Spelling suggestions: "subject:"coequality off work life.both africa"" "subject:"coequality off work life.both affrica""
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Die invloed van werknemerbemagtiging op skofwerkers se werknemerdoeltreffendheid en hul persepsies van die gehalte van hul werklewePieterse, Ferdinandus Lukas Johannes Bartholomeus, 1959- 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans, abstract in Afrikaans and English / Die doel van hierdie navorsing was om te bepaal of betekenisvolle verskille bestaan tussen
werknemerdoeltreffendheid en persepsies van gehalte van werklewe van bemagtigde en niebemagtigde
skofwerkers in die Suid-Afrikaanse petrochemiese bedryf.
Skofwerknavorsing het gedurende die afgelope dekade internasionaal toegeneem. Hiermee
gepaardgaande het verskeie intervensies ontstaan om die doeltreffendheid van skofwerkers en hulle
gehalte van werklewe te bevorder. Deur gebruik te maak van 'n gekombineerde vraelys ("Standard
Shiftwork Index") en werklike data ten opsigte van afwesigheid en prestasiebeoordelings, is 'n
steekproef van 102 gevalle geanaliseer. 'n 90 persent betroubaarheidinterval is gebruik om waardes
ten opsigte van elke veranderlike te bepaal. Daar is bevind dat werknemerbemagtiging
weinig invloed het op skofwerkers se werkbywoning. Daar is ook gevind dat werknemerbemagtiging
nie lei tot 'n meer positiewe persepsie, by toesighouers, van skofwerkwerkers se algemene
werkprestasie nie. Daar is egter bevind dat skofwerkers se persepsies van hulle gehalte van
werklewe, ten opsigte van werkdissatisfaksie, chroniese vermoeidheid en tevredenheid met sosiale
omstandighede, wel positiefbelnvloed word deur werknemerbemagtiging.
Aanbevelings is gemaak ten opsigte van die aanwending van werknemerbemagtiging, as intervensie
in skofwerkomgewings, asook vir verdere skofwerknavorsing in Suid-Afrika. / The purpose of this research was to determine if significant differences exist between employee
effectiveness and perceptions of quality of working life of empowered and non-empowered
shiftworkers in the South-African petrochemical industry.
By using the Standard Shiftwork Index and real absenteeism and appraisal data, a sample of 102
cases was analysed. A 90 percent confidence interval was used to determine t-values for variables. It
was found that empowerment has little influence on the work attendance of shiftworkers and that
empowerment does not lead to more positive perceptions of general work performance of
shiftworkers, among their supervisors. It was, however, found that shiftworkers' perceptions of their
quality of working life are improved by empowerment in respect of work dissatisfaction, chronic
fatigue and satisfaction with social circumstances.
Suggestions were made concerning the use of empowerment, as an intervention, in shiftwork environments and for future shiftwork research in South-Africa. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.Comm. (Bedryfsielkunde)
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The role of communication satisfaction in job satisfaction in the Department of Communications : an explorationNhlapo, Joseph Maotla 01 1900 (has links)
This researcher investigates the role of communication satisfaction in job satisfaction in the Department of Communications, a government policy-making institution that deals with post, telecommunications, and broadcasting services in South Africa.
This study describes communication satisfaction as the overall degree of satisfaction an employee
perceives in his total communication environment and job satisfaction as the degree of satisfaction the individual feels with his job.
Focus groups are used to explore the role of communication satisfaction in job satisfaction in the Department of Communications because they are appropriate and suitable in capturing the discussions reflecting emotions, particularly uncovering individuals' feelings about their environment. The emphasis is on finding out how communication motivates and makes employees satisfied in their
Qualitative content analysis, based on transcriptions from audiotapes, is used for interpretation
and analysis of the data. These transcnptions reflect the descriptive nature of the data and
people's own spoken words. / Communication Science / M. A. (Communication)
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The impact of transformational leadership on subordinate job satisfactionBalgobind, Vanisha 06 1900 (has links)
The aim of the study was to determine the impact of transformational leadership styles of managers on subordinates' job satisfaction, in a steel and mining company.
Leadership was conceptualised from the trait, behavioural, contingency and neocharismatic theories. Job satisfaction was derived from content and process theories.The literature highlighted leadership and job satisfaction theories, the changing context of leadership and research of both transformational leadership and job satisfaction.
The study was exploratory and a random sample (N=126) was used. The Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire was used to measure transformational leadership and the Job Satisfaction Survey was used to measure subordinate job satisfaction.
The results indicated that there was a significant impact of transformational leadership styles of managers on subordinates' job satisfaction, more specifically, in terms of fringe
benefits and pay dimensions of job satisfaction, as well as the biographical variable, age.
Future research may include transformational leadership styles and other variables such as performance and productivity in the steel and mining industry
as well as the biographical variable, age.
uture research may include transformational leadership styles and other ariables such as
performance and productivity in the steel and mining ndustry. / Industrial Psychology / M.Adm. (Industrial Psychology)
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Testing the Job Demands-Resources Model on nursesNell, Elzette 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MCom)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The South African health care system is tormented by various challenges ranging from income inequalities, extreme resource scarcities to discrimination and violence. This makes the health care industry a tough work environment for health care personnel to operate in. South Africa has experienced the loss of thousands of nurses over the past decade, either emigrating or leaving the nursing profession altogether (Tshitangano, 2013). Consequently, this trend drew the attention to the well-being of nurses in South Africa.
The primary objective of this study was to investigate the level of work engagement among private sector nurses in the Western Cape, together with their levels of job demands, job resources, personal resources, performance and job crafting. This was done using the Job Demands-Resources model (JD-R) of work engagement. The comprehensive JD-R model was tested and the validity of the proposed relationships between the constructs was examined. Moreover, additional paths in the model were proposed and tested. Managerial implications along with practical interventions were derived from the results with the aim to increase nurse well-being and retention.
An ex post facto correlational design was used to test the formulated hypotheses in this research study. Quantitative data were collected from 311 nurses employed by a private hospital group by means of non-probability convenience sampling. A self-administered paper copy survey was distributed to hospitals given that they agreed to participate in the research. The survey was voluntary, anonymous and confidential. The survey consisted of five sections and included questions from five existing questionnaires, namely, the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES-17) (Schaufeli & Bakker, 2003), the Job Demands-Resources Scale (Rothman, Mostert & Strydom, 2006), the Work Design Questionnaire (Morgeson & Humhprey, 2006), the Psychological Capital Self-Rated Version (PsyCap-24) (Luthans, Avolio, Avey & Norman, 2006), and the Job Crafting Scale (Tims, Bakker & Derks, 2012). In order to test the statistical significance of the hypotheses, the data were subjected to Structural Equation modelling and regression analyses.
The results indicated that the nurses experienced a high level of work engagement, and elucidated the fact that job resources, job demands, and job crafting aspects of their jobs are in need of industrial psychologist or managerial interventions. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Suid-Afrikaanse gesondheidsisteem word geteister deur verskeie uitdagings wat onder andere inkomste ongelykhede, ekstreme hulpbron skaarshede, diskriminasie en geweld insluit. Dit maak die gesondheidsindustrie ʼn moeilike werksomgewing vir gesondheidspersoneel om in te werk. Suid-Afrika het duisende verpleegsters oor die laaste dekade verloor as gevolg van emigrasie, terwyl ander die professie in geheel verlaat het (Tshitangano, 2013). Gevolglik het hierdie tendens die aandag getrek na die welstand van verpleegsters in Suid-Afrika.
Die primêre doel van hierdie studie was om die vlak van werksbetrokkenheid onder ʼn steekproef van privaatsektor verpleegsters in die Wes-Kaap te ondersoek, tesame met hulle vlakke van werkseise, werkshulpbronne, persoonlike hulpbronne, werksprestasie en posverryking. Die Job Demands-Resources model (JD-R) of work engagement is vir hierdie doel ingespan. Die omvattende model tesame met die geldigheid van die voorgestelde verhoudings tussen die konstrukte is getoets. Addisionele verhoudings is ook voorgestel en getoets. Bestuursimplikasies en praktiese intervensies is van die resultate afgelei en word aan bestuurders voorgelê as moontlike oplossings om verpleegsters se welstand en retensie te verhoog.
ʼn Ex post facto korrelasie-ontwerp is gebruik om die geformuleerde hipoteses in hierdie studie te toets. Kwantitatiewe data is van 311 verpleegsters ingesamel wat deur ʼn private hospitaalgroep in diens geneem word. Nie-waarskynlikheid gerieflikheidsteekproeftrekking is gebruik om die steekproef te bepaal. ʼn Self-geadministreerde vraelys is ontwikkel en as harde kopie uitgestuur na dié hospitale wat ingestem het om aan die navorsing deel te neem. Die vraelys is vrywillig, anoniem en konfidensieel ingevul en het uit vyf seksies bestaan. Die vyf seksies se vrae is opgemaak uit verskeie bestaande vraelyste, naamlik, die Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES-17) (Schaufeli & Bakker, 2003), die Job Demands-Resources Scale (Rothman, Mostert & Strydom, 2006), die Work Design Questionnaire (Morgeson & Humhprey, 2006), die Psychological Capital Self-Rated Version (PsyCap-24) (Luthans, Avolio, Avey & Norman, 2006), en die Job Crafting Scale (Tims, Bakker & Derks, 2012). Ten einde die statistiese beduidendheid van die hipoteses te toets, is die data deur strukturele vergelykingsmodellering en regressie-ontledings ontleed. Die resultate dui daarop dat die verpleegsters 'n hoë vlak van werksbetrokkenheid ervaar, en dat werkshulpbronne, werkseise en posverrykende aspekte van hulle werk bestuurs- of bedryfsielkundige intervensies verlang.
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The impact of transformational leadership on subordinate job satisfactionBalgobind, Vanisha 06 1900 (has links)
The aim of the study was to determine the impact of transformational leadership styles of managers on subordinates' job satisfaction, in a steel and mining company.
Leadership was conceptualised from the trait, behavioural, contingency and neocharismatic theories. Job satisfaction was derived from content and process theories.The literature highlighted leadership and job satisfaction theories, the changing context of leadership and research of both transformational leadership and job satisfaction.
The study was exploratory and a random sample (N=126) was used. The Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire was used to measure transformational leadership and the Job Satisfaction Survey was used to measure subordinate job satisfaction.
The results indicated that there was a significant impact of transformational leadership styles of managers on subordinates' job satisfaction, more specifically, in terms of fringe
benefits and pay dimensions of job satisfaction, as well as the biographical variable, age.
Future research may include transformational leadership styles and other variables such as performance and productivity in the steel and mining industry
as well as the biographical variable, age.
uture research may include transformational leadership styles and other ariables such as
performance and productivity in the steel and mining ndustry. / Industrial Psychology / M.Adm. (Industrial Psychology)
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A model of employee motivation and job satisfaction for staff retention practices within a South African foreign exchange banking organisationSabbagha, Michelle Fontainha de Sousa 11 1900 (has links)
Foreign exchange banking organisations afford individuals great career opportunities, and therefore endeavour to attract high-caliber employees who are self-motivated and create the dynamic, innovative and professional culture characteristic of the organisation. Retaining key talent characterised by skills shortages has become an imperative for sustaining competitive business performance in a fast-changing economic environment. The general aim of this research was to develop a model of employee motivation and job satisfaction for staff retention practices in a foreign exchange banking organisation. The concepts of employee motivation, job satisfaction and employee retention were discussed with regard to their history, conceptual foundation, theoretical approaches, types, variables and consequences. The theoretical model was developed accordingly on the basis of the literature review, and revealed the factors that could influence employee retention. The main purpose of the empirical research was to operationalise the theoretically derived motivation and job satisfaction concepts, statistically determine the underlying variables of motivation and job satisfaction that influence employee retention and develop a structural equation model to verify the theoretical model. A quantitative empirical research paradigm using the survey method was followed. Explanatory and descriptive research was used in this study, with a sample of 341 foreign exchange banking individuals drawn from a financial institution. Three questionnaires and a biographical questionnaire were adapted and administered to employees. The Work Preference Inventory (WPI) measured employee motivation, the Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS) measured job satisfaction, and the Employee Retention Questionnaire (ERQ) measured employee retention intention.
A structural equation model development strategy produced a new best-fitting retention model based on the new constructs postulated in the factor analysis. The model indicated that job satisfaction explained the highest variance of retention when compared to motivation.
The research should contribute towards a comprehensive understanding of the factors that influence employee retention. The new model of employee motivation and job satisfaction for staff retention practices in a South African foreign exchange banking organisation could assist organisations in retaining skilled and talented staff.
The study should encourage practitioners to take cognisance of the fact that organisations are different and that the motivation and job satisfaction factors for employee retention need to be considered. / Public Administration and Management / D. Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)
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Toward constructing a psychosocial model of career wellbeing for the South African working adultBester, Salemon Marais 01 1900 (has links)
In this research, a cross-sectional quantitative survey was conducted on a convenience sample of working adults (N = 550) from different race, gender, age, qualification, job level and tenure groups in various South African organisations, with the intention of developing a psychosocial model of career wellbeing for the working adult in the South African context. To identify the elements and nature of the model, the relationship dynamics between the constructs of occupational passion, psychological career resources, psychosocial career preoccupations and the outcome of career satisfaction were examined. The mediating effect of psychological career resources and psychosocial career preoccupations on the relationship dynamics between occupational passion and career satisfaction was determined. The moderating effect of certain sociodemographic variables (race, gender, age, qualification, job level, and tenure) on the relationship dynamics between the research constructs was measured. In addition, an evaluation of the differences manifested by individuals from various sociodemographic backgrounds (race, gender, age, qualification, job level, and tenure) regarding the research constructs added to an understanding of the manifested model.
Correlation and inferential statistical analyses (multi-level mediation modelling, regression analysis and tests for significant mean differences) indicated that career management practices should consider harmonious passion to be an important intrinsic motivational antecedent in explaining the variance in individuals’ career satisfaction as it can facilitate the development of important psychosocial resources. These resources include flexible career preferences, well-crafted career plans and actions to achieve career goals, career harmonisers (i.e. self-esteem, behavioural adaptability and emotional literacy) and a strong need to be upskilled and employable (career adaptation needs). These elements manifested as the core elements of the psychosocial career wellbeing profile. Job level and race were further indicated as important sociodemographic variables in explaining levels of career satisfaction. Differences between race, gender, age, qualification, job level and tenure groups, for the constructs of occupational passion, psychological career resources, psychosocial career preoccupations and career satisfaction, also need to be considered in the career wellbeing profile. Theoretically, the results advanced career theory by empirically validating the core elements of the career wellbeing profile. These may be applied to inform career management practices and consequently enhance the career wellbeing of working adults. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / Ph. D. (Psychology (Industrial and Organisational Psychology))
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The relationship between organisational commitment, career adaptability and retention factors within the retail sector in the Western CapeJabaar, Rugshana 06 1900 (has links)
The objectives of the research were to examine the relationship between organizational commitment, career adaptability and retention factors within the retail sector in the Western Cape and to determine whether the demographical variables (age, gender, race, marital status,
tenure and job level) influence an employees’ decision to stay with or to leave the organisation.
A cross-sectional quantitative, correlational research approach was followed wherein a nonprobability convenience sampling (N=224) of permanent customer service employees of a reputable retail store in the Western Cape was used. The data were collected by means of
Organisational Commitment Questionnaire (OCQ by Meyer & Allen, 1997), Career Adapt-Abilities Scale (CAAS by Savickas & Porfeli, 2012) and Retention Factor Measurement Scale (RFMS by Döckel, 2003). Correlational analysis revealded that statistical significant and positive relationships exist between organisational commitment, career adaptability and retention factors. A stepwise regression analysis indicated that organisational commitment and career adaptability significantly and positively predict retention factors. Tests for mean differences revealed that some differences do exists in organisational commitment, career adaptability and retention factors in terms of demographical variables (age, gender, race, marital status, tenure
and job level). Recommendations are suggested for use by human resource managers and practitioners in terms of retention strategies and practices, specifically within the retail sector / Human Resource Management / M. Com. (Human Resource Management)
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'n Perspektief op die beroepsbevrediging van grondvlak maatskaplike werkersHendriks, Elma 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Hierdie studie is onderneem om te bepaal watter determinante 'n rol speel in die
beroepsbevrediging van grondvlak maatskaplike werkers en watter gehalte van die
werksleweprogramme benut kan word om dit aan te spreek. Tydens die empiriese fase
van die studie is 'n vraelys aan die maatskaplike werkers van die Vereniging vir
Liggaamlike Gestremdes (streek Wes-Kaap) gesirkuleer waarin aannames oor
beroepsbevrediging en gehalte van die werkslewe getoets is. Die response bevestig
'n hoer arbeidsomset as die gemiddelde, 'n behoefte aan billike en regverdige
vergoedingspakkette, bevorderingsgeleenthede, 'n werksomgewing wat werksekuriteit
bied en 'n gebrek aan inspraak in die leierskap en bestuurstyl van welsynsorganisasies.
Die rol wat die supervisor kan speel figureer sterk sowel as die behoefte aan gehalte
van die werksleweprogramme soos, deelnemende bestuur, sensitiwiteitsopleiding,
doelwitbestuur en spanwerk.
Enkele aanbevelings vvord aan administrateurs en supervisors gemaak oor die uitbou
van maatskaplike werkers se beroepsbevrediging en die benutting van gehalte van die
werksleweprogramme sodat arbeidsomset bekamp en koste-effektiwitet verhoog kan
word. / This study was undertaken to establish which determinants play a role in the job
satisfaction of direct service social workers and what quality of worklife programmes can
be utilised to address the problem. During the empirical phase of the study, a
questionnaire was circulated to social workers of the Association for the Physically
Disabled, Western Cape, in which suppositions regarding job satisfaction and quality
of worklife was tested. Responses confirmed the need for fair remuneration packages,
promotion opportunities, job security, a high labor turnover and a lack of participation
in the management of welfare organisations. The role of the supervisor figures strongly.
Quality of worklife programmes such as participatory management, sensitivity training,
management by objectives and teamwork are needed.
Suggestions are made to administrators and supervisors concerning the development
of job satisfaction and the utilisation of quality of worklife programmes to control labour
turnover and improve cost effectiveness. / Social Work / M. Diac. (Maatskaplike Werkrigting)
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'n Perspektief op die beroepsbevrediging van grondvlak maatskaplike werkersHendriks, Elma 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Hierdie studie is onderneem om te bepaal watter determinante 'n rol speel in die
beroepsbevrediging van grondvlak maatskaplike werkers en watter gehalte van die
werksleweprogramme benut kan word om dit aan te spreek. Tydens die empiriese fase
van die studie is 'n vraelys aan die maatskaplike werkers van die Vereniging vir
Liggaamlike Gestremdes (streek Wes-Kaap) gesirkuleer waarin aannames oor
beroepsbevrediging en gehalte van die werkslewe getoets is. Die response bevestig
'n hoer arbeidsomset as die gemiddelde, 'n behoefte aan billike en regverdige
vergoedingspakkette, bevorderingsgeleenthede, 'n werksomgewing wat werksekuriteit
bied en 'n gebrek aan inspraak in die leierskap en bestuurstyl van welsynsorganisasies.
Die rol wat die supervisor kan speel figureer sterk sowel as die behoefte aan gehalte
van die werksleweprogramme soos, deelnemende bestuur, sensitiwiteitsopleiding,
doelwitbestuur en spanwerk.
Enkele aanbevelings vvord aan administrateurs en supervisors gemaak oor die uitbou
van maatskaplike werkers se beroepsbevrediging en die benutting van gehalte van die
werksleweprogramme sodat arbeidsomset bekamp en koste-effektiwitet verhoog kan
word. / This study was undertaken to establish which determinants play a role in the job
satisfaction of direct service social workers and what quality of worklife programmes can
be utilised to address the problem. During the empirical phase of the study, a
questionnaire was circulated to social workers of the Association for the Physically
Disabled, Western Cape, in which suppositions regarding job satisfaction and quality
of worklife was tested. Responses confirmed the need for fair remuneration packages,
promotion opportunities, job security, a high labor turnover and a lack of participation
in the management of welfare organisations. The role of the supervisor figures strongly.
Quality of worklife programmes such as participatory management, sensitivity training,
management by objectives and teamwork are needed.
Suggestions are made to administrators and supervisors concerning the development
of job satisfaction and the utilisation of quality of worklife programmes to control labour
turnover and improve cost effectiveness. / Social Work / M. Diac. (Maatskaplike Werkrigting)
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