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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Desenvolvimento de métodos para determinação da atividade das frações da fosfolipase A2 em plaquetas" / Development of methods to access phospholipase A2 fraction activity in platelets

Talib, Leda Leme 23 August 2006 (has links)
A fosfolipase A2 (PLA2) é uma enzima chave no metabolismo dos fosfolípides de membrana e é um dos principais componentes envolvidos na sinalização celular. Alterações da atividade da PLA2 tem sido descritas no cérebro e no sangue (soro, plasma e plaquetas) de pacientes com diversas doenças neuropsiquiátricas. Neste estudo foi desenvolvido um ensaio radioenzimático para detectar em plaquetas, a atividade dos três principais grupos de PLA2, que são PLA2 secretórias ou PLA2 extracelular dependente de Ca 2+ (sPLA2); PLA2 citósólicas dependentes de Ca 2+ (cPLA2) e as PLA2 intracelulares independentes de Ca 2+ (iPLA2). Para confirmar a presença desses grupos da enzima em plaquetas, algumas variáveis foram testadas, como as diferenças de preferência ao ácido graxo como substrato, o requerimento de cálcio e a inibição seletiva com os inibidores Bromoenol lactone (BEL) e o Methyl Arachidonyl Fluorophosphonate (MAFP). Os resultados obtidos demonstram a presença dos três principais grupos de PLA2 (sPLA2, cPLA2, and iPLA2) em plaquetas. Estes achados sugerem o uso de plaquetas, uma amostra biológica de fácil acesso, como possível modelo periférico de neurônios para o estudo do metabolismo de fosfolípides. / Phospholipase A2 (PLA2) is a key-enzyme in the metabolism of membrane phospholipids and is one of the major components involved in cell signaling. Alterations of PLA2 activity have been reported in brains and blood cells in several neuropsychiatric diseases. In this study we developed a radio-enzymatic assay to detect in platelets the activity of the three main groups of PLA2, which are secretory PLA2 or extracellular calcium dependent PLA2 (sPLA2), cytosolic calcium dependent PLA2 (cPLA2) and intracellular calcium independent PLA2 (iPLA2). To confirm the presence of these PLA2 groups some variables were tested, such as differences in the preferred fatty acid substrate, calcium dependence, and selective inhibition with Bromoenol lactone (BEL) and Methyl Arachidonyl Fluorophosphonate (MAFP). Our findings demonstrate the presence of the three main groups of PLA2 (sPLA2, cPLA2, and iPLA2) in platelets. In addition, this study is in line with others suggesting that platelets, a typical biological sample, can be used as a peripheral model for neurons.

Níveis séricos de progesterona, estrógenos e seus metabólitos fecais durante o ciclo estral de cabras (Capra hircus, Linnaeus, 1758) / Serum levels of progesterone, estrogens and their faecal metabolites along the estrous cycle in goats (Capra hircus, Linnaeus, 1758)

Sebastião Pereira de Faria Junior 13 December 2006 (has links)
Cabras leiteiras das raças Saanen e Toggenburg (n=10) mantidas num rebanho particular no Estado de São Paulo tiveram seus níveis séricos de progesterona e estradiol comparados às concentrações fecais, durante o período correspondente a três ciclos estrais. O perfil hormonal foi confrontado com as manifestações comportamentais de estro visando uma contribuição ao conhecimento do ciclo das cabras destas raças em condições brasileiras, que leve a um manejo reprodutivo mais eficiente. As correlações entre níveis séricos e fecais foram calculadas, sugerindo a validade do modelo de dosagem hormonal nas fezes em cervídeos. Foi verificada correlação extremamente significante entre as concentrações séricas de progesterona e as de progestinas fecais, com r=0,83 e p<0,0001. Entre as concentrações séricas de estradiol e as de seus metabólitos nas fezes não foi verificada correlação significante, com r=-0,16 e p<0,3916. A partir da observação dos resultados e sua análise estatística, pode-se concluir que, dentro das condições deste trabalho, as concentrações de progestinas fecais apresentam variação correspondente à da progesterona sérica ao longo do ciclo estral das cabras; por outro lado, diferentemente das observações de outros autores, o mesmo não ocorre com os metabólitos fecais do estradiol em relação ao estradiol sérico. / Saanen e Toggenburg dairy goats (n=10) kept in a private flock in São Paulo State had their serum levels of progesterone and estradiol compared to faecal concentrations of the respective metabolites, through an interval corresponding to 3 estrous cycles. Hormonal profile was checked with behavioural manifestations of estrous searching for a better knowledge of the cycle of these breeds in brazilian environment, leading to a more efficient reproductive management. Correlations between serum and faecal levels were calculated, suggesting that the model of faecal hormone measurements could be valuable in cervidae. It was found an extremely significant correlation between progesterone serum concentration and progestin faecal concentration, with r=0,83 and p<0,0001. Between estradiol serum concentrations and its faecal metabolites? concentrations no significant correlation was found, with r=-0,16 and p<0,3916. Based on results observation and statistical analysis, we can assume that, in the circumstances of this trial, progestin faecal concentrations show a variation profile similar to that one of serum progesterone, through estrous cycle of goats; however, this fact could not be observed for estradiol metabolites, compared to serum estradiol concentrations.

Uso de diferentes matrizes biológicas na dosagem de andrógenos em peixes-bois da Amazônia machos (Trichechus inunguis) mantidos em cativeiro / Use of different biological matrices on androgens measurement in captive male Amazonian manatees (Trichechus inunguis)

Rodrigo de Souza Amaral 11 April 2008 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a viabilidade da dosagem de andrógenos em amostras de saliva, secreção lacrimal, urina e fezes de peixe-boi da Amazônia realizando um desafio hormonal. Dois peixes-bois amazônicos adultos machos (A-1 e A-2) foram submetidos a um protocolo de experimentação de doze dias (D-1 a D10). No D0 os animais receberam uma injeção intramuscular de GnRH exógeno. Amostras de saliva, secreção lacrimal, urina e fezes foram coletadas diariamente (entre 08h00 e 09h00) e mantidas a -20°C até o ensaio. As amostras de fezes foram liofilizadas, extraídas com metanol 80% e diluídas em tampão antes do radioimunoensaio (RIE). As amostras de urina sofreram hidrólise ácida e foram diluídas em soro bovino depletado. As amostras de saliva e secreção lacrimal foram dosadas sem etapa de extração, porém, o ensaio foi adaptado para aumentar a sensibilidade do teste. Os ensaios hormonais foram realizados utilizando um conjunto comercial de RIE para testosterona total. Um pico de andrógenos (mediana+2DI) somente foi observado nas amostras de saliva, urina e fezes de ambos os animais. Porém, os picos de andrógenos fecais ocorreram depois (cinco dias) dos picos de andrógenos urinários e salivares. Este intervalo está correlacionado com o longo tempo de passagem da digesta pelo trato gastrointestinal na espécie. Os picos salivares e urinários ocorreram muito próximos, provavelmente com poucas horas de intervalo. Esses resultados demonstram que as concentrações de andrógenos em amostras de saliva, urina ou fezes refletem consistentemente os eventos fisiológicos e são ferramentas de grande utilidade no monitoramento reprodutivo de peixes-bois da Amazônia. / The aim of this study was to verify the viability of androgens measurement in saliva, lacrimal secretion, urine and fecal samples of Amazonian manatee by carrying out hormonal challenge. Two adult male manatees (A-1 and A-2) were submitted to an experimentation protocol of twelve days (D-1 to D10). On D0 the animals received an intramuscular injection of GnRH-analogue. Salivary, lacrimal, urinary and fecal samples were collected daily (between 08h00 and 09h00) and frozen at -20°C until assayed. Fecal samples were lyophilized, extracted with 80% methanol and diluted in buffer before the radioimmunoassay (RIA). Urine samples underwent acid hydrolysis and diluted in depleted bovine serum. Salivary and lacrimal samples were assayed without extraction step, but, the assay was adapted to improve the sensibility. Hormonal assays were carried out with a commercial testosterone RIA kit. An androgen peak (>median+2IQR) was observed only in salivary, urinary and fecal samples of both animals. However, the fecal androgens peaks occurred later than urinary and salivary androgens peaks. These intervals are correlated with the long digesta passage time in this species. The salivary and urinary peaks were very close, probably with few hours of interval. These results show that androgens concentrations in saliva, urine or feces samples reflect reliably physiological events and are powerful tool for reproductive monitoring of Amazonian manatees.

Comparação das concentrações de progesterona sérica e progestinas fecais em cadelas / Correlation between serum progesterone and concentration of faecal progestins in bitches

Monique Rodrigues Cesario Silva 27 September 2005 (has links)
Com o objetivo de usar o cão doméstico (Canis familiaris) como modelo biológico no monitoramento endocrinológico de populações de canídeos selvagens foram comparadas as concentrações de progesterona sérica com as concentrações dos metabólitos deste hormônio nas fezes dos animais. Foram colhidas amostras diárias de sangue e fezes, durante o proestro e estro, e duas vezes por semana durante o diestro ou gestação, de 17 cadelas da Raça Boxer, com idade entre 2 e 7 anos. Os metabólitos fecais de progesterona, após a extração, e a progesterona sérica foram mensurados por radioimunoensaio (RIE). As correlações encontradas entre a progesterona sérica e seus metabólitos nas fezes foram de r = 0,26; p&it;0,05. Pelo teste de análise de variância verificou-se pequena diferença estatística entre as fases do ciclo estral avaliadas (p&it;0,05). Os resultados mostraram uma grande variabilidade individual. Existe diferença média estatisticamente significante entre as fases do ciclo seja em soro quanto no extrato fecal (p&it;0,05). Existe significativa diferença estatística entre os períodos de estro / diestro e proestro / diestro (p&it;0,05). Averiguou-se ainda que em todas as fases a concentração média do hormônio nas fezes é sempre maior que a do soro (p&it;0,001). Há uma grande variabilidade nas informações, principalmente nas fezes, obrigando as coletas a serem seriadas e em grande número. Em avaliações individuais, cinco cadelas obtiveram uma correlação considerada boa (p&#8804;0,05) ou ótima (p&it;0,001). A correlação melhora se for comparada a concentração de Progesterona sérica com a concentração de Progestinas fecais do dia seguinte (r=0,33; p&it;0,05) / It was studied and analyzed the domestic dog (Canis familiaris) as biological model applying an endocrinological monitoring in the wild canines population. The main goal of this work is to compare serum progesterone with metabolics concentration of hormones in animal feces. It was collected blood and feces samples during proestus and estrus period and after that during the diestrus period, twice a week, from 17 boxer bitches, aged between 02 and 07 years old. Progesterone fecal metabolities and serum progesterone were measured by radioimmunoassay (RIA). The correlations that were found between serum progesterone and their metabolities in feces were r = 0,26 p&it;0,05. It was verified a small difference between the estral cycle phases evaluated (p&it;0,05), by the ANOVA test. The outcomes have presented a great individual variability and an average statistical difference between the phases in the serum and feces stratum (p&it;0,05). It is important to mention that there is a significant difference between estrus / diestrus and proestrus / diestrus periods (p&it;0,05). It was noticed that in all the phases the average amount of hormones in feces was always higher than the one that was found in serum (p&it;0,001). There is a great variability in all the gathered information specially when dealing with feces, establishing a need to prepare several amounts of in-series samples. In individual evaluation, only 05 bitches had the following correlation: good (p&#8804;0,05) or excellent (p&it;0,001). The correlation between serum progesterone and progesterone fecal metabolities improves if we compare it with the concentration of progesterone fecal metabolities measured in the following next day (r=0,33; p&it;0,05)

Avaliação dos perfis de metabólitos de glicocorticóides fecais em cachorros-vinagre (Speothos venaticus) mantidos em cativeiro e suas possíveis implicações na função reprodutiva / Evaluation of fecal glucocorticoid metabolite profiles in captive bush dog (Speothos venaticus) and its possible role in the reproductive function

Suzana Bezzegh Hirata 07 October 2009 (has links)
O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar os perfis de metabólitos de glicocorticóides fecais através de radioimunoensaio em cachorros-vinagre (Speothos venaticus) mantidos em cativeiro e suas possíveis implicações na função reprodutiva. Duas fêmeas e quatro machos adultos, após período de condicionamento, foram marcados e tiveram suas fezes recolhidas durante 45 dias. Estes animais recebiam diariamente marcadores (corantes e miçangas) para a devida identificação das amostras fecais. O desafio com ACTH foi realizado em uma das fêmeas e mostrou o perfil reativo esperado, validando a técnica do ponto de vista fisiológico. As concentrações de metabólitos de glicocorticóides fecais para o grupo em geral variaram de 2,32 a 65,09 &mu;/g de fezes secas, com média e desvio-padrão de 18,11&plusmn;11,33 &mu;/g de fezes secas, respectivamente. Quatro animais apresentaram um pico cada um, porém aparentemente, sem relação com qualquer evento estressante em particular. Não se verificou diferença significativa nos perfis de glicocorticóides fecais entre machos e fêmeas, nem entre a fêmea dominante e os outros indivíduos. Tais resultados sugerem que os animais estão bem adaptados à condição do cativeiro e provavelmente isentos ou minimamente afetados pelo estresse. A dosagem dos glicocorticóides fecais é uma ferramenta útil no monitoramento não-invasivo para avaliar a condição de estresse do cachorrovinagre, demonstrando se aspectos de manejo e fatores ambientais interferem de modo importante ou não no bem-estar animal e no potencial reprodutivo, sendo de interesse para a manutenção e conservação da espécie. / The aim of this study was to evaluate the fecal glucocorticoid metabolite profiles by radioimmunoassay in captive bush dog (Speothos venaticus) and its possible role in the reproductive function. Six adult animals (two females and four males), after training, were marked and their fecal samples were collected during 45 days. Every day the animals received markers (dye and colored plastic beads) for the appropriate identification of each sample. One female was used to the ACTH challenge and showed the expected classical response, with a significant peak one day after stimulation, therefore confirming the physiological validation. The overall fecal glucocorticoid metabolite concentrations for the whole group, ranged from 2,32 to 65,09 &mu;/g of dried feces, with an average and standard deviation of 18,11&plusmn;11,33 &mu;/g of dried feces, respectively. Four animals revealed one individual peak during the observation period, however they could not be correlated with any stressful event. The fecal glucocorticoid metabolite concentrations did not show significant differences between males and females neither between the dominant female and the other animals in the study. The results suggest that the animals are well adapted to the captive conditions and likely without or minimally affected by stress. The fecal glucocorticoid metabolite dosage is a useful non-invasive tool to evaluate the bush dog stress situation and to monitor local management and environmental factors that could possibly influence the well being and reproductive success, considered both key factors for the specie maintenance and conservation.

Determinação do sexo de psitacídeos por radioimunoensaio (RIE) de esteróides sexuais e por reação em cadeia pela polimerase (PCR) a partir de excretas cloacais / Psittacine sex determination by radioimunoassay (RIA) of sex steroids and by polimerase chain reaction (PCR) using fecal samples

Eduardo Antunes Dias 13 March 2003 (has links)
Para o presente estudo, utilizaram-se amostras de excretas cloacais de 65 aves da família Psittacidae, previamente sexadas. Os andrógenos e estrógenos fecais foram extraídos com Tampão Fosfato Salino (PBS) e com uma solução PBS:Álcool Etílico (4:1) e a mensuração hormonal foi realizada em ?kits? comerciais para radioimunoensaio no Laboratório de Dosagens Hormonais (LDH) do Departamento de Reprodução Animal (VRA) da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia (FMVZ) da Universidade de São Paulo (USP). O sexo de cada ave foi confirmado utilizando como parâmetro o intervalo de confiança (95%) da média dos valores transformados do fator Razão dos índices de Estrógenos e Andrógenos ou com o intervalo de confiança (95%) da média dos valores transformados dos índices do fator Andrógeno. As extrações de DNA de algumas amostras foram realizadas por meio de ?kits? comerciais e por meio de resinas no Laboratório de Biologia Molecular do Departamento de Patologia (VPT) - FMVZ/USP. O DNA foi amplificado pela técnica da PCR utilizando-se oligonucleotídeos iniciadores específicos para a região que determina o sexo das aves. Também se avaliou o efeito da adição de células sanguíneas nas amostras. Setenta por cento das aves tiveram o sexo confirmado pela técnica do radioimunoensaio. A amplificação do produto na PCR somente ocorreu em amostras onde células sanguíneas foram adicionadas e o DNA extraído com um determinado ?kit? comercial. Os resultados encontrados demonstram a necessidade da realização de mais estudos para a determinação do sexo de aves monomórficas por meio de técnicas não invasivas. Validaram-se dois kits comerciais para a mensuração de metabólitos de hormônios esteróides em excretas cloacais de aves por radioimunoensaio. / For the current study, it were used fecal samples from 65 birds of Psittacine Family, previously sexed by PCR from blood cells. The fecal androgens and estrogens metabolites were extracted with PBS (Phosfate Buffer Saline) or PBS :Ethil Alchool (4:1) and measured by comercial radioimunoassay kits at the Hormonal Measurement Laboratory of the Department of Animal Reproduction of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechny of the University of São Paulo. The sex determination of the birds were performed using the confidence interval (95%) for the mean of transformed values of estrogens/androgen rate or transformed androgens values. The fecal DNA extraction of some samples were performed using comercial kits or by resines at the Molecular Biology Laboratory of the Pathology Department of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechny of the University of São Paulo. The DNA were amplified by PCR using specific primers for the target region of bird gene that express sex. Evaluation of the effect of blood cells adding on samples also had been done. 70% of birds had the sex confirmed by radioimunoassay. The amplification of PCR products occured only in samples added with blood cells and extracted by a specific comercial kit. The results showed that further studies for sex determination on monomorphic birds by non-invasive techniques are necessary. Two comercial kits were validated for the measurement of fecal steroid metabolites by radioimunoassay.

Avaliação da função reprodutiva de fêmeas de peixe-boi da Amazônia (Trichechus inunguis, Natterer, 1883), mantidas em cativeiro, por meio da extração e dosagem de esteróides fecais / Reproductive assessment in captive females of Amazonian manatees (Trichechus inunguis, Natterer, 1883), by fecal steroid extraction and quantification

Cláudia Carvalho do Nascimento 25 June 2004 (has links)
Neste estudo avaliou-se a função reprodutiva de fêmeas de peixe-boi da Amazônia (Trichechus inunguis) mantidas em cativeiro no Laboratório de Mamíferos Aquáticos do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (n=4) e no Centro de Preservação e Pesquisas de Mamíferos Aquáticos - Manaus Energia S.A. (n=2), por meio da extração e quantificação de progestinas e estrógenos fecais. As amostras fecais foram colhidas duas vezes por semana durante doze meses, foram liofilizadas e processadas de acordo com o protocolo adaptado de Schwarzenberger et al (1991). Realizou-se a validação dos radioimunoensaios em fase sólida, progesterona e 17&beta;-estradiol para o uso em extratos fecais de peixe-boi da Amazônia. A duração média do ciclo ovariano (&plusmn; EPM) definido por dois picos consecutivos de estrógenos fecais foi de 22,49 &plusmn; 1,26. A fase de estro teve duração média de 6,4 &plusmn; 0,45. Para verificar se as fêmeas mantidas em cativeiro apresentavam o padrão reprodutivo sazonal dos peixes-bois de vida livre sugerido por Best (1982), avaliou-se a influência das fases do ciclo hidrológico dos rios da bacia Amazônica. Não foi observada diferença estatística nas concentrações de progestinas fecais ao longo das fases do ciclo hidrológico, porém verificou-se que durante a fase de cheia apresentaram concentrações de estrógenos fecais superiores às outras fases, corroborando com os dados sugeridos por Best (1982). Com os resultados obtidos nesse estudo, pretende-se ampliar os conhecimentos sobre a fisiologia reprodutiva do peixe-boi da Amazônia, fornecendo mais uma ferramenta de estudo para auxiliar pesquisas e manejo reprodutivo, tendo como objetivo final a conservação da espécie. / This study has evaluated the reproductive function of six females of the Amazon manatee (Trichechus inunguis) kept in captivity at the Aquatic Mammals Laboratory - Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (n=4) and Centro de Preservação e Pesquisa de Mamíferos Aquáticos-Manaus Energia S/A (n=2) through extraction and quantification of fecal estrogens and progestins. Fecal samples were obtained twice a week for 12 months. Validation of the solid phase radioimmunoassay for progesterone and 17&beta;-estradiol was performed for using on Amazon manatees fecal extracts. Ovarian cycle mean duration (&plusmn; SEM), defined by two consecutive peaks of fecal estrogens, was 22,49 &plusmn; 1,26 days. Mean estrous phase duration was 6,4 &plusmn; 0,45 days. To verify if the captive females showed the same seasonal reproductive pattern of wild manatees suggested by Best (1982), the influence of the hydrological cycle of the Amazon River Basin was analyzed. There was no statistical difference on the fecal progestins between phases, but during the flood phase it was verified that the estrogen fecal concentrations were increased, corroborating with Best (1982).These results show that the improvement of the non-invasive techniques for reproductive assessments increase the knowledge of reproductive physiology and is an important tool for scientific research, reproductive management, and species conservation.

Comparação das concentrações de progesterona sérica e progestinas fecais em cadelas / Correlation between serum progesterone and concentration of faecal progestins in bitches

Silva, Monique Rodrigues Cesario 27 September 2005 (has links)
Com o objetivo de usar o cão doméstico (Canis familiaris) como modelo biológico no monitoramento endocrinológico de populações de canídeos selvagens foram comparadas as concentrações de progesterona sérica com as concentrações dos metabólitos deste hormônio nas fezes dos animais. Foram colhidas amostras diárias de sangue e fezes, durante o proestro e estro, e duas vezes por semana durante o diestro ou gestação, de 17 cadelas da Raça Boxer, com idade entre 2 e 7 anos. Os metabólitos fecais de progesterona, após a extração, e a progesterona sérica foram mensurados por radioimunoensaio (RIE). As correlações encontradas entre a progesterona sérica e seus metabólitos nas fezes foram de r = 0,26; p&it;0,05. Pelo teste de análise de variância verificou-se pequena diferença estatística entre as fases do ciclo estral avaliadas (p&it;0,05). Os resultados mostraram uma grande variabilidade individual. Existe diferença média estatisticamente significante entre as fases do ciclo seja em soro quanto no extrato fecal (p&it;0,05). Existe significativa diferença estatística entre os períodos de estro / diestro e proestro / diestro (p&it;0,05). Averiguou-se ainda que em todas as fases a concentração média do hormônio nas fezes é sempre maior que a do soro (p&it;0,001). Há uma grande variabilidade nas informações, principalmente nas fezes, obrigando as coletas a serem seriadas e em grande número. Em avaliações individuais, cinco cadelas obtiveram uma correlação considerada boa (p&#8804;0,05) ou ótima (p&it;0,001). A correlação melhora se for comparada a concentração de Progesterona sérica com a concentração de Progestinas fecais do dia seguinte (r=0,33; p&it;0,05) / It was studied and analyzed the domestic dog (Canis familiaris) as biological model applying an endocrinological monitoring in the wild canines population. The main goal of this work is to compare serum progesterone with metabolics concentration of hormones in animal feces. It was collected blood and feces samples during proestus and estrus period and after that during the diestrus period, twice a week, from 17 boxer bitches, aged between 02 and 07 years old. Progesterone fecal metabolities and serum progesterone were measured by radioimmunoassay (RIA). The correlations that were found between serum progesterone and their metabolities in feces were r = 0,26 p&it;0,05. It was verified a small difference between the estral cycle phases evaluated (p&it;0,05), by the ANOVA test. The outcomes have presented a great individual variability and an average statistical difference between the phases in the serum and feces stratum (p&it;0,05). It is important to mention that there is a significant difference between estrus / diestrus and proestrus / diestrus periods (p&it;0,05). It was noticed that in all the phases the average amount of hormones in feces was always higher than the one that was found in serum (p&it;0,001). There is a great variability in all the gathered information specially when dealing with feces, establishing a need to prepare several amounts of in-series samples. In individual evaluation, only 05 bitches had the following correlation: good (p&#8804;0,05) or excellent (p&it;0,001). The correlation between serum progesterone and progesterone fecal metabolities improves if we compare it with the concentration of progesterone fecal metabolities measured in the following next day (r=0,33; p&it;0,05)

Nouvelles investigations sur les protéines trophoblastiques, hormones hypophysaires et gonadiques durant le premier trimestre de la gestation chez le bovin

Ayad, Abdelhanine 15 June 2007 (has links)
RÉSUMÉ Les protéines associées à la gestation (PAGs) constituent une grande famille de protéinases aspartiques exprimées dans les cellules épithéliales de la couche superficielle du placenta des artiodactyles et plus précisément dans les granules des cellules binucléées. Des investigations par biologie moléculaire (clonage et séquençage) ont permis de montrer que les protéines de la gestation font partie de la grande famille des protéases aspartiques tout comme le pepsinogène, la pepsine, la chymosine, les cathepsines D et E, et la rénine. La détermination des concentrations en PAG par radioimmunoassay dans le sérum ou dans le plasma est actuellement employée comme méthode sérologique spécifique pour le diagnostic de gestation chez le bovin dès le 28e jour après la conception. Au-delà de ce délai, les dosages des PAGs peuvent également être utilisés pour assurer le suivi de la gestation notamment dans le cadre de létude de la mortalité embryonnaire précoce ou tardive et de la mortalité ftale. Au moment dentreprendre nos investigations expérimentales, une attention particulière a été portée à notre maîtrise des systèmes de dosages radioimmunologiques notamment dans les zones des faibles concentrations de PAG caractérisant le premier trimestre de la gestation chez les bovins. Cest ainsi que les deux premières études sur lesquelles repose ce travail de thèse ont visé à tester de nouveaux antisérums dirigés contre la PAG et à comparer leurs performances en milieu sérique ou plasmatique. Ensuite, cinq différents systèmes de dosages (utilisant différents antisérums) ont été comparés quant à leur sensibilité, spécificité, exactitude des diagnostics positifs et exactitude des diagnostics négatifs, sur des séries de plasmas provenant de femelles non gestantes et de femelles gestantes durant le premier trimestre de la gestation. Dans une troisième étude, les concentrations de PAG, LH et prolactine ont été interprétées en fonction dune classification basée sur le niveau de progestérone mesuré chez les femelles à jour 21. Dans la première étude, lobjectif a été de déterminer les paramètres de limite minimale de détection, reproductibilité, exactitude, spécificité et parallélisme des dilutions caractérisant les cinq systèmes radioimmunologiques différents : RIA-497, RIA-706, RIA-780, RIA-809 et RIA-Pool. Ensuite, leur capacité à distinguer les femelles non gestantes et gestantes prélevées au 30e jour suivant linsémination artificielle a été analysée dans le détail. Létude a été menée sur un effectif de 40 femelles de race Holstein-Frisonne dâge et de parité mélangés dont la gestation a été confirmée par exploration rectale réalisée entre le 2e et le 3e mois après linsémination. Un groupe contrôle composé de dix vaches maintenues en stabulation entravée confirmées non gestantes par examen échographique et exploration rectale a été utilisé simultanément. Les caractéristiques générales des différents systèmes étaient satisfaisantes. Leur spécificité était excellente à lexception du système RIA-809 ayant montré une très légère interférence de lacide syalique et de lhCG. Les concentrations mesurées dans le plasma des femelles non gestantes sont restées inférieures à 0,5 ng/mL excepté celles qui étaient mesurées dans les systèmes RIA-780 et RIA-809. Seuls les systèmes RIA-497, RIA-706 et RIA-Pool ont fourni des valeurs de sensibilité, spécificité, exactitude des diagnostics positifs, exactitude des diagnostics négatifs égales à 100%. Dans la deuxième étude, les cinq systèmes de dosage ont été utilisés pour déterminer les concentrations de PAG dans le plasma aux jours 30, 45, 60 et 80. Les corrélations ont été calculées entre les systèmes ainsi que les rapports de concentrations mesurées par chacun deux : les systèmes RIA-706, RIA-780, RIA-809 et RIA-Pool ont révélé des valeurs plus élevées que le RIA-497 à tous les stades étudiés. La troisième étude a visé à vérifier une hypothèse formulée à plusieurs reprises par différents auteurs : le niveau de concentration en progestérone atteint en début de gestation est-il susceptible dinteragir avec les concentrations de protéines trophoblastiques, de LH et de prolactine mesurées plus tard durant le premier trimestre de la gestation ? Dans cette étude, nous avons déterminé les concentrations de lensemble des paramètres sur les prélèvements correspondant aux jours 0, 21, 30, 45, 60 et 80 de 37 femelles gestantes. Les femelles ont été réparties en deux sous groupes : celles dont la progestérone au jour 21 était inférieure à la moyenne (Low-P4) et celles dont la même progestérone était supérieure à la moyenne au jour 21 (High-P4). Lorsque les deux sous groupes ont été suivis aux périodes ultérieures (jours 30, 45, 60 et 80), il est apparu que les concentrations de PAG ont eu tendance à être plus élevées dans tous les systèmes chez les vaches du groupe High-P4. Une différence significative est atteinte en utilisant le RIA-497 au jour 80. Les concentrations en LH et prolactine ont eu tendance à être plus faibles à toutes les périodes chez les vaches faisant partie du groupe High-P4. La différence a été significative pour la LH à jour 60 et pour la prolactine à jour 21. Dans leur ensemble, les résultats de ce travail montrent que le diagnostic de gestation peut être amélioré (sensibilité, spécificité, exactitude des diagnostics positifs, exactitude des diagnostics négatifs) en sélectionnant soigneusement les antisérums et en les mélangeant de façon appropriée. Ces systèmes sont utilisables pour suivre les concentrations de PAG durant le premier trimestre de la gestation, les résultats étant fortement corrélés tout en montrant des profils différents. Associées au dosage de la progestérone, de la LH et de la prolactine, les investigations sur les PAGs permettent de progresser dans létude des régulations qui relient lhypophyse, les gonades et le trophoblaste durant le premier trimestre de la gestation. SUMMARY Pregnancy Associated Glycoproteins (PAGs) constitute a large family of aspartic proteinases expressed in the outer epithelial cells layer of the placenta of eutherian species and more precisely in the granules of the binucleate cells. Investigations by molecular biology (cloning and sequencing) showed that the PAGs are part of the great family of the aspartic proteases like pepsinogen, pepsin, chymosin, cathepsins D and E, and renin. The determination of the concentrations in PAG by radioimmunoassay in serum or plasma is currently used as specific serological method for the diagnosis of gestation at day 28 after conception. Beyond this time, PAGs assays can also be used to ensure the follow-up of gestation in particular during the study of early or late embryonic mortality and early foetal mortality. When we started our experimental investigations, a special attention was paid to our control of radioimmunoassay systems especially in the zones with low concentrations of PAG which characterize the first trimester of bovine gestation. Thus the first two studies on which this work was based, aimed testing new antisera raised against PAG, and comparing their performances in seric or plasmatic medium. Then, five various assays (using different antisera) were compared as for their sensitivity, specificity, exactitude of the positive diagnoses and exactitude of the negative diagnoses, on series of plasmas from nonpregnant and pregnant females during the first trimester of gestation. In a third study, the concentrations of PAG, LH and prolactin were interpreted according to a classification based on the progesterone level measured in females at day 21. In the first study, the objective was to determine the parameters of minimal limit of detection, reproducibility, exactitude, specificity and parallelism of dilutions characterizing the five different radioimmunoassay systems: RIA-497, RIA-706, RIA-780, RIA-809 and RIA-Pool. Then, their capacity to discriminate non-pregnant and pregnant females investigated at day 30 after artificial insemination was also analyzed in detail. The study was undertaken on 40 Holstein-Friesian females of different age and parity, and whose gestation was confirmed by rectal exploration carried out between the second and the third month after insemination. A control group of ten cows maintained in stabling, confirmed non-pregnant by ultrasonography and rectal exploration, was used simultaneously. The general characteristics of the various systems were satisfactory. Their specificity was excellent except for system RIA-809 which shown a small interference of syalic acid and hCG. The concentrations measured in the plasma of non-pregnant females remained lower than 0.5 ng/mL except those which were measured in systems RIA-780 and RIA-809. Only the systems RIA-497, RIA-706 and RIA-Pool provided values of sensitivity, specificity, exactitude of the positive diagnoses, exactitude of the negative diagnoses equal to 100%. In the second study, all five systems were used in order to determine the concentrations of PAG in plasma at days 30, 45, 60 and 80. The correlations were calculated between the systems as well as the ratios of concentrations measured by each one of them: systems RIA-706, RIA-780, RIA-809 and RIA-Pool revealed higher values than the RIA-497 at all the studied stages. The third study aimed to check a hypothesis formulated by various authors: is the concentration level of progesterone reached at beginning of gestation likely to interact with the concentrations of trophoblastic proteins, LH and prolactin measured later during the first trimester of gestation ? In this study, we determined concentrations of the whole parameters on samples corresponding to days 0, 21, 30, 45, 60 and 80 of 37 pregnant females. The females were divided into two groups: those whose progesterone at day 21 was lower than the average (Low-P4) and those whose progesterone was higher than the average at day 21 (High-P4). When both groups were investigated at later periods (days 30 and 80), it appeared that the concentrations of PAG tended to be higher in all systems in the cows of the High-P4 group. A significant difference was raised by using RIA-497 at day 80. The concentrations in LH and prolactin lead to be weaker during all the periods in the cows of the High-P4 group. The difference was significant for LH at day 60 and for prolactin at day 21. In conclusion, the results of this work show that the diagnosis of gestation can be improved (sensitivity, specificity, exactitude of the positive diagnoses, exactitude of the negative diagnoses) by selecting the antisera carefully and by mixing them in a suitable way. These systems are usable to follow the concentrations of PAG during the first trimester of gestation, the results are strongly correlated while showing different profiles. Combined to assays of progesterone, LH and prolactin, the investigations on PAGs make progress in the study of the regulations between pituitary gland, gonads and the trophoblast during the first trimester of gestation.

Quantification of neuropeptides in the central nervous system of the wobbler mouse during the progression of the motor neuron disease: a study by radioimmunoassay andimmunocytochemistry

翁建霖, Yung, Kin-lam, Ken. January 1992 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Anatomy / Master / Master of Philosophy

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