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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La pratique clinique et le bien-être au travail des infirmières selon un processus d’intégration des soins

Longpré, Caroline 11 1900 (has links)
Thèse en administration des services-infirmiers subventionnée par "Formation et expertise en recherche administration des services infirmiers" (FERASI) / Cette étude a pour but de comprendre les processus de transformation de la pratique clinique chez les infirmières à la faveur des initiatives d’intégration des soins et services et d’examiner l’impact de ces processus sur le bien-être au travail des infirmières. De façon spécifique, l’étude vise: 1) à décrire les pratiques infirmières dans le contexte d’intégration des soins et services au Québec 2) à analyser la relation entre les processus de changement sous-jacents aux efforts d’intégration et le bien-être au travail des infirmières selon leurs perceptions et 3) à identifier les principaux leviers, sur les plans de la gestion et de la clinique, que peuvent mobiliser les organisations afin de soutenir la pratique infirmière dans un contexte d’intégration des soins. L’étude a été organisée en trois volets correspondant respectivement aux trois objectifs précédemment mentionnés. Le cadre de référence développé et utilisé pour cette étude est le « Modèle infirmier du développement de l’intégration des soins » (MIDIS). Il s’appuie sur les prémisses du modèle de Cazale, Touati et Fleury (2007), qui couvrent les interrelations entre les variables contextuelles (organisationnelles et structurelles), l’adoption et l’institutionnalisation des pratiques intégratives, et les effets qui y sont associés pour les infirmières en termes de bien-être au travail. Pour atteindre les objectifs de l’étude, un devis mixte a été utilisé, incluant : un devis quantitatif descriptif (volet 1), un devis quantitatif corrélationnel (volet 2) et un devis qualitatif d’étude de cas unique avec niveaux d’analyse imbriqués (volet 3). La collecte des données a été menée dans le cadre de quatre trajectoires de soins (TdeS) : Soutien à l’autonomie (SoAu), Palliatifs/oncologiques (PaOn), Santé mentale (SaMe) et Maladie pulmonaire obstructive chronique (Mpoc). L’étude a été effectuée auprès d’infirmières, de professionnels autres, et de gestionnaires. Pour les volets un et deux, 107 questionnaires ont été complétés et 37 entrevues semi-dirigées ont été effectuées pour le volet 3. Les résultats du premier volet ont démontré non seulement d’importantes variations dans le développement de l’intégration entre les TdeS mais également un décalage entre l’évolution de la pratique infirmière et l’introduction des changements visant une plus grande intégration des soins. Deux dimensions seulement de la pratique intégrative sur neuf (Qualité des soins et Équipe interprofessionnelle) prévalent dans l’ensemble des TdeS et seule la TdeS PaOn a atteint une étape plus avancée du processus d’intégration. Les résultats du deuxième volet démontrent que plus l’intégration se situe à un niveau avancé de développement, moins elle est associée à une perception de menace chez les infirmières et plus elle est associée à des réactions positives et un bien-être au travail. Le troisième volet a mis en lumière trois types de leviers qui doivent être mobilisés de manière complémentaire dans le but de favoriser l’intégration : les processus organisationnels, les processus cliniques, les investissements dans des ressources clés et dans le renouvellement de certaines structures organisationnelles. Ces résultats apportent des éclairages quant aux défis posés par les processus d’intégration des soins et montrent l’importance d’une pluralité d’interventions qui doivent être conduites à tous les paliers organisationnels afin de faciliter l’institutionnalisation des pratiques intégratives et obtenir les effets escomptés. / The aim of this study is to understand processes of transformation of clinical practice among nurses in the context of care and service integration initiatives, and to examine the impact of these processes on nurses’ well-being at work. Specifically, the study’s objectives are to: 1) describe nursing practices that underpin efforts to integrate care and services in Quebec; 2) analyze the relationship between the change processes underpinning integration efforts and nurses’ self-perceived well-being at work; and 3) identify the main levers that organizations can use at management and clinical levels to support nursing practices in an care integration context. The study was set up in three parts, corresponding respectively to the three objectives mentioned above. The reference framework developed for this study, is the Modèle infirmier du développement de l’intégration des soins (MIDIS – Development model for integrated care in nursing). It is based on the premises of the model of Cazale, Touati et Fleury, (2007) that cover the interrelationships between contextual variables (organizational and institutional), the adoption and institutionalization of integrative practices, and the associated effects on professionals with respect to well-being in the workplace. To achieve the study’s objectives, a mixed-method design was used, which included: a descriptive quantitative component (Part 1), a correlational quantitative component (Part 2), and a single case qualitative study with nested levels of analysis (Part 3). Data were collected within four care pathways (CPs): autonomy support for the elderly (ASE); palliative oncology services (POS); mental health services (MHS); and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (CPOD). Data were collected from nurses, health professionals, and managers. For Parts 1 and 2, 107 questionnaires completed and 37 semi-structured interviews conducted for Part 3. The results of the first part of the study showed not only significant variations across CPs in the development of integration, but also a gap between the evolution of nursing practice and the introduction of changes aimed at greater integration of care. Only two out of nine dimensions of integrative practice (‘quality of care’ and ‘interprofessional teamwork’) were prevalent across all CPs and only one CP (POS) had reached a more advanced stage in the integration process. The results of the second part of the study showed that, as integration became more highly developed, it was associated less with a perception of threat by nurses and more with positive reactions and well-being at work. The third part of the study identified three types of levers that should be used in a complementary way to speed up the progress of integration: organizational processes; clinical-administrative processes; investment in key resources and in renovation of certain organizational structures. These results shed additional light on the challenges posed by the process of integration of care, and show the importance of leading multiple interventions at all organizational levels to facilitate institutionalization of integrative practices and achieve the intended effects.

Measuring and evaluating quality of care in referral maternities in Mali and Senegal in the context of overlapping interventions

Pirkle, Catherine 09 1900 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous décrivons les résultats d’un projet de recherche visant à mesurer et évaluer la qualité des soins obstétricaux des hôpitaux de référence au Mali et au Sénégal. Dans ces pays, la mortalité maternelle hospitalière est élevée et est liée en partie à la pratique médicale inadéquate. Cette recherche a été réalisée dans le cadre de l’étude QUARITE, un essai randomisé en grappe évaluant l’efficacité du programme GESTA International visant à réduire la mortalité maternelle hospitalière. GESTA a été mis en œuvre entre 2008 et 2010 et consistait en la formation des professionnels de santé et en la revue des cas de décès maternels. En parallèle de QUARITE, les programmes de prévention de la transmission du VIH de la mère à l’enfant (PTME) ont été mis à l’échelle à travers les pays. Ces derniers ayant également la capacité d’augmenter la qualité des soins obstétricaux, nous avons donc évalué les effets des deux programmes (GESTA et PTME) sur la qualité des soins. Dans un premier temps, à l’aide d’une recension des écrits nous avons évalué la capacité d’un audit clinique basé sur des critères à mesurer la qualité des soins obstétricaux. Cet audit vérifiait si l’offre des soins avait respecté les critères cliniques définissant la meilleure prise en charge selon l’évidence scientifique et l’avis des experts. Nous avons démontré que cet outil est largement utilisé dans les pays à faibles et moyens revenus, malgré le peu d’évidence sur sa validité (article 1). Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons développé un audit clinique basé sur des critères qui s’applique au contexte ouest-africain et qui a été approuvé par des experts-obstétriciens nationaux et internationaux. À partir des dossiers obstétricaux, les actes médicaux posés pendant le travail et l’accouchement ont été évalués à l‘aide de cet instrument. La qualité des soins a été estimée sous forme de pourcentage de critères atteints. Appliqué dans différents contextes et par différents auditeurs, nous avons démontré que notre instrument est fiable et valide (article 3). Néanmoins, l’expérience de l’audit nous a amenés à nous questionner sur le mauvais remplissage des dossiers médicaux et ses conséquences sur la qualité des soins (article 2). Dans un troisième temps, l’outil a été appliqué à large échelle pour évaluer les effets de l’intervention GESTA (article 4). Nous avons mené une révision de plus de 800 dossiers obstétricaux dans 32 hôpitaux de référence (16 bénéficiaires de l’intervention et 16 non-bénéficiaires). Grâce à cet audit clinique, nous avons démontré que le programme GESTA contribue à l’amélioration de la qualité des soins, spécifiquement l’examen clinique lors de l’admission et le suivi après l’accouchement. Dernièrement, nous avons utilisé cet instrument afin d’évaluer les effets des programmes de PTME sur la qualité des soins obstétricaux (article 5). Notre travail a documenté que seulement certaines composantes du programme de PTME améliorent la qualité des soins telles que la formation des professionnels et les services complémentaires en nutrition. En conclusion, cette recherche a identifié plusieurs pistes d’intervention pour améliorer la qualité des soins obstétricaux en Afrique de l’Ouest. / In this thesis, we describe the results of a research project that aimed to measure and evaluate quality of care in referral hospitals in Mali and Senegal. In these countries, hospital maternal mortality is high and linked, in part, to inadequate medical practice. This research was conducted as part of the QUARITE cluster randomized trial that assessed whether the program, ALARM International, could reduce facility maternal mortality. ALARM was implemented from 2008 to 2010 and consisted of the training of local health professionals and the use of maternal death reviews. At the same time as QUARITE was ongoing, programs for the prevention of maternal to child transmission of HIV (PMTCT) were scaled- up; these can also improve obstetrical quality of care. Thus, we evaluated the effects of both programs (ALARM and PMTCT) on quality of care. We began with a systematic review of the literature to evaluate the capacity of a criterion-based clinical audit to measure the quality of obstetrical care (article 1). This type of audit verifies if the care provided meets criteria indicative of best clinical practices, according to the literature and expert opinion. Our review demonstrates that this tool has been used in a variety of low- and middle-income settings, but the way it has previously been employed leaves doubts as to its validity (article 1). We thus developed a criterion based clinical audit specific to the West African context and approved by national and international expert obstetricians. Using patient medical records, with this instrument we evaluated obstetrical care provided during labour and delivery. Quality of care was calculated based on the percentage of care criteria met. Applied to different sites and by different auditors, our instrument demonstrated concordant results and provided a valid image of the quality of obstetrical care provided at hospitals in the region (article 3). Nonetheless, the audit experience raised concerns about the implications of poor medical recordkeeping and archiving on quality of care (article 2). We used the criterion-based clinical audit to review over 800 medical records at 32 QUARITE hospitals (16 intervention and 16 control hospitals) in order to evaluate the effects of the ALARM intervention. We demonstrated that the ALARM program contributes to better obstetrical quality of care, especially during the first clinical examination and postpartum monitoring of women treated at intervention hospitals (article 4). Finally, we used this instrument to evaluate the effects of PMTCT programs on obstetrical quality of care (article 5). Our work demonstrated that certain components of a PMTCT program, specifically training of healthcare professionals and supplementary nutritional services, are associated with better obstetrical care. In all, this research identified several mechanisms that can be targeted by quality improvement interventions in West Africa.

Health literacy among newly arrived refugees in Sweden and implications for health and healthcare

Wångdahl, Josefin January 2017 (has links)
The overall aim of this thesis was to examine the distribution of health literacy (HL) levels in newly arrived Arabic-, Dari-, or Somali-speaking refugees in Sweden. Further aims were to investigate sociodemographic characteristics associated with inadequate HL in this group, and to investigate whether HL levels are associated with experiences of the health examination for asylum seekers (HEA), health seeking behaviour and health. Three quantitative cross-sectional studies, using data from two different surveys, were conducted among Arabic-, Dari-, and Somali-speaking, newly arrived refugees taking part in courses in Swedish for immigrants or civic orientation. In addition, an explorative qualitative study, based on focus group discussions, was performed on Arabic- and Somali-speaking newly arrived refugees who had taken part in an HEA. All data were collected 2013-2016. The quantitative data were analysed using different statistical methods, foremost descriptive statistics and univariate and multivariate binary logistic regression analyses. The qualitative data were analysed using Graneheim and Lundman’s method for latent content analysis. The main findings were that the majority of Arabic-, Dari-, or Somali-speaking refugees in Sweden have limited functional health literacy (FHL) and/or limited comprehensive health literacy (CHL). Having a low education level and/or being born in Somalia were associated with having inadequate FHL, but not with having inadequate CHL. Limited FHL was associated with inadequate CHL. Experiences of poor quality of communication and having benefited little from the HEA were more common among those with limited CHL, as compared to those with higher CHL. Experiences of communication problems and a lack of information related to the HEA were found in the qualitative studies as well. In addition, it was more common that those with limited CHL reported poor general health and impaired psychological well-being, and that they had refrained from seeking healthcare. In conclusion: limited HL is common among newly arrived refugees in Sweden and seems to be of importance for the experience of the HEA, health-seeking behaviour and health. HL needs to be taken into consideration in the work with refugees in order to increase equity in healthcare and health.

Core Value Driven Care: Understanding the impact of core values on employee perception of Patient Safety, Employee Safety, and Quality of Care

Milliken, Danielle L. January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Modeling of Healthcare Delivery in Sweden / Modellering av sjukvården i Sverige

Dzubur, Sabina January 2023 (has links)
A large part of Swedish medical care is expected to be provided from the primary health centers. However, these centers are experiencing challenges in terms of shortages of personnel, an increased volume of patients, higher workload, increasing queue lengths, and increasing costs. Addressing these issues at the primary health centers is important for both improving the operation at the local centers and the functionality of the Swedish healthcare system. This thesis aims to explore the primary health center operation, focusing on a typical public primary health center in Stockholm. This is done to find parameters that affect the flow of patients and develop a graphical model that serves as a foundation for further model development, simulations and optimization of good health. To address the complex and dynamic primary health center system, a system dynamics approach is adopted. A literature review was conducted to gain an understanding of the primary health center environment and to identify parameters that impact the primary health centers ability to operate and/or affect the quality of service towards patients. The model development involved constructing cases and extracting parameters that change over time. The parameter relationships were determined through interpretation and are supported by literature. The model was qualitatively validated with the assistance of expert feedback. The presented result is determined to capture the basic operation of the primary health center and the model can be used as a foundation for further simulations. / En stor del av den svenska sjukvården förväntas levereras från vårdcentraler. Vårdcentralerna står dock inför utmaningar när det gäller brist på personal, ökad patientvolym, högre arbetsbelastning, ökade kölängder och ökande kostnader. Att hantera dessa problem på vårdcentralerna är viktigt både för att förbättra den lokala verksamheten och funktionaliteten i svensk hälso- och sjukvård. Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka vårdcentralens verksamhet och fokuserar på en typisk offentlig vårdcentral i Stockholm. Detta görs för att hitta parametrar som påverkar patientflödet, för att utveckla en grafisk modell som utgör en grund för vidare modellutveckling, simuleringar och optimering av god hälsa. För att adressera det komplexa och dynamiska vårdcentral-systemet antas ett system dynamiskt tillvägagångssätt. En litteraturgenomgång genomfördes för att få en förståelse för vårdcentralens miljö och identifiera parametrar som påverkar vårdcentralens förmåga att driva verksamheten och/eller påverkar kvaliteten på vården för patienter. Modellutvecklingen innebar att konstruera fall och extrahera parametrar som förändras över tid. Parametrarnas relationer bestämdes genom tolkning och stöds av litteratur. Modellen genomgick en kvalitativ valideringsprocess baserad på expertutlåtanden. Resultatet, den grafiska modellen, som presenteras anses fånga vårdcentralens grundläggande funktion och kan användas som grund för vidare simuleringar.

Déterminants éducationnels et facteurs favorables à une meilleure adéquation entre formation et compétences attendues des professionnels de la santé dans les organisations de santé en Afrique: étude sur la gestion et le développement des ressources humaines en santé

Parent, Florence 12 June 2006 (has links)
La problématique des ressources humaines est complexe. Elle a donc besoin de cadres conceptuels pour décoder la réalité et cerner les limites de ses actions. La présentation d'un cadre théorique qui questionne les niveaux d'adéquation entre formation et compétences attendues des professionnels de la santé (à la fois dans le champ de la santé et dans celui de l'éducation) est l’aboutissement d'une réflexion sur la formation appréhendée comme voie d’accès à l’innovation, elle-même levier de changement dans la gestion des ressources humaines en santé. La démarche systémique appliquée à cette problématique et dans plusieurs contextes permet une action cohérente aux niveaux national, régional et local, tout en respectant la complexité de l’ensemble ainsi que les contraintes relatives aux mécanismes des marchés internationaux. L'importance du processus et de l'ensemble des acteurs concernés par le changement est analysée, mettant en évidence plus particulièrement la nécessité d’une appropriation, dès le départ, d’un cadre de référence et de sa mise en œuvre par les enseignants et les équipes de directions aux différents niveaux institutionnels. <p>L’adéquation des programmes à leurs contextes d’application et le renforcement des compétences des professionnels sont les questions centrales posées par cette recherche à travers la mise en œuvre de l’approche par compétences et des pédagogies actives. Les finalités sont celles de la mise en évidence des mécanismes, facteurs et visions nécessaires à l'amélioration de la formation des professionnels de santé et la promotion d’un « enseignement – apprentissage » favorable à l'intégration des principes d’actions de promotion et d'éducation à la santé. Ces finalités sont au centre des résultats recherchés dans ces vastes chantiers. Elles réclament un travail de fond sur la question du sens des apprentissages, dont la mise en réseau avec des centres de formation et d'expertise, ainsi que le développement de l'autonomie d'une masse critique de professionnels de santé. Parmi ces derniers, les infirmier(ère)s de première ligne sont responsables dans de nombreux contextes de plus de 80 % de l'offre de services. L'application de cette approche sur plusieurs terrains d'actions viendra renforcer les cadres théoriques et la méthodologie proposés.<p>--------<p>Cette thèse est articulée de manière à présenter des articles sur la formation et la gestion des ressources humaines en santé dans un ensemble cohérent. Certaines redondances dans la présentation des contextes et des méthodes sont de ce fait inévitables. Chacune des parties commence par une introduction et un cadrage qui devraient permettre de se situer quant aux objectifs et aux contenus spécifiques de la partie concernée. Un débat peut ouvrir une partie tout comme une discussion peut la clore. Dans un souci de lisibilité, un lexique propre à cette thèse est donné en annexe, plus particulièrement aux champs de la pédagogie (annexe 1) et de la santé publique (annexe 2). Les mots et concepts qui se trouvent dans ce lexique sont soulignés la première fois qu’ils sont rencontrés dans le texte (à l’exception des articles).<p> / Doctorat en Sciences de la santé publique / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

L'offre des soins médicaux dans l'Union Européenne / Provision of medical care in the European Union

Pham, Ngoc Thanh Tam 17 October 2014 (has links)
Les Etats membres de l’Union européenne sont confrontés à des défis communs de l’offre de soins dont le vieillissement de la population, le déséquilibre entre l’offre et la demande de soins, l’augmentation des coûts des nouvelles technologies médicales. La mobilité des médecins peut être envisagée comme une réponse à ces défis, dans le cadre du droit de libre circulation des travailleurs de l’Union européenne. La thèse étudie la validité de ces réponses à partir d’une typologie des pays qui représente des systèmes de santé idéaux-typiques de l'Union (France, Royaume-Uni, Italie et Roumanie). Si la variable économique (montant de la rémunération) joue un rôle clé dans la migration, elle est ajustée en fonction des caractéristiques de la prestation des soins de santé des modèles d'organisation des systèmes de santé. Prenant acte de la diversité des réponses à ces défis formulées par les pays de l’Union européenne, l’étude propose quelques réflexions à l’amélioration de ces flux migratoires médicaux en s’appuyant sur des éléments clés du droit européen de la santé : droit de liberté de circulation des médecins salariés, de liberté d’établissement et de prestation de services pour les médecins exerçant en libéral, d’équivalence des diplômes et de coordination de différents systèmes de sécurité sociale. / European Union member states have faced growing challenges in health care provision, such as: an aging population, an imbalance between supply and demand for care, and the rising cost of new medical technologies. Physician mobility could be a response to these challenges in the context of the right of free movement of workers within the European Union (EU). This thesis examines the validity of these responses from a typology of countries representing ideal-type health systems in the EU (France, UK, Italy and Romania). If economic variable (amount of compensation) plays a key role in the migration, it is adjusted according to the characteristics of the delivery of health care organizational models of health systems. Noting the diverse response of EU member states to these challenges, the study offers some thoughts on improving the medical migration flows based on the following key elements of European health law: right to freedom of movement of salaried physicians, freedom of establishment and freedom to provide services for physicians in private practice, equivalence of diplomas and coordination of various social security systems.

Parents ressources en néonatologie : évaluations d'expériences locales et perspectives de développement de pratiques partenariales innovantes.

Dahan, Sonia 04 1900 (has links)
No description available.

The management of children's asthma in primary care : Are there ethnic differences in care?

Crengle, Suzanne Marie January 2008 (has links)
Whole document restricted until August 2010, see Access Instructions file below for details of how to access the print copy. / Abstract Background Asthma is a common problem in New Zealand, and is associated with significant morbidity and costs to children, their families, and wider society. Previously published New Zealand literature suggested that Māori and Pacific children were less likely than NZ European children to receive asthma medications and elements of asthma education, had poorer knowledge of asthma, and experienced greater morbidity and hospitalisations. However, none of the previous literature had been specifically designed to assess the nature of asthma care in the community, or to specifically answer whether there were ethnic disparities in care. A systematic review of studies published in the international literature that compared asthma management among different ethnic groups drawn from community-based samples was undertaken. The results of this review suggested that minority ethnic group children were less likely to receive elements of asthma medication use, asthma education and self-management (action) plans. Objectives The primary objectives of the study were to: • describe the use of medications, medication delivery systems, asthma education, and self-management plans in primary care for Māori, Pacific, and Other ethnic group children • ascertain whether there were any ethnic disparities in the use of medications, medication delivery systems, asthma education, and self-management plans in primary care after controlling for differences in socio-economic position and other potential confounders. Secondary objectives were to: • describe the asthma-related utilisation of GP, after hours medical care, emergency departments, and hospital admissions among Māori, Pacific, and Other ethnic group children with asthma • ascertain whether differences in medication use, the provision of asthma education, and the provision of self-management plans explained ethnic differences in health service utilisation. Methods A cross-sectional survey was conducted in Auckland, New Zealand. The caregivers of 647 children who were aged 2–14 years, had a diagnosis of asthma or experienced ‘wheeze or whistling in the chest’, and had experienced symptoms in the previous 12 months were identified using random residential address start points and door knocking. Ethnically stratified sampling ratios were used to ensure that approximately equal numbers of children of Māori, Pacific and Other ethnicity were enrolled into the study. A face-to-face interview was conducted with the caregivers of these children. Data was collected about: socio-demographic factors; asthma morbidity; asthma medications and delivery devices; exposure to, and experiences of, asthma education and asthma action plans; and asthma-related health services utilisation. Results In this study, the caregivers of 647 eligible children were invited to participate and 583 completed the interview, giving an overall completion rate of 90.1%. There were no ethnic differences in completion rates. The overall use of inhaled corticosteroid medications had increased since previous New Zealand research was published. Multivariable modelling that adjusted for potential confounders did not identify ethnic differences in the use of inhaled corticosteroids or oral steroids. Some findings about medication delivery mechanisms indicated that care was not consistent with guidelines. About 15% of participants reported they had not received asthma education from a primary care health professional. After adjusting for potential confounders there were no ethnic differences in the likelihood of having received asthma education from a health professional. Among those participants who had received education from a primary care health professional, significantly fewer Māori and Pacific caregivers reported receiving education about asthma triggers, pathophysiology and action plans. Lower proportions of Pacific (77.7%; 95% confidence interval (95%CI) 70.3, 85.1) and Māori (79.8%; 95% CI 73.6, 85.9) caregivers were given information about asthma triggers compared to Other caregivers (89.2%; 95% CI 84.9, 93.6; p=0.01). Fewer Māori (63.6%; 95% CI 55.7, 71.4) and Pacific (68.1%; 95% CI 60.1, 76.1) caregivers reported receiving information about pathophysiology (Other 75.9%; 95% CI 69.5, 82.3; p=0.05). Information about asthma action plans had been given to 22.7% (95% CI 15.5, 29.9) of Pacific and 32.9% (95% CI 25.3, 40.6) of Māori compared to Other participants (36.5%; 95% CI 28.6, 44.3; p=0.04). In addition, fewer Māori (64.2%; 95% CI 56.1, 72.3) and Pacific (68.5%; 95% CI 60.1, 77.0) reported that the information they received was clear and easy to understand (Other 77.9%; 95% CI 71.8, 84.1; p=0.03). About half of those who had received education from a health professional reported receiving further education and, after adjustment for potential confounders, Pacific caregivers were less likely to have been given further education (odds ratio 0.57; 95% confidence interval 0.33, 0.96). A minority of participants (35.3%) had heard about action plans and, after adjustment for potential confounders, Pacific caregivers were less likely to have heard about these plans (odds ratio 0.54; 95% confidence interval 0.33, 0.96). About 10% of the sample was considered to have a current action plan. The mean number of visits to a GP for acute and routine asthma care (excluding after-hours doctors and medical services) in the previous twelve months were significantly higher for Pacific (3.89; CI 3.28, 4.60) and Māori (3.56; CI 3.03, 4.16) children than Other ethnic group children (2.47; CI 2.11, 2.85; p<0.0001). Multivariable modelling of health service utilization outcomes (‘number of GP visits for acute and routine asthma care in the previous twelve months’, ‘high use of hospital emergency departments’, and ‘hospital admissions’) showed that adjustment for potential confounding and asthma management variables reduced, but did not fully explain, ethnic differences in these outcomes. Māori children experienced 22% more GP visits and Pacific children 28% more visits than Other children (p=0.05). Other variables that were significantly associated with a higher number of GP visits were: regular source of care they always used (regression coefficient (RC) 0.24; p<0.01); lower household income (RC 0.31; p=0.004) and having a current action plan (RC 0.38; p=0.006). Increasing age (RC -0.04; p=0.003), a lay source of asthma education (RC -0.41; p=0.001), and higher scores on asthma management scenario (RC -0.03; p=0.05) were all associated with a lower number of GP visits. Pacific (odds ratio (OR) 6.93; 95% CI 2.40, 19.98) and Māori (OR 2.60; 95% CI 0.87, 8.32) children were more likely to have used an emergency department for asthma care in the previous twelve months (p=0.0007). Other variables that had a significant effect on the use of EDs in the multivariable model were: not speaking English in the home (OR 3.72; 95% CI 1.52, 9.09; p=0.004), male sex (OR 2.43; 95% CI 1.15, 5.15; p=0.02), and having a current action plan (OR 7.85; 95% CI 3.49, 17.66; p<0.0001). Increasing age was associated with a reduced likelihood of using EDs (OR 0.90; 95% CI 0.81, 1.00; p=0.05). Hospitalisations were more likely in the Pacific (OR 8.94; 95% CI 2.25, 35.62) and Māori (OR 5.40; 95% CI 1.28, 23.06) ethnic groups (p=0.007). Four other variables had a significant effect on hospital admissions in the multivariable model. Participants who had a low income (OR 3.70; 95% CI 1.49, 9.18; p=0.005), and those who had a current action plan (OR 8.39; 95% CI 3.85, 18.30; p<0.0001) were more likely to have been admitted to hospital in the previous 12 months. Increasing age (OR 0.88; 95% CI 0.80, 0.98; p=0.02) and parental history of asthma (OR 0.39; 95% CI 0.18, 0.85; p=0.02) were associated with reduced likelihood of admission. Conclusions The study is a robust example of cross-sectional design and has high internal validity. The study population is representative of the population of children with asthma in the community. The three ethnic groups are also considered to be representative of those ethnic groups in the community. The study, therefore, has good representativeness and the findings of the study can be generalised to the wider population of children with asthma in the Auckland region. The results suggested that some aspects of pharmacological management were more consistent with guideline recommendations than in the past. However, given the higher burden of disease experienced by Māori and Pacific children, the lack of observed ethnic differences in the use of preventative medications may reflect under treatment relative to need. There are important ethnic differences in the provision of asthma education and action plans. Future approaches to improving care should focus on interventions to assist health professionals to implement guideline recommendations and to monitor ethnic disparities in their practice. Asthma education that is comprehensive, structured and delivered in ways that are effective for the people concerned is needed.

The management of children's asthma in primary care : Are there ethnic differences in care?

Crengle, Suzanne Marie January 2008 (has links)
Background Asthma is a common problem in New Zealand, and is associated with significant morbidity and costs to children, their families, and wider society. Previously published New Zealand literature suggested that M��ori and Pacific children were less likely than NZ European children to receive asthma medications and elements of asthma education, had poorer knowledge of asthma, and experienced greater morbidity and hospitalisations. However, none of the previous literature had been specifically designed to assess the nature of asthma care in the community, or to specifically answer whether there were ethnic disparities in care. A systematic review of studies published in the international literature that compared asthma management among different ethnic groups drawn from community-based samples was undertaken. The results of this review suggested that minority ethnic group children were less likely to receive elements of asthma medication use, asthma education and self-management (action) plans. Objectives The primary objectives of the study were to: ��� describe the use of medications, medication delivery systems, asthma education, and self-management plans in primary care for M��ori, Pacific, and Other ethnic group children ��� ascertain whether there were any ethnic disparities in the use of medications, medication delivery systems, asthma education, and self-management plans in primary care after controlling for differences in socio-economic position and other potential confounders. Secondary objectives were to: ��� describe the asthma-related utilisation of GP, after hours medical care, emergency departments, and hospital admissions among M��ori, Pacific, and Other ethnic group children with asthma ��� ascertain whether differences in medication use, the provision of asthma education, and the provision of self-management plans explained ethnic differences in health service utilisation. Methods A cross-sectional survey was conducted in Auckland, New Zealand. The caregivers of 647 children who were aged 2���14 years, had a diagnosis of asthma or experienced ���wheeze or whistling in the chest���, and had experienced symptoms in the previous 12 months were identified using random residential address start points and door knocking. Ethnically stratified sampling ratios were used to ensure that approximately equal numbers of children of M��ori, Pacific and Other ethnicity were enrolled into the study. A face-to-face interview was conducted with the caregivers of these children. Data was collected about: socio-demographic factors; asthma morbidity; asthma medications and delivery devices; exposure to, and experiences of, asthma education and asthma action plans; and asthma-related health services utilisation. Results In this study, the caregivers of 647 eligible children were invited to participate and 583 completed the interview, giving an overall completion rate of 90.1%. There were no ethnic differences in completion rates. The overall use of inhaled corticosteroid medications had increased since previous New Zealand research was published. Multivariable modelling that adjusted for potential confounders did not identify ethnic differences in the use of inhaled corticosteroids or oral steroids. Some findings about medication delivery mechanisms indicated that care was not consistent with guidelines. About 15% of participants reported they had not received asthma education from a primary care health professional. After adjusting for potential confounders there were no ethnic differences in the likelihood of having received asthma education from a health professional. Among those participants who had received education from a primary care health professional, significantly fewer M��ori and Pacific caregivers reported receiving education about asthma triggers, pathophysiology and action plans. Lower proportions of Pacific (77.7%; 95% confidence interval (95%CI) 70.3, 85.1) and M��ori (79.8%; 95% CI 73.6, 85.9) caregivers were given information about asthma triggers compared to Other caregivers (89.2%; 95% CI 84.9, 93.6; p=0.01). Fewer M��ori (63.6%; 95% CI 55.7, 71.4) and Pacific (68.1%; 95% CI 60.1, 76.1) caregivers reported receiving information about pathophysiology (Other 75.9%; 95% CI 69.5, 82.3; p=0.05). Information about asthma action plans had been given to 22.7% (95% CI 15.5, 29.9) of Pacific and 32.9% (95% CI 25.3, 40.6) of M��ori compared to Other participants (36.5%; 95% CI 28.6, 44.3; p=0.04). In addition, fewer M��ori (64.2%; 95% CI 56.1, 72.3) and Pacific (68.5%; 95% CI 60.1, 77.0) reported that the information they received was clear and easy to understand (Other 77.9%; 95% CI 71.8, 84.1; p=0.03). About half of those who had received education from a health professional reported receiving further education and, after adjustment for potential confounders, Pacific caregivers were less likely to have been given further education (odds ratio 0.57; 95% confidence interval 0.33, 0.96). A minority of participants (35.3%) had heard about action plans and, after adjustment for potential confounders, Pacific caregivers were less likely to have heard about these plans (odds ratio 0.54; 95% confidence interval 0.33, 0.96). About 10% of the sample was considered to have a current action plan. The mean number of visits to a GP for acute and routine asthma care (excluding after-hours doctors and medical services) in the previous twelve months were significantly higher for Pacific (3.89; CI 3.28, 4.60) and M��ori (3.56; CI 3.03, 4.16) children than Other ethnic group children (2.47; CI 2.11, 2.85; p<0.0001). Multivariable modelling of health service utilization outcomes (���number of GP visits for acute and routine asthma care in the previous twelve months���, ���high use of hospital emergency departments���, and ���hospital admissions���) showed that adjustment for potential confounding and asthma management variables reduced, but did not fully explain, ethnic differences in these outcomes. M��ori children experienced 22% more GP visits and Pacific children 28% more visits than Other children (p=0.05). Other variables that were significantly associated with a higher number of GP visits were: regular source of care they always used (regression coefficient (RC) 0.24; p<0.01); lower household income (RC 0.31; p=0.004) and having a current action plan (RC 0.38; p=0.006). Increasing age (RC -0.04; p=0.003), a lay source of asthma education (RC -0.41; p=0.001), and higher scores on asthma management scenario (RC -0.03; p=0.05) were all associated with a lower number of GP visits. Pacific (odds ratio (OR) 6.93; 95% CI 2.40, 19.98) and M��ori (OR 2.60; 95% CI 0.87, 8.32) children were more likely to have used an emergency department for asthma care in the previous twelve months (p=0.0007). Other variables that had a significant effect on the use of EDs in the multivariable model were: not speaking English in the home (OR 3.72; 95% CI 1.52, 9.09; p=0.004), male sex (OR 2.43; 95% CI 1.15, 5.15; p=0.02), and having a current action plan (OR 7.85; 95% CI 3.49, 17.66; p<0.0001). Increasing age was associated with a reduced likelihood of using EDs (OR 0.90; 95% CI 0.81, 1.00; p=0.05). Hospitalisations were more likely in the Pacific (OR 8.94; 95% CI 2.25, 35.62) and M��ori (OR 5.40; 95% CI 1.28, 23.06) ethnic groups (p=0.007). Four other variables had a significant effect on hospital admissions in the multivariable model. Participants who had a low income (OR 3.70; 95% CI 1.49, 9.18; p=0.005), and those who had a current action plan (OR 8.39; 95% CI 3.85, 18.30; p<0.0001) were more likely to have been admitted to hospital in the previous 12 months. Increasing age (OR 0.88; 95% CI 0.80, 0.98; p=0.02) and parental history of asthma (OR 0.39; 95% CI 0.18, 0.85; p=0.02) were associated with reduced likelihood of admission. Conclusions The study is a robust example of cross-sectional design and has high internal validity. The study population is representative of the population of children with asthma in the community. The three ethnic groups are also considered to be representative of those ethnic groups in the community. The study, therefore, has good representativeness and the findings of the study can be generalised to the wider population of children with asthma in the Auckland region. The results suggested that some aspects of pharmacological management were more consistent with guideline recommendations than in the past. However, given the higher burden of disease experienced by M��ori and Pacific children, the lack of observed ethnic differences in the use of preventative medications may reflect under treatment relative to need. There are important ethnic differences in the provision of asthma education and action plans. Future approaches to improving care should focus on interventions to assist health professionals to implement guideline recommendations and to monitor ethnic disparities in their practice. Asthma education that is comprehensive, structured and delivered in ways that are effective for the people concerned is needed.

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