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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A relação entre o psicanalista e suas teorias / The relationship between the psychoanalyst and his theories

Camila Munhoz 26 June 2009 (has links)
Esta pesquisa pretendeu abordar a relação que o psicanalista estabelece com as teorias psicanalíticas existentes para dar conta do que ocorre na clínica. Partindo do princípio de quea teoria psicanalítica possui a especificidade de se fundamentar na análise pessoal de quem a cria e de quem a lê, não é possível classificá-la dentro das disciplinas científicas clássicas, nem das hermenêuticas. Essa especificidade cria problemas para a sua transmissão, pois supõe o atravessamento de transferências e contratransferências que o psicanalista estabelece com seus pacientes, com seus pares e com as teorias que estuda. Esta dissertação consta de dois ensaios. O primeiro aborda a história do movimento psicanalítico e as modificações ocorridas em suas instituições de modo a se aproximarem da radicalidade teórica da psicanálise. Neste ensaio alguns conceitos são fundamentais, quais sejam, a transferência, a resistência que ela suscita, e a identidade clínica do psicanalista, fruto do trabalho com ambas. O segundo ensaio discorre sobre a trama própria da teoria psicanalítica e como esta se constrói a partir de metáforas que nunca abrangem completamente o fenômeno do inconsciente. A relação entre a teoria e a prática, ambas indissociáveis na psicanálise, também se torna presente neste texto, a partir de exemplos de como o psicanalista pensa enquanto teoriza ou clinica. / This research focus on the relationship the psychoanalysis establishes with the existing psychoanalytical theories in order to deal with the events of clinical practice. Based on the principle that a psychoanalytical theory stems from the personal analysis of both its creator ant its reader, it is not possible to classify such theories neither under the classical fields of science, nor of hermeneutics. This specifity interferes in the transmission of these theories because it passes through transferences and counter-transferences that the psychoanalyst establishes with his patients, his colleagues, and with the theories themselves. This dissertation is composed of two essays. The first broaches the history of the psychoanalytical movement and the changes observed in psychoanalytical institutions bringing them closer to the roots and more daring aspects of psychoanalytical theory. Some concepts are essential to this essay: transference, the resistance it evokes, and the clinical identity of the psychoanalyst, which results from working with the former two. The second essay is about the fabric of psychoanalytical theory itself and how it is built from metaphors that never quite fully encompass the phenomena of the unconscious. The relationship between theory and practice, both non-dissociable in psychoanalysis, is also present in this text in the form of examples of how the psychoanalyst thinks when theorizing of during clinical practice.
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Where I am, There (Sh)it will be: Queer Presence in Post Modern Horror Films

McDougald, Melanie 17 July 2009 (has links)
This paper will consider the function of queer space and presence in the post modern horror film genre. Beginning with George Romero’s 1968 film Night of the Living Dead and continuing through to contemporary examples of the genre, the paper posits the function of the queer monster or monstrous as integral to and representative of the genre as a whole. The paper analyzes both the current theory and scholarship of the genre and through Lacanian psychoanalytic theory and queer theory offers a theory of how these theories can add to existing theory and scholarship.

A Joint Reading of the Color Purple and the Awakening: From Feminism to Womanism and the Significance of Authentic Feminine Space

Nguyen, Catthuan L 18 August 2010 (has links)
Alice Walker’s The Color Purple and Kate Chopin’s The Awakening fundamentally share the universal feminist yearning for personal freedom and independence within an oppressive, patriarchal society. With regards to the texts’ stylistic differences and disparate social contexts, their heroines seek to ideologically oppose social rules and conventions for women without achieving the same results. This difference lies in the fact that Chopin’s text fosters the traditional feminism embraced by the majority culture, while Walker’s text makes use of womanism. The availability and authenticity of feminine space for the generation of women’s culture also determine the extent of changes achieved.

La thématique de l’eau dans l’œuvre de Marguerite Duras

Aronsson, Mattias January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this thematic study is to examine how the water motif is used in Marguerite Duras’s literary work. The study shows that water has multiple functions in these texts: it is linked to major themes and creates an enigmatic atmosphere by its association with the unknown, the inexplicable and the unconscious. The strong presence of water in Duras’s texts is striking. References to the water element can be found in several titles throughout her career, from early works such as Un barrage contre le Pacifique (1950) to La mer écrite (1996), published just after her death. Almost all of her fiction take place near water – and the rain or the sound of waves serve as leitmotifs in specific novels. The water motif can play a metonymic as well as a metaphoric role in the texts and it sometimes takes on human or animalistic characteristics (Chapter 4). Several emblematic Durassian characters (e.g. the beggar-woman, Anne-Marie Stretter and Lol V. Stein) have a close relationship to water (Chapter 5). The water motif is linked to many major Durassian themes, and illustrates themes with positive connotations, for example, creation, fecundity, maternity, liberty and desire, as well as themes with negative connotations such as destruction and death (Chapter 6). A close reading of three novels, La vie tranquille (1944), L’après-midi de Monsieur Andesmas (1962) and La maladie de la mort (1982), shows that the realism of the first novel is replaced by intriguing evocations of the sea and the pond in the second text, motifs which resist straightforward interpretation. The enigmatic feeling persists in the last novel, in which the sea illustrates the overall sombre mood of the story (Chapter 7). Finally, the role of the water element in psychoanalytic theory is discussed (Chapter 8), and a parallel is drawn between the Jungian concept of the mother archetype and the water motif in Duras’s texts. The suggestion is made in this last chapter that water is used to illustrate an oriental influence (Taoist or Buddhist) of some of the female characters in Duras’s work.
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A mulher e o (não) saber: um estudo psicanalítico sobre os avatares da sexualidade feminina / Woman and (un)knowledge: psychoanalytic study about the avatars in female sexuality

Elizabeth dos Reis Sanada 31 May 2006 (has links)
O presente trabalho busca realizar um estudo psicanalítico sobre os avatares da sexualidade feminina, tendo como ponto central de discussão averiguar os diferentes posicionamentos assumidos pela mulher na tentativa de responder ao mal-estar estrutural que norteia sua constituição, no que tange à falta de um significante capaz de nomeá-la. Assim, em consonância com a estrutura lógica dos três tempos do complexo de Édipo lacaniano, percorreremos o processo de constituição do sujeito feminino, situando-o primeiramente diante da influência do Outro materno, a seguir, em relação ao saber paterno, para finalmente considerá-lo em sua dimensão cultural, relacionado ao conceito de suplência, abarcando, deste modo, o campo dos saberes constituídos, a partir da escrita inominável que se faz apreender por meio da arte, da literatura e da análise. Além disso, apresentaremos como material de pesquisa uma leitura psicanalítica pautada no acompanhamento específico de três casos clínicos de mulheres, com idade entre 20 e 30 anos, cujo objetivo será verificar a existência de uma relação particular com o saber, como uma tentativa de assegurar o lugar ocupado anteriormente junto ao desejo materno. Entretanto, como veremos na conclusão do trabalho, os dados obtidos confirmam apenas em parte esta hipótese, uma vez que, na seqüência da pesquisa, a figura paterna se revelará como fundamental, não só no que se relaciona à questão sexual, mas principalmente, no que diz respeito ao posicionamento do sujeito feminino frente ao saber. / The current paper proposes to carry out an analytical study of avatars in the female sexuality, having for its core discussion point the checking of different positions assumed by women in an attempt to explain the structural distress that guides their constitution in respect to the lack of significance capable of being named by them. Hence, in consonance with the logical structure of the three-staged Lacanian Oedipus complex, we move through the process of the female subject’s constitution, placing it firstly before the influence of the maternal Other, then next related to paternal knowledge, to finally consider this process in his cultural dimension, bound by the supplying concept, tin this manner, embracing the field of constituted knowledge, by means of an unnamable script that provides apprehending through art, literature and analysis. Further to that, we will present as research material, a psychoanalytic reading, specifically propped on the assessment of three clinical cases with women aged from 20 to 30. The objective of this reading is to verify a specific relationship with knowledge, as an attempt to ensure a place previously occupied by maternal desire. However, as we shall see at the paper’s conclusion, the gleaned data only partially confirms this hypothesis, since the research sequence plays itself out showing that the father figure turns out to be fundamental, not only in that related to the sexual issue, but mainly in that which refers to the female positioning before knowledge.
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Alcance e limites teórico-metodológicos da pesquisa multicêntrica de indicadores clínicos de risco para o desenvolvimento infantil / Theoretical and methodological scope and limits of multi-center research on clinical risk indicators for child development

Maria Eugênia Pesaro 20 August 2010 (has links)
O presente estudo nasceu da Pesquisa Multicêntrica de Indicadores Clínicos de Risco para o Desenvolvimento Infantil que validou para uso pediátrico o instrumento denominado Indicadores Clínicos de Risco para o Desenvolvimento Infantil (IRDI), construído a partir da teoria psicanalítica. Além dos resultados diretamente relacionados à validação dos indicadores, a Pesquisa IRDI forneceu evidências empíricas para algumas importantes formulações teóricas psicanalíticas e se inscreveu também em um campo de discussão metodológica ao propor a articulação do método experimental com o método clínico. O presente estudo teve dois grandes objetivos: ampliar as bases teóricas do IRDI e propor uma discussão metodológica. Teve ainda dois objetivos específicos: a) explorar os resultados específicos da subamostra de 130 crianças em torno do eixo da função paterna; b) Contribuir para o campo de estudos psicanalíticos sobre os bebês. Para realizar a ampliação teórica, o estudo examinou os fundamentos teóricos de cada um dos 31 indicadores propostos pela pesquisa IRDI. A discussão metodológica foi realizada neste estudo tendo como direção de pesquisa a seguinte pergunta: o uso da metodologia experimental compromete as bases psicanalíticas da Pesquisa IRDI? O presente estudo buscou também explorar os resultados de uma amostra específica de 130 crianças. Em relação à subamostra, os achados clínicos apontaram o aparecimento significativo de duas sintomatologias nas crianças aos três anos, agressividade e ausência de enredo no brincar, efeitos de uma operação frágil da função paterna. Em relação à discussão metodológica, conclui-se que a conceituação e os fundamentos da pesquisa são psicanalíticos e que as metodologias utilizadas possibilitaram uma convergência interdisciplinar (Hans) e interações da psicanálise (Mijolla-Mellor) com outras disciplinas. Propõe-se considerar que a utilização de diferentes métodos não se contrapõe à semiologia psicanalítica porque a psicanálise não é uma só modalidade de investigação e sua referência metodológica não é única. Essa diversidade e heterogeneidade constitutiva colocam a psicanálise em posição de interagir com as demais disciplinas, como propõe Mijolla. / The present study originated in the Mulri-Center Reaserch on Clinical Risk Indicators for Child Development, which validated the pediatric use of a tool named Clincal Risk Indicators for Child Development (CRICD) Indicadores Clínicos de Risco para o Desenvolvimento Infantil (IRDI), based on the psychoanalytical theory. Besides the results directly related to the validation of risk indicators, CRICD Research provided empirical evidence of some important psychoanalytic theoretical formulations and incited methodological discussions by proposing a combination of the experimental and clinical methods. The present study aims at two relevant goals: to widen CRICDs theoretical basis and to propose a methodological discussion. And had also two specific objectives: a) explore in greater detail results obtained from a specific sample group of 130 children which are related to the theoretical axis called Paternal Function; b) unveiling the psychopathology of early infancy. To accomplish the expansion theory, the study examined the theoretical fundamentals of each one of the 31 indicators proposed by the CRICD Research.The methodological discussion contained in this study was guided by the following question, which in turn oriented our research: does the use of experimental methodology undermine the psychoanalytical basis of CRICD Research? Regarding the specific sample of 130 childrens. The present study also explores in greater detail results obtained from a specific sample group of 130 children. Clinical findings show the emergence of two significant symptomalogies in three-year old children: aggressiveness and the lack of a plot when playing, which are understood as the effects of a fragile performance of the paternal function. By means of a methodological discussion, we conclude that the conceptualization and fundamentals of this study are indeed psychoanalytical and the methodology employed allowed for an interdisciplinary convergence (Hans) and interactions of psychoanalysis (Mijolla-Mellor) with other disciplines. It intends to show that the use of different methods is not conflictive with psychoanalytical semiology. Psychoanalysis is neither a unique research modality, nor is its methodological reference unique. Such constitutive diversity and heterogeneity allow for psychoanalysis to interact with other disciplines and to progress by means of diverse and heterogenic sources, as Mijolla proposes.
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Três estudos sobre o conceito de narcisismo na obra de Freud: origem, metapsicologia e formas sociais / Three studies on the concept of narcissism in Freudian work: origin, metapsychology and social forms

Luiz Moreno Guimaraes 19 October 2012 (has links)
Pretende-se contribuir à análise do conceito de narcisismo no pensamento freudiano a partir de três estudos: (1) Um exame das primeiras elaborações sobre o narcisismo, dividido em dois tempos: (i) a origem do termo junto às primeiras descrições e teorias sobre o narcisismo, (ii) sua entrada na teoria freudiana. A ideia central é, por meio de uma visão diacrônica, acompanhar a apropriação e evidenciar as modificações que Freud incide nesse conceito ao adotá-lo em sua metapsicologia. Para isso, então, iremos em um primeiro momento estudar como os primeiros teóricos do narcisismo Alfred Binet, Havelock Ellis, Paul Näcke e Richard von Krafft-Ebing concebiam e conceberam essa noção; para depois pensar a apropriação freudiana em três fontes: na correspondência trocada com Jung, no registro das Atas da Sociedade Psicanalítica de Viena e nos textos freudianos de 1910 a 1913. (2) Um estudo do texto de Freud Introdução ao narcisismo de 1914 texto central para o narcisismo , levando em consideração três aspectos: (i) a lógica interna do texto, (ii) as modificações que a introdução do narcisismo traz à teoria freudiana e (iii) alguns desdobramentos desse conceito no interior do pensamento freudiano. (3) Uma análise da noção de narcisismo das pequenas diferenças desenvolvendo um dos vários desdobramentos que o conceito de narcisismo tem a partir de 1914; trata-se de uma análise sincrônica que visa cotejar e relacionar três momentos dessa noção: tal como ela surge pela primeira vez em O tabu da virgindade de 1918, como ela é retomada em Psicologia das massas e análise do Eu de 1921 e sua versão final em O mal-estar na cultura de 1930. Em suma, o primeiro estudo visa pensar a origem e a entrada do narcisismo no pensamento freudiano; o segundo, o narcisismo na metapsicologia; e o terceiro, o narcisismo enquanto fenômeno social / We aim to contribute to the analysis of the concept of narcissism in the Freudian thought from three studies: (1) An examination of the first elaborations on narcissism, divided into two stages: (i) the origin of the term within the first descriptions and theories of narcissism, (ii) its entry into the Freudian theory. The central idea is, through a diachronic view, to track the appropriation and highlight the changes that Freud makes into this concept to adopt it in his metapsychology. For this, we will at first study how the first theorists of narcissism - Alfred Binet, Havelock Ellis, Paul Näcke and Richard von Krafft-Ebing - conceived this notion, and then think about the Freudian appropriation on three sources: in the correspondence with Jung, in the record of the Minutes of the Psychoanalytic Society of Vienna and in the Freudian texts from 1910 to 1913. (2) A study of the Freudian text On Narcissism: an introduction of 1914 - the central text for narcissism - taking into account three aspects: (i) the internal logic of the text, (ii) the changes that the introduction of narcissism brings to the Freudian theory, (iii) some consequences of this concept inside the Freudian thought. (3) An analysis of the concept of narcissism of minor differences - unfolding one of the several developments that the narcissism concept has had since 1914; it is a synchronic analysis that aims to collate and relate three moments of this notion: such as it first appears in The Taboo of Virginity of 1918, the way it is retaken in Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego of 1921, and its final version in Civilization and Its Discontents of 1930. In short, the first study aims to consider the origin and the entry of narcissism in the Freudian thought; the second is related to the narcissism in metapsychology; and the third, narcissism as a social phenomenon
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Construção do prazer de pensar e desenvolvimento: um estudo teórico-clínico com crianças em dificuldade escolar / Construction of pleasure of thinking and development: a theoreticalclinical study of children with school difficulties

Mariana Inés Garbarino 24 March 2017 (has links)
Durante o periodo de latencia e do pensamento operatorio, o principal motivo de consulta psicologica contempla problemas de aprendizagem e de adaptacao escolar. Tanto para a psicogenese piagetiana como para a psicanalise, o fracasso ou sucesso na escola constitui uma experiencia que tonaliza um percurso singular em relacao ao conhecimento e ao prazer de pensar. A presente pesquisa se insere na interface da psicologia do desenvolvimento e da psicologia clinica. Estabelece um dialogo conceitual entre as teorias piagetiana e psicanalitica para subsidiar a compreensao do complexo fenomeno das dificuldades escolares e suas ressonancias afetivas e cognitivas no desenvolvimento do prazer de pensar. Para isso, postula relacoes de correspondencia entre a dialetica afetividade-pensamento no periodo operatorio e da latencia. Propoe uma fundamentacao teorica para o estudo do jogo de mesa como trabalho sublimatorio e como instrumento clinico no setting psicanalitico com criancas da latencia. O metodo baseou-se na analise de producoes realizadas por criancas de 7 a 12 anos em contexto de atendimento grupal em oficinas de jogos (Leda/USP). Os materiais de arquivo correspondem a 195 encontros realizados ao longo do periodo 2011-2014. Para sua analise, combinou-se o estudo qualitativo e quantitativo de producoes discursivas, graficas e de acoes. Foram escolhidos registros escritos de: 106 rodas de conversa, 172 protocolos de observacao, 49 questionarios preenchidos por pais, 128 fichas de matricula, falas espontaneas, desenhos, e relatorios institucionais. Pode-se destacar os seguintes resultados: 1) O discurso adulto (pais e professores) em torno da queixa escolar focalizou a falta de atencao e de concentracao. O esforco da crianca seria o modo de compensar e superar essa dificuldade. Ja as criancas focaram seus problemas em conteudos escolares. 2) Acerca dos conflitos intersubjetivos com pares, viu-se como a debilidade do respeito mutuo e a rivalidade edipica pode levar a hostilidades corporizadas em insultos e julgamentos desvalorizadores. Verificou-se um baixo investimento dos professores como figuras identificatorias de conhecimento e de autoridade. 3) Comprovou-se que as criancas manifestam interesse e persistencia no contexto de jogo, porem esse investimento energetico da tarefa nao e suficiente pela recorrencia de estrategias nao operatorias, pouco planejamento da acao e analise dos meios. 4) Observaram-se tres tendencias nas tramas significantes sobre a interacao com o conflito cognitivo: irrupcao de afetos, mediacao via pensamento e inibicao. As explicacoes causais do resultado no jogo seguem a linha genetica piagetiana do fazer e compreender em tres modalidades de explicacao causal: pelo pensamento, pela acao e pelo acaso, que se correspondem, respectivamente, as compensacoes tipo gama, beta e alfa. Verificou-se que o sentido de ser bom aluno esta intrinsecamente relacionado a definicao de ser inteligente, de obediencia e de atencao homologada a esforco pessoal. 5) Articularam-se confluencias e recorrencias clinicas de modalidades energeticas e conteudos em seis estudos de caso sistematizados a partir de 109 indicadores empiricos que ilustraram a dinamica afeto-pensamento. Por fim, apresentou-se uma sintese teorico-clinica de 12 convergencias que articulam o dialogo teorico entre a psicanalise e a teoria piagetiana desenvolvido ao longo da tese / During latency period and operative thinking, the main reason for psychological consultation contemplates learning problems and school adaptation. For both Piagetian psychogenesis and psychoanalysis, failure or success in school is an experience that sets a singular course in relation to knowledge and the pleasure of thinking. The present research is inserted in the interface of developmental psychology and clinical psychology. It establishes a conceptual dialogue between Piagetian and psychoanalytic theories to understand the complex phenomenon of school difficulties and their affective and cognitive resonances in the development of the pleasure of thinking. This thesis postulate relations of correspondence between the affective-thought dialectic in the operative period and latency. It proposes theoretical basis for the study of games as a sublimatory work and as a clinical instrument in the psychoanalytic setting with latency children. Method was based on the analysis of productions performed by children aged 7 to 12 years in the context of group attendance in games workshops (Leda / USP). Archival materials correspond to 195 meetings held over the period 2011-2014. For its analysis, the qualitative and quantitative study of actions, discursive and graphic productions was combined. Written records of 106 conversation wheels, 172 observation protocols, 49 questionnaires filled out by parents, 128 registration forms, spontaneous speeches, drawings, and institutional reports were chosen. The following results can be highlighted: 1) Adult discourse (parents and teachers) surrounding the school complaint focused on the lack of attention and concentration. Child \"effort\" would be the way to compensate and overcome this difficulty. Children have focused their problems on school subjects. 2) Concerning intersubjective conflicts with peers, it has been seen how the weakness of mutual respect and oedipal rivalry can lead to hostilities embodied in insults and devaluing judgments. There was a low investment of teachers as identifiable figures of knowledge and authority. 3) It has been shown that children express interest and persistence in the context of the game, but this energy investment of the task is not enough by the recurrence of nonoperational strategies, little planning of the action and analysis of the means. 4) There were three trends in the significant frames of interaction with cognitive conflict: irruption of affections, mediatization through thought and inhibition. Causal explanations of the result in the game follow the Piagetian genetic line of doing and understanding in three modes of causal explanation: by thought, by action and by chance, which correspond, respectively, to the gamma, beta and alpha compensations. It was found that the sense of \"being a good student\" is intrinsically related to the definition of \"being intelligent\", of obedience and \"attention\" homologated to \"personal effort\". 5) Clinical confluences and recurrences of energy modalities and subjects were articulated in six case studies systematized from 109 empirical indicators that illustrated the affection-thought dynamic. Finally, a theoreticalclinical synthesis was presented with 12 convergences that articulate the theoretical dialogue between psychoanalysis and the Piagetian theory developed throughout the thesis
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Willy Loman's Impact on his Own World : A Lacanian Analysis of a Life Lived in Incongruence

Incegül, Can January 2022 (has links)
In the 1949 play The Death of a Salesman, Arthur Miller depicts a man that goes through life without ever really understanding his own place in it. Willy Loman spends his life chasing a dream yet lacks the ability to achieve it. Instead of trying to learn about himself, his abilities, and find goals more suited for him, he stubbornly insists on chasing grand and misinterpreted dreams woven by others. He commits his life to fantasies and coerces his family to follow him on a course towards failure and tragedy. This thesis seeks to analyze the behavior of the lead character of the play with the help of the psychoanalytic theories of Jacques Lacan. The analysis seeks to explain how Willy’s behavior affects the lives of his family members as well as his own, with a focus on the language of the play.

Uma contribuição à Questão do Corpo em Psicanálise: Freud, Reich e Lacan\" / A contribution to the issue of the body in Psychoanalysis: Freud, Reich, Lacan

Csillag, Michele Cukiert 06 September 2000 (has links)
Este trabalho investiga a questão do corpo em Psicanálise tendo como referência a obra de três dos autores fundamentais para o pensamento psicanalítico, quais sejam: Freud, Reich e Lacan. Estuda o problema do corpo percorrendo inicialmente a obra de Sigmund Freud, tendo em vista a forma como seu pensamento se distancia do campo da Medicina e do corpo biológico, articulando uma noção de corpo específica ao campo psicanalítico a partir de conceitos como inconsciente, sexualidade e pulsão (Trieb). Nesse contexto, focaliza a forma como ele funda uma nova disciplina e uma nova prática, na qual a intervenção se faz por meio da palavra. Aborda a obra de Wilhelm Reich, verificando como seu pensamento surge inicialmente a partir das idéias e conceitos freudianos. Focaliza a especificidade da noção de corpo e a forma como ele funda uma teoria e uma técnica ativa de intervenção na clínica, que se distinguem em vários pontos do método freudiano clássico. Examina as perspectivas teórico-clínicas estabelecidas por Jacques Lacan a partir da sua releitura do texto freudiano e da ênfase sobre a linguagem. Analisa como a nova conceituação do inconsciente freudiano, (estruturado como linguagem) e a introdução do conjunto terminológico e conceitual Real, Simbólico e Imaginário permitem repensar o campo psicanalítico e a problemática do corpo em Psicanálise. Destaca a especificidade da proposta teórico-clínica de cada um dos três autores, verificando como, das diferentes concepções sobre o corpo, decorrem formas distintas de abordá-lo na clínica. / This work examines the issue of the body in Psychoanalysis with refeence to the works of three fundamental authors of psychoanalytical thought: Freud, Reich and Lacan. It studies the problem o f the body, initially based on the works of Sigmund Freud, considering the way his thought distances itself from the medical field and the biological body, articulating a notion of body specific to the field of psychoanalysis, taking into account concepts such as unconsciousness, sexuality and instinct (Trieb). In this context, it focuses on the way he establishes a new discipline and a new practice, in which the intervention is made trough the word. It covers the work of Wilhelm Reich, verifying how his thought initially appears from Freudian ideas and concepts. It focuses specifically on the notion of body and the way he establishes a theory and active technique of intervention in the clinic, that distinguishes itself in many aspects of the classic Freudian method. It examines the perspectives of clinical-theory established by Jacques Lacan, from his rereading of the Freudian text and the emphasis on the language. It analyses how the new conception of Freudian unconsciousness (structured as a language) and the introduction of the terminological and conceptual group, Real, Symbolic and Imaginary allows a rethinking of the psychoanalytical field and of the problem of the body in Psychoanalysis. What stands out is the specific nature of each of the three authors clinical-theory proposal checking how the different body conceptions result in distinct methods of dealing with them at the clinic.
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