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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Narratives of hope : trauma and resilience in a low-income South African community

Appelt, Ilse 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DPhil (Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / South Africans are often subjected to violence and trauma. However, many can tell stories that speak of resilience in the face of trauma. Against this background, this social constructionist study aims 1) to contribute to the growing body of knowledge of the consequences of trauma, as well as of resilience, in a low-income community in South Africa; and 2) to describe a narrative therapy approach to trauma - an approach that is thought to emphasise context, resilience, empowerment and ecological well-being. The study was set in the high-violence community of Lavender Hill, with participants being individuals or families exposed to violence. Interviews guided by ideas and practices of narrative therapy were used to gather data about trauma and resilience in this community. In an effort to establish how trauma and resilience were constructed by participants themselves, first and last interviews were analysed, using constructivist grounded theory. The areas of concern were: i) the daily impact of trauma on thoughts, emotions and behaviour; ii) the conflict between speaking out and staying silent; and iii) the impact of trauma on relationships with self, others and God. These became the main categories for the discussion of the consequences of trauma. Findings supported the notion that persons working with trauma survivors in South Africa should be aware of how complex, multi-layered and context-bound the consequences of trauma are when they design interventions. To reach the second aim of the study, the application of narrative therapy ideas and practices were described by focusing on five case studies. The case studies were discussed in relation to different notions of recovery and therapeutic change. Emphasis was placed on double-storied accounts of trauma that included attending to alternative, hope-inspiring stories of participants’ lives. It was shown that a narrative approach to therapy offers contextual and resilience-focused practices that are geared toward empowerment of individuals, families and communities. As such, the argument that narrative therapy is particularly relevant and appropriate in the context of a low-income South African community, was supported.

A comparison of cognitive functioning, resilience, and childhood trauma among individuals with SAD and PTSD

Bakelaar, Susanne Yvette 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Background: Both human and animal studies indicate that early trauma can influence brain development and can lead to dysregulation and dysfunction. This includes cognitive deficits. The risk of childhood trauma (CHT) and resulting cognitive deficits are well established in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). This is not the case for Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD). The experience of CHT does not inevitably lead to later psychopathology, suggesting that resiliency factors may be at play. Indeed, research shows that resilience is protective against the development of PTSD although this has not been well studied in SAD, particularly in the context of childhood trauma and neurocognition. Methods: This exploratory study assessed for the possible contribution of CHT on cognitive functioning in adults with SAD. We assessed 44 individuals who formed part of a larger study on neurocognitive and neuroimaging correlates in a sample drawn from the Western Cape, South Africa. Using a neuropsychological test battery, memory, attention and executive functioning (EF) (underpinned by hippocampal, cingulate cortex and pre frontal-cortex function respectively) were assessed. CHT was assessed with the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ). We compared neurocognitive and resilience (CD-RISC) variables across four groups (SAD with trauma, SAD without trauma, PTSD and healthy controls) using analysis of variance (ANOVA) statistics. Results: None of the groups differed significantly on cognitive variables, however, on average all outcomes were in the predicted direction. Separate analyses for the traumatised groups only showed a significant effect for EF and attention, suggesting an association between EF, attention and CHT. On a measure of resilience, healthy controls had significantly higher resilience scores than the other 3 groups. Unexpectedly, SAD and PTSD groups with CHT had higher resilience scores than the SAD group without CHT, suggesting that resilience moderates CHT. Lastly individuals with SAD and PTSD with CHT reported more emotional abuse and neglect than any other type of childhood trauma. Conclusion: This exploratory study is unique in its comparative assessment of the effects of CHT and resilience on discussed. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Agtergrond: Beide mens- en dierestudies dui daarop dat vroeë trauma brein ontwikkeling kan beïnvloed en kan lei tot disfunksie. Dit sluit kognitiewe tekortkominge in. Die risiko van vroeë kinderjare trauma (KJT) en die gevolglike kognitiewe tekortkominge is goed gevestig in Posttraumatiese stresversteuring (PTSV). Dit is egter nie die geval in Sosiale angsversteuring (SAV) nie. Die ervaring van KJT lei nie noodwendig tot latere psigopatologie nie, wat daarop dui dat veerkragtigheidsfaktore 'n rol kan speel. Trouens, navorsing toon dat veerkragtigheid beskermend is teen die ontwikkeling van PTSV, maar dit is egter nie behoorlik nagevors in SAV nie - veral nie in die konteks van vroeë kinderjare en neurokognisie nie. Metodologie: Hierdie verkennende studie het die invloed van KJT op kognitiewe funksionering in 44 individue geëvalueer. Hierdie studie het deel gevorm van 'n groter studie oor neurokognitiewe- en neurobeeldingskorrelate in 'n steekproef wat gewerf is uit die Wes-Kaap, Suid-Afrika. ‘n Neurosielkundige toetsbattery was gebruik om geheue, aandag en uitvoerende funksionering (UF) (wat onderskeidelik deur die hippokampus, cingulate korteks en prefrontale korteks ondersteun word) te assesseer. KJT is beoordeel met die "Childhood Trauma Questionnaire" (CTQ). 'n Analise van variansie (ANOVA) was gebruik om die neurokognitiewe en veerkragtigheid (CD-RISC) veranderlikes oor vier groepe (SAV met trauma, SAV sonder trauma, PTSV en gesonde kontrole) te vergelyk. Resultate: Nie een van die groepe het beduidend verskil van mekaar op grond van kognitiewe veranderlikes nie, maar oor die algemeen was alle uitkomste in die voorspelde rigting. Afsonderlike analises op die getraumatiseerde groepe het 'n beduidende effek gehad vir UF en aandag, wat dui op 'n assosiasie tussen UF, aandag en KJT. Die gesonde kontrole het beduidende hoër veerkragtigheid tellings as die ander 3 groepe gehad. SAV en PTSV groepe met KJT het teen verwagtinge hoër veerkragtigheidstellings gehad as die SAV sonder KJT, wat daarop dui dat veerkragtigheid KJT modereer. Laastens, individue met SAV en PTSV met KJT het meer emosionele mishandeling en verwaarlosing gerapporteer as enige ander tipe kinderjare trauma. Bespreking: Hierdie verkennende studie is uniek in sy vergelykende evaluering van die invloed van KJT en veerkragtigheid op die neurokognisie in deelnemers met SAV en PTSV. Beperkings en aanbevelings vir toekomstige navorsing word bespreek.

Exploring eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) as a technique for therapeutic intervention of adolescents experiencing trauma

Hendriks, Erika Erna 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The research explores Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) as a possible therapeutic technique in interventions dealing with trauma. The study focuses specifically on the adolescent phase. A distinction is made between developmental trauma and single-incident trauma and its impact on development. An attempt is made to acquire a deeper insight into adolescents’ experience of trauma. The purpose of the adolescent phase is the development of a sound identity. The challenges and the impact of traumatic experiences on the development of the adolescent on the road to adulthood are examined more closely. The symptoms of trauma and specifically the effect of trauma on the adolescent are highlighted. The study adopted an interpretivist paradigm. A qualitative design with multiple case studies was selected for the research. The research included five cases. The study was limited to adolescents who ranged in age from 13-19 years in an Afrikaans school in Johannesburg. Intake discussions were held with the parents. Intake discussions in accordance with the EMDR approach were held with the participants. Each participant attended 4 sessions. Various themes were identified in each interview, but two main themes emerged: the emotions of the adolescents regarding the trauma they experienced; the influence of trauma on the self-concept of the participants; that led to a deeper grasp of the participants’ experiences. An insight was gained into the influence that traumatic experiences had on the lives of the participants as well as the influence of these experiences on their families, school and social contexts. The main findings indicate that EMDR as a therapeutic technique does have the potential to provide support to adolescents who have been exposed to single-incident or developmental trauma. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die navorsing handel daaroor om Oogbeweging Desensitisasie en Herprosessering (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) (EMDR) as terapeutiese tegniek te eksploreer as moontlike intervensie vir trauma. Die studie fokus spesifiek op die adolessente fase. Daar sal onderskei word tussen ontwikkelingstrauma en ʼn enkele traumatiese ervaring en die impak daarvan op ontwikkeling. Daar is gepoog om ʼn verdieping van insig met betrekking to die adolessent in sy ervaring van trauma ter verkry. Die adolessente fase het ten doel tot die ontwikkeling van ʼn gesonde identitieit. Die uitdagings en die impak van traumatiese ervarings op die die ontwikkeling van die adolessent op sy pad na volwassenheid word van naderby bekyk. Die simptome van trauma en spesifiek die effek van trauma op die adolessent word uitgelig. Die studie was vanuit die interpretivistiese paradigma onderneem. ʼn Kwalitatiewe navorsingsontwerp met meervoudige gevallestudies was geselekteer. Vyf gevallestudies is in die navorsing ingesluit. Die studie was beperk tot adolessente wat wissel tussen die ouderdom van 13-19 jaar wat verbonde is aan ʼn Afrikaanse skool in Johannesburg. Invoergesprekke is met die ouers gehou. Invoergesprekke volgens die EMDR benadering is met die deelnemers afgelê. Daar is 4 EMDR sessies aan elke deelnemer gebied. Verskeie temas is in elke onderhoud geïdentifiseer. Daar het twee hooftemas na vore gekom: die emosies van die adolessente ten opsigte van die trauma wat hulle beleef het, die invloed wat trauma op die self-konsep van die deelnemers uitgeoefen het wat ondersteun het tot ʼn diepe begryping van die deelnemers se ervarings. Insig is verkry in watter invloed traumatiese ervarings op die lewe van die deelnemers gehad het asook die invloed daarvan op hul gesinne, skool en sosiale konteks. Die hoof-bevindinge dui daarop dat EMDR as terapeutiese tegniek wel oor die potensiaal beskik in die ondersteuning aan adolessente wat aan ʼn enkel-insident of ontwikkelingstrauma blootgestel is.

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Adolescents with Conduct Disorder: Pre- and Post-Treatment Comparison of Trauma Types

Ovaert, Lynda B. 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to compare pre- and post-treatment differences in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms in male adolescents with conduct disorder. The Children's PTSD Inventory and the PTSD Reaction Index were used to diagnose PTSD and determine trauma type (Type I single trauma or Type II recurring trauma). Pre- and post-treatment measures included the PTSD Reaction Index, the Children's Depression Inventory, the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, the State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory, the Dissociative Experiences Scale, and the Youth Self-Report. The six-week, biweekly group treatment included education, exposure, and cognitive elements. Primary hypotheses that the abused group would statistically differ from the non-abused group in terms of pre- and post-treatment levels of avoidance, dissociation, anger/aggression, self-destructiveness, social problems, and overall levels of PTSD symptoms, were not confirmed. Overall, group therapy participants experienced statistically significant decreases in PTSD symptoms over the course of therapy. Results are discussed in light of clinical implications, recommended cautions given the lack of a robust control group, and directions for future research.

The effects of violence on the psychological development of black adolescents

12 November 2008 (has links)
M.A. / All transitional stages have their moments of crises, but there is no stage so complicated and confusing as the adolescence. Not surprisingly, many researchers refer to this stage as a period of storm and stress. Many studies conducted on young people and violence have concentrated on their psychological, emotional, and physical development. Hence, the psychosocial development did not receive much attention from the psychological fraternity. Therefore, the aim of this study is three fold: (1) to investigate how political violence affects the psychosocial development of adolescents.(2) to investigate how political violence affects their outlook on life, and (3) how do they view the youth=s role in political struggle. The qualitative research method was used in this study. The process of inquiry involves interviews. Individual face-to-face interviews were conducted with 30 research participants. The process of analysis involved thematic content analysis. Generally, the results of the study indicate that exposure to political violence has negative effects on the psychosocial development of the adolescents. Many of them experience psychosocial problems in some areas of their development, while very few show signs of psychosocial resilience in other areas and function well despite exposure to political adversity. In conclusion, these adolescents are neither shattered by exposure to political violence to be considered Apsychosocially dysfunctional@, nor they are resilient enough to be considered Auntouched@ by these experiences. Furthermore, the results of the study indicate that the effects of political violence are relative rather than absolute and are bound to change with circumstances.

Approaching trauma: South African painting through Kant, Greenberg and Lacan

Webster, Jessica January 2017 (has links)
A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Humanities, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy / The aim of this thesis is to consider a concept of trauma which may offer support for the contemporary interest in and practice of painting. Jacques Lacan’s (1959-1960) structural and abstract articulations of trauma as das Ding is the central framework for the trajectory and form of the research and writing in this thesis. Lacan’s seminar on das Ding develops the notion that philosophical and social functions of art are aimed at structuring the traumatic and tragic sphere of experience. Das Ding is a hypothetical construct that resonates with Kant’s epistemological, moral and aesthetic philosophy. Primarily, I see the historical framework of das Ding as foregrounding a certain ‘ethics’ in my approach to painting and its interpretation. Kant’s own emphasis on the communicability art may offer is key to this thesis. His focus is not on interpretation as an act eliciting direct meaning from representations in art, but frames the potential for humane interaction: for how a consideration of the perception of beauty and the form of the cognitions that arise in private and public spheres may lay the groundwork for thinking about communicability in general. Through the lens of das Ding, I suggest that an emphasis on aspects of non objective, non-communicable elements of making and experiencing painting is a viable way of contemplating both its pleasures and, often, its more painful effects. I contend that the displacement of meaning enabled by conceptualising the structural implications of trauma, in theory and in the practice of painting, may sustain a quiet yet significant social position in the wider sphere of intellectual activity and pursuits. / GR2018

O esquecimento do passado por refugiados africanos / The forgetting of the past by African refugees

Oliveira, Tania Biazioli de 03 May 2011 (has links)
Esta pesquisa trata do esquecimento do passado por refugiados africanos. As entrevistas foram recolhidas na Casa do Migrante, albergue que acolhe migrantes internos, imigrantes e refugiados recém-chegados em São Paulo. Foram entrevistados dois africanos: um angolano e outro congolês. Nosso objetivo de estudar o esquecimento emergiu nas entrevistas individuais e compartilhada entre estes refugiados, pois eles não queriam lembrar as cenas de guerra em África. Compreendemos o esquecimento, levantando a hipótese freudiana de que os refugiados querem esquecer o passado pois, ao tentarem dominar o golpe excessivo, repetem compulsivamente o trauma e a hipótese benjaminiana de que a dificuldade dos africanos em comunicar a experiência de guerra se deve ao declínio da narrativa e a experiência do choque após o avanço das forças produtivas. Porém, buscamos investigar se é possível elaborar o passado. Compreendemos as levas de refugiados ao redor do mundo como resultado da crise do capitalismo global, como nos mostrou Robert Kurz. Não se trata de povos obrigados a sair de sua pátria desde a antiga história religiosa da humanidade, tão pouco de vítimas de perseguição ou vítimas de violação dos direitos humanos, como concebe a Cáritas Arquidiocesana de São Paulo no atendimento aos refugiados. Analisamos as entrevistas a partir de três categorias de análise a fuga da guerra, a educação e o trabalho. Então, refletimos sobre o esquecimento dos refugiados africanos, partindo de um teor religioso para alcançar algumas considerações psicológicas. Mas o que resta aos psicanalistas diante de refugiados africanos? Concluímos o estudo, investigando a metodologia psicanalítica mais adequada para a pesquisa com africanos sobreviventes de guerra. E decidimos recolher seus sonhos traumáticos, segundo nossa hipótese de que eles pudessem sonhar à noite com aquilo que querem esquecer à luz do dia / This study is about the forgetting of the past by African refugees. The interviews were collected at Casa do Migrante hostel that offers shelter for migrants, immigrants and newcomers refugees in São Paulo. Two Africans were interviewed: an Angolan and a Congolese. Our aim of studying the forgetting emerged from the individual and shared interviews with these refugees, because they did not want to remember the scenes of war in Africa. We understand the forgetting, considering the freudian hypothesis that the refugees want to forget the past, as they compulsively repeat the trauma, when they try to dominate the excessive coup and considering the benjaminian hypothesis that the difficulty of Africans to communicate the war experience is due to the decline of narrative and the shock experience after the development of productive forces. Nevertheless, we try to investigate whether it is possible to work through the past. We understand the waves of refugees around the world as a result of the crisis of global capitalism, as Robert Kurz showed us. It is not about people obliged to leave home since the ancient religious history of mankind, or about victims of persecution or victims of human rights violation, as conceived by the Cáritas Arquidiocesana de São Paulo in the attendance of refugees. We analyze the interviews according to three categories of analysis the flight from war, education and work. So, we thought about the forgetting of African refugees, starting from a religious content to achieve some psychological considerations. But what does it remain for psychoanalysts in the presence of African refugees? We conclude the study, investigating the more suitable psychoanalytic methodology for the research with Africans war survivors. And we decide to collect their traumatic dreams, according to our hypothesis that they might dream at night with what they want to forget at day light

Representação no campo do traumático: a enfermidade grave na infância e o impacto sobre o desenvolvimento / Representation in the Field of Trauma: a serious illness childhood

Queiroz, Flávia Cristina Amaro 04 November 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo investigar a dinâmica psíquica de crianças vítimas de uma enfermidade grave e a possibilidade de permitir maior mobilidade da dinâmica psíquica dessas crianças por meio da técnica lúdica e do trabalho de busca de representabilidade, a partir da premissa de que a enfermidade grave na infância é uma situação traumática dentre tantas outras possíveis. Delineamos, para tal entendimento, um percurso que se inicia nas primeiras inscrições psíquicas e na construção de representações e, em seguida, apresentamos a maneira como uma situação traumática pode fragilizar a mente. Enfatizamos a possibilidade de representação, mediante as intervenções psicanalíticas, partindo do princípio de que é por intermédio da condição simbólica que o indivíduo se desenvolve. Realizamos um estudo teórico-clínico de duas crianças que foram submetidas à operação para correção de cardiopatia congênita e, consequentemente, internação em unidade de terapia intensiva. O estudo consistiu de intervenções psicanalíticas que privilegiaram o oferecimento de um continente com rêverie, com uma proposta de acompanhar a criança no confronto com questões que fogem da esfera de representações, por intermédio do brincar, favorecendo a não paralisação e o não congelamento de sua rede simbólica e de significados. O Procedimento de Desenhos-estórias foi utilizado no início e final do processo como apoio para as intervenções e avaliações. Por meio das intervenções psicanalíticas, dos recursos teóricos-técnicos utilizados, observamos algumas modificações na linha de representação dos conflitos e um início de mudança na forma das crianças brincarem e se expressarem graficamente / This study aimed to investigate the psychological dynamics of child victims of a serious illness and possibility of allowing greater mobility of the psychological dynamics of these children through recreational technical and search representative from the premise that serious illness in childhood is a traumatic situation among many others possible. Outline for such an understanding, a journey that starts in the first registration and the construction of mental representations and then present how a traumatic situation may weaken the mind. We emphasize the possibility of representation by the psychoanalytic interventions, assuming that it is through the symbolic condition that the individual develops. We conducted a theoretical and clinical study of two children who underwent surgery for repair of congenital heart disease and, consequently, admission to the intensive care unit. The study consisted of psychoanalytic interventions which recommended the offer of a continent with reverie, with a proposal to accompany the child in confronting issues that are beyond the realm of representations, through the play, not favoring the strike and not freeze your symbolic condition. The Drawing-stories was used at the beginning and end of the process as support for interventions and evaluations. Through psychoanalytic interventions, theoretical-technical resources used, we observed some changes in the line representing the beginning of a conflict and change in the way children play and express themselves graphically

Family resiliency, family needs and community re-integration in persons with brain injury

Unknown Date (has links)
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is a disability resulting in functional impairments and heightened dependence on others. Family members of persons with TBI can assume added responsibilities during the adjustment to the disability and rehabilitation process, placing strain on the family system. Community re-integration is a primary goal of the rehabilitation process for persons with TBI as this is a step in developing autonomy and promoting independence and productive activity throughout different areas of the person's life (e.g., work, social networks, and home life). This study was designed to examine predictors of community re-integration outcomes of TBI survivors and empirically test the resiliency model of family stress, adjustment, and adaptation while incorporating family needs by surveying caregiving family members. Specific aims of the study include validating relationships of the resiliency model with individual and family outcomes in adaptation and supporting future recommendations for healthcare providers working with families with members with TBI. / by Julianne Agonis. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2012. / Includes bibliography. / Electronic reproduction. Boca Raton, Fla., 2012. Mode of access: World Wide Web.

Cumulative trauma among adult Mayas living in southeast Florida

Unknown Date (has links)
The toxic combination of social, psychological, environmental, cultural, and physiological trauma Mayas living in Southeast Florida face daily places them at higher risk for mental and physical disorders (Marmot & Wilkinson, 2006; WHO, 2010, September). The burden of disease is not limited to mental disorder comorbidities; psychological stress can also induce or exacerbate chronic medical diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and hypertension (Brunner & Marmot, 2006; Sridhar, 2007). ... The continuation of this disregard will add to the health disparity of this nation by delaying assessment, treatment, and development of interventions. The purpose of this study was to explore cumulative trauma as it related to social determinants of health and pathophysiological, psychological, and health behaviors of 102 adult Mayas living in Southeast Florida. The trauma profile for the Mayan population sample obtained through this study reflected high exposure to different types of trauma; collective identity trauma was most frequently reported, followed by survival trauma, achievement trauma, secondary trauma, and personal identity trauma, with high rates of repetition of the same traumas ... Key words: Maya; alcohol; ASSIST; cumulative trauma; Beck Depression Inventory-II; genocide; Guatemala; Hispanic; social determinants of health. / by Eugenia I. Millender. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2013. / Includes bibliography. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / System requirements: Adobe Reader.

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