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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hållbarhet i bygg- och fastighetsbranschen : En jämförande fallstudie för om och hur bygg- och fastighetsföretags arbete med strategier och policy för hållbarhet påverkas till följd av olika nivåer av lönsamhet.

Kristensson Nilsson, Olivia, Kristensson, Hanna January 2022 (has links)
Bygg- och fastighetsbranschen är en bidragande faktor till de hållbarhetsrelaterade utmaningarna i samhället, och som har en vilja att ta en mer central roll i arbetet för hållbar utveckling. Tidigare forskning visar på en positiv korrelation mellan hållbarhetsrelaterade aktiviteter och utfallet på företagets lönsamhet. Det saknas dock studier om hur olika nivåer av lönsamhet påverkar utfallet på företagets strategier och policyer för hållbarhet. I denna studie undersöks därför hur företags arbete med strategier och policy för hållbarhet påverkas inom bygg- och fastighetsbranschen till följd av olika nivåer av lönsamhet. En jämförande fallstudie har därför genomförts, där årsredovisningar har granskats och intervjuer har genomförts. Studiens utfall visar att företag med låg lönsamhet saknar ett strukturerat arbete med både strategier och policyer för hållbarhet, medan företag med hög lönsamhet visar på tydlighet i strategi och policy där tidigare forskning är en stor del av dess utformning. Företag med medelnivå av lönsamhet är i en lärande fas, och dess styrdokument för hållbarhet påverkas därtill av andra faktorer än lönsamhet. / The construction and real estate industry is a contributing factor to the sustainability-related challenges in society, and they have a desire to take a more central role in the effort for sustainable development. Previous research shows a positive correlation between sustainability-related activities and the outcome of the company's profitability. However, there is a lack of studies on how different levels of profitability affect the outcome of the company's strategies and policies for sustainability. This study therefore examines how companies' work with strategies and policies for sustainability are affected in the construction and real estate industry as a result of different levels of profitability. A comparative case study has therefore been carried out, where annual reports have been examined and interviews have been carried out. The results of the study show that companies with low profitability lack a structured work with both strategies and policies for sustainability, while companies with high profitability show clarity in strategy and policy where previous research is a large part of its design. Companies with an average level of profitability are in a learning phase, and their governing documents for sustainability are also affected by factors other than profitability.

Kunden har alltid rätt - eller? : En kvantitativ studie om maktobalans och kundaggression i fastighetsmäklarbranschen.

Häggström, Julia, Odhe, Rebecca January 2022 (has links)
Titel: Kunden har alltid rätt, eller? En kvantitativ studie om maktobalans inom fastighetsmäklarbranschen Nivå: Examensarbete på grundnivå (kandidatexamen) i ämnet företagsekonomi Författare: Julia Häggström och Rebecca Odhe Handledare: Jonas Molin Datum: 2022 - Juni Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka kundmötet i fastighetsmäklarbranschen ur ett maktperspektiv med avseende på verbal, fysisk och sexuell kundaggression. Vidare ska undersökas vilka som utsätts för kundaggression med hänsyn till kön, ålder, branschvana och lönesystem.  Metod: Studien är av kvantitativ art och präglas av en deduktiv ansats. Datainsamlingen består av en webbaserad enkät som skickats till 2 533 yrkesverksamma fastighetsmäklare i Sverige vilket besvarades av totalt 198 respondenter. Analyserna genomfördes i JASP vilka består av deskriptiv-, korrelations-, faktor- och nätverksanalys. Resultat och slutsats: Av resultatet bekräftades två hypoteser och tre fick förkastas. I studien konstateras att kundaggressioner inte beror på maktobalans i affärsrelationen. Kvinnor, yngre och fastighetsmäklare med en kortare branschvana upplever i större utsträckning att deras lönesystem bidrar till en maktobalans. Sveriges fastighetsmäklarbransch omfattas av flertalet tillfällen eller situationer där kundaggression uppstår och kvinnor samt yngre anser att de är särskilt utsatta på grund av deras kön eller ålder. Det går även konstatera att yngre fastighetsmäklare är de som i störst utsträckning utsätts för sexuella kundaggressioner.  Examensarbetets bidrag: Denna studie bidrar till nyutvecklad kunskap om svenska fastighetsmäklares utsatthet att drabbas av kunders aggressiva och våldsamma beteenden. Genom att synliggöra denna problematik kan uppsatsen dessutom ge chefer och arbetsledare riktlinjer för vilka förebyggande insatser som kan tänkas behövas och hur dessa bör utformas.  Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Förslag till vidare forskning är att undersöka vilka konsekvenser som kan föreligga av att bli utsatt för kundaggression samt utreda orsaken till aggressiva kundbeteenden. Utöver detta ses även stora fördelar med en sådan undersökning i utbildningssyfte för Sveriges fastighetsmäklare. Slutligen vore det intressant att tillämpa Big Five för att utreda om vissa personlighetsdrag tenderar att anse sig vara mer utsatta. / Title: The customer is always right, right? A quantitative study of the power imbalance in the real estate industry. Level: Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration Author: Julia Häggström and Rebecca Odhe Supervisor: Jonas Molin Date: 2022 - June Aim: The purpose of this study is to examine the customer meeting in the real estate industry from a power perspective with regard to verbal, physical and sexual customer aggression. Furthermore, it will be investigated who is exposed to customer aggression with regard to gender, age, industry experience and salary system. Method: The study is of a quantitative nature and is characterized by a deductive approach. The data was collected by a web-based survey sent to 2 533 Swedish real estate agents, which was answered by a total of 198 respondents. The analyzes were performed in JASP, which consists of descriptive-, correlation-, factor- and network analysis. Results and conclusion: Of the results, two hypotheses were confirmed and three were rejected. The study states that customer aggressions are not due to a power imbalance in the business relationship. Women, young people and real estate agents with a shorter industry experience tend to experience that their salary system contributes to a power imbalance. Sweden's real estate industry is covered by multiple occasions or situations where customer aggression occurs. Women and younger people believe that they are particularly vulnerable due to their gender or age. It can also be stated that younger real estate agents are the ones who are most exposed to sexual customer aggression. Contribution of the thesis: This study contributes to newly developed knowledge about Swedish real estate agents' exposure to customers' aggressive and violent behavior. By making this problem visible, the thesis can also provide managers and supervisors with guidelines for what preventive measures may be needed and how these should be designed. Suggestions for future research: Suggestions for further research are to investigate the consequences from being exposed to customer aggression and the causes of aggressive customer behavior. In addition to this, great advantages are also seen with such a survey for educational purposes. Finally, it would be interesting to apply the Big Five to investigate if certain personality traits feel more vulnerable.

Fastighetsbranschen och IoT: Behovet av implementering av IoT i fastighetsbranschen

Skarendal, Linn, Broman, Nikita January 2023 (has links)
Samhällets snabba tekniska utveckling har ökat intresset för att effektivisera vardagliga processer för att spara resurser och miljön. Fastighetsbranschen har varit en konservativ bransch när det kommer till införande av ny teknik, men förändringstrycket har ökat i takt med att företag från andra branscher har gått in i fastighetsbranschen. IoT-teknik kan ge betydande fördelar inom fastighetsbranschen, såsom övervakning och styrning av byggnadssystem och resurser, vilket kan minska energiförbrukning, underhållskostnader och öka kundupplevelsen för hyresgäster. Trots att IoT har varit framgångsrik i andra branscher och det finns forskning om behoven, finns det begränsad forskning om behovet av IoT inom fastighetsbranschen. Forskningsfrågan som ska besvaras i studien är “Hur ser behovet ut för fastighetsägare att implementera IoT i sina fastigheter?” I denna studie utreder vi vilka behov som finns av uppkopplade fastigheter och införandet av IoT inom fastighetsbranschen utifrån fastighetsägares perspektiv. Den här kunskapsluckan besvaras genom en kvalitativ kartläggning med semistrukturerade intervjuer med fastighetsägare. Intervjuerna analyseras med hjälp av tematisk analys där vi identifierar teman, kategorier och koder. De övergripande ämnena som diskuteras i resultatet är värdet av IoT, utmaningar i samband med IoT, det framtida behovet av IoT och marknads- och samhällskrav att implementera IoT. Studiens slutsatser visar hur behovet av IoT i fastighetsbranschen ser ut enligt fastighetsägare. Vi kan se att behovet finns dels på grund av krav från samhället och konkurrenskraft på marknaden men även det upplevda värdet av IoT för att effektivisera processer och spara resurser. Det finns även hinder och utmaningar som behöver överkommas såsom brist på kunskap, standardisering och krav på integritet för att behovet ska kunna uppfyllas. Till sist har fastighetsägare förväntningar på framtida IoT-lösningar och att behovet av IoT kommer att öka. / Society's rapid technological development has increased interest in making everyday processes more effective to save resources and the environment. The real estate industry has been a conservative industry when it comes to introducing new technology, but the pressure for change has increased as companies from other industries have entered the real estate industry. IoT technology can provide significant benefits in the real estate industry, such as monitoring and controlling building systems and resources, which can reduce energy consumption, maintenance costs and enhance the customer experience. Although IoT has been successful in other industries, and research on the needs exist, there is limited research on the need for IoT in the real estate industry. The research question to be answered in this study is "What does the need look like for real estate owners to implement IoT in their real estate?" In this study, we investigate the needs of connected real estate and the introduction of IoT within the real estate industry from the perspective of real estate owners. This knowledge gap is answered through a qualitative survey with semistructured interviews with real estate owners. The interviews are analyzed using thematic analysis where we identify themes, categories and codes. The overarching topics discussed in the output are the value of IoT, challenges associated with IoT, the future need for IoT, and market and societal requirements to implement IoT. The study's conclusions show how the need for IoT in the property industry looks according to property owners. We can see that the need exists partly due to demands from society and competitiveness in the market, but also the perceived value of IoT to streamline processes and save resources. There are also obstacles and challenges that need to be overcome such as lack of knowledge, standardization and requirements for integrity in order for the need to be met. Finally, property owners have expectations for future IoT solutions and that the need for IoT will increase.

Prioriteringar vid förvärv av gröna fastigheter till portföljen för ett nystartat fastighetsbolag : En fallstudie i Sverige / : Priorities when acquiring green properties to the portfolio of a newly started real estate company

Engholm, Elias, Knis, Philip January 2022 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker området för gröna fastigheter och hållbarhet, vilket idag ligger i tiden för de flesta fastighetsbolag. Nya krav och regler ihop med en större medvetenhet hos aktörer och intressenter gör att fastighetsbolag idag jobbar mer och mer med gröna investeringar. Inte minst då i gröna fastigheter, vilket är något som ökat markant de senaste åren. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vad ett nystartat bolag prioriterar vid förvärv av gröna fastigheter, det vill säga en miljöcertifierad fastighet. Vilka faktorer är det man som aktör värderar och hur prioriterar man dessa gentemot varandra? För att besvara studiens syfte kommer tre olika forskningsfrågor att behandlas i studien. En forskningsfråga kommer att behandlas via en litteraturundersökning och titta på vilka faktorer det är som lyfts fram som viktiga i litteraturen när det gäller förvärv av gröna fastigheter. Sedan kommer en forskningsfråga bestå av beräkningar där huvudsakliga syftet är att bekräfta det litteraturen säger om premier för gröna fastigheter. Den sista forskningsfrågan kommer att undersöka eventuella faktorer ett nystartat fastighetsbolag prioriterar vid förvärv av gröna fastigheter till sin portfölj, samt hur dessa värderas mot varandra. Denna fråga kommer att besvaras via en fallstudie bestående av ett nystartat fastighetsbolag och kommer utgöra en betydande del av studien. Resultaten i studien pekar på att det finns en premie för gröna fastigheter likt det som den internationella litteraturen indikerar. Vidare så resulterade studien i att påvisa att det som främst prioriteras hos ett nystartat bolag vid förvärv av gröna fastigheter är de olika ekonomiska incitamenten ihop med att man som företag skapar sig en konkurrensfördel på marknaden. Denna studie bidrar till den nuvarande litteraturen om gröna fastigheter genom att vara den första studien i Sverige som tar sikte på hur ett nystartat bolag värderar olika faktorer och hur det kan gynna liknande företag att välja gröna fastigheter som sin nisch. / This study examines the research area of green real estate and sustainability, which today is something that is topical for almost every real estate company. New requirements and rules together with a greater awareness amongst actors and stakeholders means that real estate companies today work more with different forms of green investments. Not to say the least by investing in green properties, which is something that has increased significantly in recent years. The purpose of this study is to investigate what a newly started real estate company prioritizes when acquiring green properties, in other words an environmentally certified property. What factors do an actor such as a real estate company value and how do the actor prioritize these amongst each other? To answer the purpose of this study, three different research questions will be addressed in the study. One of the research questions will be answered by a literature review where the aim is to look at which factors are highlighted as important in the literature when it comes to the acquisition of green properties. Another research question will consist of calculations where the main aim is to confirm what the literature says about premiums for green properties. The last research question will examine what factors a newly started real estate company prioritizes when acquiring green properties for its portfolio, and how these are valued against each other. This question will be answered by a case study consisting of a newly started real estate company and will be a significant proportion of the study. The results of the study indicate that there is a premium for green properties similar to what the international literature indicates. Furthermore, the study results indicate that the main priority for a newly started company when acquiring green properties are the various economic incentives followed by the opportunity to create a competitive advantage on the market. This study contributes to the current literature on green properties by being the first study in Sweden that aims at how a newly started company values different factors when investing in green real estate and how similar companies can benefit from choosing green properties as its niche.

Jian Shan Village: Case-Study Research and Evaluation of China’s “New Socialist Villages”

Schnaars, Paul H. 30 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Digitalisering inom fastighetsbranschen : En studie om hur digitala verktyg kan bidra till effektivisering av verksamheten

Chibba, Emma, Norberg Pettersson, Gustav January 2024 (has links)
Tidigare forskning har visat på en bristande omfattning av studier som undersökerdigitaliseringens påverkan på fastighetsbranschen. Denna studie bidrar till kunskapsluckangenom att utforska hur digitala verktyg används av stora fastighetsbolag i Sverige för atteffektivisera processer och verksamheten i stort. Studien syftar till att ge en bild avpotentialen av digitalisering inom fastighetsbranschen. Studien har genomförts med en kvalitativ metod med en induktiv ansats som harutgångspunkt i grundad teori där teorier och hypoteser utvecklats parallellt meddatainsamlingen. Studien undersöker digitaliseringens potential inom fastighetsbranschen, framförallt hurdigitala lösningar effektiviserar företagens processer och drift. Insamling och användning avdata från sensorer och mätare skapar en förståelse för fastigheternas status, vilket gör detlättare att ta snabba beslut, upptäcka avvikelser och spara resurser. Trots att det finns hindermed teknisk komplexitet och höga investeringskostnader som kan innebära en risk, uttryckerrespondenterna en vilja att fortsätta digitalisera sig för att möta kundkrav och dra nytta av flerekonomiska fördelar i framtiden. / Previous research has shown a lack of scope in studies that examine the impact of digitizationon the real estate industry. This study contributes to the knowledge gap by exploring howdigital tools are used by large real estate companies in Sweden to streamline processes andoperations in general. The study aims to provide an overview of the potential of digitizationin the real estate sector. The study adopts a qualitative method with an inductive approach that is based on groundedtheory where theories and hypotheses are developed in parallel with the collected data. The study investigates the potential of digitization in the real estate industry, particularly howdigital solutions make the company's processes and operations more efficient. The collectionand use of data from sensors and meters creates an understanding of the properties' status,which makes it easier to make quick decisions, detect deviations and save resources. Despiteobstacles of technical complexity and high investment costs that may pose risks, respondentsexpress a willingness to continue digitizing to meet customer demands and benefit from morefinancial benefits in the future.

Att arbeta med provisionsbaserad lön : En studie med fokus på fastighetsmäklarbranschen och dess provisionsbaserade lönesystem / Working with commission-based salaries : A study focusing on the real estate brokerage industry and its comission-based salary system

Schirén, Ellen, Hind, Johnsson January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka erfarenheter och upplevelser av att arbeta med provisionsbaserad lön inom fastighetsmäklarbranschen. För denna studie har en kvalitativ intervjustudie implementerats som metod, där totalt tio intervjuer har genomförts.Respondenterna innefattar en representant från en branschorganisation, tre stycken chefer samt sex stycken praktiserande fastighetsmäklare från tre olika fastighetsmäklarföretag. För studien utformades en intervjuguide innehållandes tre olika teman såsom profession, lön samt utbildning. Som slutsats konstaterar studien att flera faktorer påverkar fastighetsmäklarnas upplevelser och erfarenheter av en provisionsbaserad lön. Dessa faktorer är motivation, prestation,flexibilitet och trygghet. Faktorer som inte visat sig ha en påverkan på hur den provisionsbaserade lönen upplevs är erfarenhet och effektivitet. Den främsta anledningen till att den provisionsbaserade lönen fortfarande dominerar fastighetsmäklaryrket är att den lyckas stimulera fastighetsmäklares motivation och strävan efter prestation på ett sätt som andra lönestrukturer inte lyckas med. Studien har visat att det finns en motståndskraft inom fastighetsmäklarbranschen som innebär delade åsikter vad gäller utvecklingen av lönestrukturen. Att branschen inte är enade om att lämna den provisionsbaserade lönestrukturen hindrar yrket från att ta sig vidare i professionaliseringsprocessen och möjligheten att erkännas som en fulländad profession. / The purpose of this study was to investigate the experiences and perceptions of working with commission-based salaries in the real estate brokerage industry. For this study, a qualitative interview study has been implemented as a method, where a total of ten interviews have been conducted. The respondents include a representative from a trade association, three managers and six practicing real estate agents from three different real estate brokerage firms. For the study, an interview guide was designed containing three different themes such as profession,salary and education. The study concludes that several factors influence real estate agents ́ perceptions and experiences of a commission-based salary. These factors are motivation, performance,flexibility and security. Factors that were not found to have an impact on the perception of commission-based salary are experience and efficiency. The main reason why commission-based salary continues to dominate the real estate profession is that it manages to stimulate real estate agents' motivation and achievement in a way that other salary structures do not manage to do. The study has shown that there is a resilience within the real estate brokerage industry that involves divided opinions regarding the development of the salary structure. The lack of consensus within the industry to move away from commission-based salary structure is preventing the profession from moving forward in the process of professionalization and the possibility of being recognized as a perfected profession.

Descasamento entre índices de correção monetária utilizados pela indústria de real estate no Brasil um estudo empírico

Wollenweber Filho, José Carlos 22 November 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T18:40:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CCA - Jose Carlos Wollenweber Filho.pdf: 2109198 bytes, checksum: ea270da7ecd8aefa96f7e40e52948f34 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-11-22 / The relevance of the real estate industry for Brazil is easily grasped if we observe its demand for houses, offices, schools, plants, hospitals and shopping malls. The growth of this sector is of great relevance for the development of the Brazilian economy mainly because of two crucial aspects: it provides dwelling places for the population and is a major source of manpower allocation. However, Brazil's loose economic framework, the inconstancies of housing financing rules, high inflation rates and constant breaches of contract over the various economic shocks resulted in the population s loss of interest and consequent shortage in real estate purchasers access to financing sources. Consequently, the real estate sector in Brazil has undergone a huge slump in demand over the period given the few proper financing sources and has resulted in the consequent poor financial mediation of the sector; in other words, real estate companies are now offering direct financing to real estate purchasers by offering them to pay the sales price in installments. Because of this, the real estate industry is taking a risk which plays no part in the essence of its business; moreover, its has in the great majority of cases neither the methodologies nor the proper financial portfolio management tools to measure whether the return expected for the undertaking offsets the risk taken. This dissertation presents the mismatch between the indexation rates for the funds raised by the companies from the financial or capital market and the financing offered to real estate purchasers by the companies as one of the risks taken by the real estate industry. Finally, the dissertation presents a methodology based on the efficient frontier theory developed by Harry Markowitz for a proper management of the mismatch between such indexation rates, thereby minimizing the potential losses in the real estate companies financial portfolio in Brazil / É fácil entendermos a importância da indústria de real estate para o país quando observarmos a demanda deste por habitações, escritórios comerciais, escolas, fábricas, hospitais e shoppings. O crescimento desse setor é de grande importância para o desenvolvimento da economia brasileira devido, principalmente, a dois aspectos fundamentais: proporciona habitação para a população e é fonte de grande alocação de mão-de-obra. No entanto, a falta de segurança quanto ao quadro econômico brasileiro, a inconstância das regras de financiamento habitacional, os altos índices inflacionários e as sucessivas quebras de contratos nos diversos choques econômicos provocaram desinteresse da população e conseqüente escassez no acesso dos compradores de imóveis às fontes de financiamento. Portanto, o segmento de real estate no Brasil sofreu, durante esse período, uma enorme repressão de demanda, dada a falta de fontes de financiamento adequadas, e, como conseqüência, uma desintermediação financeira do setor, isto é, as companhias de real estate passaram a financiar diretamente os compradores de imóveis por meio do parcelamento do preço de venda destes. Com isso, a indústria de real estate assume um risco que não faz parte de seu negócio essencial e, na grande maioria dos casos, não possui metodologias e ferramentas de gestão de carteiras de financiamento adequadas para medir se o risco assumido compensa o retorno esperado pelo empreendimento. Esta dissertação apresenta, como um dos riscos assumidos pela indústria de real estate, o descasamento entre os índices de correção monetária dos recursos captados pela companhia, por meio do mercado financeiro ou de capitais, e o financiamento fornecido pelas companhias aos compradores de seus imóveis. Por fim, a dissertação apresenta uma metodologia baseada na teoria de fronteira eficiente, desenvolvida por Harry Markowitz, para gerenciar de forma adequada o descasamento entre esses índices de correção monetária e, com isso, minimizar potenciais perdas na carteira de financiamento das companhias de Real Estate no Brasil

Recognition of prior learning in the real estate industry: a case study of the Johannesburg metropolitan area

Chanda, Kabwe Zacharia January 2013 (has links)
Magister Artium - MA / This research paper investigates the extent to which the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is implemented in the Real Estate industry within the Johannesburg Metropolitan area. The Real Estate industry is an ideal industry to assess the prior learning of real estate agents since there is no doubt that such a workplace has been recognized as an effective and efficient learning environment which allows workers to take part in an ever-changing work environment (Le Clus, 2011). Despite the availability of resources from different entities, i.e. the Services Sector Education and Training Authority (SETA), RPL centres, Umalusi, the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET), the Estate Agency Affairs Board (EAAB), and so on (OECD, 2010) there seems to be incompatibility between the existing policy and the implementation of such policy in the Real Estate industry. Hence, to paraphrase a common theme within the literature (Cameron and Miller, 2004) there is a gap between the promise and rhetoric of RPL and the actual reality, and a disjuncture between policy formulation and implementation of RPL. Also, most research (Cameron and Miller, 2004) reveals that RPL has neither fulfilled its promised potential of encouraging the previously disadvantaged groups to access formal education and training, nor achieved its goal as a mechanism for social inclusion. The two primary research questions for this research paper were: Why are potential RPL candidates not taking the RPL route to obtain their certification? What are the barriers that obstruct efficient RPL implementation within the Real Estate industry? The research design was exploratory within a qualitative framework employing focus group interviewing, individual interviewing and the distribution of questionnaires that consisted of open-ended questions. The research sample comprised nineteen participants that included eight estate agents, four principals, five RPL Centers‟ representatives, one representative from the Services SETA and one representative from the Estate Agency Affairs Board. Master of Education in Adult Education and Global Change - Dissertation [University of the Western Cape] The research findings show that there are serious issues with the implementation current RPL policy within the real estate industry. Many scholars (Colardyn and Bjørna°vold, 2004; Bjørna°vold, 2000) indicate that RPL comes with its challenges, for instance that of the role it can play and the extent to which it can address the twin goals of increasing educational level of participation and employment rates. RPL also takes much time, as Anderson, Fejes and Ahn (2004) stress, to transform non-formal and informal learning into more or less formal learning that is ratified in the form of officially acknowledged certificates. Elements such as lack of or insufficient learner support by advisors and language barriers, have contributed significantly to the dropping out of most candidates. The strength of RPL is that unaccredited knowledge and skills can be brought into the open for everyone to see and, in a sense, come into use (Berglund and Anderson, 2012). This was made evident by the candidates who made it through RPL. RPL has also contributed to social equity and redress by admitting candidates as recognised agents and principals who previously were about to be excluded from the industry due to lack of recognised qualifications.

Binary Classification for Predicting Customer Churn

Axén, Maja, Karlberg, Jennifer January 2020 (has links)
Predicting when a customer is about to turn to a competitor can be difficult, yet extremely valuable from a business perspective. The moment a customer stops being considered a customer is known as churn, a widely researched topic in several industries when dealing with subscription-services. However, in industries with non-subscription services and products, defining churn can be a daunting task and the existing literature does not fully cover this field. Therefore, this thesis can be seen as a contribution to current research, specially when not having a set definition for churn. A definition for churn, adjusted to DIAKRIT’s business, is created. DIAKRIT is a company working in the real estate industry, which faces many challenges, such as a huge seasonality. The prediction was approached as a supervised problem, where three different Machine Learning methods were used: Logistic Regression, Random Forest and Support Vector Machine. The variables used in the predictions are predominantly activity data. With a relatively high accuracy and AUC-score, Random Forest was concluded to be the most reliable model. It is however clear that the model cannot separate between the classes perfectly. It was also visible that the Random Forest model produces a relatively high precision. Thereby, it can be settled that even though the model is not flawless the customers predicted to churn are very likely to churn. / Att prediktera när en kund är påväg att vända sig till en konkurrent kan vara svårt, dock kan det visa sig extremt värdefullt ur ett affärsperspektiv. När en kund slutar vara kund benäms det ofta som kundbortfall eller ”churn”. Detta är ett ämne som är brett forskat på i flertalet olika industrier, men då ofta i situationer med prenumenationstjänster. När man inte har en prenumerationstjänst försvåras uppgiften att definera churn och existerande studier brister i att analysera detta. Denna uppsats kan därför ses som ett bidrag till nuvarande litteratur, i synnerhet i fall där ingen tydlig definition för churn existerar. En definition för churn, anpassad efter DIAKRIT och deras affärsstruktur har skapats i det här projektet. DIAKRIT är verksamma i fastighetsbranschen, en industri som har flera utmaningar, bland annat en extrem säsongsvariaton. För att genomföra prediktionerna användes tre olika maskininlärningamodeller: Logistisk Regression, Random Forest och Support Vector Machine. De variabler som användes är mestadels aktivitetsdata. Med relativt hög noggranhet och AUC-värde anses Random Forest vara mest pålitlig. Modellen kan dock inte separera mellan de två klasserna perfekt. Random Forest modellen visade sig också genera en hög precision. Därför kan slutsatsen dras att även om modellen inte är felfri verkar det som att kunderna predikterade som churn mest sannolikt kommer churna.

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