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Analyse de la variabilité intraspécifique chez les levures : résistance à l'ammonium et aux composés azolés / Analysis of the intraspecific variability in the yeasts : ammonium and azoles antifungals resistanceReisser, Cyrielle 31 January 2014 (has links)
Dans toutes les espèces, les mutations et les réarrangements chromosomiques constituent des moteurs de l’évolution des génomes. Ils génèrent une diversité génétique à l’origine de la variation phénotypique observée entre les individus d’une même espèce. Cette variation est particulièrement importante chez les levures. Elles constituent donc d’excellents modèles pour déterminer les origines génétiques de la variation intra-spécifique. C’est dans ce contexte que ce travail s’est focalisé sur l’étude de la variation de résistance à l’ammonium et aux antifongiques azolés chez deux espèces de levures : Saccharomyces cerevisiae et Lachancea kluyveri. L’analyse des origines génétiques de la résistance à ces composés à mis en évidence que les variations génétiques pouvaient avoir lieu à plusieurs niveaux : séquence codante pour la résistance à l’ammonium et séquence régulatrice pour la résistance aux antifongiques. De plus, la réalisation d’expériences d’évolution adaptative a permis de mettre en évidence que l’adaptation à un nouvel environnement se faisait par dosage génique via l’acquisition d’un chromosome supplémentaire chez les espèces étudiées. / In all species, mutations and chromosomal rearrangements are drivers of genomes evolution. These processes generate the genetic diversity at the origin of the phenotypic variations observed between the individuals of the same species. This variation is essential for their adaptation to a new environment. The yeasts are isolated from various ecological and geographical niches and show an important phenotypic variation. According to these characteristics, they are excellent modelorganisms to determine the genetic origins of the observed phenotypic variation. In this context, the study focused on the variation of resistance to ammonium and azole antifungals within two yeast species: Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Lachancea kluyveri. The analyses of the genetic origin of the resistance to these compounds show that this genetic variation could occur at several levels: coding sequence for resistance to ammonium and regulatory sequence for resistance to antifungal agents. In addition, evolving experiments have showed that the adaptation to a new environment was done by gene dosage, through the acquisition of extrachromosomes in both species studied.
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Analyse génétique et écophysiologique de l'écart à la relation teneur en protéines - rendement en grains chez le blé tendre (Triticum aestivum L.) / Genetic and ecophysiological analysis of the deviation from the protein content - grain yield relationship in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)Bogard, Matthieu 11 January 2011 (has links)
Le rendement en grains (Rdt) et la teneur en protéines (%Prot) sont deux cibles majeures dans les programmes de sélection variétale chez le blé car ces caractères contribuent à la valeur économique de cette culture. Malheureusement, leur amélioration simultanée est empêchée par la relation négative %Prot-Rdt. Il a été montré que l’écart à cette relation (“Grain Protein Deviation”, GPD) est déterminé en partie génétiquement et serait utile pour modifier cette relation négative mais ses bases biologiques restent mal comprises à ce jour. Nous avons montré que le GPD est principalement relié à la variabilité génétique pour l’absorption d’azote post-floraison (ABSN) dans les conditions agro-climatiques du Nord-Ouest de l’Europe. Nous proposons que la variabilité génétique pour l’accès à l’azote du sol (architecture et fonctionnement racinaire) ou pour la régulation de ABSN par le statut azoté (transport et assimilation de l’azote) pourrait expliquer le GPD. Etant donné que le retardement de la sénescence durant la période post-floraison peut résulter en une augmentation de ABSN, nous avons analysé les déterminants génétique des relations entre durée de sénescence des feuilles après floraison et Rdt ou %Prot, observées au niveau phénotypique, en utilisant des données acquises sur une population de cartographie de blé cultivée au sein d’un large réseau expérimental. Une association positive entre durée de sénescence des feuilles après floraison et %Prot ou Rdt a été observée selon les environnements étudiés. Nous faisons l’hypothèse que l’impact d’un retardement de la sénescence des feuilles après floraison pourrait être modulé selon la disponibilité en azote durant cette période, ce qui conduirait à modifier la relation %Prot-Rdt selon les environnements étudiés. Enfin, des données obtenues sur trois populations de cartographie cultivées dans un large réseau expérimental ont permis de suggérer, après méta-analyse de QTL, des régions génomiques potentiellement utiles en sélection pour améliorer la %Prot sans diminuer le Rdt. Ceci a permis de mettre en avant des régions situées sur les chromosomes 2A et 3B. En particulier, la région située sur le 2A pourrait être reliée à la présence d’un gène codant pour une glutamine synthétase chloroplastique qui a été associée à la variabilité génétique pour %Prot chez le blé tendre dans une étude antérieure. / Grain yield (GY) and grain protein concentration (GPC) are two major targets in wheat breeding programs as these traits contribute to the economic value of the wheat crop. Unfortunately, their simultaneous improvement is hampered by the genetic negative GPC-GY relationship. It has been shown that the deviation to this relationship (“Grain Protein Deviation”, GPD) has a genetic basis and might be useful to shift this negative relationship but its biological bases remain unclear. GPD was shown to be mainly related to the genetic variability for post-anthesis nitrogen (N) uptake (PANU) in the North-West European agro-climatic conditions. We proposed that the genetic variability for the access to N in the soil (root architecture and functioning) or for the regulation of PANU by the plant N status (N transport and assimilation) could explain GPD. As delaying leaf senescence during the post-anthesis period might result in increasing PANU, we analysed the genetic determinants of the phenotypic relationships between leaf senescence duration after anthesis and GPC or GY using data obtained on a wheat mapping population grown in a large mutli-environment trial network. A positive association was found between leaf senescence duration and GPC or GY depending onthe environment. We suggested that the impact of delaying leaf senescence after anthesis on GY or GPC might be modulated by the N availability during the post-anthesis period and would lead to modify the GPC-GY relationship depending on the considered environments. Finally, data obtained on three connected mapping populations grown in a large mutli-environment trial network were used to suggest by meta-QTL analysis potential genomic regions possibly useful in wheat breeding to improve GPC without reducing GY. This put forward genomic regions located on the 2A and 3B chromosomes as potentially interesting targets to improve GPC. In particular, the region on the 2A might be related to a chloroplastic glutamine synthetase gene previously shown to be associated with genetic variability for GPC in bread wheat.
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Arquitetura genética do comportamento materno de construção de ninhoSilva, Bruno Sauce 05 August 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-08-05 / Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais / Genetic architecture of a phenotype represents the total number of genes, independent effects (additivity), the interactions between alleles (dominance and epistasis), and its effects on other phenotypes (pleiotropy). An enormous debate about general types of genetic architectures relates the importance of independent and interactive variation in the adaptive process. Because natural selection reduces additive variation, we expect, of fitness related phenotypes, lesser additive than interactive variation and relatively more genes with moderate effects. Maternal care is a phenotype with enormous importance to fitness. Of the maternal care behaviors, the nest building highlights itself improving pups survival by protection against predators and temperature maintenance. We investigated the genetic architecture of nest building in mice and tested the hypothesis that this behavior has a genetic architecture related to fitness, also verifying possible associations with anxiety and weight. For that, we checked the relation between all phenotypes and tested, using the QTL analysis, the phenotypic association with regions (microsatellites markers) spread about all genome of F2 females at maternal stage from the intercross of inbred strains SM/J and LG/J. We found 23 QTLs which, individually, are associated with phenotypic variation on nest building, weight and anxiety (15 QTLs at the 6 nest building phenotypes). The nest building s individual QTLs have moderate effects (from 4 to 13%), and the numerous epistatic QTLs add to increase this explained variation. There are common regions for nest building with anxiety and weight and, searching for candidate genes, we found genes with effects already described for these phenotypes. Hence, we corroborate our hypothesis of the genetic architecture type related to fitness for nest building behavior, of genes with bigger effects and high interactive variation. The identification of regions associated with maternal care in mice and the knowledge of the related genetic architecture can help in identifying genes for these behaviors in other mammals, and in the comprehension of general patterns in adaptive process and life evolution. / Arquitetura genética de um fenótipo representa o número total de genes, os efeitos independentes (aditividade), as interações entre alelos (dominância e epistasia), e o efeito destes em outros fenótipos (pleiotropia). Um grande debate entre tipos gerais de arquitetura genética está no papel da variação independente e de interações no processo adaptativo. Pela seleção natural reduzir a variação aditiva, esperamos de fenótipos ligados ao fitness menor variação aditiva relativa a variação de interações e genes com efeitos médios relativamente mais comuns. O cuidado materno é um fenótipo com grande importância para o fitness. Dentre os comportamentos de cuidado materno, a construção de ninho destaca-se aumentando a sobrevivência dos filhotes pela proteção contra predadores e manutenção da temperatura. Investigamos a arquitetura genética da construção de ninho em camundongos e testamos a hipótese que esse comportamento tem a arquitetura genética relacionada ao fitness, verificando também possíveis associações com ansiedade e peso. Para isso, checamos as relações entre os fenótipos e testamos, com a análise de QTL, a associação dos fenótipos com regiões (marcadores microssatélites) por todo o genoma de fêmeas F2 em fase materna do intercruzamento das linhagens endogâmicas SM/J e LG/J. Obtivemos 23 QTLs que, individualmente, estão associados com a variação nos fenótipos de construção de ninho, peso e ansiedade (15 QTLs para os 6 fenótipos de construção de ninho). Os QTLs individuais de construção de ninho têm efeitos moderados (de 4 a 13%), e os muitos QTLs epistáticos colaboram aumentando essa variação explicada. Existem regiões em comum para ninho com peso e ansiedade e, na procura de genes candidatos, descobrimos genes já descritos com efeitos nesses fenótipos. Assim, corroboramos a hipótese do tipo de arquitetura genética relacionada ao fitness para o comportamento de construção de ninho, de genes com grandes efeitos e alta variação genética de interações. A identificação de regiões associadas ao cuidado materno em camundongos e o entendimento da arquitetura genética envolvida poderão contribuir na identificação de genes para esses comportamentos em outros mamíferos, e na compreensão do padrão geral do processo adaptativo e da evolução dos seres vivos.
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Résistance au stress lors de la phase de latence en fermentation œnologique et développement de levures optimisées / Stress resistance during the lag phase of wine fermentation and development of optimized yeastsFerreira, David 18 December 2017 (has links)
Résumé : Saccharomyces cerevisiae, utilisée depuis des millénaires pour la fermentation du vin du fait de son endurance et de ses qualités inégalables, est de nos jours largement utilisée pour inoculer les mouts de raisin. Néanmoins, lors de l'inoculation, les souches oenologiques doivent faire face à des stress spécifiques qui peuvent compromettre le début de la fermentation. L’objectif de ce travail est d'élucider les bases métaboliques et moléculaires de la résistance multi-stress pendant la phase de latence en conditions oenologiques. Nous avons tout d'abord caractérisé un ensemble de levures oenologiques en mettant l'accent sur des facteurs de stress caractéristiques des vins rouges et des vins blancs. La température et le stress osmotique affectent fortement cette phase pour toutes les souches, alors que le SO2, les lipides et la thiamine ont un effet souche-dépendant. Ces données ont servi de base à deux approches parallèles. Une approche d'évolution expérimentale a permis, en appliquant des pressions sélectives caractéristiques de la phase de latence, de sélectionner des souches évoluées présentant une phase de latence plus courte. Plusieurs mutations de novo potentiellement impliquées dans le phénotype évolué ont été identifiées par séquençage de leur génome. En parallèle, une approche QTL combinant des croisements inter-souches, une étape de propagation industrielle et séchage des descendants, et la sélection de cellules bourgeonnantes par FACS a été développée. Ces deux stratégies ont permis d’identifier plusieurs variants alléliques impliqués dans la paroi cellulaire, le transport du glucose, le cycle cellulaire et la résistance au stress, jouant un rôle potentiellement important pendant la phase de latence. L’ensemble de ces résultats apporte de nouvelles connaissances sur la diversité et les bases génétiques de l'adaptation des levures à la phase de latence oenologique et offre un cadre d’amélioration des propriétés des souches. De plus, nous avons montré que K. marxianus a un potentiel pour des cultures mixtes et des contributions aromatiques positives en conditions oenologiques, ouvrant de nouvelles possibilités pour des études ultérieures.Titre : Résistance au stress lors de la phase de latence en fermentation oenologique et développement de levures optimiséesMots clés : Fermentation oenologique, levure, phase de latence, résistance multi-stress, QTL, évolution adaptative, K. marxianus / Abstract: Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been used for millennia to perform wine fermentation due to its endurance and unmatched qualities and is nowadays widely used as wine yeast starter. Nevertheless, at the moment of inoculation, wine yeasts must cope with specific stress factors that can compromise the fermentation start. The objective of this work was to elucidate the metabolic and molecular bases of multi-stress resistance during wine fermentation lag phase. We first characterized a set of commercialized wine yeast strains by focusing on stress factors typically found at this stage in red wines and in white wines. Temperature and osmotic stress had a drastic impact in lag phase for all strains whereas SO2, low lipids and thiamine had a more strain dependent effect. Based on these data, we developed two parallel approaches. Using an evolutionary engineering approach where selective pressures typically present in lag phase were applied, we obtained evolved strains with a shorter lag phase in winemaking conditions. Whole genome sequencing allowed to identify several de novo mutations potentially involved in the evolved phenotype. In parallel, a QTL mapping approach was conducted, combining an intercross strategy, industrial propagation and drying of the progeny populations and selection of the first budding cells by FACS. Both strategies allowed the identification of several allelic variants involved in cell wall, glucose transport, cell cycle and stress resistance, as important in lag phase phenotype. Overall, these results provide a deeper knowledge of the diversity and the genetic bases of yeast adaptation to wine fermentation lag phase and a framework for improving yeast lag phase. Additionally, we showed that K. marxianus has potential for mixed cultures and positive aromatic contributions under oenological conditions, opening new possibilities for further studies.Title: Stress resistance during the lag phase of wine fermentation and development of optimized yeastsKeywords: Wine fermentation, yeast, lag phase, multi-stress resistance, QTL, adaptive evolution, K. marxianus
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Detecção de Locos de Características Quantitativas (QTL) nos Cromossomos 5, 7 e 8 de suínos / Detection of Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) on Pig Chromosome 5, 7 and 8Sousa, Katiene Régia Silva 25 February 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2008-02-25 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Molecular markers can be used to identify chromosomal regions harboring quantitative trait locos (QTL) that control traits of economic importance in farm animals. To study these locos in the pig, a resource population has been generated from a cross between two Naturalized Brazilian Piau grand sires and eighteen Commercial grand dams (Landrace x Large White x Piétrain). A total of 614 F2 progeny from 50 matings of F1 parents were produced. Phenotypic data on performance, carcass, internal organs, viscera, carcass cuts and meat quality traits were collected on the F2 animals. Parentals, F1 e F2 animals were genotyped for 17 microsatellite markers covering the chromosomes 5, 7 e 8. The loci were considered appropriate for quantitative analysis, when it was analysed their values for observed heterogosity (Ho), expected heterozigosity (He) and polimorfic information content (PIC). In the chromosome 5, the average values of the Ho, He; and PIC found were 0,73; 0,66 and 0,61; in the chromosome 7, the values found were 0,81, 071 and 0,67 and in the chromosome 8 had the average values for Ho, He and PIC of 0,65; 0,65 and 0,61 respectively. After the genotype scoring, it was constructed the linkage map for these markers in the population. Association analyses were performed using interval mapping by regression for QTL detection. Seventeen QTL were mapped for carcass and cuts carcass traits on the three chromosomes, while just one QTL for feed intake were found for performance trait in the eight chromosome. One QTL for Total (bone-in) loin weight (Kg) and for bacon depth were mapped and not yet described in the literature on the seven chromosome. The generated information of significant QTL will be useful for future studies dealing fine mapping with and identification of genes that could provide a better understanding of physiology and production traits of pigs. / Marcadores moleculares podem ser usados para identificar regiões cromossômicas que contêm locos de características quantitativas (QTL) que controlam fenótipos de importância econômica em animais de produção. Para estudá-los em suínos, foi gerada uma população de um cruzamento entre dois varrões da raça naturalizada Piau e dezoito fêmeas da linha comercial (Landrace x Large White x Pietrain). Uma progênie de 614 animais na F2 foi produzida de 50 acasalamentos da F1. Os dados fenotípicos de desempenho, carcaça, órgãos internos, vísceras, corte de carcaça e qualidade de carne foram coletados nos animais F2. Os animais parentais, F1 e F2 foram genotipados para 17 marcadores tipo microssatélites cobrindo os cromossomos 5, 7 e 8. Os locos foram considerados adequados para estudos de características quantitativas, quando foram analisados os valores de heterozigosidade observada (Ho), heterozigosidade esperada (He) e conteúdo de informação polimórfica (PIC). No cromossomo 5, os valores das médias de Ho, He e PIC encontrados foram 0,73; 0,66 e 0,61; no cromossomo 7, os valores encontrados foram 0,81, 071 e 0,67 e no cromossomo 8 os valores foram 0,65; 0,65 e 0,61. Com o resultado da genotipagem foi construído o mapa de ligação específico dos marcadores para a população desenvolvida. As análises de associação foram feitas utilizando mapeamento por intervalo por regressão para detecção de QTL. Foram detectados 17 QTL para características de carcaça e corte de carcaça nos três cromossomos, enquanto para característica de desempenho apenas um QTL para conversão alimentar foi encontrado no cromossomo oito. Não foram encontrados nas literaturas consultadas QTL para Peso de Carré e Espessura de Bacon no cromossomo sete. As informações dos QTL significativos encontrados servem para estudos futuros como o mapeamento fino e identificação de genes que ajudam no melhor entendimento da fisiologia e características de produção de suínos.
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Fine mapping and single nucleotide polymorphism effects estimation on pig chromosomes 1, 4, 7, 8, 17 and X / Mapeamento fino e estimação dos efeitos de polimorfismos de base única nos cromossomos suínos 1, 4, 7, 8, 17 e XHidalgo, André Marubayashi 08 July 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-07-08 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Mapeamento de loci de caracaterística quantitativas (QTL) geralmente resultam na detecção de regiões genômicas que explicam parte da variação quantitativa da característica. Entretanto essas regiões são muito amplas e não permitem uma acurada identificação dos genes. Dessa forma, torna-se necessário o estreitamento dos intervalos onde os QTL estão localizados. Com a seleção genômica ampla (GWS), foram desenvolvidas ferramentas estatísticas de forma a se estimar os efeitos de cada marcador. A partir dos valores desses efeitos, pode-se analisar quais são os marcadores de maiores efeitos. Assim, objetivou-se realizar o mapeamento fino dos cromossomos suínos 1, 4, 7, 8, 17, e X, usando marcadores microsatélites e polimorfismo de base única (SNP), em uma população F2 produzida pelo cruzamento de varrões da raça naturalizada brasileira Piau com fêmeas comerciais, associados com características de desempenho, carcaça, orgãos internos, cortes e qualidade de carne. Também objetivou-se estimar os efeitos dos marcadores SNP nas características que tiveram QTL detectados, analisar quais são os mais expressivos e verificar se eles estão localizados dentro do intervalo de confiança do QTL. Os QTL foram identificados por meio do método regressão por intervalo de mapeamento e as análises foram realizadas pelo software GridQTL. O efeito de cada marcador foi estimado pela regressão de LASSO Bayesiano, usando o software R. No total, 32 QTL foram encontrados ao nível cromossômico de significância de 5%, destes, 12 eram significativos ao nível cromossômico de 1% e 7 destes eram significativos ao nível genômico de 5%. Seis de sete QTL apresentaram marcadores de efeito expressivo dentro do intervalo de confiança do QTL. Resultados deste estudo confirmaram QTL de outros trabalhos e identificaram vários outros novos. Os resultados encontrados utilizando marcadores microsatélites junto com SNPs aumentaram a saturação do genoma levando a um menor intervalo de confiança dos QTL encontrados. Os métodos usados foram importantes para estimar os efeitos dos marcadores, e também para localizar aqueles com efeitos mais expressivos dentro do intervalo de confiança do QTL, validando os QTL encontrados pelo método da regressão. / Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) mapping efforts often result in the detection of genomic regions that explain part of the quantitative trait variation. However, these regions are very large and do not allow accurate gene identification, hence the interval must be narrowed where the QTL was located. With the genome wide selection (GWS), many statistical tools have been developed in order to estimate the effects for each marker. With the marker effects values it is possible to analyze which markers have large effects. Hence, the objective of this investigation was to fine map pig chromosomes 1, 4, 7, 8, 17 and X, using microsatellites and SNP markers, in a F2 population produced by crossing naturalized Brazilian Piau boars with commercial females, associated with performance, carcass, internal organs, cut yields and meat quality traits. A further aim was to estimate the effects of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers on traits with detected QTL, analyze the most expressive ones and verify whether the markers with larger effects were indeed within the QTL confidence interval. QTL were identified by regression interval mapping using the GridQTL software. Individual marker effects were estimated by Bayesian LASSO regression using the R software. In total, 32 QTL for the studied traits were significant at the 5% chromosome-wide level, including 12 significant QTL at the 1% chromosome-wide level and 7 significant at the 5% genome-wide level. Six out of seven QTL with genome-wide significance had markers of large effect within their confidence interval. These results confirmed some previous QTL and identified numerous novel QTL for the investigated traits. Our results have shown that the use of microsatellites and SNP markers that increase the genome saturation lead to QTL of smaller confidence intervals. The methods used were also valuable to estimate the marker effects and to locate the most expressive markers within the QTL confidence interval, validating those QTL found by the regression method.
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Déterminisme génétique de la résistance au flétrissement bactérien chez l'aubergine et applications en sélection variétale / Genetic determinism of the resistance in the bacterial withering to the eggplant and the applications in varietal selectionSalgon, Sylvia 23 May 2017 (has links)
La culture de l’aubergine est confrontée au flétrissement bactérien, maladie causée par le complexe d’espèces Ralstonia solanacearum. La résistance variétale est la méthode la plus efficace pour contrôler cette maladie. Un QTL majeur (ERs1) a précédemment été cartographié dans une population de lignées recombinantes (RIL) issue du croisement aubergine sensible (S) MM738 × aubergine résistante (R) AG91-25. Initialement, ERs1 a été détecté avec 3 souches du phylotype I, alors qu’il est contourné par la souche PSS4 de ce même phylotype. Les objectifs de cette thèse étaient (i) de préciser la position d’ERs1 et de définir son spectre d’action, (ii) d’identifier d’autres QTLs contrôlant les souches virulentes sur AG91-25, et (iii) d’introgresser certains de ces QTLs dans des cultivars S. Pour cela, 2 populations d'haploïdes doublés (HD), MM152 (R) × MM738 (S) et EG203 (R) × MM738 (S), ont été créées. La population RIL a été phénotypée avec 4 souches supplémentaires appartenant aux phylotypes I, IIA, IIB et III, tandis que les populations HD l’ont été avec les souches virulentes PSS4 et R3598. Les analyses de cartographie génétique ont confirmé l’existence d’ERs1 (renommé EBWR9), défini sa position sur le chromosome (chr) 9 et validé son contrôle spécifique de 3 souches du phylotype I. EBWR2 et EBWR14, 2 autres QTLs à large spectre, ont été détectés sur les chr 2 et 5. Les analyses QTL ont mis en évidence un système de résistance de type polygénique chez EG203. Le transfert de la résistance dans 2 cultivars locaux a été initié et a permis l’introgression d’EBWR9 et d’EBWR2. Ces résultats ouvrent des perspectives quant à la création de variétés à large spectre de résistance. / Eggplant cultivation is confronted by the bacterial wilt disease caused by the Ralstonia solanacearum species complex. Breeding resistant cultivars is the most effective strategy to control the disease but is limited by the pathogen’s extensive genetic diversity. A major QTL (ERs1) was previously mapped in a recombinant inbred lines (RIL) population from the cross of susceptible (S) MM738 × resistant (R) AG91-25 lines. ERs1 was originally found to control 3 strains from phylotype I, while being ineffective against the strain PSS4 from the same phylotype. The objectives of this thesis was to (i) clarify the position of ERs1 and define its spectrum of action, (ii) found other QTLs, promptly to control virulent strains on AG91-25 and (iii) introgress some of the QTLs into two S cultivars. For this purpose, the new doubled haploid (DH) populations MM152 (R) × MM738 (S) and EG203 (R) × MM738 (S) were created. The RIL population was phenotyped with 4 additional RSSC strains belonging to phylotypes I, IIA, IIB and III and the DH populations were phenotyped with virulent strains PSS4 and R3598. QTL mapping confirmed the existence of ERs1 (renamed EBWR9), defined its position on chromosome (chr) 9 and validated its specific control of 3 phylotype I strains. EBWR2 and EBWR14, 2 broad-spectrum resistance QTLs, were detected on chr 2 and 5. QTL analysis reveals a polygenic system of resistance in EG203. The transfer of resistance into 2 local cultivars was initiated and allowed the introgression of EBWR9 and EBWR2 QTLs through a backcross scheme. These results offer perspectives to breed broad-spectrum R cultivars.
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Mapeamento genetico da resistencia a mancha angular em feijoeiro comum ( Phaseolus vulgaris L.) / Genetic mapping of resistance to angular leaf sport in common bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris L.)Oblessuc, Paula Rodrigues, 1981- 13 August 2018 (has links)
Orientadores: Luciana Lasry Benchimol, Anete Pereira de Souza / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-13T09:26:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2009 / Resumo: O feijão comum (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) é o legume mais consumido em todo o mundo. O melhoramento do feijoeiro busca ferramentas robustas de transferência de genes de resistência à doenças para cultivares de interesse. A doença da mancha angular, causada pelo fungo Pseudocercospora griseola (Sacc.) Crous & U. Braun, é responsável por
grandes prejuízos aos produtores de feijão. Novo mapa genético para feijão utilizando marcadores microssatélites foi desenvolvido a partir de uma população segregante de 380 linhagens endogâmicas. A população foi gerada pelo cruzamento entre a variedade 'IAC-UNA' (Mesoamericana/suscetível) e a linhagem 'CAL 143' (Andina/resistente). O mapa UC foi gerado com 198 microssatélites ligados, distribuídos nos onze grupos de ligação, usando LOD mínimo de 3,0 e fração de recombinação máxima de 0,40. O comprimento total de mapa encontrado foi de 1.864,2 cM. Os dados fenotípicos das linhagens da população UC quanto à resistência à mancha angular foram obtidos em condições naturais de infecção por P. griseola, em campo, e em condições controladas de casa de vegetação (raça 60.54). Onze QTLs (Quantitative Trait Loci) associados à resistência a mancha angular foram mapeados por mapeamento por intervalo composto. Sete QTLs foram identificados a partir dos dados fenotípicos de campo e outros quatro QTLs, obtidos dos dados de casa de vegetação. Os efeitos dos QTLs foram quantificados. O total da variação fenotípica explicada foi de 34% no experimento de campo, no qual foi identificado o QTL de maior efeito sobre o fenótipo (9,1%). No experimento de casa de vegetação, foi possível explicar 18% do total da variação fenotípica, sendo obtido o segundo QTL de maior efeito, sendo de 7,2%. Os resultados obtidos neste trabalho indicam um padrão de herança poligênico de resistência à mancha angular, sendo necessária a realização de experimentos fenotípicos com repetições para reduzir os efeitos ambientais e com isso, isolar melhor os efeitos genéticos. / Abstract: Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is the most consuming legume worldwide. Common bean breeding is seeking alternatives to transfer resistance genes to cultivars of interest. The angular leaf spot disease caused by the fungus Pseudocercospora griseola (Sacc.) Crous & U. Braun is responsible for great losses for common bean producers. A new genetic map for common bean using microsatellites was obtained from a
segregating population of 380 endogamic lines. This population was generated from the 'IAC-UNA' (Mesoamerican/ susceptible) x 'CAL 143' (Andean/resistant) cross. The UC map was generated with 198 microsatellites assigned to eleven linkage groups, using a minimum LOD of 3.0 and a maximum recombinant ratio of 0.40. Total map length found
was 1864.2 cM. The angular leaf spot resistance phenotypic data from UC lines was obtained under natural infection condition with P. griseola, on the field, and with controlling greenhouse conditions (race 60.54). Eleven QTLs (Quantitative Trait Loci) were mapped for angular leaf spot resistance using compositive interval mapping. Seven QTLs were identified from field condition and other four QTLs, obtained from greenhouse data. The QTL effects were quantified. Total phenotypic variance explained was 34% on field experiment, in which the major QTL involved on phenotype was identified (9.1%). On the greenhouse experiment it was possible to explain 18% of total phenotypic variance, with the second major QTL, being of 7.2%. The results obtained in this work indicate a polygenic inheritance for angular leaf spot resistance, and it is necessary to carry out new phenotypic experiments with repetitions in order to reduce the environmental effects and, thus, better isolate the genetic effects. / Mestrado / Genetica Vegetal e Melhoramento / Mestre em Genética e Biologia Molecular
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Mapeamento de QTLs para teor de proteína em feijoeirocomum (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) / Mapping QTLs for protein content in common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)LEÃO, Ariane Castro Mendes 15 December 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2006-12-15 / The common bean besides being one of the basic meals of brazilian´s
population, it is one of the main products that provide protein in the nutritional
diet from the society share which is economically less favorable. The
identification of molecular markers linked to controlling genes of the protein
content in common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is a very important tool to
help breeding programs, raising the efficiency and agility. This way, this work
was made with two main goals: a) to map SSR and RAPD markers linked to loci
(QTLs) that control protein content in two generations of a segregating
population of common beans and b) to compare detection procedures of
markers linked to QTLs using the ANOVA method and the process of interval
mapping. For that reason, 94 families were taken from the F2 generation and 90
families from the F2:3 generation derived from the cross of genitors CNFC 7812
e CNFC 8056. Results indicated that there is the possibility of identifying
molecular markers related to protein content in common beans, utilizing both
detection procedures. The ANOVA method identified a greater number of QTLslinked
markers than the process of interval mapping in both generations. There
was coincidence between the identified loci obtained with the two methods for
each generation. Loci that were associated with protein content were different
for the F2 and F2:3 generations. However, there was a stable detection of a
genomic region of the linkage group 4, indicating a possible role of this region of
the common bean genome in the control of seed protein content. The proportion
of the trait s phenotypic variation explained by QTLs varied from 5,5% to 9,5%,
considering both generation. / O feijão, além de se constituir um dos alimentos básicos da população
brasileira, é um dos principais produtos fornecedores de proteína na dieta
alimentar dos estratos sociais economicamente menos favorecidos. A
identificação de marcadores moleculares ligados a genes controladores de teor de
proteína em feijoeiro-comum (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) é uma importante ferramenta
para auxiliar os programas de melhoramento, aumentando sua eficiência e
agilidade. Desta forma, este trabalho foi realizado com os objetivos: a) mapear
marcadores SSR e RAPD ligados aos locos gênicos (QTLs) controladores de teor
de proteína em duas gerações de uma população segregante de feijoeiro-comum
e b) comparar os processos de detecção dos marcadores ligados aos QTLs
utilizando o método de ANOVA e o método de mapeamento por intervalo. Para
tanto, foram utilizadas 94 famílias da geração F2 e 90 famílias da geração F2:3
provenientes do cruzamento entre os genitores CNFC 7812 e CNFC 8056. Os
resultados mostraram a possibilidade de identificar marcadores moleculares
ligados ao teor de proteína em feijoeiro, utilizando ambos os métodos. O método
de ANOVA identificou mais marcadores ligados a QTLs do que o processo de
mapeamento por intervalo em ambas as gerações. Houve concordância entre os
locos identificados pelos dois métodos para cada geração. Os locos que foram
associados com o teor de proteína foram distintos para as gerações F2 e F2:3.
Entretanto, houve uma detecção estável de uma região genômica do grupo de
ligação 4, indicando um possível papel desta região do genoma do feijoeiro no
controle do teor de proteína no grão. A proporção da variância fenotípica desta
característica explicada pelos QTLs variou de 5,5% a 9,5%, considerando as duas
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Mapeamento e congruência de QTL para teor de óleo, produção de grãos e seus componentes em milho / Mapping QTL and congruence for oil content, grain yield and its components in maizeLuciana Gonçalves Chaves 14 August 2013 (has links)
O principal desafio para o desenvolvimento de híbridos contendo alto teor de óleo é a correlação negativa entre este caráter e a produção de grãos. O conhecimento da herança do caráter teor de óleo e da produção de grãos e seus componentes conjuntamente podem auxiliar a condução de programas de melhoramento que visam ao desenvolvimento de genótipos produtivos e com alto teor de óleo. Assim, os objetivos desta pesquisa foram: estimar parâmetros genéticos; mapear QTL e a congruência destes para os caracteres teor de óleo (OL), produção de grãos (PG) e seus componentes. Duzentas e cinquenta e seis progênies F2:3 obtidas do cruzamento de duas linhagens endogâmicas contrastantes para teor de óleo foram avaliadas em experimentos com repetições. O mapeamento de QTL foi realizado considerando um mapa genético com 139 marcadores microssatélites e mapeamento por intervalo composto expandido para múltiplos ambientes (mCIM). As estimativas de variância genética de progênies e coeficientes de herdabilidade diferiram de zero para todos os caracteres. Os coeficientes de herdabilidade apresentaram magnitudes elevadas para todos os caracteres. A estimativa de variância progênies por ambientes foi significativa para PG e seus componentes. As correlações entre OL e os caracteres PG e seus componentes não foram significativas. Os caracteres prolificidade (PROL), diâmetro de espiga (DE), profundidade de grãos (PFG), comprimento de espiga (CE) e número de grãos por fileira (NGF) apresentaram valores altos de coeficientes de correlação com PG. Foram mapeados 13 QTL para OL, 16 para PG, 17 para PROL, 12 para peso de 500 grãos (P500), 19 para CE e para DE, 18 para PFG, 15 para número de filerias NFI e 13 para NGF. Os QTL não estão uniformemente distribuídos ao longo do genoma para OL e a maioria dos componentes da produção. O grau médio de dominância foi de dominância parcial para PG, dominância para PROL e P500 e sobredominância para OL, CE, DE, PFG, NFI e NGF. A maioria dos QTL mapeados para PG e seus componentes interagiu significativamente com ambientes, indicando que experimentos conduzidos em vários locais e anos são necessários para identificar genótipos e QTL estáveis. A proporção da variância genética explicada pelos QTL foi de 52,22% para OL, 42,49% para PG e para seus componentes variou de 25,69% para NGF a 55,03% para PROL. Foram identificadas 34 regiões genômicas contendo QTL mapeados para os diferentes caracteres, não sendo, portanto identificadas regiões congruentes entre OL e PROL. A maioria dos QTL foi mapeada em regiões genômicas distintas, indicando que é possível aumentar o teor de óleo e a produção de grãos simultaneamente, utilizando os QTL independentes. Os resultados obtidos indicam que o desenvolvimento de híbridos produtivos com alto teor de óleo pode ser obtido por retrocruzamento assistido por marcadores envolvendo OL, PG e seus componentes e, devido ao reduzido número de QTL estáveis para a PG e seus componentes, os programas de melhoramento devem ser direcionados para regiões específicas. / The main challenge for the development of hybrids with high oil content is a negative correlation between this trait and grain yield. The knowledge of the inheritance of kernel oil content and grain yield and its components together can assist breeding programs for the development of productive genotypes with high oil content. The objectives of this research were to: estimate genetic parameters, map QTL and their congruence to oil content (OC), grain yield (GY) and its components. Two-hundred and fifty-six F2:3 progenies obtained from the cross between two inbred lines contrasting for oil content were evaluated in experiments with repetitions. The QTL mapping was performed considering a genetic map with 139 microsatellites markers and the multiple-environment composite interval mapping analysis (mCIM). Estimates of genetic variances of progenies and heritability coefficients differed significantly from zero for all traits. The heritability coefficients showed high magnitudes for all traits. The estimate of progenies by environments variance was significant for GY and for yield components. The correlations between the OC, GY and its components were not significant. The traits prolificacy (PROL), ear diameter (ED), kernel depth (KD), ear length (EL) and kernels per row number (KRN) showed high values of correlation coefficients with GY. Thirteen QTL were mapped for OC, 16 for GY, 17 for PROL, 12 to 500 kernels weight (W500), 19 for EL and for ED, 18 for kernel depth (KD), 15 for row number per ear (RN) and 13 for KRN. The QTL are not evenly distributed in the genome for OC and most of yield components. The average level of dominance was partial dominance for GY, dominance for PROL and W500 and overdominance for OC, EL, ED, KD, RN and KRN. Most of QTL mapped for GY and its components interacted significantly with environments, indicating that the experiments conducted in several locations and years are required to identify genotypes and QTL stable. The proportion of genetic variance explained by all QTL was 52.22% for OC, 42.49% for GY and for its components ranged from 25.69% for KRN to 55.03% for PROL. We identified 34 genomic regions containing QTL mapped for different traits, and therefore, we did not identify congruent regions between OC and PROL. Most of QTL were mapped in different genomic regions, indicating the possibility to increasing oil content and yield simultaneously, using the independent QTL. The results indicate that the development of high-oil hybrid with high yields can be obtained by marker-assisted backcrossing involving OC, GY and its components and due to the small number of stable QTL for GY and its components, the breeding programs should be directed towards specific areas.
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