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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bedryfsielkundige ondersoek na die verband tussen gehalte van werklewe en persoonlikheid by 'n groep alkoholiste

Swanepoel, André Johan 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / The research question in this study involves the subjective experiences of quality of worklife (QWL) by alcoholics and non-alcoholics, in order to form an idea about the differences in such experiences, between the two groups. Personality is related throughout to QWL and alcoholism. A sample consisting of 60 alcoholics and 58 non alcoholics was used. Personality measurements were done by using Cattell's Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16-PF) whilst experienced QWL was measured with the self developed QWL-questionnaire. In order to test the hypotheses for this study, the data has been processed by using Pearson's Product-moment coefficient of correlation and t-tests. The results from the study indicate a significant relationship between personality and certain exclusive QWLdimensions for alcoholics. There is however, no significant difference in the subjective experiences of global QWL between alcoholics and non-alcoholics. Several personality factors have been identified as being related to alcoholism. / Die navorsingsvraagstuk in hierdie studie betrek die subj ektiewe ervaring van gehalte van werklewe (GWL) deur alkoholiste en niealkoholiste, ten einde 'n begrip te vorm van die verskil in sodanige ervaring, tussen die twee groepe. Persoonlikheid word deurgaans in verband gebring met GWL en alkoholisme. 'n Steekproef bestaande uit 60 alkoholiste en 58 nie-alkoholiste is gebruik. Persoonlikheidsmetings is met die 16-Persoonlikheidsfaktorvraelys van Cattell gedoen terwyl ervaarde GWL met die selfontwerpte GWL-vraelys gemeet is. Ten einde hierdie studie se hipoteses te toets, is die data verwerk deur van Pearson se produkmomentkorrelasiekoeffisient en t-toetse gebruik te maak. Die studie se resultate dui op 'n beduidende verband tussen persoonlikheid en sekere eksklusiewe GWL-dimensies by alkoholiste. Daar bestaan egter geen beduidende verskil in die subjektiewe ervaring van globale GWL tussen alkoholiste en nie-alkoholiste nie. Daar is etlike persoonlikheidsfaktore geidentifiseer wat met alkoholisme verband hou. / Industrial and Organizational Psychology / M.Com. (Industrial Psychology)

'n Perspektief op die gehalte van die werkslewe van geregistreerde verpleegkundiges in diens van plaaslike besture

Jacobs, Itricia Petronella 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / 'n Opname is onder geregistreerde verpleegkundiges in diens van plaaslike besture onderneem met die doel om 'n perspektief op die gehalte van hul werkslewe te verkry, faktore te identifiseer wat hulle motiveer om 'n loopbaan in plaaslike besture te kies en die faktore te identifiseer wat werkstevredenheid positief /negatief be"lnvloed. Ontleding van die data het aangedui dat negatiewe faktore in die werkslewe soos onder andere die gebrek aan deelname in besluitneming en beperkte loopbaangeleenthede werksontevredenheid tot gevolg kan he. Positiewe faktore soos die geleentheid om gereelde diensure te werk en die status wat geregistreerde verpleegkundiges in die gemeenskap geniet, bevorder werkstevredenheid. Dit is hoofsaaklik hul belangstelling in primere gesondheidsorg en die geleentheid om gereelde diensure te werk wat geregistreerde verpleegkundiges motiveer om 'n loopbaan in plaaslike besture te kies. Aanbevelings om die kwaliteit van die werkslewe van geregistreerde verpleegkundiges te verbeter en werkstevredenheid te bevorder, is geformuleer. / A survey was undertaken among registered nurses in the service of local authorities to obtain a perspective on the quality of their worklife, to identify factors that influence registered nurses in local authorities and to identify those factors that influence the quality of the worklife and job satisfaction positively /negatively. Analysis of the data indicated that negative factors in the worklife such as limited participation in decision-making and limited career opportunities could lead to dissatisfaction in the work situation. Positive factors such as the ability to work regular hours and the status of registered nurses in the community promote job satisfaction. It is mainly their interest in primary health care and the opportunity to work regular hours of duty, that motivate registered nurses to choose a career in local authorities. Recommendations to improve the quality of the worklife of registered nurses and to promote job satisfaction were formulated. / Nursing Science / M.A. (Verpleegkunde)

The relationship between quality of work life factors and organizational commitment within the pulp and paper industry in the Durban Metropolitan Area

Ngcobo, Nathi Cedrick 05 June 2013 (has links)
Submitted in the fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Technology: Management, Durban University of Technology, 2012. / It has become imperative for organisations to create family-friendly work-environments, where employees can effectively balance work and family life, in order to ensure employee satisfaction and increased productivity. A critical review of the quality of work life factors and organizational commitment literature was therefore conducted, in order to ascertain their psychometric applicability to knowledge workers within the Pulp and Paper industry in the greater eThekwini Metropolitan Area. A total of 450 questionnaires were distributed to employees in the pulp and paper industry within the eThekwini metropolitan area. The employees were randomly selected, while the organisations were stratified selected. A questionnaire was used to measure the different dimensions of quality of work life factors as well as the different dimensions of organisational commitment. The gathered data was processed through an SPSS program. A number of statistical tests were then performed on the collected data, where biographical variables were compared with the independent variables. The questionnaire was considered moderately reliable because the overall coefficient alpha was 0.525. The Pearson’s value indicated that there was a positive relationship at 0.01 level of significance between the majority of the quality of work factors (organizational climate, task characteristics, job satisfaction, role behaviour, utilization and future orientation) and the organisational commitment. No relationship was found between remuneration and organizational commitment. There was no significant difference in organizational commitment across the biographical variables of marital status, age, length of service and span of control. There was, however, a significant difference in organizational commitment across different levels of education. The Analysis of variance indicated that there was no significant difference in organizational commitment across marital status group. There was however a significant difference in organizational commitment across length of service. There was a significant difference I organizational commitment across supervisory span of control. The results from the hierarchical multiple regression indicated that with the exception of age, education and experience, all other demographics variables do not have an impact on affective commitment. The results also indicated that age, education and experience had an impact on continuance commitment. Similarly, age and education contribute significantly to normative commitment. The structural equation model comparative technique was performed to all constructed models and indicated that all models had a good fit in relation to the data based on the GFI. The best-fitting model for consequences demonstrated that organisational citizenship behaviour and procedural justice were important variables. Apart from that, affective, continuance and normative commitment were also found to be part of the model.

An empirical investigation into the impact of work-life balance practices on employees and employers

Annandale, Melanie 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The old belief that work and life are two separate, conflicting issues no longer holds true for companies that wish to establish a sustainable competitive advantage. Because of the transformation of global markets and the changing demographics of the workforce, the benefits of work-life balance for employees and employers can no longer be ignored. The purpose of this research was to ascertain whether the use of work-life balance enhancing practices leads to increased organisational benefits and improved employee morale. The study identified numerous benefits of efficient work-life balance practices for employees as well as employers and established that the existence of work-life balance practices enhances organisational benefits and employee morale. The research question was addressed through the use of a self-developed structured questionnaire consisting of a list of written questions. The survey was carried out using an online questionnaire and targeted professionals in permanent paid employment in South Africa. In answer to the research objectives, the outcomes of the survey suggest that work-life balance is decreased as a result of an increase in work-life conflict. Work-life conflict may be aggravated by an increase in stress levels, work commitments impacting negatively on time available for leisure activities or family responsibilities, and an increase in the number of hours worked. The existing corporate culture and related negative perceptions surrounding employees making use of work-life balance initiatives, may further add to the conflict between work and life. The results of the survey indicated that not having effective work-life balance practices in a company may negatively impact on organisational aspects such as reduced job satisfaction, poor retention; increased absenteeism and more negative spill-over from life to work. The absence of work-life balance practices may affect employee morale adversely as a result of a decrease in well-being due to a lack of balance; poor health due to stress and feeling over-worked; an increase in work-life conflict; more negative spill-over from work to life; and an increase in work-life conflict due to an increase in working hours. Based on survey results, improved productivity, better recruitment and enhanced career commitment were not directly affected as a result of a lack of work-life balance practices. To realise the full benefits that effective work-life balance practices have to offer requires a paradigm shift away from a focus on policy to a process approach which involves examining the nature of paid work as well as the underlying assumptions in an effort to uncover innovative ways of altering these to benefit organisations, employees and societies more holistically. It is hoped that this research will help encourage the debate of exploring a social sustainability methodology that questions some of the existing assumptions of competitive capitalism which value economic growth for its own sake regardless of related social issues. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die historiese oortuiging dat werk en lewe „n aparte, teenstrydige vraagstuk is, is nie langer geldig vir maatskappye wat hoop om „n volhoubare kompeterende voordeel daar te stel nie. Die voordele wat werk-lewe balans vir werknemers sowel as werkgewers inhou, kan nie langer geïgnoreer word te midde van die veranderende wêreldwye marklandskap asook veranderinge in die demografie van die werksmag nie. Die doel van hierdie navorsing is om vas te stel of die gebruikmaking van effektiewe werk-lewe balanspraktyke tot verhoogde organisatoriese voordele en verbeterde werknemermoraal lei. Die studie het verskeie voordele van effektiewe werk-lewe balanspraktyke vir werknemes en werkgewers geidentifiseer. Dit het ook vasgestel dat die bestaan van praktyke wat werk-lewe balans aanmoedig, voordele inhou vir die organisasie sowel as werknemermoraal. Die navorsingsvraag is aangespreek deur „n selfontwikkelde gestruktureerde vraelys wat bestaan uit „n lys van skriftelike vrae. Die opname is uitgevoer met behulp van 'n aanlynvraelys en het professionele mense in permanent betaalde werk in Suid-Afrika geteiken. Na aanleiding van die navorsingsdoelwitte, het die uitkomste van die opname daarop gedui dat werk-lewe balans afneem as gevolg van „n toename in die werk-lewe konflik. Werk-lewe konflik word vererger deur „n toename in stresvlakke, werksverpligtinge wat „n negatiewe impak het op tyd beskikbaar vir ontspanning of gesinsverantwoordelikhede, en „n toename in die aantal ure gewerk. Die bestaande korporatiewe kultuur en verwante negatiewe persepsies rondom werknemers wat gebruik maak van werk-lewe balans inisiatiewe, kan verder bydra tot die konflik tussen werk en lewe. Die resultate van die opname het aangedui dat die afwesigheid van effektiewe werk-lewe balanspraktyke in „n maatskappy mag „n negatiewe impak hê op organisatoriese aspekte soos verlaagde werksbevrediging, swak retensie, verhoogde afwesigheid en meer negatiewe oorloopgevolge tussen lewe en werk. Die afwesigheid van werk-lewe balans praktyke kan werknemermoraal nadelig beïnvloed as gevolg van „n afname in welstand weens „n gebrek aan balans; swak gesondheid as gevolg van stres en „n gevoel van oorwerk; „n toename in werk-lewe konflik; meer negatief oorloopsgevolge tussen werk en lewe; en „n toename in die werk-lewe konflik as gevolg van „n toename in werksure. Gebaseer op die resultate van die studie, was verbeterde produktiwiteit, beter werwing en verbeterde loopbaan toewyding nie direk beïnvloed deur „n gebrek aan werk-lewe balans praktyke nie. Om die volle voordele van effektiewe werk-lewe balanspraktyke te realiseer, verg „n paradigmaskuif weg van „n fokus op beleid na „n benadering wat die aard van betaalde werk ondersoek, sowel as die onderliggende aannames, in „n poging om innoverende maniere van die verandering hiervan te ontbloot tot voordeel van organisasies, werknemers en gemeenskappe. Daar word gehoop dat hierdie navorsing sal help om die debat aan te moedig wat die moontlikheid van „n sosiale volhoubaarheid metodologie wat sommige van die bestaande aannames van mededingende kapitalisme, wat ekonomiese groei bo alles nastreef, ongeag verwante sosiale kwessies sal ondersoek. Stellenbosch University http://scholar.sun.ac.za

Flourishing at work : exploring the link between subjective well-being and productivity

Smit, Eldry 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Flourishing employees are happier, more creative, better at problem solving, take less sick days and stay at companies for longer. Considering all the successful business outcomes if employees are flourishing, management should actively measure and promote subjective well-being. This research explored the concept of happiness and the features of subjective well-being. It further measured the levels of subjective well-being and compared this with staff turnover and sick leave at a law firm in Johannesburg. The research found a strong link between high levels of well-being, considered as flourishing, and productivity. The results also revealed a strong inverse relationship between flourishing and loneliness, validating the adage that we are social creatures. Lastly, the research found that healthy employees consider themselves happier than unhealthy employees do.

Miško rodiklių sąsajos su gyvenimo kokybe / Forest Indicators Connection with Quality of the Life

Gabrilevskaja-Bernat, Ana 16 June 2014 (has links)
Baigiamajame darbe tiriami ryšiai tarp miškingumo, miškų pasiekiamumo, rekreacinės paskirties (2B) grupės miškų ir gyvenimo kokybės parametrų. Darbo objektas – Lietuvos savivaldybių (išskyrus Neringos miesto savivaldybę) rodikliai. Darbo tikslas – nustatyti miško rodiklių ir gyvenimo kokybės sąsajas Lietuvos savivaldybių lygmenyje. Darbo metodai – darbe vertinti Lietuvos savivaldybių miškų, gyvenimo kokybės (oro kokybės, sveikatingumo, gimstamumo, nusikalstamumo), kiti, galimai sąlygojantys gyvenimo kokybę, rodikliai. Tyrimui naudoti 2008-2013 m. Lietuvos statistikos departamento, Valstybinės miškų tarnybos, Higienos instituto sveikatos informacijos centro duomenys. Atskirai analizuojami ir palyginami Lietuvos miestų ir rajonų savivaldybių rodikliai. Miškų pasiekiamumo rodiklis savivaldybėms nustatytas taikant GIS technologijas, duomenų apdorojimui ir atvaizdavimui naudota Microsoft Excel programa, STATISTICA programinis paketas, daugiamatės statistikos metodas – RDA (ReDundancy analysis). Darbo rezultatai. Miškingumas turi sąsajų su sveikatingumu ir oro kokybę miestų savivaldybėse. Nustatytas ryšys tarp miškingumo ir taršos anglies monoksidu patvirtina, kad miškingumas teigiamai veikia urbanizuotos teritorijos orą, kartu ir gyventojų sveikatą. Labiau miškingose miestų savivaldybėse gyventojai mažiau lankosi medicinos įstaigose, rečiau pasitaiko insultų atvejai. Miškų pasiekiamumas labiau sąlygoja gyvenimo kokybę miestų savivaldybėse, nei miškingumas. Nustatytas stiprus... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Thesis investigated connections between the parameters of the forest cover, forests accessibility, recreational (2B) group forests and quality of the life. Subject of the research – Lithuanian municipalities (except the town of Neringa municipality) indicators. Aim of the research – to identify the connection between forests’ characteristics and quality of the life on the level of Lithuanian municipalities. Methodology – in the work forests of Lithuanian municipalities, quality of the life (air quality, wellness, birthrate, criminality), other potentially influencing the quality of the life indicators were assessed. For the study data from Statistics Lithuania, National Forest Service, Hygiene Institute Health Information Centre form 2008-2013 year period were used. Separately Lithuanian cities and districts indicators were analyzed and compared. Forest accessibility index for municipalities was determined using GIS technology, data processing and visualization was done using Microsoft Excel programme, STATISTICA software package and multivariate statistical method - RDA (ReDundancy analysis). Results. Forest cover has connections with wellness and air quality in cities’ municipalities. Determined link between the forest cover and carbon monoxide emissions confirms that forest cover has the positive effect on the air of urban areas, herewith on the inhabitant's health. In more forested urban municipalities inhabitants less visit clinics, less were paralytic stroke. Forests... [to full text]

An Examination of Quality of Work Life And Quality of Care Within a Health Care Setting

Fortune, Darla January 2006 (has links)
Unsatisfactory working conditions and job stress may be indicative of working in a society where work-life balance is a desired, but often elusive, goal (Duxbury & Higgins, 2001; Smola & Sutton, 2002; Sturges & Guest, 2004). Working conditions in the healthcare sector are reported to be particularly problematic and stress inducing compared to other work sectors (Yassi, Ostry, Spiegel, Walsh, & de Boer, 2002). In fact, quality of work life (QOWL) among healthcare workers is believed to have deteriorated to the point where it is impeding the capacity of the system to recruit and retain staff needed to provide effective patient care (Koehoorn, Lowe, Rondeau, Schellenberg, & Wager, 2002). The purpose of the study was to examine the experiences of healthcare staff who participate in QOWL initiatives aimed to provide employees with creative, educational, and fun activities designed to address feelings of stress. This study included thirteen staff members from disciplines that comprise the Health Care Team at a facility specializing in aging and veteran's care. Data were collected through conversational interviews with staff from each of the following disciplines: nursing, recreation therapy, physiotherapy, creative arts, clinical nutrition, social work, audiology, occupational therapy, and pastoral care. The data were deconstructed into common themes through an open-ended process, which lead to the identification of common experiences across the data provided by the staff. Upon further comparison of the themes, it was identified that work demands were believed to detract from care provision and strained manager relations were believed to minimize quality of care. However, a strong professional identity was evident as staff described being able to rise above adversity and use their skills and competencies to provide quality care to residents. The data also suggested QOWL initiatives seem to be valuable because they provide opportunities for staff to interact socially. This interaction helps foster and strengthen connections amongst staff, which they feel transfers to the work place through improved working relationships. Participants described feelings of personal gratification that can be derived from team cohesiveness. They also acknowledged the carry over value that team work brings to residents by way of improved care provision. Furthermore, the relationships that staff members develop with one another were viewed as sources of strength, particularly in times of increased stress. In addition to the social element associated with the QOWL initiatives, these initiatives also seem to address a need for restoration, humour, and balance within the work day. Without planned opportunities for rejuvenation and humour appreciation, participants admitted that they would seldom take the time to incorporate these into their work day. Therefore, QOWL initiatives can provide staff with a reason to take a break and find their balance. The findings indicate the factors affecting QOWL are varied and complex. The findings also indicate that there can be a paradoxical nature to work within a health care setting. Paradoxes exist in relation to the provision of professional care and the provision of minimized care. Paradoxes also exist in relation to the expressed need for restoration, humour, and balance and the low priority staff will place on taking time to fulfill these needs.

Evaluation of a novel approach to measuring well-being in the workplace

Juniper, Bridget January 2010 (has links)
The well-being of employees is an important issue. Researchers, policy makers and organisations are directing more resource into this field as the link between the health of people and their performance in the workplace becomes increasingly understood. This research programme examines how employee well-being can be measured. Having the right tools to successfully appraise well-being at the outset is judged to be imperative where any research or organisational programme to bring about change is under consideration. A review of existing methods indicates that the current provision of scales to assess the well-being of workers is limited and the construction techniques used in their development may be improved upon. At the core of this study is the testing of a new measurement framework which seeks to address these deficiencies. This innovative approach is taken from one established practice used to assess the well-being of patients using health related quality of life instruments. Three organisations participated in the study; a call centre operation, a police force and a county-based library service. Using qualitative and quantitative methodologies, three pilot questionnaires were constructed using Impact Analysis; an established procedure deployed in health related quality of life settings. Basic findings from each case study were analysed against conventional construction methods and against existing employee well-being scales. Results were also examined in respect of how they compared with the wider literature on employee well-being. ii The Impact Analysis method was critically appraised. Although weaknesses in respect of some of the qualitative phases of analyes were noted, the overall notion of transferring the practice of Impact Analysis to an occupational setting was assessed as cautiously encouraging. While this scale construction method lacks the statistical elegance of factor analytical methods, provisional indications suggest potential benefits in content validity over extant occupational scales where the assessment of a study population’s own experiences are critical to any well-being evaluation strategy. Based on the findings, a new operational definition for employee well-being is posited. A new, working model is also proposed. This emphasises for the first time, the need for specificity when researchers and organisations are seeking to evaluate a multi-dimensional, subjective construct that is employee well-being. Limitations regarding the study are noted. This means that the findings should be treated as tentative rather than conclusive. Nevertheless, it is hoped that this study will inject new thinking on how employee well-being may be evaluated using an alternative approach. By doing so, it is ventured that research communities and employers alike may take up the methods described in this study to conduct assessment programmes that could benefit not just the study teams or the employers, but importantly, the workers themselves.

The effect of job satisfaction on employee wellbeing among administrative staff at the Durban University of Technology

Chetty, Fiona January 2016 (has links)
Submitted in fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Master of Technology: Commercial Administration, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2012. / Stress management is becoming more and more important as workloads increase. The World Health Organization (WHO, 2005:1-22) estimates that there will be a gradual rise in the number of people experiencing mental health difficulties in the workplace by the year 2020. Current trends indicate an emphasis on the employer's responsibility to provide services that meet their employees' mental health (WHO, 2005:1-22). International organizations such as the European Union and the World Health Organizations have thus been making recommendations about the measures that employers need to take to tackle workplace stress and promote employee wellbeing. Research indicates that employee wellbeing is determined both by an individual's personality and the context of the work situation. Employers can have a huge impact on employee wellbeing, by creating appropriate work demands, support and levels of control, effective communication and engagement, supportive leadership and management and by promoting activities that improve health and wellbeing. This research attempted to better understand the happy/productive worker thesis. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of job satisfaction on the wellbeing of administrative staff at the Durban University of Technology (OUT). A mixed methods approach was used to collect data in the form of questionnaires and semi-structured interviews from administrative staff on the six campuses of DUT. Analysis of results indicated that: job satisfaction significantly impacts on the wellbeing of employees; staff were unhappy with their work conditions and this subsequently led to physiological symptoms of stress and which in turn negatively impacted on the their health; and were experiencing many symptoms of burnout. Further investigation is needed to fully understand the predictors of burnout, i.e. the organizational and individual factors that impact burnout so that appropriate interventions may be put into place to increase employee wellbeing. / M

Qualidade de vida urbana nas bordas da metrópole: centralidades e periferias / The quality of urban life in metropolis border: centralities and peripheries

Roggero, Marilia Araujo 17 April 2015 (has links)
Qualidade de vida é um tema complexo e tem sido estudado pelas mais diversas áreas do conhecimento. O tema qualidade de vida envolve questões multidisciplinares apresentadas por meio de perspectivas diferenciadas, de acordo com a relevância do momento histórico, das condições sociais, bem como da ideologia dominante a partir dos objetivos propostos. No presente estudo, a qualidade de vida foi analisada nos territórios de Barueri e Osasco, por meio da satisfação das necessidades consideradas básicas, que visam garantir à população o pleno desenvolvimento físico, mental e social. A partir da caracterização da qualidade de vida urbana, tentou-se identificar modelos para interpretação/identificação de morfologia urbana. Para isso, foram adotados critérios baseados nos modelos clássicos de morfologia urbana, para se chegar ao resultado apresentado no fim da pesquisa. Além disso, foi utilizada a cidade de Estrasburgo na França para se fazer um contraponto entre as cidades brasileiras e a europeia, com relação à qualidade de vida e os critérios de análise. / The quality of urban life has been studied in many areas of academic specialization and is a complex theme. The subject\'s quality of life involves multi-disciplinary questions presented with different perspectives, according to the relevance of the historical moment, social conditions, as well as the dominant ideology shaping the objectives in question. In the present study the approach adopted is focused on the satisfaction of the basics needs of the population, in order to guarantee complete physical, mental and social development. The characterization of quality of urban life will be created some models for identification and interpretation of urban morphology. For this, it was adopted criterias based in the classic models of urban morphology to reach in the result presented in the end of the research. Beside this, it was used Strasbourg in France to make a counterpoint between the Brazilian cities and the European one in terms of quality of life and the analysis criterias.

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