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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tutela de urgência e tutela da evidência nos processos societários / Urgent and evident provisional measures in corporate disputes

João Paulo Hecker da Silva 18 April 2012 (has links)
A tese trata do tema das tutelas de urgência e da evidência nos processos societários e está dividida em dez partes. A primeira parte aborda a tutela de urgência e tutela da evidência no contexto da tempestividade da tutela jurisdicional, sempre sob a égide da celeridade do processo, da segurança jurídica e da técnica processual e as propostas para o Novo Código de Processo Civil. A segunda, trata do devido processo legal e o do contraditório, da análise econômica do direito, das relações entre direito e processo e do regime jurídico das medidas urgentes. A terceira parte aborda os limites do controle judicial, as medidas inaudita altera parte, as astreintes, o descumprimento, a contracautela, a irreversibilidade; a relação entre a medida urgente nas eficácias da sentença e seu reflexo no regime das nulidades em direito societário. A quarta parte trata da tutela da evidência no direito societário, abordando a quebra da ordinariedade do sistema processual brasileiro atual, alguns conflitos societários e as propostas para o Novo Código de Processo Civil. A quinta parte contém desdobramentos da tutela da evidência e da tutela de urgência nas deliberações sociais. A sexta e a sétima partes tratarão das tutelas de urgência e demais questões societárias (produção antecipada de provas, a antecipação de haveres, afastamento de sócio, arrolamento, exibição de livros e documentos societários). A oitava parte diz respeito à arbitragem em matéria societária e as relações entre juízes togados e árbitros. A nona parte conterá propostas legislativas e as concusões da tese. A décima e última parte trará a bibliografia utilizada. / This thesis focuses the subject of interim measures and injunctive relief in corporation litigation and is divided in ten parts. The first part addresses ínterim measures and injunctive relief in the context of judicial reliefs opportune timing, always taking into account readiness, legal security and procedural technique, as well as the proposals for a new Code of Civil Procedure. The second addresses procedural due process and participation in the proceedings, law and economics, the relations between substantive and procedural law, and the legal regime of interim measures. The third part approaches the limits of judicial review, inaudita altera parte relief, contempt of court fees, noncompliance, counter-guarantee, irreversibility, the relationship between the interim measure in the final awards effects and its impact in the regime of nullity defects in corporate law. The fourth part discusses interim measures based on preponderance of evidence in corporate law, bracing the fracture of ordinary proceedings in the current Brazilian Procedural system, some corporate disputes, and the proposals for the New Code of Civil Procedure. The fifth parte contains the unravelling of interim relief based on preponderance of evidence and urgent relief regarding the corporations decisions. The sixth and seventh parts will engage in the matters of urgent relief and other remaining corporate issues (anticipated disclosure of evidence, anticipated payment of shareholders assets, termination of shareholders, probate proceedings, disclosure of business records and other company documents). The eight part focuses arbitration in corporate law and the relationship between state judges and arbitrators. The ninth part contains proposals for statute drafts and the conclusions of the thesis. The tenth and last part shall bring the bibliography utilised.

Die Revolution im Stadtzentrum

Lässig, Sophie 07 December 2017 (has links)
Sophie Lässig analysiert das Relief 'Kampf und Sieg der revolutionären Arbeiterklasse', welches vom Künstler Johann Belz geschaffen wurde und 1977 in der Chemnitzer Innenstadt installiert wurde.

Analyse comparative de l'information topographique obtenue à partir des modèles numériques d'altitude de différentes sources

Happi Mangoua, Frédéric January 2009 (has links)
There is always a margin of error concerning elevation data, which are considered one of the most important types of topographic information obtained from Digital Elevation Models (DEMs). Today, DEMs are the most useful data source for geospatial analysis and are highly requested. To achieve accuracy of DEMs, new techniques came out. Airborne Laser Scanning (LIDAR) and the Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (IFSAR) are among the latest methods used in remote sensing to produce DEMs.The two techniques do not have the same advantages and disadvantages. Taking into account the morphology of terrain and factors related to vegetation, we have proceeded to various comparisons of topographic information obtained from ICES at elevation data, Canadian Digital Elevation Data (CDED), and SRTM models. We used more than 8 million points distributed in eight study areas throughout Canada. A comparison between CDED and SRTM indicated an RMSE of 11, 9 m. Vertical accuracy was found to be surface slope dependent. Comparisons made with ICESat LIDAR elevation points on SRTM and CDED models confirmed the important influence of slope on topographic information. ICES at produces excellent results in plane regions for slopes ? 5À (RMSE of 1, 5 m found in Manitoba). While comparing ICESat/SRTM with ICESat/DNEC, we observed that ICESat/SRTM presented the fewest errors. Errors between CDED and SRTM models are concentrated around a north-south axis, particularly in northern directions. ICESat/SRTM confirmed the concentration of errors in the northern directions. Comparisons showed that conifers are the species which had a major influence on the differences between the two models with an RMSE of 6,7 m.The density of vegetation does not have a significant impact on the topographic information between SRTM and CDED.The highest trees have more influence on the topographic information, with an RMSE above 5 m. However, vegetation does not influence ICES at and SRTM in the same manner. From the existing relation between contour interval and RMSE, we derived some topographical scale ranges which enable mapping with SRTM data at a scale better than 1: 250 000. For the most part, the observed RMSE between CDED and SRTM fulfills the 16 m RMSE specification for the SRTM mission. Despite the low distribution of ICESat elevation points, the importance of this satellite cannot be overemphasized: ICES at points remain a power validation tool in satellite altimetry.

Medication utilization, adherence and use of relief agents among Texas medicaid patients with persistent asthma

Makhinova, Tatiana Victorovna 10 October 2014 (has links)
Asthma is a prevalent chronic disease with high health care utilization and excessive costs. Adherence to asthma long-term controller medications is one of the key drivers to improve asthma management. The purpose of this study was to investigate how patient characteristics and medication regimens, including adherence, impact asthma-related outcomes, which was represented by the use of quick-relief medications: oral corticosteroids (OCSs) and short-acting [beta]2-agonists (SABAs). Texas Medicaid prescription claims from July 1, 2008 to August 31, 2010 were retrospectively analyzed. Patients aged 5-63 years with a primary diagnosis of asthma (ICD-9 code 493) and four or more prescription claims for any asthma medication in one year (persistent asthma) were included. The primary outcomes were adherence to asthma long-term controller medications estimated by Proportion of Days Covered (PDC) and asthma control defined by the number of OCS and SABA claims. A total of 32,172 patients were included in the study. The majority of the patients were on monotherapy (58.9%), with leukotriene receptor antagonists (LTRAs) being most commonly prescribed (65.6%). Among patients on combination therapy (41.1%), fixed dose combinations of inhaled corticosteroids (ICSs) plus long-acting β-agonists (LABAs) were most commonly prescribed (51.9%). Mean (±SD) adherence to controller therapy was 32.2% (±19.7). Patients on LTRAs were 7.7% more adherent compared to patients on ICS therapy, and patients on fixed dose combination therapy were 4.5% more adherent compared to patients on concurrent therapy, while controlling for covariates (age, gender, race, number of non-study medications) (p<0.0001). The likelihood of having 6 or more claims for SABA in one year was significantly higher for adherent (PDC≥50%) patients (p<0.0001). However, the likelihood of OCS use was significantly higher for nonadherent (PDC<50%) patients compared to those who were adherent (p<0.0001). In conclusion, adherence to long-term controller medications was low among patients with asthma. Healthcare providers should emphasize adherence to controller therapy among patients with asthma. Being adherent is critical in prevention of asthma exacerbations requiring OCS use. As frequent SABA use signals poor asthma control, healthcare providers and patients (both adherent and nonadherent) should be educated/re-educated about SABA inhaler use. / text

Simulation numérique de mouvements moléculaires photo-induits par la photo-isomérisation de molécules chromophores diluées dans un polymère.

Saiddine, Mohamed 09 July 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail est consacré à l'étude du comportement de la matière condensée soumise à une perturbation via l'isomérisation de molécules sondes photochromes du type azo-benzènes. Une description microscopique de la matière est utilisée de manière à obtenir une meilleure compréhension des processus physiques donnant lieu à la formation des réseaux de relief en surface (SRG) dans ce type de matériaux, processus toujours incompris. L'étude utilise des simulations à l'échelle atomique par dynamique moléculaire hors d'équilibre où l'énergie produite par le processus de photo-isomérisation est absorbée par un thermostat, après sa dégradation thermique à l'intérieur de la matrice hôte. La photoisomérisation est introduite de manière périodique, par une modification continue des photochromes de la forme trans vers la forme cis et inversement. De manière à déterminer l'effet des longueurs de chaînes du polymère hôte, des matrices de degrés de polymérisation variées sont utilisées dans cette étude ainsi que des polymères “vivants” en cours de polymérisation. Une modification des propriétés de transport engendrant des mouvements massifs de matière en dessous de la température de transition vitreuse est observée ainsi qu'une stimulation de la coopérativité intrinsèque de la matrice hôte.

Interactions Between Public and Private Poverty Relief Organizations

Livingston, Brendan January 2011 (has links)
The fight against poverty in the United States has existed since the inception of the country. Each successive generation has had their own unique view on the causes of poverty and the use of institutions to suppress it. This dissertation focuses on institutions helping the poor during the Progressive Era from 1900 to 1930. During this time period poverty relief fundamentally evolved from private charities providing the bulk of relief efforts to government agencies becoming the more important source of aid.Research into poverty relief for this time period has been deficient mostly from a lack of quality data. To further the literature, I have created a unique data set that provides information about both governmental and private relief efforts throughout the era. The first chapter of the dissertation focuses on quantitatively and qualitatively documenting the evolution of institutions from 1900 to 1930 in Massachusetts. Particular emphasis is on how the public's changing attitudes towards the poor altered the institutions used to provide relief. The second chapter studies the effects of government spending on private spending. I highlight how nonprofit managers' behavior would lead them to reduce spending when the government became the first avenue of support for the poor. The third chapter tests assumptions made in the second chapter about nonprofit managerial behavior. Unfortunately, data from 1900 to 1930 does not have the quality to answer these questions. Therefore, I use a similar data set from 1998 to 2003 to test how nonprofit managers adjust their spending, program service revenue, and savings to the business cycle.

Orma livelihoods in Tana River district, Kenya : a study of constraints, adaptation and innovation

Pattison, James Lee January 2011 (has links)
This study focuses on the constraints, adaptations and innovations in the livelihoods of Orma pastoralists. The fieldwork took place with families around Tiltila, Waldena and Kalalani over a period of 9 months in 2007/08. The position of pastoralist peoples in East Africa is characterised by social, political and economic marginalisation, weak land tenure, and declining per capita livestock holdings, while their shrinking grazing lands are widely regarded to be on the front line of climate change, both in terms of climate impacts and biofuel/agribusiness land pressure. The dearth of good quality data on pastoralist populations and livelihoods is widely cited as one of the fundamental barriers to improving the effectiveness of development support in the drylands. This study seeks to address these knowledge gaps for Orma pastoralists, while contributing to the body of theory on pastoralist livelihood dynamics. Data on the effects of wealth, education and food aid on household mobility were analysed using a theory of asset threshold dynamics. An adapted typology of livelihood strategies was developed to interpret and structure the data. Using child mortality as a proxy for respondent health, the impacts of wealth and mobility status on families’ health were explored. In the context of an almost total lack of data on community redistribution of food aid, both for the Orma and for East African pastoralists more generally, the study provides empirical data on de facto community food aid allocation patterns. The study also examines a controversial large-scale expropriation of land in Tana River (subsidised under the Kyoto Protocol’s Clean Development Mechanism) which will undermine the capacity of Orma pastoralists and other minority groups, to adapt to increased and more extreme environmental variability. In an environment in which enrolment in formal education is very low (particularly for girls), the study found that community nursery schools represent a relatively recent (and thus far undocumented) innovation organised and funded by groups of parents. The data demonstrates unprecedented levels of female enrolment despite cost constraints faced by least wealthy families. It is therefore suggested that incorporation of the community nursery model into the basic literacy element of the proposed national distance learning strategy, offers significant potential for addressing ‘Education For All’ in Kenya’s drylands.

First responder: weapons of mass destruction training using massively multiplayer on-line gaming

Richardson, Thomas J. 06 1900 (has links)
CHDS State/Local / Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / This thesis proposes the development of a Massively Multiplayer On-Line Game (MMOG) to deliver Weapons of Mass Destruction Training to the nation's first responders and civilians. MMOG technology offers a cost effective alternative to existing training methodologies. Existing first responder WMD training often uses traditional in-residence classes. These current training methods are expensive, lack standardization, and do not have provable outcomes. Scaling up existing training to meet the needs of millions of responders would be cost prohibitive. Modern information technologies such as MMOGs offer a safe, efficient, effective and fun alternative mechanism to deliver training. MMOGs could scale to meet the volume of training need at a fraction of the cost of traditional methods. The DoD has proven the effectiveness of simulation games as a training tool, and the use of gaming and simulations is recognized in academia. / Captain, Seattle Fire Department

Developing a Fly-Away-Kit (FLAK) to support Hastily Formed Networks (HFN) for Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief)

Lancaster, David D. 06 1900 (has links)
This research discusses developing a FLy-Away-Kit (FLAK) to support the forming of Hastily Formed Networks (HFNs) in remote areas in support of Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HA/DR) operations. The initial focus will be on the requirements, situation, area of operations and mission. Different definitions and perspectives emerge when an individual mentions HFNs, HA/DR and Complex Humanitarian Disasters (CHDs). It is the author's intention to define and describe both a HFN and a CHD, in order to justify the need for the FLAK. This process will also define the requirements for the FLAK as well as facilitate processes for ensuring those requirements are met. The personnel responding to the attacks of September 11, 2001 and the December 26, 2004 Southeast Asia Tsunami suffered Command and Control (C2) and information challenges. Even more challenges are being currently addressed by Homeland Defense, Maritime Domain Awareness, and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) abroad. From the top down, levels of administration are developing new plans, procedures, and organizations that will improve the security and communication processes of our nation. A global, broadband, rapidly deployable network node complete with Internet reachback, voice, data, and video capability is of the utmost importance to enable C2 and Network Centric Operations (NCO). Undoubtedly, commercial and military organizations, traditional or new, will greatly benefit from this capability. The U.S. DoD is particularly interested in improving interaction, coordination, communications, and operations when DoD and other entities respond simultaneously to natural or man-made CHD's.

Stress relief cracking in copper-precipitation strengthened HSLA-100 steel

McNutt, Steven A. 12 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited / The US Navy is currently developing a new family of high-strength , low-alloy steels which derive a significant portion of their strength from copper precipitation. These highly weldable steels require little or no preheat. resulting in substantial cost savings. The first of these steels. HSLA-80, has been certified for ship construction, but recent studies have indicated some susceptibility to stress relief cracking in weldments. HSLA-100, a modification of HSLA-80, is now being considered for several higher-strength naval structures. Stress-relief cracking has not been studied previously in this steel and is the subject of investigation in this work. The steel weldments were loaded below their yield strength, heated to temperatures of 550°-650° C, and permitted to stress relieve for one hour. At all temperatures, the steel exhibited susceptibility to stress relief cracking in certain stress ranges. Optical and scanning electron microscopy exhibited intergranular cracking which always traversed the coarse-grained region of the heat-affected zone. Auger and transmission electron microscopy indicated high concentrations of alloying elements at the grain boundaries. Stress-relief cracking was associated with the diffusion of alloying elements to the prior austenite grain boundaries. / http://archive.org/details/stressreliefcrac00mcnu / Captain, Canadian Forces

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