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Existence of Solutions for Boundary Value Problems with Nonlinear DelayLuo, Yu-chen 05 July 2007 (has links)
In this thesis, we consider the following delay boundary value problem
egin{eqnarray*}(BVP)left{begin{array}{l}y'(t)+q(t)f(t,y(sigma(t)))=0, tin(0,1)/{ au},
y(t)=xi(t), tin[- au_{0},0],
end{eqnarray*}, where the functions f and q satisfy certain conditions; $sigma(t)leq t$ is a nonlinear real valued
continuous function.
We use two different methods to establish some existence criteria for the solution of problem
(BVP). We generalize the delay term to a nonlinear function and obtain more general and
supplementary results for the known ones about linear delay term due to Agarwal and O¡¦Regan
[1] and Jiang and Xu [5].
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Modeling State Transitions with AutomataDolzhenko, Egor 01 January 2013 (has links)
Models based on various types of automata are ubiquitous in modern science. These models allow reasoning about deep theoretical questions and provide a basis for the development of efficient algorithms to solve related computational problems. This work discusses several types of automata used in such models, including cellular automata and mandatory results automata.
The first part of this work is dedicated to cellular automata. These automata form an important class of discrete dynamical systems widely used to model physical, biological, and chemical processes. Here we discuss a way to study the dynamics of one-dimensional cellular automata through the theory of two-dimensional picture languages. The connection between cellular automata and picture languages stems from the fact that the set of all space-time diagrams of a cellular automaton defines a picture language. We will discuss a hierarchy of cellular automata based on the complexity of the picture languages that they define. In addition to this, we present a characterization of cellular automata that can be described by finite-state transducers.
The second part of this work presents a theory of runtime enforcement based on mech- anism models called Mandatory Results Automata (MRAs). MRAs can monitor and trans- form security-relevant actions and their results. Because previous work could not model general security monitors transforming results, MRAs capture realistic behaviors outside the scope of previous models. MRAs also have a simple but realistic operational seman- tics that makes it straightforward to define concrete MRAs. Moreover, the definitions of policies and enforcement with MRAs are significantly simpler and more expressive than those of previous models. Putting all these features together, we argue that MRAs make good general models of (synchronous) runtime mechanisms, upon which a theory of run- time enforcement can be based. We develop some enforceability theory by characterizing the policies deterministic and nondeterministic MRAs enforce.
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Į rezultatus orientuotas valdymas Joniškio rajono savivaldybės švietimo ir sporto skyriuje / Results – based management in the education and sports division of Joniskis municipalityDaukšaitė, Sonata 03 April 2014 (has links)
Bakalauro baigiamajame darbe tiriamas į rezultatus orientuoto valdymo (IROV) principų įgyvendinimas Joniškio rajono savivaldybės švietimo ir sporto skyriuje. Bakalauro darbo tiriamą problemą galima apibūdinti klausimu: kokie į rezultatus orientuoto valdymo elementai taikomi Joniškio rajono savivaldybėje administruojant kūno kultūros ir sporto sritį? Teorinėje darbo dalyje pateikiama mokslinės literatūros šaltinių analizė, kuri padeda atskleisti IROV sampratą ir reikšmę, pagrindinius principus ir savybes. Ypatingai didelis dėmesys skiriamas IROV etapams: planavimui, stebėsenai, vertinimui, rezultatų panaudojimui priimant sprendimus. Empirinėje dalyje pristatomas IROV principų įgyvendinimas Joniškio rajono savivaldybės švietimo ir sporto skyriuje. Tyrimo metu nustatyta, kad Joniškio rajono savivaldybės švietimo ir sporto skyriaus darbuotojai ir kiti specialistai įgyvendindami veiklą remiasi IROV principais, tačiau yra stokojama žinių ir informacijos apie IROV sampratą ir reikšmę, bei tikslingą visų etapų įgyvendinimą. Pateikiamos rekomendacijos įgyvendinant IROV principus Joniškio rajono savivaldybės švietimo ir sporto skyriuje. / Bachelor's final paper analyses the implementation of results – based management (RBM) fundamentals in the education and sports division of Joniskis municipality. Undergraduate study investigates the problem can be described by the question: What elements of RBM are applicable managing the range of physical education and sport of Joniskis municipality? The theoretical part of the bachelor’s paper gives analysis of scientific literature, which helps highlight the conception, importance, the main principles and characteristics of RBM. Particularly strong attention is given to the RBM stages: planning, monitoring, evaluating and using results for decision making. The empirical part presents the implementation of RBM fundamentals in the education and sports division of Joniskis municipality based on the documents analyses and interviews survey. It was found that personnel and other specialists of education and sports division of Joniskis municipality implement activities based on RBM fundamentals, but there is a lack of knowledge about RBM concept, importance and implementation of RBM stages. Either presented the suggestions to improve the implementation of RBM fundamentals in the education and sports division of Joniskis municipality.
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Hulpverlening aan die gemolesteerde kind met behulp van spelterapie : 'n pastorale studie / Linda GroblerGrobler, Linda January 2005 (has links)
Sexual abuse causes incalculable damage to the life of the sexually abused person on all
levels: emotional, spiritual and physical. God included children in His covenant with
mankind. Jesus always gave a special place to children during his time on earth.
Current statistics are shocking: One in every four girls and one in every six boys are being
sexually abused. Considering that up to 43 children are raped each day in South Africa, it
has to be acknowledged that sexual abuse in South Africa is reaching epidemic
The spiritual/religious results of sexual abuse show that pastoral care is essential in the
healing process. Traumatised children themselves express the need for this problem to be
addressed pastorally. Children acknowledged that the problem of sexual abuse influenced
their relationships with God. Every child also expressed a need for spiritual growth and
spiritual knowledge.
The most effective method of helping seems to be an eclectic approach. On the one hand it
is important to take note of contributions from other sciences surrounding play therapy,
which could be used effectively in the helping process. On the other hand pastoral
guidelines should be fully utilised and adhered to. The solution thus lies in a holistic
approach where attention is given to the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of the
From the empirical data that was collected it is clear that a combination of pastoral care
and play therapy is very effective. The uniqueness of this combination centres on the fact
that God, the great Healer, works in a restorative and healing fashion in the lives of children
through something that comes completely naturally to them, namely play. / Thesis (M.A. (Practical Theology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2006.
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Distraction osteogenesis (DO) is a surgical procedure in which applied strain stimulates new bone growth; however, the underlying mechanisms by which bone cells respond to load are still uncertain. An organ culture model of DO was developed and validated by using linear distraction on the femoral shafts of 5 day old Wistar rats. Two loading regimes were utilized: distracting the bones for 2 hrs on day 1 (GRP I); distracting the bones for 2 hrs on days 1, 3, and 5 (GRP II). After 1 week in culture, the bones were compared to unloaded contralateral controls and assessed for changes. Structural, dimensional, massing, micro-CT, areal, and viability properties were obtained from testing. Relative to paired controls, distracted bones demonstrated an increase in failure load (9.15% GRP I, 18.85% GRP II), increase in stiffness (31.28% GRP I, 53.21% GRP II), increases in areal and polar moments of inertia, and viability (6.21% GRP I, 13.02% GRP II). Our results suggest that DO can be modeled successfully with an organ culture, and continued use of this system will help to gain insight into the mechanisms and pathways by which distraction osteogenesis occurs.
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Pagrindinio ugdymo pakopos mokinių vertinimo / įsivertinimo gebėjimų ugdymas(is) per technologijų pamokas / Developing student assessment, self-assessment skills during technology lessons in basic schoolLechavičienė, Jolanta 22 July 2014 (has links)
Technologijų edukologijos magistro baigiamojo darbo tema aktuali, nes būtina toliau tęsti ir įgyvendinti mokinių vertinimo / įsivertinimo reformą. Tinkamai organizuotas vertinimas / įsivertinimas gali tapti puikia mokymosi motyvacijos skatinimo priemone. Svarbu siekti, kad ji būtų kuo palankesnė ir įvairesnė ir svarbiausia skatintų mokinių norą mokytis. Įsivertinimo metodų pagalba mokiniai gali patys atsakyti už savo ugdymosi procesą ir jo rezultatą. Tokiu būdu jie geriau suvokia savo padarytą pažangą. / This thesis focuses on students’ assessment and self-assessment. Assessment and self-assessment may motivate students and encourage them to live up to their true potential. Moreover, using different methods of assessment, students may control their learning process and results. Assessment has to be used to promote learning – not just measure it.
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Tannhelseutvikling på klinikknivå ved ulik forebyggende praksis / Public dental service at three clinics : Preventive profile and oral health resultsKvinlaug, Per January 2011 (has links)
Formål: Denne studien ville undersøke tannhelseeffekt ved et intervensjonsprogram for forebygging av karies på klinikknivå. Metode: Et ex post-facto quasi-eksperimentell design ble anvendt til kvantitativ analyse av data fra journal programmet i Tannhelsetjenesten i Vest-Agder fylke, Norge. Effekten av et beskrevet intervensjonsprogram for forebygging av karies ble analysert ved sammenlikning mellom tre klinikker, og delvis med fylkesgjennomsittet for Vest-Agder. De sosioøkonomiske forhold i klinikkenes tilhørende bydeler ble beskrevet med indekser ut fra gitte kriterier. Kalibreringsøvelser med røntgenbetrakting på behandlernivå ble utført post hoc for å få en formening om mulige målefeil og presisjon i det statistiske materialet. Resultat: Planmessig, nytenkende og godt folkehelsearbeid i undersøkelsesperioden 2004– 2008 med tidlig intervensjon på småbarn og praktisk opplæring i effektiv tannpuss, gav betydelig tannhelsegevinst for 5- åringene. Resultatene var mindre entydige for 12- og 18-åringene. Klinikken med det forebyggende intervensjonsprogrammet var beliggende i et område med bra sosioøkonomisk indeks, hvilket kan forkludre resultatene. Forskjell i diagosenivå mellom klinikerne, viser hvordan helseresultater kan bli påvirket av behandlervariasjon. Ulik diagnose- og behandlernivå blant klinikerne slik det kommer fram i studien, ser ut for å være en vedvarende utfordring for tannhelsetjenesten. Konklusjon: Studien understreker betydningen av intensiv og målrettet forebyggende intervensjon fra tidlig alder, og at forebyggende arbeid og tannhelseresultat må ses i et langtidsperspektiv. Ulike sosioøkonomiske forhold i et undersøkt område, reduserte mulighetene for å konkludere om helseresultater i denne quasi-eksperimentelle studien. / Purpose: This study aimed to evaluate oral health results at the clinical level of an intervention program for the prevention of dental caries. Method: An ex post facto quasi-experimental design was used for quantitative analysis of data using digital records in the Public Dental Health Service of County Vest-Agder, Norway. The effect of a described intervention program for prevention of caries was analyzed by comparing oral health data from the intervention clinic with two other clinics and also with the county average. The socioeconomic conditions in the neighbourhoods served by the clinics were described with indexes containing known criteria. The test of the treatment criteria of salaried dentists was based on post hoc x-rays to estimate the size of measurement error and precise statistical material. Result: Systematic, innovative, and good public health practices conducted during the 2004–2008 study period provided early intervention treatment for toddlers and trained effective tooth-brushing skills, beneficially affected oral health results among 5-year-old children. However, the results were less clear among 12- and 18- years-old children. The clinic with the best oral health results was located in the best socioeconomic area in the study, possibly confounding the results. An unsatisfactory agreement of the diagnostic level between the clinicians showed that practice variations might influence health effects. Differing diagnostic and treatment levels among clinicians shown in the study, poses an ongoing challenge for dental service. Conclusion: This study emphasizes the importance of initiating and maintaining intensive and targeted preventive dental activities in early childhood, and shows that preventive dental treatment and oral health results require a long-time perspective. Varying socioeconomic conditions in the trial area reduced the possibility of concluding health results in this quasi-experimental study. / <p>ISBN 978-91-86739-20-1</p>
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Negotiation with learners as a managerial task of the school principal / Yaw Fosu-AmoahFosu-Amoah, Yaw January 1999 (has links)
The research seeks to suggest the use of negotiations as a managerial task
of the school principal with learners to eliminate or at least limit unrest
practices like violence, intimidation of learners by principals and intimidation
of principals by learners, suspicions, vandalism, strike actions and class
boycotts which destroy and negate the culture of learning and teaching
services. All these destructive practices, lead to poor production of matric
results in schools in South Africa in general and in the North West Province in
The purpose of this study therefore was to determine by means of a review of
literature and an empirical investigation, the nature of negotiations in schools
and the skills needed by practising principals in the discharge of their
management tasks. The empirical study was also aimed at determining the
most important and the least important of the negotiation skills.
Chapter 1 deals with the statement of the problem, aims of the research and
the methods employed in achieving the purpose of the study. This includes a
discussion of the population and sample used for the empirical research and
an outline of the chapters.
The second Chapter highlights on the nature of negotiation in general and in
schools in particular. Explanation of the concept negotiation was given and
terms closely related to negotiation were defined and all shown to be different
from negotiation. Models of negotiation were identified, causes for
negotiation were mentioned, effects of negotiation on school performance
were discussed a:; well as approaches and attitudes to the use of negotiation
in schools.
In Chapter 3, the focus was on the context of negotiation and skills needed in
successful negotiation in schools.
The negotiation climate, elements of negotiation and legal aspects or basis of
negotiation were discussed under the context of negotiation. Listening,
timing, empathy, trust, questions, needs, patience, politeness, as well as
other skills like stamina, tolerance, confidence were discussed as negotiation
skills. Negotiation style and strategies were treated under skills needed in
successful negotiation.
The empirical research design, administrative procedures, population and the
systematic sampling as well as statistical techniques were discussed in
Chapter 4. The duly completed questionnaires returned by principals as
respondents were empirically analysed and interpreted in this chapter.
The last chapter, Chapter 5, throws light on the summary of all the chapters,
research findings and recommendations based on the research findings
derived from the previous chapters as well as a final remark.
It was found that all the respondents recognize that listening is essential to
any relationship and therefore listening was the most important negotiation
skill practised by principals. Again, it was revealed from the empirical study
that most principals do not succeed in building trust with learners by making
wild promises. Principals therefore seldomly make wild promises to learners
as a negotiation skill. Finally based on the research, a negotiation skill
training programme for principals was recommended for future research. / Thesis (MEd)--PU for CHE, 1999
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Negotiation with learners as a managerial task of the school principal / Yaw Fosu-AmoahFosu-Amoah, Yaw January 1999 (has links)
The research seeks to suggest the use of negotiations as a managerial task
of the school principal with learners to eliminate or at least limit unrest
practices like violence, intimidation of learners by principals and intimidation
of principals by learners, suspicions, vandalism, strike actions and class
boycotts which destroy and negate the culture of learning and teaching
services. All these destructive practices, lead to poor production of matric
results in schools in South Africa in general and in the North West Province in
The purpose of this study therefore was to determine by means of a review of
literature and an empirical investigation, the nature of negotiations in schools
and the skills needed by practising principals in the discharge of their
management tasks. The empirical study was also aimed at determining the
most important and the least important of the negotiation skills.
Chapter 1 deals with the statement of the problem, aims of the research and
the methods employed in achieving the purpose of the study. This includes a
discussion of the population and sample used for the empirical research and
an outline of the chapters.
The second Chapter highlights on the nature of negotiation in general and in
schools in particular. Explanation of the concept negotiation was given and
terms closely related to negotiation were defined and all shown to be different
from negotiation. Models of negotiation were identified, causes for
negotiation were mentioned, effects of negotiation on school performance
were discussed a:; well as approaches and attitudes to the use of negotiation
in schools.
In Chapter 3, the focus was on the context of negotiation and skills needed in
successful negotiation in schools.
The negotiation climate, elements of negotiation and legal aspects or basis of
negotiation were discussed under the context of negotiation. Listening,
timing, empathy, trust, questions, needs, patience, politeness, as well as
other skills like stamina, tolerance, confidence were discussed as negotiation
skills. Negotiation style and strategies were treated under skills needed in
successful negotiation.
The empirical research design, administrative procedures, population and the
systematic sampling as well as statistical techniques were discussed in
Chapter 4. The duly completed questionnaires returned by principals as
respondents were empirically analysed and interpreted in this chapter.
The last chapter, Chapter 5, throws light on the summary of all the chapters,
research findings and recommendations based on the research findings
derived from the previous chapters as well as a final remark.
It was found that all the respondents recognize that listening is essential to
any relationship and therefore listening was the most important negotiation
skill practised by principals. Again, it was revealed from the empirical study
that most principals do not succeed in building trust with learners by making
wild promises. Principals therefore seldomly make wild promises to learners
as a negotiation skill. Finally based on the research, a negotiation skill
training programme for principals was recommended for future research. / Thesis (MEd)--PU for CHE, 1999
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Hulpverlening aan die gemolesteerde kind met behulp van spelterapie : 'n pastorale studie / Linda GroblerGrobler, Linda January 2005 (has links)
Sexual abuse causes incalculable damage to the life of the sexually abused person on all
levels: emotional, spiritual and physical. God included children in His covenant with
mankind. Jesus always gave a special place to children during his time on earth.
Current statistics are shocking: One in every four girls and one in every six boys are being
sexually abused. Considering that up to 43 children are raped each day in South Africa, it
has to be acknowledged that sexual abuse in South Africa is reaching epidemic
The spiritual/religious results of sexual abuse show that pastoral care is essential in the
healing process. Traumatised children themselves express the need for this problem to be
addressed pastorally. Children acknowledged that the problem of sexual abuse influenced
their relationships with God. Every child also expressed a need for spiritual growth and
spiritual knowledge.
The most effective method of helping seems to be an eclectic approach. On the one hand it
is important to take note of contributions from other sciences surrounding play therapy,
which could be used effectively in the helping process. On the other hand pastoral
guidelines should be fully utilised and adhered to. The solution thus lies in a holistic
approach where attention is given to the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of the
From the empirical data that was collected it is clear that a combination of pastoral care
and play therapy is very effective. The uniqueness of this combination centres on the fact
that God, the great Healer, works in a restorative and healing fashion in the lives of children
through something that comes completely naturally to them, namely play. / Thesis (M.A. (Practical Theology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2006.
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