peptide transporter, PepT<sub>So</sub> and a GPCR, neurotensin receptor 1 (NTS1), using different membrane reconstitution methods to study the proteins in a native-like environment. Firstly, using the pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) method of double electron-electron resonance (DEER) the conformation of PepT<sub>So</sub> reconstituted into lipid bilayers was assessed and compared to previous structural data obtained from crystallography and modelling. The influence of the membrane potential and the presence of substrate on the conformational heterogeneity of this proton-coupled transporter were investigated. Secondly, NTS1 purification was optimized for biophysical study. Cysteine mutants were created and a labelling protocol was developed and optimized for fluorophore and nitroxide labelling studies. NTS1 was then studied by continuous-wave EPR, to assess the influence of ligand on local protein dynamics, and to assess the structure of a receptor segment known as helix 8, that was proposed to be an &alpha;-helix, but was only observed to be helical in one of the NTS1 crystallographic studies. Ensemble and single-molecule F&ouml;rster resonance energy transfer (FRET), and DEER were combined to study the dimerisation behaviour of NTS1, showing novel dynamics of the interfacial associations. Finally, the signalling mechanism of NTS1 was also investigated using microscale thermophoresis (MST) to assess the affinity of the receptor for G protein in vitro in the absence of ligand, or in the presence of agonist or antagonist. MST measurements were performed in detergent and in nanodiscs of different lipid compositions, to assess the influence of the lipid environment on receptor function. In summary, this thesis demonstrates the potential of biophysical techniques to study various aspects of membrane protein structure and function in native-like lipid systems, complementing e.g. structural data obtained from crystallographic studies with functional data for membrane proteins in more native environments, as well as shedding light on protein dynamics. The work presented here provides novel insights into PepTSo transport, and in particular into NTS1 structure, signalling, and oligomerisation, opening up several avenues for future research.

Protein engineering to explore and improve affinity ligands

Linhult, Martin January 2003 (has links)
In order to produce predictable and robust systems forprotein purification and detection, well characterized, small,folded domains descending from bacterial receptors have beenused. These bacterial receptors, staphylococcal protein A (SPA)and streptococcal protein G (SPG), possess high affinity to IgGand / or HSA. They are composed of repetitive units in whicheach one binds the ligand independently. The domains foldindependently and are very stable. Since the domains also havewellknown three-dimensional structures and do not containcysteine residues, they are very suitable as frameworks forfurther protein engineering. Streptococcal protein G (SPG) is a multidomain proteinpresent on the cell surface ofStreptococcus. X-ray crystallography has been used todetermine the binding site of the Ig-binding domain. In thisthesis the region responsible for the HSA affinity of ABD3 hasbeen determined by directed mutagenesis followed by functionaland structural analysis. The analysis shows that the HSAbindinginvolves residues mainly in the second α-helix. Most protein-based affinity chromatography media are verysensitive towards alkaline treatment, which is the preferredmethod for regeneration and removal of contaminants from thepurification devices in industrial applications. Here, aprotein engineering strategy has been used to improve thetolerance to alkaline conditions of different domains fromprotein G, ABD3 and C2. Amino acids known to be susceptibletowards high pH were substituted for less alkali susceptibleresidues. The new, engineered variants of C2 and ABD shownhigher stability towards alkaline pH. Also, very important forthe potential use as affinity ligands, these mutated variantsretained the secondary structure and the affinity to HSA andIgG, respectively. Moreover, dimerization was performed toinvestigate whether a higher binding capacity could be obtainedby multivalency. For ABD, binding studies showed that divalentligands coupled using non-directed chemistry demonstrated anincreased molar binding capacity compared to monovalentligands. In contrast, equal molar binding capacities wereobserved for both types of ligands when using a directed ligandcoupling chemistry involving the introduction and recruitmentof a unique C-terminal cysteine residue. The staphylococcal protein A-derived domain Z is also a wellknown and thoroughly characterized fusion partner widely usedin affinity chromatography systems. This domain is consideredto be relatively tolerant towards alkaline conditions.Nevertheless, it is desirable to further improve the stabilityin order to enable an SPA-based affinity medium to withstandeven longer exposure to the harsh conditions associated withcleaning in place (CIP) procedures. For this purpose adifferent protein engineering strategy was employed. Smallchanges in stability due to the mutations would be difficult toassess. Hence, in order to enable detection of improvementsregarding the alkaline resistance of the Z domain, a by-passmutagenesis strategy was utilized, where a mutated structurallydestabilized variant, Z(F30A) was used as a surrogateframework. All eight asparagines in the domain were exchangedone-by-one. The residues were all shown to have differentimpact on the alkaline tolerance of the domain. By exchangingasparagine 23 for a threonine we were able to remarkablyincrease the stability of the Z(F30A)-domain towards alkalineconditions. Also, when grafting the N23T mutation to the Zscaffold we were able to detect an increased tolerance towardsalkaline treatment compared to the native Z molecule. In allcases, the most sensitive asparagines were found to be locatedin the loops region. In summary, the work presented in this thesis shows theusefulness of protein engineering strategies, both to explorethe importance of different amino acids regarding stability andfunctionality and to improve the characteristics of aprotein. <b>Keywords:</b>binding, affinity, human serum albumin (HSA),albumin-binding domain (ABD), affinity chromatography,deamidation, protein A, stabilization, Z-domain, capacity,protein G, cleaning-in-place (CIP), protein engineering, C2receptor.

Protein engineering to explore and improve affinity ligands

Linhult, Martin January 2003 (has links)
<p>In order to produce predictable and robust systems forprotein purification and detection, well characterized, small,folded domains descending from bacterial receptors have beenused. These bacterial receptors, staphylococcal protein A (SPA)and streptococcal protein G (SPG), possess high affinity to IgGand / or HSA. They are composed of repetitive units in whicheach one binds the ligand independently. The domains foldindependently and are very stable. Since the domains also havewellknown three-dimensional structures and do not containcysteine residues, they are very suitable as frameworks forfurther protein engineering.</p><p>Streptococcal protein G (SPG) is a multidomain proteinpresent on the cell surface of<i>Streptococcus</i>. X-ray crystallography has been used todetermine the binding site of the Ig-binding domain. In thisthesis the region responsible for the HSA affinity of ABD3 hasbeen determined by directed mutagenesis followed by functionaland structural analysis. The analysis shows that the HSAbindinginvolves residues mainly in the second α-helix.</p><p>Most protein-based affinity chromatography media are verysensitive towards alkaline treatment, which is the preferredmethod for regeneration and removal of contaminants from thepurification devices in industrial applications. Here, aprotein engineering strategy has been used to improve thetolerance to alkaline conditions of different domains fromprotein G, ABD3 and C2. Amino acids known to be susceptibletowards high pH were substituted for less alkali susceptibleresidues. The new, engineered variants of C2 and ABD shownhigher stability towards alkaline pH. Also, very important forthe potential use as affinity ligands, these mutated variantsretained the secondary structure and the affinity to HSA andIgG, respectively. Moreover, dimerization was performed toinvestigate whether a higher binding capacity could be obtainedby multivalency. For ABD, binding studies showed that divalentligands coupled using non-directed chemistry demonstrated anincreased molar binding capacity compared to monovalentligands. In contrast, equal molar binding capacities wereobserved for both types of ligands when using a directed ligandcoupling chemistry involving the introduction and recruitmentof a unique C-terminal cysteine residue.</p><p>The staphylococcal protein A-derived domain Z is also a wellknown and thoroughly characterized fusion partner widely usedin affinity chromatography systems. This domain is consideredto be relatively tolerant towards alkaline conditions.Nevertheless, it is desirable to further improve the stabilityin order to enable an SPA-based affinity medium to withstandeven longer exposure to the harsh conditions associated withcleaning in place (CIP) procedures. For this purpose adifferent protein engineering strategy was employed. Smallchanges in stability due to the mutations would be difficult toassess. Hence, in order to enable detection of improvementsregarding the alkaline resistance of the Z domain, a by-passmutagenesis strategy was utilized, where a mutated structurallydestabilized variant, Z(F30A) was used as a surrogateframework. All eight asparagines in the domain were exchangedone-by-one. The residues were all shown to have differentimpact on the alkaline tolerance of the domain. By exchangingasparagine 23 for a threonine we were able to remarkablyincrease the stability of the Z(F30A)-domain towards alkalineconditions. Also, when grafting the N23T mutation to the Zscaffold we were able to detect an increased tolerance towardsalkaline treatment compared to the native Z molecule. In allcases, the most sensitive asparagines were found to be locatedin the loops region.</p><p>In summary, the work presented in this thesis shows theusefulness of protein engineering strategies, both to explorethe importance of different amino acids regarding stability andfunctionality and to improve the characteristics of aprotein.</p><p><b>Keywords:</b>binding, affinity, human serum albumin (HSA),albumin-binding domain (ABD), affinity chromatography,deamidation, protein A, stabilization, Z-domain, capacity,protein G, cleaning-in-place (CIP), protein engineering, C2receptor.</p>

Variabilidade genética da proteína SH (Small hydrophobic protein) do vírus sincicial respiratório humano isolado de crianças na cidade de São Paulo. / Genetic variability of protein SH of human respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV) of samples collected the children in São Paulo City.

Silva, Hildenêr Nogueira de Lima e 21 August 2009 (has links)
O vírus sincicial respiratório humano (VSRH) é o agente viral mais freqüentemente relacionado a doenças do trato respiratório inferior em crianças abaixo de um ano de idade. Analíse da varibilidade antigênica e gênica mostraram que o VSRH pode ser divido em dois grupos: A e B. O vírus é um membro do gênero Pneumovirus pertencente a família Paramyxoviridea, e possui três principais proteínas que são: glicoproteina F (fusão), glicoproteina G (adesão), glicoproteina SH (pequena proteína hidrofóbica). A proteína F é responsável pela fusão da célula ao vírus, enquanto a proteína G tem papel fundamental na replicação do vírus, porém a função da proteína SH, ainda não está bem definida, estudos recentes mostram-na como responsável por inibir a sinalização do fator de necrose tumoral alfa (TNF-a). Neste estudo foram colhidas amostras de 965 crianças, entre os anos de 2004 e 2005, dentre as quais 424 foram positivas. 117 amostras foram seqüenciadas a proteína SH e G e comparadas com amostras que circularam mundialmente. A analíse filogenética mostrou uma baixa variabilidade entre os genótipos estudados tanto do grupo A quanto do B. / The human respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV) is the major cause of lawer respiratory tract infections in infantis, young children and elderly. Analysis of the antigenic and genetic variability has shown that there are two groups of the virus HRSV, A and B. The virus (HRSV) is a member of the genus pneumovirus in the paramyxoviridae family. The virus encodes three membrane-bound glicoproteins, namely the fusion (F) attachment (G) and small hydrophobic (SH) proteins. The F mediates fusion of the virus and cell membranes and the G proteins is involved in virus attachment. The biological properties of the F and G glicoproteins and role that they play during virus replication relatively well understood, however the functional significance of the SH protein during replication remains unclear, although recent study shown that it can inhibit TNF-alpha. In this study, HRSV strains were isolated from nasopharyngeal aspirates collected from 965 children between 2004 and 2005, yielding 424 positive samples. We sequenced the small hydrophobic protein (SH) gene and protein (G) of 117 samples and compared them with other viruses identified worldwide. The phylogenetic analysis showed a low genetic variably among the isolates but allowed us to classify the viruses into different genotypes for the A and B HRSV strains.

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