Spelling suggestions: "subject:"reflectance"" "subject:"reflectances""
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Light-tissue interactions for developing portable and wearable optoelectronic devices for sensing of tissue condition, diagnostics and treatment in photodynamic therapy (PDT)Kulyk, Olena January 2016 (has links)
This thesis presents the development and in-vivo applications of wearable and portable devices for the investigation of light interaction with tissue involved in Photodynamic therapy (PDT) and during contraction of muscles. A hand-held device and a clinical method were developed for time course in-vivo imaging of the fluorescence of the photosensitizer Protoporphyrin IX (PpIX) in healthy and diseased skin with the aim to guide improvement of PDT protocols. The device was used in a small clinical study on 11 healthy volunteers and 13 patients diagnosed with non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC). Two types of PpIX precursors were administered: Ameluz gel and Metvix® cream. The fluorescence was imaged with a 10 minute time step over three hours which was the recommended metabolism time before commencing PDT treatment at Ninewells Hospital, Dundee. The fluorescence time course was calculated by integrating the areas with the highest intensity. The fluorescence continued to grow in all subjects during the three hours. The time course varied between individuals. There was no statistical significance between either healthy volunteers or patients in Ameluz vs Metvix® groups; nor was there statistical difference between the three lesions groups (Actinic keratosis (AK) Ameluz vs AK Metvix® vs Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) Metvix®). The p-value was larger than 0.05 in a two sample t-test with unequal variances for all the groups. However, there was strong body site dependence between the head & neck compared to the lower leg & feet, or the trunk & hands body site groups (p-value < 0.01). One of the possible explanations for this was temperature and vasculature variation in skin at different body sites: the temperature is higher and the vasculature structure is denser at the head and the neck compared to the lower leg or the trunk. The temperature was not measured during the study. So in order to support this hypothesis, typical skin temperatures at the lesion sites were taken from the IR thermal images of healthy skin available in literature. PpIX fluorescence had a positive correlation to temperature. If this hypothesis is true, it will be highly important to PDT treatment. Increasing the temperature could speed up the metabolism and reduce the waiting time before starting the treatment; ambient temperature should be taken into account for daylight PDT; cooling air as pain management should be administered with caution. Potential improvements for wearable PDT light sources were investigated by modelling light transport in skin for the current LED-based Ambulight PDT device, a commercial OLED for future devices and a directional OLED developed in the group. The optical models were implemented in commercial optical software (with intrinsic Monte Carlo ray tracing and Henyey-Greenstein scattering approximation) which was validated on diffuse reflectance and transmittance measurements using in-house made tissue phantoms. The modelling was applied to investigate the benefits from diffusive and forward scattering properties of skin on light transmission in treatment light sources. 1 mm thick skin can only compensate approximately 10% of non-uniform irradiance. It means that uniform illumination is crucial for the treatment light sources. Forward scattering in skin showed a 10% improved light transmission from a collimated emission compared to a wide angle Lambertian emission. However, depth-dependent transmission measurements of directional vs Lambertian emission from organic light emitting films (a nano-imprinted grating was fabricated to provide directional emission in one of the films), collimated vs diffused HeNe laser light through fresh porcine skin did not show the expected improvement. This could be explained by skin roughness which was previously found to change the optical properties and may also affect light coupling. The modelling was applied to guide an optical design of another wearable device – a muscle contraction sensor. Muscle is fibrous and because of that scatters light differently in different directions. The sensor detects the change in backscattered light in parallel and perpendicular directions with respect to muscle fibres. The sensor was implemented on a wearable bandage on fully flexible substrate with flexible OLED and organic photodiodes. The major advantages of organic optoelectronic sensing compared to conventional electromyography (EMG) sensors are the ability to distinguish two types of contractions (isotonic and isometric), insensitivity to electromagnetic interference and the absence of an immune response due to non-invasive electrode-free sensing. Optical modelling was performed to understand the operation of the sensor. A 3D anisotropic optical model of scattering in muscle was created by geometrical manipulations with the standard Henyey-Greenstein scattering volumes. The penetration depth from the Super Yellow OLED was found to be 20-25 mm; the optimal separation between the source and the detector was found to be 20 mm. This distance provided a still detectable signal along with the best discrimination between the two backscatterings. When a 2 mm thick layer of skin and a 2 mm thick layer of adipose tissue were added to the model, the signal was hugely diffused. The discrimination between the two backscatterings decreased by three orders of magnitude, the penetration depth in muscle was reduced, and the intensity of the signal dropped down but was still detectable. With 5 mm thick adipose tissue and 2 mm thick skin the signal was too diffused and interacted with very shallow layers of muscle which approached the limits of the optical sensing of muscle activity.
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Modélisation et traitement statistique d'images de microscopie confocale : application en dermatologie / Modeling and statistical treatment of confocal microscopy images : application in dermatologyHalimi, Abdelghafour 04 December 2017 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous développons des modèles et des méthodes statistiques pour le traitement d’images de microscopie confocale de la peau dans le but de détecter une maladie de la peau appelée lentigo. Une première contribution consiste à proposer un modèle statistique paramétrique pour représenter la texture dans le domaine des ondelettes. Plus précisément, il s’agit d’une distribution gaussienne généralisée dont on montre que le paramètre d’échelle est caractéristique des tissus sousjacents. La modélisation des données dans le domaine de l’image est un autre sujet traité dans cette thèse. A cette fin, une distribution gamma généralisée est proposée. Notre deuxième contribution consiste alors à développer un estimateur efficace des paramètres de cette loi à l’aide d’une descente de gradient naturel. Finalement, un modèle d’observation de bruit multiplicatif est établi pour expliquer la distribution gamma généralisée des données. Des méthodes d’inférence bayésienne paramétrique sont ensuite développées avec ce modèle pour permettre la classification d’images saines et présentant un lentigo. Les algorithmes développés sont appliqués à des images réelles obtenues d’une étude clinique dermatologique. / In this work, we develop statistical models and processing methods for confocal microscopy images. The first contribution consists of a parametric statistical model to represent textures in the wavelet domain. Precisely, a generalized Gaussian distribution is proposed, whose scale parameter is shown to be discriminant of the underlying tissues. The thesis deals also with modeling data in the image domain using the generalized gamma distribution. The second contribution develops an efficient parameter estimator for this distribution based on a natural gradient approach. The third contribution establishes a multiplicative noise observation model to explain the distribution of the data. Parametric Bayesian inference methods are subsequently developed based on this model to classify healthy and lentigo images. All algorithms developed in this thesis have been applied to real images from a dermatologic clinical study.
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Caractérisation spectrale locale à l'aide de la microscopie interférométrique : simulations et mesures / Local spectral characterization using coherence scanning interferometry : simulations and measurementsClaveau, Rémy 08 December 2017 (has links)
La microscopie interférométrique est une méthode de mesure qui repose sur l’acquisition et le traitement du signal issu de l’interaction de deux ondes, dites ondes « objet » et de « référence ». Ces ondes proviennent des réflexions de la lumière sur un miroir de référence et sur l’échantillon étudié. Bien qu’étant généralement utilisées pour les analyses topographiques ou tomographiques d’un échantillon, les données interférométriques peuvent être exploitées pour réaliser des caractérisations spectrales locales résolues dans les trois directions de l’espace. Dans ce projet, nous avons étudié les performances de cette technique ainsi que ses limitations lorsque l’échantillon se complexifie (dégradation du signal d’interférences). L’analyse a été appliquée à des matériaux réfléchissants pour des mesures en surface puis à des couches transparentes et diffusantes pour aller sonder le milieu en profondeur et extraire la réponse spectrale individuelle de structures localisées dans ce milieu. / White light interference microscopy is a measurement method based on the acquisition and processing of the signal coming from the interaction between two wave fronts, known as the “object” and “reference” wave-fronts. These waves come from the reflection of the light on a reference mirror and the sample studied. Usually used for topographic or tomographic analysis of a sample, the interferometric data can be exploited for spectroscopic purposes. The resulting spectral characterizations are spatially resolved in the three directions of space. In this project, we have studied the performance of this technique, as well as the associated limitations when the sample becomes more complex (degradation of the interferometric signal). The analysis has been first applied to reflective materials for surface measurements and subsequently to transparent and scattering layers for probing within the depth of the medium and then extracting the individual spectral response of the buried structures.
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Leaf Area Index (LAI) monitoring at global scale : improved definition, continuity and consistency of LAI estimates from kilometric satellite observations / Suivi de l'indice foliaire (LAI) à l'échelle globale : amélioration de la définition, de la continuité et de la cohérence des estimations de LAI à partir d'observations satellitaires kilometriquesKandasamy, Sivasathivel 13 March 2013 (has links)
Le suivi des variables biophysiques à l’échelle globale sur de longues périodes de temps est essentiellepour répondre aux nouveaux enjeux que constituent le changement climatique et la sécurité alimentaire. L’indice foliaire (LAI) est une variable de structure définissant la surface d’interception du rayonnement incident et d’échanges gazeux avec l’atmosphère. Le LAI est donc une variable importante des modèles d’écosystèmes et a d’ailleurs été reconnue comme variable climatique essentielle (ECV). Cette thèse a pour objectif de fournir des estimations globales et continues de LAI à partir d’observations satellitaires en temps quasi-réel en réponse aux besoins des utilisateurs pour fournir des diagnostiques et pronostiques de l’état et du fonctionnement de la végétation. Quelques produits LAI sont déjà disponibles mais montrent des désaccords et des limitations en termes de cohérence et de continuité. Cette thèse a pour objectif de lever ces limitations. Dans un premier temps, on essaiera de mieux définir la nature des estimations de LAI à partir d’observations satellitaires. Puis, différentes méthodes de lissage te bouchage des séries temporelles ont été analysées pour réduire le bruit et les discontinuités principalement liées à la couverture nuageuse. Finalement quelques méthodes d’estimation temps quasi réel ont été évaluées en considérant le niveau de bruit et les données manquantes.Les résultats obtenus dans la première partie de cette thèse montrent que la LAI effectif et bien mieux estimé que la valeur réelle de LAI du fait de l’agrégation des feuilles observée au niveau du couvert. L’utilisation d’observations multidirectionnelles n’améliore que marginalement les performances d’estimation. L’étude montre également que les performances d’estimation optimales sont obtenues quand les solutions sont recherchées à l’intérieur d’une enveloppe définie par l’incertitude associée aux mesures radiométriques. Dans la deuxième partie consacrée à l’amélioration de la continuité et la cohérence des séries temporelles, les méthodes basées sur une fenêtre temporelle locale mais de largeur dépendant du nombre d’observations présentes, et utilisant la climatologie comme information a priori s’avèrent les plus intéressantes autorisant également l’estimation en temps quasi réel. / Monitoring biophysical variables at a global scale over long time periods is vital to address the climatechange and food security challenges. Leaf Area Index (LAI) is a structure variable giving a measure of the canopysurface for radiation interception and canopy-atmosphere interactions. LAI is an important variable in manyecosystem models and it has been recognized as an Essential Climate Variable. This thesis aims to provide globaland continuous estimates of LAI from satellite observations in near-real time according to user requirements to beused for diagnostic and prognostic evaluations of vegetation state and functioning. There are already someavailable LAI products which show however some important discrepancies in terms of magnitude and somelimitations in terms of continuity and consistency. This thesis addresses these important issues. First, the nature ofthe LAI estimated from these satellite observations was investigated to address the existing differences in thedefinition of products. Then, different temporal smoothing and gap filling methods were analyzed to reduce noiseand discontinuities in the time series mainly due to cloud cover. Finally, different methods for near real timeestimation of LAI were evaluated. Such comparison assessment as a function of the level of noise and gaps werelacking for LAI.Results achieved within the first part of the thesis show that the effective LAI is more accurately retrievedfrom satellite data than the actual LAI due to leaf clumping in the canopies. Further, the study has demonstratedthat multi-view observations provide only marginal improvements on LAI retrieval. The study also found that foroptimal retrievals the size of the uncertainty envelope over a set of possible solutions to be approximately equal tothat in the reflectance measurements. The results achieved in the second part of the thesis found the method withlocally adaptive temporal window, depending on amount of available observations and Climatology as backgroundestimation to be more robust to noise and missing data for smoothing, gap-filling and near real time estimationswith satellite time series.
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Conception, caractérisation et validation d'une sonde endoluminale bimodale couplant l'imagerie par résonance magnétique et la spectroscopie optique en vue du diagnostic du cancer colorectal / Conceiving, characterising and validating a bimodal endoluminal probe coupling magnetic resonance imaging to optical spectroscopy for early stage colorectal cancer diagnosisRamgolam, Anoop 08 June 2012 (has links)
Ce travail porte sur le développement d’une nouvelle technique de diagnostic associant la résonance magnétique à haute résolution spatiale à la spectroscopie optique d’autofluorescence et de réflectance. La mise au point d’une telle sonde endoluminale bimodale s’inscrit dans les recherches de méthodes complémentaires ou alternatives à l’endoscopie conventionnelle pour le diagnostic précoce des pathologies du tube digestif. En effet le cancer colorectal représente aujourd’hui un enjeu majeur de santé publique avec plus de 1,2 millions de cas diagnostiqués dans le monde sachant que le taux de survie à 5 ans d’un patient est actuellement de 94% dans le cas de lésions détectées à un stade précoce (stade I) et seulement de 8% à un stade tardif (stade IV). Dans la première partie du manuscrit, nous abordons les différentes modalités d’imagerie et d’analyse spectrale en cours de développement ou d’évaluation, en mettant l’accent sur les principes physiques utilisés en RMN et spectroscopie optique. Dans une deuxième partie, nous détaillons la conception et la réalisation de prototypes de sondes endoluminales ainsi que les bancs optiques associés. Nous traitons également de la mise en oeuvre de dispositifs d’acquisition ainsi que des méthodes d’analyse de données au moyen de programmes informatiques dédiés. Dans une dernière partie, le système bimodal est caractérisé et validé lors d’études sur fantômes et une étude in vivo sur lapin. Les images obtenues par RM, fournissant l’information morphologique des échantillons ou du tissu, et les spectres optiques liés à leur composition sont corrélés / The main aim of this work is the development of a new diagnostic technique combining high spatial resolution MRI to autofluorescence and reflectance spectroscopy through the conception of a bimodal endoluminal probe. Such a technique falls within the framework of alternative innovative techniques to conventional colonoscopy that would allow better sensitivity to early stage digestive pathologies. Colorectal cancer is today a major health issue worldwide with more than 1.2 million cases diagnosed each year bearing the fact that the 5 year survival rate is 94% when precancerous lesions are diagnosed at an early stage (stage I) and only 8% when diagnosed at an advanced stage (stage IV). The promising imaging and spectral analysis techniques under investigation or undergoing clinical evaluation in different parts of the world are presented in the first chapter of this manuscript along with the basic physics involved in magnetic resonance imaging and optical spectroscopy. Chapter 2 gives a detailed description of the work carried out in devising and conceiving different endoluminal bimodal probe prototypes along with the dedicated optical test benches. Dedicated data processing and visualisation programmes developed are also presented within this chapter. The final chapter of this work deals with the different studies carried out in-vitro on different phantoms and in-vivo on a rabbit. Morphological information obtained through the MR images are also correlated to the biochemical information through the autofluorescence and reflectance spectra
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Impactites from the Hiawatha crater, North-West GreenlandGustafsson, Jacob January 2020 (has links)
The recent discovery of the 31-km-wide Hiawatha impact crater has raised unanswered questions about its age, impactor and highly unusual organic carbon component. Previous research suggests a fractionated iron meteorite impactor, a probable maximum 3–2.4 Ma impact age and a possible Younger Dryas impact age. The first objective in this study has been to investigate a possible link between the Cape York meteorites and the Hiawatha impact crater by comparing the chromium isotopic signature in chromite from a Cape York meteorite with the chromium isotopic signature in potential chromite from the Hiawatha impactor. The second objective has been to investigate a possible Hiawatha signature in the Younger Dryas deposits from Baffin Bay. The third objective has been to study the organic carbon component in impactites derived from the Hiawatha impact crater. Heavy mineral grains were separated from glaciofluvial sediment which contains Hiawatha impactite grains. Not a single chromite grain was found and the possible link to the Cape York meteorites could not be tested. The petrographic examination of Younger Dryas marine deposits resulted in absence of impact-related Hiawatha grains. A petrological investigation revealed that organic carbon was likely found in five of six variably shocked impactites derived from the Hiawatha impact crater. The character of the organic carbon varies between the samples and also within individual samples. Vitrinite reflectance measurements of the organic carbon in two impactites yielded low reflectance values compared to charcoalification experiments of wood. Organic particles with different reflectance in the same sample suggest that the particles had different impact histories prior to settling and becoming a rock. Diagnostic conifer cellular texture was found in at least one of the samples. The character of the organic particles in the impactites supports the suggestion in a previous study that the sources of the Hiawatha organic carbon component are unmetamorphosed surficial deposits containing dead conifer tree trunks and fine-grained layered clay and organic matter. In this study it is concluded that the apparent absence of chromite in the examined glaciofluvial sediment sample corroborates the significance of previous research which suggests that the Hiawatha impactor was an iron meteorite. The apparent absence of impact related grains in the Younger Dryas deposits suggests that although a Younger Dryas age for the Hiawatha impact crater is less likely now, the possibility remains open. The organic carbon with diagnostic conifer cellular texture in the Hiawatha impactites corroborates the conclusion in a previous study that the Hiawatha impact-related organic carbon component stems from local, thermally degraded conifer trees with a probable age of ca. 3–2.4 Ma. It is also concluded that the relatively low reflectance values of the organic carbon in the Hiawatha impactites seem to be related to the short duration of the high-temperature excursion during the hypervelocity impact event.
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Vliv optických prvků na účinnost světlovodu / Influence of optical elements on the tubular skylights efficiencyNekvapil, Jan January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with the measurement of light tubes efficiency in laboratory conditions during lighting by almost direct light rays. It also deals with the measurement of the spectral reflectance of the reflective materials available on the Czech market. The comparison of the efficiency of different light routes and also the determination of the spectral qualities of different reflective materials are the aims of this thesis. The light tubes were measured by means of the cubic integrator. The light source was moved and manoeuvred by means of the automatic goniophotometer. The light source flow was determined by the method of the zonal flows. The data were calculated in the Matlab programme. The evaluation is both in the graphic and in the numeric forms. The result of the thesis is both the comparison of the reflective materials for light tubes qualities, and the evaluation of efficiency of the assigned light routes. The optimal variant can be then selected during designing of the light tubes route according to the results of the measurements.
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Testování prostorové akustiky / Testing of room acousticsToufarová, Tereza January 2011 (has links)
This paper presents parameters of evaluation of acoustic quality of the space. It is divided into parts presenting physical principle of the origin and movement of the acoustic signal, principles of its processing with current technology and properties of the acoustic field. This is followed by an analysis of the musical part and notes on psychoacoustics. The document contains a description of relevant parameters of acoustic spaces and way in which we can reach desired results, including material analysis. The paper mainly focuses on description of relevant parameters of three acoustic spaces which were measured. The last part of the work is a program for elementary acoustical measurement, which can be provided by means of commonly accessible equipment such as a notebook or a personal computer.
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Numerické modelování zdrojů světla / Numerical Modelling of the Light SourcePavelka, Adam January 2011 (has links)
The master’s thesis deals with photometry units used in light engineering. There are defined the methods of modelling the illumination systems, their advantages, disadvantages and possibilities of using. Furthermore, the thesis deals with modelling of two illumination systems by ray-tracing in programming environment of MATLAB. The master’s thesis describes the analysis of the problem and the program designing process. Acquired model results are then compared with the real measurements of both illumination systems which allow the discussion of the results and the deviations of the models.
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Problematika snižování tepelné odrazivosti zrcadel solární elektrárny se Stirlingovým motorem / Description of problems decreasing reflectivity of Stirling solar dishKmeť, Jozef January 2015 (has links)
This thesis describes a concentrating solar power using a Stirling engine. The problems encountered during construction and operation. I focus mainly on problems derating dusting and icing. The second part of this work is the experimental design of the stand with long-term measurement of dusting depending on the reflectivity of mirrors and their degradation under various conditions. First measurement is stated and estimation of long-term results.
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