Spelling suggestions: "subject:"aublic procurement"" "subject:"aublic rocurement""
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Transakční náklady ve veřejných zakázkách / Transaction costs in public procurementReimarová, Hana January 2011 (has links)
The term public procurement refers to a contract between public entity and private companies. The public procurement contracts are regulated by the Public Procurement Act, which specifies the rules under which the public procurement should be performed and sets conditions of award procedures of public contracts. The quality of execution of the award procedure influences the efficiency and the transparency of the contract. The award procedure can be executed by internal employees of the contractor or outsourced. The main aim of this thesis is to analyze whether the contractors behave rationally when they outsource the award procedure; this thesis evaluates the differences between an in-house administration and an outsourced administration in prices, efficiency in terms of number of bidders in the contract and probability of formal errors in the award procedure. The results of the analysis shows that small contractors behave rationally; when they administrate the award procedure in-house they tend to make more formal errors thus they outsource the procedure. On the other hand, the large contractors do not behave rationally, because they outsource the administration of award procedure even if all three indicators show that they administrate the procedure in-house more successfully. The behavior of...
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Detekce bid riggingu - teoretická a empirická analýza / Detection of bid rigging - theoretical and empirical analysisMarečková, Jana January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is a case study examining Czech public procurement in medi- cal machinery industry. It proposes and applies several practical methods for identifying risk of bid rigging, such as: frequency analysis of participation of the same small groups of firms, analyzing ownership structure of participating firms and frequency analysis of systematically excluded bids of firms. Results include presence of cases of the same small groups of firms which bid more fre- quently together with no other competitors. Main contribution of the work lays in outlining some analytical possibilities for practical detection of bid rigging risk. JEL Classification H57, H75, K42 Keywords public procurement, bid rigging, Czech Repub- lic, medical machinery Author's e-mail janamar@atlas.cz Supervisor's e-mail jskuhrovec@gmail.com Abstrakt Tato práce je případovou studií zkoumající veřejné zakázky z oblasti me- dicínského vybavení. Práce navrhuje a aplikuje následující praktické metody pro odhalení rizika bid riggingu: frekvenční analýza účasti stejné malé skupiny firem, analýzu vlastnické strukury firem a frekvenční analýzu počtu vyřazených nabídek. Analýza odhalila případy skupin malých firem, které spolu často soutěží v omezené konkurenci. Hlavním přínosem práce je nastínění...
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Zadávání veřejných zakázek - dynamický nákupní systém a elektronická aukce / Public tenders procedure - a dynamic purchase system and electronic auctionTikhonina, Olga January 2013 (has links)
Public tenders procedure - a dynamic purchase system and electronic auction The purpose of public tenders is to serve as an instrument of effective and efficient distribution of public funds, in order to acquire specific goods or services in accordance with the public interest. Therefore, the law defines the process of awarding public tenders. The main purpose of this thesis is to explore and analyze the electronization of the public tenders procedure with an emphasis on dynamic purchase systems and electronic auction. The thesis is based on the current provisions of the Act on Public Tenders No. 137/2006 Coll., and is divided into seven chapters. Chapter one focuses on evolution of public tenders, or public procurement, providing a brief historical outline with an emphasis on national legal regulations. Chapter two explores public procurement law regulations in force that are significant in relation to the aim of the thesis. The first part of the chapter highlights the most important legal documents on the international level, and the second part proceeds with an overview of European Union law. Part three presents a summary of the Act on Public Tenders in force. The third chapter contains a definition of the most essential terms of the Act. Part one deals with the instrument of the public tender...
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Analysis of the effect of lowest price criterion in the selection process of public procurement / Analysis of the effect of lowest price criterion in the selection process of public procurementBlahová, Alexandra January 2015 (has links)
Public procurement in the Czech Republic is a complex process directly settled by the legal procurement framework which defines various contract-awarding procedures. This study focuses on the part of selection process when procurers can decide between using lowest price criterion or most economically advantageous tender (MEAT). We found an evidence of preference of lowest price criterion, especially in the recent years. The main goal of the study is therefore to provide a comprehensive analysis of the leading drivers of selection of specific criteria and their consequential effects. Taking into account various characteristics of public procurement processes, we found out that in general lowest price criterion is preferred by public contracting authorities and by procurers with larger number of employees. This type of selection process also consequently provides an interesting trade-off between higher competition in terms of number of bidders, higher stability in terms of less interventions by the Office for the Protection of Competition (OPC) but also higher probability of consequent extraworks.
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På andra sidan myntet : En kvalitativ studie om offentlig upphandling under flyktingkrisen 2015 / On the other side of the coin : A qualitative study of public procurement during the European refugee crisis 2015Nikula, Gustav, Österlund, Filip January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Under hösten 2015 drabbades Europa av den största flyktingkrisen i modern tid. Av de totalt 163 000 flyktingar som passerade den svenska gränsen var många ensamkommande barn som fördelades ut i kommunerna av Migrationsverket. Kommunerna kan i sin tur delvis hantera detta mottagande genom ramavtalsupphandling av asylplatser, men behovet har tidigare år varit litet. Flyktingkrisen ökade således dramatiskt efterfrågan på platser, vilket försatte kommunerna i en pressad situation och ställde krav på resiliens. Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att beskriva och förstå hur offentlig upphandling fungerar i en krissituation, genom att undersöka kommunernas upphandling av HVB-hem och konsulentstödda familjehem/jourhem under hösten 2015 samt se hur dessa hanterat sitt mottagande av ensamkommande flyktingbarn. Metod: Syftet uppnås genom en kvalitativ flerfallstudie fokuserad på ett fåtal undersökta kommuner. Det empiriska materialet har samlats in genom nio semistrukturerade intervjuer samt sekundärdata i form av en dokumentstudie. Slutsats: Offentlig upphandling är idag reglerat av en mycket strikt och tidskrävande lagstiftning som i detalj styr upphandlingsförfarandet för berörda myndigheter. Endast mindre upphandlingar tar minst ett halvår att genomföra, oavsett hur stort behovet på den aktuella varan är. Eftersom krissituationer karaktäriseras av tidsbrist och överraskning fungerar dessa således dåligt tillsammans, vilket var tydligt under flyktingkrisen. De ökade flyktingströmmarna skapade då ett stort platsbehov som snabbt behövde hanteras, men nya ramavtal skulle ändå inte finnas att tillgå förrän långt in på 2016. I krissituationer får därför upphandling ske genom direktupphandling, vilket dock kunnat innebära en betydligt högre prisnivå. Hur kommunerna sedan hanterat sitt flyktingmottagande har till stor del berott på vilka förutsättningar som funnits. De som kunnat bygga ut egna HVB-hem och överbelägga dessa och/eller haft det lättare att värva egna familjehem kunde rent ekonomiskt anta ett mer resilient bemötande av krisen än de kommuner som tvingats direktupphandla. Ur ett sammantaget perspektiv är bedömningen svårare då alla alternativ haft olika för- och nackdelar som måste vägas mot varandra. / Background: During the fall of 2015 Europe suffered from the most severe refugee crisis in modern time. Out of the 163 000 refugees that crossed the Swedish border about 35 000 were classified as unaccompanied minors, whom were later allocated to the municipals by Migrationsverket. The municipals in turn solve this reception partly by framework agreements of asylum accommodations. The refugee crisis dramatically increased the demand for accommodation, which put the municipals under pressure and raised the need for resilience from them. Aim: The aim of this study is to describe and to understand how public procurement functions in a crisis situation by investigating Swedish municipals procurement of homes for care and resident (HVB) and consultant supported foster homes during the fall of 2015 and to see how they have managed their reception of unaccompanied minors. Methodology: The aim is achieved by using a qualitative multiple case study focused on a small number of investigated municipals. The empirical material has been sampled from nine semi-structured interviews as well as secondary data in the form of relevant documents. Conclusion: Public procurement is regulated by a legislation which is considered very time-consuming as well as administratively demanding. Even minor procurements take at least six months to execute independently of how high the demand of the required good or service is. Since crises are characterized by surprise and time shortage, these work poorly together, something which became exceedingly apparent during the refugee crisis. The high number of unaccompanied minors rapidly increased the demand for accommodations, but new framework agreements could not be obtained until they had been in procurement for at least a year. In crisis situations, the use of accelerated procedure is therefore necessary. How the municipals solved their reception depended largely on their different prerequisites. Those who could find other ways to create new places besides using accelerated procedure could also out of an economic perspective withtake a more resilient refutation of the crisis. However, from a more multidisciplinary approach it is difficult to determine which alternatives that were the most resilient options for the municipals since all of them had advantages and disadvantages.
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Processfokusering i offentlig upphandlingWesterlund, Anna-Therése January 2016 (has links)
Det är trendigt just nu att utifrån olika aspekter se över vad offentliga upphandlingar bidrar till och vilken roll de ska ha i framtiden. Vissa av dessa aspekter som tas upp i debatten, exempelvis miljökrav och sociala krav, har traditionellt sett inte har hört hemma inom inköp och offentlig upphandling. Men den här typen av krav är sannolikt här för att stanna och det krävs därför effektiva processer som omhändertar den här typen av krav som ställs i allt större utsträckning. Men bortsett från lagstiftning, politiska krav, måluppfyllnad etc. finns det ett egenvärde i att ha effektiva processer. Processperspektivet har fallit lite mellan stolarna nu när det är så mycket annat som är aktuellt och relevant inom upphandlingsvärlden. Syftet med studien är att utveckla kunskap kring styrkor och förbättringsområden i processen ”att ta fram upphandlingsunderlag” för att se hur processen kan utvecklas vidare. Detta sker med utgångspunkt i medarbetarnas egna erfarenheter av att arbeta fram detta underlag. För att besvara syftet, har data har samlats in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer och granskning av en logg. Studien är en fallstudie och den genomfördes som en kvalitativ studie för att få en djupare förståelse för situationen. Resultatet visar att styrkorna bl.a. är att det finns erfarenhet av upphandlingsprocessen och kunskap om vilka krav lagstiftningen ställer. De förbättringsområden som identifierades är att det i viss utsträckning är oklara förväntningar på vem som ska göra vad. Det finns också bristande förståelse för vilken tid och resurser som krävs för att ta fram ett upphandlingsunderlag. / It's trendy right now to see various aspects of what the public procurement contributes to and what role they will have in the future. Some of these aspects addressed in the debate, such as environmental and social requirements, have not traditionally have belonged in purchasing and public procurement. But this type of requirement is likely here to stay and it therefore requires effective processes that take care of these types of requirements increasingly. But apart from law, political demands, achievement of goals, etc., there is an intrinsic value in having efficient processes. Process perspective has fallen between the cracks a bit now that there is so much else that is current and relevant in the procurement world. The purpose of the study is to develop knowledge about the strengths and areas for improvement in the process "to prepare procurement documentation" to see how the process can be further developed. This is done based on the employees' own experiences of working up this material. To answer the purpose, the data were collected through semi-structured interviews and the examination of a log. The study is a case study and it was conducted as a qualitative study to gain a deeper understanding of the situation. The result shows that the strengths including is that there is experience in the procurement process and knowledge of the legal standard. The improvement areas identified is that there is to some extent unclear expectations of who should do what. There is also a lack of understanding of the time and resources required to develop a procurement documentation.
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Effectuation in Business to Government ContextPavoncelli, Nicklas, Behm, Johanna January 2017 (has links)
Effectuation is a theory about entrepreneurial problem-solving and management that was first identified by Sarasvathy (2001). Effectual logic has proven to be particularly useful when the company is functioning under the conditions of high uncertainty or goal ambiguity. It is an already widely-studied topic and it has been examined in various contexts, but one field that has completely lacked the attention of the researchers is the business to government context. Our study is focusing on effectuation in business to government context in specific and the aim of our study is to find out (1) how the business to government context influences the application of effectual logic, (2) and what the potential outcomes for innovation are. We used action research to build understanding through a deep involvement with a case organization. Through an experiment involving managers of our case organization, we could find which process is used, and how it relates to the context. Our conclusions show that business to government context sets some limitations to effectual approaches, and we present a framework which represents this effectual process observed in our case organization. In addition, grounded on our previous findings, we analyzed how this practiced process, and the context, set barriers to innovation as well: results such as difficulties to gain pre-commitments, inability to spread risk among stakeholders and difficulty to run pilot projects, are some of the observed findings. On the other hand, we argue that this brought to a focus on incremental innovations, which are new features added to pre-existing products sold to pre-existing clients. At the end of our study we come up with implications for researchers, which could be used to direct future contextual studies regarding effectuation and innovation. But also, some implications for policy makers and managers are presented, so to suggest ways to lower barriers for radical innovation in business to government, and create a more innovative friendly context.
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Environmentální kritéria veřejných zakázek / environmental criteria for public procurementBartošová, Lenka January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with green public procurement as an instrument for integrating environmental considerations info public procurment. It focuses on legislative framework for public procurement in Czech republic and in the world, the assessment of environmental and economic effectiveness of green public procurement. It deals with the history of green public procurement and potential benefits of the environmental performance of public administration on the environment. The practical part is based on interviews with qualified primarily purchasing department selected organizations, which should follow the Government Resolution of 14 June 2010 Rules for application of the requirements for the award of public contracts and purchases of state and local governments, as described in the theoretical part.
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Typy veřejných zakázek jako způsob zabezpečování veřejných statků ve zdravotnickém zařízení / Types of public procurement as a way of securing public goods in the hospitalBakovská, Petra January 2010 (has links)
The diploma thesis is dedicated to referring the issue of public procurement as one of possible ways of securing the public goods. The aim is to review the possibilities of public procurements for the purpose of getting the public goods in medical care facilities in the Czech Republic on the example of a hospital in Prague. The stress is put on their effectiveness. The diploma thesis is divided in three parts. The first part is engaged in the theory of public goods and ways of their dividing. The second part sums up the most important findings about public procurements according to the law. The last analytical part contains the analysis of efficiency of particular kinds of award procedures. To reach the targeted aim, except from available literature, I also used data and information gained from scholarly consultations and from guided interview.
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Knowledge,need and demand of eco-labelled upholstery fabrics at Svensson Markspelle, Ludvig SvenssonKORNELIUSSON, ULRIKA January 2010 (has links)
Due to greater awareness of the need to conserve the world's resources - one direction is to promote products with less environmental impact during manufacturing processes. There are different perspectives to understand what is driving this development towards environmental production. On one hand, producers manage their production with less environmental impact either of an integrated environmental management of the company or because of regulatory requirements in steering manufacturing, especially under circumstances in Sweden. The development may also be because of responding to market demand for eco-labelled prod-ucts. My case studies have two approaches of qualitative research in order to answer the research questions: The first angle, makes a description of how a company has adapted to environmental production conditions, and examine the product development process and the choice of implementing product groups in its range. The second angle is from a customer perspective, exploring choices of specific products. The study begins with the producer Lud-vig Svensson AB and their brand Svensson Markspelle of their eco-labelled furniture fabrics and then followed by a comparison of the different kind of customers within the brand. The findings of the thesis revealed that, Ludvig Svensson has adjusted to a sustainable production since before the implementation of an eco-label. It also shows that there is a need for greater information about the company’s environmental work out to customers as eco-labels is limited in its message as a communication tool, regardless whether the eco-label is part of the ongoing environmental work or not. More customer-oriented information could make a difference as an eco-label is a simple message for complex conditions. There is also an op-portunity to increase knowledge. However, it is important to emphasize that although the organization Ecolabelling Sweden has a responsibility to raise awareness about eco-labels they certify for. Findings of the customer study showed that the choices that govern the public environment are complex. At many times other requirements such as washability, durability and flame resistance are put higher than the choice of an upholstery fabric. To be envi-ronmental friendly in product selection is not just about choosing a product with minor envi-ronmental impact, but high quality is such as great environmental choice. The study also showed that there are general aspects that are problematic to make environmentally con-scious choices and the obstacles of lack of knowledge in some areas come from several directions with regard to conditions in the public procurement. / Program: Magisterutbildning i Applied Textile Management
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