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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ensino de ciências para alunos surdos: aplicação de modelo qualitativo baseado em raciocínio qualitativo para alunos dos Ensino Fundamental I / Science education for deaf students: a qualitative model application based on qualitative reasoning for students from elementary school

Marco Aurelio Tupinamba Viana Filho 06 October 2016 (has links)
A partir da promulgação da Resolução CNE/CEB Nº 2, de fevereiro de 2001, indivíduos surdos obtiveram a oportunidade de ser integrados à escola básica ao receberem acesso aos conteúdos curriculares presentes no Plano Nacional de Educação (PNE). Desde então vem se buscando metodologias que ofereçam uma educação que atenda a esses alunos de forma adequada, alicerçada não somente na linguagem verbal e escrita, mas também na primeira língua do surdo, a Língua Brasileira de Sinais (LIBRAS). Diante do desafio de propiciar o ensino, principalmente em ciências, algumas alternativas foram selecionadas a luz da Pedagogia Visual, que tem como principal alicerce o argumento de que indivíduos surdos apresentam uma capacidade visual muito além daquela possuída pelo indivíduo ouvinte. A primeira alternativa, denominada \"Mapa Conceitual\", se adéqua a Pedagogia Visual por sua estrutura em moldes de diagrama, porém ainda possui uma base muito ligada a linguagem escrita, o que dificulta o aprendizado em alunos que ainda não possuem uma fluência na língua portuguesa, ou seja, ainda não são bilíngues. Outra dificuldade se encontra nos primeiros anos do ensino fundamental, em que alunos surdos ingressantes não apresentam fluência nem mesmo em LIBRAS, mas exibem um sistema particular de sinais apoiados na visão. Esse déficit pode ser contornado pela segunda alternativa, denominada de \"Modelo Qualitativo\" baseado em Raciocínio Qualitativo (RQ). O modelo qualitativo além de apresentar uma base gráfica que atende a pedagogia visual, trabalha com modelos de causalidade, emulando um sistema da forma mais real possível para que o aluno o compreenda. Para a construção do modelo foi usado um simulador denominado de DynaLearn, desenvolvido com o objetivo de integrar o aprendizado do aluno por meio de modelos qualitativos. Para que isso aconteça foram (I) desenvolvidos modelos qualitativos sobre Poluição Humana baseados em RQ, por meio do software DynaLearn, que atendessem aos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCN) do 6º Ano do Ensino Fundamental, especificamente em relação ao ensino de ciências. Em seguida (II) o modelo foi aplicado no ensino de Ciências Naturais, em regime de contra turno, para uma turma de alunos surdos proficientes em LIBRAS, porém deficientes em Língua Portuguesa do Ensino Fundamental I, que posteriormente (III) teve seu aprendizado avaliado por meio de questionários e transcrições das aulas. Conclui-se que a aplicação do modelo qualitativo atingiu seus objetivos ao levar os alunos a desenvolverem o raciocínio qualitativo por meio da compreensão das relações causais, da mesma maneira que o software DynaLearn satisfaz os requisitos visualização requeridos pela Pedagogia Visual, destacando alguns pontos que podem melhorar devido ao público-alvo. Também foi observado que a aquisição de conceitos científicos pelos alunos apresenta relação íntima com seus sinais correspondentes. / Since the enactment of Resolution CNE/CEB No. 2, February 2001, deaf individuals had the opportunity to be integrated into the basic school to receive access to curriculum content present in the Plano Nacional de Educação (PNE). Since then has been seeking methodologies that provide an education that attends these students adequately grounded not only in verbal and written language, but also in the first language of the deaf, the Brazilian Sign Language (known as \"Libras\"). Faced with the challenge of providing education, especially in science, some alternatives were selected in view of Visual Education, whose main foundation the argument that deaf people have a visual capacity beyond that possessed by the individual listener. The first alternative, called \"Concept Map\" fits the Visual Pedagogy by your diagram templates structure, however still has a very connected based written language, which hinders learning in students who do not have fluency in Portuguese, that is, they are not bilingual. Another difficulty is in the early years of elementary school, where new deaf students do not have fluency even in \"Libras\", but show a particular system of signs supported in the vision. This deficit can be overcome for the second alternative, called \"Qualitative Model\" based on Qualitative Reasoning (QR). The qualitative model besides presenting a graphical basis that meets the visual pedagogy, works with causal models, emulating a system more real as possible so that the student understands. For the construction of the model was used a simulator called DynaLearn developed with the aim of integrating student learning through qualitative models. To make it happen were (I) developed qualitative models on Human Pollution based in RQ, through the DynaLearn software, which met the National Curriculum Parameters (NCP) of the 6th year of elementary school, specifically in relation to science teaching. Then (II) the model was applied in the teaching of Natural Sciences, in counter-shift system, to a group of proficient deaf students in \"Libras\" but deficient in Portuguese of the elementary school, which later (III) had their learning assessed by through questionnaires and transcripts lessons. It is concluded that the application of qualitative model reached these objectives by bringing students to develop the qualitative reasoning by understanding the causal relationships in the same way that the DynaLearn software meets the requirements of view required by Visual Education, highlighting some points that can improve due to the target audience. It was also noted that the acquisition of scientific concepts by students presents a close relationship with their corresponding signals.

SketchIT: A Sketch Interpretation Tool for Conceptual Mechanical Design

Stahovich, Thomas F. 13 March 1996 (has links)
We describe a program called SketchIT capable of producing multiple families of designs from a single sketch. The program is given a rough sketch (drawn using line segments for part faces and icons for springs and kinematic joints) and a description of the desired behavior. The sketch is "rough" in the sense that taken literally, it may not work. From this single, perhaps flawed sketch and the behavior description, the program produces an entire family of working designs. The program also produces design variants, each of which is itself a family of designs. SketchIT represents each family of designs with a "behavior ensuring parametric model" (BEP-Model), a parametric model augmented with a set of constraints that ensure the geometry provides the desired behavior. The construction of the BEP-Model from the sketch and behavior description is the primary task and source of difficulty in this undertaking. SketchIT begins by abstracting the sketch to produce a qualitative configuration space (qc-space) which it then uses as its primary representation of behavior. SketchIT modifies this initial qc-space until qualitative simulation verifies that it produces the desired behavior. SketchIT's task is then to find geometries that implement this qc-space. It does this using a library of qc-space fragments. Each fragment is a piece of parametric geometry with a set of constraints that ensure the geometry implements a specific kind of boundary (qcs-curve) in qc-space. SketchIT assembles the fragments to produce the BEP-Model. SketchIT produces design variants by mapping the qc-space to multiple implementations, and by transforming rotating parts to translating parts and vice versa.

Qualitative Process Theory

Forbus, Kenneth D. 01 July 1984 (has links)
Objects move, collide, flow, bend, heat up, cool down, stretch, compress and boil. These and other things that cause changes in objects over time are intuitively characterized as processes. To understand common sense physical reasoning and make programs that interact with the physical world as well as people do we must understand qualitative reasoning about processes, when they will occur, their effects, and when they will stop. Qualitative Process theory defines a simple notion of physical process that appears useful as a language in which to write dynamical theories. Reasoning about processes also motivates a new qualitative representation for quantity in terms of inequalities, called quantity space. This report describes the basic concepts of Qualitative Process theory, several different kinds of reasoning that can be performed with them, and discusses its impact on other issues in common sense reasoning about the physical world, such as causal reasoning and measurement interpretation. Several extended examples illustrate the utility of the theory, including figuring out that a boiler can blow up, that an oscillator with friction will eventually stop, and how to say that you can pull with a string but not push with it. This report also describes GIZMO, an implemented computer program which uses Qualitative Process theory to make predictions and interpret simple measurements. The represnetations and algorithms used in GIZMO are described in detail, and illustrated using several examples.

A Representation Scheme for Description and Reconstruction of Object Configurations Based on Qualitative Relations

Steinhauer, Heike Joe January 2008 (has links)
One reason Qualitative Spatial Reasoning (QSR) is becoming increasingly important to Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the need for a smooth ‘human-like’ communication between autonomous agents and people. The selected, yet general, task motivating the work presented here is the scenario of an object configuration that has to be described by an observer on the ground using only relational object positions. The description provided should enable a second agent to create a map-like picture of the described configuration in order to recognize the configuration on a representation from the survey perspective, for instance on a geographic map or in the landscape itself while observing it from an aerial vehicle. Either agent might be an autonomous system or a person. Therefore, the particular focus of this work lies on the necessity to develop description and reconstruction methods that are cognitively easy to apply for a person. This thesis presents the representation scheme QuaDRO (Qualitative Description and Reconstruction of Object configurations). Its main contributions are a specification and qualitative classification of information available from different local viewpoints into nine qualitative equivalence classes. This classification allows the preservation of information needed for reconstruction nto a global frame of reference. The reconstruction takes place in an underlying qualitative grid with adjustable granularity. A novel approach for representing objects of eight different orientations by two different frames of reference is used. A substantial contribution to alleviate the reconstruction process is that new objects can be inserted anywhere within the reconstruction without the need for backtracking or rereconstructing. In addition, an approach to reconstruct configurations from underspecified descriptions using conceptual neighbourhood-based reasoning and coarse object relations is presented.

Qualitative theories on shape representation and movement. Application to industrial manufacturing and robotics

Museros Cabedo, Lledó 04 December 2006 (has links)
From the end of 80's there has been a great interest in the study of qualitative models to represent and to reason with spatial aspects. The present work is centred in the development and application of a model to reason about the shape and about the movement in a qualitative way, which means in a way similar to the human reasoning. The interest of this study is originated in the necessity of solutions for the recognition of objects and the description and reasoning about the movement in situations with high uncertainty, as it is the case of robotic applications, where robots only have limited and vague sensorial information. In these situations the use of a qualitative reasoning, that allows us to handle ambiguities and errors, will be the most suitable.The movement of an object can be considered as a shape whose topologic relation with its environment (considered as another shape) changes in the time. On the other hand the shape of the objects is a spatial aspect in itself, and again for its study we have used topological concepts. The recognition of objects is important during the movement of a robot since for the accomplishment of certain tasks the robot must be able to recognize the objects with which it is finding during its trajectory, since these objects can be landmarks or reference points that provides to the robot spatial information of its environment.Therefore this work will be centred in the study of three space aspects: the shape of the objects, the topology and the movement. Several works exist about the shape of the objects [Jungert 94; Park and Gero 99, 00; Chase 96, 97; Shokoufandeh, Dickinson et al. 02], on topology [Cohn, Bennet ET al. 97; Renz & Nebel 98; Egenhofer & Franzosa 91; Clementini & Di Felice 95] and on movement [Zimmermann and Freksa 93; Musto, Stein et al. 00; Musto et al. 99; Rajagopalan and Kuipers 94; Forbus 83; Muller 98a, 98b]. However, most of these works are theoretical and they have not been applied to robotics.This PhD thesis presents a motion model as a qualitative representational model for integrating qualitatively time and topological information for reasoning about dynamic worlds in which spatial relations between regions and between regions and objects may change with time. This qualitative integration of time and topology has been accomplished thanks to the definition of an approach with the following three steps: (1) the definition of the algebra of the spatial aspect to be integrated, which will be time and topology. The representation of each aspect is seen as an instance of the Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP); (2) the definition of the Basic Step of the Inference Process (BSIP) for each spatial aspect to be integrated. In general, the BSIP consists on given two relationships which relate three objects A, B, and C (one object is shared among the two relationships, for instance A is related with B and B is related with C), we will find the third relationship between objects A and C; and (3) the definition of the Full Inference Process (FIP) for each spatial aspect to be integrated which consists on repeating the BSIP as many times as possible with the initial information and the information provided by some BSIP, until no more information can be inferred.On the other hand, the theory for the recognition of shapes developed is able to describe several types of shapes, as they are regular and non-regular polygons, with or without holes, with or without curved segments and even completely curvilinear forms. The theory describes shapes considering qualitatively the angles, relative side length, concavities and convexities, and types of curvatures of their boundaries using only their relevant points, which are defined as vertices, and the initial, final point and point of maximum curvature of the curves. To describe shapes with holes, topological and qualitative spatial orientation aspects have been considered in order to relate the hole with its container. Each object is described by a string which describes its qualitative distinguished features (symbolic representation), which is used to match an object against the others. This theory has been applied, in an industrial domain, for the automatic and intelligent assembly of ceramic mosaics. Mosaics are made of pieces of different shapes, colours and sizes, named tesseraes, that once they are assembled they create a unique composition with high added value, due its artist and decorative value. Mosaics are made usually following a design describing the position of each tesserae in the final composition. The application developed in this dissertation, recognise individual tesseraes from pictures, which represent the tesserae coming over a conveyor, against a vectorial mosaic design. Therefore, the application returns the position of the tesserae in the mosaic together with the angle that a robot arm has to do when picking the tesserae by its centroid in order to leave it in the correct orientation inside the mosaic. On the other hand the simplest version of this theory, in concrete the part that describes regular and non-regular polygonal objects, jointly with the developed theory of movement has been applied too for the simulated navigation of a real robot, in concrete of the Khepera2 robot. This application consists in a world formed by two rooms connected by a corridor. The robot first learns the topological map of the world. Then in each room there is an object and the robot has to decide if both objects represent the same object or not, for that purpose the robot uses the movement theory to plan the way to do and to detect possible deviations during its moving, and finally by using the qualitative theory for shape matching developed decides if the objects has the same shape or not.

Coordinating Agile Systems through the Model-based Execution of Temporal Plans

Leaute, Thomas 28 April 2006 (has links)
Agile autonomous systems are emerging, such as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), that must robustly perform tightly coordinated time-critical missions; for example, military surveillance or search-and-rescue scenarios. In the space domain, execution of temporally flexible plans has provided an enabler for achieving the desired coordination and robustness, in the context of space probes and planetary rovers, modeled as discrete systems. We address the challenge of extending plan execution to systems with continuous dynamics, such as air vehicles and robot manipulators, and that are controlled indirectly through the setting of continuous state variables.Systems with continuous dynamics are more challenging than discrete systems, because they require continuous, low-level control, and cannot be controlled by issuing simple sequences of discrete commands. Hence, manually controlling these systems (or plants) at a low level can become very costly, in terms of the number of human operators necessary to operate the plant. For example, in the case of a fleet of UAVs performing a search-and-rescue scenario, the traditional approach to controlling the UAVs involves providing series of close waypoints for each aircraft, which incurs a high workload for the human operators, when the fleet consists of a large number of vehicles.Our solution is a novel, model-based executive, called Sulu, that takes as input a qualitative state plan, specifying the desired evolution of the state of the system. This approach elevates the interaction between the human operator and the plant, to a more abstract level where the operator is able to “coach” the plant by qualitatively specifying the tasks, or activities, the plant must perform. These activities are described in a qualitative manner, because they specify regions in the plant’s state space in which the plant must be at a certain point in time. Time constraints are also described qualitatively, in the form of flexible temporal constraints between activities in the state plan. The design of low-level control inputs in order to meet this abstract goal specification is then delegated to the autonomous controller, hence decreasing the workload per human operator. This approach also provides robustness to the executive, by giving it room to adapt to disturbances and unforeseen events, while satisfying the qualitative constraints on the plant state, specified in the qualitative state plan.Sulu reasons on a model of the plant in order to dynamically generate near-optimal control sequences to fulfill the qualitative state plan. To achieve optimality and safety, Sulu plans into the future, framing the problem as a disjunctive linear programming problem. To achieve robustness to disturbances and maintain tractability, planning is folded within a receding horizon, continuous planning and execution framework. The key to performance is a problem reduction method based on constraint pruning. We benchmark performance using multi-UAV firefighting scenarios on a real-time, hardware-in-the-loop testbed. / SM thesis

A qualitative spatio-temporal modelling and reasoning approach for the representation of moving entities / Un modèle spatio-temporel de raisonnement qualitatif pour la représentation d'entités dynamiques

Wu, Jing 14 September 2015 (has links)
La recherche développée dans cette thèse introduit une approche qualitative pour représenter et raisonner à partir d'entités spatiales dans un espace géographique à deux dimensions. Les patrons de mouvements entre entités dynamiques sont catégorisés à partir d'un modèle qualitatif de relations topologiques entre une ligne orientée et une région, et de relations d'orientation entre deux lignes orientées, respectivement. Les mouvements qualitatifs sont dérivés à partir de relations spatio-temporelles qui caractérisent des entités dynamiques conceptualisées comme des points ou des régions dans un espace à deux dimensions. Cette architecture de raisonnement permet de dériver des configurations de mouvements basiques dérivées à partir d'entités statiques et dynamiques. L'approche est complétée par une qualification de ces configurations à partir d'expressions du langage naturel. Les compositions de mouvements sont étudiées tout comme les transitions possibles dans des cas de données incomplètes. Les tables de compositions sont également explorées et permettent d'étendre les possibilités de raisonnement. Le modèle est expérimenté dans le contexte de l'analyse de trajectoires aériennes et maritimes. / The research developed in this thesis introduces a qualitative approach for representing and reasoning on moving entities in a two-dimensional geographical space. Movement patterns of moving entities are categorized based on a series of qualitative spatial models of topological relations between a directed line and a region, and orientation relations between two directed lines, respectively. Qualitative movements are derived from the spatio-temporal relations that characterize moving entities conceptualized as either points or regions in a two-dimensional space. Such a spatio-temporal framework supports the derivation of the basic movement configurations inferred from moving and static entities. The approach is complemented by a tentative qualification of the possible natural language expressions of the primitive movements identified. Complex movements can be represented by a composition of these primitive movements. The notion of conceptual transition that favors the exploration of possible trajectories in the case of incomplete knowledge configurations is introduced and explored.Composition tables are also studied and provide additional reasoning capabilities. The whole approach is applied to the analysis of flight patterns and maritime trajectories.

The Use of Qualitative Representations with Ranking Task Exercises in Physics

Vreeland, Peter Michael January 2012 (has links)
This study examined the use of ranking task exercises in physics as a means to elicit student's quantitative and/or qualitative understanding of four different physics concepts. Each ranking task exercise in physics asked students to examine several different scenarios that contain a number of quantitative features and then arrange the scenarios in an ordered sequence according to some other quantitative feature. In this study, students completed four different ranking task exercises as part of their coursework in their high school physics class. The responses of students to these ranking task exercises were scored, analyzed, and categorized according to the extent to which a student's response was primarily quantitative or primarily qualitative in nature. The results show that while students relied on a combination of both qualitative and quantitative representations as they completed the exercises, the majority of students used qualitative representations in their solutions to the ranking task exercises in physics. While the students' qualitative and quantitative representations supported the students' rankings of the scenarios in each ranking task exercise, the qualitative representations used by the students provided insight into the student's current understanding of the physics concepts being investigated. The findings suggest that regardless of the representation used by the student to complete the ranking task exercise, students had difficulty in correctly ranking the scenarios in all of the ranking task exercises used in this study. While the students used both quantitative and qualitative representations in their solutions to ranking task exercises in physics that contained two quantitative variables, the study found that students relied exclusively on qualitative representations in their solutions to the ranking task exercise in physics that contained four quantitative variables. / CITE/Mathematics and Science Education

Design Simplification by Analogical Reasoning

Balazs, Marton E. 09 February 2000 (has links)
Ever since artifacts have been produced, improving them has been a common human activity. Improving an artifact refers to modifying it such that it will be either easier to produce, or easier to use, or easier to fix, or easier to maintain, and so on. In all of these cases, "easier" means fewer resources are required for those processes. While 'resources' is a general measure, which can ultimately be expressed by some measure of cost (such as time or money), we believe that at the core of many improvements is the notion of reduction of complexity, or in other words, simplification. This talk presents our research on performing design simplification using analogical reasoning. We first define the simplification problem as the problem of reducing the complexity of an artefact from a given point of view. We propose that a point of view from which the complexity of an artefact can be measured consists of a context, an aspect and a measure. Next, we describe an approach to solving simplification problems by goal-directed analogical reasoning, as our implementation of this approach. Finally, we present some experimental results obtained with the system. The research presented in this dissertation is significant as it focuses on the intersection of a number of important, active research areas - analogical reasoning, functional representation, functional reasoning, simplification, and the general area of AI in Design.

Un cadre algébrique pour le raisonnement qualitatif en présence d'informations hétérogènes : application aux raisonnements multi-échelle et spatio-temporel / An algebraic framework for qualitative reasoning in the presence of heterogeneous information : application to multi-scale and spatio-temporal reasoning

Cohen-Solal, Quentin 11 December 2017 (has links)
Parmi les différentes formes de raisonnement étudiées dans le contexte de l'intelligence artificielle, le raisonnement qualitatif permet d'inférer de nouvelles connaissances dans le contexte d'informations imprécises, incomplètes et dépourvues de valeurs numériques. Il permet par exemple de déduire de nouvelles informations à partir d'un ensemble d'informations spatiales telles que « la France est frontalière de l'Allemagne », « la Suisse est à l'est de la France », « l'Italie est en Europe » et « le Luxembourg est proche de la France ». Il peut également être utilisé pour résoudre des abstractions de problèmes quantitatifs difficiles à résoudre, afin par exemple d'accélérer la résolution de ces problèmes.De nombreux formalismes de raisonnement qualitatif ont été proposés dans la littérature. Ils ne se focalisent cependant que sur un seul aspect du monde, alors que la majorité des applications requièrent la prise en compte d'informations hétérogènes. Afin de répondre à ces besoins, plusieurs combinaisons et extensions de formalismes qualitatifs, comme le raisonnement spatio-temporel et le raisonnement multi-échelle, ont récemment été proposées dans la littérature. Le raisonnement spatio-temporel permet de raisonner dans le contexte d'informations spatiales et temporelles interdépendantes. Le raisonnement multi-échelle permet de raisonner avec des informations de précisions différentes, et en particulier de lever des incohérences apparentes.Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons au raisonnement multi-échelle, au raisonnement spatio-temporel et aux combinaisons de formalismes qualitatifs.Nous proposons d'étendre le raisonnement qualitatif temporel multi-échelle pour prendre en compte le fait que les intervalles de temps peuvent être perçus comme des instants à certaines échelles de précision, de formaliser intégralement ce raisonnement et d'étudier la décision de la cohérence dans ce contexte ainsi que sa complexité. Nous montrons en particulier que ce formalisme permet de décider la cohérence et que le problème de décision de la cohérence est NP-complet, même dans le cas le plus simple.En outre, nous proposons un cadre général permettant de raisonner sur les séquences temporelles d'informations qualitatives, une forme de description spatio-temporelle. Ce cadre permet notamment de raisonner dans le contexte d'évolutions complexes. Par exemple, les entités considérées peuvent avoir des caractéristiques préservées au cours du temps, évoluer de manière dépendante les unes par rapport aux autres, tout en ayant un comportement potentiellement irréversible et différent selon leur nature. De plus, dans ce cadre, le raisonnement est plus performant computationnellement que les approches de l'état de l'art. Nous étudions en particulier la décision de la cohérence dans le contexte spécifique de régions mobiles de taille constante, et montrons que ce cadre permet effectivement de décider la cohérence.De surcroît, nous proposons un cadre formel unifiant plusieurs formes d'extensions et de combinaisons de formalismes qualitatifs, incluant le raisonnement multi-échelle et les séquences temporelles. Ce cadre permet de raisonner dans le contexte de chacune de ces combinaisons et extensions, mais également d'étudier de manière unifiée la décision de la cohérence et sa complexité. Nous établissons en particulier deux théorèmes complémentaires garantissant que la décision de la cohérence est polynomiale, et nous les utilisons pour prouver que plusieurs fragments de séquences temporelles sont traitables.Nous généralisons également la définition principale de formalisme qualitatif afin d'inclure des formalismes qualitatifs exclus des définitions de la littérature, importants dans le cadre des combinaisons. / In this thesis, we are interested in qualitative multi-scale reasoning, qualitative spatio-temporal reasoning and combinations of qualitative formalisms.We propose to extend the multiscale temporal reasoning to take into account the fact that time intervals can be perceived as instants at certain scales of precision, to fully formalize this reasoning and to study its consistency problem. We show in particular that this formalism decides consistency and that the consistency problem is NP-complete, even in the simplest case.In addition, we propose a general framework for reasoning on temporal sequences of qualitative information, a form of spatio-temporal description. This framework allows for reasoning in the context of complex evolutions. For example, the considered entities may have characteristics preserved over time, evolve in a dependent manner with respect to each other, while having a potentially irreversible and different behavior depending on their nature. Moreover, in this context, reasoning is computationally more efficient than state-of-the-art approaches. In particular, we study the consistency problem in the specific context of constant-size moving regions, and show that this framework actually decides consistency.Furthermore, we propose a formal framework unifying several forms of extensions and combinations of qualitative formalisms, including multi-scale reasoning and temporal sequences. This framework allows one to reason in the context of each of these combinations and extensions, but also to study in a unified way the consistency problem. In particular, we establish two complementary theorems guaranteeing that the consistency problem is polynomial, and we use them to prove that several fragments of temporal sequences are tractable.

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