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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nanocluster-rich SiO2 layers produced by ion beam synthesis: electrical and optoelectronic properties

Gebel, Thoralf 31 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this work was to find a correlation between the electrical, optical and microstructural properties of thin SiO2 layers containing group IV nanostructures produced by ion beam synthesis. The investigations were focused on two main topics: The electrical properties of Ge- and Si-rich oxide layers were studied in order to check their suitability for non-volatile memory applications. Secondly, photo- and electroluminescence (PL and EL) results of Ge-, Si/C- and Sn-rich SiO2 layers were compared to electrical properties to get a better understanding of the luminescence mechanism.

Strahlkopplung von Tandetron-Beschleuniger und Ionenimplanter zur Durchführung von Mehrstrahlexperimenten im Forschungszentrum Rossendorf

Neumann, Wolfgang, Richter, Bernd, Tyrroff, Horst 31 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Im Sommer 1999 wurde im Forschungszentrum eine Zweistrahlführung in Betrieb genommen. Dieses System gestattet, Ionenarten aus unterschiedlichen Beschleunigern gleichzeitig in die Experimentierstationen zu lenken. In der Doppelimplantationsstation wird die Zweistrahlführung zur Synthese neuartiger Materialien genutzt. In der Analysestation wird die Zweistrahlführung in Kombination mit einem magnetischen Browne-Buechner-Spektrometer eingesetzt, um komplexe und hochgenaue Materialanalysen durchzuführen. Das System überträgt Ionen des gesamten Teilchen- und Energiespektrums von 3-MV-Tandetron-Beschleuniger und 500-kV-Ionenimplanter mit minimalen Intensitätsverlusten zu den Experimenten. Steuerung und Kontrolle von Beschleunigern, Strahlführung und Experiment erfolgen in einem hierarchischen Rechnernetz. Die hier beschriebene Zweistrahlanlage ist Teil eines Projekts zur umfassenden Kopplung von Basisgeräten des Forschungszentrums.

Croissance hétéroépitaxiale du SiC-3C sur substrats SiC hexagonaux; Analyses par faisceaux d'ions accélérés des impuretés incorporées

Soueidan, Maher 22 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
L'utilisation de germes Si pour l'épitaxie du SiC-3C génère de nombreux défauts dans les couches en<br />raison du désaccord de maille et de la dilatation thermique. Le SiC-3C peut aussi être déposé sur<br />substrats SiC-α(0001) en s'affranchissant des problèmes rencontré sur substrat Si. La difficulté de<br />contrôler la germination initiale génère cependant des macles qui sont difficiles à éviter ou éliminer<br />ensuite.<br />L'utilisation de l'épitaxie en phase vapeur comme technique de croissance n'a pas permis de<br />s'affranchir de ces macles malgré l'optimisation de la préparation de surface des germes SiC- α. En revanche, des couches de SiC-3C exemptes de macle ont été obtenues en utilisant une technique de<br />croissance originale, les mécanismes vapeur-liquid-solide, qui consiste à alimenter un bain Si-Ge avec<br />du propane.<br />La caractérisation des couches ainsi élaborées a montré une excellente qualité cristalline avec toutefois une incorporation non négligeable d'impuretés. Les éléments Al, Ge, B et Sn ont été dosés avec succès en utilisant des analyses par faisceaux d'ions accélérés, techniques peu conventionnelles pour SiC et présentant un challenge analytique.

Engineering membrane proteins for production and topology

Toddo, Stephen January 2015 (has links)
The genomes of diverse organisms are predicted to contain 20 – 30% membrane protein encoding genes and more than half of all therapeutics target membrane proteins. However, only 2% of crystal structures deposited in the protein data bank represent integral membrane proteins. This reflects the difficulties in studying them using standard biochemical and crystallographic methods. The first problem frequently encountered when investigating membrane proteins is their low natural abundance, which is insufficient for biochemical and structural studies. The aim of my thesis was to provide a simple method to improve the production of recombinant proteins. One of the most commonly used methods to increase protein yields is codon optimization of the entire coding sequence. However, our data show that subtle synonymous codon substitutions in the 5’ region can be more efficient. This is consistent with the view that protein yields under normal conditions are more dependent on translation initiation than elongation. mRNA secondary structures around the 5’ region are in large part responsible for this effect although rare codons, as well as other factors, also contribute. We developed a PCR based method to optimize the 5’ region for increased protein production in Escherichia coli. For those proteins produced in sufficient quantities several additional hurdles remain before high quality crystals can be obtained. A second aim of my thesis work was to provide a simple method for topology mapping membrane proteins. A topology map provides information about the orientation of transmembrane regions and the location of protein domains in relation to the membrane, which can give information on structure-function relationships. To this end we explored the split-GFP system in which GFP is split between the 10th and 11th β-strands. This results in one large and one small fragment, both of which are non-fluorescent but can re-anneal and regain fluorescence if localized to the same cellular compartment. Fusing the 11th β-strand to the termini of a protein of interest and expressing it, followed by expression of the detector fragment in the cytosol, allows determination of the topology of inner membrane proteins. Using this strategy the topology of three model proteins was correctly determined. We believe that this system could be used to predict the topology of a large number of additional proteins, especially single-spanning inner membrane proteins in E. coli. The methods for efficient protein production and topology mapping engineered during my thesis work are simple and cost-efficient and may be very valuable in future studies of membrane proteins. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 2: Manuscript.</p>

Identifying dependencies among delays / Bestimmung von Abhängigkeiten zwischen Zugverspätungen

Conte, Carla 17 January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

A Fuzzy Based Decision Support System For Locational Suitability Of Settlements / Odunpazari, Eskisehir Case Study

Ercan, Ismail 01 February 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Spatial Decision Making as a branch of decision making science deals with geographically related data in order to achieve complex spatial decision problems. Fuzzy set theory is one of the methods that can be used to come up with these types of problems. On the other hand, Geographical Information Systems (GIS) is one of the most powerful tools that we can use to accomplish spatial decision problems. Selection of the suitable site or land-use for the real estate is also a spatial decision making problem. When we consider the initial dynamics of the suitably located property from the point of view of value and potential we observe that the &ldquo / good location&rdquo / is the dominating factor. This study reports on the development of a kind of decision support system for locational suitability of settlements that integrates the fuzzy set (FZ) theory, a rule-based system (RBS) and GIS. This study is thought as the assistant for the property managers that are buyers and sellers. It can function as the property consultant for the buyers when they are looking for a property to buy and also it helps the real estate agencies to sell their properties. On the other hand, different scenarios of the potential areas according to the different user&rsquo / s preferences are depicted and they are joined and compared with the results of the vulnerability to earthquake hazards&rsquo / of the same area. Odunpazari - Eskisehir area is selected for implementation of the case study because of the data availability. As a result of this study, it can be said that most suitable property changes depending on the people&rsquo / s preferences. In addition, it is seen that most of the buildings that are locationally suitable are highly vulnerable to the earthquake hazards.

Aplicações de técnicas multivariadas na área comercial de uma empresa de comunicação

Moraes, Renan Manhabosco January 2017 (has links)
A mudança de comportamento dos consumidores através do advento da tecnologia e das redes sociais gera um grande empoderamento dos mesmos, alterando substancialmente a forma de relacionamento das empresas com seu público final. Atentas a este mercado, as empresas de mídia passam por profundas mudanças, tanto do ponto de vista da entrega de conteúdo ao seu público, quanto no seu formato administrativo, estratégico e financeiro. Sendo assim, a presente dissertação apresenta abordagens apoiadas em técnicas multivariadas para composição de equipes comerciais e de remuneração dos times de venda de uma empresa de comunicação. No artigo 1, objetiva-se gerar um modelo para estimar a premiação comercial das equipes de venda das rádios do Grupo RBS. Para tanto, inicialmente geram-se agrupamentos das emissoras de rádio do Grupo RBS no estado do Rio Grande do Sul e de Santa Catarina com base nos seus perfis de similaridades. Para cada cluster gerado, gera-se uma regressão linear múltipla da premiação comercial validado através de validação cruzada por intermédio do R2 ajustado e Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE). O segundo artigo aborda a clusterização dos top clientes do Grupo RBS e o impacto na composição das equipes comerciais por meio do método da seleção de variáveis. As 7 variáveis originais foram avaliadas através do método de seleção de variáveis “Omita uma variável por vez”; o melhor Silhouette Index (SI) médio, métrica utilizada para avaliar a qualidade dos agrupamentos gerados, foi obtido quando 3 variáveis foram retidas. Os agrupamentos gerados por tais variáveis refletem o comportamento de compra de mídia dos clientes; os agrupamentos foram considerados satisfatórios quando avaliados por especialistas do Grupo RBS. / The change in the behavior of consumers with the advent of technology and social networks generates a great empowerment of themselves, substantially altering the relationship form of companies to their final audience. Attentive to this market, media companies undergo profound changes, both from the point of view of delivering content to their audience, as well as in their administrative, strategic and financial format. Thus, the present dissertation presents approaches supported by multivariate techniques for the composition of commercial and remuneration teams of the sales group of a communication company. In article 1, the objective is to generate a model to estimate the commercial awards of the sales teams of the RBS Group radios. To do this, we initially generate groupings of radio stations from the RBS Group in the state of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina based on their profiles of similarities. For each cluster generated, a multiple linear regression of the commercial award is generated, validated through cross validation through the adjusted R2 and Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE). The second article addresses the clustering of RBS Group top clients and the impact on the composition of business teams through the variable selection method. The original 7 variables were evaluated through the variable selection method "Omit one variable at a time"; the best Silhouette Index (SI) average, metric used to evaluate the quality of the generated clusters, was obtained when 3 variables were retained. Clusters generated by such variables reflect customers' buying behavior of media; the clusters were considered satisfactory when evaluated by RBS Group experts.

Síntese por feixe de íons de GaN-layer sobre GaAs

Coelho Júnior, Horácio January 2018 (has links)
O Nitreto de Gálio (GaN) é um semicondutor de gap direto, motivo de numerosas pesquisas científicas, principalmente devido a sua importância na fabricação de dispositivos de alta potência e optoeletrônicas. Ligas de GaN como InGaN e AlGaN, por exemplo, possibilitam a fabricação de LEDs e LASERs azuis. Neste nosso estudo selecionamos o Arseneto de Gálio (GaAs) como um substrato viável para síntese de GaN mediante a permuta de Arsênio (As) por Nitrogênio (N) fundamentada em três passos: a) incorporação de N por implantação iônica em GaAs (à 350, 450 ou 550 ºC) em elevadas fluências (1, 2, 3 ou 4 × 1017 N/cm2); b) maior estabilidade das ligações Ga-N frente às de Ga-As; e c) expurgo de As da região contendo N implantado mediante recozimentos (à 550, 650, 750, 850 ou 1000 ºC) sob fluxo de N2. Uma capa de ~ 125 nm de Nitreto de Silício (Si3N4) foi depositada por sputtering sobre o GaAs previamente a implantação à quente: camada de sacrifício que pode ser removida após a síntese. Análises por Microscopia Eletrônica de Transmissão (TEM) e Espectroscopia de Raios- X por Dispersão em Energia (EDS) demonstraram que, no estado como-implantado da fluência de 3 × 1017 N/cm2, formam-se bolhas de N para ambos os lados da interface Si3N4/GaAs e a região implantada do GaAs amorfiza. Após um recozimento à 850 ºC/5 min, observou-se uma elevada degradação da camada de Si3N4, fragilizada pela formação das bolhas de N. Formou-se uma camada contínua de GaN (GaN-layer) de ~ 70 nm na sua fase hexagonal, sustentada por “pilares” no substrato GaAs, entre os quais existem extensos vazios. Medidas TEM em alta resolução (HRTEM) e por Difração de Elétrons de Área Selecionada (SAED) revelaram que a GaN-layer apresenta forte tendência à epitaxia com o substrato GaAs (relações de epitaxia são aqui apresentadas), e regiões estruturalmente espelhadas (i.e., twins). SAED sobre os pilares evidenciaram uma fase transicional cúbica, com um parâmetro de rede substancialmente menor (0,42 ± 0,01) nm que o reportado na literatura (0,45 nm). Estudos por Espectrometria de Retroespalhamento de Rutherford e Canalização (RBS/C) mostraram que a GaN-layer é rica em N (Ga1,00N1,90, para 3 × 1017 N/cm2) e apresenta canalização (para implantações de 2 e 3 × 1017 N/cm2), confirmando o caráter monocristalino identificado por TEM. Medidas de Fotoluminescência (PL) confirmam emissão na região do gap de banda do α-GaN (~ 3,4 eV), bem como bandas associadas a defeitos estruturais do material. Também foi investigado o efeito de campos de tensão provenientes de bolhas de Hélio (He) mediante a realização da síntese a partir de substrato GaAs pré-implantado com He. Neste caso, as bolhas, que se formam no GaAs durante a implantação de N à quente e extinguem-se após recozimentos, limitam a difusão de N para o interior do substrato, conduzindo a formação de uma GaN-layer mais espessa (~ 120 nm) e com bem mais N (Ga1,00N2,80). Como consequência, a GaNlayer apresentou um caráter mais policristalino. / The Gallium Nitride (GaN) is a direct gap semiconductor, is issue of numerous scientific research, mainly due to its importance in the manufacture of high power devices and optoelectronic devices. GaN alloys, as InGaN and AlGaN, for example, enable the production of LEDs and blue LASERs. In this study, we have selected Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) as a suitable substrate for GaN synthesis through Arsenic (As) replacement by Nitrogen (N), based on three steps: a) incorporation of N by ion implantation into GaAs (at 350, 450 or 550 ºC) at high fluences (1, 2, 3 or 4 × 1017 N/cm2); b) higher stability of the Ga-N bonds compared to the Ga-As ones; and c) purge of As from the region containing implanted N by annealing (at 550, 650, 750, 850 or 1000 ºC) under N2 flow. A 125-nm cap-layer of Silicon Nitride (Si3N4) was deposited by sputtering on GaAs prior to the hot implantation: it is a sacrifice layer which can be removed after the synthesis. Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) analyzes demonstrated that, on the as-implanted state of the fluence of 3 × 1017 N/cm2, N bubbles are formed on both sides of the Si3N4/GaAs interface and the implanted region of GaAs amorphizes. After annealing at 850 °C/5min, a high degradation of the Si3N4 layer was observed, weakened by the formation of N bubbles. A continuous layer of GaN (GaN-layer) of ~ 70 nm was formed in its hexagonal phase, supported by “pillars” on the GaAs substrate, with extensive voids in between them. High-Resolution TEM (HRTEM) and Selected Area Electron Diffraction (SAED) measurements revealed that the GaN-layer exhibits a strong tendency to epitaxy with the GaAs substrate (epitaxial relationships are here presented), and structurally mirrored regions (i.e., twins). SAED on the pillars showed a transitional cubic phase, with a lattice parameter substantially smaller (0.42 ± 0.01) nm than the one reported in the literature (0.45 nm). Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry studies and Channeling (RBS/C) showed that the GaN-layer is rich in N (Ga1.00N1.90, for 3 × 1017 N/cm2) and presents channeling (for implantations of 2 and 3 × 1017 N/cm2), corroborating the monocrystalline nature identified by TEM. Photoluminescence (PL) measurements confirm emission in the band gap region of a- GaN (~ 3.4 eV), as well as bands associated to structural defects in the material. It was also investigated the effect of strain fields from Helium (He) bubbles through synthesis starting up from He pre-implanted GaAs substrate. In this case, the bubbles, which are formed in the GaAs during the hot N-implantation and are annihilated after annealing, limit the N diffusion into the substrate, leading to the formation of a thicker GaN-layer (~ 120 nm) and with much more N (Ga1.00N2.80). As a result, the GaN-layer presented an aspect more polycrystalline.

Aplicações de técnicas multivariadas na área comercial de uma empresa de comunicação

Moraes, Renan Manhabosco January 2017 (has links)
A mudança de comportamento dos consumidores através do advento da tecnologia e das redes sociais gera um grande empoderamento dos mesmos, alterando substancialmente a forma de relacionamento das empresas com seu público final. Atentas a este mercado, as empresas de mídia passam por profundas mudanças, tanto do ponto de vista da entrega de conteúdo ao seu público, quanto no seu formato administrativo, estratégico e financeiro. Sendo assim, a presente dissertação apresenta abordagens apoiadas em técnicas multivariadas para composição de equipes comerciais e de remuneração dos times de venda de uma empresa de comunicação. No artigo 1, objetiva-se gerar um modelo para estimar a premiação comercial das equipes de venda das rádios do Grupo RBS. Para tanto, inicialmente geram-se agrupamentos das emissoras de rádio do Grupo RBS no estado do Rio Grande do Sul e de Santa Catarina com base nos seus perfis de similaridades. Para cada cluster gerado, gera-se uma regressão linear múltipla da premiação comercial validado através de validação cruzada por intermédio do R2 ajustado e Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE). O segundo artigo aborda a clusterização dos top clientes do Grupo RBS e o impacto na composição das equipes comerciais por meio do método da seleção de variáveis. As 7 variáveis originais foram avaliadas através do método de seleção de variáveis “Omita uma variável por vez”; o melhor Silhouette Index (SI) médio, métrica utilizada para avaliar a qualidade dos agrupamentos gerados, foi obtido quando 3 variáveis foram retidas. Os agrupamentos gerados por tais variáveis refletem o comportamento de compra de mídia dos clientes; os agrupamentos foram considerados satisfatórios quando avaliados por especialistas do Grupo RBS. / The change in the behavior of consumers with the advent of technology and social networks generates a great empowerment of themselves, substantially altering the relationship form of companies to their final audience. Attentive to this market, media companies undergo profound changes, both from the point of view of delivering content to their audience, as well as in their administrative, strategic and financial format. Thus, the present dissertation presents approaches supported by multivariate techniques for the composition of commercial and remuneration teams of the sales group of a communication company. In article 1, the objective is to generate a model to estimate the commercial awards of the sales teams of the RBS Group radios. To do this, we initially generate groupings of radio stations from the RBS Group in the state of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina based on their profiles of similarities. For each cluster generated, a multiple linear regression of the commercial award is generated, validated through cross validation through the adjusted R2 and Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE). The second article addresses the clustering of RBS Group top clients and the impact on the composition of business teams through the variable selection method. The original 7 variables were evaluated through the variable selection method "Omit one variable at a time"; the best Silhouette Index (SI) average, metric used to evaluate the quality of the generated clusters, was obtained when 3 variables were retained. Clusters generated by such variables reflect customers' buying behavior of media; the clusters were considered satisfactory when evaluated by RBS Group experts.

Síntese por feixe de íons de GaN-layer sobre GaAs

Coelho Júnior, Horácio January 2018 (has links)
O Nitreto de Gálio (GaN) é um semicondutor de gap direto, motivo de numerosas pesquisas científicas, principalmente devido a sua importância na fabricação de dispositivos de alta potência e optoeletrônicas. Ligas de GaN como InGaN e AlGaN, por exemplo, possibilitam a fabricação de LEDs e LASERs azuis. Neste nosso estudo selecionamos o Arseneto de Gálio (GaAs) como um substrato viável para síntese de GaN mediante a permuta de Arsênio (As) por Nitrogênio (N) fundamentada em três passos: a) incorporação de N por implantação iônica em GaAs (à 350, 450 ou 550 ºC) em elevadas fluências (1, 2, 3 ou 4 × 1017 N/cm2); b) maior estabilidade das ligações Ga-N frente às de Ga-As; e c) expurgo de As da região contendo N implantado mediante recozimentos (à 550, 650, 750, 850 ou 1000 ºC) sob fluxo de N2. Uma capa de ~ 125 nm de Nitreto de Silício (Si3N4) foi depositada por sputtering sobre o GaAs previamente a implantação à quente: camada de sacrifício que pode ser removida após a síntese. Análises por Microscopia Eletrônica de Transmissão (TEM) e Espectroscopia de Raios- X por Dispersão em Energia (EDS) demonstraram que, no estado como-implantado da fluência de 3 × 1017 N/cm2, formam-se bolhas de N para ambos os lados da interface Si3N4/GaAs e a região implantada do GaAs amorfiza. Após um recozimento à 850 ºC/5 min, observou-se uma elevada degradação da camada de Si3N4, fragilizada pela formação das bolhas de N. Formou-se uma camada contínua de GaN (GaN-layer) de ~ 70 nm na sua fase hexagonal, sustentada por “pilares” no substrato GaAs, entre os quais existem extensos vazios. Medidas TEM em alta resolução (HRTEM) e por Difração de Elétrons de Área Selecionada (SAED) revelaram que a GaN-layer apresenta forte tendência à epitaxia com o substrato GaAs (relações de epitaxia são aqui apresentadas), e regiões estruturalmente espelhadas (i.e., twins). SAED sobre os pilares evidenciaram uma fase transicional cúbica, com um parâmetro de rede substancialmente menor (0,42 ± 0,01) nm que o reportado na literatura (0,45 nm). Estudos por Espectrometria de Retroespalhamento de Rutherford e Canalização (RBS/C) mostraram que a GaN-layer é rica em N (Ga1,00N1,90, para 3 × 1017 N/cm2) e apresenta canalização (para implantações de 2 e 3 × 1017 N/cm2), confirmando o caráter monocristalino identificado por TEM. Medidas de Fotoluminescência (PL) confirmam emissão na região do gap de banda do α-GaN (~ 3,4 eV), bem como bandas associadas a defeitos estruturais do material. Também foi investigado o efeito de campos de tensão provenientes de bolhas de Hélio (He) mediante a realização da síntese a partir de substrato GaAs pré-implantado com He. Neste caso, as bolhas, que se formam no GaAs durante a implantação de N à quente e extinguem-se após recozimentos, limitam a difusão de N para o interior do substrato, conduzindo a formação de uma GaN-layer mais espessa (~ 120 nm) e com bem mais N (Ga1,00N2,80). Como consequência, a GaNlayer apresentou um caráter mais policristalino. / The Gallium Nitride (GaN) is a direct gap semiconductor, is issue of numerous scientific research, mainly due to its importance in the manufacture of high power devices and optoelectronic devices. GaN alloys, as InGaN and AlGaN, for example, enable the production of LEDs and blue LASERs. In this study, we have selected Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) as a suitable substrate for GaN synthesis through Arsenic (As) replacement by Nitrogen (N), based on three steps: a) incorporation of N by ion implantation into GaAs (at 350, 450 or 550 ºC) at high fluences (1, 2, 3 or 4 × 1017 N/cm2); b) higher stability of the Ga-N bonds compared to the Ga-As ones; and c) purge of As from the region containing implanted N by annealing (at 550, 650, 750, 850 or 1000 ºC) under N2 flow. A 125-nm cap-layer of Silicon Nitride (Si3N4) was deposited by sputtering on GaAs prior to the hot implantation: it is a sacrifice layer which can be removed after the synthesis. Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) analyzes demonstrated that, on the as-implanted state of the fluence of 3 × 1017 N/cm2, N bubbles are formed on both sides of the Si3N4/GaAs interface and the implanted region of GaAs amorphizes. After annealing at 850 °C/5min, a high degradation of the Si3N4 layer was observed, weakened by the formation of N bubbles. A continuous layer of GaN (GaN-layer) of ~ 70 nm was formed in its hexagonal phase, supported by “pillars” on the GaAs substrate, with extensive voids in between them. High-Resolution TEM (HRTEM) and Selected Area Electron Diffraction (SAED) measurements revealed that the GaN-layer exhibits a strong tendency to epitaxy with the GaAs substrate (epitaxial relationships are here presented), and structurally mirrored regions (i.e., twins). SAED on the pillars showed a transitional cubic phase, with a lattice parameter substantially smaller (0.42 ± 0.01) nm than the one reported in the literature (0.45 nm). Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry studies and Channeling (RBS/C) showed that the GaN-layer is rich in N (Ga1.00N1.90, for 3 × 1017 N/cm2) and presents channeling (for implantations of 2 and 3 × 1017 N/cm2), corroborating the monocrystalline nature identified by TEM. Photoluminescence (PL) measurements confirm emission in the band gap region of a- GaN (~ 3.4 eV), as well as bands associated to structural defects in the material. It was also investigated the effect of strain fields from Helium (He) bubbles through synthesis starting up from He pre-implanted GaAs substrate. In this case, the bubbles, which are formed in the GaAs during the hot N-implantation and are annihilated after annealing, limit the N diffusion into the substrate, leading to the formation of a thicker GaN-layer (~ 120 nm) and with much more N (Ga1.00N2.80). As a result, the GaN-layer presented an aspect more polycrystalline.

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