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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Improvement of Winter Oilseed Rape Resistance to Verticillium longisporum - Assessment of Field Resistance and Characterization of Ultrastructural Plant Responses

Knüfer, Jessica 21 July 2011 (has links)
Die Intensivierung des Rapsanbaus in den letzten Jahren hat zu einem verstärkten Aufkommen des bodenbürtigen Gefäßpathogens V. longisporum geführt. Die für den Pilz charakteristischen Mikrosklerotien können langjährig im Boden überdauern, akkumulieren und somit zur fortdauernden Bodenkontamination führen. Eine Infektion mit V. longisporum kann bereits im Herbst erfolgen, wenn durch Wurzelexsudate stimulierte Mikrosklerotien auskeimen und direkt die Wurzelepidermis der Rapspflanze penetrieren. Einer sowohl intra-als auch interzellulär gerichteten Ausbreitung bis zu den Gefäßelementen schließt sich eine langanhaltende Phase des Pilzes im Gefäßsystem an. In dieser latenten Phase zeigen sich keine auffälligen Symptome an der Pflanze, erst zum Ende der Pflanzenentwicklung zeigt sich halbseitige Stängelverbräunung und vorzeitige Abreife kann zu Ertragseinbußen führen. Der Pilz bleibt so lange auf die Gefäße beschränkt bis die Pflanze in die Seneszenzphase eintritt. Dann erfolgt eine Besiedelung der angrenzenden parenchymatischen Zellen und die Bildung von Mikrosklerotien. Mit Pflanzenresten können diese wieder in den Boden gelangen. Da derzeit keine adequaten Pflanzenschutzmittel zur Verfügung stehen, ist der Anbau resistenter Sorten eine wirkungsvolle Maßnahme die Verbreitung des Pilzes einzudämmen und der Anreicherung von Mikrosklerotien im Boden entgegenzuwirken. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde ein entscheidender Beitrag zur Züchtung neuer resistenter Genotypen geleistet. Phänotypisierungen zur Identifizierung resistenter B. napus-Linien (darunter auch DH-Linien) erfolgten unter kontrollierten Bedingungen im Gewächshaus in Göttingen. Darüber hinaus wurde die Resistenz ausgewählter B. napus-Linien in zwei aufeinander folgenden Jahren anhand von Feldversuchen in Göttingen, an verschiedenen Standorten in Norddeutschland und an einem Standort in Südschweden evaluiert. Eine Untersuchung der von 2004 bis 2009 im Gewächshaus getesteten B. napus Akzessionen wurde hinsichtlich der Häufigkeitsverteilungen der berechneten normierten AUDPC-Werte betrachtet. So konnte deutlich gezeigt werden, dass sich das Resistenzlevel in den aktuellsten Screenings deutlich verbessert hat im Vergleich zum Beginn der Screenings. Die Reproduzierbarkeit der Screenings wurde deutlich durch die Betrachtung der normierten AUDPC-Werte der Referenzsorten ‘Falcon’ und ‘Express’. So waren die normierten AUDPC-Werte der mittelgradig resistenten Referenzsorte ‘Express’ durchgängig niedriger im Vergleich zu der anfälligen Sorte ‘Falcon’, was für die Robustheit der Methodik spricht. Der Vergleich zwischen Gewächshaus- und Feldversuchen zeigte, dass eine geringe Korrelation zwischen den im Feld und Gewächshaus getesteten Akzessionen besteht und macht die Komplexität der Untersuchungen deutlich. Ein Screening von Genotypen kann jedoch nur schnell und in großem Umfang unter Gewächshaus-Bedingungen erfolgen. Die erweiterte Testung im Feld ist dann jedoch nötig, um die Resistenz unter zusätzlichem abiotischem Stress zu evaluieren. Neben der Bewertung des Befallsgrades (Befallshäufigkeit, Befallsstärke) mittels Stoppelbonitur wurde eine alternative Bewertungsmethode zur Evaluierung der Resistenz im Feld kultivierter Rapspflanzen gegenüber V. longisporum entwickelt. Die Entwicklung einer sensitiven real-time PCR (qPCR)-Methode zur Detektion von V. longisporum in Rapsstängeln beinhaltete die Bewertung zweier unterschiedlicher Primer, abzielend auf die internal transcribed spacer (ITS) Region bzw. auf die β-Tubulin-Region, die hinsichtlich ihrer Sensitivität und Spezifität analysiert wurden. Die hier getesteten ITS-Primer wiesen eine hohe Sensitivität gegenüber genomischer Pilz-DNA auf, jedoch wurde keine Spezifität gegenüber V. longisporum Isolaten festgestellt; vielmehr wurden V. dahliae Isolate und zwei weitere Verticillium Arten mit ITS-Primern detektiert. Das zweite getestete Primerpaar zeigte hingegen eine hohe Spezifität gegenüber V. longsiporum Isolaten, lediglich 3 von 15 getesteten V. longisporum Isolaten wurden nicht erfasst. Die Sensitivität dieser Primer war jedoch im Vergleich zu den ITS-Primern stark verringert. Die ITS-basierte qPCR Analyse führte zur Detektion des Pathogens noch vor der Symptomausbildung im Feld. So konnte in der Saison 2008/09 am Standort Göttingen gezeigt werden, dass frühe Infektionen bereits zu BBCH 65 auftraten und innerhalb weniger Wochen eine massive Besiedelung anfälliger Sorten erfolgte. Zudem konnte die pilzliche DNA-Konzentration in infizierten Rapsstängeln verschieden anfälliger Sorten quantifiziert und eine Korrelation zwischen der herkömmlichen Stoppelbonitur und dem Screening im Gewächshaus hinsichtlich der Einordnung der Resistenzniveaus hergestellt werden. Dies unterstützt die Verwendung der molekularen Methode als Alternative zur Stoppelbonitur. Neben der Verbesserung der Detektion von V. longisporum im Feld wurde die Pathogen-Wirt-Interaktion hinsichtlich der Ausbildung von Resistenzmechanismen charakterisiert. Dazu wurden zwei verschieden anfällige B. napus-Linien nach Inokulation mit V. longisporum sowohl auf histologischer als auch auf molekularbiologischer Ebene im Hypokotylbereich untersucht. Dieser Abschnitt, der den Bereich vom Wurzelhals bis zum Keimblattansatz markiert, konnte in vorangegangenen Untersuchungen als Schlüsselgewebe für die Ausbildung von Resistenzstrukturen identifiziert werden (Eynck et al., 2009). Anknüpfend an diese Untersuchungen wurden mittels Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie (TEM) genotypabhängige Resistenzstrukturen wie Gefäßverschlüsse und morphologische Veränderungen des Gefäßbereiches untersucht und begleitende qPCR-Messungen dokumentierten die Pathogenausbreitung. Diese ließen erkennen, dass der anfällige Genotyp im Vergleich zum resistenten Genotyp schneller besiedelt wird. Jedoch zeigten beide mit V. longisporum inokulierten Genotypen ähnliche ultrastrukturelle Veränderungen im vaskulären Bereich. So konnten Veränderungen an vaskulären Zellwänden wie elektronendichte Ablagerungen und Degradation primärer Zellwände im Bereich der Tüpfel beobachtet werden. Zudem konnte das Verschließen von Gefäßelementen mittels gelartiger Strukturen nachgewiesen werden. Unsere Untersuchungen lassen vermuten, dass der resistente Genotyp fähig ist Infektionen schneller zu erkennen und Resistenzmechanismen zielgerichteter und intensiver zu aktivieren. Da eine V. longisporum-Infektion in dem untersuchten resistenten Genotyp SEM 05-500256 u. a. zu einer verstärkten Bildung von Gefäßbarrieren im Hypokotylbereich führt (Eynck et al., 2009), wurde eine Beeinträchtigung des pflanzlichen Wassertransportes vermutet. Zur Klärung dieser Frage wurde der resistente Genotyp zusätzlich zu einer Infektion mit V. longisporum Trockenstressbedingungen (30% Feldkapazität) ausgesetzt und physiologische Parameter (Gaswechselmessungen), Befallswerte (AUDPC, Stauchung) und agronomische Parameter (Phänologisches Entwicklungsstadium, Anzahl Seitentriebe, Ertragsparameter) erfasst und im Vergleich zu der anfälligen Sorte ‘Falcon’ evaluiert. Weder die Befallsparameter noch die agronomischen Parameter zeigten eine Beeinträchtigung der Resistenz von SEM bei V. longisporum-Infektion in Kombination mit Trockenstress an.

Genomic Rearrangements in Autism Spectrum Disorders: Identification of Novel Candidate Genes

Malenfant, Patrick 23 November 2009 (has links)
There is evidence from family studies for the importance of genetic factors in the development of autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) but the identification of major genes has not been achieved to date. There are several reports of deletions and duplications in individuals with ASDs, some of which are not unique to an individual. In most cases, the frequencies and relevance of these abnormalities are unknown, as they have been identified serendipitously in one or a few individuals. My overall hypothesis was that such rearrangements would facilitate the identification of “culprit” genes associated with ASDs by identifying a small chromosomal region for candidate gene testing. I molecularly characterized two overlapping 2p15-2p16.1 deletions detected in unrelated individuals with confirmed autistic disorder (Subject 1) or autistic features (Subject 2), a 1.4Mb deletion on chromosome Xp22 (Subject 1) and a duplication of chromosome 7q11.23, reciprocal to the Williams-Beuren Syndrome (WBS) deletion, in one individual with an ASD (Subject 3). Using real-time semi-quantitative PCR, I screened a total of 798 individuals with an ASD and 186 healthy controls for the presence of similar abnormalities. No additional cases were identified in either group. Subsequently, I selected 6 genes [Orthodenticle homolog 1 (OTX1), Variable charge, X-linked (VCX), Neuroligin 4, X-linked (NLGN4X), Syntaxin 1A (STX1A), Cytoplasmic linker 2 (CYLN2) and General transcription factor IIi (GTF2i)], based on their function and localization within or in the vicinity of the rearrangements and tested them for association with ASDs. Although there was no evidence for association for any marker or haplotype in most of the genes tested, this was not so for GTF2i. Haplotype transmission disequilibrium testing revealed an increased transmission, from healthy parents to their affected offspring, of the common alleles of one marker and one haplotype in GTF2i (P = 0.0010 and 0.0005, respectively). This gene encodes a brain-expressed transcription factor previously implicated in the mental retardation associated with WBS. Based on these findings, I propose that, although the genomic rearrangements reported herein are not a common cause of ASDs, the GTF2i gene within the WBS critical region is important in the aetiology of autism. / Thesis (Ph.D, Physiology) -- Queen's University, 2009-11-20 00:35:11.727

Mikrobiologische Diagnostik bei periimplantären Erkrankungen – ein Vergleich von PCR und Real-time PCR / microbiological testing in peri-implant diseases - a comparison between PCR and Real-time PCR

Tsigaras, Sandra 11 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Control of <em>Erwinia tracheiphila</em> in <em>Cucumis melo</em>

Caudle, John R 01 January 2013 (has links)
Currently there is no control of bacterial wilt disease, Erwinia tracheiphila, in susceptible cucurbit crops, once infection of the plant occurs. Conventional and organic production systems rely on insecticide applications to kill the vectors, striped and spotted cucumber beetles, Acalymma vittatum and Diabrotica undecimpunctata, respectively, prior to transmission of the pathogen which indirectly controls the disease to some extent. Physical barriers such as row covers are used to exclude the vectors from plants prior to flowering; however, pollination requirements expose plants to potential infection. Experimental field plots were developed to test various enhanced organic production systems in an effort to increase productivity of the "Athena" variety cantaloupe melon crop, Cucumis melo, which is highly susceptible to bacterial wilt infection. The rotations included enhanced duration row cover applications as well as season long covering of the crop and application of bumble bee hives for pollination. The most successful enhanced production method included the removal of row covers and application of organic pesticides during flowering and recovering the crop until the end of the season. In this scenario, reduction in the cost of pesticide application and reduced risk due to less exposure to infection are the key enhancements to the system. During pollination, the melon plants are at risk of infection from bacterial wilt because organic production methods cannot include systemic insecticides. Only shorter residual contact insecticides are available, thus exposing the melon plants to vectors after the contact insecticide becomes ineffective. Application of an off-label biocontrol bacterium, Pseudomonas fluorescens A506, found in the organically certified product BlightBan®A506, was found to significantly increase control of Erwinia tracheiphila infection in plants, thereby allowing for increased productivity. Additionally, development of a Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction, RT-PCR, primer set and probe improve the detection of Erwinia tracheiphila in melon plants. This new primer set was tested against numerous related and associated pathogens to document the specificity of this particular screening test.

Kleptoplasty in Dinophysis spp : Ecological role and evolutionary implications

Minnhagen, Susanna January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with the question of whether planktonic protits of the genus Dinophysis have permanent plastids (=chloroplasts) or practice kleptoplasty, i.e. acquire plastids via predation on other microorganisms. Sequencing the plastid 16S rDNA of Dinophysis spp. collected from 4 different geographical regions unveiled two different plastid genotypes within this genera: one that was found at all locations investigated, identical to that of the free-living cryptophyte Teleaulax amphioxeia, and another found only in the Greenland Sea, closely related to that of the cryptophyte Geminigera cryophila. Both types were found within the species D. acuminata. These findings imply that the plastids in Dinophysis spp. were not inherited from a common ancestor, but acquired from feeding. By using flow cytometry in combination with an acidotrophic probe, it was shown that 71 % of the cells in a D. norvegica population in the aphotic zone of the Baltic Sea had food-vacuoles. Dinophysis used to be regarded as a primarily phototrophic organism, and this was a higher proportion of cells with food-vacuoles than reported earlier. To further study if Dinophysis needs constant refill of new plastids from the environment, a new method combining flow-cytometry and quantitative real-time PCR was developed to compare the levels of nuclear and plastid DNA in different phases of the cell-cycle. Results showed that plastid acquisition in Dinophysis was uncoupled with the cell-cycle, which is different than the pattern seen in microalgal species with permanent plastids. Furthermore, when quantitative real-time PCR combined with flow-cytometry was used to follow D. caudata cultures during a 65 days starvation/feeding experiment, the cells first went through a steady decrease in plastid DNA during starvation. In contrast, after feeding on the ciliate Myrionecta rubra, plastid DNA in starved cells increased 7-fold, thereby directly revealing the kleptoplastic behavior. The main conclusion from this thesis is that Dinophysis cells are actively taking up kleptoplastids from the ciliates on which they feed, and that kleptoplasty is an important key to understand Dinophysis ecology. Part of this thesis work has also been dedicated to the application and optimization of new methods, and it shows how quantitative real-time PCR, flow cytometry and molecular methods in different combinations can be used as powerful tools for the study of plankton ecology.

Epidemiology of Bacterial Spot in Plums at Applethorpe, Queensland

Mrs Emma Ballard Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

Epidemiology of Bacterial Spot in Plums at Applethorpe, Queensland

Mrs Emma Ballard Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

Expressão dos genes ALS3, HWP1, BCR1, TEC1, CPH1 e EFG1 de Candida albicans em biofilmes após inativação fotodinâmica. / Expression of the Candida albicans genes ALS3, HWP1, BCR1, TEC1, CPH1 and EFG1 in biofilms after photodynamic inactivation.

Freire, Fernanda [UNESP] 30 November 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Fernanda Freire null (fernanda.freire@fosjc.unesp.br) on 2017-12-13T19:59:30Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese - Fernanda Freire.pdf: 1272262 bytes, checksum: 11df7d222fe968088750e08ceb6fa488 (MD5) / Submitted by Fernanda Freire null (fernanda.freire@fosjc.unesp.br) on 2017-12-14T11:25:01Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese - Fernanda Freire.pdf: 1272262 bytes, checksum: 11df7d222fe968088750e08ceb6fa488 (MD5) / Submitted by Fernanda Freire null (fernanda.freire@fosjc.unesp.br) on 2017-12-14T13:50:30Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese - Fernanda Freire.pdf: 1272262 bytes, checksum: 11df7d222fe968088750e08ceb6fa488 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Silvana Alvarez null (silvana@ict.unesp.br) on 2017-12-14T18:37:35Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 freire_f_dr_sjc.pdf: 1272262 bytes, checksum: 11df7d222fe968088750e08ceb6fa488 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-12-14T18:37:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 freire_f_dr_sjc.pdf: 1272262 bytes, checksum: 11df7d222fe968088750e08ceb6fa488 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-11-30 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / Os micro-organismos estão se tornando cada vez mais resistentes aos antimicrobianos e cepas de Candida albicans resistentes aos antifúngicos tem sido isoladas, assim, torna-se importante e necessário a realização de pesquisas que avaliem os efeitos de novos métodos terapêuticos, como a inativação fotodinâmica antimicrobiana (aPDI). Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi verificar os efeitos da inativação fotodinâmica sobre biofilmes de Candida albicans, avaliando seus efeitos sobre a expressão dos genes TEC1 (fator de transcrição), HWP1 (proteína de parede celular das hifas), EFG1 (regulador transcricional relacionado com a morfogênese), BCR1 (regulador da formação de biofilme e da parede celular), CPH1 (regulador transcricional envolvido na morfogênese) e ALS3 (adesina) de C. albicans. Foram avaliadas 30 amostras isoladas de pacientes portadores de HIV e 30 amostras de pacientes com estomatite protética, quanto a produção de biofilme, peso seco e filamentação. Destas, foram selecionadas as amostras mais virulentas de cada grupo que apresentaram melhor capacidade de formação de biofilme e filamentação. Assim, foi utilizada uma amostra clínica de C. albicans isolada de paciente portador de HIV, uma amostra clínica de C. albicans isolada de paciente com estomatite protética e uma cepa padrão ATCC 18804. A quantificação da expressão dos genes foi relacionada à produção desses genes nas amostras clínicas e na cepa de referência utilizando-se ensaio de PCR em tempo real. Para a aPDI, foram utilizados os fotossensibilizadores azul de metileno a 300 μM e eritrosina a 400 μM sensibilizados com laser de Índio-Gálio-Alumínio-Fósforo de baixa potência (vermelho visível, 660 nm) e LED verde (532 ± 10 nm), respectivamente. Foram avaliados quatro grupos experimentais para a aPDI: a) F+L+: sensibilização com o corante e irradiação com luz; b) F+L-: somente tratamento com o fotossensibilizador; c) F-L+: somente irradiação com luz e d) F-L-: sem sensibilização com o corante e ausência de luz. Os resultados foram analisados por t-test, com um nível de significância de 5%. Após a análise fenotípica, as amostras Ca30 e 39S foram selecionadas para a realização da aPDI. Como esperado, apenas para o grupo F+L+, quando comparado com o grupo F-L-, todos os genes analisados foram sub expressos após a aPDI. O fold-decrease para os genes ALS3, HWP1, BCR1, TEC1, CPH1 e EFG1 foram 0,73; 0,39; 0,77; 0,71; 0,67 e 0,60; para laser, respectivamente, e 0,66; 0,61; 0,50; 0,43; 0,54 e 0,66; para LED, respectivamente. Pode-se concluir que a aPDI mostrou uma redução na expressão dos genes de C. albicans, sugerindo a diminuição de sua virulência. / Micro-organisms are becoming increasingly resistant to antimicrobial agents and Candida albicans resistant strains to antifungal has been isolated, so it is important and necessary to carry out studies that evaluates the effects of new therapeutic methods, such as antimicrobial photodynamic inactivation (aPDI). The objective of this study was verify the effects of aPDI on C. albicans biofilms, evaluating its effects on genes expression: TEC1 (transcription factor), HWP1 (cell wall protein hyphae), EFG1 (transcriptional regulator related to morphogenesis), BCR1 (regulator of biofilm formation and cell wall), CPH1 (transcriptional regulator involved in morphogenesis) and ALS3 (adhesin) of C. albicans. Were evaluated 30 samples isolated from patients with HIV and 30 samples from patients with denture stomatitis, as the production of biofilm, dry weight and filamentation. Of these, the most virulent strains of each group that presented better biofilm formation capacity and filamentation were selected. Therefore, were used a clinical sample of C. albicans isolated from HIV positive patient, a clinical sample of C. albicans isolated from patient with denture stomatitis and a standard strain ATCC 18804. The quantification of gene expression was related to the production of these genes in clinical samples and in the reference strain using PCR assay in real time. For aPDI, were used the photosensitizer methylene blue at 300 uM and erythrosine at 400 uM, sensitized with low power laser Indium-Gallium-AluminumPhosphorus (visible red, 660 nm) and green LED (532 ± 10 nm), respectively. Were evaluated four groups for aPDI: a) P+L+: sensitization with the photosensitizer and irradiation with light; b) P+L-: only treatment with the photosensitizer; c) P-L+: only irradiation with light and d) P-L-: without sensitization with the dye and absence of light. The results were analyzed by t-test, with a significance level of 5%. After the phenotypic analysis, the samples Ca30 and 39 S were selected for aPDI . As expected, only in the group P+L+ when compared with the group P-L-, all analyzed genes were downregulated after aPDI. The fold-decrease for the genes ALS3, HWP1, BCR1, TEC1, CPH1 and EFG1, were 0.73, 0.39, 0.77, 0.71, 0.67 and 0.60, for laser, respectively, and 0.66, 0.61, .050, 0.43, 0.54 and 0.66, for LED, respectively. It could be concluded that aPDI showed a reduction in the expression of C. albicans genes, suggesting its virulence decrease. / 2013/22897-2

Detecção de Ralstonia solanacearum em plantas infectadas de eucalipto via PCR em tempo real / Detection of Ralstonia solanacearum in infected plants of eucalyptus withreal time PCR

Pereira, Camila Santana 31 October 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-26T13:42:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 texto completo.pdf: 559821 bytes, checksum: 5797c4fb6631839d7cef0e75351e4e02 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-10-31 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Bacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia solanacearum is currently one of the most important bacterial diseases in eucalyptus. The use of healthy eucalyptus cuttings is the most effective method to prevent the introduction and spread of the pathogen in disease free areas. Infected plants can be identified visually bybacterial cell exudation from the host tissue and confirmed by analysis of PCR. However, in asymptomatic minicuttings with latent infections, in which the xylem shows low concentrations of bacterial cellsit is not possible to visualize wilting symptoms bacterial exudation. Thus, for certification thateucalyptus cuttings are pathogen free, it is necessary to employ a sensitive method able to detect the bacteria, even when present in low concentrations in the host tissue.This study aimed to evaluate the real-time PCR for detection of bacteria in the latent period of infection. Among six primers previously tested, only the oligo224R/224F was specific to R. solanancearum, that amplifies the r16S ribosomal gene region. Subsequently,it was developed a protocol to extract bacterial DNA from infected plant tissue consisting of tissue maceration in liquid nitrogen, addition of saline solution, centrifugation, discard of the supernatant and DNA extraction. Real-time PCR of fourinfected eucalyptus cuttings with R. solanacearum(UFV32)evaluated at 20 days after inoculationshowed 105 to 106 colony forming units (cfu) of R. solanacearum / g of host tissue. The detection limit of real-time PCR was 103cfu / g, copared with 107cfu / mL for the conventional PCR. The method proved to be efficient for detection and quantification of R. solanacearum directly from infected eucalyptus plant tissue. / A murcha bacteriana causada por Ralstonia solanacearum é, atualmente uma das mais importantes doenças bacterianas na eucaliptocultura. O uso de mudas clonais sadias é ométodo mais efetivo para evitar a introdução e disseminação do patógeno em áreas livres da doença. Plantas infectadas podem ser identificadas visualmente ou pela exsudação de pus, porém, em minicepas assintomáticas, mas com infecções latentes, nas quais o xilema apresenta baixas concentrações de células bacterianas, não é possível a visualização de sintomas de murcha ou sinais da doença como a exsudação bacteriana. Assim, para certificação de que as mudas para o plantio estão livres do patógeno, é necessário empregar um método capaz de detectar a bactéria, mesmo quando presente em baixas concentrações.Assim, o presente trabalho objetivou avaliar a PCR em tempo real para detecção da bactéria no período latente de infecção. Primeiramente, dentre seis oligonucleotídeos testados, o oligo 224R/224F, que amplifica a região do gene ribossomal 16S, foi o único específico para R. solanacearum. Subsequentemente desenvolveu-se um protocolo de extração de DNA bacteriano a partir do tecido vegetal infectado que consiste da maceração com nitrogênio líquido, adição de solução salina, centrifugação, descarte do sobrenadante e extração com o kit (Promega) de extração. Para avaliar o método da PCR em tempo real, mudas de eucalipto de quatro clones foram inoculadas com o isolado UFV32 de R. solanacearume o DNA do patógeno foi quantificado aos 20 dias da inoculação. Aproximadamente 105 a 106 unidades formadoras de colônia (ufc)/g de R. solanacearum foram detectadas.. O limite de detecção da PCR em tempo real foi de 103ufc/g contra 107ufc/mL da PCR convencional, ou seja 10.000 vezes maior.. O método mostrou-se eficiente na detecção e quantificação de R. solanacearum diretamente do tecido vegetal de eucalipto.

Approches optimisées du diagnostic de la tuberculose / Optimized approaches for tuberculosis diagnosis

Diafouka, Mayitoukoulou Pratt-Arden 10 September 2018 (has links)
La tuberculose continue d’être une cause majeure de morbidité et de mortalité dans le monde, principalement dans les pays en voie de développement, bien qu’elle soit une maladie curable. Le diagnostic rapide et précis de la TB active est essentiel pour l’initiation rapide du traitement et le contrôle de la maladie. Le développement de nouveaux tests rapides de diagnostic de TB active représente un véritable challenge pour l’optimisation du diagnostic.L’objectif principal de nos travaux de thèse était de développer et d’évaluer des approches de PCR en temps réel ciblant la séquence d’insertion IS6110 pour la détection de l’ADN de MTB dans les expectorations.Nous avons tout d’abord développé une PCR en temps réel ciblant la séquence répétée IS6110 pour la quantification de l’ADN de MTB. L’évaluation des étapes d’optimisation de la sensibilité de la PCR IS6110 a permis de préciser les performances analytiques et le gain de sensibilité comparativement à une PCR ciblant le gène unique senX3. Au terme d’une comparaison de six protocoles de lyse/ extraction la méthode Chelex® s’est avérée être la plus efficace dans la récupération de l’ADN. La performance diagnostique de la PCR optimisée a été évaluée et comparée avec la PCR automatisée Xpert MTB/RIF sur un panel de 62 échantillons respiratoires.Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons comparé la performance diagnostique de la PCR IS6110 optimisée, le test Xpert MTB/RIF et la version ultrasensible récemment commercialisée du test PCR leader Xpert MTB/RIF Ultra pour la détection de l’ADN de MTB dans des expectorations ayant une faible charge bacillaire.Enfin, à partir de 203 LCR collectés dans le cadre du diagnostic de méningites aseptiques au Burkina Faso, nous avons évalué la performance de la PCR en temps réel multiplexe (IS6110, HSV1, HSV2) combinée à l’extraction par la méthode Chelex® pour la détection de l’ADN de MTB et d’Herpès. / TTuberculosis continues to be a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, mainly in developing countries, despite being a curable disease. The rapid and accurate diagnosis of active TB is essential for rapid initiation of treatment and disease control. The development of new rapid diagnostic tests for active TB represents a real challenge for the optimization of the diagnosis.The main objective of our thesis work was to develop and evaluate real-time PCR approaches targeting the IS6110 insertion sequence for the detection of sputum MTB DNA. We first developed a real-time PCR targeting the IS6110 repeat sequence for the quantification of MTB DNA. The evaluation of the sensitivity optimization steps of the IS6110 PCR made it possible to specify the analytical performances and the sensitivity gain compared to a PCR targeting the single gene senX3. After a comparison of six lysis / extraction protocols, the Chelex® method proved to be the most efficient in the recovery of DNA. The diagnostic performance of optimized PCR was evaluated and compared with automated Xpert MTB / RIF PCR on a panel of 62 respiratory specimens.In a second step, we compared the diagnostic performance of the optimized IS6110 PCR, the Xpert MTB / RIF test and the highly marketed ultra-sensitive version of the Xpert MTB / RIF Ultra leader PCR assay for the detection of sputum MTB DNA. having a low bacillary load.Finally, from 203 LCR collected in the context of the diagnosis of aseptic meningitis in Burkina Faso, we evaluated the performance of the multiplexed real-time PCR (IS6110, HSV1, HSV2) combined with extraction by the Chelex® method for the detection of MTB and Herpes DNA.

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