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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Representative democracy and the development of electoral law in Hong Kong /

Law, Man-wai, Anthony. January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Hong Kong, 2006.

Visual Representation In Industrial Design Registration: A Proposed Guideline For Turkey Based On Legal Texts And Guidelines From Eight Different Jurisdictions, And Interviews With Turkish Patent Institute Examiners

Yalciner, Irmak 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Visual representation is the most important element of a design registration in terms of scope of protection. This study examines national, regional and international design registration systems in terms of legal texts and guidelines related to visual representation, investigates problematic issues concerning the features and qualities of visual representation in industrial design registration applications in Turkey through the interviews conducted with the Turkish Patent Institute examiners, and proposes a guideline for Turkey which would assist applicants and attorneys in preparing visual representations.

Dandyns återkomst? : En analys av maskulinitet i magasinet King och dess förhållande till dandyn

Kulle, Therese January 2009 (has links)
Syfte med denna uppsats är att analysera den bild av maskulinitet som representeras i magasinet King, samt att förhålla den bilden mot maskulinitetidealen hos 1800-talets dandy. Uppsatsen bygger på teorier kring representation, R. W. Connells maskulinitetsteori samt teorier kring dandyn.Mitt material består av sju nummer av magasinet King. För att uppnå mitt syfte har jag utgått från en semiotisk metod och använt mig dels av Sean Nixons analys av ett antal olika reklambilder samt utarbetat en egen analysmodell för text.Jag har i min analys kommit fram till att maskuliniteten i King har en stark bas i Connells hegemoniska maskulinitet då karaktärsdrag kring yrkesmässig succé är starkt framträdande. Men det finns samtidigt en stor fokusering på stil och yttre egenskaper vilket är något som mannen i King har gemensamt med dandyn. Jag menar därför att det finns framåtskridande drag hos mannen i King.

Representationen av romer i Gadjo Dilo

Flodin, Hanna January 2007 (has links)
Uppsatsen studerar representationen av romer i Tony Gatlifs film Gadjo Dilo (1997) i syfte att avtäcka huruvida de tillämpade audiovisuella uttrycksmedlen som präglar formen, korresponderar med eller står i kontrast till de synsätt, med tillhörande maktstrukturer, som det förmedlade innehållet visar prov på. Metoden som tillämpas är närläsning av filmen, vilket resulterar i iakttagelser som ställs i relation till uppsatsens teoretiska utgångspunkter, nämligen Stuart Halls redogörelse för representation, stereotypifiering och motståndsstrategier, jämte Robert Stams och Louise Spences metod där en framställnings tillämpning av specifikt audiovisuella uttrycksmedel synas, samt tidigare forskning kring representationen av romer. Utifrån resultatet av analysen konstateras att representationen av romer i Gadjo Dilo är motsägelsefullt utförd i bemärkelsen att det övergripande synsätt (romerna är subjekt och utgör normen), med tillhörande maktstruktur (romerna är jämställda eller överlägsna de vita européerna), som det förmedlade innehållet ger vid handen, står i kontrast till det övergripande synsätt (de vita européerna utgör normen), med tillhörande maktstruktur (de vita européerna är överlägsna romerna), vilket tillämpningen av vissa audiovisuella uttrycksmedel (bildutsnitt och kamerapositionering) som präglar formen ger vid handen.

De annorlunda Andra : En kombinerad narrativanalys av SVT:s representation av flyktingar och asylsökande

Glaes, Tilda January 2013 (has links)
Sammanfattning Denna kandidatuppsats ämnar undersöka hur rester av kolonialismens uppdelningar av ”vi” och ”dom” florerar i SVT:s nyhetsrapportering om flyktingar och asylsökande. En verksamhet som har saklighet, folkbildning och opartiskhet som honnörsord. Syftet är att ta reda på om, och i så fall hur SVT reproducerar koloniala, stereotypa föreställningar om dessa aktörer som underordnade, annorlunda eller ”de Andra”. Detta undersöks genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av åtta utvalda nyhetsreportage av Aktuellt och Rapport från hösten 2012, 1 september – 31 december. För att kunna få ett överskådligt material analyseras reportage som berör immigration till- och integration i Sverige. De teoretiska ramarna för undersökningen grundar sig i postkolonial teori och dess förgreningar så som kulturell rasism, banal nationalism samt ny rasism. Här tillämpas även mer mediespecifika teorier av bl.a. Brune, van Dijk och Hultén som argumenterar för en strukturell diskriminering av invandrare, flyktingar och asylsökande i nyhetsmedier. Analysen utgår ifrån deras teorier om sambandet mellan nyhetsmediers andrafiering av kulturer och människor, och journalistiska formkrav. Tidigare forskning har kunnat fastställa att etniska minoriteter, invandrare och flyktingar övervägande beskrivs som problem, hotfulla samt annorlunda i ”västerländska” medier och framförallt i journalistikens tyngre genrer. Där skildras och artikuleras en polariserad bild mellan ”vi” och ”dom”, där ”vi” framställs som den eftersträvansvärda parten. För undersökningen används narrativanalys med inslag av element ur van Dijks kritiska diskursanalys. På så vis blottas naturaliserade tekniker i Aktuellts och Rapports framställning av flyktingar och asylsökande. Analysens resultat visar att reportagen följer två olika berättarstrukturer vari representerade flyktingar och asylsökande tillskrivs bristfälliga egenskaper och roller så som obildad och passiv respektive offer, hjälplös och instabil. Detta hindrar tittaren från att identifiera sig med dessa aktörer. Studien visar även hur reportagen har värderat sina källor olika då flyktingar och asylsökande förpassas in i journalisters och experters resonemang och problematiseringar. Resultaten kan kopplas till de klassiska koloniala troperna och bekräftar teorin om strukturell diskriminering av etniska minoriteter i Sverige. Studien visar alltså att koloniala föreställningar fortfarande reproduceras i svensk public service vilket öppnar upp för en diskussion om SVT:s uppdrag. Uppsatsens resultat banar väg för ett ifrågasättande av huruvida SVT ger plats åt en mångfald av åsikter och meningar.

Rhizomic Rap: Representation, Identity and Hip-Hop on Moccasin Flats

Burrows, Brendan 19 September 2012 (has links)
With the rise of First Nations owned and created television content at the turn of the century, came a demand to see an accurate representation of Aboriginality that could look at Aboriginals as both here and modern. From 2003-2006, the first Aboriginal made and produced television series entitled Moccasin Flats, I argue, used modern day hip-hop discourse to both engage and dissect a host of complex issues facing modern day urban Aboriginal society. This research project mobilizes multiple methodologies; including: 1.) Eco’s code and sign function semiotic analysis, which operates to identify various hip-hop codes in the text; 2.)Hall’s method of articulation to look at how meaning is fixed in the discourse surrounding the show; and finally 3) Deleuze’s rhizomic approach to identity to see how the shows main characters are constructed in a way to highlight the paradoxical and undercut certain flirtations with essentialization. This three-tiered methodological process paints a picture of a new complex use of discourse to accentuate different facets of aboriginality that had previously been the sole product of dominant hegemonic institutions which relied on racist stereotypes. By dissecting how identity is formed on Moccasin Flats, I will show how aboriginal filmmakers construct a self-reflexive space where the character is perpetually in the process of ‘becoming’ and identity is always a site of negotiation.

404 not found error: searching for truth in privatized corrections through online material

Gould, Lakelan Richard 01 December 2012 (has links)
In the last three decades private involvement in correctional service has transformed. Since the 1980s private interest in correctional service has evolved from the delivery of tertiary and secondary services such as transportation, food, and medical services toward the provision of primary services such as design, construction, and complete management of correctional facilities. In an attempt to fill a gap in the literature surrounding correctional privatization, I examine to what extent corporate published online material explores the issue of incarceration, underlying theoretical ideology of prison, and what general and specific information is presented to online readers. Using a content analysis, results indicate inaccurate and incomplete information is presented to online readers culminating with incarceration constructed as the only choice to combat crime. Results also indicate strong Neo-liberal doctrine underlining the material, specifically, strong support for continued privatization, offender commodification, continued deregulation of public service, belief in the free market, and the transfer of government to corporate control. Together, these themes highlight the extension of a new economy of the power to punish. / UOIT

Reconsidering Similarity in an Agent-oriented Account of Scientific Modeling

Abounader-Sofinowski, Brooke 06 December 2012 (has links)
In this thesis, I present a novel account of scientific modeling that achieves the stability and generalizability of static approaches with the flexibility and practical relevance of diachronic approaches. In this account, modeling is characterized by the use of a similarity relation for the purpose of surrogate reasoning. Many criticisms of similarity are based on the fact that there is no way to objectively assess similarity between two things that share some, but not all, features. This account does not rely on the inherently flawed notion of objectively assessing similarity. Instead, the focus is on subjective assessment of similarity, within the specific context of an agent using the similarity for surrogate reasoning. This account captures the diversity of models while providing coherence among common features and functions, as evidenced by application to a series of interrelated examples in a case study from mid-twentieth century cognitive psychology. The similarity/difference account advocated in this thesis is particularly significant because its demonstrated success, evidenced by the case study, dispels several misconceptions about the study of scientific models. Advocates of static approaches claim that a diachronic approach cannot provide the generalizability necessary for a unified account, but the functional and agent-oriented similarity/difference account proves otherwise. Advocates of practice-based approaches often suggest that imilarity is too restrictive to capture the diversity of scientific models, but the similarity/difference account demonstrates that this concern only applies to a radically naturalized concept of similarity. As part of an agent-oriented account, a non-naturalized concept of similarity can be flexible enough to capture the full range of scientific models. Combining a diachronic approach with the similarity relation usually associated with static approaches results in an account that can circumvent the issues usually associated with either diachronic approaches or similarity alone.

Invariant Lie polynomials in two and three variables.

Hu, Jiaxiong 21 August 2009
In 1949, Wever observed that the degree d of an invariant Lie polynomial must be a multiple of the number q of generators of the free Lie algebra. He also found that there are no invariant Lie polynomials in the following cases: q = 2, d = 4; q = 3, d = 6; d = q ≥ 3. Wever gave a formula for the number of invariants for q = 2 in the natural representation of sl(2). In 1958, Burrow extended Wevers formula to q > 1 and d = mq where m > 1. In the present thesis, we concentrate on finding invariant Lie polynomials (simply called Lie invariants) in the natural representations of sl(2) and sl(3), and in the adjoint representation of sl(2). We first review the method to construct the Hall basis of the free Lie algebra and the way to transform arbitrary Lie words into linear combinations of Hall words. To find the Lie invariants, we need to find the nullspace of an integer matrix, and for this we use the Hermite normal form. After that, we review the generalized Witt dimension formula which can be used to compute the number of primitive Lie invariants of a given degree. Secondly, we recall the result of Bremner on Lie invariants of degree ≤ 10 in the natural representation of sl(2). We extend these results to compute the Lie invariants of degree 12 and 14. This is the first original contribution in the present thesis. Thirdly, we compute the Lie invariants in the adjoint representation of sl(2) up to degree 8. This is the second original contribution in the present thesis. Fourthly, we consider the natural representation of sl(3). This is a 3-dimensional natural representation of an 8-dimensional Lie algebra. Due to the huge number of Hall words in each degree and the limitation of computer hardware, we compute the Lie invariants only up to degree 12. Finally, we discuss possible directions for extending the results. Because there are infinitely many different simple finite dimensional Lie algebras and each of them has infinitely many distinct irreducible representations, it is an open-ended problem.

Reconsidering Similarity in an Agent-oriented Account of Scientific Modeling

Abounader-Sofinowski, Brooke 06 December 2012 (has links)
In this thesis, I present a novel account of scientific modeling that achieves the stability and generalizability of static approaches with the flexibility and practical relevance of diachronic approaches. In this account, modeling is characterized by the use of a similarity relation for the purpose of surrogate reasoning. Many criticisms of similarity are based on the fact that there is no way to objectively assess similarity between two things that share some, but not all, features. This account does not rely on the inherently flawed notion of objectively assessing similarity. Instead, the focus is on subjective assessment of similarity, within the specific context of an agent using the similarity for surrogate reasoning. This account captures the diversity of models while providing coherence among common features and functions, as evidenced by application to a series of interrelated examples in a case study from mid-twentieth century cognitive psychology. The similarity/difference account advocated in this thesis is particularly significant because its demonstrated success, evidenced by the case study, dispels several misconceptions about the study of scientific models. Advocates of static approaches claim that a diachronic approach cannot provide the generalizability necessary for a unified account, but the functional and agent-oriented similarity/difference account proves otherwise. Advocates of practice-based approaches often suggest that imilarity is too restrictive to capture the diversity of scientific models, but the similarity/difference account demonstrates that this concern only applies to a radically naturalized concept of similarity. As part of an agent-oriented account, a non-naturalized concept of similarity can be flexible enough to capture the full range of scientific models. Combining a diachronic approach with the similarity relation usually associated with static approaches results in an account that can circumvent the issues usually associated with either diachronic approaches or similarity alone.

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