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Régulation des fonctions mitochondriales dans la cardioprotection : spécificité du ratDe Paulis, Damien 20 January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Le postconditionnement cardiaque est paradoxal chez le rat. Certains auteurs ont montré que cet animal pouvait être protégé par le postconditionnement alors que d'autres ont montré qu'il était inefficace. L'objectif de notre travail était d'éclaircir cette situation et d'établir un lien entre la régulation des fonctions mitochondriales et la réussite ou l'échec du postconditionnement. Nous avons montré sur un modèle in vivo que le rat est sensible au postconditionnement cardiaque sous certaines conditions. Il semble que la réussite de cette thérapie nécessite à la fois une préservation de la phosphorylation oxydative, une inhibition de l'ouverture du mPTP et une diminution de la production de ROS. Nous avons également montré que le complexe I de la chaîne respiratoire régule l'ouverture du mPTP en liaison avec l'état de la Cyp D. L'ensemble de nos résultats montrent que le rat n'est pas réfractaire au postconditionnement, mais pour que celui-ci soit efficace, il est nécessaire de préserver l'intégrité des différentes fonctions mitochondriales. La cardioprotection et la régulation des fonctions mitochondriales sont donc spécifiquement liées au modèle utilisé
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The effects of chronic melatonin treatment on myocardial function and ischaemia and reperfusion injury in a rat model of diet-induced obesityNduhirabandi, Frederic 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScMedSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Obesity is a major risk factor for ischaemic heart disease. Obesity-induced metabolic
abnormalities have been associated with increased oxidative stress which may play an
important role in the increased susceptibility to myocardial dysfunction and ischaemiareperfusion
(I/R) injury seen in obesity. The pineal gland hormone, melatonin, has powerful
antioxidant properties. Previous studies have shown that short-term or acute melatonin
administration protects the normal healthy heart of lean animals against I/R damage. However,
the effects of melatonin on the heart in obesity remain unknown. Moreover, the myocardial
signalling mechanisms associated with the cardioprotective effects of melatonin have not been established. Using a rat model of diet induced obesity, we set out to: 1) investigate the effects of chronic
melatonin administration on the development of diet-induced systemic alterations including
biometric and metabolic parameters and oxidative stress, 2) determine whether chronic
melatonin treatment protects the myocardium against ischaemia-reperfusion injury, and 3)
determine whether melatonin treatment confers cardioprotection by altering the reperfusion
injury salvage kinase (RISK) pathway signalling and the pro-apoptotic p38 MAPK, AMPK and
GLUT-4 expression. Male rats weighing 200±20g were randomly allocated to four groups: 1) C, control rats
receiving a standard commercial rat chow and drinking water without melatonin; 2) CM, control
rats receiving melatonin (4mg/kg/day) in drinking water; 3) D, diet-induced obesity rats,
receiving a high calorie diet and drinking water without melatonin; 4) DM, diet-induced obesity
rats, receiving melatonin in drinking water. After 16 weeks of treatment and feeding, rats were
weighed and blood and myocardial tissue collected to document biochemical and molecular
biological changes. Hearts were perfused on the isolated working rat heart perfusion apparatus
for the evaluation of myocardial function and infarct size. The Reperfusion Injury Salvage
Kinases (RISK) pathway (PKB/Akt (Ser-473), ERK p42/ p44) and p38 MAPK (mitogenactivated
protein kinase) were investigated in pre-and post-ischaemic hearts using Western
blotting techniques. Post-ischaemic activation of AMPK (5’AMP-activated protein kinase) (Thr-
172) and GLUT-4 (glucose transporter) expression were also investigated. Serum and
baseline myocardial glutathione (GSH) content were measured. In addition, serum lipid peroxidation products: thiobarbituric reactive substances (TBARS), conjugated dienes (CD)
and lipid hydroperoxide (LOOH), were also determined. The high-calorie diet caused increases in body weight, visceral adiposity, heart weight, serum
insulin, leptin, blood triglycerides, and low HDL-cholesterol levels. Blood glucose levels were
similar for both diet fed rats and controls. Myocardial glutathione, serum glutathione, total
cholesterol, TBARS, LOOH, CD as well as total cholesterol (TC) levels were not affected by
the high calorie diet. Chronic melatonin treatment reduced body weight gain, visceral
adiposity, heart weight, blood triglycerides, serum insulin, HOMA index, serum leptin (DM vs D,
p<0.01), and increased blood HDL-C in diet treated rats while there was no effect on these
parameters in control rats, despite the reduction in body weight, heart weight and visceral
adiposity. Melatonin treatment had no effect on myocardial or serum GSH and LOOH in either
control or diet animals. It however reduced TBARS and CD in the diet and control groups,
respectively. At baseline, chronic melatonin treatment caused a significant increase in
phospho-PKB/total PKB ratio and a concomitant reduction in phospho-p38 MAPK/total p38
MAPK ratio of control hearts while there were no such effects on diet-induced-obesity hearts.
Infarct size was significantly reduced by melatonin in both diet and control groups (DM:
16.6±2.0%; D: 38.4±2.6% (p < 0.001), and CM: 12.8±1.5%; C: 30.4±1.0%, p<0.001). After
coronary artery occlusion and 30 minutes of reperfusion, melatonin increased percentage
recovery of aortic output (DM: 28.5±6.5%; D: 6.2±6.2%, p<0.01), cardiac output (DM:
44.4±5.2%; D: 26.6±5.1%, p < 0.01) and total work (DM: 34.5±5.6%; D: 20.4±7.9%, p<0.05) of
diet-induced obesity hearts, while having no effect on control hearts. During reperfusion, hearts
from melatonin treated rats had increased activation of PKB/Akt (p<0.01), ERK42/44 (p<0.05),
and reduced p38 MAPK activation (p<0.05). There was no difference in post-ischaemic
activation of AMPK (Thr-172) and GLUT-4 expression in either control or diet fed rats. We successfully demonstrated that chronic melatonin treatment prevented the development of
diet-induced metabolic abnormalities and improved ex vivo myocardial function. Melatonin
protected the heart against ischaemia-reperfusion injury that was exacerbated in obesity. This
was achieved by activation of the RISK pathway. The antioxidant properties of melatonin were
involved in these cardioprotective effects. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Vetsug of obesiteit is een van die hoof risikofaktore vir iskemiese hartsiekte. Obesiteitgeinduseerde
metaboliese abnormaliteite gaan met verhoogde oksidatiewe stres gepaard wat
op sy beurt ‘n belangrike rol mag speel in die miokardiale wanfunksie en verhoogde
vatbaarheid vir iskemie-herperfusie (I/H) beskadiging, kenmerkend van vetsug. Melatonien, die
hormoon afgeskei deur die pineaalklier, is ‘n kragtige anti-oksidant. Vorige studies het getoon
dat kort-termyn of akute toediening van melatonien die normale hart van gesonde diere teen
I/H beskadiging deur middel van sy anti-oksidant aksies beskerm. Die effek van melatonien op
die hart in obesiteit is egter nog onbekend. Hierbenewens is die miokardiale seintransduksie
meganismes geassosieer met die beskermende effekte van die hormoon nog nie ontrafel nie. ‘n Model van dieet-geinduseerde obesiteit in rotte is gebruik om die volgende te bepaal: (i) die
effek van kroniese melatonientoediening op die ontwikkeling van dieet-geinduseerde
sistemiese veranderinge soos biometriese en metaboliese parameters en oksidatiewe stres (ii)
die effek van kroniese melatonienbehandeling op die respons van die hart op I/H beskadiging
en (iii) die rol van herperfusie beskadiging op die aktivering van PKB/Akt en ERK42/44 (die sg
RISK seintransduksiepad), die pro-apoptotiese p38MAPK, AMPK sowel as die uitdrukking van
GLUT-4. Manlike Wistar rotte (200±20g) is ewekansig in vier groepe verdeel: (i) C, kontrole rotte wat ‘n
standaard rotdieet en drinkwater sonder melatonien ontvang (ii) CM, kontrole rotte wat
melatonien (4mg/kg/dag) ontvang (iii) D, dieet-geϊnduseerde vet rotte wat ‘n hoë kalorie dieet
en drinkwater sonder melatonien ontvang (iv) DM, dieet-geϊnduseerde vet rotte wat melatonien
(4mg/kg/dag) in die drinkwater ontvang. Na 16 weke van behandeling, is die rotte geweeg,
bloed en hartweefsel gekollekteer vir biochemiese en molekulêre biologie bepalings. Harte is
geperfuseer volgens die werkhartmodel, blootgestel aan iskemie/herperfusie vir evaluering van
funksionele herstel en infarktgrootte. Uitdrukking en aktivering van PKB/Akt (Ser-473),
ERKp42/p44 en p38MAPK van pre-en postiskemiese hartweefsel is met behulp van Western
blot bepaal. Postiskemiese aktivering van AMPK (5’AMP-aktiveerde proteϊen kinase) (Thr-172)
en GLUT-4 (glukose transporter) is op soortgelyke wyse bepaal. Serum en basislyn
hartweefsel glutatioon (GSH) inhoud asook tiobarbituursuur reaktiewe substans (TBARS),
gekonjugeerde diene (CD) en lipiedhidroperoksied (LOOH) konsentrasies is bepaal. Resultate
Die hoë kalorie diet het ‘n toename in liggaamsgewig, visserale vet, hartgewig, serum insulien,
leptien, plasma trigliseried en lae HDL-cholesterol vlakke teweegebring. Bloed glukosevlakke
was egter dieselfde in die vet en kontrole rotte. Miokardiale glutatioon, serum glutatioon, totale
cholesterol, TBARS, LOOH, CD is nie deur die dieet beinvloed nie. Chroniese melatonien
behandeling het die liggaamsgewig, visserale vet, hartgewig, plasma trigliseried, serum
insulien en leptien, HOMA indeks verlaag (DM vs D, p<0.05) en die HDL-cholesterol verhoog
in die dieetrotte, terwyl dit geen effek op hierdie parameters in kontrole rotte gehad het nie
(uitgesonderd ‘n afname in liggaamsgewig, hartgewig en visserale vet). Melatonien
behandeling het geen effek op hart of serum GSH en LOOH in kontrole en vet rotte gehad nie.
Dit het egter die TBARS en CD in beide vet en kontrole rotte verlaag. Chroniese melatonien
toediening het ‘n beduidende toename in basislyn fosfo PKB//totale PKB ratio en ‘n afname in
fosfo p38MAPK/totale p38MAPK ratio teweegebring in harte van kontrole rotte, maar
soortgelyke effekte is nie in die harte van die vet rotte waargeneem nie. Infarktgrootte is
beduidend deur melatonienbehandeling verlaag in beide dieet en kontrole groepe (DM: 16.6±
5.2%, D: 38.4 ±2.6% (p<0.001); CM: 12.8± 1.5%; C 30.4±1.0 (p<0.001). Na koronere arterie
afbinding en 30 min van herperfusie, het melatonien die persentasie herstel van aorta omset
(DM: 28.5± 6.5%; D: 6.2± 6.2%, p<0.01), kardiale omset ( DM: 44.4± 5.2%D: 26.6±5.1%,
p<0.01) en totale werk (DM: 34.5 5.6%; D 20.4± 7.9%, p<0.05) in die harte van dieetrotte
verbeter, terwyl dit sonder effek was in kontrole harte. Tydens herperfusie het harte van
melatonienbehandelde rotte verhoogde aktivering van PKB/Akt (p<0.01) en ERKp42/p44
(p<0.05) getoon, terwyl aktivering van p38MAPK verlaag is (p<0.05). Geen verskil in
postiskemiese aktivering van AMPK en GLUT-4 uitdrukking is in beide kontrole en dieetrotte
waargeneem nie. Ons het daarin geslaag om aan te toon dat chroniese melatonienbehandeling die ontwikkeling
van dieet-geϊnduseerde metaboliese abnormaliteite beduidend kan voorkom en ex vivo
miokardiale funksie verbeter. Melatonien het ook die hart teen iskemie/herperfusie beskadiging
beskerm in beide kontrole en dieetrotte. Bogenoemde veranderinge het met aktivering van
PKB/Akt en ERKp42/p44 gepaard gegaan. Die anti-oksidant effekte van melatonien was
heelwaarskynlik hierby betrokke.
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Protective signaling of oxytocin in an in vitro model of myocardial ischemia - reperfusionGonzalez Reyes, Araceli 12 1900 (has links)
Introduction : La prévention de la mort de cellules cardiaques contractiles suite à un épisode d'infarctus du myocarde représente le plus grand défi dans la récupération de la fonction cardiaque. On a démontré à maintes reprises que l'ocytocine (OT), l'hormone bien connue pour ses rôles dans le comportement social et reproductif et couramment utilisée dans l’induction de l’accouchement, diminue la taille de l'infarctus et améliore la récupération fonctionnelle du myocarde blessé. Les mécanismes de cette protection ne sont pas totalement compris.
Objectif : Étudier les effets d'un traitement avec de l'ocytocine sur des cardiomyocytes isolés en utilisant un modèle in vitro qui simule les conditions d'un infarctus du myocarde.
Méthodes : La lignée cellulaire myoblastique H9c2 a été utilisée comme modèle de cardiomyocyte. Pour simuler le dommage d'ischémie-reperfusion (IR), les cellules ont été placées dans un tampon ischémique et incubées dans une chambre anoxique pendant 2 heures. La reperfusion a été accomplie par la restauration du milieu de culture régulier dans des conditions normales d'oxygène. L'OT a été administrée en présence ou en absence d'inhibiteurs de kinases connues pour être impliquées dans la cardioprotection. La mortalité cellulaire a été évaluée par TUNEL et l'activité mitochondriale par la production de formazan pendant 1 à 4 heures de reperfusion. La microscopie confocale a servie pour localiser les structures cellulaires.
Résultats : Le modèle expérimental de l'IR dans les cellules H9c2 a été caractérisé par une diminution dans la production de formazan (aux alentours de 50 à 70 % du groupe témoin, p < 0.001) et par l'augmentation du nombre de noyaux TUNEL-positif (11.7 ± 4.5% contre 1.3 ± 0.7% pour le contrôle). L'addition de l'OT (10-7 a 10-9 M) au commencement de la reperfusion a inversé les effets de l'IR jusqu'aux niveaux du contrôle (p < 0.001). L'effet protecteur de l'OT a été abrogé par : i) un antagoniste de l'OT ; ii) le knockdown de l'expression du récepteur à l'OT induit par le siRNA ; iii) la wortmannin, l'inhibiteur de phosphatidylinositol 3-kinases ; iv) KT5823, l'inhibiteur de la protéine kinase dépendante du cGMP (PKG); v) l'ODQ, un inhibiteur du guanylate cyclase (GC) soluble, et A71915, un antagoniste du GC membranaire. L'analyse confocale des cellules traitées avec OT a révélé la translocation du récepteur à l'OT et la forme phosphorylée de l'Akt (Thr 308, p-Akt) dans le noyau et dans les mitochondries.
Conclusions : L'OT protège directement la viabilité des cardiomyocytes, lorsqu'elle est administrée au début de la reperfusion, par le déclenchement de la signalisation du PI3K, la phosphorylation de l'Akt et son trafic cellulaire. La cytoprotection médiée par l'OT implique la production de cGMP par les deux formes de GC. / Introduction: The prevention of the death of contractile cardiac cells following an episode of myocardial infarction represents the largest challenge in the recovery of myocardial function. Oxytocin, the hormone best known for its roles in reproduction and social behaviour and used commonly for the induction of parturition, has been repeatedly demonstrated to decrease the infarct size and to ameliorate the functional recovery of the injured myocardium. The mechanisms for this protection are incompletely understood.
Objective: To study the effects of oxytocin treatment on isolated cardiomyocytes using an in vitro model simulating the conditions of a myocardial infarction.
Methods: The cardiomyoblastic cell line H9c2 was used as a model of cardiomyocyte. For IR injury, the cells were placed in ischemic buffer and incubated in an anoxic chamber for 2 hours. Reperfusion was achieved by restoring cell media under normoxic conditions. OT was administered in the presence or absence of enzyme inhibitors. Cell death was evaluated by TUNEL and mitochondrial activity by formazan production during 1-4 hours of reperfusion. Confocal microscopy served for localization of cell structures.
Results. The experimental model of IR in H9c2 cells was characterized by decreased formazan production (at the range of 50-70% of normoxic control, p < 0.001) and by the increased number of TUNEL-positive nuclei (11.7±4.5 vs. 1.3±0.7% in normoxic control). The addition of OT (10-7 to 10-9 M) at the onset of reperfusion reversed the effects of IR to the control levels (p < 0.001). The protective effect of OT was abrogated by: i) an OT antagonist, OTA and siRNA-mediated OT receptor knockout; ii) the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinases inhibitor wortmannin; iii) the cGMP-dependent protein kinase (PKG) inhibitor, KT5823. Soluble guanylate cyclase (GC) inhibitor ODQ and particulate GC antagonist A71915 only partially blocked the protective effects of OT. Confocal analysis of OT-treated cells revealed translocation of OT receptor and the phosphorylated form of Akt (Thr 308, p-Akt) into the nucleus and mitochondria.
Conclusions: OT directly protects cardiomyocyte viability if administered at the onset of reperfusion by triggering signaling of Pi3K, Akt phosphorylation and its cellular trafficking. OT-mediated cytoprotection involves cGMP production by both forms of GC.
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Insulin resistance and chronic hyperglycemia promote vascular damage, increase circulating levels of inflammatory cytokines and lead to increased morbidity and mortality. MicroRNAs (miRs) -103/107 have been shown to negatively regulate insulin sensitivity and glucose homeostasis. Based on complimentary binding profiles, the downstream target gene of miR-103/107 is caveolin-1 (Cav-1). We hypothesized that daily administration of the phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitor tadalafil (TAD) ± the curcumin analogue (HO-3867) will attenuate inflammation, improve metabolic parameters and reduce infarct size after ischemia/reperfusion injury (IRI). Furthermore, we propose that TAD therapy will reduce myocardial expression of miR-103/107 and increase mRNA and protein levels of its target gene, Cav-1. Leptin receptor null mice were randomized to receive daily injections of TAD (1mg/kg), HO-3867 (25mg/Kg), combination therapy, or control for 12weeks with weight and fasting glucose monitored weekly. Upon completion, cardiomyocytes were isolated from each group and were subjected to simulated ischemia and reoxygenation (SI/RO) for cell viability and reactive oxygen species (ROS) measurement. Another set were subjected to IRI in a Langendorff model. Plasma samples were taken to measure plasma concentrations of cytokines. For miR expression, total RNA was isolated from TAD and DMSO treated mice and was subjected to reverse transcription and real time PCR using miR assay probes to determine expression. TAD, HO-3867 and the combination of both attenuated fasting glucose levels, reduced myocardial infarct size after IRI and inflammatory cytokines when compared to control (p<0.05 for each vs. control). Cardiomyocytes isolated from each treatment groups and subjected to SI/RO demonstrated reduced necrosis as shown by trypan blue exclusion assay, ROS generation, and improved mitochondrial membrane potential as compared to DMSO (control). Likewise, both mRNA and protein expression of Cav-1 were reduced in diabetic hearts but were significantly increased in TAD treated diabetic mice, which may be a mechanism to improve insulin signaling through downregulation of miR-103/107 and upregulation of Cav-1. These studies suggest that TAD alone or in combination may be a unique strategy to improve metabolic parameters and precondition diabetic hearts against IRI.
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Efeitos hemodinâmicos e metabólicos da evisceração abdominal no transplante multivisceral modificado experimental / Hemodynamic and metabolic effects after abdominal evisceration for experimental modified multivisceral transplantationKetzer, Bernardo Mazzini 30 April 2019 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A falência intestinal constitui uma grave entidade patológica. Uma das opções para estes casos complexos, como a síndrome de Gardner e a dismotilidade intestinal, é o transplante multivisceral modificado (TxMvm). A literatura científica ainda carece de um modelo experimental animal para o TxMvm, além do estudo de seus efeitos hemodinâmico e metabólico. A análise foi feita em dois dos três tipos de TxMvm: na evisceração maior e no modelo de preservação esplênica. Essas técnicas levam a grandes modificações anatômicas e hemodinâmicas que, somadas ao processo de evisceração esplâncnica, contribuem para redução da pré-carga e consequentemente do débito cardíaco (DC). O objetivo geral é descrever um modelo de evisceração das duas técnicas utilizadas no TxMvm em porco. O específico é descrever e comparar as alterações hemodinâmicas e metabólicas sistêmicas e regionais da evisceração abdominal nestas duas técnicas. MÉTODO: Foram utilizados 14 suínos (Landrace), pesando de 28 a 30 kg, que foram anestesiados, submetidos à ventilação mecânica e monitorizados hemodinamicamente. Os animais foram divididos aleatoriamente em dois grupos: grupo 1 (n=8), submetido à evisceração completa dos órgãos intra-abdominais, com exceção do fígado, e grupo 2 (n=6), submetidos à mesma evisceração com preservação esplênica. As variáveis hemodinâmicas foram obtidas através de cateter na aorta torácica e um cateter de Swan-Ganz. A avaliação da perfusão esplâncnica foi realizada com cateteres posicionados nas veias porta e hepática, e através de fluxômetro ultra-sônico. A oferta, o consumo e as taxas de extração sistêmica, hepática e esplâncnica de oxigênio foram calculados por meio de fórmulas padrão. Amostras de histologia hepática para avaliação mitocondrial, de apoptose e de imunohistoquímica foram colhidas durante todo o protocolo experimental, assim como sangue para análises gasométrica e bioquímica. RESULTADOS: Embora não tenha havido diferença significativa entre os grupos na análise transversal, na longitudinal a DO2 apresentou diferença significativa no grupo 1 a partir do T120, e no grupo 2, a partir do T60. Houve queda sustentada do consumo de oxigênio (VO2) em ambos os grupos. A extração de oxigênio hepático (TEO2 hep) também decaiu, mas com recuperação em T180 no grupo 2, enquanto no grupo 1, o VO2 hepático apresenta queda significativa. A variável S4 apresenta alteração significativa ao fim do estudo. Não houve diferença quanto às análises histológicas e imunohistoquímica. CONCLUSÃO: O modelo descrito nesta tese foi efetivo em observar as alterações hemodinâmicas, metabólicas e histopatológicas da evisceração em ambas as técnicas do TxMvm. A evisceracão abdominal foi associada a alterações hemodinâmicas sistêmicas e regionais significativas. Apesar da redução do DC, os marcadores metabólicos e bioquímicos de lesão hepática permaneceram inalterados ao final do estudo / INTRODUCTION: Intestinal failure is a very severe pathology consequence of some diseases such as Gardner\'s syndrome and intestinal motility disorder. There are some treatment options, one of them is the modified multivisceral transplantation (TxMvm). There is no description in scientific literature about an experimental animal model for TxMvm and the study of its hemodynamic and metabolic effects. This assignment was done in two of the three types of TxMvm: in major evisceration and in splenic preservation model. These techniques lead to major anatomical and hemodynamic modifications that, together with the splanchnic evisceration process, contribute to reduction in preload and consequently cardiac output (CO). The general objective is to describe a model of evisceration of two techniques used in TxMvm in pork. The specific objective is to describe and compare the hemodynamic and systemic and regional metabolic changes of abdominal evisceration in these two techniques. METHOD: Fourteen pigs (Landrace) weighing 28 to 30 kg were used, which were anesthetized, submitted to mechanical ventilation and monitored hemodynamically. The animals were randomly assigned to two groups: group 1 (n = 8), submitted to complete evisceration of intra-abdominal organs, with the exception of liver, and group 2 (n = 6), submitted to the same evisceration with splenic preservation. Systemic and regional hemodynamics were evaluated using Swan-Ganz, ultrasonic flowprobes, and arterial catheters. Serial blood samples were collected for blood gas, electrolyte and serum chemistry analysis. Systemic, hepatic and splanchnic O2-derived variables were also calculated. Liver histological samples for mitochondrial evaluation, apoptosis and immunohistochemistry were collected throughout the experimental protocol. RESULTS: Although there was no significant difference between the groups in the transversal analysis, in the longitudinal one, DO2 (oxygen delivery) presented a significant difference in group 1 from T120, and in group 2, from T60. There was a sustained decrease in oxygen consumption (VO2) in both groups. Hepatic oxygen extraction (TEO2 hep) also declined, but recovered in T180 in group 2, whereas in group 1, hepatic VO2 presented a significant decrease. Variable S4 presented a significant change at the end of the study. There was no difference regarding histological and immunohistochemical analyzes. CONCLUSION: The model described in this thesis was effective in observing the hemodynamic, metabolic and histopathological changes of evisceration in both TxMvm techniques. Abdominal evisceration was associated with significant systemic and regional hemodynamic changes. Despite the reduction in CO, the metabolic and biochemical markers of liver injury remained unchanged at the end of the study
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Úloha mitochondriální kreatinkinázy a hexokinázy v mechanismech kardioprotektivního působení chronické hypoxie / The role of mitochondrial creatine kinase and hexokinase in cardioprotective mechanisms induced by chronic hypoxiaWasková, Petra January 2014 (has links)
IN ENGLISH The ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) injury, which is a consequence of myocardial infarction, represents a major cause of death worldwide. One of the most effective cardioprotective interventions increasing the resistance of hearts to the I/R injury is the adaptation to a chronic hypoxia (CH). However, the molecular mechanisms of CH are still not well understood. The most important factors responsible for the I/R injury are reactive oxygen species (ROS) produced by complexes I and III within the mitochondrial electron transport chain. Potential candidates maintaining ROS at a low level are mitochondrial creatine kinase (mtCK) and two hexokinase isoforms (HK1 and HK2). These enzymes highly support the mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation by increasing the availability of ADP for complex V of the respiratory chain. In addition, the HK binding to mitochondria inhibits binding of the pro- apoptotic protein BAX, thereby protecting cardiac cells against apoptosis. Besides the mitochondrial CK isoform, there are two cytosolic CK (CKM and CKB) present in cardiomyocytes that help to maintain energy homeostasis. Based on the known anatomical and physiological differences between the left (LV) and the right (RV) ventricles, the first study focused on the comparing ventricles in terms of the energy...
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Papel da Heme Oxigenase 1 na modulação da inflamação pulmonar causada pela isquemia e reperfusão intestinal em ratos. / Role of Heme Oxigenase 1 on the lung inflammation induced by intestinal ischemia and reperfusion in rats.Bertoni, Jônatas de Almeida 07 February 2013 (has links)
Evidências clínicas e experimentais mostram que a isquemia e reperfusão intestinal (I/R-intestinal) induz lesão pulmonar aguda (LPA) que, em casos mais graves, pode evoluir para a síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo (SDRA). A LPA se caracteriza pela liberação de amplo espectro de mediadores inflamatórios, infiltração de neutrófilos e aumento de permeabilidade vascular. Sabe-se que mediadores inflamatórios gerados no local da I/R-intestinal são transportados pelo sistema linfático mesentérico e, ao atingirem o pulmão, contribuem para a LPA. A enzima heme oxigenase 1 (HO-1), exerce importante função na homeostasia celular, devido à sua ação catabólica sobre o grupo heme das hemoproteínas, gerando como subprodutos ferro, biliverdina e monóxido de carbono. Esses subprodutos possuem ação antiinflamatória, antioxidante e antiapoptótica. Todavia, o papel da HO-1 no controle da LPA causada pela I/R-intestinal ainda não está totalmente esclarecido. No presente estudo investigamos a expressão da HO-1 e o efeito de sua indução sobre as repercussões pulmonares decorrentes da I/R-intestinal. Para tanto, ratos machos Wistar (220-250 g) foram submetidos a 45 min de isquemia intestinal pela obstrução da artéria mesentérica superior e a 2 h de reperfusão. O grupo controle consistiu de animais falsamente operados (Sham). Ainda, a indução da HO-1 foi realizada pelo tratamento dos animais com o composto Hemin (10 mg/kg) 48 e 24 h antes da indução da I/R-intestinal. A I/R-intestinal aumentou a atividade pulmonar da mieloperoxidase (MPO) e o extravasamento do corante azul de Evans (AE) no pulmão. Os níveis de IL-1<font face=\"Symbol\">b elevaram no explante pulmonar (24 h) enquanto os de IL-10 foram reduzidos após a I/R-intestinal. Ainda, a I/R-intestinal diminui a expressão pulmonar da SOD-1 e promoveu aumento da expressão da iNOS. Os resultados obtidos revelam que a I/R-intestinal por si só não induziu a expressão gênica da enzima HO-1, porém o tratamento dos animais com Hemin elevou a sua expressão, a qual foi acompanhada pela redução da atividade pulmonar de MPO e do extravasamento do corante AE. Os elevados níveis pulmonares de IL-1<font face=\"Symbol\">b foram reduzidos pelo tratamento dos animais com o Hemin e houve elevação da IL-10 e VEGF no mesmo tecidos. A indução da HO-1 preveniu o aumento dos níveis de IL-1<font face=\"Symbol\">b e IL-10 e promoveu aumento dos níveis de VEGF na linfa dos animais. Com respeito ao sistema antioxidante, nossos dados indicaram que a indução da HO-1, parece estar relacionada com a elevação da expressão de SOD-1, SOD-2 e redução da expressão de iNOS. Concluindo, os dados obtidos permitem sugerir que a indução prévia da expressão de HO-1 controla a magnitude da lesão pulmonar causada pela I/R-intestinal por mecanismos envolvendo o aumento da atividade de parcela do sistema antioxidante e regulação do balanço entre a geração de citocinas antiinflamatórias e pró-inflamatórias no pulmão. / Clinical and experimental evidences have reported that intestinal ischemia and reperfusion (I/R-intestinal) induces acute lung injury (ALI), which in severe cases can progress to acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). The ALI is characterized by the release of a broad spectrum of inflammatory mediators, neutrophil infiltration and increased vascular permeability. It is known that inflammatory mediators generated at the site of I/R-intestinal are transported by the mesenteric lymphatic system and, on reaching the lung, contribute to the ALI. The enzyme heme oxygenase 1 (HO-1) plays an important role in cellular homeostasis, due to its catabolic action on heme group of hemoproteins, forming as by-products such as iron, biliverdin and carbon monoxide. It is known that these by-products have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antiapoptotic actions. However, the role of HO-1 in the control of ALI caused by I/R-intestinal is not yet fully understood. In the present study we investigated the expression of HO-1 and the effects of its induction on pulmonary complications resulting from I/R-intestinal. So, male Wistar rats (220-250 g) were subjected to 45 min of intestinal ischemia by occlusion of the superior mesenteric artery and 2 h of reperfusion. The control group consisted of animals falsely operated (Sham). Still, the induction of HO-1 was performed by treating animals with the compound Hemin (10 mg/kg) 48 and 24 h before the induction of I/R-intestinal. The I/R-intestinal increased the pulmonary activity of the myeloperoxidase (MPO) and the extravasation of Evans blue dye (EB) in the lung. Levels of IL-1<font face=\"Symbol\">b increased in lung explant (24 h) while the IL-10 were reduced after I/R-intestinal. Further, the I/R-intestinal reduces pulmonary expression of SOD-1 and promoted the increase of iNOS expression. The results indicate that the I/R-intestinal alone did not induce gene expression of HO-1 enzyme, but the treatment of animals with Hemin increased its expression which was accompanied by reduction of pulmonary activity of MPO and extravasation of the dye EB. The high pulmonary levels of IL-1 were reduced by treatment of animals with Hemin and there was an increase of IL-10 and VEGF in the same tissue. The Induction of HO-1 prevented the increased levels of IL-<font face=\"Symbol\">b 1 and IL-10 and promoted increasing of the VEGF levels in the animals lymph. With respect to the antioxidant system, our data indicate that induction of HO-1, seems to be related to the elevation of expression of SOD-1, SOD-2 and reduction of iNOS expression. In conclusion, our data may suggest that prior induction of HO-1 expression controls the magnitude of lung injury caused by I/R-intestinal by mechanisms involving increased activity of a portion of the antioxidant system and regulation of the balance between generation anti-inflammatory cytokines and pro-inflammatory in the lung.
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Avaliação de proteção celular a isquemia de retalhos musculares com soluções preservadoras de tecidos em modelo de ratos / Avaliação de proteção celular à isquemia de retalhos musculares com soluções preservadoras de tecidos em modelo de ratosSilva, Ramiro Hesiquio 08 June 2009 (has links)
A transferência de retalhos livres e o reimplante de tecidos têm em comum a exposição dos tecidos à isquemia e tempos de reperfusão variáveis, que são importantes na determinação dos danos celulares estruturais e ultraestruturais, às vezes irreversíveis. O tempo de isquemia dificilmente pode ser controlado no período pré ou transoperatório, mas pode-se tentar prevenir ou diminuir as alterações celulares com soluções preservadoras, como, por exemplo, a da Universidade de Wisconsin, amplamente utilizada na prática clínica dos transplantes de tecidos. Porém a disponibilidade e o custo alto destas soluções dificultam seu uso rotineiro nos centros cirúrgicos. O presente trabalho propõe a utilização de solução de preservação (Solução Plástica-USP) que pode ser facilmente preparada com medicamentos accessíveis e baixo custo; a eficiência desta solução foi comparada com a da solução de Wisconsin. Os resultados demonstraram que não existe diferencia significativa entre a solução Plástica-USP, comparável à solução de Wisconsin; conferindo, ambas, um maior nível de proteção celular sobre os controles; beneficiando significativamente os resultados, e diminuindo assim os riscos de perdas do transplante a baixo custo / The free flaps transfer and reimplantation of tissue has in common the exposure of the tissue to ischemia and different time of reperfusion which are important for the determination of the extent of the cellular injury, being sometimes irreversible. In the pre and trans-surgical procedure the control of the ischemic period is difficult. Although efforts are made to prevent and decrease cellular changes using preservative solution, such as University of Wisconsin (UW) used in routine transplant of organs. The availability and high cost of this solution some time is one problem. The present study was made in a rat model that we have been reported in others works, we proposed the utilization of a preservation solution that we called Plastic Surgery-USP solution (PS-USP); witch can be easily prepared with accessible and low cost drugs. The efficiency of this PS-USP solution was compared to UW; our result showed that there is not significative difference in the protective effects of the PS-USP and UW solutions; both solutions were efficient considering cellular protection to ischemia/reperfusion injury, decreasing the risks of flap lost, with low cost and easy disposition
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O papel do azul de metileno na prevenção da lesão de isquemia-reperfusão em transplante pulmonar de ratos: estudo experimental / The role of methylene blue in the prevention of ischemia-reperfusion injury in rat lung transplantation: an experimental studyAbreu, Marcus da Matta 28 June 2013 (has links)
Introdução: O transplante de pulmão é uma opção terapêutica bem estabelecida para o tratamento de pneumopatias em estágio final. Uma complicação frequente relacionada aos transplantes é a lesão de isquemia e reperfusão (IR), estando o estresse oxidativo envolvido no processo. O azul de metileno (AM) é um inibidor da produção de espécies reativas de oxigênio, atuando como receptor alternativo de elétrons da xantina oxidase. Objetivo: Avaliar a eficácia do AM como inibidor da lesão de IR em transplante pulmonar de ratos. Métodos: Quarenta ratos fêmea Sprague Dawley (300g - 350g) foram divididas em quatro grupos de dez animais. Os animais foram submetidos a transplante pulmonar unilateral esquerdo. Os enxertos foram expostos a 3 ou 6 horas de isquemia fria seguido de 2 horas de reperfusão. Nos animais do grupo controle, 2 mL de solução salina foram injetados na cavidade peritoneal e, nos animais do grupo experimento, 2 mL de AM a 1% foram injetados da mesma forma. Resultados: A dosagem da PaO2 foi significativamente superior no grupo AM entre os animais submetidos a isquemia de 3 horas (AM = 150,2 ± 50,1 vs Salina = 102,6 ± 40,4 mmHg; p = 0,028), assim como a dosagem do óxido nítrico exalado foi significativamente inferior no mesmo grupo (AM = 3,2 ± 2,0 vs Salina = 5,2 ± 2,3 ppb; p = 0,05). O infiltrado neutrofílico foi menor nos animais do grupo AM submetidos a 6 horas de isquemia no lavado broncoalveolar (LBA); (AM = 11,8 ± 7,4 vs Salina = 30 ± 19,2 X 104/mL; p = 0,023). A análise histopatológica mostrou menor formação de edema perivascular no grupo AM submetido a 6 horas de isquemia (AM = 35,2 ± 7,65 vs Salina = 44,8 ± 6,39%; p = 0,001) e perialveolar no grupo AM submetido a 3 horas de isquemia (AM = 18,4 ± 14,2 vs Salina = 28,1 ± 18,2%; p = 0,041) e menor infiltrado neutrofílico perialveolar na comparação entre os grupos submetidos a 6 horas de isquemia (AM = 2,8 ± 2,2 vs Salina = 5,1 ± 3,1%; p = 0,046). Os níveis de IL-6 no LBA foram inferiores no grupo AM em ambos os tempos de isquemia (3 h - AM = 122,4 ± 24,9 vs Salina = 175.6 ± 50.3 pg/mL; p = 0.008; 6 h - AM = 142 ± 38,7 vs Salina = 351,3 ± 80,7 pg/mL; p = 0,002); Os níveis de TNF-? foram menores no grupo AM submetido a 6 horas de isquemia (AM = 189,5 ± 93,3 vs Salina = 342,9 ± 130,4 pg/mL, p = 0.007). A dosagem do ácido úrico foi significativamente maior no grupo AM em ambos os tempos de isquemia (3 h - AM = 4,7 ± 0,9 vs Salina = 2,7 ± 0,7 mg/dL; p = 0,003; 6 h - AM = 5,3 ± 2,4 vs Salina = 2,3 ± 0,9 mg/dL; p < 0,001). Não houve diferença entre os grupos em relação a apoptose. Conclusão: O AM demonstrou ser uma droga eficaz na prevenção da lesão de isquemia e reperfusão no transplante pulmonar de ratos / Introduction: Lung transplantation (LTx) has become an established therapeutic option for end-stage pulmonary disease. Ischemia reperfusion injury (IR) is a major cause of organ dysfunction after LTx and oxidative stress is involved in this process. Methylene blue (MB) is an inhibitor of reactive oxygen species production. Objective:To investigate the effects of MB on the IR in a rodent model of LTx. Methods: Forty female Sprague Dawley rats (300g - 350g) were divided into four groups (n = 10) according to treatment (saline solution or MB) and graft cold ischemic time (3 or 6 hours). Animals underwent a left-sided unilateral lung transplantation. Recipients received 2mL of intraperitoneal saline or MB 1%. After 2 hours of reperfusion, animals were killed and blood gas, exhaled nitric oxide, cell count and cytokines leves in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) as well as histopathology, serum uric acid and apoptosis were evaluated. Results: PaO2 was significantly higher in MB group undergoing 3 hour ischemic time (MB =150.2 ± 50.1 vs Saline = 102.6 ± 40.4 mmHg; p = 0.028). Exhaled nitric oxide values showed differences only between groups with 3 hour of ischemia (MB = 3.2 ± 2.0 vs Saline = 5.2 ± 2.3 ppb; p = 0.05). Neutrophils in BAL were different between groups subjected to 6 hours of ischemia (MB = 11.8 ± 7.4 vs Saline = 30.0 ± 19.2 x 104/mL; p = 0.023). IL-6 levels in BAL were lower in MB group in both ischemic time (3 h - MB = 122.4 ± 24.9 vs Saline = 175.6 ± 50.3 pg/mL; p = 0.008; 6 h - MB = 142 ± 38.7 vs Saline = 351.3 ± 80.7 pg/mL; p = 0.002); TNF-? levels were also lower in MB group undergoing 6 hour of ischemia (MB = 189.5 ± 93.3 vs Saline = 342.9 ± 130.4 pg/mL; p = 0.007). The number of neutrophils in lung parenchyma were reduced in MB group (6 h - MB = 2.8 ± 2.2 vs Saline = 5.1 ± 3.1%; p = 0.046) and also decreased edema in perivascular (6 h - MB = 35.2 ± 7.65 vs Saline = 44.8 ± 6.39%, p = 0.001) and perialveolar tissues (3 h - MB = 18.4 ± 14.2 vs Saline = 28.1 ± 18.2% p = 0,041) were observed. Uric acid levels were higher in MB group in both ischemic time (3 h - MB = 4.7 ± 0.9 vs Saline = 2.7 ± 0.7 mg/dL; p = 0.003; 6 h - MB = 5.3 ± 2.4 vs Saline = 2.3 ± 0.9 mg/dL; p < 0.001).There were no difference in the expression of apoptosis. Conclusion: MB was able to prevent ischemia-reperfusion injury in this lung transplantation model and represent a new option for further studies
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Estudo de mecanismos reguladores da inflamação pulmonar tardia após isquemia e reperfusão intestinal em ratos. / Study of regulatory mechanisms of late lung inflammation after intestinal ischemia and reperfusion in rats.Vitoretti, Luana Beatriz 26 November 2014 (has links)
Citocinas geradas durante a I/R-i promovem lesão pulmonar aguda e podem causar imunossupressão. Investigamos se a inflamação pulmonar após dias de reperfusão intestinal está relacionada com alterações no sistema imune. Ratos machos Wistar foram submetidos a oclusão da artéria mesentérica superior por 45 min e a 2 h, 3, 5 ou 20 dias de reperfusão. Observamos que após 5 dias de reperfusão intestinal enterobactérias estão presentes nos linfonodos mesentéricos e que os neutrófilos circulantes estão mais ativos no combate a patógenos, enquanto leucócitos da cavidade peritoneal não. Notamos aumento de IL-1b, TNF-a, IL-17, IL-4 e diminuição de IL-10 no explante pulmonar e aumento de IL-1b, IFN-g e LDH no soro. Já os níveis de nitritos, corticosterona, HMGB-1, ácido úrico, AMPc e a mecânica respiratória não se alteraram. Os resultados apontam para a I/R-i como promotora de modificação temporais no organismo. Alterações nos mecanismos regulatórios da inflamação e do sistema imune contribuem para a inflamação pulmonar e sistêmica, sem alterar a função mecânica pulmonar / Cytokines generated during intestinal I/ R promote acute lung injury and may cause immunosuppression. We investigate if the pulmonary inflammation observed after several days of reperfusion is related to changes in the immune system. Male Wistar rats were subjected to occlusion of the superior mesenteric artery for 45 min and reperfused for 2 h , 3, 5 or 20 days. We observed that after 5 days of reperfusion enterobacteraceae are present in mesenteric lymph nodes and that circulating neutrophils are more effective against pathogens, whereas leukocytes from the peritoneal cavity are not. We noted increase of IL-1b, TNF-a, IL-17, IL -4 and decrease of IL-10 in lung explant and increase of IL-1b, IFN-g and LDH in serum. Furthermore, the levels of nitrites, corticosterone, HMGB -1, uric acid, cAMP, as well as respiratory function, did not change. Based on the foregoing, we observed that alterations in regulatory mechanisms of inflammation and immune system after contribute to pulmonary and systemic inflammation, but do not alter pulmonary mechanical function.
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