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Designing and implementing a small scale Internet Service ProviderBrown, Johan, Gustafsson Brokås, Alexander, Hurtig, Niklas, Johansson, Tobias January 2009 (has links)
<p>The objective of this thesis is to design and implement a small scaleInternet Service Provider (ISP) for the NetCenter sub department atMälardalen University. The ISP is intended to give NetCenter a networkseparate from the University’s network, providing them with a moreflexible environment for lab purposes. This will give their students anopportunity to experience a larger backbone with Internet accessibility,which has not been previously available. At the same time it will place theteachers in control of the network in the NetCenter lab premises.The network is designed with a layered approach including an Internetaccess layer, a larger core segment and a distribution layer with aseparated lab network. It also incorporates both a public and a privateserver network, housing servers running e.g. Windows Active Directory,external DNS services, monitoring tools and logging applications. TheInternet access is achieved by peering with SUNET providing a full BGPfeed.This thesis report presents methods, implementations and results involvedin successfully creating the NetCenter ISP as both a lab network and anInternet provider with a few inevitable shortcomings; the most prominentbeing an incomplete Windows Domain setup.</p>
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Delar av en grav och glimtar av en tid : Om yngre romersk järnålder, Tuna i Badelunda i Västmanland och personen i grav X / Parts of a Grave and Glimpses of a Time : A discussion of the Late Roman Iron Age, Tuna in Badelunda in Västmanland and the person in Grave XFernstål, Lotta January 2004 (has links)
Grave X was found in 1952 during construction work in Tuna in Badelunda parish, in the province of Västmanland. Objects from this 3rd Century grave were dispersed and the stone grave covering and cist-like wooden burial chamber were cut almost in half as a result of the construction work that unearthed it. The purpose of this dissertation is to create a better understanding of Tuna in Badelunda and to place Grave X and the person buried there in context. Due to my interest in Grave X and the person in this grave, the scope of the study is limited to Tuna during the Late Roman Iron Age. What kind of place may Tuna in Badelunda have been during that time? Which kinds of knowledge may the person in Grave X have possessed and what roles may this person have had in local society? How may this person have acted in Tuna in Badelunda in particular? Why was this person buried in the specific type of structure that was Grave X? To answer these questions, ancient monuments and phenomena in the Tuna area, objects from the grave and construction details of the grave are discussed. Specifically, I examine the name Tuna, stone enclosures, hillforts of Bejby borg-character and travel routes, beads, golden rings in the shape of snakes, vessels and serving utensils, and the stone grave covering and cist-like chamber. Since Grave X was partly ruined when discovered, comparisons are made to about 20 similar graves from other parts of Scandinavia in order to get an idea of what may have been lost from Grave X. A performative-constructive gender perspective is of importance in this dissertation, as well as the concept of creolization. The kinds of knowledge and the societal roles the person in Grave X may have had can be summarized in five categories or contexts of action: production within the (social-political) economy of the farm, ritual performances, physical communication, textile production, and oral performances with the telling of stories and relating of memories. Possible personal strategies in relation to the activities the person in question was involved in are seen as important. One way this dissertation takes up this subject is through the discussion of the role the person may have had in greetings and farewells in the yard of the farm (Sw. tun, gårdsplan). Greetings and farewells were probably of importance, and Tuna is discussed as a crossroads. This means that although a local perspective is advocated in this dissertation, Tuna may not be seen as an isolated community, but rather as a small place that to a great extent partook in the larger world. This can also be seen in Grave X; when the person in this grave was buried, the living made choices that both expressed local traditions and made reference to far-away places. In contrast to the surrounding graves, the person in Grave X was not cremated. One of many possible reasons may have been a desire to emphasize the person’s personality and gender as well as roles in society. / <p>Auktoriserad namnform i LIBRIS: Fernstål, Charlotte, 1974-</p>
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À travers le pare-brise : la création des territoires touristiques à l’ère de l’automobile (Québec et Ontario, 1920-1967)Lambert, Maude-Emmanuelle 05 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse fait la lumière sur les différentes manières dont, historiquement, a été perçu, conçu et vécu le territoire, à travers l’expérience et l’essor de la mobilité. Cette étude montre le rôle crucial de l’automobilité dans le développement touristique du Québec et de l’Ontario et les manières dont elle a façonné certains de leurs territoires. La thèse reconstitue ces processus en examinant les différentes mesures adoptées pour mettre en tourisme ces territoires et les transformer sur le plan matériel comme symbolique, entre 1920 et 1967. Elle répond à la question suivante : en quoi et comment la mobilité associée à l’automobile transforme et crée les territoires touristiques?
La période étudiée s’ouvre au moment où débute l’intervention gouvernementale en matière de tourisme et s’amorce l’aménagement d’infrastructures favorisant une plus grande automobilité. Elle se clôt sur les célébrations entourant le Centenaire du Canada et la tenue de l’Expo 1967 à Montréal, qui donnent lieu à un aménagement intense du territoire afin d’accommoder un nombre sans précédent de touristes motorisés en provenance des autres provinces canadiennes et des États-Unis.
La thèse reconstitue d’abord le processus de mise en tourisme des territoires par la conception, la construction et la promotion du système routier, l’élaboration d’itinéraires et de circuits touristiques et le développement d’outils accompagnant le touriste dans sa mobilité. L’embellissement en tant qu’élément structurant de la transformation des territoires est ensuite examiné. Enfin, la publicité, les récits et les pratiques touristiques sont étudiés de manière détaillée afin d’identifier les mécanismes par lesquels se construisent les représentations des territoires par l’apport de différents acteurs.
Cette thèse révèle ainsi les liens étroits et complexes qui se développent à partir des années 1920 entre l’automobilité, le tourisme et la modification des territoires. Elle contribue à mettre au jour l’historicité de certains réflexes et orientations qui ont encore cours dans l’industrie touristique canadienne soit ceux d’aborder son développement en fonction de l’accessibilité du territoire à l’automobile et du regard à travers le pare-brise. En montrant le rôle du système automobile dans l’expérience touristique, l’étude ajoute un élément nouveau à la compréhension de la démocratisation des loisirs. Souvent expliquée par la hausse du niveau de vie, du temps libre et de la généralisation des congés payés, cette démocratisation se trouve aussi favorisée par l’accessibilité à l’automobile qui, à son tour, rend accessible des territoires de plus en plus éloignés à des fins de loisirs. La dimension récréative de l’automobile permet d’expliquer son adoption rapide par les Nord-Américains et les Canadiens ainsi que la dépendance qu’ils ont progressivement développée à son égard. / This thesis explores the different ways in which territory has historically been perceived, conceived and practiced through the experience and growth of mobility. It shows the crucial role that "automobility" played for touristic development in Quebec and Ontario and the ways it shaped parts of their territory. The present study examines the different measures adopted to promote tourism in newly developed regions and to both physically and symbolically transform these regions between 1920 and 1967. The thesis answers the following question: how and in which way has automobility transformed and created tourist regions?
The period under study opens with the beginning of government intervention in the tourism industry through the creation of automobile-related infrastructure. The thesis carries its examination through the celebrations organised around the 100th anniversary of Canada and Expo 67 in Montreal, an event which led to large-scale territorial development necessary to accommodate an unprecedented number of automobiles from across Canada and the United States.
This thesis first reconstitutes the processes involved in the creation of tourist regions: the conception, construction and promotion of the highway system; the implementation of itineraries and tourist routes; and the creation of useful tools that tourists might bring on their journey. It next examines beautification as a structuring element within the transformation of territories. Finally, advertising, travelogues and tourism practices are studied in detail in order to identify the mechanisms through which various actors contributed to fashioning representations of territories.
This thesis reveals the close and complex ties that bound automobility, tourism and territorial modification as they developed during the 1920s. It helps to shed light on the historicity of certain approaches and orientations that remain current in the Canadian tourism industry, such as territorial development in terms of car accessibility. By showing the role that automobility played within the tourist experience, the present study adds to the developing understanding of the democratization of leisure. Often explained through higher standards of living as well as through the rise of leisure time and the spread within the working world of paid vacation, this democratization can also be explained through the greater accessibility of automobility, which, in turn, provided greater access to regions located further and further from urban areas. The recreational dimension of automobiling that was put forward early on in its history explains its rapid adoption by Canadians and other North Americans, as well as the dependence on cars that progressively spread through a large portion of the population.
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Estudo observacional do uso da hipodermóclise em cuidados paliativos oncológicos / Observational study of hypodermoclysis use in cancer palliative careGabriela Ferri Carone 25 April 2016 (has links)
Hipodermóclise (HDC) é uma importante técnica alternativa para a administração de medicamentos e fluidos pela via subcutânea. É usada com frequência para o controle dos sintomas em pacientes em cuidados paliativos com dificuldade de acesso venoso e que são incapazes de tolerar medicação oral. No entanto, raros estudos abordaram o uso da HDC de uma forma global, para reposição hidroeletrolítica e terapia medicamentosa, tanto na forma contínua quanto intermitente, observando detalhes e complicações do seu uso. Os objetivos deste estudo incluíram caracterizar o uso da HDC para administração de medicamentos, soluções e eletrólitos e avaliar as possíveis complicações locais, identificando também outros fatores que influenciam sua ocorrência. Estudo observacional prospectivo com coleta de dados em prontuário e acompanhamento diário de pacientes internados com câncer avançado, da equipe de Cuidados Paliativos do Instituto do Câncer do Estado de São Paulo (ICESP) em uso de HDC, verificando local de punção, medicamentos administrados e possíveis complicações, acompanhando os detalhes de seu uso. A análise estatística não-paramétrica e método de regressão logística foram realizados. Foram acompanhados 99 pacientes com 243 punções, das quais 166 (68,3%) em coxa e 46 (18,9%) em abdome. Os medicamentos mais utilizados foram morfina em 122 (50,2%) punções, seguido de dipirona em 118 (48,6%) e dexametasona em 86 (35,4%). A solução mais prescrita foi a glicofisiológica em 38 (15,6%) punções, pelo seu aporte calórico. 13,6% das punções (33 de 243) tiveram complicações, sendo apenas seis casos maiores (edema). Complicações ocorreram mais frequentemente até o segundo dia da punção e foram associadas com o número (p=0,007) e o volume (p=0,042) de medicamentos administrados e também com a solução glicofisiológica (p=0,003) e os eletrólitos cloreto de potássio (p=0,037) e cloreto de sódio (p=0,013). Este estudo permitiu o conhecimento de fatores associados a complicações e propõe algumas recomendações, como: individualização da terapia, especialmente relacionada com o volume de escolha, número de medicamentos administrados e evitar a adição de eletrólitos na solução glicofisiológica / Hypodermoclysis (HDC) is an important alternative technique for the administration of drugs and fluids into the subcutaneous tissue. It is frequently used for symptom control in palliative care patients, with difficult venous access and unable to tolerate oral medications. However, few studies address the use of HDC as a whole to fluid replacement and drug therapy, both continuous and intermittent mode, observing details and complications of its use. The objectives of this study included characterizing the use of HDC to administer drugs, solutions and electrolytes and to evaluate possible local complications also identifying other factors influencing their occurrence. Prospective observational study with data collection in medical records and daily monitoring of advanced cancer inpatients of the palliative care team of São Paulo State Cancer Institute (ICESP) in use of HDC, checking infusion site, administered drugs and possible complications, following the details of its use. Non-parametrical statistical analysis and logistic regression were performed. Were followed 99 patients with 243 infusion sites, which 166 (68.3%) in the thigh and 46 (18.9%) in the abdomen. The most commonly used drugs were morphine in 122 (50.2%) infusion sites, followed by dipyrone in 118 (48.6%) and dexamethasone in 86 (35.4%). The most prescribed solution was dextrose 5%/0,9% saline in 38 (15.6%) infusion sites because of its caloric intake. 13.6% of punctures (33 of 243) had complications, only six larger cases (edema). Complications occurred mainly up to the second day of the infusion sites and were associated with the number (p=0,007) and volume (p=0,042) of drugs used as also with 5% dextrose/0.9% saline solution (p=0,003) and NaCl (p=0,037) and KCl (p=0,013) electrolytes. This study has allowed the knowledge of factors associated with complications and proposes some recommendations as: individualization of therapy especially related to the volume of choice, number of drugs administered, and avoid adding electrolytes to the 5% dextrose/0.9% saline solution
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Peuplements et échanges entre Gaule interne et Gaule méditerranéenne dans le sud-est du Massif central à la fin du Second âge du fer (160 - 25 avant J. C.) / Populating and exchanging between internal Gaul and Mediterranean Gaul in the southeast of Massif Central at the end of the Second Iron Age (160-25 before J.-C.)Kurzaj, Marie-Caroline 26 November 2012 (has links)
Cette étude propose une synthèse relative à la fin du second âge du Fer (160-25 av. J.-C.) dans le sud-est Massif central. La zone géographique considérée recoupe plusieurs régions (Auvergne, Languedoc-Roussillon, Rhône-Alpes) et départements (Ardèche, Gard, Loire, Haute-Loire, Lozère, Rhône). Durant la fin du second âge du Fer, cette région rassemble les territoires de deux entités culturelles : la Gaule indépendante (Gabales, Ségusiaves et Vellaves) et la Gaule méditerranéenne (Allobroges, Helviens, Ségovellaunes et Volques Arécomiques). L’objectif de ce travail est de proposer une vision globale des faciès de mobiliers, de l’occupation du sol et des dynamiques commerciales dans cet espace géographique. Cette démarche repose sur une nouvelle lecture critique des données archéologiques accumulées dans cette région depuis le XIXe siècle. Le plan adopté comprend trois chapitres. Le premier présente le cadre, le contexte et l’approche méthodologique de l’étude. Le deuxième chapitre est consacré à l’examen détaillé des données selon deux grandes thématiques : la culture matérielle et les formes de l’occupation. Le troisième chapitre offre une synthèse, une confrontation des données et une mise en perspective des caractéristiques de cette région. Les principaux marqueurs de la culture matérielle sont exposés et un modèle de structuration hiérarchique de l’occupation est proposé à partir d’une classification des différentes catégories d’habitat. Enfin, les résultats de l’analyse des mobiliers et de l’occupation du sol sont mis en commun afin de mettre en perspective les marqueurs de l’organisation territoriale spécifiques au sud-est du Massif Central. / This study provides a synthesis about the ending period of the second Iron Age (160-25 BC) in the southeast Massif Central. The geographical zone that I study here includes several regions (Auvergne, Languedoc-Roussillon, Rhône-Alpes) and departments (the Ardèche, the Gard, the Loire, the Haute-Loire, the Lozère, the Rhône). During the ending period of the second Iron Age, this region gathers the territories of two cultural entities: the independent Gaul (Gabali, Segusiavi and Vellavi) and the Mediterranean Gaul (Allobroges, Helvii, Segalauni and Volcae Arecomici). The aim of this study thus is to offer a global vision of furniture facies, land use and commercial dynamics in this geographical area. This initiative bases itself on a recent critical reading of the archaeological data accumulated in this region since the 19th century.The plan adopted is made of three chapters.The first one aims at presenting the frame, the context and the methodological approach of the study. The second chapter is dedicated to the detailed examination of the data according to two important subjects: the material culture and the occupation types.The third chapter offers a synthesis and a confrontation of the data.The characteristics of this region are compared here.The main markers of the material culture are exposed and a model of hierarchical structuring of the occupation is proposed from a classification of the various categories of housing environment. Finally, the results of the analysis of furniture and land use are shared, in order to compare the specific markers of the territorial organization in the southeast of Massif Central.
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Indigenous routes : interfluves and interpreters in the upper Tapajós river (c. 1750 to c. 1950)Belik, Daniel January 2018 (has links)
This thesis is an ethnographic account of the indigenous history and colonization of the upper Tapajós river in Brazil. Research was conducted using archival materials in which I searched for the different conceptualizations of river movements and routes, of either Indians or colonizers. During the period of penetration in the region called “Mundurucânica”, several native groups living in the savannah and at the riverbanks, started to be used as a labour-force, but above all, they worked as interpreters thereby enabling colonization on these Amazonian rivers around the Tapajós. If, on one hand, native groups were violated by colonization, on the other, they have shaped and influenced the penetration, demonstrating their active involvement in this historical process. With the arrival of Franciscan priests and the ultimate establishment of the Cururu Mission, exchanges between indigenous people and colonizers became impregnated with mythical fragments. These relations of displacements and encounters between indigenous groups—that in turn influenced colonization efforts—with local cultural values and practices is still a relatively little explored topic in anthropology. This thesis synthesises the history of the colonization of a region of the Brazilian Amazonian rainforest from the point of view of its indigenous inhabitants. It considers the pacification of the Indians in the 18th and 19th centuries, presenting ethnographic material of the indigenous groups that have moved into the Tapajós region and examines their social logic of interethnic contact. I analyze fragments of material culture, myths and naming such as they appear in the literature so as to track down the spatial dynamics of indigenous Amazonia and its landscape transformations.
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Valorization of by-products and products from agro-industry for the development of release and rejuvenating agents for bituminous materials / Valorisation de sous produits et produits de l'industrie agroalimentaire pour le développement d'agents revenants et anti-adhérents destinés aux matériaux bitumineuxMikhailenko, Peter 15 July 2015 (has links)
La croissance de caution vis-à-vis l'utilisation des produits pétroliers dans la construction a nécessité le besoin de développement des alternatives. Le BTP, en particulaire pour le secteur routière, a un certain nombre des piste ou les produits pétrolières ont utilisés, par exemple le liant pour les enrobés comme les agents régénérant (pour recyclage des enrobés), mais aussi le produits qui sont utilisés sur le chantier comme les anti-adhérents (ARA) et les débituminants (BR). Alors, il y a une besoin de remplacer les produits d'origines pétrolières par les alternatives bio-sourcés. Ce présent ouvre est une partie d'un projet qui va développer une nouvelle filière dédiée à la production de nouvelles formulations pour le BTP à partir de la transformation des huiles végétales et des graisses animales. Ce thèse concerne les produits développés seront destinés au l'asphalte, et alors, deux types d'applications sont particulièrement visés : (i) des agents anti-adhérents et (ii) des agents régénérants. Un débituminant sera développé aussi. Les produits anti-adhérents ont pour fonction d'empêcher le bitume d'adhérer aux engins de travaux sans effet secondaire, théoriquement, sur la matrice liante.. L'objet du travail est de caractériser l'efficacité et l'innocuité des agents anti-adhérents développés dans le cadre du projet et de développer les méthodes expérimentales visant à les évaluer. Trois essais principaux ont été développés pour caractériser la performance et innocuité des anti-adhérents vis-à-vis des essais qui ont optimisé leur implémentation et paramètres. La performance des anti-adhérents a été caractérisé par l'essai de glissance des enrobés. L'innocuité des anti-adhérents ont été caractérisés par des essais de fendage sur les enrobés et par l'essai de la dégradation de bitume. L'essai de la dégradation de bitume a servi aussi comme une mesure de la performance de débituminant. Les essais sur les anti-adhérents commerciaux d'Etats-Unis et la France a trouvé que ils ont deux modes de fonctionnement : i) lixiviation du bitume et ii) en formation d'une interface entre le les enrobés et la surface métallique. Même comme les deux modes ont été trouvé dans des certains anti-adhérents, le mode interface ont été trouvé préférable, grâce à l'option de garder les mêmes applications du produit pour plusieurs cycles de usage. Ensuite, un produit - basé sur glycérol sourcé de l'agro-industrie - a été développé. Les débituminants commerciaux ont été essayé, aves les conclusions : i) les débituminants plus effectifs ont eu les plus grande % des esters et ii) que les esters chaines courtes (C7-10) d'hautes concentrations ont été trouvé les plus efficace. L'agent régénérant est destiné à régénérer le bitume vieilli issu des agrégats d'enrobés (RAP) en lui redonnant ses propriétés originelles et en assurant leur maintien dans le temps. Le travail sur les agents régénérants se compose de la caractérisation physico-chimique du vieillissement du bitume et du bitume vieilli avec l'agent. Plus précisément, le travail se serve des techniques de spectrométrie IRTF (avec imagerie) et thermogravimétrie. Dans ce contexte, une produit bio-sourcé a été évalué comme une régénérant. Pour la spectroscopie FTIR, une moyenne de polir le mastique a été développé pour rassuré la platitude des échantillons. La régénération du bitume a été observé avec la spectrométrie ITRF, donc quelques peaks (notamment les indices IC=O and IS=O) pendant 0-42 jours de vieillissement dans l'étuve (loin-durée). Il a été trouvé qu'une période de vieillissement de 14 jours à l'étuve était à peu près équivalente au bitume vieilli par un cycle de RTFOT + PAV en termes de rhéologie et de la pénétration. Le mastic (vieilli 14 jours) a ensuite été mélangé avec un agent de bio-source (à 7,5% en poids de mastic). Il a été constaté par imagerie FTIR que l'indicateur de l'oxydation IS=O a été réduit par l'incorporation de l'agent régénérant dans le bitume. / The growing health and environmental concerns brought on by the use of petroleum based products in the asphalt construction industry have necessitated the development of alternatives. Infrastructure, especially that involving transportation has many uses for petroleum products including, as fuel, as well as in asphalt pavement construction - where petroleum products have traditionally constituted the binder for the mix as well as the rejuvenating agents (for asphalt recycling) - along with various agents used in the construction process including bitumen removers and asphalt release agents. Thus, there is a need to replace petroleum base agents with bio-sourced and biodegradable substitutes. The present work is part of a project to develop bio-sourced (recycled from agricultural waste) products for the construction industry. This work is dedicated to developing products relating to the asphalt industry. Two types of product applications were envisioned: i) an asphalt release agent (ARA) and ii) an asphalt rejuvenating agent. Additionally, a bitumen remover (BR) developed as part of the work on the ARA. ARAs prevent asphalt from adhering to tools and equipment used in asphalt production, without producing overly negative side effects with regards to the pavement. Three principal tests methods were developed and optimized for the performance and damage to asphalt of the ARAs. The asphalt slide test was developed to quantify the performance of the ARA by sliding hot asphalt mix down a plate with the ARA applied. The testing of the damage to asphalt from ARAs consisted of testing an asphalt cylinder - in contact with an ARA for seven days - in indirect-tensile strength (ITS). The bitumen degradation test consisted of submerging a bitumen sample in an agent over a certain time and weighing the bitumen that did not dissolve in the agent. This was followed by the observation of the bitumen-ARA chemical interaction by FTIR spectrometry. This test served as an assessment of ARA damage to bitumen as well as of the performance of BRs. The testing of the commercial ARAs from both the French and USA markets found that they had two primary modes of functioning: i) by softening the bitumen and ii) by forming an interface between the asphalt and the metal surface. While some agents had elements of both, it was found that interface agents are preferable, due to the ability to use a single ARA application for multiple occasions. With this completed, a water-based bio-sourced substrate ARA - based on glycerol derived from agricultural waste - was developed. The commercially available BRs were tested as well, finding that i) the most effective BRs had the highest ester concentration and ii) that highly concentrated short chained ester (C7-10) were very effective bitumen dissolvers. The goal of rejuvenating agents is to regenerate the old bitumen from recycled asphalt pavement (RAP) by restoring the original properties and ensuring the stability of these properties over time. This part consisted of the development of methods for bitumen and aging, as well as characterization of the chemical rejuvenation of bitumen by FTIR spectrometry (including imaging) and thermogravimetric analysis. A bio-sourced rejuvenating agent was evaluated as well. For the imaging, a mastic polishing method was developed in order to attain as samples as flat as possible for the analysis. The bitumen rejuvenation was observed using FTIR spectroscopy analysis. Several peaks (notably IC=O and IS=O) were observed for bitumen oven aged up to 42 days (long term). It was found that an oven aging period of 14 days was roughly equivalent to bitumen aged by a RTFOT+PAV cycle it terms of rheology and penetration. The mastic (aged for 14 days) was then combined with a bio-sourced agent (at 7.5%w of mastic). It was found by FTIR imaging that the oxidation indicator IS=O, was reduced by the incorporation of the rejuvenating agent.
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QoS routing for mobile ad hoc networks using genetic algorithmAbdullah, Jiwa January 2007 (has links)
Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) are a class of infrastructure less network architecture which are formed by a collection of mobile nodes that communicate with each other using multi-hop wireless links. They eliminate the need for central management, hence each node must operate cooperatively to successfully maintain the network. Each node performs as a source, a sink and a router. Future applications of MANETs are expected to be based on all-IP architecture, carrying a multitude of real-time multimedia applications such as voice, video and data. It would be necessary for MANETs to have an efficient routing and quality of service (QoS) mechanism to support diverse applications. This thesis proposes a set of cooperative protocols that provide support for QoS routing. The first is the on-demand, Non-Disjoint Multiple Routes Discovery protocol (NDMRD). NDMRD allows the establishment of multiple paths with node non-disjoint between source and destination node. It returns to the source a collection of routes with the QoS parameters. The second part of the protocol is the Node State Monitoring protocol for the purpose of monitoring, acquisition, dissemination and accumulation of QoS route information. The third part of the protocol implements the QoS route selection based on a Genetic Algorithm. The GA is implemented online with predetermined initial population and weighted-sum fitness function which operates simultaneously on the node bandwidth, media access delay, end to end delay and the node connectivity index (NCI). The term node connectivity index is a numerical value designed to predict comparatively the longest time a node-pair might be connected wirelessly.
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Avaliação de desempenho de plataformas de virtualização de redes. / Performance evaluation of network virtualization plataforms.Leopoldo Alexandre Freitas Mauricio 27 August 2013 (has links)
O objetivo desta dissertação é avaliar o desempenho de ambientes virtuais de
roteamento construídos sobre máquinas x86 e dispositivos de rede existentes na Internet atual.
Entre as plataformas de virtualização mais utilizadas, deseja-se identificar quem melhor
atende aos requisitos de um ambiente virtual de roteamento para permitir a programação do
núcleo de redes de produção. As plataformas de virtualização Xen e KVM foram instaladas
em servidores x86 modernos de grande capacidade, e comparadas quanto a eficiência,
flexibilidade e capacidade de isolamento entre as redes, que são os requisitos para o bom
desempenho de uma rede virtual. Os resultados obtidos nos testes mostram que, apesar de ser
uma plataforma de virtualização completa, o KVM possui desempenho melhor que o do Xen
no encaminhamento e roteamento de pacotes, quando o VIRTIO é utilizado. Além disso,
apenas o Xen apresentou problemas de isolamento entre redes virtuais. Também avaliamos o
efeito da arquitetura NUMA, muito comum em servidores x86 modernos, sobre o desempenho
das VMs quando muita memória e núcleos de processamento são alocados nelas. A análise
dos resultados mostra que o desempenho das operações de Entrada e Saída (E/S) de rede pode
ser comprometido, caso as quantidades de memória e CPU virtuais alocadas para a VM não
respeitem o tamanho dos nós NUMA existentes no hardware. Por último, estudamos o
OpenFlow. Ele permite que redes sejam segmentadas em roteadores, comutadores e em
máquinas x86 para que ambientes virtuais de roteamento com lógicas de encaminhamento
diferentes possam ser criados. Verificamos que ao ser instalado com o Xen e com o KVM, ele
possibilita a migração de redes virtuais entre diferentes nós físicos, sem que ocorram
interrupções nos fluxos de dados, além de permitir que o desempenho do encaminhamento de
pacotes nas redes virtuais criadas seja aumentado. Assim, foi possível programar o núcleo da
rede para implementar alternativas ao protocolo IP. / The aim of this work is to evaluate the performance of routing virtual environments
built on x86 machines and network devices existing on the Internet today. Among the most
widely used virtualization platforms, we want to identify which best meets the requirements
of a virtual routing to allow programming of the core production networks. Virtualization
platforms Xen and KVM were installed on modern large capacity x86 machines, and they
were compared for efficiency, flexibility and isolation between networks, which are the
requirements for good performance of a virtual network. The tests results show that, despite
being a full virtualization platform, KVM has better performance than Xen in forwarding and
routing packets when the VIRTIO is used. Furthermore, only Xen had isolation problems
between networks. We also evaluate the effect of the NUMA architecture, very common in
modern x86 servers, on the performance of VMs when lots of memory and processor cores
are allocated to them. The results show that Input and Output (I/O) network performance can
be compromised whether the amounts of virtual memory and CPU allocated to VM do not
respect the size of the existing hardware NUMA nodes. Finally, we study the OpenFlow. It
allows slicing networks into routers, switches and x86 machines to create virtual
environments with different routing forwarding rules. We found that, when installed with Xen
and KVM, it enables the migration of virtual networks among different physical nodes,
without interruptions in the data streams, and allows to increase the performance of packet
forwarding in the virtual networks created. Thus, it was possible to program the core network
to implement alternatives to IP protocol.
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Formadores de professores : aspectos da constituição de sua profissionalidadeMagalhães, Elisa Gomes 24 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Caroline Periotto (carol@ufscar.br) on 2016-09-26T19:00:20Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-02-24 / Não recebi financiamento / The training of teacher educators is a underexplored research topic, therefore, this research aims to understand some functions of the learning process and the constitution of aspects of professionality of teacher educators in exercise in the early years of elementary school. The education research was based on theoretical and methodological assumptions of the autobiographical approach and the teacher education, having been developed a virtual space in order to provide an online learning community in which the forming of teachers could take their experiences as possibility of analysis and reflection aspects that constituted their professionalism as a educator. The online extension course called "Educators of the early years of Elementary education: formative routes and autobiographical" was held at the Portal Teachers UFSCar (www.portaldosprofessores.ufscar.br) in the period April-November 2013 and certified by the Pro-Rectory of the UFSCar extension. The interactions between the participants occurred in the discussion forums with the mediation of the researcher-forming and preparation of memorials that formed the data corpus of research that included seventeen participants, forming teachers who work in the early years of elementary school, both in the school context as in municipal or state school systems. The movement of "being virtual together" in an online education proposal and collaborative education was analyzed based on the narratives produced. Realizing that the professional education takes place in a continuum and that the experiences of practice and education provide different apprenticeship of the function, we highlight the importance of a collaborative reflection on these routes according as the participants indicated the importance of the other educator to recognize themselves as formers, as well as its role in this function. It was possible to analyze the constitution of the aspects of their professionalism in a search to define the educator’s role, in the desire to be recognized by the specificity of its function, the indication of the weaknesses of your routine, the difficulties that appear on tasks related to the action of the educator which make it impossible to control their action. We noted some gaps in the belonging feeling of these formers in a collective where it could be possible expose their experiences of acting and justify their actions, enabling that their knowledge could be shared. This research announces the need of continuous education for the educators, and the online learning community inserted in this study showed very promising for the development of continuing education projects for teacher educators. As main results we highlight the influence of experiences lived in the profession and the working conditions in which made it possible to carry over into his work as teachers educators. A specific knowledge that stands out in the educator's role is to promote the professional development of teachers. For this, the educators need to utilize their expertise and their pedagogical knowledge content to take the classroom as an object of knowledge to the teachers themselves. A specific knowledge that stands out in the educator's role is to promote the professional development of teachers. For this, the educators need to utilize their expertise and their pedagogical knowledge of the content to take the classroom as an object of knowledge to the teachers themselves. This can be only achieved by the intervention of the educator, promoting studies that take the pedagogical practice as a focus and analyze the knowledge involved, the opportunities of progress and performance for teachers. It is necessary to ensure that the educators are, first, recognized for this role, and have time and space to participate in continuous education activities that stimulate reflection by the interaction with other professionals who play the role of teacher educators, having as a wire conductor changes in the ways of teaching as promoters of better student learning conditions. / A formação de formadores de professores é uma temática de investigação ainda pouco explorada, diante disso, esta pesquisa busca compreender alguns dos processos de aprendizagem da função e aspectos da constituição da profissionalidade de formadores de professores em exercício nos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental. A investigação-formação esteve assentada em pressupostos teórico-metodológicos da abordagem (auto)biográfica e da formação de professores, tendo sido desenvolvida um espaço virtual com o intuito de constituir uma comunidade de aprendizagem online na qual as formadoras de professores puderam tomar suas experiências como possibilidade de análise e reflexão de aspectos que constituíram sua profissionalidade como formador. O curso de extensão online “Formação de Formadores dos Anos Iniciais do Ensino Fundamental: Percursos formativos e (auto) biográficos” foi realizado no Portal dos Professores da UFSCar (www.portaldosprofessores.ufscar.br), no período de abril a novembro de 2013 e certificado pela Pró-Reitoria de Extensão da UFSCar. As interações entre as participantes ocorreram nos fóruns de discussão com a mediação da pesquisadora-formadora e na elaboração de memoriais que formaram o corpus de dados da pesquisa que contou com dezessete participantes, formadoras de professores que atuam nos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental, tanto no contexto da escola quanto nas redes de ensino municipais ou estaduais. O movimento de “estar junto virtual” em uma proposta de educação online e formação colaborativa foi analisado a partir das narrativas produzidas. Compreendendo que a formação profissional se dá em um continuum e que as experiências da atuação e formação proporcionam diferentes aprendizagens da função destacamos a relevância de uma reflexão colaborativa sobre esses percursos a medida que as participantes indicaram a importância do outro formador para reconhecerem a si mesmas como formadoras, assim como, seu papel nesta função. Foi possível analisar a constituição de aspectos de sua profissionalidade na busca de definição do papel do formador, no desejo de ser reconhecida pela especificidade de sua função, na indicação das fragilidades de sua rotina, nas dificuldades que aparecem diante de tarefas inerentes à ação do formador que impossibilitam o controle de sua ação. Observamos algumas lacunas no que tange ao pertencimento dessas formadoras a um coletivo em que fosse possível expor suas experiências da atuação e justificar suas ações, possibilitando assim que seus conhecimentos pudessem ser compartilhados. Esta pesquisa anuncia a necessidade de formação contínua dos formadores e a comunidade de aprendizagem online estudada se mostrou bastante promissora para o desenvolvimento de projetos de formação continuada para formadores de professores. Como os principais resultados destacamos a influência das experiências vividas na profissão e, por conseguinte, as condições de trabalho pelas quais foi possível transitar em sua atuação como formadoras de professoras. Um saber específico que se destaca na função do formador é promover o desenvolvimento profissional dos professores. Para isso, os formadores precisam se valer de seus conhecimentos específicos e de seus conhecimentos pedagógicos do conteúdo para tomar a sala de aula como objeto de conhecimento para os próprios professores. Isso só pode ser realizado mediante a intervenção do formador, promovendo estudos que tomem a prática pedagógica como foco e que analisem os conhecimentos envolvidos, os avanços e as possibilidades de atuação dos professores. É preciso que se garanta que os formadores sejam, primeiramente, reconhecidos por esse papel, e que tenham tempo e espaço para participarem de atividades formativas contínuas que favoreçam a reflexão pela interação com demais profissionais que desempenhem a função de formadores de professores, tendo como fio condutor as mudanças nos modos de ensinar como promotoras de melhores condições de aprendizagem dos estudantes.
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