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Sverigedemokraterna - ett oemotsagt parti? : En studie av bemötandet av Sverigedemokraterna och deras sakfråga i den svenska riksdagenEriksson, Erika January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is, through both a quantitative and qualitative study, to map out how the interaction appears between the established parties and the radical right-wing party, the Sweden Democrat’s (SD) and their core issue – immigration in the Swedish parliament. By applying analytical dimensions on the parliamentary protocols regarding the immigration issue between the years of 2010-2012 this study will get an insight on how the argumentation concerning immigration has developed since their entrance into the Swedish parliament in 2010. The result shows that SD, through the rejection treatment of the established parties, fulfilled the three conditions which accordingly to the study's theoretical framework are crucial for the party's future success. In the established parties’ reception of SD regarding immigration, SD is, to a large extent, left unchallenged as the established parties rather focus on integration instead of challenge SD in the immigration issue. Furthermore, the result reinforce the previous studies stating that a radical right-wing party gains greater success if the established parties refuses to treat them as equals in the parliament.
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Contest outcomes are usually determined by differences in resource holding potential, the social histories of the combatants, and perceptions of resource value. One understudied aspect of gaining an advantage is the residency effect. Prior occupancy of a particular place can affect the knowledge and motivation of the resident. There could be a tactical advantage in knowing the terrain or an increased willingness to fight to maintain control of a familiar area. In this study we evaluated the importance of shelter residency effects relative to size differences between rusty crayfish (Orconectes rusticus) as potential competitors for access to shelter. The intensity of any residency effects was manipulated by altering the number of shelters in the arena. Our results suggest that any residency effect is very weak in this system, and if present may often be masked by the strong and pervasive influence on contest outcome of the relative body sizes of the contestants. We also found that both shelter number and crayfish size asymmetries had strong, independent effects on levels of aggression. Dominance, but not residency status, was a factor in shelter use.
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Hatbrott & nationalism i Sverige, finns det ett samband?Wihlstrand, Richard January 2010 (has links)
AbstractMedia presents hate crimes and nationalism as phenomenon that has increased both internationally and nationally in recent years. Further media largely pair these phenomenon together. The groups mostly exposed to hate and nationalism are people of different ethnic origin and LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bi, trans and queer) people. In Sweden's general election in 2010 a RHP-party, Sweden Democrats, made it in to Parliament. The purpose of this study was to examine how hate crimes and nationalism, in the form of the Sweden Democrats, has increased in Sweden and if there was any link between them. By mapping the proportion of reported hate crimes and the proportion of eligible voters who voted for the Sweden Democrats in Sweden between 1997 and 2009 the study's main aim was to investigate whether there was any link between the proportion of reported hate crimes and the proportion of voters for Sweden Democrats in Sweden. The results question whether an actual increase of hate crime occurred due to methodological changes in the Swedish Security Service, the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention and the police. Also the dark figure is large regarding this crime. Sweden Democrats has had strong success in recent years, but whether this is a sign of increased nationalism can’t be impugned. 1998 and 1999 revealed a relationship between hate crime complaints and voting on the Sweden Democrats, but after 1999 the relationship is weak.
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Nya utmanare – nya strategier? : Etablerade partier bemöter ny konkurrensStröm, Anna January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine the strategic choice of mainstream parties in relation to the competition of voters posed by a niche party and their most important issue, in this case radicalist rightwing populists and the migration issue. The study uses a comparative approach to examine the mainstream parties Social Democrats and Moderates reaction to the niche parties New Democracy 1991-1994 and Sweden Democrats 2010-2015. Using Meguid´s PSO-theory and by performing an qualitative analyse of the parties rhetoric and political suggestions in the parliamentary debates as well as in government bills and reservations in committee reports, the study aims to describe mainstream parties position on the issue and if and how they change position and strategy. The results of the study shows that both mainstream parties over all applies an adversarial strategy, aiming to maintain distance to the niche party and its position but with time and due to changes in the political environment, changes in position and strategy takes place and the mainstream parties applies a slightly more accommodative strategy.
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Producción de calor radiogénico y flujo de calor en las rocas del basamento de la cuenca de TalcaMorales Molina, Cristián Andrés January 2014 (has links)
Geólogo / En este trabajo se presenta una estimación del ujo de calor HF (por sus siglas en inglés
Heat Flow) para la cuenca de Talca (35° 25' 59'' S, 71° 40' 0'' W) , a partir de la medición de la
producción de calor radiogénico RHP (por sus siglas en inglés Radiogenic Heat Production)
de las rocas perteneciente a la corteza superior, esencialmente a oramientos mesozoicos y
cenozoicos. Considera por parte de la literatura, el RHP del resto de la corteza y el manto
litosférico, así como el flujo de calor derivado por la diferencia de temperatura entre la base
de la litósfera y la super cie.
Se estimó el RHP de las rocas de la corteza superior en base a la concentración de U, Th y
K en ellas mediante un espectrómetro/escintilómetro portátil de rayos gamma, los datos para
el resto de la litósfera y las propiedades físicas de las rocas fueron obtenidas de la literatura.
Para la estimación del HF se utilizo modelación de elementos nitos sobre un per l estructural
de la cuenca, en el cual se incluyen las propiedades físicas, RHP y temperaturas bordes de
la litósfera. El programa utilizado para la modelación fue el software COMSOL Multiphysics
(versión 4.3a).
El RHP de las formaciones de la corteza superior varía desde 0,4 µ W/m^3 a 2,8 µW/m^3,
teniendo como media una producción de calor radiogénico de 1,3 µ W/m^3 .
El HF estimado por el modelo para la cuenca de Talca es de entre 62-65 mW/m^2 de los
cuales 15 mW/m^2 son producidos en la corteza superior siendo un 23% del fl ujo de calor que
llega a la super cie. El gradiente térmico estimado bajo Talca corresponde a 23 °C/km.
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Sverigedemokraterna : - ett avradikaliserat högerpopulistiskt parti?Eliasson, Markus January 2018 (has links)
Flertalet så kallade radikala högerpopulistiska partier (RHP-partier) har på senare år rönt relativt stora valframgångar runt om i Europa. En förklaring som brukar nämnas är att dessa partier har tonat ned sin ideologi och blivit mindre radikala. Min studie undersökte detta förhållande, huruvida det finns en samvariation mellan grad av radikal högerpopulism och väljarstöd. Leder lägre grad av radikal högerpopulism till ökat väljarstöd? Detta undersöktes med hjälp av en fallstudie av Sveriges ledande RHP-parti – Sverigedemokraterna. Idealtypsanalyser genomfördes av fem sverigedemokratiska parti-/principprogram från de senaste decennierna för att se om graden av radikal högerpopulism i dessa dokument har förändrats över tid. Analysen visade att partiet överlag har blivit allt mindre radikalt högerpopulistiska med åren, samtidigt som partiets väljarstöd har ökat stadigt. Slutsatsen blir därmed att det i det här fallet finns en samvariation mellan grad av radikal högerpopulism och väljarstöd. / <p>2018-06-07.</p>
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Study On Reactive Hot Pressing Of Zirconium CarbideChakrabarti, Tamoghna 12 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Group IV transition metal carbides are promising materials for high temperature structural application, due to their unique sets of properties such as high melting temperature, high temperature strength, hardness, elastic modulus, wear and corrosion resistance, metal-like thermal and electrical conductivity and thermal shock resistance. This group includes zir-conium carbide, which, along with its composites, are potential candidates for applications such as nose cones for re-entry vehicle, engines, wear resistant parts and in nuclear fuel cladding. Such structural applications demand high strength material with minimal flaws, in order to achieve the required reliability. Attainment of high strength calls for fully dense material with as small a grain size as possible. Producing fully dense zirconium carbide requires very high temperature, which is a direct consequence of its high melting point. Higher processing temperatures increase grain size, thereby also causing a loss in strength, along with the increased cost. Therefore, there is always a driving force to produce such a material in fully densified form at as low a temperature as possible.
There have been a number of studies on processing and densification of zirconium carbide. Pressureless sintering of zirconium carbide requires temperature of 2400oC-3000oC to reach reasonably high density. At such high temperatures, abnormal grain growth limits the final density, as pores get entrapped inside the grains.
Hot pressing of zirconium carbide also requires upwards of 2000oC to reach high density and is the primary route to produce densified zirconium carbide product.
Reactive hot pressing (RHP), is a relatively new processing approach. Here, the reaction between zirconium and carbon to produce zirconium carbide and the densification of the porous mass, occurs simultaneously. Study on reactive hot pressing of zirconium carbide have shown that, it is possible to achieve very high density at much lower temperatures
Clearly, reactive processing is an exciting new technique to process zirconium carbide. However, there has been a lack of studies to understand why it provides better densification than conventional hot pressing. Such understanding is of paramount importance, as it can lead to better optimization of RHP and perhaps even lower the process temperature further.
The objective of the present study is to understand the densification process in RHP of zirconium carbide through systematic and carefully designed experiments. A model of reactive hot pressing is also constructed to get more insight into the phenomenon.
0.1 Pressureless Reaction Sintering of Zirconium Car-bide
Pressureless reaction sintering (RS) of zirconium carbide is studied to understand the role of stoichiometry and zirconium metal in densification. ZrC of four different stoichiometries are chosen for these sets of experiments which are conducted in vacuum at 1200oC and 1600oC for 1 hour to understand the role of stoichiometry. One sample of pure Zr is also sintered to elucidate the role of zirconium in densification. After reaction sintering, all the samples are characterized by density measurement, x-ray diffraction and microstructure, using scanning electron microscopy. After pressureless sintering at 1600oC, zirconium metal reaches the highest relative density of ~ 95%. Densification decreases monotonically with increasing stoichiometry. Zr+0.5C composition reaches the next best relative density (of 90%), while Zr+0.67C composition shows much lower densification. The other two compositions, Zr+0.8C and Zr+C, in contrast, display de-densification rather than densification. Since the pure zirconium sample reaches high density, it can, in principle, help in densification of the mixed powders before getting fully reacted. Non-stoichiometric carbides also exhibit higher diffusivity of carbon, which aids the densification and the greater the deviation from stoichiometry, the smaller the deleterious effects of de-densification from reaction. This troika of factors is responsible for the substantially better densification in non-stoichiometric carbide, compared to stoichiometric carbide.
0.2 Reactive Hot Pressing of Zirconium and Carbon
Reactive hot pressing of zirconium carbide is explored with the emphasis on finding the underlying densification mechanism. The earlier proposed densification mechanism for RHP is the plastic flow of transient non-stoichiometric carbide. To differentiate the effect of transient phases from that of zirconium, RHP is carried out at 800oC. At this low temperature, transient phases cannot take part in plastic flow and subsequent densification. Thus, any densi cation at this temperature can be totally attributed to zirconium and the role of zirconium thus can be separated from that of transient phases. A combination of RHP and RS experiments are carried out at 1200oC to better understand the phenomenon. Again, ZrC carbide of four different stoichiometries are investigated in this RHP study. After RHP at 800oC, all the four different ZrC compositions reached more than 90% RD through plastic flow of the Zr leading to a continuous matrix with embedded graphite particles.
Since the reaction remains incomplete at this temperature, it is clear that Zirconium alone is responsible for enabling densification at such a low temperature. It is therefore argued that any unreacted Zr would, at higher temperature, be able to drive densification even more. Thus, zirconium does not only participate in densification; it is a dominant factor enabling low temperature densification.
Pressureless reaction sintering at 1200oC following the RHP at 800oC, results in de-densi fication, as the reaction between zirconium and carbon occurs with significant volume shrinkage. Since such shrinkage increases with stoichiometry of the carbide, the higher stoichiometry carbides are more susceptible to de-densification. RHP at 1200oC, mostly completes the reaction, but only ZrC0:5 reaches near theoretical density. Thus, the final density of the fully reacted mixture is arrived at through a combination of processes in which the more stoichiometric carbides suffer from not only the smaller metal content but also a greater volume shrinkage during reaction. Thus, ZrC0:5 reaches 99% RD whereas ZrC reaches only 85% RD.
The interplay between these two processes may be controlled by a two step RHP begin-ning at 800oC followed by a ramp up to 1200oC. The higher RD achieved at 800 C results in a higher final density for all the four compositions. Thus, two step RHP is a novel way to get better densification in RHP of zirconium carbide.
0.3 Hot Pressing of Zirconium Carbide Powders of Different Stoichiometry
In the literature, densification in RHP is mostly attributed to the presence of transient non-stoichiometric carbides. To examine this hypothesis, ZrC of three different stoichiometries are prepared and then subjected to hot pressing at the same temperature and pressure as the previous RHP experiments (i.e. 1200oC and 40MPa for 30 min). After the hot pressing experiments, ZrC0:5 composition shows significant densification (95% RD), whereas ZrC0:67 composition shows very limited densification (70% RD) and ZrC composition shows little or no densification (50% RD). Evidently, the transient phase formed with stoichiometry close to ZrC0:5 can certainly contribute substantially to densification. But for the more carbon-rich compositions, the transient phases do not appear to play a significant role and the benefit of RHP, wherein ZrC can reach 90% RD, must come from the contribution of metal plasticity.
0.4 Reactive Hot Pressing of Zirconium and Zirconium Carbide
Two limiting factors for densification during RHP are, de-densification (courtesy of the reaction) and the gradual increase in volume fraction of a rigid, non-sintering phase. To investigate the role of these factors further, two compositions of mixed metal and carbide powders, namely Zr+ZrC and 0.5Zr+ZrC, are subjected to RHP. When reaction is complete, the compositions after RHP will correspond to ZrC0:5 and ZrC0:67, respectively, but with the following difference with respect to the metal-carbon mixtures investigated earlier: these new compositions do not experience de-densification due to reaction and they contain significantly more amount of hard phase (53 and 69%) in the starting composition than their zirconium and carbon mixture counterparts i.e. Zr+0.5C and Zr+0.67C (16 and 20%).
These two compositions are subjected to the same process schedules, i.e., RHP at 800oC, pressureless reaction sintering at 1200oC following RHP at 800oC and two step 800oC and 1200oC RHP. After 800oC RHP, Zr+ZrC and 0.5Zr+ZrC compositions reach much lower density than Zr+0.5C and Zr+0.67C compositions as a direct consequence of the larger amount of hard phase hindering densification at the lower temperature. After the 1200oC pressureless sintering following the RHP at 1200oC, the RD of Zr+ZrC and 0.5Zr+ZrC compositions increase (which is opposite to the behaviour of Zr+0.5C and Zr+0.67C com-positions) as they do not su er from reaction derived de-densification. After two step RHP, Zr+ZrC and 0.5Zr+ZrC compositions reach a final RD that is higher than the Zr+0.5C and Zr+0.67C compositions, even though after the first RHP at 800oC, they were much less densified. Thus, the absence of de-densification during reaction is able to more than compensate for the increase in hard phase content.
0.5 Reactive Hot Pressing: Low temperature process-ing route
Based on the major factors of densification identified earlier, it was investigated whether RHP temperatures could be brought down further while being supplemented by a free sintering step to complete the reaction without de-densification. From a practical standpoint, such a process would allow dense products to be made by hot pressing with low temperature dies and fixtures while carrying out a more economical pressureless sintering at higher temperatures Therefore, Metal-carbide mixtures, Zr+ZrC and Ti+ZrC, are chosen, along with a temperature of 900 C which is above the allotropic phase transformation temperature for Zr around 880oC, thereby utilizing a zirconium phase that is softer than the hexagonal Zr. For completion of reaction, pressureless reaction sintering is done at 1300oC and 1400oC. It is found that after 1400oC reaction sintering, both the compositions reach almost full density and the Ti+ZrC composition also shows a higher hardness (13 vs 10 GPa) than the Zr+ZrC composition, due to the formation of a binary carbide with consequent solid solution hardening.
0.6 Effect of Particle Size on Reactive Hot Pressing
During RHP, premature exhaustion of zirconium by reaction can limit densification. One way to have better densification is to slow down the reaction, so that significant amount of densification takes place before the metal zirconium is exhausted. One way to reduce reaction rates is to increase particle size. Larger particles are expected to slow down the reaction without affecting sintering, as densification is controlled by power law creep of Zr which is grain size independent. Because of lack of availability of Zr with different particle sizes, two different graphite particle sizes, i.e. 7-10 m and 50-60 m, were studied and it was shown that after 1200oC RHP, indeed the larger particle size improves densification.
0.7 Modelling of Reactive Hot Pressing
Reactive hot pressing is a complicated phenomenon, and to get an insight and also to optimize the parameters, the availability of a computational model is of paramount importance. Keeping that in mind, a model of RHP has been constructed based on four different parts, namely: 1. Densification of zirconium under pressure 2. Reaction of zirconium and carbon 3. The constraint on sintering from a rigid phase and, finally, 4. The volume contraction during reaction.
The model uses published data for the 4 steps and shows reasonable qualitative and quantitative agreement with the experimental results. Further experiments are done with the model to optimize the processing parameters. Results from the virtual experiments consolidates our earlier conviction gained from experimental results, by showing zirconium is the principal factor in densification and exhaustion of zirconium coupled with reaction derived de-densification prevent the higher stoichiometric carbide from achieving full densification. It also shows, RHP gives best densification when reaction is 70-80% complete. So two step RHP where the first RHP will only complete the reaction 70-80%, and a final RHP at temperature which will complete the reaction, will possibly be the way to achieve best densification.
0.8 Conclusions
The study on RHP of zirconium carbide led to the following conclusions:
• Zirconium plays the most crucial role in densification.
• Transient phases only play a role when the final stoichiometry of RHPed carbide is close to that of ZrC0:5.
• De-densification from reaction prevents higher stoichiometric carbide from reaching full densification.
• Two step RHP, with one RHP at lower temperature at which reaction will remain incomplete, and the other at higher temperature to complete the reaction, yields best densification.
• For lower stoichiometric carbide (ZrC0:5,ZrC0:67), full densification can be achieved at 1200oC. For higher stoichiometric carbide, even though large amount of densification upward of 90% RD is achieved at 1200oC, full densification will be out of reach.
• RHP shows better densification than conventional hot pressing for all stoichiometries.
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Det högerpopulära partiet : En kvalitativ textanalys på Sverigedemokraternas framgångar och ökade valresultatNilsson, Stefan, Pettersson, Axel January 2021 (has links)
During the parliamentary elections in Sweden between 2006 and 2018 has the Sweden Democrats success increased enormously. The party went from 2,93% in 2006 to 17,53% in 2018, which is a rapid increase. The aim of this essay is to examine Sweden Democrats and the party’s successes by analyzing existing research within the same topic and if the research explanations for the increased election results have changed over time. A qualitative text analysis will be used in order to explain the Sweden Democrats’ increased election results. The text analysis is a systematized analysis. The essay's analysis is divided in three different time intervals, the first interval is between the years 2010-2013, the second interval is between the years 2014-2017 and the last interval is between the years 2018-2021. In each of these three intervals there will be five different researches that’s going to be analyzed. The analysis of the essay concludes for instance that the Sweden Democrats increased success depends on sociocultural problems, media exposure and the voter’s dissatisfaction with the established parties.
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