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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Benchmark nástrojů pro řízení datové kvality / Data Quality Tools Benchmark

Černý, Jan January 2013 (has links)
Companies all around the world are wasting their funds due to the poor data quality. Rationally speaking as the volume of processed data increase, the volume of error data increase too. This diploma thesis explains what is it data quality about, what are the causes of data quality errors, the impact of poor data and the way it can be measured. If you can measure it, you can improve it. This is where data quality tools are used. There are vendors that offer commercial solutions and there are also vendors that offer open-source solutions of data quality tools. Comparing DataCleaner (open-source tool) with DataFlux (commercial tool) using defined criteria this diploma thesis proves that those two tools could be equal in terms of data profiling, data enhancement and data monitoring. DataFlux is slightly better in standardization and data validation. Data deduplication is not included in tested version of DataCleaner, although DataCleaner's vendor claimed it should be. One of the biggest obstacles why companies don't buy data quality tools could be its price. At this moment, it is possible to consider DataCleaner as an inexpensive solution for companies looking for data profiling tool. If Human Inference added data deduplication to DataCleaner, it could be also possible to consider it as an inexpensive solution covers whole data quality process.

Analýza nákladů na nízkou jakost ve vybraném výrobním podniku / Cost analysis of low quality at the selected Manufacturing Company

Uherka, Dominik January 2019 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is cost analysis in XYZ CZ s.r.o. with aims of reducing warranty costs and improve product quality. The introduction describes fundamental quality management systems from which I have selected data to be analyzed and propose the most appropriate solution. Then I conducted AS-IS analyze of the company XYZ CZ s.r.o., a description of the current situation in the company and a cost analysis. The data obtained from the cost analysis I processed with the help of quality tools and their evaluation was carried out, which was followed by the design of the solution. In conclusion, I conducted a technical - economic evaluation of the results achieved.

Snižování nákladů společnosti za použití nástrojů kvality / Cost Savings in Company with Tools of Quality

Koláček, Luděk January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with application of quality tools in production plant. Theoretical part deal with history of quality, current situation in quality management and describe some of quality tools. In practical part will be applied some of described quality tools. Some of them are already implemented in production but only partially and they are not used in full for more flexible and efficient production. Conclusions and results of this diploma thesis should prove that if we are using these tools in full, we can decrease extra cost in production.

Návrh štíhlé výroby s využitím produktů Kaizen k zajištění jakosti / Proposol Lean Manufacturing Products using Kaizen to Ensure the Quality

Bubeníková, Petra January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyze the current state of the manufacturing process of the company ALFA s.r.o. Moravská Třebová, to submit own suggestions for the introduction of lean production to save time, costs and strengthening of the quality in the company and establish the conditions of implementation, in which is possible to implement specified proposals. The operational objective is also an explanation of benefits that gets the company after implementation of these proposals. The first part gives an overview of lean manufacturing methodologies and with using of selected methods and workflow analysis are determined in the second part the proposals. After their implementation the company can save time, reduce costs and strengthen quality for the customer as a basis for the introduction of lean manufacturing enterprise.

Förebyggande förbättringsarbete med Design for Six Sigma

Ericsson, Evelina January 2009 (has links)
Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) is a further development of the Six Sigma draft to carry through preventing quality measures in developing and designing of new products and processes. With increasing demands on enterprises development processes to be more safety and faster the need of DFSS arise as a product, process and service development concept in the organisations. Design for Six Sigma aims to improve and structure the development process of an organisation and consider the application of the innovation problem solving. The concept aims to leave the structure of the traditional Six Sigma concept and instead, from an innovative perspective, search for new solutions to existing problems. The concept constitute of a toolbox with a lot of quality tools that are divided into phases in a development model. Combined with the organizations project model the Design for Six Sigma concept can give rise to excellent results in the work with developing and designing of new products and processes. The condition to succeed is that the draft has been established and accepted with the organizations collaborator. This thesis work summarizes the contents of the Design for Six Sigma concept. The concentration of the performance has been the underlying theory behind the DFSS draft together with the contents of the methodology and the included tools. / Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) är en vidareutveckling av Sex Sigma-konceptet för att genomföra förebyggande kvalitetsåtgärder vid ny- och vidareutveckling av produkter och processer. Med ökade krav på säkrare och snabbare utvecklingsprocesser hos organisationer uppkommer ett behov av detta produkt-, process- och tjänsteutvecklingskoncept. Design for Six Sigma konceptet behandlar strukturering och utveckling av en verksamhets utvecklingsprocess och handlar mycket om applicerandet av det som vanligen benämns innovativ problemlösning. Konceptet syftar således till att frångå Sex Sigmas traditionella strukturerade arbetssätt och istället, utifrån ett innovativt angreppssätt, söka fastställa helt nya lösningar på ett problem. Konceptet består av en verktygslåda med kvalitetsverktyg uppdelade i faser i en utvecklingsmodell. Kombinerat med en organisations projektledningsmodell kan Design for Six Sigma medföra goda resultat vid produkt och processutvecklingsarbete under förutsättning att förståelse och acceptans hos medarbetarna etablerats. Detta examensarbete sammanfattar innehållet i Design for Six Sigma-konceptet. Fokus har legat på DFSSs bakomvarande teorier vilka utgör grunderna till konceptet samt dess innehåll och verktygslåda.

Monitoring Safety Process Performance with Leading Indicator Safety Audits

Van Bibber, Ashley M. 17 September 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Desenvolvimento de novos produtos considerando aspectos de confiabilidade, risco e ferramentas de qualidade. / New product development considering reliability, risk analysis and quality tools

Murad, Carlos Alberto 16 June 2011 (has links)
A intensa competição no mercado global e as constantes mudanças nas exigências dos clientes têm feito com que muitas empresas repensem seus processos de negócios não somente para sobreviver, mas também para se manterem competitivas no mercado atual. O processo de desenvolvimento de produtos é um fator importante para qualquer empresa se manter competitiva neste cenário. A falta de um bom processo de desenvolvimento de produtos é sem dúvida uma grande desvantagem para uma empresa. Somente um bom processo de desenvolvimento não garante a vantagem competitiva das empresas, é necessário também que seus produtos sejam confiáveis e para que isto aconteça torna-se essencial desenvolver produtos com qualidade, através do uso disciplinado e constante de ferramentas de qualidade. Para ser competitivo um produto precisa ser desenvolvido com o mínimo de tempo, recursos e custo, para atender às necessidades de mercado. Algumas metodologias foram desenvolvidas e estas focam no desenvolvimento de um produto sempre pensando nas necessidades da manufatura, montagem, qualidade, confiabilidade e ciclo de vida do produto, evitando mudanças tardias no produto. Muitos estudos acadêmicos e industriais têm sido propostos nesta área. Cada empresa deve encontrar e se adaptar ao processo ou modelo mais adequado para ela dentro das suas necessidades técnicas e culturais. Este estudo apresenta uma metodologia a ser usada para melhorar a qualidade do produto e deve ser usada quando da fase conceitual onde se escolhem os melhores sistemas e/ou componentes para formar um novo produto final. / The intense competition in global market along with constant changes in customers demands have forced companies to re-think some of their business processes, not only to survive, but also to stay competitive on this market. The product development process is one of the key business processes for any company to stay competitive and global on this scenario. The lack of a good development process is with no doubt a big disadvantage for any company. Only a good development process does not guarantee a competitive advantage for anyone, it becomes necessary to have reliable products in the field and to make this happens it is vital to develop products with quality through the use of quality tools in a constant and disciplined way. To be competitive, a product needs to be designed in a minimum amount of time, with minimum resources and cost. To meet market needs some methodologies were developed thinking on manufacturing, assembly, quality, reliability and life cycle avoiding late product changes. Many studies academic and industrial have been proposed in this area. Each company has to find and adapt the most appropriate model that fits its technical and cultural needs. This research presents a methodology to be used to improve product quality during the early phases of development when systems and/or components are chosen for a new product.

Ozonização catalítica do chorume proveniente do antigo aterro controlado da cidade de Guaratinguetá-SP utilizando os íons Fe2+, Fe3+, Zn2+, Mn2+, Ni2+ e Cr3+ / Homogeneous catalytic ozonation of leachate from Guaratinguetá - SP landfill, using the ions Fe2+, Fe3+, Zn2+, Mn2+, Ni2+ e Cr3+

Peixoto, André Luís de Castro 14 May 2008 (has links)
Durante anos, o lixo da cidade de Guaratinguetá foi aterrado e o seu produto recalcitrante não passou por nenhum tratamento físico ou mesmo químico, percolando diretamente sob o aterro. Mesmo tendo sido desativado e transformado em Parque Ecológico, o material depositado no local ao longo dos anos, continuará a ser decomposto por microrganismos e continuará a ser produzido o lixiviado como fonte de poluição ambiental. Inicialmente, fez-se a caracterização do chorume \"in natura\", demonstrando-se como fonte de matéria orgânica recalcitrante, com massa molar característica de macromoléculas (5,58 kDa e polidispersidade de 1,16), DBO não determinável pela recalcitrância molecular e/ou pela ação tóxica e DQO característica de lixiviado estabilizado (1.013 mg L-1). A fração inorgânica total, dada pela quantidade de sólidos fixos, foi de 3.670 mg L-1, valor esse 3,6 vezes maior que a fração orgânica. O estudo de tratamento do chorume, por ozonização catalítica homogênea foi desenvolvido, principalmente, pelo uso seqüencial de dois arranjos ortogonais de Taguchi, sendo o primeiro, matriz L16, para estudo exploratório dos fatores mais importantes na redução percentual da DQO. Os fatores estudados foram vazão de ozônio, concentração dos íons Fe2+, Fe3+, Zn2+, Mn2+, Ni2+ e Cr3+, pH do meio reacional e presença/ausência de fonte de radiação UV (254 nm). Dentre os metais de transição, os íons Fe2+ e Fe3+ demonstraram-se como mais viáveis como catalisadores na geração de radicais livres hidroxilas devido à sua significância estatística (p = 0,005), e por terem maior tolerância ao descarte no meio ambiente (menor toxicidade) frente aos demais íons. Com a utilização do arranjo ortogonal L8 de Taguchi, foi possível atingir degradação máxima de DQO da ordem de 50 %. A melhor configuração dos fatores, visando aumentar o percentual de redução da DQO foi: vazão de ozônio igual a 5 L h-1 (589,9 mg h-1 O3), concentração de íon de íon ferroso igual a 10 mg L-1, concentração de íon férrico igual a 5 mg L-1 e pH 5. / During many years, the garbage of Guaratinguetá city was landfilled and its recalcitrant product was not submitted to any physical or chemical treatment, leaching directly through the area. After deactivating and transforming the landfill into an Ecological Park, the material deposited in the place by the past years, will continue being decomposed by microorganisms and will continue producing the leached one as a mean of environment pollution. Initially, the leachate \"in natura\" was characterized, demonstrating itself as a source of recalcitrant organic substance with a higher molecular size characteristic of 5,58 kDa and polidispersity of 1,16 and stabilized effluent (not determinable DBO due to molecular recalcitrance and/or toxicity and DQO of 1,013 mg L-1). The total inorganic fraction, given by the amount of total fixed solids was 3,670 mg L-1, which means 3,6 times bigger than the organic fraction. The study of leachate treatment by homogeneous catalytic ozonation was given, mainly, for the sequential use of two Taguchi\'s orthogonal arrangements, being the first, L16 design, for exploratory studies of the most important factors in the percentual reduction of DQO. The factors studied were the ozone outflow, the Fe2+, Fe3+, Zn2+, Mn2+, Ni2+ and Cr3+ ions concentration, the reaction medium pH and the presence/absence of UV radiation source UV (254 nm). Amongst the transition metals, Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions have demonstrated to be as more viable as free hydroxyl radicals catalyst due to its statistics significance (p = 0,005) and also because they have a greater tolerance to the environment discarding (less toxicity) compared to the other ions. The use of L8 Taguchi\'s orthogonal arrays gives the possibility to reach 50 % maximum COD depletion. The best factors configuration, using COD percentage reduction as experimental design response was: 5 L h-1 (589,9 mg h-1 O3) ozone outflow, 10 mg L-1 ferrous concentration, 5 mg L-1 ferric ion concentration and pH 5.

Desenvolvimento e aplicação de ferramenta metodológica aplicável à identificação de rotas insumo - processo - produto para a produção de combustíveis e derivados sintéticos / Development and applications of a methodological tool to identify the most suitable routes: feedstock-process-products for the production of fuels and synthetic derivatives

Gerosa, Tatiana Magalhães 16 April 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo a identificação da melhor rota para a produção de combustíveis e derivados sintéticos através do desenvolvimento e aplicação de uma ferramenta metodológica desenvolvida tendo como base ferramentas da qualidade: diagrama de afinidade, diagrama de relações e matriz causa-efeito. Estes diagramas foram adaptados para a análise e discussão dos fatores positivos e negativos de cada item da tríade considerada: insumo-processo-produto. A partir desta análise foram criadas as matrizes de causa-efeito, também separadas em fatores positivos e negativos para os insumos: gás natural (GN), biomassa e carvão mineral; para os processos: produção de gás de síntese (syngas) a partir do GN, gaseificação do carvão e a gaseificação da biomassa; e para os produtos: óleo lubrificante, óleo diesel, nafta, metanol e amônia. A análise destas matrizes causa-efeito gerou a matriz final, denominada matriz saldo, que permitiu a seleção da rota mais adequada para a produção de combustíveis e derivados sintéticos. Dentre os insumos estudados, o gás natural apresentou evidentes vantagens e, consequentemente, o processo a ser utilizado deve ser a produção do syngas a partir do GN, e dentre os produtos o metanol apresentou maiores benefícios para ser produzido. / This paper aims to present to identify of the best route for the production of fuels and synthetic derivatives through the development and application of a methodological tool based on quality tools: affinity diagram, relations diagram and matrices cause-effect. The diagrams have been adapted for the analysis and discussion of positive and negative factors of each item of the triad considered: feedstock-process-product. From the analysis, matrices of cause and effect were created and also, separated into positive and negative factors for the inputs: natural gas (NG), biomass and coal; for the processes: production of synthesis gas (syngas) from GN, coal gasification and biomass gasification; and for the products: lubricating oil, diesel fuel, naphtha, methanol and ammonia. The analysis of cause-effect matrices generated the final matrix, named balance matrix, which allowed the selection of the most suitable route for the production of fuels and synthetic derivatives. Among the input studied, NG presented remarkable advantages among the others. Therefore, the process to be used should be the production of syngas from NG. Among the products considered, methanol showed the best benefits to be produced.

A Compreensão da percepção da qualidade pelo consumidor como base para a definição de estratégias pelas empresas e suas cadeias de fornecimento. / The comprehension of quality perception by the consumer as base for companies strategies definition and their supply chains.

Hegedus, Clovis Eduardo Nunes 30 March 2000 (has links)
Discute-se a necessidade de entendimento dos anseios e expectativas do consumidor, lembrando que é importante para a empresa a compreensão desses anseios. A cadeia de fornecimento é analisada e como todos os seus participantes devem colaborar para a satisfação do consumidor final É analisado o comportamento do consumidor, sua percepção da qualidade de produtos e serviços, além de algumas características da motivação que leva à compra e os ganhos que a empresa tem com a fidelização do consumidor. O trabalho destaca algumas ferramentas da qualidade para compreender as necessidades do consumidor, como o uso do PDPC e de uma tabela proposta para análise de riscos dos pontos colocados, mas principalmente utilizando-se o QFD - quality function deployment, e então se procura compreender e traduzir esses anseios em especificações técnicas ou características da qualidade, que servirão para elaboração dos documentos de processo e produção, ou então de execução de serviços. É estudado se as empresas utilizam estratégias claras para a compreender o consumidor e quais seriam algumas delas. Conhecida a importância do melhor entendimento e tradução dos anseios e expectativas do consumidor, são abordadas algumas metodologias de questionários de pesquisa da voz do consumidor e dos cuidados a serem tomados quando destas pesquisas. / The paper discusses how to understand customer hopes and needs, reminding their importance to the company. The supply chain is discussed and how their partners should cooperate to ensure the end customer pleasure. It is also studied the consumer behavior, their products and services quality perception, besides some purchase motivation that brings earns for the company whenever the customer loyalty comes up. It is also discussed some tools to understand the customer needs, as PDPC - Process decision program chart - and a proposed risk table analysis, with a focus on QFD - Quality function deployment. We try to understand and translate such needs into technical specifications or technical responses. Such responses will be the support to all production and process procedures, as well as services operation methods. Consumer perception companies strategies are also focused as well as which could be used. As soon as it is understood the consumer hopes and needs importance and translation to technical specifications, some customer surveys methodologies are discussed as well as concerns about their results.

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