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Estabilização de filmes finos de óxido de germânio por incorporação de nitrogênio visando aplicações em nanoeletrônica / Stabilization of germanium oxide films by nitrogen incorporation aiming at applications in nanoelectronicsKaufmann, Ivan Rodrigo January 2013 (has links)
De maneira a melhorar o desempenho de um Transistor de Efeito de Campo Metal-Óxido-Semicondutor (MOSFET), o germânio (Ge) é um forte candidato para substituir o silício (Si) como semicondutor, devido a sua alta mobilidade dos portadores de carga. Contudo, o filme de dióxido de germânio (GeO2) sobre Ge é solúvel em água e suas propriedades elétricas inferiores. Nesse sentido, a proposta desta dissertação de Mestrado é oxinitretar termicamente filmes de GeO2 em atmosfera de óxido nítrico (15NO), de maneira a melhorar as propriedades elétricas e físico-químicas dessas estruturas. Inicialmente, as amostras foram limpas quimicamente usando uma mistura de peróxido de hidrogênio (H2O2) e ácido clorídrico + água (HCl + H2O, 4:1). Os filmes de GeO2 foram crescidos termicamente sobre Ge usando atmosfera de oxigênio enriquecido 97% no isótopo de massa 18 (18O), com parâmetros na qual geraram um filme com espessura de ~5 nm. As oxinitretações foram realizadas em um forno térmico rápido com atmosfera de 15NO, nas temperaturas variando de 400-600°C, nos tempos de 1 a 5 minutos. O objetivo da oxinitretação foi criar um filme de oxinitreto de germânio (GeOxNy) com propriedades físico-químicas satisfatórias para a indústria de microeletrônica. Também foram realizados recozimentos térmicos em atmosfera inerte com objetivo de testar a estabilidade térmicas dos filmes de GeOxNy. Análise com Reação Nuclear (NRA) e Espectrometria de Retroespalhamento Rutherford em geometria de canalização (RBS-c) foram utilizadas para quantificar a quantidade total de oxigênio 18O e 16O, respectivamente. NRP também foi utilizada de modo a determinar o perfil de concentração em função da profundidade para as espécies de 18O e 15N. De modo a investigar a composição química das amostras, Espectroscopia de Fotoelétrons induzidos por raio-X (XPS) foi utilizada. Pelas análises por RBS e NRA do 18O, podemos observar que ocorre troca entre os isótopos de 18O e 16O para todas das temperaturas de oxinitretação. Este resultado corrobora com estudos recentes da literatura. Para as amostras oxinitretadas em 5 minutos a 500°C e todas as amostras oxinitretadas a 550°C e 600°C, ocorre troca isotópica completa. Observamos ainda por NRP que o 15N é incorporado mais superficialmente para as temperaturas de oxinitretação até 550°C. Resultados de XPS indicam formação maior de GeOxNy próximos da superfície das amostras e para temperaturas e/ou tempos maiores. Testes de estabilidade térmica indicam que a incorporação de nitrogênio mais próximo das superfície da amostra inibe a dessorção das espécies de GeO. As amostras que não foram oxinitretadas acabam dessorvendo quase por completo o filme de GeO2 quando realizados os recozimentos térmicos. Este efeito do nitrogênio incorporado próximo da superfície tem grande potencial para uso em camadas interfaciais entre semicondutor e dielétricos de porta. / In order to improve the performance of Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (MOSFET), germanium is a good candidate to replace silicon as semiconductor due to its higher charge carrier mobility. However, the germanium dioxide (GeO2) film over Ge is water soluble and produces poor electrical characteristics. In this way, this Master dissertation proposes thermal oxinitridation of the GeO2 films in nitric oxide (15NO) atmosphere in order to improve its electrical and physico-chemical characteristics. Samples were first cleaned using a mixture of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and hydrogen chloride + water (HCl + H2O, 4:1). GeO2 films were thermally grown on Ge using oxygen enriched in 97% in the isotope of mass 18, which generated ~5 nm thick film. Oxinitridation was performed in a rapid thermal furnace under 15NO atmosphere, at the 400-600°C temperature range, and 1-5 minutes time range. The goal was to form a germanium oxinitride film (GeOxNy) with physico-chemical properties that are satisfactory for microelectronics industry. We also performed thermal annealing in inert atmosphere to test the thermal stability of GeOxNy films. Nuclear Reaction Analysis (NRA) and Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry in channeled geometry (RBS-c) were used to quantify the total amount of oxygen 18O and 16O, respectively. NRP was also performed to determine the 18O and 15N depth distribution. In order to investigate the chemical composition of the samples, X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) was performed. RBS and NRA analysis showed isotopic exchange between 18O and 16O for all temperatures investigated. This result corroborates previous literature studies. Samples oxynitrided in 5 minutes at 500°C and all the samples oxinitrided at 550-600°C showed complete isotopic exchange. We also observed by NRP that nitrogen incorporation occurs more superficially until 550°C. XPS results indicate more formation of GeOxNy near the surface of the samples and for higher temperatures and/or time of oxinitredation. Thermal stability results indicated that the nitrogen incorporation near the sample surface inhibit the GeO desorption. On the other hand, samples that were not oxynitrided have almost all the GeO2 desorbed when thermal annealing is performed.
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Estabilização de filmes finos de óxido de germânio por incorporação de nitrogênio visando aplicações em nanoeletrônica / Stabilization of germanium oxide films by nitrogen incorporation aiming at applications in nanoelectronicsKaufmann, Ivan Rodrigo January 2013 (has links)
De maneira a melhorar o desempenho de um Transistor de Efeito de Campo Metal-Óxido-Semicondutor (MOSFET), o germânio (Ge) é um forte candidato para substituir o silício (Si) como semicondutor, devido a sua alta mobilidade dos portadores de carga. Contudo, o filme de dióxido de germânio (GeO2) sobre Ge é solúvel em água e suas propriedades elétricas inferiores. Nesse sentido, a proposta desta dissertação de Mestrado é oxinitretar termicamente filmes de GeO2 em atmosfera de óxido nítrico (15NO), de maneira a melhorar as propriedades elétricas e físico-químicas dessas estruturas. Inicialmente, as amostras foram limpas quimicamente usando uma mistura de peróxido de hidrogênio (H2O2) e ácido clorídrico + água (HCl + H2O, 4:1). Os filmes de GeO2 foram crescidos termicamente sobre Ge usando atmosfera de oxigênio enriquecido 97% no isótopo de massa 18 (18O), com parâmetros na qual geraram um filme com espessura de ~5 nm. As oxinitretações foram realizadas em um forno térmico rápido com atmosfera de 15NO, nas temperaturas variando de 400-600°C, nos tempos de 1 a 5 minutos. O objetivo da oxinitretação foi criar um filme de oxinitreto de germânio (GeOxNy) com propriedades físico-químicas satisfatórias para a indústria de microeletrônica. Também foram realizados recozimentos térmicos em atmosfera inerte com objetivo de testar a estabilidade térmicas dos filmes de GeOxNy. Análise com Reação Nuclear (NRA) e Espectrometria de Retroespalhamento Rutherford em geometria de canalização (RBS-c) foram utilizadas para quantificar a quantidade total de oxigênio 18O e 16O, respectivamente. NRP também foi utilizada de modo a determinar o perfil de concentração em função da profundidade para as espécies de 18O e 15N. De modo a investigar a composição química das amostras, Espectroscopia de Fotoelétrons induzidos por raio-X (XPS) foi utilizada. Pelas análises por RBS e NRA do 18O, podemos observar que ocorre troca entre os isótopos de 18O e 16O para todas das temperaturas de oxinitretação. Este resultado corrobora com estudos recentes da literatura. Para as amostras oxinitretadas em 5 minutos a 500°C e todas as amostras oxinitretadas a 550°C e 600°C, ocorre troca isotópica completa. Observamos ainda por NRP que o 15N é incorporado mais superficialmente para as temperaturas de oxinitretação até 550°C. Resultados de XPS indicam formação maior de GeOxNy próximos da superfície das amostras e para temperaturas e/ou tempos maiores. Testes de estabilidade térmica indicam que a incorporação de nitrogênio mais próximo das superfície da amostra inibe a dessorção das espécies de GeO. As amostras que não foram oxinitretadas acabam dessorvendo quase por completo o filme de GeO2 quando realizados os recozimentos térmicos. Este efeito do nitrogênio incorporado próximo da superfície tem grande potencial para uso em camadas interfaciais entre semicondutor e dielétricos de porta. / In order to improve the performance of Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (MOSFET), germanium is a good candidate to replace silicon as semiconductor due to its higher charge carrier mobility. However, the germanium dioxide (GeO2) film over Ge is water soluble and produces poor electrical characteristics. In this way, this Master dissertation proposes thermal oxinitridation of the GeO2 films in nitric oxide (15NO) atmosphere in order to improve its electrical and physico-chemical characteristics. Samples were first cleaned using a mixture of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and hydrogen chloride + water (HCl + H2O, 4:1). GeO2 films were thermally grown on Ge using oxygen enriched in 97% in the isotope of mass 18, which generated ~5 nm thick film. Oxinitridation was performed in a rapid thermal furnace under 15NO atmosphere, at the 400-600°C temperature range, and 1-5 minutes time range. The goal was to form a germanium oxinitride film (GeOxNy) with physico-chemical properties that are satisfactory for microelectronics industry. We also performed thermal annealing in inert atmosphere to test the thermal stability of GeOxNy films. Nuclear Reaction Analysis (NRA) and Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry in channeled geometry (RBS-c) were used to quantify the total amount of oxygen 18O and 16O, respectively. NRP was also performed to determine the 18O and 15N depth distribution. In order to investigate the chemical composition of the samples, X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) was performed. RBS and NRA analysis showed isotopic exchange between 18O and 16O for all temperatures investigated. This result corroborates previous literature studies. Samples oxynitrided in 5 minutes at 500°C and all the samples oxinitrided at 550-600°C showed complete isotopic exchange. We also observed by NRP that nitrogen incorporation occurs more superficially until 550°C. XPS results indicate more formation of GeOxNy near the surface of the samples and for higher temperatures and/or time of oxinitredation. Thermal stability results indicated that the nitrogen incorporation near the sample surface inhibit the GeO desorption. On the other hand, samples that were not oxynitrided have almost all the GeO2 desorbed when thermal annealing is performed.
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Dynamic management of spectral resources in LTE networks / Gestion dynamique des ressources spectrales dans les réseaux LTEAdouane, Amine Mohamed 16 February 2015 (has links)
La croissance exponentielle du nombre de dispositifs communicants et des services sans fils émergents fixe des objectifs toujours plus haut pour répondre à la demande de capacité sans cesse croissante des utilisateurs. Cela pose des défis constants pour atteindre les objectifs envisagés. La réutilisation spectrale élevée (High efficiency spectral reuse) a été adopté, cependant, elle conduit à des interférences accrues sur le réseau, ce qui dégrade les performances. L'OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) est utilisé comme solution dans les réseaux de 4 G. Grâce à son orthogonalité, l'OFDM élimine l'interférence intra-cellulaire, mais l'interférence inter-cellule reste importante. Plusieurs méthodes connues sous le nom d'Inter-Cell interférences coordination (ICIC) ont été proposées pour les diminuer. L'ICIC permet la gestion des ressources radio coordonnée entre plusieurs cellules appelées ENodeB. Ces eNodeB peuvent partager les informations nécessaires grâce à l'interface X2 qui les relient, ces informations sont transmises par des messages LTE normalisés. Lorsque les ENodeBs sélectionnent égoïstement les ressources, la théorie de jeux non-coopératifs est largement appliquée pour trouver un juste équilibre. Dans cette thèse, nous mettons l'accent sur l'ICIC pour la liaison descendante d'un système OFDMA cellulaire dans le contexte du projet SOAPS (Spectrum opportuniste accès à la Sécurité publique). Ce projet a pour but l'amélioration de la planification des ressources de fréquences pour fournir des services à large bande dans les systèmes PMR (radiocommunications mobiles privées) en utilisant les technologies LTE. Nous adressons le problème d'ICIC en proposant quatre solutions différentes sous forme d'algorithmes entièrement décentralisés, ces algorithmes se basent sur la théorie des jeux non-coopératifs avec des équilibres de Nash purs des jeux considérés / The exponential growth in the number of communications devices has set out new ambitious targets to meet the ever-increasing demand for user capacity in emerging wireless systems. However, the inherent impairments of communication channels in cellular systems pose constant challenges to meet the envisioned targets. High spectral reuse efficiency was adopted as a solution to higher data rates. Despite its benefits, high spectral reuse leads to increased interference over the network, which degrades performances of mobile users with bad channel quality. To face this added interfence, OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) is used for the new 4th generation network. Thanks to its orthogonality OFDM eliminates the intra-cellular interference, but when the same resources are used in two adjacents cells, the inter-cell interference becomes severe. To get rid of the latter, several methods for Inter-Cell Interference Coordination (ICIC) have been proposed. ICIC allows coordinated radio resources management between multiple cells. The eNodeBs can share resource usage information and interference levels over the X2 interface through LTE-normalized messages. Non-cooperative game theory was largely applied were eNodeBs selfishly selects resource blocks (RBs) in order to minimize interference. In this thesis, we stress on ICIC for the downlink of a cellular OFDMA system in the context of the SOAPS (Spectrum Opportunistic Access in Public Safety) project. This project focuses on the improvement of frequency resource scheduling for Broadband Services provision by PMR (Private Mobile Radio) systems using LTE technologies. We addressed this problem with four different solutions based on Non-cooperative game theory, three algorithms are devoted to RB selection in order to manage the interference, while the last one is a power control scheme with power economy and enhanced system performances
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No description available.
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Hochauflösende Rutherford-Streuspektrometrie zur Untersuchung von ZrO2-Schichtwachstum im AnfangsstadiumVieluf, Maik 28 June 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Arbeit entstand im Rahmen einer Kooperation des Forschungszentrums Dresden-Rossendorf mit Qimonda Dresden GmbH & Co. OHG. Mithilfe der hochauflösenden Rutherford-Streuspektrometrie (HR-RBS) wurden das Diffusionsverhalten und Schichtwachstum von ZrO2 auf SiO2 und TiN im Anfangsstadium untersucht. Auf Grund der exzellenten Tiefenauflösung von 0,3 nm an der Oberfläche stand die Analyse von Konzentrationsprofilen in ultradünnen Schichten, respektive an deren Grenzflächen im Vordergrund.
Zur qualitativen Verbesserung der Messergebnisse wurde erstmals ein zweidimensionaler positionsempfindlicher Halbleiterdetektor in den Aufbau der HR-RBS implementiert und charakterisiert. Außerdem wurde ein Messverfahren in Betrieb genommen, das mögliche Schädigungen durch den Ioneneintrag in die Messprobe minimiert. Durch die Optimierung der experimentellen Bedingungen und die Entwicklung eines Programmpaketes zur Unterstützung des Analysten konnte ein effizienter Routine-Messablauf erstellt werden.
Im Moment einer binären Kollision zwischen einfallendem Ion und Targetelement kommt es bei kleinem Stoßparameter zu Veränderungen des Ladungszustands der gestreuten Ionen, insbesondere durch die abrupte Geschwindigkeitsänderung des Projektils und der Überlappung der Elektronenwolken. Bei der HR-RBS mit Energie separierendem Dipolmagneten muss zur Interpretation von Streuspektren die Ladungszustandsverteilung der gestreuten Projektile bekannt sein. Erstmalig konnte eine signifikante Abhängigkeit der Ladungszustandsverteilung gestreuter C-Ionen sowohl von der Schichtdicke als auch der Ordnungszahl des detektierten Targetelements,
hier der vierten Nebengruppe, nachgewiesen werden.
Diese gewonnen Erkenntnisse ermöglichten systematische Untersuchungen zum ZrO2-Schichtwachstum im Anfangsstadium. Zur Herstellung der ZrO2-Schichten wurde die Atomlagenabscheidung (ALD) verwendet. Anhand der nachgewiesenen Agglomeration von ZrO2 auf nativen SiO2 wurde mithilfe der Rasterkraftmikroskopie (AFM) zur Bestimmung von Oberflächenrauigkeiten eine Methode konzipiert, welche die Auswirkung lokaler Schichtdickeninhomogenitäten auf die niederenergetische
Flanke eines Streuspektrums berücksichtigt. Auf dieser Grundlage durchgeführte Simulationsrechnungen ergeben, dass keine Diffusion von Zr in die darunter liegende Schicht stattfand, jedoch eine ZrSiO4-Grenzflächenschicht existiert. Für das Wachstum von ZrO2 auf TiN wird aus den hoch aufgelösten Streuspektren ein völlig anderes Verhalten abgeleitet. Messungen zu Oberflächentopografien der TiN-Schicht liefern
nicht zu vernachlässigende Werte für die Rauigkeit. Um den Einfluss der
Oberflächenrauigkeit auf die Form des hoch aufgelösten Spektrums erfassen zu können, wurde eine Software entwickelt. Auf Basis von AFM-Messungen ermöglicht dieses Programm das Extrahieren einer Energieverteilung aus den Weglängen von ausschließlich an der Oberfläche gestreuten Ionen. Unter Berücksichtigung des Effekts der Oberflächenrauigkeit auf die HR-RBS Spektrenform konnte die Diffusion
von Zr in das polykristalline TiN erstmals verifiziert werden. Die Beobachtungen weisen daraufhin, dass bereits nach dem ersten ALD-Zyklus ein geringer Anteil der deponierten Zr-Atome bis in eine Tiefe von etwa 3 nm in das TiN diffundiert. Die vorläufigen Ergebnisse legen Korngrenzendiffusion nahe. / This thesis originated from a cooperation between Research Center Dresden-Rossendorf and Qimonda Dresden GmbH & Co. OHG. By means of High Resolution Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry (HR-RBS) the diffusion behaviour and layer growth of ZrO2 on SiO2 and TiN in the initial regime were investigated. The analysis of concentration profiles in ultrathin layers and interfaces was the focus of this work, made possible by the excellent depth resolution of less than 0.3 nm near the surface.
For the first time a two-dimensional position sensitive semiconductor detector was implemented and characterized in the setup of the HR-RBS for the improvement of the quality of the measurement results. Furthermore, a measurement procedure was put into operation that allowed the reduction of ion induced damage. Through the optimization of the experimental conditions and the development of a program package for the support of the analyst, an efficient measurement procedure
could be routinely ensured.
At the time of a binary collision between the incident ion and the target element with a small impact factor, the charge state changes frequently, especially due to the abruptly decreasing ion velocity of the projectile and the overlapping of the electron clouds. For HR-RBS with an energy-separating dipole magnet, the charge state distribution of the scattered ions must be known for the interpretation of the measured spectra. For the first time a significant dependence of the charge state distribution of the scattered C ions on the layer thickness as well as atomic number of the detected target elements, here from the fourth subgroup, was emonstrated.
This new knowledge allowed systematic investigations of the ZrO2 layer growth in the initial regime. The ZrO2 layers were produced by means of the atomic layer deposition (ALD). Based on the evidence for agglomeration of ZrO2 on SiO2 a method was introduced, which takes local thickness variations into account during the simulation of the HR-RBS spectra. An accurate statement about the ZrO2/SiO2 interface was possible due to the extraction of the thickness variation by the atomic
force microscopy (AFM). The boundary surface is sharp except for a small intermediate ZrSiO4 layer and no diffusion of Zr atoms in SiO2 could be detected. A quite different behaviour could be derived from high resolution spectra for the growth of ZrO2 on TiN. Measurements of the surface topography of the TiN layer revealed non negligible values for the surface roughness. A program was developed to capture the influence of the surface roughness on the shape of the high resolution spectrum. This
software uses AFM measurements to extract an energy distribution from calculated path length differences for ions scattered at the sample surface. Diffusion of Zr into polycrystalline TiN was demonstrated for the first time taking into account the effect of the surface roughness on the shape of the spectra. This observation indicates that already after the first ALD reaction cycle a small part of the deposited Zr atoms diffuses into the TiN layer up to a depth of 3 nm. Such preliminary results suggest grain boundary diffusion.
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Hochauflösende Rutherford-Streuspektrometrie zur Untersuchung von ZrO2-Schichtwachstum im AnfangsstadiumVieluf, Maik 03 June 2010 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit entstand im Rahmen einer Kooperation des Forschungszentrums Dresden-Rossendorf mit Qimonda Dresden GmbH & Co. OHG. Mithilfe der hochauflösenden Rutherford-Streuspektrometrie (HR-RBS) wurden das Diffusionsverhalten und Schichtwachstum von ZrO2 auf SiO2 und TiN im Anfangsstadium untersucht. Auf Grund der exzellenten Tiefenauflösung von 0,3 nm an der Oberfläche stand die Analyse von Konzentrationsprofilen in ultradünnen Schichten, respektive an deren Grenzflächen im Vordergrund.
Zur qualitativen Verbesserung der Messergebnisse wurde erstmals ein zweidimensionaler positionsempfindlicher Halbleiterdetektor in den Aufbau der HR-RBS implementiert und charakterisiert. Außerdem wurde ein Messverfahren in Betrieb genommen, das mögliche Schädigungen durch den Ioneneintrag in die Messprobe minimiert. Durch die Optimierung der experimentellen Bedingungen und die Entwicklung eines Programmpaketes zur Unterstützung des Analysten konnte ein effizienter Routine-Messablauf erstellt werden.
Im Moment einer binären Kollision zwischen einfallendem Ion und Targetelement kommt es bei kleinem Stoßparameter zu Veränderungen des Ladungszustands der gestreuten Ionen, insbesondere durch die abrupte Geschwindigkeitsänderung des Projektils und der Überlappung der Elektronenwolken. Bei der HR-RBS mit Energie separierendem Dipolmagneten muss zur Interpretation von Streuspektren die Ladungszustandsverteilung der gestreuten Projektile bekannt sein. Erstmalig konnte eine signifikante Abhängigkeit der Ladungszustandsverteilung gestreuter C-Ionen sowohl von der Schichtdicke als auch der Ordnungszahl des detektierten Targetelements,
hier der vierten Nebengruppe, nachgewiesen werden.
Diese gewonnen Erkenntnisse ermöglichten systematische Untersuchungen zum ZrO2-Schichtwachstum im Anfangsstadium. Zur Herstellung der ZrO2-Schichten wurde die Atomlagenabscheidung (ALD) verwendet. Anhand der nachgewiesenen Agglomeration von ZrO2 auf nativen SiO2 wurde mithilfe der Rasterkraftmikroskopie (AFM) zur Bestimmung von Oberflächenrauigkeiten eine Methode konzipiert, welche die Auswirkung lokaler Schichtdickeninhomogenitäten auf die niederenergetische
Flanke eines Streuspektrums berücksichtigt. Auf dieser Grundlage durchgeführte Simulationsrechnungen ergeben, dass keine Diffusion von Zr in die darunter liegende Schicht stattfand, jedoch eine ZrSiO4-Grenzflächenschicht existiert. Für das Wachstum von ZrO2 auf TiN wird aus den hoch aufgelösten Streuspektren ein völlig anderes Verhalten abgeleitet. Messungen zu Oberflächentopografien der TiN-Schicht liefern
nicht zu vernachlässigende Werte für die Rauigkeit. Um den Einfluss der
Oberflächenrauigkeit auf die Form des hoch aufgelösten Spektrums erfassen zu können, wurde eine Software entwickelt. Auf Basis von AFM-Messungen ermöglicht dieses Programm das Extrahieren einer Energieverteilung aus den Weglängen von ausschließlich an der Oberfläche gestreuten Ionen. Unter Berücksichtigung des Effekts der Oberflächenrauigkeit auf die HR-RBS Spektrenform konnte die Diffusion
von Zr in das polykristalline TiN erstmals verifiziert werden. Die Beobachtungen weisen daraufhin, dass bereits nach dem ersten ALD-Zyklus ein geringer Anteil der deponierten Zr-Atome bis in eine Tiefe von etwa 3 nm in das TiN diffundiert. Die vorläufigen Ergebnisse legen Korngrenzendiffusion nahe. / This thesis originated from a cooperation between Research Center Dresden-Rossendorf and Qimonda Dresden GmbH & Co. OHG. By means of High Resolution Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry (HR-RBS) the diffusion behaviour and layer growth of ZrO2 on SiO2 and TiN in the initial regime were investigated. The analysis of concentration profiles in ultrathin layers and interfaces was the focus of this work, made possible by the excellent depth resolution of less than 0.3 nm near the surface.
For the first time a two-dimensional position sensitive semiconductor detector was implemented and characterized in the setup of the HR-RBS for the improvement of the quality of the measurement results. Furthermore, a measurement procedure was put into operation that allowed the reduction of ion induced damage. Through the optimization of the experimental conditions and the development of a program package for the support of the analyst, an efficient measurement procedure
could be routinely ensured.
At the time of a binary collision between the incident ion and the target element with a small impact factor, the charge state changes frequently, especially due to the abruptly decreasing ion velocity of the projectile and the overlapping of the electron clouds. For HR-RBS with an energy-separating dipole magnet, the charge state distribution of the scattered ions must be known for the interpretation of the measured spectra. For the first time a significant dependence of the charge state distribution of the scattered C ions on the layer thickness as well as atomic number of the detected target elements, here from the fourth subgroup, was emonstrated.
This new knowledge allowed systematic investigations of the ZrO2 layer growth in the initial regime. The ZrO2 layers were produced by means of the atomic layer deposition (ALD). Based on the evidence for agglomeration of ZrO2 on SiO2 a method was introduced, which takes local thickness variations into account during the simulation of the HR-RBS spectra. An accurate statement about the ZrO2/SiO2 interface was possible due to the extraction of the thickness variation by the atomic
force microscopy (AFM). The boundary surface is sharp except for a small intermediate ZrSiO4 layer and no diffusion of Zr atoms in SiO2 could be detected. A quite different behaviour could be derived from high resolution spectra for the growth of ZrO2 on TiN. Measurements of the surface topography of the TiN layer revealed non negligible values for the surface roughness. A program was developed to capture the influence of the surface roughness on the shape of the high resolution spectrum. This
software uses AFM measurements to extract an energy distribution from calculated path length differences for ions scattered at the sample surface. Diffusion of Zr into polycrystalline TiN was demonstrated for the first time taking into account the effect of the surface roughness on the shape of the spectra. This observation indicates that already after the first ALD reaction cycle a small part of the deposited Zr atoms diffuses into the TiN layer up to a depth of 3 nm. Such preliminary results suggest grain boundary diffusion.
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Elaboration et caractérisation de couches minces amorphes dérivées d'oxydes de cobalt et de nickel (LiCoO2 et LiNiO2) utilisables comme électrode positive dans des microgénérateurs électrochimiquesBenqlilou-Moudden, Hanane 22 July 1996 (has links) (PDF)
Des couches minces amorphes dérivées d'oxydes de cobalt (LiCoO2) et de nickel (LiNiO2) ont été préparées par pulvérisation cathodique radiofréquence. La caractérisation de ces matériaux par analyses nucléaires (RBS et PIGE) a permis la détermination de leurs compositions. Les propriétés structurales et texturales ont été étudiées respectivement par diffraction des rayons X et par microscopie électronique a transmission (MET). Les nombres d'oxydation des atomes de cobalt et d'oxygene ont été déterminés par XPS dans les couches minces LixCoO2+y ainsi que lors de l'intercalation et la désintercalation des atomes de lithium dans ces dernières. Par ailleurs, les études par spectroscopie IR et XPS ont permis de préciser l'environnement des atomes de lithium et des atomes de cobalt dans ces matériaux. Les différentes couches minces ont été testées en tant qu'électrode positive dans des microgénerateurs électrochimiques au lithium.
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Analyse und praktische Umsetzung unterschiedlicher Methoden des <i>Randomized Branch Sampling</i> / Analysis and practical application of different methods of the <i>Randomized Branch Sampling</i>Cancino Cancino, Jorge Orlando 26 June 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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Topological Optimization in Network Dynamical Systems / Topologieoptimierung in Netzwerke Dynamische SystemeVan Bussel, Frank 25 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Terrestrial laser scanning- applications in forest ecological research / Terrestrisches Laser Scanning- Anwendungen in der ökologischen ForschungSeidel, Dominik 10 February 2011 (has links)
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