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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Med fatigue som följeslagare : upplevelsen av att leva med MS-relaterad fatigue/trötthet

Wallström, Maria, Axelsson, Nadia January 2007 (has links)
Multipel skleros, MS, är en neurologisk autoimmun sjukdom som drabbar centrala nervsystemet. Trötthet/fatigue upplevs av många som ett av de svåraste symptomen som inverkar starkt på det vardagliga livet. MS-relaterad fatigue/trötthet ger en känsla av utmattning och brist på energi som kan vara överväldigande. Tröttheten är orimlig i förhållande till de aktiviteter som utförs. Syftet med uppsatsen var att beskriva hur det är att leva med MS-relaterad fatigue/trötthet. Metoden som användes var litteraturstudie med kvalitativ innehållsanalys som baserats på åtta vetenskapliga artiklar. Dataanalysen skedde med hjälp av Fribergs (2006) beskrivning. Ur resultatet framkom fyra teman varav det första var upplevelsen av kroppen som ett fysiskt hinder. Detta tema belyser hur ett antal intervjupersoner upplever sin kropp som ett hinder och hur fatigue/trötthet begränsar och påverkar det dagliga livet. Tema två och tre beskriver hur relationer till familj och vänner kan förändras samt hur den psykiska hälsan påverkas. Det fjärde och sista temat handlar om hur personer som lever med denna trötthet lägger upp strategier och på bästa sätt planerar sin vardag för att orka mer. I diskussionen diskuteras begrepp som hälsa och sjukdom. Vi belyser också hur fysisk träning och annan självhjälp kan minska fatigue/trötthet och öka en människas psykiska hälsa. I de praktiska implikationerna tar vi upp vikten av information och kommunikation som vi anser är grunden till en god vårdrelation. / <p>Program: Sjuksköterskeutbildning</p><p>Uppsatsnivå: C</p>

How do patients with a different ethnic background in Thailand experience nurses treatment? : A qualitative study of Karen’s experiences of treatment

Wallin, Mathilda January 2011 (has links)
This study was made in Northern Thailand among the Karen minority group during Feb-April 2011. The Karen people consist of two different kinds of Karen, the Paw and the Skaw. They live on the border between Burma and Thailand, but none of the countries want to take care of them. The aim of the study was to examine what experiences people in this minority group had from hospital care and to let them tell their stories with their own words. A qualitative method with an inductive approach and narrative interview methodology was used and the analysis followed the model described by Lundman and Hällgren Granheim (2008). Six interviews with participants from three different villages, three women and three men, in the age span 29 to 78 years participated. The interviewees had different experiences of the nurses treatment and the result is divided into two content areas, “experienced good treatment at the hospital” and “experienced bad treatment at the hospital”. In the study it is shown that the interviewees experiences, bad or good, to a large extent depended on how well they could communicate with the nurses and retrieve information about their situation. The author thinks it is important to see what role the nurse-patient relationship plays in the care process, and that good care includes taking time with the patient. To ensure such treatment for everyone it is important that every patient is listened to and treated with respect and dignity, independent of their ethnic background. / Program: Sjuksköterskeutbildning

När hjärtat sviktar : Den äldre patientens upplevelse av att leva med kronisk hjärtsvikt

Abrahamsson, Jane, Karlsson, Frida January 2008 (has links)
Kronisk hjärtsvikt är en vanligt förekommande sjukdom som för med sig en successiv kroppslig funktionsnedsättning. Ibland är förståelsen i vården liten för den äldre patientens förändrade livssituation då den ofta ses som en del av ett naturligt åldrande. Syftet är att beskriva den äldre patientens upplevelse av att leva med kronisk hjärtsvikt. Studien har genomförts som en litteraturstudie där materialet består av kvalitativa artiklar. Litteratursökningen gjordes i databaserna Academic Search Elite, Cinahl, Medline och Pubmed där sökorden har kombinerats på olika sätt för att få fram relevanta artiklar. Den insamlade datan granskades och analyserades efter Evans (2002-2003) gällande innehållsanalys. Resultatet presenteras i fyra huvudteman med subteman. Tema ett handlar om att symtomen ger en orkeslöshet som begränsar patientens liv. Tema två tar upp känslan av att bli en börda och vilka skuldkänslor det ger. Tema tre berör patientens tankar kring försämring av sjukdomen och döden. I tema fyra tar patienten åter kontroll över sitt liv genom att bygga relationer, få bekräftelse och göra aktiva val. I diskussionen tar vi bland annat upp frustrationen över att tvingas ta det lugnt och hur patientens oro kan visa sig i praktiken. Vi diskuterar också hur sjuksköterskan kan använda sig av den här kunskapen. / <p>Program: Sjuksköterskeutbildning</p><p>Uppsatsnivå: C</p>

Making Sense of a Game : A look into Tutorials and Character Mechanics / Att förstå sig på ett spel : En överblick på handledningar och karaktärsmekaniker

Ramirez Sessarego, Andrés, Arévalo Arancibia, Felype January 2019 (has links)
This paper researches how information in game tutorials can be retained by the player. We use a teach-back framework to see what information the participants’ retained. The purpose of this study is to understand how a video game can communicate vital information about character mechanics and rules with the help of tutorials integrated through level design. This qualitative study was conducted with 15 participants, they played through a Third-Person Action Platformer game which the authors created for this study. The participants were all experienced in this game genre for the sake of the results’ consistency. The results showed that the most effective method is the one that presented most text and restricted player freedom, that being said it is not the preferred method by the participants. This resulted in suggestions that differed from what is presented to them, some of them including demonstrations in the game world and even some audio elements that could be implemented instead of having a text-based tutorial. / I den här studien undersöker vi hur information i spelhandledning kan bibehållas av spelaren, vi använder en undervisningssammanfattning för att se vilken information deltagarna behöll. Syftet med denna studie är att förstå hur ett videospel kan kommunicera viktig information om karaktärsmekaniker och regler med hjälp av handledning integrerad genom nivådesign. Denna kvalitativa studie genomfördes med 15 deltagare, de spelade genom ett Tredje-Person action Platform spel som författarna skapade för denna studie. Alla deltagarna är erfarna i den här spelgenren för att hålla resultaten konsekventa. Den mest effektiva metoden är den som presenterade mest text och begränsade spelarens frihet men det var inte den föredragna metoden bland deltagarna. Det här resulterade i förslag som skilde sig från vad som presenterades för deltagarna, några av de förslagen inkluderade demonstrationer i spelvärlden och vissa ljudelement som kunde ha implementerats istället för att endast ha en textbaserad handledning.

Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av barn som misstänks fara illa eller som far illa. : En litteraturbaserad studie / Nurses´ experiences of suspected child maltreatment or child maltreatment : A literature-based study

Årstrand, Frida, Östlind,  , Marie January 2019 (has links)
Background: Child maltreatment has since 1979 been a punishable crime according to Swedish law but is still occurring in society today. All sorts of physical, psychological, sexual violence, neglect and exploitation of an individual under 18 years old was qualified as child maltreatment. Previous research has found an insecurity among nurses when they met children exposed to maltreatment. Nurses can encounter these children and are obligated through duty to notify and report when they suspect child maltreatment. Aim: The aim of this study was to illustrate nurses´ experiences of suspected child maltreatment or child maltreatment. Method: A literature review was conducted with a qualitative approach. Ten qualitative studies from Cinahl and Pubmed was reviewed for quality assurance and analyzed by Friberg's five-step analysis. Result: The analyze of the study resulted in three themes and eight subthemes. The first theme, Complex meetings, was about experiences in being a professional and challenges in the meeting. The second theme, Complicated assignments, described how nurse's experienced to assess the child's situation, to make a report and the cooperation with authorities. The third and last theme, Inhibitory and promotional activities, exposed the nurse's view on receiving support and education and the support for children and parents. Conclusion: Nurses experienced that it was important to be available and to build a relation with the child so the child could feel safe to tell about the mistreatment. It has also been shown that the nurse experienced complex emotions in the meeting with both the child and the parents and that it was not always clear to the nurse when to report child maltreatment. There was a need for more information and education for the nurse within the topic of child maltreatment. Also, the nurse experienced a need for better cooperation with the authorities that oversees cases of child maltreatment. / Att komma i kontakt med barn som far illa är något som alla sjuksköterskor kan komma att göra. Detta är en litteraturbaserad studie med analys av kvalitativa artiklar som visar att det utifrån flera perspektiv är både svårt och komplext. Denna studies resultat visar att sjuksköterskor upplever att det finns både viktiga och svåra delar i mötet och att det kan vara svårt att vara professionell, även om det eftersträvas. Det upplevs som att det finns faktorer som både kan underlätta och försvåra en bedömning och likaså som påverkar om sjuksköterskan utfärdar en anmälan. Att göra en anmälan har en känslomässig påverkan på sjuksköterskan och samverkan med myndigheter upplevs som svår och bristande. Sjuksköterskan har erfarenheter av att stödet är otillräckligt och upplever att de vill ha mer support från både kollegor och professionellt stöd. För att kunna känna sig mer trygga inför dessa situationer önskar de få mer utbildning kring barn som far illa. Sjuksköterskan ser också att det finns ett stödbehov hos familjerna och barnen. Att kunna ge stöd upplevs viktigt men ibland svårt om familjen inte vill ta emot det eller när åtgärder riskerade att bryta barnets förtroende för sjuksköterskan. Verksamheter och supportgrupper upplevs vara ett bra stöd och att samarbete med skola kan underlätta för barnet.


Gebauer, Martin, Stefan, Fred 28 November 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Systemintegration hat auf Grund des Einsatzes heterogener Systeme eine fortlaufende Bedeutung für viele Unternehmen und vor allem für Integrationsdienstleister. Die Praxis der Integration stimmt nicht immer mit den aktuellen Forschungsthemen überein. Diese qualitative Erhebung liefert einen Zustandsbericht über Herausforderungen und Probleme denen Integrationsdienstleister täglich begegnen und dient der Identifikation von praxisrelevanten Forschungsfragen.

Análise discursiva de gerentes da Atenção Primária à Saúde: busca de sintomáticos respiratórios em São José do Rio Preto/SP / Discursive analysis of primary health care managers: search for respiratory symptoms in São José do Rio Preto/SP

Cassiara Boeno Borges de Oliveira 15 February 2013 (has links)
Apesar de caracterizar-se como uma das enfermidades mais antigas e conhecidas no mundo, a tuberculose ainda permanece como um dos principais agravos à saúde. A busca de sintomáticos respiratórios representa um importante pilar dentre as estratégias implementadas para controlar a doença, visto que pretende antecipar os efeitos adversos do processo de adoecimento por tuberculose pulmonar. Imersos nesse contexto, encontram-se os gerentes locais dos serviços de saúde, dos quais é esperado, entre outras coisas, a assunção de responsabilidades junto às atividades realizadas para o desenvolvimento e implantação de uma política de organização dos serviços, cujo objetivo final é a oferta de cuidados. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi analisar discursivamente como os efeitos de sentido têm influenciado na operacionalização da busca de sintomáticos respiratórios da tuberculose no município de São José do Rio Preto/SP, Brasil. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, cuja fundamentação teórico-metodológica deu-se a partir dos postulados da Análise de Discurso de matriz francesa (pêcheuxtiana). Constituíram como sujeitos do estudo, 14 gerentes locais, atuantes no contexto da Atenção Primária à Saúde. Adotou-se como critério de inclusão os sujeitos que estivessem no cargo há um ano ou mais, excluindo-se os que no momento da coleta de dados estivessem em licença médica ou que não agendassem a entrevista após três tentativas. A geração de dados fez-se através de entrevistas semidirigidas, gravadas em áudio e realizadas em locais e horários pré-acordados com os sujeitos. O material empírico foi transcrito na íntegra e gerenciado pelo software Atlas ti, o qual antecedeu às analises discursivas. O projeto de pesquisa foi submetido e aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo. Os resultados evidenciam que os sujeitos estão envoltos em formações ideológicas de assujeitamento às normas e metas pré-estabelecidas, ao mesmo tempo que, a partir dessas condições resistem às imposições, o que reflete em descontinuidades na operacionalização da busca de sintomáticos respiratórios. A partir disso concluímos que a demanda, por vezes desconexas das reais necessidades apresentadas pelos usuários/população dos serviços de saúde, geram ambientes pouco motivadores, sobretudo no que concerne ao controle da tuberculose por meio da busca de sintomáticos respiratórios. Portanto, faz-se necessária a (re)construção de uma gestão mais participativa, envolvendo os diversos níveis hierárquicos, a fim de que haja um ambiente mais proativo e favorável à efetivação de metas e normas que visem a prevenção de doenças e a promoção da saúde da população. / Although characterized as one of the oldest and best-known diseases in the world tuberculosis continues as one of the major health problems. The respiratory symptoms search is an important pillar among the strategies to control the disease because it aims to anticipate the adverse effects of the pulmonary tuberculosis disease process. The local health service managers are immersed in this process, of which is expected, among other things, the assumption of the responsibility for the development and implementation of a services organization policy whose ultimate goal is to provide care. The purpose of this study was to analyze discursively how the effects of meaning have influenced the search for tuberculosis respiratory symptoms in the city of São Jose de Rio Preto/SP, Brazil. The theoretical and methodological foundation of this qualitative study lies on the French Discourse Analysis Matrix (Pêcheuxtian). The study subjects consisted of 14 local managers operating in the Primary Health Care context. The criterion adopted for inclusion chose subjects that had been in office for a year or more, excluding those that at the time of data collection were on sick leave or that had not schedule an interview after three attempts. The data generation was done through semi-structured interviews, audio- recorded and performed in places and times pre-agreed with the subjects. The empirical material was transcribed verbatim and managed by Atlas TI software prior to the discursive analysis. The research project was presented to and approved by the Research Ethics Committee of Nursing School of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo. Results show that the subjects are shrouded in ideological formations of subjection to rules and pre-set targets, whilst from this conditions resist impositions, resulting in discontinuities in the respiratory symptoms search operations. From this, we conclude that the demand, sometimes disconnected from the real needs presented by the health services users/population, generates unproductive environments, especially with regard to tuberculosis control through the pursuit of respiratory symptoms. Therefore, the (re) rebuilding of a more participatory administration is necessary, involving the various hierarchical levels, so that an environment more proactive and conducive to the realization of goals and standards for the prevention of disease and promotion of the health of the population.

Politiker pa YouTubeEn kvalitativ studie med fokus pa kandispolitik, personifiering ochgenusskillnader

Ekstrand Hamrén, Vendela, Nyström, Ronja January 2019 (has links)
This study is conducted due the fact that politicians has started to perform in more celebrated forms of politics. For instance, through Margaux Dietz YouTube-series Partitempen, where all the Swedish party leaders attended. The purpose of the study is to examine the phenomenon celebrity politics, personalization and gender on the social media platform YouTube and how it takes expression in Partitempen. A qualitative approach is applied to the study, and the method used to answer the research questions is a conversation analysis and partly a multimodal method. The result of the study shows that celebrity politics and personalization are visible in the programs of Partitempen. It is also clear that there are both similarities and differences in the questions asked to the female respectively to the male party leaders.

Self-Efficacy Sources and Academic Motivation: A Qualitative Study of 10th Graders

Bryant, Salina K 01 May 2017 (has links)
The NAEP (2016) report shows that the performance of the country’s highest achievers is increasing in reading while the lowest-achieving students have lower scores than previous reports and are performing worse than ever. Not only are these students expected to succeed academically, these students must know how to problem solve, work in teams, and be creative. The longstanding issue of how to motivate students is not new. Motivation consists of the factors that stimulate the desire to attain a goal. Self-efficacy is defined as the belief in one's capabilities to carry out, organize and perform a task successfully (Bandura, 1997). Both are the driving forces that make people pursue a goal and overcome obstacles. Students with high senses of efficacy have the capacity to accept more challenging tasks, higher abilities to organize their time, increased persistence in the face of obstacles, exhibit lower anxiety levels, show flexibility in the use of learning strategies and have a high ability to adapt with different educational environments (Elmotaleb and Sahalof, 2013). High school students and entry-level college students are struggling to maintain the self-efficacy and motivation needed to accomplish rigorous and challenging tasks in both high school and college. This study addressed the deficiencies in the literature by providing an understanding of 10th grade students developmental self-efficacy sources, self-efficacy source experiences, and academic motivation. A total of 18 student participants in a 10th grade public school at a rural community in a southeastern state in the United States were interviewed for this study. A high school principal, three 10th grade teachers, and a high school guidance counselor also participated in the study. The study employed a qualitative methodology that focused on student’s voices to gain a better understanding of the development of self-efficacy sources and the effects on academic motivation. The findings revealed that students depicted their personal perceived self-efficacy based on the self-efficacy source development that had occurred in each student’s life, particularly the amount of mastery source experiences that students had successfully completed. Another finding indicated that the student participants based their personal perceived self-efficacy source development on how successful or unsuccessful they had been in school with special emphasis on students persuasion and physiological and affective source development. Evidence also supported that student participants academic motivation was based on the students personal perceived academic self-efficacy relating to all four mastery sources (mastery, vicarious, persuasion, physiological and affective). This research provides practitioners and stakeholders with a better understanding of students self-efficacy source developments and the impact that self-efficacy has on student academic motivation.

Talking With Exotic Pet Owners: Exploratory Audience Research on Wildlife Television and Human-Animal Interactions

Smith, Susannah L 03 November 2008 (has links)
This qualitative grounded study explores the potential relationship between wildlife TV viewing and human-animal interactions for exotic pet owners. The method involved 13 in-depth interviews and a qualifying open-ended questionnaire with 37 individuals. The interviews gathered viewers' interpretations of two different human-wildlife interactions on TV and served as a launching point for discussion. Findings supported the literature in that wildlife TV was an important source of information, emotion, and contradictory messages. Themes also emerged regarding participants' characterizations of their relationships with their pets. Drawing from social cognitive theory, this thesis suggests the following potential motivators for participants to model animal interactions as seen on screen: 1) visual instruction that increases viewer efficacy; 2) identification with the spokesperson; and 3) emotional connection to the animal. The study concludes with preliminary recommendations for wildlife programming on TV.

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