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Le service au restaurant : analyse linguistique et multimodale des interactions entre personnel de service et clients / Service at restaurant : linguistic and multimodal analysis of interactions between service staff and customersHugol-Gential, Clémentine 27 February 2012 (has links)
Le service, basé sur de nombreuses ressources verbales et multimodales, est déterminant dans l’organisation de la prise de repas au restaurant. Dans le cadre de ce travail de recherche, nous nous sommes particulièrement intéressée aux interactions se déroulant entre le personnel de service et la clientèle grâce à la collecte d’un corpus d’enregistrements vidéo réalisée en situation naturelle, au sein de plusieurs restaurants. Ce travail empirique, mené dans une perspective praxéologique et interactionnelle, nous a permis de dégager plusieurs phénomènes interactionnels constitutifs des pratiques professionnelles de service. Les phénomènes dégagés nous permettent de souligner l’importance et la complexité des différentes ressources mises en œuvre par les participants dans l’organisation et l’ordonnancement de leurs activités. L’analyse se focalise tout d’abord sur les pratiques par lesquelles le personnel de service ouvre régulièrement l’interaction avec les clients, puis aux différents usages de la carte, et enfin à l’organisation du choix et à l’emploi de catégories ad hoc lors de la prise de commande des plats et des vins. L’enjeu de ce travail est de comprendre l’organisation détaillée des interactions entre personnel de service et clients et ainsi, de souligner leurs caractères fondamental et structurant dans l’expérience de restauration. / Based on a rich array of verbal and multimodal resources, the service is crucial in the organization of the meal at restaurant. Within this study, we are particularly interested in the interactions taking place between service staff and customers. On the basis of a corpus of video recordings realized in natural settings within several restaurants, the empirical analyses have been carried out within a praxeological and interactional perspective. Several interactional patterns within professional practices of service have been identified. These phenomena allow us to underline the importance and the complexity of various multimodal resources implemented by the participants in the organization and the coordination of their activities. This study is interested first of all in the practices by which service staff opens regularly the interaction with customers, then in the various uses of menu, and finally in the organization of the choice and the use of ad hoc categories during the order-taking of dishes and wines. The issue is to understand the detailed organization of the interactions between service staff and customers and so, to underline their fundamental and structuring character for the dining experience.
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As the attention of ethnic
restaurants grow from consumers, researchers have questioned the proper
assessment of identifying ethnic restaurant consumer demand and where ethnic
restaurants should locate accordingly. For this reason, past literature has
focused on demographic features to answer these questions. However, unlike
non-ethnic restaurant demand, ethnic restaurant demand cannot be fully
explained by demographics since the demand for ethnic restaurants consist of
two major groups, which are non-ethnic and ethnic consumers. The two consumer
groups differ in location, which ethnic consumers are clustered while other
non-ethnic consumers are spread across the geographical plain. The two consumer
groups also differ in acceptance which ethnic consumers have a pre-established notion
of the ethnic restaurant theme while non-ethnic consumers require acceptance to
consume. This study proposes that since ethnic restaurants have these
differences ethnic restaurants show difference in clustering patterns. More
specifically this study attempts to identify whether higher acceptance from
non-ethnic consumers allow ethnic restaurants to expand to other non-ethnic
consumer regions while ethnic restaurants are mostly clustered in ethnic
communities. In addition, the study further investigates whether ethnic
restaurant clustering patterns differ by its restaurant price segment. The
empirical results of this study show that acceptance of ethnic food, general
restaurant opinion, and country of origin plays a crucial role in ethnic
restaurants to diffuse to non-ethnic consumers while ethnic restaurants
agglomerate near ethnic communities. However, higher price restaurants were
found cluster stronger than lower price restaurants to reduce search cost for
consumers which confirms previous studies. Finally, this study found that
acceptance of food and general restaurant opinion from non-ethnic consumers
affects ethnic restaurants in the ethnic community to diffuse but acceptance of
country of origin showed ethnic restaurants in ethnic communities to cluster
which suggest that cultural aspects allow ethnic restaurants to cluster
stronger in ethnic communities.
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Natürlich Essen : Kantinen und Restaurants auf dem Weg zu nachhaltiger Ernährung /Rückert-John, Jana. January 2007 (has links)
, Diss--Univ. Stuttgart-Hohenheim, 2006. / Literaturverzeichnis S. [291] - 300.
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How Online Reviews Influence Consumer Restaurant SelectionGunden, Nefike 22 March 2017 (has links)
Since social media has been growing rapidly, the restaurant industry has been exploring this area extensively. Given that social media provides restaurant consumers with an opportunity to share their dining experiences, several studies have examined the impact of social media on consumer restaurant selection (Tran, 2015). As a part of the social media umbrella, online reviews are significant factors that influence consumer restaurant selection (Park & Nicolau, 2015; Yang, Hlee, Lee, Koo, 2017). However, there is a lack of understanding with regard to which attributes of restaurant online reviews are the most influential when it comes to customer decision making. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the relative importance of online review attributes in consumer restaurant selection. Particularly, this study focuses on the number of online reviews, the overall restaurant rating, and the following restaurant attributes: food quality, service quality, atmosphere, and price, to address the purpose of the research.
Based on the recommendation of Orme, (2010), 353 respondents are recruited via Amazon’s Mechanical Turk, and a choice-based-conjoint (CBC) analysis is performed. The CBC analysis reveals the relative importance of each attribute for customer decision making. Based on the CBC analysis, the results confirms that food quality is the most important attribute in consumer restaurant selection. This factor is followed by overall restaurant rating, price, service quality, the number of online reviews, and atmosphere. Additionally, the overall restaurant rating is determined to be a substantially important factor that influences consumer restaurant selection, while the rest of the attributes vary in their rank. The market simulation calculated the preference estimates for the products for each respondent. This approach predicts the impact of each attribute on the market share. Food quality and overall restaurant rating are used for the market simulations. Therefore, it is also found that in relation to the market simulation, the decrease of food quality influenced the market share by about 58.88%. The findings of this study contribute greatly to the knowledge of the importance of food quality, and as a result, an overall restaurant rating. Therefore, restaurant managers should prioritize these key attributes to manage strategies for the restaurant
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La géographie italienne des saveurs et des arômes dans l’imaginaire français contemporain / The Italian geography of tastes and flavours in the contemporary French imaginationZappalà, Daniele 10 February 2017 (has links)
La reconnaissance et la construction de la cuisine italienne en France relèvent d’un processus historique et social dont l’imaginaire des mangeurs français est le principal moteur, sur fond d’une communauté culturelle franco-italienne ancienne. Ce rôle performatif de l’imaginaire s’exerce à travers des concepts (rattachés à la cuisine) circulant entre la conscience des mangeurs, la sémiosphère française et les territoires culinaires italiens en France. Dans l’espace public, ces derniers sont représentés principalement par les établissements italiens de restauration. En considérant les trois dimensions (imaginaire des mangeurs, contenus circulant dans la sémiosphère, établissements culinaires), cette thèse analyse le rôle spécifique de l’imaginaire géographique dans la migration et la création contemporaines de la cuisine italienne en France. L’opérateur géographique du paysage joue encore un rôle essentiel dans cette construction, mais il est investi de plus en plus par un processus d’écologisation, au fur et à mesure que la cuisine italienne en France devient le symbole d’un voyage vers une nature désirée. L’opérateur trajectif du naturel (mouvement vers la nature) prend le relais du paysage, dans un contexte d’inquiétudes écologiques croissantes des mangeurs et de rejet des modèles alimentaires d’inspiration strictement moderniste, conçus à partir d’une séparation présumée entre homme et nature. La cuisine italienne en France devient une illustration de la quête contemporaine de nouveaux modes d’existence. En même temps, l’intensité de la reconnaissance culinaire franco-italienne pourrait ouvrir des perspectives dans le champ de la géopolitique planétaire du goût. / The recognition and the construction of the Italian cookery in France are the products of a historical and social process having its main motive in the eaters’ imagination, based on the old cultural affinity between France and Italy. This performative function of imagination is exercised through concepts (in connection with cookery) circulating among eaters’ consciousness, French semiosphere and the Italian culinary territories in France. In the public space, these territories coincide with the Italians eating-places. This Ph.D. thesis analyses the specific function of the geographical imagination in the contemporary migration and construction of the Italian cookery in France, by considering three dimensions (eaters’ imagination, semiosphere circulating contents, eating-places). A crucial role in this construction is still played by landscape as geographical actant, but this one is increasingly involved in a process of ecologization, as Italian cookery in France becomes the symbol of a travel towards a desired nature. Naturalness as a transitional actant (movement toward nature) takes over from landscape, in the context of increasing ecological anxieties by eaters and a rejection of strictly modernistic food models based on a presumed division between man and nature. Italian cookery in France becomes an illustration of contemporary quest for new ways of life. At the same time, French-Italian high culinary recognition could open new perspectives in the field of the global geopolitics of taste.
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Hotellbranschens utmaningarBoukli, Jasin January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Financing for Small Southern Style RestaurantsBrown, Kenneth D. 01 January 2016 (has links)
The focus of this case study was to explore the strategies small restaurant business owners used to acquire capital funding to sustain their business through the first 5 years of business. The participants for this study included 4 purposefully selected small restaurateurs in New York State who have been in business for a minimum of 5 years. The conceptual framework for this study was based on the organizational life cycle theory supported by working capital management theory and the liability of newness. Data were collected through semistructured interviews with each restaurant owner, and archived data. The data were analyzed using thematic analysis of the interviews and content analysis of the documents. Five themes emerged that small business owners might benefit in acquiring financing to assist in sustaining the business longer than 5 years. The themes included education, third party auditor, economic conditions, banking track record, and a solid professional team. The results of this research may contribute to social change by identifying strategies needed to be successful in the financing process. The findings of this research may improve upon the knowledge of entrepreneurs and, consequently, strengthen the U.S. economy by educating America's job creators.
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Restaurangpersonals upplevelse av sexuella trakasserier i arbetsgruppen : En semistrukturerad intervjustudieJeppsson Levin, Jennifer January 2016 (has links)
The restaurant industry is often described as a hard and tough working environment. The restaurant industry is the industry that are most subjected to sexual harassment witch can affect the occupational health both physically and psychologically. The aim of this study was to explore the experience of sexual harassment among staff in the restaurant industry. To get a view and understanding of earlier research a systematic literature review was conducted. To get an understanding of restaurant staffs experience of sexual harassment a qualitative interview study with a phenomenology approach was performed. The main results showed that the informants experienced sexual harassment as a process of acclimatization. It starts with a sexual jargon that is customary and the informant describes a fear of reporting. The jargon and fear becomes a part of everyday life and informants describes that they don’t define it to be sexual harassment anymore. The informants describe it as the borders have moved or become blurred when it comes to sexual harassment witch can defines like a normalization of sexual harassment. / Restaurangbranschen beskrivs ofta som en bransch med hårt och otrivsamt klimat. Av alla branscher är restaurangbranschen den bransch där minst är nöjda med sitt arbete samt utsätts de för flest sexuella trakasserier. Sexuella trakasserier inom arbetslivet är ett uppträdande av sexuell natur som kränker en annan arbetstagare. Sexuella trakasserier kan påverka arbetshälsan både fysiskt och psykiskt och kan yttra sig genom ångest, rädsla, trötthet, huvudvärk och depression. Tidigare forskning kring sexuella trakasserier mellan arbetstagare och chefer var begränsat vilket tyder på att det behövs ökad kunskap och forskning kring det. Tidigare forsknings resultat påvisar att sexuella trakasserier inom restaurangbranschen beror på makt, att det är en form av maktutövande. För att få förståelse om problematiken och restaurangpersonalen upplevelse om sexuella trakasserier genomfördes en kvalitativ intervjustudie med en fenomenologisk ansats. Syftet var att undersöka upplevelsen av sexuella trakasserier bland anställda i restaurangbranschen. Resultatets essens kan beskrivas som en acklimatiseringsprocess där sexuella trakasserier upplevs som en skämtsam jargong med sexuella kommentarer, essensen utrycks samt genom en rädsla när det kommer till att anmäla sexuella trakasserier. Rädslan kring att anmäla utrycks som att informanterna är rädda för ryktesspridning, att mista gemenskapen eller att bli utfryst från kollegor/restaurangbranschen. Jargongen och rädslan blir tillslut en del av vardagen och informanterna beskriver sig att inte tänka på det längre, sexuella trakasserier blir efter en tid normalt. En normalisering sker utav sexuella trakasserier där informanterna beskriver att de inte uppmärksammar sexuella trakasserier på samma sätt längre. Informanterna beskriver det som att gränserna har flyttats eller suddats ut när det kommer till sexuella trakasserier, det har blivit en självklar del av arbetsmiljön och restaurangbranschen. Jargongen, rädslan och normaliseringen av sexuella trakasserier kan beskrivas som en acklimatiseringsprocess. Informanterna har acklimatiserat sig till en arbetsmiljö som inkluderar sexuella trakasserier.
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Competition Between National Company and Global Company in the Swedish Fast Food Industry: A Case Study of MAXDu, Shuai, Lu, Elodie January 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Assessment of Essential Competencies in the Hospitality IndustryOle-Sein, Kone 08 1900 (has links)
The hospitality industry in recent years has become intensely competitive. Better communication between industry professionals and educators is important for university programs to provide relevant learning experiences for students. The purpose of this study was to determine competencies that hotel and restaurant professionals deem necessary for the success of graduates in the industry. Thirty supervisors of hotel and restaurant management majors who graduated from the University of North Texas from 1990 through 1992 responded to the research questionnaire. The supervisors were given 36 competencies and asked to rate their level of importance. Percentages were used to identify the most important competencies. The skills most frequently identified as important by the industry professionals surveyed were leadership skills, professional ethics, personnel management, and understanding the different laws that affect hospitality operations and management.
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