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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


CAFARELLI, ALESSANDRO 11 March 2016 (has links)
Il rating creditizio è un elemento molto importante per le imprese in quanto ha impatto, ad esempio, sul costo del capitale (Bhojraj and Sengupta, 2003; Campbell and Taksler, 2003), sul prezzo delle azioni e dei titoli obbligazionari (Dichev and Piotroski, 2001; Hand et al., 1992). Anche le imprese che ottengono il rating per la prima volta, tipicamente soggetti di dimensioni più piccole e con una storia più recente, hanno molto interesse per il rating. Nel principale contributo della mia tesi (“Is Indebtedness always negative for Credit Ratings? Empirical evidence on Newly Rated Firms”), misuro empiricamente, per il periodo dal 1985 al 2013, se i soggetti che hanno ottenuto un rating per la prima volta ottengono una valutazione differente rispetto agli altri operatori. Dalle mie analisi emerge che i soggetti che hanno ottenuto un rating per la prima volta ottengono valutazioni lievemente più negative rispetto agli altri operatori ma, sorprendentemente, emerge che coloro che hanno un maggiore indebitamento hanno delle valutazioni migliori. Negli altri due articoli della mia tesi sviluppo ulteriori analisi sui rating. Nel primo articolo (“Credit Rating Agencies: a Review of Recent Academic Studies and Key Practical Implications”), presento una sistematizzazione della letteratura accademica sui rating e sulle agenzie di rating. Nel secondo articolo (“The Dynamics of Credit Rating Standards”), esamino se le agenzie di rating hanno modificato i propri standards nel corso del tempo. / Firms care deeply about their credit ratings, since ratings influence, for instance, firm’s cost of capital (Bhojraj and Sengupta, 2003; Campbell and Taksler, 2003), bond and stock market prices (Dichev and Piotroski, 2001; Hand et al., 1992). This is also true for newly rated firms, typically smaller, in a younger stage of their life cycle and with a shorter track record compared with other issuers to show to the external financial stakeholders. In the main paper of my thesis (“Is Indebtedness always negative for Credit Ratings? Empirical evidence on Newly Rated Firms”), I test the impact of being newly rated firms on credit ratings over the period from 1985 to 2013. I report a negative but pretty low effect on rating outcome for the entire sample of newly rated firms but, surprisingly, I find a strong positive relation between highly levered firms and credit rating. I develop additional research on credit rating in the other two papers of my thesis. In the first paper (“Credit Rating Agencies: a Review of Recent Academic Studies and Key Practical Implications”), I present a systematization of the latest academic contributions on credit ratings and credit rating agencies. In the second paper (“The Dynamics of Credit Rating Standards”), I examine long-term issuer credit ratings and I focus on the time variable to study how credit rating agencies have modified their standards over years.

Socio-demographic characteristics, alcohol drinking and self-rated health among Russian women : A cross-sectional study

Nevalennaya, Anna January 2014 (has links)
Background: Russia has undergone tremendous socioeconomic transformations. Particularly detrimental was the period of 1990-s that evidenced hazardous trends in public health. Alcohol consumption was suggested to be responsible for the negative health trends in the society. Male alcohol consumption attracted disproportional attention leaving female alcohol consumption, its predictors and influence on women’s health disregarded and uninvestigated. Aim: To describe the practices of female alcohol consumption and socio-demographic predictors of drinking, to explore the impact that drinking might have on the self-rated health of Russian women. Method: Cross-sectional analysis of data drawn from the Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey, round 20th. The association tests between the measures of alcohol consumption and covariates were run. Ordinal regression model tested the predictors of self-rated health.      Results: A Russian female drinker is middle-aged, high-educated, married/ cohabiting or divorced, resides from the urban area and is infrequent drinker. The frequency of drinking increases when she is young, high-educated, married/ cohabiting, resides from urban area. U-shaped relation between drinking and self-rated health was demonstrated: never drinkers and regular drinkers report poorer health than seldom-drinkers.  Conclusion: Predictors of female drinking in Russia are poorly investigated due to overrepresentation of research focused on men’s drinking. More studies are needed in order to explore the impact of drinking on self-rated health of  Russian women.

Adolescent boys’ health : managing emotions, masculinities and subjective social status / Tonårspojkars hälsa : att hantera känslor, maskuliniteter och subjektiv social status

Randell, Eva January 2016 (has links)
The health of adolescent boys is complex and surprisingly little is known about how adolescent boys perceive, conceptualise and experience their health. Thus, the overall aim of this thesis was to explore adolescent boys’ perceptions and experiences of health, emotions, masculinity and subjective social status (SSS). This thesis consists of a qualitative, a quantitative and a mixed methods study. The qualitative study aimed to explore how adolescent boys understand the concept of health and what they find important for its achievement. Furthermore, the adolescent boys’ views of masculinity, emotion management and their potential effects on wellbeing were explored. For this purpose, individual interviews were conducted with 33 adolescent boys aged 16-17 years. The quantitative study aimed to investigate the associations between pride, shame and health in adolescence. Data were collected through a cross-sectional postal survey with 705 adolescents. The purpose of the mixed methods study was to investigate associations between SSS in school, socioeconomic status (SES) and self-rated health (SRH), and to explore the concept of SSS in school. Cross-sectional data were combined with interview data in which the meaning of SSS was further explored. Individual interviews with 35 adolescents aged 17-18 years were conducted. In the qualitative study, data were analysed using Grounded Theory. In the quantitative study, statistical analyses (e.g., chi-square test and uni- and multivariable logistic regression analyses) were performed. In the mixed method study, a combination of statistical analyses and thematic network analysis was applied. The results showed that there was a complexity in how the adolescent boys viewed, experienced, dealt with and valued health. On a conceptual level, they perceived health as holistic but when dealing with difficult emotions, they were prone to separate the body from the mind. Thus, the adolescent boys experienced a difference between health as a concept and health as an experience (paper I). Concerning emotional orientation in masculinity, two main categories of masculine conceptions were identified: a gender-normative masculinity and a non-gender-normative masculinity (paper II). Gender-normative masculinity comprised two seemingly opposite emotional masculinity orientations, one towards toughness and the other towards sensitivity, both of which were highly influenced by contextual and situational group norms and demands, despite that their expressions are in contrast to each other. Non-gender-normative masculinity included an orientation towards sincerity, emphasising the personal values of the boys. Emotions were expressed more independently of peer group norms. The findings suggest that different masculinities and the expression of emotions are intricately intertwined and that managing emotions is vital for wellbeing. The present findings also showed that both shame and pride were significantly associated with SRH, and furthermore, that there seems to be a protective effect of experiencing pride for health (paper III). The results also demonstrated that SSS is strongly related to SRH, and high SRH is related to high SSS, and further that the positioning was done in a gendered space (paper IV). Results from all studies suggest that the emotional and relational aspects, as well as perceived SSS, were strongly related to SRH. Positive emotions, trustful relationships and having a sense of belonging were important factors for health and pride was an important emotion protecting health. Physical health, on the other hand, had a more subordinated value, but the body was experienced as an important tool to achieve health. Even though health was mainly perceived in a holistic manner by the boys, there were boys who were prone to dichotomise the health experience into a mind-body dualism when having to deal with difficult emotions. In conclusion, this thesis demonstrates that young, masculine health is largely experienced through emotions and relationships between individuals and their contexts affected by gendered practices. Health is to feel and function well in mind and body and to have trusting relationships. The results support theories on health as a social construction of interconnected processes. Having confidence in self-esteem, access to trustful relationships and the courage to resist traditional masculine norms while still reinforcing and maintaining social status are all conducive to good health. Researchers as well as professionals need to consider the complexity of adolescent boys’ health in which norms, values, relationships and gender form its social determinants. Those working with young boys should encourage them to integrate physical, social and emotional aspects of health into an interconnected and holistic experience. / Tonårspojkars hälsa är komplex och det finns förvånansvärt lite forskning gällande hur tonårspojkar uppfattar, konceptualiserar och upplever hälsa. Därför var det övergripande syftet med denna avhandling att undersöka tonårspojkars uppfattningar och upplevelser av hälsa, emotioner, maskuliniteter och subjektiv social status. Denna avhandling består av tre delstudier: en kvalitativ, en kvantitativ och en mixed metod studie. Den kvalitativa studien syftade till att undersöka hur tonårspojkar uppfattar begreppet hälsa och vad de tyckte var viktigt för att uppnå hälsa, samt deras syn på manlighet, känslohantering och potentiell påverkan på deras välbefinnande. För detta ändamål genomfördes individuella intervjuer med 33 unga pojkar i åldern 16-17 år. Den kvantitativa studien syftade till att undersöka sambandet mellan stolthet, skam och hälsa i tonåren, och data samlades in genom en postenkät där 705 ungdomar deltog. Syftet med mixed metod-studien var att undersöka sambanden mellan subjektiv social status (SSS) i skolan, socioekonomisk status (SES) och självskattad hälsa (SRH) samt att undersöka innebörden av begreppet subjektiv social status. Data från en enkät kombinerades med intervjudata av 35 ungdomar i åldern 17-18 år. I den kvalitativa studien analyserades data med hjälp av Grounded Theory metoden. I den kvantitativa studien användes statistiska analysersåsomchi-två-test samt uni- och multivariabel logistisk regressionsanalys. I mixedmetod-studien användes en kombination av statistiskaanalyser ochtematisknätverksanalys. Resultaten visade att det fanns en komplexitet i hur unga pojkar uppfattade, upplevde, hanterade och värderade hälsa. På en teoretisk nivå uppfattade de hälsa som holistisk men när det handlade om att hantera svåra känslor, var de benägna att separera kroppen från sinnet. Således upplevde de en skillnad mellan hälsa som begrepp och hälsa som upplevelse (I). Gällande den känslomässiga maskulina orienteringen, identifierades två huvudkategorier av maskulina föreställningar: könsnormativ och icke-könsnormativ maskulinitet (II). Könsnormativ maskulinitet bestod av två till synes motsatta maskulinitetsorienteringar, en mot tuffhet och den andra mot känslighet, som båda var starkt påverkad av kontextuella och situationella gruppnormer och krav, trots att deras uttryck kontrasterade varandra. Icke-könsnormativ maskulinitet inkluderade en inriktning mot uppriktighet som betonade de personliga värdena för pojkar; känslor kunde uttryckas mer oberoende av kamratgruppens normer. Resultaten tyder på att olika maskuliniteter och känslouttryck är starkt sammanflätade och att känslohantering är avgörande för välbefinnandet. Resultat visade också att upplevelser av skam och stolthet var signifikant associerade med självskattad hälsa, och att stolthet verkar ha en skyddande effekt för hälsa (III). Vidare visade resultaten att det finns ett starkt samband mellan subjektiv social status och självskattad hälsa och att mycket god självskattad hälsa är relaterad till hög subjektiv social status. Positioneringarna gjordes i en starkt genuskodad skolmiljö (IV). Resultat från allastudier visarattde känslomässiga ochrelationellaaspekternavaravgörandeförhälsa, liksomden subjektivt upplevda statussomvar starktrelaterad tillsjälvskattad hälsa. Positivakänslor och tillitsfulla relationer, och att känna tillhörighet och stolthet varviktiga faktorerförhälsa. Fysiskhälsa å andra sidan hadeettmerunderordnat värde menkroppen var ettviktigt verktyg för attuppnåhälsa. Även omhälsauppfattadespå ett holistiskt sätt av de flesta pojkarna, fanns det pojkar som varbenägna att dela upp hälsoupplevelsen i kropp och sinne när det gällde att hantera svåra känslor. Sammanfattningsvis visar denna avhandlingatt den unga, manligahälsantill stor delupplevs genomkänsloroch relationermellanindivider och derassammanhang som är starkt genuskodade. Resultaten stöderteorier omhälsasomensocial konstruktionav sammankopplade processer. Hälsa är att må och fungera bra i kropp och sinne och ha tillgång till tillitsfulla relationer. Att ha självkänsla, tillgång till förtroendefulla relationer och att våga stå emot traditionella maskulinitetsnormer utan att tappa status bidrar positivt till hälsa. Forskare samt yrkesverksamma måste ta hänsyn till komplexiteten i unga pojkars hälsa, där normer, värderingar, relationer och genus utgör dess sociala bestämningsfaktorer. De som arbetar med unga pojkar bör uppmuntra dem att integrera fysiska, sociala och känslomässiga aspekter av hälsa till en sammanlänkad helhetsupplevelse.

Fatores associados à percepção de suficiência de renda entre a população idosa do município de São Paulo - Estudo SABE / Factors associated with perception of sufficiency of income among the elderly in São Paulo - SABE Study

Bento, Jorge Avelino 04 October 2011 (has links)
Objetivos: Identificar fatores associados à percepção de suficiência de renda dos idosos do município de São Paulo, que relataram alguma vez ter trabalhado com remuneração e que possuíam renda. Métodos: A partir da entrevista com 2.143 idosos (60 anos e mais), em 2000, foram identificados 1.300 que não precisaram de ajuda para responder o questionário, com 13 pontos ou mais no MEEM (Mini Exame de Estado Mental), que exerceram algum tipo de trabalho remunerado, que tinham algum tipo de renda e que, esta coincidisse com a quantidade de fontes de renda informada. Utilizou-se na análise estatística o teste de associação para amostras complexas (Rao-Scott), análise univariada e multivariada de regressão logística, sendo construído através desta última o modelo final, ao nível de significância de 5 por cento . Resultados e discussão: Perceberam como suficiente sua renda, 31 por cento dos idosos. Aqueles com renda acima dos patamares analisados (per capita acima de ½ salário mínimo e renda total acima do mínimo necessário para atendimento das necessidades básicas) apresentaram maiores chances de percepção satisfatória. Independente da renda, os seguintes fatores estiveram associados com uma melhor percepção de suficiência de renda: ter trabalhado predominantemente em atividades não físicas, ter iniciado atividade laboral com 14 anos ou mais, possuir seguro/plano de saúde privado, ter duas ou mais fontes de renda, não ter passado por privação alimentar em seus primeiros 15 anos de vida, ter 70 anos ou mais, ter boa saúde e ser independente quanto à realização de atividades da vida diária. Conclusão: Situações herdadas, adquiridas ou impostas, assim como ações e decisões adotadas, durante o curso de vida, contribuíram para uma melhor percepção de suficiência de renda dos idosos / Objectives: Identify factors associated with perception of sufficiency of income the elderly in São Paulo, reported ever having worked with pay and had income. Methods: From interviews with 2,143 elderly (60 years and over) in 2000 identified 1,300 who needed no help in answering the questionnaire, with 13 or more points on the MMSE (Mini Mental State Examination), who work with pay, had some income and that this coincided with the amount of income sources informed. Was used in the statistical analysis of the association test for complex survey (Rao-Scott), univariate and multivariate logistic regression, using the latter in the construction the final model, at a significance level of 5 per cent . Results and discussion: Perceived their income as sufficient, 31 per cent of the old people. Those with income above the levels considered (up to ½ per capita wage and total income above the minimum required for basic needs) were more likely satisfactory perception. Regardless of income, the following factors were associated with a better perception of sufficiency of income, having worked predominantly in non-physical labor activity has started with 14 years or older, have insurance or private health plan, more than one source of income, not starve in its first 15 years of life, be 70 years or more, have good health and perform activities of daily living without any help. Conclusion: Situations existing, legacy situtations or conditions imposed, as well as actions and decisions made during the course of life, have contributed to a better perception of sufficiency of income the elderly

Determinantes da autopercepção de saúde entre mulheres freqüentadoras do Centro de Práticas Esportivas da Universidade de São Paulo (CEPEUSP) / Determinants of self-rated health status among frequenter women of the Sporting Practices Center at the University of São Paulo (CEPEUSP/USP)

Cinthia Roman Monteiro Sobral 09 January 2007 (has links)
A saúde é um dos principais elementos da qualidade de vida dos indivíduos. As pesquisas direcionadas às mulheres a respeito deste tema preocupavam-se quase exclusivamente com os problemas de caráter reprodutivo e doenças ginecológicas. Todavia, nos dias atuais, outros aspectos têm sido estudados em decorrência das mudanças significativas de seu papel na sociedade contemporânea. Além de grande parcela da população feminina estar no mercado de trabalho, elas continuam assumindo a responsabilidade da maternidade e do cuidado da família. Nesse contexto, a autopercepção de saúde vem sendo aplicada como uma das formas de se avaliar o estado de saúde, refletindo os diversos aspectos do estilo de vida. O objetivo deste estudo é investigar os determinantes socioeconômicos, demográfico, nutricional, de saúde e de estilo de vida que interferem na própria percepção de saúde entre mulheres freqüentadoras do Centro de Práticas Esportivas da Universidade de São Paulo (CEPEUSP). Este trabalho foi realizado no âmbito do PRINUTHA e caracterizado como um estudo transversal do tipo exploratório. A amostra foi composta por 162 mulheres adultas e, para associar a autopercepção de saúde com os fatores que poderiam influenciá-la, foi estimada uma regressão logística binária, definindo como variável dependente a autopercepção de saúde e variáveis independentes: idade, escolaridade, estado nutricional, qualidade do consumo alimentar, hábito intestinal e prática de atividade física. A média de idade foi de 31,46 (&plusmn;12,41) anos e de escolaridade 13,77 (&plusmn;2,68) anos. Observou-se que 87% das mulheres auto-avaliaram positivamente sua saúde, 33,4% estavam com excesso de peso, 41,4% apresentaram mau hábito intestinal, 78,4% precisavam melhorar sua alimentação e 69,7% faziam exercícios físicos. O estado nutricional e a atividade física mostraram-se determinantes estatisticamente significantes (p<0,001 e p=0,050, respectivamente), sendo que aquelas com peso normal apresentaram uma probabilidade de 92,7% e as praticantes de 90,1% de terem uma boa percepção de saúde. Portanto, conclui-se que os resultados corroboraram com as políticas públicas e programas estabelecidos pelas organizações mundiais e nacionais a cerca das diretrizes básicas para um estilo de vida saudável. / Health is one of the most important elements of the individuals\' life quality. The researches headed for women regarding this theme used to focus on, almost exclusively, the problems of reproductive and gynecological diseases. Though, nowadays other aspects are subject of studies, due to significant changes of women\'s role in the contemporary society. Besides great portion of the feminine population is on the labor market, they continue taking responsibilities of maternity and family care. In this context, self-rated health status has been applied as one way of evaluating health condition, reflecting several aspects of lifestyle. The aim of this study is to investigate socioeconomic, demographic, nutritional, health and lifestyle determinants that interfere in self-rated health status among women that frequent the Sport Practices Center at the University of São Paulo (CEPEUSP). This work was accomplished under PRINUTHA activities and characterized with a transversal exploring study. The sample was composed by 162 adult women and, in order to associate self-rated health status with factors that could influence it, a logistic binary regression was estimated, defining as dependent variable the self-rated health status and, as independent variables: age, education, nutritional status, quality of the food consumption, intestinal habit and physical activity. The age average was of 31,46 (&plusmn;12,41) years and the education 13,77 (&plusmn;2,68) years. It was observed that 87% of the women self-evaluated their health positively, 33,4% were overweight, 41,4% presented bad intestinal habit, 78,4% needed to improve their diets and 69,7% made physical exercises. The nutritional status and the physical activity were shown statistically significant determinants (p <0,001 and p=0,050, respectively), and those women with normal weight presented a probability of 92,7% and the physically of 90,1% of having a good perception of health. Therefore, results corroborate public policy and the programs established by world-wide and national organizations with respect to the basic guidelines for a healthy lifestyle.

Capital social, características do local de residência e autopercepção do estado de Saúde / Social capital, neighborhood characteristics and self rated health

Santos, Carla Graciane dos 05 April 2017 (has links)
Introdução. Capital social é definido como as características das associações e cooperações humanas que podem ter efeito na saúde. Estudos realizados na última década apontam para uma associação positiva entre maior capital social e melhores indicadores de saúde. Entretanto, algumas características da vizinhança de residência podem atuar como mediadores dessa associação, um tema ainda pouco analisado na literatura científica. Estudos nessa área podem ajudar a melhor entender o efeito do capital social em uma sociedade com altos índices de desigualdade e violência, como é o caso da brasileira. Objetivo. Analisar se as características da vizinhança atuam como mediadores da associação entre o capital social e a autopercepção de saúde. Metodologia. Foram usados os dados da linha de base (2008-2010) do Estudo Longitudinal de Saúde do Adulto (ELSA-Brasil). O ELSA-Brasil é uma coorte multicêntrica, composta por 15.105 funcionários públicos, ativos e aposentados, de ambos os sexos e com idades entre 35-74 anos vinculados a seis diferentes instituições de ensino e pesquisa brasileiras. As variáveis independentes de interesse foram os domínios de apoio social e de prestígio e educação e de coesão social de vizinhança individual, todos analisados no nível individual. Para a análise dos efeitos da vizinhança foram considerados apenas os indivíduos residentes no mesmo endereço há pelo menos cinco anos. As características de vizinhança estudadas foram: ambiente para atividade física, disponibilidade de alimentos saudáveis, segurança, violência percebida e vitimização. Modelos regressão logísticos foram sequencialmente ajustados para cada uma das características de vizinhança de interesse. Resultados. Os modelos apontam para uma associação consistente entre indicadores mais elevados de apoio e coesão social de vizinhança e melhor autopercepção de saúde, mesmo após o ajuste pelas características do local de residência. Por outro lado, a dimensão referente a prestigio e educação não apresentou uma associação significativa com a situação de saúde em nenhum dos modelos. O apoio social apresentou, na maioria dos modelos, um odds ratio (OR) de 0,81 (95 por cento , IC: 0,69-0,95) em indivíduos com apoio social moderado e OR de 0,62 (95 por cento , IC: 0,52-0,74) em indivíduos com apoio social elevado, mesmo após o controle pelas características da vizinhança. A coesão social da vizinhança também não apresentou modificação em seus efeitos e manteve para a maioria dos modelos um OR de 0,76 (95 por cento , IC: 0,67 0,85) para os indivíduos com coesão social moderada e OR de 0,82 (95 por cento , IC: 0,72 0,93) para os indivíduos com coesão social elevada. Apesar de todas as características de vizinhança terem apresentado associação significativa com a autopercepção de saúde, nenhuma causou modificação significante na associação entre os domínios de capital social e autopercepção de saúde. Conclusão. As características de vizinhança não alteraram significativamente a associação entre capital social e autopercepção de saúde, o que aponta para um efeito do capital social na saúde independentemente das características do local de residência. Entretanto, novos estudos são necessários para que os detalhes dos mecanismos envolvidos, principalmente em relação à possibilidade de causalidade reversa e ao tempo de exposição à vizinhança, sejam plenamente elucidados / Introduction. Social capital can be defined as the characteristics of human associations and cooperation that may have an effect on people\'s health. Studies conducted in the last decade point to a positive association between higher social capital and better health indicators. However, some characteristics of the neighborhood in which people live can act as mediators of this association, an area not yet analyzed in the scientific literature. Studies that analyze this association can help to improve the understanding of the effect of social capital in a society with high levels of inequality and violence, as is the Brazilian society. Objective. The aim of this thesis is to analyze whether neighborhood characteristics act as mediators of the association between social capital and self-perception of health. Methodology. Baseline data (2008-2010) from the Brazilian Longitudinal Study for Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil) was analyzed. ELSA-Brasil is a multi-center cohort of 15,105 active and retired civil servants of both sexes aged between 35-74 years linked to six different Brazilian teaching and research institutions. The multiple variables were the domains of social support, prestige and education and social cohesion of individual neighborhood, all analyzed at the individual level. For the analysis of neighborhood effects, only individuals residing at the same postal address for at least five years were included. The neighborhood characteristics studied were: physical activity environment, availability of healthy foods, safety, perceived violence and victimization. Logistic regression models were sequentially adjusted for each of the neighborhood characteristics of interest. Results. The models point to a consistent association between both higher support indicators and social neighborhood cohesion with better health status, even after adjusting for neighborhood characteristics. On the other hand, the dimension of prestige and education did not present a significant association with health situation in any of the models. Social support presented an odds ratio (OR) of 0.81 (95 per cent , CI: 0.69-0.95) for individuals with moderate social support and an OR of 0.62 (95 per cent CI, CI: 0.52-0.74) for individuals with high social support, even after controlling for neighborhood characteristics. Neighborhood social cohesion also did not presented modifications in its effects and remained stable in most OR models: 0.76 (95 per cent CI 0.67-0.85) for individuals with moderate social cohesion and 0,82 (95 per cent , CI: 0.72-0.93) for individuals with high social cohesion. Although all neighborhood characteristics presented a significant association with self-perception of health, none caused a change in the association between social capital domains and self- perception of health. Conclusions. The results indicate that neighborhood characteristics did not significantly alter the association between social capital and self-perception of health, which points to an effect of social capital on health regardless of neighborhood characteristics. However, new studies are needed in order to fully elucidate the details of the mechanisms involved, especially in relation to reverse causation and exposure time within a neighborhood

Fatores associados à percepção de suficiência de renda entre a população idosa do município de São Paulo - Estudo SABE / Factors associated with perception of sufficiency of income among the elderly in São Paulo - SABE Study

Jorge Avelino Bento 04 October 2011 (has links)
Objetivos: Identificar fatores associados à percepção de suficiência de renda dos idosos do município de São Paulo, que relataram alguma vez ter trabalhado com remuneração e que possuíam renda. Métodos: A partir da entrevista com 2.143 idosos (60 anos e mais), em 2000, foram identificados 1.300 que não precisaram de ajuda para responder o questionário, com 13 pontos ou mais no MEEM (Mini Exame de Estado Mental), que exerceram algum tipo de trabalho remunerado, que tinham algum tipo de renda e que, esta coincidisse com a quantidade de fontes de renda informada. Utilizou-se na análise estatística o teste de associação para amostras complexas (Rao-Scott), análise univariada e multivariada de regressão logística, sendo construído através desta última o modelo final, ao nível de significância de 5 por cento . Resultados e discussão: Perceberam como suficiente sua renda, 31 por cento dos idosos. Aqueles com renda acima dos patamares analisados (per capita acima de ½ salário mínimo e renda total acima do mínimo necessário para atendimento das necessidades básicas) apresentaram maiores chances de percepção satisfatória. Independente da renda, os seguintes fatores estiveram associados com uma melhor percepção de suficiência de renda: ter trabalhado predominantemente em atividades não físicas, ter iniciado atividade laboral com 14 anos ou mais, possuir seguro/plano de saúde privado, ter duas ou mais fontes de renda, não ter passado por privação alimentar em seus primeiros 15 anos de vida, ter 70 anos ou mais, ter boa saúde e ser independente quanto à realização de atividades da vida diária. Conclusão: Situações herdadas, adquiridas ou impostas, assim como ações e decisões adotadas, durante o curso de vida, contribuíram para uma melhor percepção de suficiência de renda dos idosos / Objectives: Identify factors associated with perception of sufficiency of income the elderly in São Paulo, reported ever having worked with pay and had income. Methods: From interviews with 2,143 elderly (60 years and over) in 2000 identified 1,300 who needed no help in answering the questionnaire, with 13 or more points on the MMSE (Mini Mental State Examination), who work with pay, had some income and that this coincided with the amount of income sources informed. Was used in the statistical analysis of the association test for complex survey (Rao-Scott), univariate and multivariate logistic regression, using the latter in the construction the final model, at a significance level of 5 per cent . Results and discussion: Perceived their income as sufficient, 31 per cent of the old people. Those with income above the levels considered (up to ½ per capita wage and total income above the minimum required for basic needs) were more likely satisfactory perception. Regardless of income, the following factors were associated with a better perception of sufficiency of income, having worked predominantly in non-physical labor activity has started with 14 years or older, have insurance or private health plan, more than one source of income, not starve in its first 15 years of life, be 70 years or more, have good health and perform activities of daily living without any help. Conclusion: Situations existing, legacy situtations or conditions imposed, as well as actions and decisions made during the course of life, have contributed to a better perception of sufficiency of income the elderly

Determinantes da autopercepção de saúde entre mulheres freqüentadoras do Centro de Práticas Esportivas da Universidade de São Paulo (CEPEUSP) / Determinants of self-rated health status among frequenter women of the Sporting Practices Center at the University of São Paulo (CEPEUSP/USP)

Sobral, Cinthia Roman Monteiro 09 January 2007 (has links)
A saúde é um dos principais elementos da qualidade de vida dos indivíduos. As pesquisas direcionadas às mulheres a respeito deste tema preocupavam-se quase exclusivamente com os problemas de caráter reprodutivo e doenças ginecológicas. Todavia, nos dias atuais, outros aspectos têm sido estudados em decorrência das mudanças significativas de seu papel na sociedade contemporânea. Além de grande parcela da população feminina estar no mercado de trabalho, elas continuam assumindo a responsabilidade da maternidade e do cuidado da família. Nesse contexto, a autopercepção de saúde vem sendo aplicada como uma das formas de se avaliar o estado de saúde, refletindo os diversos aspectos do estilo de vida. O objetivo deste estudo é investigar os determinantes socioeconômicos, demográfico, nutricional, de saúde e de estilo de vida que interferem na própria percepção de saúde entre mulheres freqüentadoras do Centro de Práticas Esportivas da Universidade de São Paulo (CEPEUSP). Este trabalho foi realizado no âmbito do PRINUTHA e caracterizado como um estudo transversal do tipo exploratório. A amostra foi composta por 162 mulheres adultas e, para associar a autopercepção de saúde com os fatores que poderiam influenciá-la, foi estimada uma regressão logística binária, definindo como variável dependente a autopercepção de saúde e variáveis independentes: idade, escolaridade, estado nutricional, qualidade do consumo alimentar, hábito intestinal e prática de atividade física. A média de idade foi de 31,46 (&plusmn;12,41) anos e de escolaridade 13,77 (&plusmn;2,68) anos. Observou-se que 87% das mulheres auto-avaliaram positivamente sua saúde, 33,4% estavam com excesso de peso, 41,4% apresentaram mau hábito intestinal, 78,4% precisavam melhorar sua alimentação e 69,7% faziam exercícios físicos. O estado nutricional e a atividade física mostraram-se determinantes estatisticamente significantes (p<0,001 e p=0,050, respectivamente), sendo que aquelas com peso normal apresentaram uma probabilidade de 92,7% e as praticantes de 90,1% de terem uma boa percepção de saúde. Portanto, conclui-se que os resultados corroboraram com as políticas públicas e programas estabelecidos pelas organizações mundiais e nacionais a cerca das diretrizes básicas para um estilo de vida saudável. / Health is one of the most important elements of the individuals\' life quality. The researches headed for women regarding this theme used to focus on, almost exclusively, the problems of reproductive and gynecological diseases. Though, nowadays other aspects are subject of studies, due to significant changes of women\'s role in the contemporary society. Besides great portion of the feminine population is on the labor market, they continue taking responsibilities of maternity and family care. In this context, self-rated health status has been applied as one way of evaluating health condition, reflecting several aspects of lifestyle. The aim of this study is to investigate socioeconomic, demographic, nutritional, health and lifestyle determinants that interfere in self-rated health status among women that frequent the Sport Practices Center at the University of São Paulo (CEPEUSP). This work was accomplished under PRINUTHA activities and characterized with a transversal exploring study. The sample was composed by 162 adult women and, in order to associate self-rated health status with factors that could influence it, a logistic binary regression was estimated, defining as dependent variable the self-rated health status and, as independent variables: age, education, nutritional status, quality of the food consumption, intestinal habit and physical activity. The age average was of 31,46 (&plusmn;12,41) years and the education 13,77 (&plusmn;2,68) years. It was observed that 87% of the women self-evaluated their health positively, 33,4% were overweight, 41,4% presented bad intestinal habit, 78,4% needed to improve their diets and 69,7% made physical exercises. The nutritional status and the physical activity were shown statistically significant determinants (p <0,001 and p=0,050, respectively), and those women with normal weight presented a probability of 92,7% and the physically of 90,1% of having a good perception of health. Therefore, results corroborate public policy and the programs established by world-wide and national organizations with respect to the basic guidelines for a healthy lifestyle.

Expanding the science of successful aging: Older adults living in continuing care retirement communities (CCRCs)

Petrossi, Kathryn H 25 July 2005 (has links)
Rowe and Kahns theory of successful aging identifies three main components of aging successfully: reducing the risk of disease and disability, maintaining high cognitive and physical function, and engagement with life. While there is compelling evidence that suggests the legitimacy of this concept in the 50-75 year old community dwelling population, three areas of expansion are necessary: 1.) programmatic research; 2.) extending the existing research samples to include older samples and those living in continuing care retirement communities (CCRCs); and 3.) the integration of data collection and analysis to move beyond investigation of just one successful aging outcome to include elements of all three components of successful aging. Longitudinal analysis utilizing hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) was conducted on a convenience sample of 136 older adults (mean age = 80.8 years at baseline) participating in a pilot community-wide successful aging program over a 26-month period. Results indicate the sample reported exercising frequently, ate recommended levels of fruits and vegetables, had healthy BMIs, had positive ratings of health, were highly involved in productive activities, and were satisfied with their ability to give and receive social support at baseline. High levels of mobility were measured in the sample. Participants maintained this picture of successful aging over time for the majority of outcome variables, though significant declines in self-reported health were observed. Participants also reported improvements in their satisfaction with receiving social support. Results support four major conclusions: 1.) The three criteria of successful aging identified by Rowe and Kahn (1997) were observed among older adults living in CCRCs who were enrolled in a successful aging program. 2.) Stability was observed on a number of the outcomes over 26 months in this convenience sample, which has implications for intervention/programmatic research. Despite the traditional improvement-oriented focus of programmatic research, stability or maintenance of well-being over time should be viewed as a positive outcome in older age, particularly when compared to national data depicting trends of decline. 3.) The interdependence of current results support the notion that successful aging programming needs to include multi-disciplinary intervention strategies, as supported by the finding that modifiers of physical, social, and intellectual well-being include constructs from each of the components of successful aging. 4.) Participants of the current study were largely in the precontemplation and contemplation stages of change. Readiness to change needs to be factored into the design of any successful aging program, as the Transtheoretical Model could be a powerful tool for the identification of readiness to change and the development of appropriate and effective successful aging programming.


Miller, Peta, Peta.Miller@dewr.gov.au, petajohnmiller@bordernet.com.au January 2004 (has links)
The primary purpose of this project was to investigate some relationships between workload and employee wellbeing. The necessary first stage was to formulate a theoretical framework � the JobLoad Model � to support a comprehensive and detailed investigation of the main factors that contribute to a job's workload. Building on the ergonomics concept of �workload�, this Model incorporates task- and job-level factors that have been identified within the research literatures of physical and cognitive ergonomics as important; additional constructs were added to take account of additional factors shown to be relevant to employee wellbeing, drawing on evidence from occupational health and organizational psychology literatures. Using this framework, available questionnaire-based measurement instruments for assessing workload and employee wellbeing were reviewed, new items were developed as required, and the JobLoad Index (JLI) was developed. The JLI was used to collect data from public servants in two different workplaces, with participation rates of 63% and 73% respectively. Relationships were determined between major task, job and organisational environment factors, self-perceived performance adequacy, and various aspects of employee wellbeing including job satisfaction, physical discomfort and psychological fatigue, stress and arousal. For a sub-sample of participants in one of the two workplaces, levels of adrenaline, noradrenaline and cortisol were also measured from 24-hour urine collections. The factors measured by the JLI accounted for a very substantial proportion of variance in these various dimensions of work-related wellbeing. The results provide potentially very useful insights into the relative influences of a wide range of work- and job-related variables on people's perceived abilities to cope with their job demands, and on several aspects of their wellbeing. Further, the importance of measuring multiple dimensions of wellbeing, and differentiating their separate sets of work-related determinants, was well demonstrated. Finally, and perhaps most significantly, this study has identified the powerful role that self-perceived performance plays as an intervening variable between job demands and people's work-related wellbeing.

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