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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analyse fonctionnelle et étude de la régulation de gènes candidats sous-jacents au QTL GpaVspl impliqué dans la résistance au nématode à kyste Globodera pallida chez la pomme de terre / Functional analysis and regulation of candidate genes underlying the QTL GpaVspl involved in resistance to cyst nematode in potatoes

Castro Quezada, Patricio Salvador 31 May 2013 (has links)
Les nématodes à kystes sont l’un des bioagresseurs causant le plus de dégâts sur les cultures de pommes de terre. La résistance trouvée chez l'accession spl88S.329.18, issue de l'espèce Solanum sparsipilum est caractérisée par un déterminisme oligogénique avec un QTL à localisé sur le chromosome V (GpaVspl) et un QTL mineur localisé sur le chromosome XI(GpaXIspl). Pour obtenir une résistance de haut niveau, l'effet du QTL GpaVspl, doit êtrecomplémenté par celui du QTL à effet faible GpaXIspl. Par génomique comparative, le locusGpaV a été localisé dans un intervalle compris entre 16 et 60 kb sur les génomes de la tomateet des espèces apparentées à la pomme de terre, Solanum demissum et Solanum phureja. Deuxgènes ont été annotés dans cet intervalle sur les génomes de la tomate et de S. demissum : lepremier appartient à la famille des TIR-NBS-LRR (TNL), famille de gènes de résistanceclassiques, et le second appartient à la famille des « mitochondrial, transcription terminationfactor » (mTERF), dont l’implication dans des mécanismes de résistance n’a jamais étédémontrée.Les objectifs de ma thèse étaient d'identifier le(s) gène(s) responsable(s) de la résistance àG. pallida, conférée par le locus GpaVspl, et d'étudier sa régulation. Suite à la publication de laséquence du génome de S. phureja, en 2011, nous avons mis en évidence que le locus GpaVétait dupliqué chez S. phureja et que cette duplication était également présente chezS. sparsipilum. Les quatre gènes annotés au locus GpaVspl ont été nommésSpl_mTERF18430, Spl_TNL18429, Spl_mTERF18453 et Spl_TNL18428.L'effet des deux gènes Spl_mTERF18430 et Spl_TNL18428 sur la résistance à G. pallida aété analysé via des expériences de transformation génétique suivies par des tests de résistancesur les plantes transformées. Un effet partiel du gène Spl_TNL18428 sur la résistance àG. pallida a été mis en évidence par complémentation de plantes sensibles. Aucun effetsignificatif n'a été détecté pour le gène Spl_mTERF18430. Des expériences d'extinctiongénique suggèrent que le deuxième gène TIR-NBS-LRR, Spl_TNL18429, qui est égalementexprimé dans les racines et qui présente un fort pourcentage d'identité de séquence avec legène Spl_TNL18428, pourrait également être impliqué dans la résistance à G. pallida.L'expression du gène rapporteur GFP, placé sous le contrôle du promoteur du gèneSpl_TNL18428, est fortement induite dans les cellules situées autour du syncytium. Cecirenforce l'hypothèse d'une implication du gène Spl_TNL18428 dans la résistance à G. pallida,car la localisation de l'expression de la GFP est similaire à celle de la nécrose, qui estcaractéristique de la réaction développée par les plantes résistantes autour du syncytium induitpar les nématodes.En tenant compte des données bibliographiques récentes, montrant que plusieurs gènes NBSLRRpeuvent être indispensables à l'expression d'une résistance, nos résultats suggèrent queles deux gènes Spl_TNL18428 et Spl_TNL18429 sont nécessaires à l'expression de larésistance à G. pallida / Cyst nematodes are one of the pests that cause the most damage to potato cultures. Resistance found in the accession spl88S.329.18 in Solanum sparsipilum is characterized by oligogenic determinism with a strong effect QTL on chromosome V (GpaVspl) and a minor effect QTL on chromosome XI (GpaXIspl). To obtain a high level of resistance, the effect of QTL GpaVspl must be complemented by the low effect QTL GpaXIspl. By comparative genomics, the GpaV locus was located in a range between 16 and 60 kb in genomes of tomato and potato related species: Solanum demissum and Solanum phureja. Two genes were annotated: the first belonging to the TIR -NBS -LRR gene family (TNL) and the second one belonging to the “mitochondrial transcription termination factor” family (mTERF). The effect of both genes -Spl_TNL18428 and Spl_mTERF18430- on resistance to G. pallida were analyzed via genetic transformation experiments followed by resistance tests on transformed plants. A partial effect of Spl_TNL18428 on resistance to G. pallida was identified by complementation of susceptible plants. Gene silencing experiments suggested that Spl_TNL18429, which occurs in roots and presents a high percentage of sequence identity with the gene Spl_TNL18428, is also involved in resistance to G. pallida. The expression of the GFP reporter gene, under the control of the Spl_TNL18428 gene promoter, is strongly induced in cells located around the syncytium. This strengthens the hypothesis of an involvement of Spl_TNL18428 gene in resistance to G. pallida, because the location of GFP expression is similar to necrosis, which is characteristic of resistant plants. Taking into account that recent data showing that several NBS-LRR genes may be essential for the expression of resistance, our results suggest that both Spl_TNL18428 and Spl_TNL18429 genes are necessary for the expression of resistance to G. pallida

Expression and Functional Analysis of pthrp1 and ihha in the Regeneration of Bones in Zebrafish Caudal Fin

Al-Rewashdy, Ali January 2013 (has links)
The parathyroid hormone related protein (PTHrP) and Indian Hedgehog (IHH) are two secreted molecules, acting as paracrine factors during embryonic development and post-natal growth of endochondral bones. PTHrP and IHH are essential factors for the regulation of chondrocyte proliferation and differentiation. However, it has previously been shown that PTHrP and IHH are also expressed in the chick and mouse embryos intramembranous bones, which do not form through a cartilage intermediate and in which chondrocytes are absent. Similarly, the zebrafish orthologs, pthrp1 and ihha, are also expressed during the regeneration of the intramembranous bones of the fin rays of the zebrafish caudal fin. This surprising observation led us to further analyze the expression and function of pthrp1 and ihha in the regenerating fin rays. Gene expression analysis using in situ hybridization shows that pthrp1 is expressed in a stripe of cells located within the domain of expression of ihha in the newly differentiating osteoblasts in the regenerating fin rays. Also, pthrp1 expression is observed at the level of the joints between the bone segments forming the rays and co-localizes with the expression domain of evx1, a transcription factor that has been implicated in the formation of joints in the caudal fin. Furthermore, RT-PCR analyses show that pthrp2 and the pthrp receptors mRNA (pth1r, pth2r and pth3r) are also present in the fin regenerate. Finally, functional analysis shows that the knockdown of pthrp1 or ihha expression by electroporation of morpholinos induces a delay of the regenerative outgrowth of the fin. These results suggest that pthrp1 and ihha may be involved in the regulation of proliferation and differentiation of chondrocyte-like osteoblasts in the fin rays, playing a role similar to that described in the mammalian growth plate of endochondral bones. In addition, pthrp1 is possibly an important factor involved in the formation and maintenance of joints of the dermal bones of the fin rays.

Multiplatform Game Development Using the Unity Engine / Multiplatform Game Development Using the Unity Engine

Jašek, Roman January 2014 (has links)
Tato práce se zabývá možnostmi herního vývoje pro víceré platformy pomocí enginu Unity 3D. Rozebírá různé aspekty multiplatformního vývoje na počítačích i mobilních zařízeních. Důraz je kladen na analýzu tvorby her současně pro více platforem a problémy spojené s tímhle přístupem. Práce poskytuje možnosti řešení problémů, které vyvstanou při použití tohohle postupu, pomocí nástrojů, které poskytuje Unity 3D. Analýza se zabývá zejména na zvyšování výkonu her za použití metod dostupných na všech platformách vybraných pro testování. Tyhle vylepšení zahrnují způsoby jak snížit práci ve scéně a naopak zvýšit počet vykreslení za sekundu při zachování stejné vizuální kvality. Práce také nabízí pohled do minulosti tohoto odvětví a předpoklady o jeho příštím směrování.

Development of quantitative multiplex real-time RT-PCR assays for detection of 13 conventional and newly discovered viruses associated with lower respiratory tract infections in children in South Africa

Lassauniere, Maria Magdalena 05 October 2010 (has links)
Acute lower respiratory tract infection (ALRI) is a major cause of paediatric morbidity and mortality, annually accounting for approximately 2 million childhood deaths worldwide of which up to 90% resides in the developing world. In 12-39% of ALRI cases no aetiological agent is identified, despite comprehensive investigations, thus suggesting that additional unknown agents may be involved. Since 2001 a number of new viruses have been identified that may account for some of these cases including human metapneumovirus (hMPV), human bocavirus (hBoV), and two new coronaviruses (hCoV) NL63 and HKU1. The contribution of the recently identified respiratory viruses to annual seasonal lower respiratory tract disease in Sub-Saharan Africa where human immunodeficiency virus infections may exacerbate respiratory infections is not fully understood. In addition, the role and disease association of many of these viruses as primary or co-infecting pathogens, as well as the underlying factors that may determine the pathogenesis of these viruses, is not yet well defined. Quantitative multiplex real-time RT-PCR assays were developed and validated for the detection of 13 well recognized and newly identified viral causes of ALRI, including respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), influenza viruses A and B, parainfluenza virus (PIV) types 1, 2, and 3, adenovirus, hMPV, hBoV and hCoV-NL63, -HKU1, -229E, and -OC43. The newly designed assays were subsequently used to facilitate the investigation of the contribution of respiratory viruses in patients requiring hospitalisation or attending outpatient visits in public sector hospitals serving the Pretoria area, South Africa. During 2006, the prevalence of the aforementioned respiratory viruses was determined by investigating the well recognized viruses previously diagnosed by routine immunofluorescence assays (IFA) in 737 respiratory specimens as well as viruses retrospectively detected by multiplex real-time RT-PCR in a sample group of 319 specimens. The epidemiology and disease association of these respiratory viruses in children who were predominantly less than 5 years of age with acute respiratory tract infections was investigated. Specimens were received from 2 public sector hospitals in Pretoria, South Africa. In addition, the disease association of each virus as a single or co-infection in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infected/exposed and HIV-uninfected children as well as the role of viral load was investigated. The multiplex assays could detect 2.5-25 recombinant plasmid DNA/RNA (in vitro transcribed) copies/μl, with a co-efficient of variation of less than 3.1%. Validation on 91 known positive respiratory specimens indicated similar specificity to IFA or single-round PCRs used in the initial identification of the viruses. Application of the multiplex assays to IFA negative specimens improved the detection of respiratory viruses by up to 44%. In children less than 5 years of age RSV was identified in 35.1%, followed by PIV 3 (8.3%); adenovirus (5.6%); influenza A (4.2%); hMPV (4.2%); hBoV (3.8%); hCoV-NL63 (1.6%); influenza B (1.0%); and PIV1, PIV2, hCoV-OC43, hCoV-229E, hCoV-HKU1 in less than 1% of cases. Co-infections were more common for the new viruses ranging from 58% of hMPV cases to 84% for hCoV-NL63 relative to 27% of RSV cases. Viruses were most frequently identified in children <1-year. RSV activity peaked in autumn and winter, PIV 3 in spring, while influenza A and B were mostly detected in winter. The observed seasonal distribution of hBoV and hMPV was less defined compared to traditional viruses, with both viruses showing variability over the two years. Comparable hospitalisation rates were observed for RSV, hMPV, PIV 3 and adenovirus, where approximately 60% of infected children were hospitalised. In addition, a high frequency of hospitalisations was observed in patients for both hMPV and hBoV in HIV-infected/exposed children. Co-infections occurred at higher frequencies with the new viruses, were more frequently associated with severe disease and were frequent in HIV-infected/exposed patients. Viral load was associated with severe RSV disease (p=0.014) however no significant association was observed for the new viruses as single infections. However, where hMPV occurred as a co-infection, higher viral loads of either hMPV or co-infecting agents occurred in severe cases. This association was also observed for hBoV. Most cases of hCoV-NL63 and hCoV-OC43 were co-infections in hospitalised patients. The newly developed multiplex assays demonstrates an improved sensitivity and scope of detecting respiratory viruses relative to routine antigen detection assays while the quantitative utility may facilitate investigation of the role of co-infections and viral load in respiratory virus pathogenesis. RSV remains the most significant viral cause of paediatric ALRI in South Africa. Viruses not currently included in routine diagnostic assays collectively contributed to 11% of ALRI cases in children <2-years in South African hospitals. / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Medical Virology / unrestricted

Molecular detection of norovirus GI ang GII genotypes in children less than two years of age and impact on child growth

Moloro, Glenton Thabo 03 November 2014 (has links)
MSc (Microbiology) / Department of Microbiology

Glutamátové receptory NG2 gliových buněk: genové profilování a funkční změny po ischemickém poškození mozku / Glutamate receptors in NG2-glial cells: gene profiling and functional changes after ischemic brain injury

Waloschková, Eliška January 2017 (has links)
Glutamate is the main excitatory neurotransmitter in the mammalian brain and its transmission is responsible for higher brain functions, such as learning, memory and cognition. Glutamate action is mediated by a variety of glutamate receptors, though their properties were until now studied predominantly in neurons. Glutamate receptors are expressed also in NG2-glia, however their role under physiological conditions as well as in pathological states of the central nervous system is not fully understood. The aim of this work is to elucidate the presence, composition and function of these receptors in NG2-glia under physiological conditions and following focal cerebral ischemia. For this purpose we used transgenic mice, in which NG2-glia are labeled by a fluorescent protein for their precise identification. To analyze the expression pattern of glutamate receptors in NG2-glia we employed single-cell RT-qPCR. Furthermore, we used calcium imaging to characterize their functional properties.

Feeder Dynamic Rating Application for Active Distribution Networks using Synchrophasors

Singh, Narender January 2016 (has links)
There is an ever increasing demand of electricity and to meet this demand, installation of new transmission and distribution lines is required. This task requires a significant investment and consent from the respective authorities. An alternative is to utilize maximum capability of the existing lines. Static line ratings are based on a conservative estimate, which means that on most occasions, the actual capacity of lines is much higher than the static line ratings. In order to provide a solution to this problem, this thesis introduces an approach that has been developed to utilize real time weather conditions, conductor sag data and the actual line loading of the conductor from PMU to provide dynamic line ratings for active distribution networks. The application has been developed in LabVIEW environment which provides a user friendly front panel where real-time ampacity can be seen as a waveform while being compared to the actual line loading.  The developed application has been tested on the reference grid created for IDE4L project. The ampacity calculation method introduced here makes use of real-time data available through a real-time simulator in SmarTS lab at KTH, Sweden. / Det är ett ökande behov av elektricitet och för att möta detta behövet, installation av nya transmission och distributionsledningar behövs. Denna utbyggnad kräver ett stort engagemang och förståelse från ansvariga grupper. Ett alternativ är att utnyttja max-kapaciteten på redan befintliga ledningar. Installerade ledningar har räknats på ett konservativt sätt, vilket innebär att det vid vissa tillfällen går att öka belastingen på på dessa. För att ge en lösning på detta problem, introducerar den här avhandlingen en metod för att använda realtids-väderdata, tabeller för ledningarnas utvidgning och realtids-belastningsdata från PMU för att framställa dynamisk data för aktiva distributions-nätverk. Applikationen har utvecklas i LabVIEW-miljön som har ett användarvänligt GUI, där “Real-time ampacity” kan ses som en vågform medans den jämförs mot den faktiska belastningen på ledningen.  Den utvecklade appliktionen har testats på referens-miljön som skapts för IDE4L projektet. “Ampacity calculation metoden” som introduceras här använder sig av realtidsdata som görs tillgänglig igenom en realtids-simulator i SmarTSlab på Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan i Sverige.

Molekularer Nachweis von Felinem Coronavirus basierend auf einem Rekombinase-Polymerase-Amplifikationstest

Kobialka, Rea Maja 15 June 2022 (has links)
Das Feline Coronavirus (FCoV) ist in den Katzenpopulationen der ganzen Welt weit verbreitet. Das Problem dieses Virus ist seine große Wahrscheinlichkeit zu mutieren. Einige dieser Mutationen können zu einer veränderten Pathogenität und zu einem schweren Verlauf der Infektion führen. So bleibt es möglicherweise nicht wie bei den meisten der infizierten Tiere bei einem inapparenten Verlauf oder milden Durchfall, sondern es kommt zur Entwicklung einer häufig tödlich endenden systemischen Erkrankung, der Felinen Infektiösen Peritonitis (FIP). Um dies zu verhindern ist es essentiell, Virusausscheider schnell zu identifizieren und zu eliminieren, um den Virusdruck in Katzenpopulationen so gering wie möglich zu halten. Die Polymerase-Kettenreaktion (PCR) für den Nachweis von FCoV in Kot ist der Goldstandard, aber ist zeitaufwendig und erfordert ein gut ausgestattetes Labor. Als isothermale Methode liefert die Reverse Transkription Rekombinase Polymerase Amplifikation (RT-RPA) eine schnelle und kostengünstige Alternative für den molekularen Nachweis von FCoV. Ziel dieser Studie war es, einen Schnelltest zum Nachweis von FCoV zu entwickeln, der auf der RT-RPA basiert. Drei Vorwärts- und drei Rückwärtsprimer sowie eine Sonde wurden erstellt. Als Zielsequenz wurde die hochkonservierte, nicht-translatierte Region des 7b Gens gewählt. Alle möglichen Kombinationen dieser Primer wurden getestet und das Paar mit der höchsten Sensitivität für die weitere Validierung ausgewählt. Bei einer konstanten Temperatur von 42 °C wurde die reverse Transkription mit anschließender DNA-Amplifikation und Detektion innerhalb von 15 Minuten durchgeführt. Die analytische Sensitivität wurde anhand von neun Wiederholungen mit der Verdünnungsreihe des molekularen Standards (10^3-10^0RNA Kopien/µL) ermittelt und die Nachweisgrenze mittels Probit-Analyse berechnet. Für die Untersuchung auf Kreuzreaktionen wurde DNA oder RNA von 19 Viren getestet. Die Leistung der RT-RPA unter Verwendung klinischer Proben wurde mit extrahierter RNA von 39 felinen Kotproben analysiert. Alle Ergebnisse wurden denen der real-time RT-PCR gegenübergestellt. Die UTR des 7b Gens ausgewählter Proben, einschließlich einer falsch negativ getesteten Probe, wurde sequenziert und mittels Geneious Prime analysiert. Die Probit-Analyse ergab eine Nachweisgrenze von 58,5 RNA-Kopien/Reaktion. Die RT-RPA amplifizierte keine Nukleinsäuren der 17 getesteten anderen Pathogenen, zeigte jedoch eine Kreuzreaktion mit dem Caninen Coronavirus und dem Transmissiblen Gastroenterits-Virus. Der Vergleich der Resultate der real-time RT-PCR mit den 39 extrahierten Kotproben und den Ergebnissen der RT-RPA ergab eine Sensitivität von 90,9% und eine Spezifität von 100%. Bei der Sequenzierung wurde keine Sequenzänderung in der Region von Primern und Sonde festgestellt. Die RT-RPA hat sich als schnelle und effektive Maßnahme für den Nachweis von FCoV in extrahierten Kotproben herausgestellt. Die einfache Handhabung der RPA macht wiederholtes Testen möglich, um auch die intermittierenden Ausscheider zu erkennen. Die Anwendung des Schnelltests könnte so zu einer Reduktion von FCoV innerhalb der Katzenpopulationen beitragen.:Inhaltsverzeichnis 1. Einleitung 1 2. Literaturübersicht 3 2.1 Felines Coronavirus 3 2.1.1 Virus Klassifikation 3 2.1.2 Struktur und Genom 4 2.1.3 Virusevolution 6 2.2 Epidemiologie und Krankheitsverlauf 8 2.2.1 Übertragung und Umweltstabilität 8 2.2.2 Krankheitsverlauf 9 2.2.3 Prävalenz 12 2.2.4 Prävention 13 2.2.5 Behandlung 13 2.2.6 Impfung 14 2.3 Diagnostik 15 2.3.1 Indirekter Erregernachweis 15 2.3.2 Direkter Erregernachweis 17 3. Publikation 27 3.1 Stellungnahme zum Eigenanteil der Publikation 27 3.2 Publikation 27 4. Diskussion und Schlussfolgerung 40 5. Zusammenfassung 47 6. Summary 49 7. Literaturverzeichnis 51 8. Abbildungsverzeichnis 64 9. Tabellenverzeichnis 64 10. Anhang 65 11. Danksagung 72

Prevalencia de Rinovirus en pacientes pediátricos con diagnóstico clínico de infección respiratoria aguda en Lima-Perú

Castañeda Ribeyro, Ariana Marilia 10 December 2021 (has links)
Introducción: Las infecciones agudas del tracto respiratorio (IRA) son muy prevalentes, las IRAs bajas constituyen la cuarta causa de muerte a nivel mundial. Los agentes causales más comunes en niños son el Rinovirus (RV) y el Virus sincitial respiratorio (VSR). Existen tres especies de RV (A, B, C), estudios recientes han demostrado que la sintomatología y severidad de la enfermedad varía dependiendo de la especie de RV por la que hayan sido infectados los pacientes. Objetivo: Evaluar la prevalencia de Rinovirus en muestras de hisopado nasofaríngeo de niños con diagnóstico clínico de IRA en Lima, Perú durante el periodo 2009-2010. Materiales y métodos: Estudio retrospectivo de muestras de hisopado nasofaríngeo en niños, procesadas por la técnica RT-PCR para identificación de RV y sus especies. La población está compuesta por pacientes pediátricos en el Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia. Se analizó las variables por medio de la prueba de Chi cuadrado y Fischer. Resultados: RVA se detectó en 10.26%, RVB en 16.67%, RVC 73.9%. Grupo etario más prevalente fue de 0-5 meses. Signos y síntomas más comunes fueron tos, fiebre, rinorrea y dificultad respiratoria. Se encontró asociación entre sibilancias y RVA; tos, sibilancias e inyección conjuntival con RVC. Se halló pico de casos por RVC durante marzo, junio y noviembre. Conclusión: Se encontró alta prevalencia de infección por RVC en pacientes pediátricos, principalmente en pacientes de 0-5 meses. Distribución mensual muestra aumento de casos en marzo y junio. Se sugiere realizar vigilancia epidemiológica y estudios longitudinales para el estudio de este patógeno. / Introduction: Acute respiratory tract infections (ARTI) are a very prevalent group of diseases, lower ARTI represent the fourth cause of death worldwide. In children, the two most usual agents are Rhinovirus (RV) and Syncytial respiratory virus (SRV). RV is responsible for most is related with lower respiratory tract infections. Scientists have identified three RV species (A, B, C), recent studies have reported that symptomatology and severity vary within RV species. Objective: Asses the prevalence of Rhinovirus on nasopharyngeal swab samples of children with clinical diagnosis of ARTI in Lima, Peru during 2009-2010. Materials and method: Retrospective study about nasopharyngeal swab on children, which were processed through RT-PCR technique to identify RV and its species. The study population was pediatric patients, with clinical diagnosis of ARTI, at Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia. This investigation project will be revised by the ethics committee from Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas. Results: RVA was detected in 10.26% of cases, RVB 16-67% and RVC in 73.9%. The most prevalent age group was the 0-5 months old. The most common signs and symptoms were cough, fever, rhinorrhea, and respiratory distress. The study found association between wheezing and RVA infection, cough, wheezing and conjunctival injection and RVC infection. There was a peak in RVC cases during the March, June, and November. Conclusion: We found a high prevalence for RVC infection, mainly in children between 0-5 months old. Monthly distribution showed an increase of RVC cases during March and June; epidemiological surveillance and longitudinal studies should be encouraged. / Tesis

La performance diagnostique des marqueurs tumoraux messagers dans le diagnostic et le suivi du cancer du sein

El Manaa, Karama 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.

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