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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Theory of nonlinear polarization spectroscopy in the frequency domain (NLPF) with applications to photosynthetic antennae

Beenken, Wichard Johann Daniel 21 November 2003 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird eine einheitliche und allumfassende Theorie der Nicht-linearen Polarisationsspektroskopie in der Frequenzdomäne (NLPF) aufgestellt. Dies Methode basiert auf der in einer isotropen Farbstofflösung durch ein polarisiertes, monochromatisches Laserfeldes (pump) erzeugten Anisotropie, die mittels eines weiteren monochromatischen Laserfeldes (probe), mit einer um 45° gegenüber dem Pumpfeld gedrehten Polarisationsrichtung geprobt wird. Ausgehend von den grundlegenden Gleichungen für den nichtlinearen Respons molekularer Systeme auf elektromagnetische Felder wird das zweidimensional NLPF-spektrum hergeleitet, und zwar sowohl in der niedrigsten Ordnung Störungstheorie als auch unter Verwendung eines selbstkonsistenten Ansatzes für beliebige Pumpfeldstärken. In der niedrigsten Ordnung Störungstheorie können drei in ihrer Frequenzabhängigkeit sich unterscheidende Arten von Ausdrücke explizit angegeben werden. Diese sind drei Areten von Peaks im NLPF-spektrum zuzuordnen: Den T2-peaks, dem T1-peaks und den Zweiphotonen-peaks. Letztere sind unter Normalbedingungen im allgemeinen nicht beobachtbar und wurden daher nicht weiter behandelt. Die in dieser Arbeit erstmals gelungene, allgemeine und einheitliche theoretische Beschreibung der T1- und T2-peaks in NLPF-spektren von Mehrniveausystemen stellt einen Durchbruch hin zu einer allumfassenden Subbandenanalyse mittels NLPF dar. Durch Einbeziehung der teilweise bereits bekannten Auswirkungen homogener und inhomogener Linienverbreiterung und spektraler Diffusion auf NLPF-spektren, sowie deren Verallgemeinerung im Ramen der Theorie nichtmarkowscher Dissipationsprozesse, konnte eine Methodik entwickelt werden, die es erlaubt, NLPF-spektren molekularer und supramolekularer Systeme in Bezug auf das ihnen zugrundeliegende Termschema mit Übergangsfrequenzen und -dipolen, die homogenen und inhomogenen Linienbreiten, sowie dem zugeordneten Energierelaxations- und -transferpfad mitsamt zugehörigen Raten zu analysieren. Die in dieser Arbeit vorgestellte und über frühere rudimentäre Ansätze weit hinausgehende Theorie der NLPF bei starken Pumpfeldern, die auf einem selbstkonsistenten Ansatz für den Fourier-transformierten statistischen Operator beruhen, eröffnet ein komplett neues Feld von Anwendungen der NLPF. Für Zweiniveausysteme konnten die selbstkonsistenten Gleichung vollständig analytisch gelöst werden. Dabei konnten die Querverbindungen zur nichtlinearen Absorption und zum optischen Starkeffekt aufgezeigt werden. Aus der resultierenden Sättigungskurve für das NLPF-signal kann die Sättigungsintensität mit hoher Genauigkeit bestimmt werden. Diese kann unter Heranziehen der aus Analyse des T1-peaks bei niedrigen Intensitäten gewonnen Energierelaxationsrate und der analog aus T2-peakanalyse erhaltenen homogenen Linienbreite zur Bestimmung der Dipolstärke des Übergangs ohne Bestimmung der Farbstoffkonzentration verwendet werden. Dies erweist sich insbesondere bei der Analyse molekularer Aggregation als vorteilhaft. Durch Abbildung auf das gelöste Zweiniveauproblem konnte die Methodik auch auf spezielle Mehrniveausysteme übertragen werden. Eine analytische Lösung für allgemeine Mehrniveausysteme scheiterte jedoch an der komplizierten Orientierungsmittelung über die isotrope Verteilung der Übergangsdipole. Beide oben beschriebenen Methoden, Subbandanalyse bei niedrigen und Bestimmung der Übergangsdipolstärke bei hohen Pumpintensitäten, wurden in der vorliegenden Arbeit zur Untersuchung der Natur der angeregten Zustände in photosynthetischen Antennen von Purpurbakterien und höheren Pflanzen eingesetzt. Für die periphere lichtsammelnde Antenne LH2 des Purpurbakteriums Rhodobacter sphaeroides ergab die T2-peakanalyse der B850-absorptionsbande überraschenderweise zwei Subbanden, die im Absorptionsspektrum selbst bei tiefsten Temperaturen nicht aufzufinden gewesen wären. Eine Erklärung für die in Bezug auf die Oszilatorstärke asymmetrische Aufspaltung der B850-bande konnte allerdings nicht gefunden werden. Für den LH2 des sehr ähnliche Purpurbakterium Rhodospirillium molischianum konnte keine Aufspaltung der B850-bande festgestellt werden. Vielmehr liegt eine überwiegend homogen verbreiterte Bande mit einer homogener Linienbreite (FWHM) von 474±10 cm-1 und einem oberen limit für die inhomogene Linienbreite von 120 cm-1 vor. Daher wurde Rhodospirillium molischianum ausgewählt, um Delokalisation der Anregung im B850-aggregat mittels pumpintensitätsabhängiger NLPF zu untersuchen. Die Frage nach der Delokalisationslänge im B850-aggregat gab und gibt teilweise immer noch Anlass zu hitzigen Debatten. Das Ergebnis einer Ausdehnung der Anregung über 3-4 Bakteriochlorophylle des B850-aggregats der vorliegenden Arbeit unterstützt die aus Exciton-Exciton gewonnen Resultate. Weder eine vollständig lokalisierte noch vollständig delokalisierte Beschreibung war mit dem hier präsentierten Ergebnis in Übereinstimmung zu bringen. Auch im Hauptlichtsammelkomplex höherer Pflanzen LHC II konnte mittels pumpintensitätsabhängiger NLPF-spektren Delokalisation der Anregung über mindestens ein Chlì¥Á / In the work be presented a standard theory of non-linear polarization spectroscopy in the frequency domain (NLPF) will be established. The NLPF technique based on anisotropy induced in a dye-solution, which is isotropic elsewhere, by a polarized monochromatic pump laser field. This is probed by a second laser field, which polarization direction is turned of 45 degree in respect to that of the pump. From the fundamental equations describing the non-linear response of molecular systems on electromagnetic fields, the two-dimensional NLPF spectrum is deduced for arbitrary pump-intensities. At low pump-intensities a subband analysis by NLPF has been established. This allows one to study the term scheme and energy relaxation path of molecular and supra-molecular systems by their NLPF-spectra. This includes the determination of transition-frequencies and -dipole orientations, homogeneous and inhomogeneous linewidths, as well as energy relaxation rates. Furthermore, using a self-connsistent approach, the pump-fieled dependence of the NLPF-spectrum has been deduced for the two-level system in general and also for specific multi-level systems. This method allows one to determine the oscillator strength without knowledge of the concentration, what is quite useful for studying molecular aggregates. Applications are presented to the peripheral light harvesting antenna LH2 of purple bacteria and the light harvesting complexes LHC II and CP 29 of higher plants.

Quantum Dynamics of Molecular Systems and Guided Matter Waves

Andersson, Mauritz January 2001 (has links)
<p>Quantum dynamics is the study of time-dependent phenomena in fundamental processes of atomic and molecular systems. This thesis focuses on systems where nature reveals its quantum aspect; e.g. in vibrational resonance structures, in wave packet revivals and in matter wave interferometry. Grid based numerical methods for solving the time-dependent Schrödinger equation are implemented for simulating time resolved molecular vibrations and to compute photo-electron spectra, without the necessity of diagonalizing a large matrix to find eigenvalues and eigenvectors.</p><p>Pump-probe femtosecond laser spectroscopy on the sodium potassium molecule, showing a vibrational period of 450 fs, is theoretically simulated. We find agreement with experiment by inclusion of the finite length laser pulse and finite temperature effects.</p><p>Complicated resonance structures observed experimentally in photo-electron spectra of hydrogen- and deuterium chloride is analyzed by a numerical computation of the spectra. The dramatic difference in the two spectra arises from non-adiabatic interactions, i.e. the interplay between nuclear and electron dynamics. We suggest new potential curves for the 3<sup>2</sup>Σ<sup>+</sup> and 4<sup>2</sup>Σ<sup>+</sup> states in HCI<sup>+</sup>.</p><p>It is possible to guide slow atoms along magnetic potentials like light is guided in optical fibers. Quantum mechanics dictates that matter can show wave properties. A proposal for a multi mode matter wave interferometer on an atom chip is studied by solving the time-dependent Schrödinger equation in two dimensions. The results verifies a possible route for an experimental realization.</p><p>An improved representation for wave functions using a discrete set of coherent states is presented. We develop a practical method for computing the expansion coefficients in this non-orthogonal set. It is built on the concept of frames, and introduces an iterative method for computing a representation of the identity operator. The phase-space localization property of the coherent states gives adaptability and better sampling efficiency.</p>

Quantum Dynamics of Molecular Systems and Guided Matter Waves

Andersson, Mauritz January 2001 (has links)
Quantum dynamics is the study of time-dependent phenomena in fundamental processes of atomic and molecular systems. This thesis focuses on systems where nature reveals its quantum aspect; e.g. in vibrational resonance structures, in wave packet revivals and in matter wave interferometry. Grid based numerical methods for solving the time-dependent Schrödinger equation are implemented for simulating time resolved molecular vibrations and to compute photo-electron spectra, without the necessity of diagonalizing a large matrix to find eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Pump-probe femtosecond laser spectroscopy on the sodium potassium molecule, showing a vibrational period of 450 fs, is theoretically simulated. We find agreement with experiment by inclusion of the finite length laser pulse and finite temperature effects. Complicated resonance structures observed experimentally in photo-electron spectra of hydrogen- and deuterium chloride is analyzed by a numerical computation of the spectra. The dramatic difference in the two spectra arises from non-adiabatic interactions, i.e. the interplay between nuclear and electron dynamics. We suggest new potential curves for the 32Σ+ and 42Σ+ states in HCI+. It is possible to guide slow atoms along magnetic potentials like light is guided in optical fibers. Quantum mechanics dictates that matter can show wave properties. A proposal for a multi mode matter wave interferometer on an atom chip is studied by solving the time-dependent Schrödinger equation in two dimensions. The results verifies a possible route for an experimental realization. An improved representation for wave functions using a discrete set of coherent states is presented. We develop a practical method for computing the expansion coefficients in this non-orthogonal set. It is built on the concept of frames, and introduces an iterative method for computing a representation of the identity operator. The phase-space localization property of the coherent states gives adaptability and better sampling efficiency.

Transmitting Quantum Information Reliably across Various Quantum Channels

Ouyang, Yingkai January 2013 (has links)
Transmitting quantum information across quantum channels is an important task. However quantum information is delicate, and is easily corrupted. We address the task of protecting quantum information from an information theoretic perspective -- we encode some message qudits into a quantum code, send the encoded quantum information across the noisy quantum channel, then recover the message qudits by decoding. In this dissertation, we discuss the coding problem from several perspectives.} The noisy quantum channel is one of the central aspects of the quantum coding problem, and hence quantifying the noisy quantum channel from the physical model is an important problem. We work with an explicit physical model -- a pair of initially decoupled quantum harmonic oscillators interacting with a spring-like coupling, where the bath oscillator is initially in a thermal-like state. In particular, we treat the completely positive and trace preserving map on the system as a quantum channel, and study the truncation of the channel by truncating its Kraus set. We thereby derive the matrix elements of the Choi-Jamiolkowski operator of the corresponding truncated channel, which are truncated transition amplitudes. Finally, we give a computable approximation for these truncated transition amplitudes with explicit error bounds, and perform a case study of the oscillators in the off-resonant and weakly-coupled regime numerically. In the context of truncated noisy channels, we revisit the notion of approximate error correction of finite dimension codes. We derive a computationally simple lower bound on the worst case entanglement fidelity of a quantum code, when the truncated recovery map of Leung et. al. is rescaled. As an application, we apply our bound to construct a family of multi-error correcting amplitude damping codes that are permutation-invariant. This demonstrates an explicit example where the specific structure of the noisy channel allows code design out of the stabilizer formalism via purely algebraic means. We study lower bounds on the quantum capacity of adversarial channels, where we restrict the selection of quantum codes to the set of concatenated quantum codes. The adversarial channel is a quantum channel where an adversary corrupts a fixed fraction of qudits sent across a quantum channel in the most malicious way possible. The best known rates of communicating over adversarial channels are given by the quantum Gilbert-Varshamov (GV) bound, that is known to be attainable with random quantum codes. We generalize the classical result of Thommesen to the quantum case, thereby demonstrating the existence of concatenated quantum codes that can asymptotically attain the quantum GV bound. The outer codes are quantum generalized Reed-Solomon codes, and the inner codes are random independently chosen stabilizer codes, where the rates of the inner and outer codes lie in a specified feasible region. We next study upper bounds on the quantum capacity of some low dimension quantum channels. The quantum capacity of a quantum channel is the maximum rate at which quantum information can be transmitted reliably across it, given arbitrarily many uses of it. While it is known that random quantum codes can be used to attain the quantum capacity, the quantum capacity of many classes of channels is undetermined, even for channels of low input and output dimension. For example, depolarizing channels are important quantum channels, but do not have tight numerical bounds. We obtain upper bounds on the quantum capacity of some unital and non-unital channels -- two-qubit Pauli channels, two-qubit depolarizing channels, two-qubit locally symmetric channels, shifted qubit depolarizing channels, and shifted two-qubit Pauli channels -- using the coherent information of some degradable channels. We use the notion of twirling quantum channels, and Smith and Smolin's method of constructing degradable extensions of quantum channels extensively. The degradable channels we introduce, study and use are two-qubit amplitude damping channels. Exploiting the notion of covariant quantum channels, we give sufficient conditions for the quantum capacity of a degradable channel to be the optimal value of a concave program with linear constraints, and show that our two-qubit degradable amplitude damping channels have this property.

Theoretical Investigations of pi-pi Interactions and Their Role in Molecular Recognition

Sinnokrot, Mutasem Omar 07 July 2004 (has links)
Noncovalent interactions are of pivotal importance in many areas of chemistry, biology, and materials science, and the intermolecular interactions involving aromatic rings in particular, are fundamental to molecular organization and recognition processes. The work detailed in this thesis involves the application of state-of-the-art ab initio electronic structure theory methods to elucidate the nature of pi-pi interactions. The binding energies, and geometrical and orientational preferences of the simplest prototype of aromatic pi-pi interactions, the benzene dimer, are explored. We obtain the first converged values of the binding energies using highly accurate methods and large basis sets. Results from this study predict the T-shaped and parallel-displaced configurations of benzene dimer to be nearly isoenergetic. The role of substituents in tuning pi-pi interaction is investigated. By studying dimers of benzene with various monosubstituted benzenes (in the sandwich and two T-shaped configurations), we surprisingly find that all of the substituted sandwich dimers considered bind more strongly than benzene dimer. We also find that these interactions can be tuned by a modest degree of substitution. Energy decomposition analysis using symmetry-adapted perturbation theory (SAPT) reveals that models based solely on electrostatic effects will have difficulty in reliably predicting substituent effects in pi-pi interactions.

Transmitting Quantum Information Reliably across Various Quantum Channels

Ouyang, Yingkai January 2013 (has links)
Transmitting quantum information across quantum channels is an important task. However quantum information is delicate, and is easily corrupted. We address the task of protecting quantum information from an information theoretic perspective -- we encode some message qudits into a quantum code, send the encoded quantum information across the noisy quantum channel, then recover the message qudits by decoding. In this dissertation, we discuss the coding problem from several perspectives.} The noisy quantum channel is one of the central aspects of the quantum coding problem, and hence quantifying the noisy quantum channel from the physical model is an important problem. We work with an explicit physical model -- a pair of initially decoupled quantum harmonic oscillators interacting with a spring-like coupling, where the bath oscillator is initially in a thermal-like state. In particular, we treat the completely positive and trace preserving map on the system as a quantum channel, and study the truncation of the channel by truncating its Kraus set. We thereby derive the matrix elements of the Choi-Jamiolkowski operator of the corresponding truncated channel, which are truncated transition amplitudes. Finally, we give a computable approximation for these truncated transition amplitudes with explicit error bounds, and perform a case study of the oscillators in the off-resonant and weakly-coupled regime numerically. In the context of truncated noisy channels, we revisit the notion of approximate error correction of finite dimension codes. We derive a computationally simple lower bound on the worst case entanglement fidelity of a quantum code, when the truncated recovery map of Leung et. al. is rescaled. As an application, we apply our bound to construct a family of multi-error correcting amplitude damping codes that are permutation-invariant. This demonstrates an explicit example where the specific structure of the noisy channel allows code design out of the stabilizer formalism via purely algebraic means. We study lower bounds on the quantum capacity of adversarial channels, where we restrict the selection of quantum codes to the set of concatenated quantum codes. The adversarial channel is a quantum channel where an adversary corrupts a fixed fraction of qudits sent across a quantum channel in the most malicious way possible. The best known rates of communicating over adversarial channels are given by the quantum Gilbert-Varshamov (GV) bound, that is known to be attainable with random quantum codes. We generalize the classical result of Thommesen to the quantum case, thereby demonstrating the existence of concatenated quantum codes that can asymptotically attain the quantum GV bound. The outer codes are quantum generalized Reed-Solomon codes, and the inner codes are random independently chosen stabilizer codes, where the rates of the inner and outer codes lie in a specified feasible region. We next study upper bounds on the quantum capacity of some low dimension quantum channels. The quantum capacity of a quantum channel is the maximum rate at which quantum information can be transmitted reliably across it, given arbitrarily many uses of it. While it is known that random quantum codes can be used to attain the quantum capacity, the quantum capacity of many classes of channels is undetermined, even for channels of low input and output dimension. For example, depolarizing channels are important quantum channels, but do not have tight numerical bounds. We obtain upper bounds on the quantum capacity of some unital and non-unital channels -- two-qubit Pauli channels, two-qubit depolarizing channels, two-qubit locally symmetric channels, shifted qubit depolarizing channels, and shifted two-qubit Pauli channels -- using the coherent information of some degradable channels. We use the notion of twirling quantum channels, and Smith and Smolin's method of constructing degradable extensions of quantum channels extensively. The degradable channels we introduce, study and use are two-qubit amplitude damping channels. Exploiting the notion of covariant quantum channels, we give sufficient conditions for the quantum capacity of a degradable channel to be the optimal value of a concave program with linear constraints, and show that our two-qubit degradable amplitude damping channels have this property.

Using quantum optimal control to drive intramolecular vibrational redistribution and to perform quantum computing

Santos, Ludovic 28 November 2017 (has links)
Quantum optimal control theory is applied to find optimal pulses for controlling the motion of an ion and a molecule for two different applications. Those optimal pulses enable the control of the dynamics of the system by driving the atom or the molecule from an initial state to desired states.The evolution equations obtained by means of the quantum optimal control theory are resolved iteratively using a monotonic convergent algorithm. A number of simulation parameters are varied in order to get the optimal pulses including the duration of the pulses, the time step of the time grid, a penalty factor that limits the maximal intensity of the fields, and a guess pulse which is used to start the optimal control.The optimal pulses obtained for each application are analyzed by Fourier transform, and also by looking at the time evolution of the populations that they generate in the system.The first application is the preparation of specific vibrational states of acetylene that are usually not reachable from the ground state, and that would remain unpopulated by usual spectroscopy. Relevant state energies and transition dipole moments are extracted from the experimental literature and especially from the global acetylene Hamiltonian conferring an uncommon precision to the control simulation. The control starts from the ground state. The target states belongs to the polyad Ns=1, Nr=5 of acetylene which includes two vibrational dark states and one vibrational bright state. First, the simulation is performed with the Schrödinger equation and in a second step, with the Liouville--von Neumann equation, as mixed states are prepared. Indeed, the control starts from a Boltzmann distribution of population in the rotational levels of the vibrational ground state chosen in order to simulate an experimental condition. But the distribution is truncated to limit the computational effort. One of the dark states appears to be a potential target for a realistic experimental investigation because the average population of the Rabi oscillation remains high and decoherence is expected to be weak. The optimal pulses obtained have a high fidelity, have a spectrum with well-resolved peak frequencies, and their experimental feasibility seems achievable within the current abilities of experimental laboratories.The second application is to propose an experimental realization of a microscopic physical device able to simulate quantum dynamics. The idea is to use the motional states of a Cd^+ ion trapped in an anharmonic potential to realize a quantum dynamics simulator of a single-particle Schrödinger equation. In this way, the motional states store the information and the optimal pulse manipulates this information to realize operations. In the present case, the simulated dynamics was the propagation of a wave packet in a harmonic potential. Starting from an initial quantum state, the pulse acts on the system to modify the motional states of the ion in such a way that the final superposition of motional states corresponds to the results of the dynamics. This simulation is performed with the Liouville--von Neumann equation and also with the Lindblad equation as dissipation is included to test the robustness of the pulse against perturbations of the potential. The optimal pulses that are obtained have a high fidelity which shows that the ion trap system has correctly realized the quantum dynamics simulation. The optimal pulses are valid for any initial condition if the potential of the simulation or the mass of the propagated wave packet is unchanged. / La théorie du contrôle optimal quantique est utilisée pour trouver des impulsions optimales permettant de contrôler la dynamique d'un atome et d'une molécule les menant d'un état initial à un état final. Les équations d'évolution obtenues grâce au contrôle optimal limitent l'intensité maximale de l'impulsion et sont résolues itérativement grâce à l'algorithme de Zhu--Rabitz. Le contrôle optimal est utilisé pour réaliser deux objectifs. Le premier est la préparation d'états vibrationnels de l'acétylène qui sont généralement inaccessibles par transition au départ de l'état vibrationnel fondamental. Ces états, appelés états sombres, sont les états cibles de la simulation. Ils appartiennent à la polyade Ns=1, Nr=5 de l'acétylène qui en contient deux ainsi qu'un état, dit brillant, qui lui est accessible depuis l'état fondamental. Les énergies des états du système et les moments de transitions dipolaires sont déterminés à partir d'un Hamiltonien très précis qui confère une précision inhabituelle à la simulation. Un des états sombres apparaît être un candidat potentiel pour une réalisation expérimentale car la population moyenne de cet état reste élevée après l'application de l'impulsion.Les niveaux rotationnels des états vibrationnels sont également pris en compte.Les impulsions optimales obtenues ont une fidélité élevée et leur spectre en fréquence présente des pics résolus.Le deuxième objectif est de proposer la réalisation expérimentale d'un dispositif microscopique capable de simuler une dynamique quantique. Ce travail montre qu'on peut utiliser les états de mouvement d'un ion de Cd^+ piégé dans un potentiel anharmonique pour réaliser la propagation d'un paquet d'onde dans un potentiel harmonique. Ce dispositif stocke l'information de la dynamique simulée grâce aux états de mouvements et l'impulsion optimale manipule l'information pour réaliser les propagations. En effet, démarrant d'un état quantique initial, l'impulsion agit sur le système en modifiant les états de mouvements de l'ion de telle sorte que la superposition finale des états de mouvements corresponde aux résultats de la dynamique. De la dissipation est incluse pour tester la robustesse de l'impulsion face à des perturbations du potentiel anharmonique. Les impulsions optimales obtenues ont une fidélité élevée ce qui montre que le système a correctement réalisé la simulation de dynamique quantique. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Path integral formulation of dissipative quantum dynamics

Novikov, Alexey 13 May 2005 (has links)
In this thesis the path integral formalism is applied to the calculation of the dynamics of dissipative quantum systems. The time evolution of a system of bilinearly coupled bosonic modes is treated using the real-time path integral technique in coherent-state representation. This method is applied to a damped harmonic oscillator within the Caldeira-Leggett model. In order to get the stationary trajectories the corresponding Lagrangian function is diagonalized and then the path integrals are evaluated by means of the stationary-phase method. The time evolution of the reduced density matrix in the basis of coherent states is given in simple analytic form for weak system-bath coupling, i.e. the so-called rotating-wave terms can be evaluated exactly but the non-rotating-wave terms only in a perturbative manner. The validity range of the rotating-wave approximation is discussed from the viewpoint of spectral equations. In addition, it is shown that systems without initial system-bath correlations can exhibit initial jumps in the population dynamics even for rather weak dissipation. Only with initial correlations the classical trajectories for the system coordinate can be recovered. The path integral formalism in a combined phase-space and coherent-state representation is applied to the problem of curve-crossing dynamics. The system of interest is described by two coupled one-dimensional harmonic potential energy surfaces interacting with a heat bath. The mapping approach is used to rewrite the Lagrangian function of the electronic part of the system. Using the Feynman-Vernon influence-functional method the bath is eliminated whereas the non-Gaussian part of the path integral is treated using the perturbation theory in the small coordinate shift between potential energy surfaces. The vibrational and the population dynamics is considered in a lowest order of the perturbation. The dynamics of a Gaussian wave packet is analyzed along a one-dimensional reaction coordinate. Also the damping rate of coherence in the electronic part of the relevant system is evaluated within the ordinary and variational perturbation theory. The analytic expressions for the rate functions are obtained in the low and high temperature regimes.

Dynamics of Interacting Ultracold Atoms and Emergent Quantum States

Changyuan Lyu (10306484) 07 May 2021 (has links)
<p>The development of ultracold atom physics enables people to study fundamental questions in quantum mechanics within this highly-tunable platform. This dissertation focuses on several topics of the dynamical evolution of quantum systems.</p><p>Chapter 2 and 3 talk about Loschmidt echo, a simple quantity that reveals many hidden properties of a system’s time evolution. Chapter 2 looks for vanishing Loschmidt echo in the complex plane of time and the corresponding dynamical quantum phase transitions (DQPT) in the thermodynamic limit. For a two-site Bose-Hubbard model consisting of weakly interacting particles, DQPTs reside at the time scale inversely proportional to the interaction, where highly entangled pair condensates also show up. Chapter 3 discusses the revival of Loschmidt echo in a discrete time crystal, a Floquet system whose discrete temporal transition symmetry is spontaneously broken. We propose a new design and demonstrate its robustness against the fluctuations in the driving field. It can also be used in precision measurement to go beyond the Heisenberg limit. Experimental schemes are presented.</p><p>Out-of-time-order correlator (OTOC) is a more complicated variant of Loschmidt echo. Experimentally it requires reversing the time evolution. In Chapter 4, by exploiting the SU(1,1) symmetry of a weakly interacting BEC and connecting its quantum dynamics to a hyperbolic space, we obtain a geometric framework that enables experimentalists to manipulate the evolution with great freedom. Backward evolution is then realized effectively to measure OTOC of such SU(1,1) systems.</p><p>Chapter 5 discusses the decoherence of a spin impurity immersed in a spinor BEC. Our calculations show that by looking at the dynamics of the impurity’s reduced density matrix, the phase of the spinor BEC can be detected.</p>

Novel Transport in Quantum Phases and Entanglement Dynamics Beyond Equilibrium

Szabo, Joseph Charles 06 September 2022 (has links)
No description available.

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