Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cublic conelations (PR)"" "subject:"cublic cancelations (PR)""
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En bransch med bristande förtroende : - PR-konsulter om sitt eget ansvar och hur de själva kan bidra till ökat branschförtroendeGöranzon, Ebba January 2008 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>Title: An industry with a lacking trust – PR-consultants about their own responsibility and how they can contribute to an increased trust for their profession (En bransch med bristande förtroende – PR-konsulter om sitt eget ansvar och hur de själva kan bidra till ökat branschförtroende)</p><p>Number of pages: 68 (79 including enclosures)</p><p>Author: Ebba Göranzon</p><p>Tutor: Göran Svensson</p><p>Course: Media and Communication Studies D</p><p>Period: Spring 2008</p><p>University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University</p><p>Aim: The aim of this essay is to study the Swedish PR-industry and the distrust that is directed towards it. The starting point is different PR-consultants opinion about their profession and industry. What do they think needs to be done to increase the trust for the industry and what kind of responsibility do they think they have?</p><p>Method/Material: Together with literature studies, a qualitative method has been used and five in-depth interviews with PR-consultants have been conducted. The persons interviewed all worked with questions concerning lobbying and influencing the public opinion, within Swedish PR-firms.</p><p>Main Results: The main results show that the PR-consultants pay different attention to the factors of the model, in terms of what can be done for the trust for the industry and profession. They all think they have a responsibility in the trust question and name all sorts of things they could do to improve it.</p><p>Keywords: Public Relations (PR), lobbying, influencing public opinion, trust</p>
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Kompetenční profil pracovníka PR ve sportu / Competency profile of PR professional in sportGazdíková, Lenka January 2013 (has links)
Title: Competency profile of PR professional in sport Objective: The objective is to identify competencies required to a position of PR professional in sport. The aim of a survey is to verify the level of competencies which follows compiling competency profile and comparison with existing profile of PR specialist. Methods: The objective is achieved using survey, interview and analysis of competency models database. Results: The result of this paper is competency profile of PR professional in sport, which contains competencies divided into several sectors and their required level. Key words: Public relations, PR professional, sport PR, competence
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En bransch med bristande förtroende : - PR-konsulter om sitt eget ansvar och hur de själva kan bidra till ökat branschförtroendeGöranzon, Ebba January 2008 (has links)
Abstract Title: An industry with a lacking trust – PR-consultants about their own responsibility and how they can contribute to an increased trust for their profession (En bransch med bristande förtroende – PR-konsulter om sitt eget ansvar och hur de själva kan bidra till ökat branschförtroende) Number of pages: 68 (79 including enclosures) Author: Ebba Göranzon Tutor: Göran Svensson Course: Media and Communication Studies D Period: Spring 2008 University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University Aim: The aim of this essay is to study the Swedish PR-industry and the distrust that is directed towards it. The starting point is different PR-consultants opinion about their profession and industry. What do they think needs to be done to increase the trust for the industry and what kind of responsibility do they think they have? Method/Material: Together with literature studies, a qualitative method has been used and five in-depth interviews with PR-consultants have been conducted. The persons interviewed all worked with questions concerning lobbying and influencing the public opinion, within Swedish PR-firms. Main Results: The main results show that the PR-consultants pay different attention to the factors of the model, in terms of what can be done for the trust for the industry and profession. They all think they have a responsibility in the trust question and name all sorts of things they could do to improve it. Keywords: Public Relations (PR), lobbying, influencing public opinion, trust
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Etik, ansvar och legitimitet : En kvalitativ studie om hur PR-konsulter förhåller sig till professionell etikHelgesson, Elin January 2014 (has links)
Titel: Etik, ansvar och legitimitet - En kvalitativ studie om hur PR-konsulter förhåller sig till professionell etik Författare: Elin Helgesson Kurs, termin och år: MK032G Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap GR (C) C-uppsats, HT13, 2013-2014. Antal ord i uppsatsen: 19 468 ord. Problemformulering och syfte: Debatten om hur PR-branschen finner sin legitimitet är en central fråga som PR-skrået i helhet tampas med. Det sätt som branschen försökt uppnå en yrkeslegitimitet är att påvisa sitt arbete för allmänintresset och sin positiva roll för demokratin. Emellertid ifrågasätts PR-konsulternas förmåga att representera allmänintresset. Detta eftersom PR-konsulterna befinner sig i en balansakt mellan att de dels som en profession bör arbeta för allmänintresset, och dels att de aktivt ska arbeta för att främja olika särintressen för deras olika uppdragsgivare. En balansakt som ifrågasätter etiken i branschen. Detta lyfter frågan om hur PR-konsulter underbygger sitt handlade som etiskt och vad de anser utgör etiskt beteende inom den egna branschen. Utifrån denna bakgrund är syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur PR-konsulter ser på professionell etik ur perspektivet av att företräda olika parters intressen. Metod och material: Samtalsintervjun som metod är vald i studien, och totalt åtta respondenter intervjuades. Samtalsintervjuerna genomfördes på respektive respondents kontor och följde en färdiggjord intervjumanual. Efter intervjuerna genomförts transkriberades samtliga intervjuer för att underlätta en god analys. Huvudresultat: Ur respondenternas svar går det att tolka att deras bild a professionell etik egentligen utgörs av att PR-konsulterna själva ska ha en god personlig etik, som även kan appliceras i arbetet. Ett resonemang som i stor grad är paradoxalt och påvisar hur bilden av yrkesetik skiljer sig åt mellan forskarna och PR-utövarna. PR-konsulterna menar att etiken i den egna branschen är på en god nivå även om de ser en förbättringspotential på vissa punkter. Till skillnad från flertalet forskare utrycker en majoritet av respondenterna att det inte finns något uttalat behov av ett etiskt regelverk eller reglering för PR-utövarna. Detta eftersom PR-konsulerna ger ett intryck av att varje PR-konsult utifrån sitt personliga etiska ställningstagande upprätthåller en grad av professionalism som är nödvändig. PR-konsulterna finner sin legitimitet i att de aktivt utvärderar frågor och klienter ur ett etiskt perspektiv. Detta etiska ställningstagande skapar en form av restriktioner i påverkansarbetet som medför att det utförs på ett etiskt sätt och inte skadar allmänintresset. I relation till Edgetts kriterier för att företräda olika intressen på ett etiskt sätt går det att uttolka att respondenterna värderar kriterierna utvärdering, prioritet, sekretess och känslighet högt. Emellertid kompliceras detta av att strategiska och marknadsmässiga inslag har en inverkan på beslutfattandet. Nyckelord: Etik. PR-konsulter. Advocacy/påverkansarbete. Public Relations (PR). Legitimitet. Professionell etik.
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Hodnocení vybraných PR kampaní / Evaluation of selected PR campaignsSTREITOVÁ, Lucie January 2015 (has links)
This thesis has been prepared both in theoretical level, which based on a study of the literature and at the practical level, where they evaluated a selected PR campaigns in company E.ON with using method AVE. The practical part is first introduced company E.ON Czech, its communication activities and the process of PR communication within the organization. Then followed by evaluation of selected PR campaigns by method AVE, which based on the sum of the prices of advertising space used by the media in the context of PR communication. PR communication is a cost savings over standard paid advertising. For each campaign was characterized a process of communication, an example of PR text and make evaluations and comments. PR communication divided into print media, internet, radio and television. The output of the practical part is a summary of the findings and fulfil purpose of this study. The primary purpose of this study is the evaluation of selected PR campaigns by method AVE.
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PR komunikace Telco divize společnosti Samsung / PR communication of Samsung's Telephone divisionVlachová, Libuše January 2010 (has links)
Diploma thesis is concerning the PR communication of Samsung's Telephone division in the Czech Republic. The target of the diploma thesis is to identify key PR tools used in practice by Telephone division of Samsung, analysis and evaluation of those tools together with recommendation of future development for further improvement of the communication quality. The theoretical part includes: introduction into PR, description of strategic PR process, characteristics of PR tools and list of PR advantages and disadvantages. The introduction of Samsung Electronics and its representant on the Czech market - Samsung Electronics Czech and Slovak, s.r.o. is part of the practical section of the diploma thesis. There is also paid attention to characteristics of the Czech market with mobile phones, analysis of PR tools used by Telephone division and on the basis of obtained knowledge are suggested opportunities how to improve quality of PR communication.
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PR and CSR : Malaysian perspectivesAhmad, Zeti Azreen January 2012 (has links)
This thesis presents an empirical inquiry that explicitly exposes the relationships between CSR practice in Malaysia and the scope of PR. This thesis embraced a critical approach which offers alternate readings in Malaysian PR literature which are dominantly quantitative in nature. The focus is on how socio-political, economic, cultural and organizational contexts shape the practice of CSR and affect the scope and function of PR in pursuing the practice. This thesis has contributed to the literature by providing empirical evidence of the underlying motives behind the pursuit of CSR among businesses in the country. It also offers empirical data on PR roles in pursuing CSR in Malaysia – something that has received very little attention in the literature despite PR’s perceived potentials in spearheading the function. This empirical work has employed semi-structured interviews among PR managers and CSR managers working in renowned CSR organizations in Malaysia. In addition, the thesis analyses executives’ messages in CSR reports and later triangulated with interview findings that helped to achieve a rich description of the topic under study. Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) was adopted in this thesis and made explicit the relationships between socio-political, economic and cultural dimensions that shape CSR practice and the scope of PR by taking into consideration the presence of power relations in this phenomenon. Fairclough’s (2010) three dimensional frameworks was adopted to enable interpretation go beyond texts that mainly applied to data from CSR reports. The literature revealed CSR practice is a recent phenomenon in Malaysia whereby the government has been a major driver in its development. Drawing from Malaysian experience, economic growth is fundamental to ensure a fair distribution of wealth among multi-races in Malaysia that perceived imperative to preserve national unity. In this respect, CSR initiatives have been largely undertaken to achieve the long term survival of businesses that consequently drive the nation’s economy in a long term. CSR has been primarily constructed as a means to create business competitiveness and a symbol for success. This has been widely accepted among business firms in Malaysia thus become ideological. At the same time, PR role was found dominant in promoting the practice of CSR that appears to be working to the advantage of the dominant groups i.e., business and government. Nevertheless, how PR promotes mutual interests of business and society through CSR remain obscure. This thesis also argues that the motivation to promote business interests serves as the key stumbling block for PR in creating sustainable impact and value to other than it paymaster and financial stakeholders. This thesis suggests that it is time for PR to reflect on this common practice particularly in terms of its ethical implications to both the organizations and the value of PR profession as a whole. This empirical study has significantly contributed particularly in the realm of PR role research in CSR within specific social-cultural, political, economic contexts of Malaysia and PR research from the critical perspectives.
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Triangeldrama : En deskriptiv fallstudie om arbetsprocessen och relationen mellan ett företag och dess PR- och reklambyråBazydlo, Nadia, Hedén, Anne-Sofie January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund: I dagens samhälle utsätts konsumenter ständigt för en mängd olika typer av reklam. För att fånga upp deras intresse och uppmärksamhet är det viktigt att kunna differentiera och utmärka sig på marknaden genom att välja rätt kommunikationsmedel. Om ett företag vill lansera en ny produkt eller tjänst finns oftast inte all kompetens som behövs tillgänglig för att marknadsföra detta i ett och samma företag. Därför väljer företag att outsourca, som innebär att externa verksamheter hjälper ett företag med dess marknadsföringsprocess. På grund av detta har en mängd reklam- och PR-byråer vuxit fram för att kunna komplettera den kompetensen som ett företag saknar. Hur dessa reklam- och PR-byråer väljer att marknadsföra produkten eller tjänsten varierar mycket från gång till gång men slutmålet är alltid detsamma, att exponera en produkt eller tjänst. Syfte: Undersöka arbetsprocessen hos ett företag och dess anlitade reklam- och PR-byrå samt belysa relationen mellan de tre parterna. Metod: En deskriptiv fallstudie bestående av fyra semistrukturerade intervjuer. Teori: Fem teorier som är länkade till ämnet, arbetsprocessen och relationen mellan ett företag och dess reklam- och PR-byrå har noga valts ut för att ge stöd åt uppsatsens syfte. Empiri: De fyra semistrukturerade intervjuerna består utav personer med olika befattningspositioner inom en reklambyrå, en PR-byrå samt ett företag som samarbetar med dessa två byråer. Respondenterna erhåller stor kompetens inom ämnet och bidrar med relevant information för att besvara uppsatsens syfte. Slutsats: Varje arbetsprocess mellan ett företag och en reklam- och PR-byrå är unik. Detta beror på att varje uppdragsgivare har sina specifika krav och mål som byråerna måste anpassa sig efter. Även relationen och kontakten mellan en byrå och kund varierar vilket i sin tur formar arbetsprocessen. Författarna konstaterar dock att grunden till de flesta arbetsprocesser och relationer mellan ett företag och dess anlitade reklam- och PR-byrå är sig lik. / Background: In today's society consumers are constantly exposed to a variety of different types of advertising. In order to capture customers' interest and attention, it is important to differentiate and distinguish yourself on the market by choosing the right channels of communication. If a company is going to launch a new product or service all the skills needed to promote are usually not available in the same firm. That is the reason why companies choose to outsource this work to an external organisation to help the company with the marketing process. Because of this, a lot of advertising and PR agencies have emerged to complement the expertise that a company lacks. Purpose: Describe the working process of a company and its hired advertising and PR agency and also explain the relationship between the three parties. Method: A descriptive case study consisting four semi-structured interviews. Theory: Five theories that are linked to the subject, the work process and the relationship between a company and its advertising and PR agency have been carefully selected to support the purpose of the essay. Empirical studies: The four semi-structured interviews consist of people with different job positions in an advertising agency, a PR agency and a company that collaborates with these two agencies. The respondents obtain substantial expertise of the topic and contribute relevant information to answer the purpose of the essay. Conclusion: Each work process between a company and an advertising and PR agency is unique, since each client has specific requirements and objectives that agencies must adapt to. The relationship between an agency and a client varies which in turn shapes the work. The authors have concluded, however, that the basis for the work processes and relationship between a company and its hired advertising and PR agency is similar.
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PR před kamerou: Mediální obraz Public ralations jako profese v české a britské televizní produkci / PR goes on air: The media portrayal of Public Relations on Czech and British television sceneKopová, Daniella January 2017 (has links)
This paper aims to contribute to knowledge of stereotypization mechanisms, bringing in the case of PR consultants. Using lenses of the key cultural form - film and television series - the project analyses a way of representing PR profession, as depicted on TV screen both in Czech Republic and the United Kingdom, during 2000-2017 time period. Theoretical frame is drawing on key ideas on stereotype, narrowed by film usage, as seen in the work of Walter Lippmann and others. Main hypothesis is based on assumption that negative media portrayal might interfere with professional reputation. Analytical part employs qualitative, thematical analysis that focuses on interpretation of personal features, behavioral characteristics and depiction of reocurring key themes. The final outcome then presents a professional portrayal of Public Relations on Czech and British television scene, builded up on prominent steretypes, accompanied by relevant quotes to illustrate the point. Key findings show undestanding communication as means of persuasion, leading to egoism, a lack of ethical values and dominant attitude in relation to clients and journalists. To prove the contribution argument that these negative attributes will further affect the future professional status of PR, the final insight illustrates such impact by...
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Pharmaffiliation : a model of intra-elite communication in pharmaceutical regulationde Andrade, Marisa January 2011 (has links)
In 2005, the House of Commons (HoC) Health Committee produced a report on The Influence of the Pharmaceutical Industry – the first of its kind since 1914. The inquiry concluded that there were ‘over-riding concerns about the volume, extent and intensity of the industry’s influence, not only on clinical medicine and research but also on patients, regulators, the media, civil servants and politicians’, and stressed the need ‘to examine critically the industry’s impact on health to guard against excessive and damaging dependencies’ (HoC 2005, p. 97). It also noted that it is important to comprehensively analyse pharmaceutical regulation in order to ascertain whether there are systemic problems: In some circumstances, one particular item of influence may be of relatively little importance. Only when it is viewed as part of a larger package of influences is the true effect of the company’s activity recognised and the potential for distortion seen. The possibility that certain components of any such campaign are covert and their source undeclared is particularly worrying. (HoC 2005, p. 97) This study addresses this recommendation and was primarily conducted to examine whether recognised concerns are merely ad hoc or as a result of systemic flaws in the current system of pharmaceutical regulation. The work addresses a gap in the academic literature by drawing on the fragmented criticisms of the pharmaceutical industry in order to produce a model to illustrate how various stakeholders collaborate with drug companies to promote licensed products, and to explore the nature of the relationships between these elite stakeholders. The thesis begins with a literature review which determines who is involved in pharmaceutical regulation; how the regulatory system works; and explores the key role of communication in this process (Chapters 1 to 3). The recurrent theme is the neglect or exclusion of the patient/consumer, which leads to the development a model of intra-elite communication in drug regulation called Pharmaffiliation (Chapter 3). The thesis then looks for evidence to support or refute this model, using multiple methods (Chapter 4). Four case studies (with specific selection criteria) are chosen to test the model’s constructs and indicators (Chapters 5 to 8). The research uncovers systemic problems in the current system of pharmaceutical regulation which can ultimately harm the patient/consumer, and the implications of these findings are discussed (Chapter 9). Solutions on a micro-level include consumer involvement in decision making processes, which can be enhanced through public education and awareness campaigns and the instigation of public inquiries whenever drugs are withdrawn from the market (HoC 2005, p. 105). On a macro-level, however, this will involve critically exploring neoliberal capitalism and the empowerment of the citizenry (Street 2001).
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