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European co-ordination of long-term care benefits: the individual costs of migration between Bismarck and Belveridge systems. Illustrative case studies.Fischer, Timo January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
The paper to be presented discusses the default in policy coordination or harmonisation in European Social Policy and the emerging private cost borne by migrating individuals. The different designs of national social security schemes imply administrative hurdles and incompatibilities. The latter may also discourage labour movements between EU - countries since migration could bring about a reduction or a loss of social security rights acquired on the basis of past employment and past contributions. The access to new benefits may be hampered as long as some national social security insurance programs demand a minimum coverage period as a prerequisite for benefit claims and disregard preceding insurance periods in other countries. Taking present EU law into account, we design case studies to identify barriers to entry resp. to exit for individuals or households when migrating from one social security scheme to another. Within these scenarios, movements between national systems in Bismarckian tradition and Beveridge systems are of great interest. The paper is based on a research project conducted at the Centre of Excellence of International Tax Coordination at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration. (author's abstract) / Series: Discussion Papers SFB International Tax Coordination
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European portability rules for social security benefits and their effects on the national social security systemsReyes, Carlos January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Series: Discussion Papers SFB International Tax Coordination
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Which policy options for Europe in the global competition for talent. Brain competition policy as a new breed of locational policy with positive externalities.Reiner, Christian January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The emerging knowledge economy has led to an increase of demand and locational competition for highlyskilled labor. Brain competition policy (BCP) is the reaction from national and regional policymakers. In short, BCP refers to the attraction, education and circulation of talent in and between regional and national economies. This new focus on human capital instead of physical capital indicates a paradigmatic shift in innovation policy and regional policy. While most of the contributions to this new policy approach come from the US, it can be demonstrated that different institutions in Europe prevent the simple copying of those strategies. The article contributes to the ongoing paradigmatic shift by conceptualizing a coherent framework for BCP from a European perspective. (author´s abstract) / Series: SRE - Discussion Papers
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Three Essays in Political EconomyRemigereau, Camille 12 December 2024 (has links)
Diese Dissertation untersucht die Beziehung zwischen dem sozioökonomischen Hintergrund einer Person und deren politischen sowie Bildungsentscheidungen. Im ersten Aufsatz zeige ich, dass Migranten durch ihr politisches Verhalten die politische Landschaft ihrer neuen Heimat verändern können. Nach der Unabhängigkeit Algeriens am 3. Juli 1962 flohen massenhaft französische Algerier nach Frankreich. Ich zeige, dass der Zustrom von Rückkehrern in einen Wahlkreis den Anteil der Stimmen für die rechtsextreme Partei kurz- und langfristig erhöhte. Zudem neigen die Kinder der Rückkehrer weniger zu linksgerichteten Ideologien und haben weniger tolerante Ansichten zur Einwanderung als Kinder ohne Migrationshintergrund. Der zweite Aufsatz untersucht, wie spezifische staatliche Hilfsprogramme die mittelfristigen Ergebnisse von Flüchtlingen beeinflussen, die als Kinder und junge Erwachsene migrierten. Unter den Flüchtlingen der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, die zwischen 1946 und 1961 nach Westdeutschland flohen, waren nur als "politische Flüchtlinge" anerkannte Personen ab 1953 für zielgerichtete Hilfsleistungen berechtigt. Wir finden positive Effekte der Hilfsberechtigung auf Bildungsabschluss und Einkommen bei Flüchtlingen, die im Alter von 15 bis 24 Jahren migrierten. Bei männlichen Flüchtlingen, die im Alter von 1 bis 14 Jahren migrierten, erhöhte die Hilfsberechtigung die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer Einschreibung in den akademischen Zweig der Sekundarschule. Der dritte Aufsatz untersucht, wie die bedingte Berechtigung zur finanziellen Unterstützung das Bewerbungsverhalten der Studierenden beeinflusst, anhand von Daten der französischen nationalen Bewerbungsplattform. Männliche Studierende passten ihre Bewerbungen an, sobald sie förderberechtigt waren, und bevorzugten Elite-Studiengänge gegenüber öffentlichen Universitäten. Bedingt förderberechtigte Frauen hingegen behielten ihre Studiengangswahl bei. / This thesis delves into the relationship between an individual's socioeconomic background and political and educational decisions. In the first essay, I show that migrants can transform the political landscape of the areas they settle in through their political behavior. Algeria became independent on July 3, 1962. Fearing for their safety, the French Algerians of European descent fled the country massively and suddenly that same year. I find that the inflow of repatriates into an electoral district increased the district’s voting share for the far-right in the short and longer term. In addition, I find that the children of repatriates are less likely to lean towards left-wing political ideologies than the children of natives. This is linked with them holding less tolerant views on immigration than their counterparts without migration background. The second essay in this thesis exploits a unique historical setting to investigate how refugee-specific government aid affects the medium-term outcomes of refugees who migrate as children and young adults. Among German Democratic Republic (GDR) refugees who escaped to West Germany between 1946 and 1961, only the subgroup acknowledged as being 'political refugees' were eligible for refugee-targeted aid, and only after 1953. We find positive effects of aid eligibility on educational attainment and income among male and female refugees who migrated as young adults (aged 15 to 24). Among male refugees who migrated as children (aged 1 to 14), we find that aid eligibility at arrival leads to an increased likelihood of enrollment in the academic track of secondary school. The last chapter of this thesis explores how conditional aid eligibility impacts students' application behaviors using data from the French platform Admission Post Bac. Male students adjusted their applications upon aid eligibility, favoring elite programs over public universities. Conditionally aid-eligible females maintained their program choices.
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