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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Logistical Perspective on Dynamic Purchasing Systems : Investigating the Supplier Perspective

Barron, Charlie January 2023 (has links)
This study investigates Dynamic Purchasing Systems’ (DPS) supplier perspectiveand frameworks’ supplier perspective. DPSs were introduced in to the Swedish 2016procurement laws and few studies have been conducted looking into the procedurein a logistical view. Preferred customer theory was used to help understand thedifferences between the two procedures and how much they align with the previousliterature. Two methods were incorporated into the study. The first is that fiveinterviews were conducted with service suppliers. Three Technical service suppliers,one Professional Service supplier, and one legal consultant. The second is that asurvey was distributed to the suppliers of Luleå Municipality to understand thebroader population’s opinion. Some of the literature agreed with the findings fromthe interviews. Both the interviews and the survey showed that there were mixedopinions on the procedure. Further, the evaluation of the submitted tenders seemedto be a large point of which all the interviewees agreed should be based on quality,the size of the call-off was also a point that seemed to sway how well received theprocedure would be, which is similar to previous studies. Finally, the placement of aneed in the Kraljic Matrix could also impact the perspective of the procedure due tothe results that the position would have on how the technique is implemented.

The Application of Blockchain Technology on Public Procurement in Sweden : Implementational obstacles / Tillämpningen av Blockkedjeteknologi på Offentlig Upphandling i Sverige : Implementationshinder

Boekelman, Noah, Åkesson Norling, Birk, Qvam, Johan January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is defined to research the obstacles that hamper the implementation of blockchain technology in Swedish procurement. The identification of a knowledge gap in prior research related to this field is uncovered by substantial literature research. Previous research in this area is mainly conducted with an orientation towards the implementational benefits and design or implementation examples This paper thereby leads to a fulfillment of the discovered knowledge gap and contributes to the field. The research question; “What obstacles hamper the implementation of blockchain technology in the process of public procurement in Sweden?” Exploration of this is conducted through a qualitative research study with a geographical limit set to the country of Sweden. The study is conducted with the use of four different perspectives that consists of professionals with expertise in different fields. Obstacles that could hamper the merger between blockchain technology and procurement are identified, both using categories that are defined in a cross-perspective environment and individual obstacle topics. Further research ideas are also presented suggesting future studies surrounding the obstacle dynamics of this study.

What to Buy: the Underexplored Dimension of the Smart-buyer Problem

Lepse, James LeVoy 07 May 2013 (has links)
Using one question of Donald Kettl's smart-buyer problem as the basis of investigation, this study empirically examines the relationship between five selected services contract characteristics related to requirements and evaluation ratings of 120 federal information technology investments. The five contract characteristics selected for investigation were: Contract Type, Extent Competed, Performance-Based Acquisition, Integrated Process Team, and Program Manager Qualification. Analysis of these characteristics is relevant because current federal acquisition policy advocates particular contract characteristics as the preferred methods of procurement and others as widely accepted best practices. The five selected contract characteristics were analyzed for over 200 information technology services contracts using two separate statistical tests and four variants of information technology investment ratings as the dependent variable. Empirical evidence failed to reject the null hypothesis that there is no statistically significant correlation between selected service contract characteristics related to contract requirements and investment ratings. This failure of rejection through multiple tests led to the conclusion that service contract requirements are not better defined in cases when they should be based on selected contract characteristics. In order to better inform and understand the quantitative findings, interviews were conducted with over 20 senior acquisition and information technology executives representing 11 different federal departments and industry. None of the senior executives interviewed disputed the null finding and nearly 70 percent of subject matter experts interviewed were unsurprised that the selected service contract characteristics did not correlate with investment ratings. The lack of correlation between selected contract characteristics related to requirements and investment ratings indicates that service contract requirements definition is a significant problem for federal agencies. That conclusion was confirmed by interviews with senior subject matter experts who consistently stated that accurately defining and managing information technology service contract requirements is a genuine challenge facing the federal government today. Although empirical evidence failed to reject the null hypothesis, subsequent interviews revealed other factors that may have greater bearing on requirements and acquisition program outcomes than the five selected service contract characteristics. They present promising topics that merit further research. / Ph. D.

Public Procurement of Security Technology : A multiple case study of Swedish municipalities and regions

ROLANDSSON, RASMUS January 2016 (has links)
Municipalities and regions in Sweden have an increasing need to purchase security technology to secure their properties and their operations. However this procurement process is strictly regulated by the Swedish procurement act (“Lagen om Offentlig Upphandling”, LoU), leading to a similar procurement process. However no academic studies have been done on the procurement of security technology in local authorities.This thesis explores and maps this process and the important aspects which affect how the process is carried out. This was done via a multiple case study, primarily involving interviews with experts from seven municipalities and six regions in Sweden. It analyses the public procurement from a process perspective from the initiation via the purchase to the follow-up and monitoring. Hence, the study is using a wider definition of the procurement process than most previous studies on public procurement. The aspects which affect this procurement process were also identified in this study.The results show that the procurement process has a cyclic nature, based on framework agreements in most of the studied case organizations. This cyclic nature gives both the planning and the follow-up central parts in a successful procurement process. The main identified aspects affecting the procurement process of security technology identified were: Supplier lock-in Procurement complexity The role LoU plays in the case organizationsOther themes related to main aspects presented above are also discussed in this thesis such as the suitability to implement SecaaS (Security as a Service) in the case organizations and the stakeholder dimension. The main conceptual contribution of this thesis is the usefulness of adapting a comprehensive process perspective when studying public procurement.

Two Essays on Local Public Economics

Horie, Shinya January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Offentlig upphandling i Sandvikens kommun : -en studie om ökad hållbarhet vid inköp

Ferm, Mårten, Hellberg, Ammie January 2022 (has links)
Under 2018 betalade Sveriges myndigheter, kommuner och regioner ut totalt 847 miljarder kronor till privata företag och av dessa kan 800 miljarder kopplas till offentliga upphandlingar. Den summan uppgår till ca 20% av Sveriges Bruttonationalprodukt. Det innebär att den offentliga upphandlingen har förutsättningar att göra stor positiv inverkan på de globala hållbarhetsmålen, främst genom Agenda 2030s mål 12: Hållbar konsumtion och produktion, samt mål 13: Bekämpa klimatförändringarna. I den här rapporten har Sandviken kommuns upphandlingsprocess analyserats genom djupintervjuer med nyckelpersoner med expertis inom upphandling och hållbarhet. Syftet är att ge en fördjupad inblick i hur upphandlingsprocessen ser ut specifikt i Sandvikens kommun, samt presentera möjliga förbättringsförslag. Intervjuer genomfördes under april 2022 genom de digitala plattformarna Zoom och Microsoft Teams. Teori från vetenskapligt granskade artiklar (peer-reviewed) har sedan jämförts med upplevelser från de intervjuade nyckelpersonerna för att se var förbättringspotential finns. Analysen visade att nyckelpersonerna hos Sandvikens kommun till stor del är medvetna om den problematik som finns, men att arbete återstår innan optimala processer är implementerade. Författarna har efter analysen redovisat ett antal förbättringsförslag där bland annat framtagande av nya miljömål, förtydligande av arbetsuppgifter samt integrering av ekologiska och sociala hållbarhetsfrågor i upphandlingsprocessen anses vara en del av lösningen. För framtida studier anser författarna att ytterligare intervjuer med politiker och deltagare från referensgrupper bör genomföras. En jämförande undersökning av hållbarhetsarbetet mellan Sveriges kommuner anses också vara intressant för att se ytterligare förbättringspotential. / In 2018, Sweden's authorities, municipalities and regions paid out a total of SEK 847 billion to private companies, of which SEK 800 billion can be linked to public procurement. That sum amounts to about 20% of Sweden's Gross National Product. This means that public procurement has the potential to make a major positive impact on the global sustainability goals, primarily/mainly through Agenda 2030s goal 12: Sustainable consumption and production, and goal 13: Combating climate change.   In this thesis, Sandviken municipality's procurement process has been analyzed through in-depth interviews with key people with expertise in procurement and sustainability. The purpose is to provide an in-depth insight into what the procurement process looks like specifically in Sandviken municipality, and to present possible improvement proposals. Interviews were conducted in April 2022 through the digital platforms Zoom and Microsoft Teams. Theory from scientifically peer-reviewed articles has then been compared with experiences from the interviewed key people to see where the potential for improvement lies.   The analysis shows that the key people in Sandviken municipality are largely aware of the problems that exist, but that work remains before optimal processes are implemented. After the analysis, the authors have presented a number of improvement proposals where, among other things, the development of new environmental goals, clarification of tasks and integration of ecological and social sustainability issues in the procurement process are considered part of the solution.   For future studies, the authors believe that further interviews with politicians and participants from reference groups should be conducted. A comparative study of the sustainability work between Sweden's municipalities is also considered interesting to see further potential for improvement.

Förutsättningar och hinder för att använda offentlig upphandling som styrmedel för en hållbar hantering av entreprenadberg / Public procurement as an instrument for sustainable management of excavated rock

Kleve, Wera January 2014 (has links)
Large volumes of excavated soil and rock are generated in building- and construction projects. These materials need to be transported longer and longer distances due to the densifications of cities. The transportation affects the environment in terms of noise and emissions, but also makes high demands on road infrastructure. To reduce the transport distances an increased responsibility for the excavated rock generated needs to be taken. Responsibility can be increased through an introduction of means of control. Previous studies describe public procurement as an effective tool to increase the responsibility taken by public authorities. Public procurement is regulated by law but the inclusive of environmental requirements is optional, which makes procurement as a tool flexible. The aim of this thesis is to examine public procurement as a tool to control and reduce the environmental impacts from handling, and specifically transporting excavated rock generated in municipal construction projects. The study consists of a case study conducted in Södertörns eight municipalities and a wider analysis that has been carried out in the regions of Stockholm, Västra Götaland and Skåne. The two studies showed that municipal officials generally do not believe that the handling of excavated rock is a municipal responsibility, it lies in the entrepreneurs self-interest to implement regional mass balances. Entrepreneurs instead, consider it to be a municipal problem that can be resolved only when the municipality begins to take responsibility for the excavated rock generated, by example through developing regional plans. As in previous studies, the result indicates that the supplier and purchaser consider the environmental requirements in the procurement process differently. The thesis identify four different factors, which limits the municipalities ability and willingness to take more responsibility in the procurement process regarding the matter excavated rock from construction. These factors are different political position, short term planning, centralization of the procurement units and lack of national and municipal regulations. The study presents that the knowledge in municipal procurement entities is low when it comes to the handling of excavated rock from municipal construction projects. The major knowledge gaps are probably due to the fact that excavated rock for a long time has been seen as an unwanted issue and interest in managing their materials has therefore been low. The knowledge gap must be decreased before the municipalities are able to develop an ethical maturity and take more responsibility in the management of excavated rock. Increased dialogue between different municipal sections and other stakeholders may increase the knowledge. / OptiMass

Approaches to the Direct Contracting Regime in the New Public Procurement Law Regarding the Draft Regulation of Law No. 30225, whose publication was provided by Ministerial Resolution No. 216-2015-EF / 15 / Aproximaciones al Régimen de Contratación Directa en la Nueva Ley de Contrataciones Del Estado A propósito del Proyecto de Reglamento de la Ley N° 30225, cuya publicación fuera dispuesta mediante Resolución Ministerial N° 216-2015-EF/15

Pedreschi Garcés, Willy 10 April 2018 (has links)
The present article treats about the main innovations brought on the direct contracting regimen of the Public Procurement Peruvian New Law. In the author’s opinion, the new law seeks to make public procurement more efficient. Thus, he explains us how, in direct contracting, the law tries to achieve this objective.In that line, the paper explains the cases in which the direct contract proceeds and the formalities and requirements for it. / El presente artículo aborda las principales novedades que trae el régimen de contratación directa de la Nueva Ley de Contrataciones del Estado. Para el autor, la nueva norma busca que las compras del Estado sean más eficientes y nos explica cómo, en la parte referida a la contratación directa, se intenta lograr dicho objetivo. Así, primero se explican los supuestos en los que cabe esta figura, y las formalidades yrequisitos para la misma.

Proveedores, Impedimentos y Tribunal de Contrataciones del Estado. Reflexiones sobre la posición del Tribunal de Contrataciones del Estado respecto de quien puede y quien no puede ser proveedor del Estado / Proveedores, Impedimentos y Tribunal de Contrataciones del Estado Reflexiones sobre la posición del Tribunal de Contrataciones del Estado respecto de quien puede y quien no puede ser proveedor del Estado

Martínez Zamora, Marco Antonio 10 April 2018 (has links)
The present article explains the main impediments for being a supplier of State in the actual regulation for public procurements. Then, the author analyses the way a wrong interpretation of the law can turn into a distortion of the legal propose, bringing a number of barriers that, in practice, affect the main goal the public procurement. / El presente artículo nos muestra los principales impedimentos existentes para ser proveedor del Estado en el actual régimen de contratación pública.Acto seguido, el autor analiza cómo una interpretación inadecuada de la norma puede llegar a desvirtuar el propósito para la que fue creada, creando una seria de trabas que, en la práctica, perjudican finalmente el objetivo de las contrataciones del Estado.

L'articulation des voies de droit dans le contentieux de la commande publique à l'initiative des tiers au contrat / The articulation of the legal remedies in the litigation of public procurement in the initiative of thirds to the contract

Preud'homme, Laura 23 October 2013 (has links)
Parallèlement à la formation progressive d'un « droit de la commande publique », le contentieux à l'initiative des tiers au contrat a subi une profonde mutation, à tel point que le changement de paradigme opéré tend à faire émerger ce qu'il serait possible d'appeler le « contentieux de la commande publique ». Diverses voies de droit plus ou moins spécialisées dans la sanction des comportements de l'administration face aux exigences de la commande publique ont dès lors été instituées. Le référé pré-contractuel, le référé contractuel et le recours en contestation de la validité du contrat constituent les archétypes du contentieux de la commande publique. Le juge pénal et le juge financier veillent également indirectement à ce que les obligations de publicité et de mise en concurrence qui incombent à l'administration soient respectées. Le juge de l'excès de pouvoir comme le juge administratif saisi à la suite d'un déféré préfectoral visent au respect de cet aspect de la légalité contractuelle. La multiplicité des voies de droit à la disposition du concurrent évincé, tiers privilégié, conduit à s'interroger sur son « embarras du choix» ou son « embarras tout court» à en faire usage. Elle implique en outre de s'intéresser à la protection effective de son droit à avoir participé à une procédure de consultation dans le respect des principes de liberté d'accès à la commande publique, d'égalité de traitement des candidats et de transparence des procédures de passation. La complexité du contentieux de la commande publique à l'initiative des tiers au contrat est telle qu'il est impossible de s'en satisfaire et aboutit à détruire pour reconstruire ce paysage contentieux. / As the same time as the gradual formation of a «public procurement law», the litigation on the initiative of thirds to the contract underwent a profound transformation to such a point that the paradigm shift tends to bring to the foreground what it would be possible to call the « litigation of public procurement ». Various legal remedies more or less specialized in the penalty of the behavior of the administration in front of requirements of the public procurement have been established from then on. The pre-contractual interlocutory procedure, the contractual interlocutory procedure and the action challenging the validity of the contract are the archetypes of the litigation of public procurement. The penal judge and the financial judge indirectly also ensure that the advertising and competition rules which fall to the administration are respected. The judge of the abuse of power and the administrative judge following a prefectoral application for judicial review aim at the respect for this aspect of the contractual legality. The multiplicity of legal remedies available to the foreclosed competitor, privileged third, raises questions about h" « very wide choice » or his « embarrassment as such» to make use of. Besides, it emplies to focus on the effective protection of the right to have participated in a consultation process in the respect for the principles of the free access t public procurement, the equal treatment of candidates and the transparency of procurement process. The complexity c the litigation of public procurement on the initiative of thirds to the contract is such that it is impossible to be satisfied with it and leads to destroy to rebuild this litigation landscape.

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