Spelling suggestions: "subject:"eadical"" "subject:"diadical""
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Radical Islam in Central Asia: Responding to Hizb ut-TahrirLewis, David January 2003 (has links)
No / Not available
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Understanding Sustainability Through the Lens of Ecocentric Radical-Reflexivity: Implications for Management EducationAllen, S, Cunliffe, Ann L., Easterby-Smith, M 01 2017 (has links)
Yes / This paper seeks to contribute to the debate around sustainability by proposing the need for an ecocentric stance to sustainability that reflexively embeds humans in—rather than detached from—nature. We argue that this requires a different way of thinking about our relationship with our world, necessitating a (re)engagement with the sociomaterial world in which we live. We develop the notion of ecocentrism by drawing on insights from sociomateriality studies, and show how radical-reflexivity enables us to appreciate our embeddedness and responsibility for sustainability by bringing attention to the interrelationship between values, actions and our social and material world. We examine the implications of an ecocentric radically reflexive approach to sustainability for management education.
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Estudio de la relación Diseño e Innovación. Una propuesta de incorporación en las pymes industriales de Guayaquil (Ecuador)Matovelle Villamar, Ruth Genoveva 21 December 2019 (has links)
[ES] La innovación ha sido considerada como un Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS), promovidos por las Naciones Unidas, la innovación se ha convertido en el motor más importante de transformación y crecimiento de las compañías con un alto impacto en la sociedad (Unidas, 2017). Por lo que, el futuro económico y social de un país, dependerá de su capacidad para aprovechar las crecientes oportunidades que la tecnología y la innovación ofrecen para aumentar la productividad de las economías. En el caso de Ecuador, el índice mundial de innovación GII-2017, lo ubica en la posición 92 de 127, y con respecto a su región, está en la posición 14 de 18, escasamente a cuatro posiciones de ser el último. Dado este contexto, hay un creciente interés en establecer cómo se innova en las pymes, dado su alto nivel de contribución en las economías en desarrollo, donde actividades de innovación distintas a la I+D cumplen un papel más destacado en los procesos de innovación, entre esas actividades se inscribe el diseño. La relación entre diseño e innovación ha sido explorada en contextos fuera de las naciones latinoamericanas (LAT), dado el ámbito geográfico de los estudios existentes, desarrollados en países europeos. Por ello, la finalidad de esta tesis fue estudiar la relación diseño e innovación, centrada en la generación de innovación radical en pymes industriales, siendo este un campo científico poco explorado y con escasa bibliografía específica.
El enfoque metodológico fue de tipo exploratorio y descriptivo, con métodos cuantitativos y cualitativos, en los cuales se usan datos primarios y secundarios, siendo los datos primarios recolectados, a través de una entrevista en profundidad a 66 pymes industriales del sector alimenticio de la ciudad de Guayaquil, sobre el rol del diseño en la innovación radical; a 15 expertos provenientes de 6 países, vinculados como docentes e investigadores en distintas universidades, consultores de diseño, y representantes de organizaciones con una amplia experiencia en la generación de innovación; y se caracteriza el territorio por la obtención de las variables del Sistema Nacional de Innovación al 2017. Se utilizaron fuentes secundarias, con el objetivo de brindar un soporte teórico a la temática, dentro de esas fuentes, también se revisaron todos los informes desarrollados en pymes industriales de sectores no tecnológicos, para identificar sus principales características y actividades desplegadas frente a la relación diseño e innovación.
Finalmente se obtuvo como principal conclusión que el diseño desempeña el rol de facilitador de innovación radical, cuando existe en la gerencia una cultura hacia el uso del diseño en el nivel estratégico; lo que conlleva también a que los diseñadores posean un enfoque sistémico como una de sus capacidades básicas, abordando no solo el desempeño individual de las partes, sino también sus interacciones, donde confluyen tres componentes: i. El Sistema nacional de innovación (SNI), puesto que este ejercerá muchas condicionantes al desarrollo de la innovación en un territorio en particular; ii. El sistema de gestión de innovación propio de la empresa (SGI), de vital importancia para la fluidez de la innovación y iii. El accionar del diseño como actor focal en esta red de interacciones. / [CA] La innovació ha sigut considerada com un Objectiu de Desenrotllament Sostenible (ODS) , promoguts per les Nacions Unides, la innovació s'ha convertit en el motor més important de transformació i creixement de les companyies amb un alt impacte en la societat (Unides, 2017) . Pel que, el futur econòmic i social d'un país, dependrà de la seua capacitat per a aprofitar les creixents oportunitats que la tecnologia i la innovació oferixen per a augmentar la productivitat de les economies. En el cas d'Equador, l'índex mundial d'innovació GII-2017, ho ubica en la posició 92 de 127, i respecte a la seua regió, està en la posició 14 de 18, escassament a quatre posicions de ser l'últim. Dau este context, hi ha un creixent interés a establir com s'innova en les pimes, dau el seu alt nivell de contribució en les economies en desenrotllament, on activitats d'innovació diferents de la I+D complixen un paper més destacat en els processos d'innovació, entre eixes activitats s'inscriu el disseny. La relació entre disseny i innovació ha sigut explorada en contextos fora de les nacions llatinoamericanes (LAT) , donat l'àmbit geogràfic dels estudis existents, desenrotllats en països europeus. Per això, la finalitat d'esta tesi va ser estudiar la relació disseny i innovació, centrada en la generació d'innovació radical en pimes industrials, sent este un camp científic poc explorat i amb escassa bibliografia específica.
L'enfocament metodològic va ser de tipus explorador i descriptiu, amb mètodes quantitatius i qualitatius, en els quals s'usen dades primàries i secundaris, sent les dades primàries recol·lectats, a través d'una entrevista en profunditat a 66 pimes industrials del sector alimentari de la ciutat de Cacau, sobre el rol del disseny en la innovació radical; a 15 experts provinents de 6 països, vinculats com a docents i investigadors en distintes universitats, consultors de disseny, i representants d'organitzacions amb una àmplia experiència en la generació d'innovació; i es caracteritza el territori per l'obtenció de les variables del Sistema Nacional d'Innovació al 2017. Es van utilitzar fonts secundàries, amb l'objectiu de brindar un suport teòric a la temàtica, dins d'eixes fonts, també es van revisar tots els informes desenrotllats en pimes industrials de sectors no tecnològics, per a identificar els seus principals característiques i activitats desplegades enfront de la relació disseny i innovació.
Finalment es va obtindre com principal conclusió que el disseny exercix el rol de facilitador d'innovació radical, quan existix en la gerència una cultura cap a l'ús del disseny en el nivell estratègic; la qual cosa comporta també que els dissenyadors posseïsquen un enfocament sistèmic com una de les seues capacitats bàsiques, abordant no sols l'exercici individual de les parts, sinó també les seues interaccions, on confluïxen tres components: i. El Sistema nacional d'innovació (SNI) , ja que este exercirà moltes condicionants al desenrotllament de la innovació en un territori en particular; ii. El sistema de gestió d'innovació propi de l'empresa (SGI) , de vital importància per a la fluïdesa de la innovació i iii. L'accionar del disseny com a actor focal en esta xarxa d'interaccions. / [EN] Innovation has been considered as a Sustainable Development Goal (SDO), promoted by the United Nations, innovation has become the most important engine of transformation and growth of companies with a high impact on society (United, 2017) . Therefore, the economic and social future of a country will depend on its ability to take advantage of the growing opportunities that technology and innovation offer to increase the productivity of economies. In the case of Ecuador, the global innovation index GII-2017, places it in position 92 of 127, and with respect to its region, it is in position 14 of 18, scarcely to four positions of being the last. Given this context, there is a growing interest in establishing how to innovate in SMEs, given their high level of contribution in emerging economies, where innovation activities other than R & D play a more prominent role in innovation processes, among those activities the design is inscribed. The relationship between design and innovation has been explored in contexts outside Latin American nations (LAT), given the geographic scope of existing studies, developed in European countries. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis was to study the relationship design and innovation, focused on the generation of radical innovation in industrial SMEs, this being a scientific field little explored and with limited specific bibliography.
The methodological approach was of exploratory and descriptive type, with quantitative and qualitative methods, in which primary and secondary data are used, with the primary data collected, through an in-depth interview with 66 industrial SMEs of the food sector of the city of Guayaquil, on the possible uses of design as a facilitator or driver of radical innovation; 15 experts from 6 countries, linked as lecturers and researchers in different universities, design consultants, and representatives of organizations with extensive experience in generating innovation; and the territory is characterized by obtaining the variables of the National Innovation System in 2017. Secondary sources were used, with the aim of providing a theoretical support to the subject, within those sources, all the reports developed in SMEs were also reviewed. industrial sectors of non-technology, to identify their main characteristics and activities deployed against the relationship design and innovation.
Finally, we obtained as a main conclusion that design plays the role of facilitator of radical innovation, when there is a culture in the management towards the use of design at the strategic level; What also entails designers have a systemic approach as one of their basic capabilities, addressing not only the individual performance of the parties, but also their interactions, where three components converge: i. The National Innovation System (SNI), since this function is conditioned on the development of innovation in a particular territory; ii. The management system of the company's own innovation (SGI), the vital importance for the fluidity of innovation and iii. The action of design as a focal actor in this network of interactions. / Matovelle Villamar, RG. (2019). Estudio de la relación Diseño e Innovación. Una propuesta de incorporación en las pymes industriales de Guayaquil (Ecuador) [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/133976
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Synthesis of Bottlebrush Polymers Using the Grafting-Through and Transfer-To MethodsRadzinski, Scott Charles 01 May 2017 (has links)
Bottlebrush polymers are interesting topologies that have become increasingly relevant in various applications including rheology modifiers, super-soft elastomers, photonic crystals, anti-fouling coatings, the in vivo delivery of therapeutic agents, and as promising substrates in lithographic printing. These macromolecules are comprised of numerous polymeric side-chains densely grafted to a polymer backbone. The densely grafted nature of bottlebrush polymers results in steric repulsion between neighboring polymer chains, forcing these macromolecules to adopt a chain-extended conformation. Although these remarkable macromolecules have a many different applications, the transformative potential of the bottlebrush polymer topology has not been realized because the synthesis of high molecular weight bottlebrush polymers is challenging. This dissertation focusses on improving the synthesis of these large macromolecules using the grafting-through strategy in the first section and the transfer-to strategy in the second section.
For the first time the effect of anchor group chemistry—the configuration of atoms linking the polymer to a polymerizable norbornene—was studied on the kinetics of ring-opening metathesis polymerization (ROMP) of macromonomers (MMs) initiated by Grubbs 3rd generation catalyst. A variance in the rate of propagation of >4-fold between similar MMs with different anchor groups was observed. This phenomenon was conserved across all MMs tested, regardless of solvent, molecular weight (MW), or repeat unit identity. Experimental and computational studies indicated that the rate differences likely resulted from a combination of varying steric demands and electronic structure among the different anchor groups. This new insight will allow others to achieve high MM conversion and prepare pure, high MW bottlebrush polymers by ROMP grafting-through.
The second section of this dissertation deals with a little studied bottlebrush synthesis technique called the transfer-to method. This method is a hybrid of the grafting-from and grafting-to approaches in which the growing polymer side chains detach from the backbone, propagate freely in solution, and then reattach to the backbone in a chain transfer step. Several parameters were investigated to determine optimal conditions for this process. This study provides for the first time a guide to use the transfer-to method to produce high purity bottlebrush polymers with controllable backbone and side chain length. / Ph. D. / Bottlebrush polymers are interesting topologies that have become increasingly relevant in various applications including super-soft elastomers and drug delivery agents. These macromolecules are comprised of numerous polymeric side-chains densely grafted to a polymer backbone. The densely grafted nature of bottlebrush polymers results in steric repulsion between neighboring polymer chains, forcing these macromolecules to adopt a chain-extended or worm like conformation. Although these remarkable macromolecules have a many different applications, the transformative potential of the bottlebrush polymer topology has not been realized because the synthesis of large bottlebrush polymers is challenging. This dissertation focusses on improving the synthesis of these big macromolecules using the grafting-through strategy in the first section and the transfer-to strategy in the second section.
For the first time the effect of anchor group chemistry—the configuration of atoms linking the polymer to a polymerizable norbornene—was studied on bottlebrush synthesis. A variance in how fast the polymerization took between similar MMs with different anchor groups was observed. Experimental and computational studies indicated that the differences likely resulted from a combination of varying steric demands and electronic structure among the different anchor groups. This new insight will allow others to achieve high MM conversion and prepare pure, high MW bottlebrush polymers by ROMP grafting-through.
The second section of this dissertation deals with a little studied bottlebrush synthesis technique called the transfer-to method. This method is a hybrid of two well-known methods, grafting-from and grafting-to approaches, in which the growing polymer side chains detach from the backbone, polymerize freely in solution, and then reattach to the backbone in a chain transfer step. Several parameters were investigated to determine optimal conditions for this process. This study provides for the first time a guide to use the transfer-to method to produce high purity bottlebrush polymers with controllable sizes.
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Synthetic and kinetic investigations into living free-radical polymerisation used in the preparation of polymer therapeuticsAdash, Uma January 2006 (has links)
The aim of this work was to successfully prepare polymers of N-(2-hydroxypropyl)methacrylamide, (PHPMA) using controlled/"living" free-radical polymerisation technique. For this purpose, atom transfer radical polymerisation (ATRP) and reversible addition-fragmentation (chain) transfer (RAFT) polymerisation were used in preparation of a number of base polymers with the intention of quantitatively converting them into PHPMA. Both methods were applied under varying polymerisation conditions, and the kinetics of the systems investigated. Various rate constants were measured, while computer modelling of the experimental data allowed estimation of other kinetic parameters of interest. Investigations into solvent and ligand effects on the kinetics of ATRP of the activated ester methacryloyloxy succinimide (MAOS) and one of the archetypal methacrylate monomers, methyl methacrylate (MMA) were carried out. The method of RAFT was also employed in polymerisation of MAOS and a number of other monomers in the hope of finding the best synthetic precursor of PHPMA. Polymers of methacryloyl chloride (MAC) and p-nitrophenyl methacrylate (NPMA) were prepared, as well as the polymers of HPMA itself and N-isopropyl methacrylamide. Polymerisation of MMA by RAFT was also attempted in view of adding to current knowledge on the monomer's behaviour and the kinetic characteristics of its RAFT polymerisation. Preparation of PHPMA from PMAOS, PMAC and PNPMA was attempted. Successful preparation of PHPMA from the polymer of the acid chloride was achieved under mild reaction conditions, while displacement of N-hydroxysuccinimide groups of PMAOS resulted in unexpected modification of the polymer under the conditions used. Conversion of PNPMA into PHPMA was not achieved. At this stage these results suggest inadequacy of both PMAOS and PNPMA as reactive polymeric precursors.
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Liquid Aerosol PhotochemistryBones, David Lawrence January 2008 (has links)
Aerosols of nitrate solutions were irradiated in the presence of radical scavengers in an attempt to measure the yield of hydroxyl radical in both the aqueous phase and the gas phase. Carbon monoxide, benzoic acid, benzene and cyclohexane were used as scavengers to trap hydroxyl radical. The products from the reaction of these scavengers with hydroxyl radical were analysed with High Performance Liquid Chromatography and mass spectrometry. The radiant flux in the chamber was measured via ferrioxalate actinometry, both with bulk liquid and aerosol droplets. Many quantitative results were obtained but several anomalies were found. This suggests that Mie theory is not capable of predicting rates of photochemical reactions within droplets.
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"Let us build an ark!" : Jonas De Geer and the negotiation of religion within radical nationalismLundström, Tomas January 2016 (has links)
This thesis illuminates meaning(s) of religion in a Swedish radical nationalist context. The empirical study is based on a critical text analysis of author Jonas De Geer, key ideology producer of Swedish radical nationalism. The research questions concern how the publications of Jonas De Geer, during the period 1996-2016, address issues related to religion and Christian imagery. The primary aim of the thesis – to study how the concept of religion is understood, negotiated and used in a Swedish radical nationalist context – is enunciated through an examination of how identity and antagonists are construed through the notions of religion in the material, and how these concepts change over time. An applied text analysis, informed by critical discourse analysis and corpus linguistics, constitutes the methodological framework of the study. The empirical analysis suggests that Christianity and national identity are construed as intertwined and natural, while Judaism is portrayed as the primary antagonist. Additionally, Islam and modernist ideals are depicted as weapons used by Jewish influence to dominate the West. Drawing on these empirical implications, the study concludes that religion functions as a racist configuration in De Geer's symbolic universe.
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Proliferação celular induzida por 8-oxoguanosina e 8-metilguanosina, dois produtos do ataque de radicais livres a ribonucleosídeos e RNA / Cell proliferation induced by 8-oxoguanosine and 8-methylguanosine, two products of free radical attack to ribonucleosides and RNAKwee, Jolie Kiemlian 07 April 1998 (has links)
Os efeitos de ribonucleosídeos de guanina substituídos na posição C-8 na proliferação de linfócitos B estão bem documentados na literatura. Esses compostos são análogos de adutos formados pela adição de radicais livres a ribonucleosídeos e a RNA. Neste trabalho, verificamos as propriedades proliferativas de dois desses adutos, 8-metilguanosina (8-MeGuo) e 8-oxo-7 ,8-di-hidroguanosina (8-OxoGuo) e comparamos com 8-bromoguanosina (8-BrGuo), o composto mais estudado como indutor da proliferação de linfócitos B. 8-MeGuo e 8-OxoGuo foram sintetisados em rendimentos de 28 e 55%, respectivamente, e foram caracterizados por UV, NMR e CG-massa. Seus efeitos sobre a incorporação de timidina radioativa ([3H] TdR) no DNA de células de baço, fibroblasto 3T3(A31) e melanoma B16F10 foram examinados. Os dois adutos foram mitogênicos para células de baço mas foram seletivos quanto as células imortalizadas. 8-MeGuo atuou sobre células 3T3(A31) e 8-OxoGuo sobre as células de melanoma B16F10. O análogo não fisiológico 8-BrGuo foi efetivo em todas as células testadas. Experimentos de contagem de células, citotoxicidade e citometria de fluxo, indicaram que a síntese de DNA induzida pelas guanosinas substituídas na posição C-8 refletia crescimento celular. Foi proposto que os compostos agem de dentro da célula uma vez que seus efeitos são bloqueados em presença de um inibidor de transporte de nucleosídeo, mas não foram inibidos por um antagonista de receptor purinérgico. Os resultados obtidos, junto com os descritos na literatura, sugerem que no caso dos fibroblastos 3T3(A31) e células de baço de camundongo os efeitos proliferativos dos compostos não são dependentes do metabolismo desses compostos via salvação das purinas. No caso das células de melanoma, entretanto, os compostos parecem fazer parte do \"pool\" de nucleosídeos. A demonstração de que adutos produzidos por ataques radicalares em ribonucleosídeos e RNA são capazes de induzir proliferação celular, abre novas perspectivas para a compreensão do papel de radicais livres em processos carcinogênicos. / The ability of CS-substituted guanine ribonucleosides to induce B cell proliferation has been well documented in the literature. These compounds are analogues of adducts formed from free radical attack on ribonucleosides and RNA. Here we examined the proliferative properties of two of these radical adducts, 8-methylguanosine (8-MeGuo) and 8-oxo-7 ,8-dihydroguanosine (8-OxoGuo) and compared them with those of the well studied B cell mitogen, 8-bromoguanosine (8-BrGuo). 8-MeGuo and 8-OxoGuo were synthesized in yields of 28 and 55 %, respectively, and were characterized by UV, NMR and CG-MS. Their effects upon [3H] thymidine uptake by Swiss mice splenocytes, mouse embryo 3T3 (A31) fibroblasts and mouse B16F10 melanocytes were examined. Both guanosine radical adducts were shown to increase [3H] thymidine uptake by mice splenocytes but displayed selectivity in regard to continuous cell lines. 8-MeGuo acted upon 3T3(A31) fibroblasts whereas 8-OxoGuo acted upon B16F10 melanocytes. The non physiological analogue 8-BrGuo acted upon all tested cells. Parallel experiments of cell counting, cytotoxicity, and cell sorting indicated that DNA synthesis induced by the C8-substituted guanosines reflected cell growth. It is proposed that the compounds act intracellularly because their proliferative effects were blocked in the presence of a nucleoside transport inhibitor but were not inhibited by an antagonist of the A2 purine receptor. The obtained results, taken together with data from the literature suggest that in the case of 3T3 (A31) fibroblasts and mice splenocytes the proliferative effects of the compounds are not dependent on metabolism through purine salvage pathways. In the case of melanocytes, however, the compounds are likely to become part of the purine nucleoside pool. The demonstration that adducts produced by free radical attack on ribonucleosides and RNA are able to induce cell proliferation opens new perspectives for the understanding of free radical mediated carcinogenesis.
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Composição fenólica e atividade antioxidante de polpa, casca, semente e folha de espécies frutíferas nativas do Brasil / Phenolic composition and antioxidant activity of pulp, peel, seed and leaf of Brazilian native fruitful speciesInfante, Juliana 23 October 2013 (has links)
O Brasil possui uma imensa diversidade biológica, na qual muitos compostos bioativos podem ser encontrados e utilizados em beneficio à sociedade. No entanto, processos de degradação do ambiente e introdução de espécies exóticas têm contribuído ao conhecimento e uso limitadosde muitas plantas nativas, sendopequena a quantidade de estudos sobre sua composição química e potencial biológico. A prevenção de doenças crônicas constantemente vem sendo associada à atividade antioxidante de metabólitos secundários dos vegetais, principalmente os fenólicos. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a atividade antioxidante e composição fenólica de cinco espécies frutíferas nativas do Brasil (G. brasiliensis, E. leitonii, E. involucrata, E. brasiliensis e E. myrcianthes). Os métodos capacidade de redução do Folin-Ciocalteau, autoxidação do sistema ?-caroteno/ácido linoleico, capacidade de absorção de radicais oxigênio (ORAC), sequestro dos radicais livres DPPH e ânion superóxido foram aplicados na determinação da atividade antioxidante dos extratos etanólicos de folha, casca, semente e polpa das espécies selecionadas. As amostras demonstraram significativa atividade antioxidante e, em alguns casos, superior as frutas comumente consumidas pela população brasileira. Em geral, folhas apresentaram as maiores atividades, mas o destaque foi a semente de E. leitonii que exibiu os melhores resultados em quatro dos cinco métodos utilizados: 120,67 mg AG.g-1 na redução do reagente Folin; 7,08 Gmol Trolox.g-1 no ?-caroteno; EC50 de 0,26 mg.mL-1 e 0,07 mg.mL-1 no sequestro do ânion superóxido e DPPH, respectivamente; 514,75 Gmol Trolox.g-1 no ORAC para o qual a folha de E. involucrata obteve o maior valor (1393,3 Gmol Trolox.g-1). Os extratos das espécies nativas também demonstram efeito antioxidante contra radicais de relevância biológica, como peroxila e superóxido. Por meio de CG-EM e CLAE acoplado a arranjo de fotodiodos, os principais compostos fenólicos encontrados nos extratos vegetais foram catequina, epicatequina e ácido gálico. Este trabalho demonstrou o grande potencial antioxidante das frutíferas nativas brasileiras, evidenciando assim possível efeito positivo em sistemas biológicos. / Brazil has a great biodiversity, in which many bioactive compounds can be found and used to benefit the society. However, environmental degradation processes and introduction of exotic species have contributed to limited use and knowledge of many native plants, reflecting in few studies about chemical composition and biological potential. The prevention of chronic diseases has been constantly associated with the antioxidant activity of plants secondary metabolites, mainly the phenolics. The objective of this study was to evaluate the antioxidant activity and the phenolic composition of five Brazilian native fruitful species (G. brasiliensis, E. leitonii, E. involucrata, E. brasiliensis e E. myrcianthes). The methods of Folin-Ciocalteau reducing capacity, co-oxidation of ?-carotene/linoleic acid system, oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC), DPPH and superoxide free radical scavenging were used to determine the antioxidant activity of ethanolic extracts of leaf, peel, seed and pulp of the selected species. The samples showed significant antioxidant activity and, in some cases, it was superior to fruits commonly consumed by Brazilian population. In general, leaves presented the highest activities, but the seed of E. Leitonii stood out exhibiting the best results in four of the five methods: 120.67 mg GA.g-1 in the Folin reducing; 7.08 Gmol Trolox.g-1 in the ?-carotene; EC50 of 0.26 mg.mL-1 and 0.07 mg.mL-1 in the superoxide and DPPH scavenging, respectively; 514.75 Gmol Trolox.g-1 in the ORAC, for which the E. Involucrata leaf had the highest value (1393.3 GmolTrolox.g-1). The extracts of native species also demonstrate antioxidant effect against radicals of biological relevance, such as peroxyl and superoxide. By GC-MS and HPLC coupled to a photodiode array, the major phenolic compounds found in the plant extracts were catechin, epicatechin and gallic acid. In this study, Brazilian native fruitful presented high antioxidant potential, showing a possible positive effect on biological systems.
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Autonomia e comunicação: a articulação de coletivos anticapitalistas em rede / -Almeida, Vanessa Macedo da Silva 07 November 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho busca compreender as amarras e as potencialidades em torno do uso das mídias digitais por ativistas autônomos anticapitalistas. O objetivo é partir da discussão sobre a potência democratizante que a Internet ativa e chegar à análise de coletivos autônomos que produzem e divulgam no espaço digital um discurso anticapitalista. Embora as novas mídias façam parte da indústria na qual a informação é mercadoria e meio de reprodução da lógica de produção vigente, a existência de grupos que usufruem das mídias digitais para criticar o atual modelo político, econômico e social contribui para o crescimento descentralizado da construção e difusão do pensamento antissistêmico. Portanto, interessa a esta pesquisa refletir sobre as origens desse ativismo e seu potencial de transformação social. A narração de episódios recentes da trajetória do movimento autônomo - o levante zapatista, a Ação Global dos Povos e as ocupações de 2011- vai ajudar na compreensão de elementos encontrados nos protestos de junho de 2013 e na formação de uma rede de coletivos em espaços físicos e virtuais. A coleta de dados de redes sociais e entrevistas com militantes basearão a descrição das ações comunicativas empreendidas por esses ativistas. / This paper seeks to understand the limits and potentialities surrounding the use of digital media by autonome anticapitalist activists. The purpose is to depart from the discussion about the democratizing potency that Internet activates and reach the analysis of autonome movements that produce and publish in the digital environment an anticapitalist speech. Although new media takes part of industry where information is merchandise and way of reproducing the logic of the current production, the existence of groups that take advantage of digital media to criticize the current political, economic and social model contributes to the decentralized growth of construction and dissemination of antisystemic thought. Therefore, this research is interested in reflect on the origins of this activism and its potential for social transformation. The narration of recent episodes of the trajectory of the autonomous movement - the Zapatista insurrection, the People\'s Global Action and occupations in 2011 - will help in the understanding of elements found in the protests of June 2013 and the formation of a network of collectives in physical and virtual spaces. The collection of data from social networks and interviews with militants will base the description of communicative actions undertaken by these activists.
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