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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A new programming model for enterprise software : Allowing for rapid adaption and supporting maintainability at scale

Höffl, Marc January 2017 (has links)
Companies are under constant pressure to adapt and improve their processes to staycompetitive. Since most of their processes are handled by software, it also needs toconstantly change. Those improvements and changes add up over time and increase thecomplexity of the system, which in turn prevents the company from further adaption.In order to change and improve existing business processes and their implementation withinsoftware, several stakeholders have to go through a long process. Current IT methodologies arenot suitable for such a dynamic environment. The analysis of this change process shows thatfour software characteristics are important to speed it up. They are: transparency, adaptability,testability and reparability. Transparency refers to the users capability to understand what thesystem is doing, where and why. Adaptability is a mainly technical characteristic that indicatesthe capability of the system to evolve or change. Testability allows automated testing andvalidation for correctness without requiring manual checks. The last characteristic is reparability,which describes the possibility to bring the system back into a consistent and correct state, evenif erroneous software was deployed.An architecture and software development patterns are evaluated to build an overall programmingmodel that provides the software characteristics. The overall architecture is basedon microservices, which facilitates decoupling and maintainability for the software as well asorganizations. Command Query Responsibility Segregation decouples read from write operationsand makes data changes explicit. With Event Sourcing, the system stores not only the currentstate, but all historic events. It provides a built-in audit trail and is able to reproduce differentscenarios for troubleshooting and testing.A demo process is defined and implemented within multiple prototypes. The design of theprototype is based on the programming model. It is built in Javascript and implements Microservices,CQRS and Event Sourcing. The prototypes show and validate how the programmingmodel provides the software characteristics. Software built with the programming model allowscompanies to iterate faster at scale. Since the programming model is suited for complex processes,the main limitation is that the validation is based on a demo process that is simpler and thebenefits are hard to quantify. / ör att fortsatt vara konkurrenskraftiga är företag under konstant press att anpassa ochförbättra sina processer. Eftersom de flesta processer hanteras av programvara, behöveräven de ständigt förändras. Övertiden leder dessa förbättringar och förändringar till ökadsystemkomplexitet, vilket i sin tur hindrar företaget från ytterligare anpassningar. För attförändra och förbättra befintliga affärsprocesser och dess programvara, måste idag typiskt fleraaktörer vara en del av en lång och tidskrävande process. Nuvarande metoder är inte lämpade fören sådan dynamisk miljö. Detta arbete har fokuserat på fyra programvaruegenskaper som ärviktiga för att underlätta förändringsprocesser. Dessa fyra egenskaper är: öppenhet, anpassningsförmåga,testbarhet och reparerbarhet. Öppenhet, hänvisar till förmågan att förstå varför, var ochvad systemet gör. Anpassningsbarhet är huvudsakligen en teknisk egenskap som fokuserar påsystemets förmåga att utvecklas och förändras. Testbarhet strävar efter automatisk testning ochvalidering av korrekthet som kräver ingen eller lite manuell kontroll. Den sista egenskapen ärreparerbarhet, som beskriver möjligheten att återhämta systemet till ett konsekvent och korrekttillstånd, även om felaktig programvara har använts. En programmeringsmodell som rustarprogramvara med de ovan beskrivna programegenskaperna är utvecklad i detta examensarbete.Programmeringsmodellens arkitektur är baserad på diverse micro-tjänster, vilka ger brafrånkopplings- och underhållsförmåga för en programvara, samt användarorganisationerna.Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) frånkopplar läsoperationer från skrivoperationeroch gör ändringar i data explicita. Med Event Sourcing lagrar systemet inte endastdet nuvarande tillståndet, utan alla historiska händelser. Modellen förser användarna medett inbyggt revisionsspår och kan reproducera olika scenarion för felsökning och testning. Endemoprocess är definierad och implementerad i tre olika prototyper. Designen av prototypernaär baserad på den föreslagna programmeringsmodellen. Vilken är byggd i Javascript och implementerarmicro-tjänster, CQRS och Event Sourcing. Prototyperna visar och validerar hurprogrammeringsmodellen ger programvaran rätt egenskaper. Programvara byggd med dennaprogrammeringsmodell tillåter företag att iterera snabbare. De huvudsakliga begränsningarna iarbetet är att valideringen är baserad på en enklare demoprocess och att dess fördelar är svåraatt kvantifiera.

Towards a reusable process model structure for higher education institutions

Van der Merwe, Aletta Johanna 30 June 2005 (has links)
One of the tools used during re-engineering of an environment is the process model as modelling tool. The identification of process models within an institution is a difficult and tedious task. A problem is that often process model structures is identified for one specific project and not stored for future reuse. The ideal for institutions is to reuse process model structures within the institution. This study focused on the generic structures within the higher education application domain where the hypothesis for this study was that a generic educational process model structure for higher education institutions can be established; a process management flow procedure can be used to manage the flow within an educational process model; and that aneducational process model can be stored and reused in re-engineering efforts. The study was divided into three research questions, where the first focused on the identification of generic process model structures, the second on the usability of the process model structures within a re-engineering effort, and the last on the preservation of a process model structure. For the first research question, the identification of process model structures, three institutions were used for data collection. It was necessary to develop a requirements elicitation procedure for data collection. The structure derived was confirmed at a fourth institution. For the second research question, which focuses on the usability of process model structures, an ordinal measurement was defined to measure the usefulness of the process model structures in a reengineering effort. A re-engineering procedure was developed for re-engineering the application domain, called the process management flow procedure, and used for a re-engineering effort at one institution. Lastly, for the third research question the preservation of the process model structures, the abstraction of the process model structure was investigated as well as the feasibility of implementing the process model structures physically using existing repository software. The conclusion after the investigation of the three research questions was that the hypothesis was confirmed that there is indeed a set of process model structures within the higher education institution that are generic, preservable and reusable in a re-engineering effort. / Computing / Ph. D. (Computer Science)

Towards a reusable process model structure for higher education institutions

Van der Merwe, Aletta Johanna 30 June 2005 (has links)
One of the tools used during re-engineering of an environment is the process model as modelling tool. The identification of process models within an institution is a difficult and tedious task. A problem is that often process model structures is identified for one specific project and not stored for future reuse. The ideal for institutions is to reuse process model structures within the institution. This study focused on the generic structures within the higher education application domain where the hypothesis for this study was that a generic educational process model structure for higher education institutions can be established; a process management flow procedure can be used to manage the flow within an educational process model; and that aneducational process model can be stored and reused in re-engineering efforts. The study was divided into three research questions, where the first focused on the identification of generic process model structures, the second on the usability of the process model structures within a re-engineering effort, and the last on the preservation of a process model structure. For the first research question, the identification of process model structures, three institutions were used for data collection. It was necessary to develop a requirements elicitation procedure for data collection. The structure derived was confirmed at a fourth institution. For the second research question, which focuses on the usability of process model structures, an ordinal measurement was defined to measure the usefulness of the process model structures in a reengineering effort. A re-engineering procedure was developed for re-engineering the application domain, called the process management flow procedure, and used for a re-engineering effort at one institution. Lastly, for the third research question the preservation of the process model structures, the abstraction of the process model structure was investigated as well as the feasibility of implementing the process model structures physically using existing repository software. The conclusion after the investigation of the three research questions was that the hypothesis was confirmed that there is indeed a set of process model structures within the higher education institution that are generic, preservable and reusable in a re-engineering effort. / Computing / Ph. D. (Computer Science)

An investigation into the integration of qualitative and quantitative techniques for addressing systemic complexity in the context of organisational strategic decision-making

McLucas, Alan Charles, Civil Engineering, Australian Defence Force Academy, UNSW January 2001 (has links)
System dynamics modelling has been used for around 40 years to address complex, systemic, dynamic problems, those often described as wicked. But, system dynamics modelling is not an exact science and arguments about the most suitable techniques to use in which circumstances, continues. The nature of these wicked problems is investigated through a series of case studies where poor situational awareness among stakeholders was identified. This was found to be an underlying cause for management failure, suggesting need for better ways of recognising and managing wicked problem situations. Human cognition is considered both as a limitation and enabler to decision-making in wicked problem environments. Naturalistic and deliberate decision-making are reviewed. The thesis identifies the need for integration of qualitative and quantitative techniques. Case study results and a review of the literature led to identification of a set of principles of method to be applied in an integrated framework, the aim being to develop an improved way of addressing wicked problems. These principles were applied to a series of cases in an action research setting. However, organisational and political barriers were encountered. This limited the exploitation and investigation of cases to varying degrees. In response to a need identified in the literature review and the case studies, a tool is designed to facilitate analysis of multi-factorial, non-linear causality. This unique tool and its use to assist in problem conceptualisation, and as an aid to testing alternate strategies, are demonstrated. Further investigation is needed in relation to the veracity of combining causal influences using this tool and system dynamics, broadly. System dynamics modelling was found to have utility needed to support analysis of wicked problems. However, failure in a particular modelling project occurred when it was found necessary to rely on human judgement in estimating values to be input into the models. This was found to be problematic and unacceptably risky for sponsors of the modelling effort. Finally, this work has also identified that further study is required into: the use of human judgement in decision-making and the validity of system dynamics models that rely on the quantification of human judgement.

An investigation into the integration of qualitative and quantitative techniques for addressing systemic complexity in the context of organisational strategic decision-making

McLucas, Alan Charles, Civil Engineering, Australian Defence Force Academy, UNSW January 2001 (has links)
System dynamics modelling has been used for around 40 years to address complex, systemic, dynamic problems, those often described as wicked. But, system dynamics modelling is not an exact science and arguments about the most suitable techniques to use in which circumstances, continues. The nature of these wicked problems is investigated through a series of case studies where poor situational awareness among stakeholders was identified. This was found to be an underlying cause for management failure, suggesting need for better ways of recognising and managing wicked problem situations. Human cognition is considered both as a limitation and enabler to decision-making in wicked problem environments. Naturalistic and deliberate decision-making are reviewed. The thesis identifies the need for integration of qualitative and quantitative techniques. Case study results and a review of the literature led to identification of a set of principles of method to be applied in an integrated framework, the aim being to develop an improved way of addressing wicked problems. These principles were applied to a series of cases in an action research setting. However, organisational and political barriers were encountered. This limited the exploitation and investigation of cases to varying degrees. In response to a need identified in the literature review and the case studies, a tool is designed to facilitate analysis of multi-factorial, non-linear causality. This unique tool and its use to assist in problem conceptualisation, and as an aid to testing alternate strategies, are demonstrated. Further investigation is needed in relation to the veracity of combining causal influences using this tool and system dynamics, broadly. System dynamics modelling was found to have utility needed to support analysis of wicked problems. However, failure in a particular modelling project occurred when it was found necessary to rely on human judgement in estimating values to be input into the models. This was found to be problematic and unacceptably risky for sponsors of the modelling effort. Finally, this work has also identified that further study is required into: the use of human judgement in decision-making and the validity of system dynamics models that rely on the quantification of human judgement.

A plm implementation for aerospace systems engineering-conceptual rotorcraft design

Hart, Peter Bartholomew 08 April 2009 (has links)
The thesis will discuss the Systems Engineering phase of an original Conceptual Design Engineering Methodology for Aerospace Engineering-Vehicle Synthesis. This iterative phase is shown to benefit from digitization of Integrated Product&Process Design (IPPD) activities, through the application of Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) technologies. Requirements analysis through the use of Quality Function Deployment (QFD) and 7 MaP tools is explored as an illustration. A "Requirements Data Manager" (RDM) is used to show the ability to reduce the time and cost to design for both new and legacy/derivative designs. Here the COTS tool Teamcenter Systems Engineering (TCSE) is used as the RDM. The utility of the new methodology is explored through consideration of a legacy RFP based vehicle design proposal and associated aerospace engineering. The 2001 American Helicopter Society (AHS) 18th Student Design Competition RFP is considered as a starting point for the Systems Engineering phase. A Conceptual Design Engineering activity was conducted in 2000/2001 by Graduate students (including the author) in Rotorcraft Engineering at the Daniel Guggenheim School of Aerospace Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta GA. This resulted in the "Kingfisher" vehicle design, an advanced search and rescue rotorcraft capable of performing the "Perfect Storm" mission, from the movie of the same name. The associated requirements, architectures, and work breakdown structure data sets for the Kingfisher are used to relate the capabilities of the proposed Integrated Digital Environment (IDE). The IDE is discussed as a repository for legacy knowledge capture, management, and design template creation. A primary thesis theme is to promote the automation of the up-front conceptual definition of complex systems, specifically aerospace vehicles, while anticipating downstream preliminary and full spectrum lifecycle design activities. The thesis forms a basis for additional discussions of PLM tool integration across the engineering, manufacturing, MRO and EOL lifecycle phases to support business management processes.

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