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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ekologinės triušių mitybos tyrimas ir pritaikymas Lietuvoje / Ecological research of rabbit’s nutrition and use in Lithuania

Šliaudarytė, Raimonda 15 April 2005 (has links)
Introduction. Ecological farming occupies a special position among various technologies in agriculture. It is based on modern, environment friendly technologies which do not use synthetic chemical substances (fertilizers, pesticides, drugs, growth enhancers, etc.), but use their substitutes instead. Ecological rabbit breeding is a novelty in Lithuania; however, the observations prove that the number of those willing to run such farms is increasing. The conditions of rabbit keeping must be as close to natural as possible to assure that the wellbeing and health requirements for the animals are fulfilled. Rabbits must have a possibility to move freely, satisfy their instincts. Goal of research. The research aims to study the digestibility of nutrients in rations used for feeding rabbits with ecological feedstuffs. Method of research. The research has been carried out at the vivariums of Lithuanian Veterinary Academy using New Zealand rabbit breed. To study digestibility 3 groups were formed, 10 rabbits aged 60days were selected from each group. The rabbits were kept in individual cages and had sufficient of water. The same feedstuffs as on ecological farms were used. The research consisted of the following stages: 1. Adaptation (duration – 3 days); 2. Preparatory stage (duration – 5 days); 3. Collection of faeces and stale (duration – 5 days). Review of research data. The crude protein and raw fat in ration perform a specific function of life-support and production, in case of... [to full text]

The quest for fulfillment in Updike's early fiction /

Patsalidis, Savas C. January 1976 (has links)
No description available.

Effects of Vegetation Structure and Elevation on Lower Keys Marsh Rabbit Density

Dedrickson, Angela 2011 December 1900 (has links)
The Lower Keys marsh rabbit (Sylvilagus palustris hefneri, LKMR), 1 of 3 subspecies of Sylvilagus palustris, is endemic to the Lower Florida Keys. The LKMR is listed as an endangered species due to predation by feral and free roaming domestic cats (Felis catus) and raccoons (Procyon lotor), road mortality, effects of storm surges, sea level rise, the small declining metapopulation size, and possible habitat loss from hardwood encroachment. The purpose of this study was to determine the current LKMR density on lands managed by the United States Navy, Naval Air Station Key West and evaluate how vegetation structure and patch elevation effect LKMR population density. I conducted fecal pellet counts to determine LKMR density, collected vegetation data using percent composition of ground cover, Robel range pole, and point-centered quarter methods, and obtained data on patch area and elevation. I used simple linear regression to assess the relationship between LKMR density and 9 measured vegetation characteristics, patch area, and patch elevation to determine which variables have an influence on LKMR density and the relationship between them. In my examination of the simple regression models, 6 out of the 11 variables appeared to influence LKMR population density. The average per patch percent composition of nonliving material and grasses, maximum height of vegetation at the range pole, distance to nearest woody vegetation, patch elevation, and visual obstruction readings (VOR) individually accounted for 26.4%, 30.4% , 18.1%, 8.5%, 6.8%, and 1.4% of the variability in LKMR density, respectively. According to the regression models, LKMR density increased in patches with greater amounts of grasses and with greater distance to woody vegetation. Habitat management is vital to the recovery of the LKMR and needs to focus on providing greater amounts of grasses and reducing the amount of woody vegetation encroachment to enhance LKMR population density.

Triušienos kokybės rodiklių pokyčių priklausomybė nuo laikymo būdo / The changes in rabbit meat quality factors depending on the type of keeping

Zamkevičiūtė, Asta 18 June 2013 (has links)
Darbo uždaviniai: 1. nustatyti triušienos svorio sumažėjimą priklausomai nuo atšildymo metodo; 2. nustatyti cheminių savybių pokyčius, kai ji atšildoma mikrobangų krosnelėje ir aplinkos ore; 3. nustatyti mėsos pH, spalvos intensyvumą, vandens rišlumo gebą, vandens išlašėjimo nuostolius ir virimo nuostolius; 4. nustatyti giliai sušaldytos triušienos laikymo trukmės ir atšildymo metodo poveikį juslinėms savybėms ir bendram bakterijų skaičiui. 5. atlikti gautų rezultatų statistinę analizę. Tyrimo metodika ir organizavimas. Tiriamasis darbas buvo atliktas Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų universitete, Veterinarijos akademijoje, Gyvūnų mitybos katedroje, Olštyno Varmijos – Mazūrų universitete Gyvūnų bioinžnerijos fakultete Rinkodaros ir gyvūninių žaliavų vertinimo katedroje. Tyrimai atlikti su triušiais mišrūnais, kurie gauti sukryžminus Naujosios Zelandijos triušių veislę su Kalifornijos triušių veisle. Analogų principų atrinkti 35 mišrūnai triušiai, kurie buvo laikomi vielos tinklo narveliuose po keturis, šeriami ad Libitum visaverčiais kombinuotaisiais pašarais. Triušai buvo skerdžiami pasiekus 3,2 kg kūno svorį (lyčių santykis 1:1) Visi mėginiai m. longissimus dorsi buvo supakuoti į PE-HD foliją, tuomet 28 jų buvo sušaldyti Bosch šaldiklyje (-28°C, 40% santykinė drėgmė), o likę 7 saugomi 4°C temperatūroje 24 valandas iki analizės. Praėjus 48 val. po triušių paskerdimo m. longissimus mėginiuose nustatyti mėsos fiziniai ir cheminiai rodikliai. Sušaldyti triušienos mėginiai po 2... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The tasks of the experiment: 1. Identify rabbit weight loss by using defrosting microwave oven and ambient atmospheric air; 2. Determine the changes of chemical properties when it should be thawed in a microwave oven or in the air; 3. To determine the acidity of the meat after thawing; 4. Identify the color intensity water-holding capacity, drip loss, thermal loss; 5. Set deep frozen rabbit meat storage time and thawing method on the sensory properties and total bacterial count. 6. To carry out a statistical analysis of the results obtained. Materials and methods. Research work was performed at Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Veterinary Academy, Department of Animal Husbandry Technology, in the Vivarium of the Veterinary Academy and at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, the Faculty of Animal Bioengineering. The research was done with rabbits Hybrids - the crossing of the New Zealand rabbit breed to breed rabbits of California. Read-selected 35 crossbred rabbits that were kept in wire mesh cages, four, fed ad libitum, wholesome compound feed. Rabbits were slaughtered after they reached 3.2 kg body weight (sex ratio 1:1). All then samples of m. longissimus dorsi were packaged in HD-PE foil, and 28 of them were deep-frozen in the Bosch freezer, while the remaining 7 were stored at 4°C for 24 hours, until analyses. After 3 months of storage, deep-frozen samples were thawed in a microwave oven and in the atmospheric air. M. Longissimus dorsi samples as... [to full text]

Triušininkystės plėtros galimybių ir perspektyvų įvertinimas / Development opportunities and perspectives of commercial rabbit farming

Žukauskienė, Justė 18 June 2014 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas - įvertinti dabartinę triušininkystės padėtį, kitimo tendencijas, bei plėtrą Lietuvoje. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Išanalizuoti smulkaus ir vidutinio verslo sampratą ir bei jo svarbą; 2. Apibūdinti alternatyviąją žemė ūkiui veiklą ir netradicinius kaimo verslus teoriniu aspektu; 3. Išanalizuoti triušininkystės kaip alternatyvaus žemės ūkiui veiklos būklės tendencijas Lietuvoje; 4. Identifikuoti triušininkystės kaip alternatyvaus žemės ūkiui veiklos plėtrą lemiančius veiksnius; 5. Nustatyti triušininkystės kaip alternatyvaus žemės ūkiui veiklos plėtros perspektyvas.. Baigiamojo darbo metodika: Mokslinės literatūros analizė ir apibendrinimas; Empyrinis tyrimas - anketinė apklausa raštu, gautų duomenų palyginimo, grupavimo, grafinio vaizdavimo metodai; Statistinių duomenų loginė analizė bei sintezė. Išvados: Smulkus ir vidutinis verslas – vienas svarbiausių ekonomikos augimo veiksnių; Alternatyvus žemės ūkio verslas – tai bet kuri kaimo teritorijoje vykdoma ekonominė veikla, nesusijusi su tradiciniu žemės ūkiu. Alternatyvioji gyvulininkystė, kuri skatinama, siekiant didinti žemės ūkio konkurencingumą, atveriant naujas užimtumo bei pajamų galimybes; Triušininkystė - nesudėtinga, didelių pastangų ar indėlių nereikalaujanti veikla; Triušių skaičius Lietuvoje augo iki 2010 metų; Lietuvoje triušininkystė plėtojama kaip papildomą veiklą, kurią paskatino plėtoti profesinė veikla, noras išbandyti naują veiklą, vystyti pomėgį; Labiausiai paplitusios triušių veislės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim of master thesis: assess the current situation of rabbit, trends, and the development of Lithuania Objectives of the master study: To analyze the small and medium business concept, development and prospects; Describe the alternative and non-traditional rural businesses; To analyze the current situation in Lithuania rabbit breeders business; Investigate the rabbit business development prospects Methods of research – Scientific analysis of the literature and summary; Empirical study - a written questionnaire obtained by comparison of the data, clustering, visualization techniques; Statistical data analysis and logic synthesis. Conclusions: Small and Medium business one of the most important factors of economic growth; Alternative agricultural business - any rural area of economic activity unrelated to traditional agriculture; Alternative livestock, which encouraged, order to increase the competitiveness of agriculture, to opening up new employment and income opportunities; The rabbit business - simple, substantial efforts and deposit does‘t require activities; In Lithuania the number of rabbit until 2010 was growing; Lithuania rabbits farm developed as a supplementary activity which inspired the development of professional activities, a willingness to try new activities, develop a hobby; Themost favoured rabbit breeds are the New Zealand Whites, Californians, Belgian and French giants rams in Lithuania; The biggest obstacle to the development of rabbit business is legal... [to full text]

Dynamic Gd-DTPA Enhanced MRI as a Surrogate Marker of Angiogenesis in Tissue-engineered Rabbit Calvarial Constructs: A Pilot Study

DuVal, Marc G. 07 December 2011 (has links)
Tissue engineering is limited by inability to create early and adequate blood supply. In-vivo DCE-MRI has imaged angiogenesis in soft tissues, yet has not been considered in hard tissues. Bilateral critical defects created in parietal bones of eighteen adult rabbits were left void, treated with haluronic acid acellular matrix (HA-ACM), or HA-ACM impregnated with vascular endothelial growth factor (VegF). DCE- MRI was acquired at weeks 1,2,3,6, and 12. Histologic analysis of HA-ACM treated defects demonstrated quantitatively greater immature bone formation, increased quantity and larger blood vessels compared to void. Statistically significant greater angiogenesis evidenced by quantitative perfusion on MRI supported histologic findings. DCE MRI is a novel means of imaging angiogenesis in grafted bone defects. DCE-MRI discerns physiologically important phases of angiogenesis: Initial vasoactive response, vessel network initiation, establishment, and pruning. DCE-MRI is adaptable to non-invasive study of candidate tissue engineered constructs and in evaluating scaffolds and treatments on angiogenesis.

Dynamic Gd-DTPA Enhanced MRI as a Surrogate Marker of Angiogenesis in Tissue-engineered Rabbit Calvarial Constructs: A Pilot Study

DuVal, Marc G. 07 December 2011 (has links)
Tissue engineering is limited by inability to create early and adequate blood supply. In-vivo DCE-MRI has imaged angiogenesis in soft tissues, yet has not been considered in hard tissues. Bilateral critical defects created in parietal bones of eighteen adult rabbits were left void, treated with haluronic acid acellular matrix (HA-ACM), or HA-ACM impregnated with vascular endothelial growth factor (VegF). DCE- MRI was acquired at weeks 1,2,3,6, and 12. Histologic analysis of HA-ACM treated defects demonstrated quantitatively greater immature bone formation, increased quantity and larger blood vessels compared to void. Statistically significant greater angiogenesis evidenced by quantitative perfusion on MRI supported histologic findings. DCE MRI is a novel means of imaging angiogenesis in grafted bone defects. DCE-MRI discerns physiologically important phases of angiogenesis: Initial vasoactive response, vessel network initiation, establishment, and pruning. DCE-MRI is adaptable to non-invasive study of candidate tissue engineered constructs and in evaluating scaffolds and treatments on angiogenesis.

mRNA Levels of ERG, KVLQT1 and minK in Rabbit Right and Left Ventricles

LU, Zhibo, HOJO, Mayumi, YASUI, Kenji, KODAMA, Itsuo, KAMIYA, Kaichiro 12 1900 (has links)

Does behavioural plasticity contribute to differences in population genetic structure in wild rabbit populations in arid and semi-arid Australia?

de Zylva, Geoffrey Anthony January 2007 (has links)
The European rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculus, was introduced to Australia in 1859 and quickly became a significant vertebrate pest species in the country across a wide distribution. In arid and semi-arid environments, rabbit populations exist as metapopulations - undergoing frequent extinction recolonisation cycles. Previous studies identified population genetic structuring at the regional level between arid and semi-arid environments, and habitat heterogeneity was suggested as a possible causal factor. For the most part, rabbit behaviour has been overlooked as a factor that could contribute to explaining population genetic structure in arid and semi-arid environments. This study utilised a combination of genetic sampling techniques and a simulated territorial intrusion approach to observing wild rabbit behaviour in arid and semi-arid environments. The genetic component of the study compared population samples from each region using four polymorphic microsatellite loci. The behavioural component examined variation in the level of territoriality exhibited by three study populations in the arid region towards rabbits of known versus unknown origins (resident vs transgressor (simulating dispersal)). A difference was observed in population genetic structure determined from nuclear markers between arid and semi-arid regions, which supports findings of previous research using mitochondrial DNA data in the same area. Additionally, differences in aggressive response to known vs unknown rabbits were identified in parts of the arid region, which together with the effects of habitat heterogeneity and connectivity may explain the observed differences in population genetic structure. Knowledge of behavioural plasticity and its effect on relative dispersal success and population genetic structure may contribute to improved management and control of feral rabbit populations at the regional level within Australia; and may assist with conservation efforts in the species' natural range in Europe.

Semiochemicals and social signalling in the wild European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus (L.)) /

Hayes, Richard Andrew. January 2000 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Western Sydney, Hawkesbury, 2000. / A thesis presented to the University of Western Sydney, Hawkesbury, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, December, 2000. Includes bibliographical references.

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