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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Isadora Klamt da Concei??o

Concei??o, Isadora Klamt da 20 January 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T13:22:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 458157.pdf: 90753 bytes, checksum: 38a5d83ebcac085f4c10da5409a35712 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-01-20 / Child sexual abuse is one of the most re current forms of mistreatment, and a serious public health problem. The importance of family relationships in this theme is well established. Nevertheless, there is a lack in studies addressing the specific aspects that underlie the intergenerational transmission of abused children. In this context, the aim of the study was to investigate the intergenerational transmission of child sexual abuse. To this end, two studies, one empirical and other theoretical have been performed. The theoretical study provides a systematic review of the prevalence of intergenerational transmission of sexual abuse. Data on the increase of intergenerational transmission in different generations of family were found. The mean prevalence of intergenerational transmission of sexual abuse in generations was: 42.47% in the generation of grandparents, 41,28% in the generation of mothers and 51,0% in the generation of children. The empirical study, in turn, examined the relationship between the type of attachment and parenting style and its relation to the intergenerational transmission of child sexual abuse. For this a quantitative research with cross-sectional design with three different groups of girls and their mothers was conducted. The first group comprised girls who have suffered abuse; the second was composed by girls who suffered mistreatment and their mothers and the third included girls who displayed clinical symptoms and their mothers. The results did not confirm the intergenerational transmission of attachment types, or the parenting style across different generations. Similarly and different than expected, the abused girls no reported more insecure attachment or poor parenting style. However, tow significant predictors were found to agree with the model of intergenerational transmission of child sexual abuse: the type of maternal attachment and the fact that parents are separated. / O abuso sexual infantil ? uma das mais recorrentes formas de mau trato, sendo um grave problema em sa?de p?blica. Sabe-se a import?ncia das rela??es familiares nessa tem?tica. Entretanto, faltam estudos que tratem sobre as especificidades dos aspectos que perpassam as gera??es de crian?as abusadas. Nesse contexto, o objetivo do estudo foi verificar a transmiss?o intergeracional do abuso sexual infantil. Para isso, foram realizados dois estudos, um te?rico e outro emp?rico. O estudo te?rico realiza uma revis?o sistem?tica sobre a preval?ncia da transmiss?o intergeracional do abuso sexual. Foram encontrados dados sobre o aumento da transmiss?o intergeracional em diferentes gera??es de familiares. A m?dia da preval?ncia da transmiss?o intergeracional do abuso sexual nas gera??es foi de: 42,47% na gera??o das av?s (G1); 41,28% na gera??o das m?es (G2) e 51.0% na gera??o das crian?as. O estudo emp?rico, por sua vez, examinou a rela??o entre o tipo de apego e estilo parental e a sua rela??o com a transmiss?o intergeracional do abuso sexual infantil. Para isso foi realizada uma pesquisa quantitativa com delineamento transversal com tr?s diferentes grupos de meninas e suas m?es: meninas que sofreram abuso sexual; meninas que sofreram maus tratos e meninas que est?o passando por sintomas cl?nicos. Os resultados n?o confirmaram a transmiss?o intergeracional dos tipos de apego, nem do estilo parental entre as diferentes gera??es. Do mesmo modo, diferente do esperado, as meninas abusadas n?o reportaram mais apego inseguro ou estilo parental deficit?rio. No entanto, duas associa??es foram encontradas como concordantes com o modelo da transmiss?o intergeracional do abuso sexual infantil: o tipo de apego materno e o fato dos pais serem separados.

Rela??o entre estilos parentais, personalidade e regula??o emocional na condi??o de bullying em adolescentes

Barrios, Alejandro Jos? Mena 24 February 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T13:22:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 464025.pdf: 1923497 bytes, checksum: 106513d1654b754075bda219919ae6aa (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-02-24 / As a part of the theoretical study of this research, a systematic review of the literature on bullying and its correlations with parental styles, personality and emotional regulation was realized. Through fourteen papers included on this systematic review, we could verify a significant correlation between parental styles/parental practices and bullying. Simultaneously, the empirical part of this research aimed to study the correlation between parental styles, personality and emotional regulation among bullying factors (extreme bullying, bullying, active bystander, passive bystander and victim). The sample consisted of 423 participants (53% women, 47 men). Participants answered to a Socio demographic questionnaire, a bullying questionnaire (CMIE-II), a parental styles questionnaire and an emotional regulation test based on the Big Five taxonomy (BFP). We could verify a significant correlation between parental styles and the bullying factors: bullying and bullied. Moreover, a correlation was observed between the neuroticism personality factor and emotional deregulation among extreme bullying and abused factors. / O presente estudo teve como objetivo investigar a rela??o entre estilos parentais, personalidade e regula??o emocional no processo de bullying em adolescentes atrav?s da realiza??o de dois estudos, sendo um te?rico e um emp?rico. No estudo te?rico foi realizada uma revis?o sistem?tica sobre a rela??o entre estilos parentais e bullying. Os resultados dos catorze artigos inclu?dos na revis?o indicaram que a maior parte dos estudos revisados encontraram uma associa??o significativa entre estilos e pr?ticas/parentais e bullying em crian?as e adolescentes. O estudo emp?rico teve como objetivo investigar a associa??o entre estilos parentais, personalidade e regula??o emocional nas diferentes condi??es de bullying: bullying extremo, abusador, observador passivo, observador ativo e abusado. A amostra foi formada por 423 participantes (57% mulheres e 43% homens). Os participantes responderam ao Question?rio de dados s?cio demogr?ficos, Question?rio Multimodal de Intera??o Escolar (CMIE-III) para avaliar bullying, Escala de estilos parentais Exig?ncia e Responsividade, Escala de Dificuldades de Regula??o Emocional (DERS) e Bateria Fatorial de Personalidade (BFP). Observou-se correla??o estatisticamente significativa entre estilos parentais e os fatores abusador e bullying extremo, al?m de ter-se observado associa??o significativa entre o fator neuroticismo de personalidade e dificuldades de regula??o emocional no fator bullying extremo e abusado.

Aliena??o parental : uma discuss?o a partir dos direitos fundamentais da crian?a e do adolescente

Amato, Gabriela Cruz 27 February 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T14:34:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 457607.pdf: 441786 bytes, checksum: 1f8378075f9769ba8a00d48701c84274 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-02-27 / This study aims to analyze the fundamental rights of children and adolescents across the acts of parental alienation, with the aim of identifying which rights of children and adolescents may be violated by the Institute of parental alienation, seeking to achieve possible legal solutions for this highly psychological problem. Starting from an examination of the evolution of children's rights, and constitutional openness to the recognition of these rights, we will analyze the structure of fundamental rights through his general theory, to finally get to the study of fundamental rights in kind, capable of being impaired the practice of parental alienation. Also for this purpose, will be elucidated the principles of protection of children and adolescents, disposed in Federal Constitution of 1988, the Statute of Children and Adolescents, and also in international documents such as the Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989. Performed such considerations, finally, we need to check those relating to parental alienation issues. Therefore, the distinction between the Parental Alienation Syndrome and parental alienation will be held, concluding that interests the right to legal protection of parental alienation in order to avoid psychological effects, and even curbing this practice. It is pointed out shared custody as a possible helper tool in resolving these conflicts. / O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar os direitos fundamentais da crian?a e do adolescente frente ? pr?tica de atos de aliena??o parental, com o fito de identificar quais direitos da crian?a e do adolescente podem ser violados pelo instituto da aliena??o parental, buscando alcan?ar poss?veis solu??es jur?dicas para este problema eminentemente ps?quico. Partindo de uma verifica??o da evolu??o dos direitos da crian?a, bem como da abertura constitucional para o reconhecimento desses direitos, ser? analisada a estrutura dos direitos fundamentais atrav?s de sua teoria geral, para, enfim, alcan?ar o estudo dos direitos fundamentais em esp?cie, pass?veis de viola??o pela pr?tica de aliena??o parental. Tamb?m com este intuito, ser?o elucidados os princ?pios de prote??o ? crian?a e ao adolescente, dispostos na Constitui??o Federal de 1988, no Estatuto da Crian?a e do Adolescente, e ainda, nos documentos internacionais, como a Conven??o sobre os Direitos da Crian?a de 1989. Realizadas tais considera??es, por fim, cumpre verificar as quest?es atinentes ? aliena??o parental. Para tanto, ser? realizada a distin??o entre a S?ndrome de Aliena??o Parental e a aliena??o parental, concluindo-se que interessa ao direito a tutela jur?dica da aliena??o parental, a fim de evitar as consequ?ncias ps?quicas e, at? mesmo, coibir tal pr?tica. Aponta-se a guarda compartilhada como poss?vel instrumento auxiliador na resolu??o destes conflitos.

Pr?ticas educativas parentais e depend?ncia qu?mica na adolesc?ncia

Broecker, Carla Zart 01 December 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T13:22:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 389119.pdf: 1687864 bytes, checksum: 6d7bc50b99f3f91d3afa7b2d0d1d4ecb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-12-01 / O estudo apresenta uma revis?o te?rica da literatura sobre pr?ticas educativas parentais e depend?ncia qu?mica na adolesc?ncia. Sabe-se que o uso de drogas vem acontecendo de forma cada vez mais precoce e com drogas mais nocivas. Entende-se, tamb?m, que as estruturas familiares t?m passado por diversas mudan?as nos ?ltimos anos, fazendo com que os pais fiquem desorientados em rela??o ?s suas atitudes para com seus filhos. Desta forma, nesta pesquisa, ? retratada a import?ncia da an?lise das pr?ticas parentais como fatores que podem atuar como predispositoras ou protetoras da depend?ncia qu?mica na adolesc?ncia

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